
By Big D

Published on Oct 31, 2017


DISCLAIMER: This story will include scenes involving sex between young men and adult language. If you do not like or are offended by such things or are under age wherever you are reading this then please leave now.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission.

This is pure fiction. No one in this story is a real person, living or deceased, and any resemblance as such is purely coincidental.

Characters in this story may partake in bareback sex, please remember that this is fiction and in the real world precautions should be taken to ensure everyone's safety. Please use protection.

If you want to contact me with any comments please do so at: storiesbybigd@hotmail.co.uk

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Tyler – Part 10

Tyler's body went rigid at the sound of the deep groan vibrating in the throat of whoever was lying next to him. He quickly closed his eyes, thinking that when he opened them again he would be somewhere else and it would all have been a dream, but when the same room came into view again he closed his eyes for an entirely different reason, cursing himself for his stupidity.

He kept his eyes closed, taking deep breaths to calm himself as he tried to remember what had happened the night before. Nothing was coming back to him. The last thing he remembered was playing a ball game out in the yard, everyone shirtless and more than a little drunk.

The next moan he heard from beside him sounded familiar somehow and an image flashed into his mind. He was in that same bedroom, but he wasn't in bed, he was standing in the doorway, watching the mountain of a man drive his cock into Jackson's ass, thrusting a certain number of times before he pulled out. Jackson moaned when that big dick slipped out of him.

That was it. That moan... It was Jackson's.

Tyler's eyes popped open and he turned his head to confirm his suspicions. Jackson's bearded face was just inches from his, close enough that Tyler could feel Jackson's warm breath dance across his lips.

"Fuck..." Tyler muttered under his breath.

He turned away and threw his head back against the pillow, staring up at the ceiling. He willed his mind to remember something about what had happened but there was nothing there, only darkness where that memory should be.

He closed his eyes and mentally checked his body. He wasn't sore like he had been the morning before; his arms and legs didn't ache from exertion, his dick didn't feel sticky from dried cum or the remnants of lubricant, and more importantly his asshole didn't hurt, it felt normal, with its cherry still intact.

Maybe they hadn't had sex. Maybe Jackson had just let him sleep there, crashing in his bed so he didn't have to go back to his room to deal with Joe. Or maybe Jackson had known he was too drunk to even make it back to his room and gave Tyler somewhere to stay.

But even as he thought over those options he didn't believe any of them. He could have slept on a sofa downstairs or on the floor of Jackson's bedroom if he was simply spending the night, but they were in bed together and he knew what that usually meant.

Easing up onto his elbows, Tyler looked down at his bare chest and then gently eased the covers up, watching more and more skin appear, not a single stitch of clothing covered his naked body.

"Oh shit..." he sighed as he lifted the covers even more and saw that Jackson was naked too; yet more confirmation.

Tyler's first thought was to jump from the bed, to get away from Jackson as quickly as possible, but as his eyes roamed over Jackson's body he found himself unable to move, taking in the sight of an incredible physique. Jackson's big pecs rose up and down with his steady breaths, his tight abs looked like the vast peaks of a mountain range, and his dick, hard and throbbing, stretched up between those hills; it was long and thick, eight inches of uncut perfection, with the skin pulled back from the pink head that drooled precum into his belly button.

Licking and then biting his bottom lip, Tyler kept staring at that cock. It was big and beautiful and he felt an urge to bend down to suck it into his mouth, to lap up the precum and to work the shaft and head with his tongue until he was rewarded with Jackson's big load. But as he stared at it he felt a strange feeling bubbling up inside him and he wasn't sure if it was desire or fear.

He closed his eyes, expecting to see the darkness behind his eyelids, but instead he saw an image of Jackson's dick from a completely different angle, standing upright and erect in front of his face. It didn't feel like his imagination though. It felt like a memory he couldn't quite recall.

When his eyes snapped back open he looked down again at Jackson's naked form and thought he could remember the tip of that cock sliding between his lips. He swallowed hard and felt a tightening in his stomach. He didn't really understand why but he felt guilty, like he had cheated, because Jackson shouldn't have been the guy we woke up beside, it should have been Joe lying there.

That thought threw Tyler's body into motion and he tossed the covers aside, sitting up. He moved to get out of bed so he could find his clothes and leave, but as he tried to put one foot onto the floor his head started to spin and his vision distorted. He felt like he was going to throw up so he quickly lay back down and closed his eyes again, taking deep breaths.

After a few moments and more deep breathing, he reached across and pulled the covers over himself, feeling too exposed. He sank back against the pillows, immersed in his own thoughts. He couldn't understand why he felt bad after everything Joe had done the day before; parading the girl in front of him and kicking him out of their motel room so he could have sex. They weren't together, they weren't boyfriends and they hadn't made any kind of commitment to each other, and yet he still felt like Joe was the only guy he should want to be with. Wanting anyone else made him a bad person. Actually being with someone else, sucking his cock at the very least, felt unforgivable.

"Hey," Jackson's groggy voice whispered.

Tyler was startled, not realizing that Jackson was awake. He turned his head to look into the clear brown eyes of the guy he had spent the night with.

"Hey," Tyler said, immediately turning his head away.

"How are you feeling?" Jackson asked.

"A little rough," Tyler admitted, trying to ignore the soft thumping in his temples and the even worse feelings churning his insides.

"I'm not surprised," Jackson laughed. "You drank more last night than I have all week. You had like twelve beers and probably as many shots. I still don't know how you haven't thrown up yet."

Tyler moaned, "Give it some time, I still might."

Neither of them spoke for almost thirty seconds, lying next to each other in silence. Jackson stretched and took the time to wake up properly, his eyes adjusting to the daylight. Tyler tried to think of ways to ask the question he needed an answer to before finally deciding to just blurt it out.

"Did we have sex last night?" Tyler asked.

Jackson turned his head to look into Tyler's eyes. "You don't remember?"

Tyler shook his head. "No. I remember being out in the yard playing ball but not much after that. All I know is that I woke up, naked, in bed with you. I don't know how I got here. Or what we did."

Jackson looked at Tyler, making sure he was telling the truth. He held the eye contact as he spoke. "After the game we came back inside and you got pretty emotional talking about Joe. I brought you up here so you didn't embarrass yourself. You kept talking about him so I kept listening. When you started to get worked up and wanted to go see him I had to physically stop you."

"How did you do that?" Tyler asked.

"I grabbed hold of you and hugged you so you couldn't get away," Jackson explained. "You tried to fight me off at first, then gave in and cried on my shoulder."

"I cried?" Tyler asked, not believing he would let himself do that in front of another person.

"Yeah," Jackson chuckled. "Like I said, you were pretty wasted. You kept saying you just want Joe to feel the same way you do about him. We must have hugged for five minutes before you stopped talking in my ear. Then you pulled back, looked me in the eye and kissed me."

"I kissed you?" Tyler gasped, amazed that he had made the first move.

"Yes," Jackson grinned, "Right on the lips. I tried to pull away but you are surprisingly strong and you just kept kissing me. It felt so damn good and I'd wanted you since we met so I gave in and we started making out."

"Fuck..." Tyler breathed, throwing his head back against the pillow.

Jackson turned onto his side to continue looking at Tyler. He reached out, placing his hand on Tyler's bare chest. "I kept asking if you were sure, if we should stop. You kissed me harder. You told me you wanted to do it and started undressing me."

Tyler gasped, shocked that not only did he make the first move but that he had taken such an active role in what had happened. Even so he could tell Jackson was telling the truth.

"When we were both naked," Jackson continued, "we rolled around, humping our dicks together while we made out. You were pretty fascinated with my cock being uncut. You couldn't keep your hands off it. And then you growled, pushed me down onto the bed and started sucking me. Damn, you're good at that."

Tyler felt a sense of pride hearing the way Jackson talked about him, but at the same time he was also shocked and saddened; shocked because he really had sucked Jackson's dick, it wasn't just some vague memory of a dream, and saddened because he couldn't truly remember doing it.

"No one has ever made me feel that good just from blowing me. You worshipped my cock and had me so worked up I had to pull you off so I didn't cum," Jackson said. "Then I started blowing you. You were moaning pretty loud and I thought you were going to cum but then you grabbed my head, called out Joe's name and passed out."

Tyler's eyes went wide. "I passed out while you were blowing me?"

"Yeah," Jackson said. "I was kind of offended at first. I thought you'd just fallen asleep, that I'd been so bad you had to think of someone else and then couldn't even stay awake. When you didn't wake up, even when I shook you and called your name I realized you were out and made sure you were still breathing. That pretty much killed the mood. I wasn't going to carry on with you unconscious so I pulled the covers over us and went to sleep. I woke up a couple of times during the night to make sure you were okay."

"I'm sorry," Tyler said.

"Don't be," Jackson replied. "We might not have had sex like I wanted to, but I got to fool around with one of the hottest guys I've seen all week. I wish things had been different and you were thinking of me instead of Joe, but I still enjoyed it."

"I can't remember if I did," Tyler sighed.

"I wish you could remember it," Jackson said. "It was amazing. Although, I'm still hard now if you want to do something you will remember."

Tyler laughed and Jackson quickly joined him.

"It was worth a try," Jackson smiled.

"Yeah, I guess it was," Tyler grinned. "You know the funny thing is if this had happened three days ago I would probably be going down on you right now."

"What's stopping you?" Jackson asked.

"I still can't stop thinking about Joe," Tyler admitted. "I know I should hate him or not want him or something else but I do still want him. And as much of an asshole as it makes me feel to say this to you when I'm in bed with you, I can't stop myself from wishing it was him lying next to me."

Jackson nodded. "I know how that feels. When you really like someone no one else compares to them. As much as I want to jump you and ride you into next week I have to respect you for being honest and loyal. You are so hot you could have pretty much anyone you wanted, a different person every night, and yet you'd rather be with one person who means something to you."

"Yeah," Tyler agreed. "I'd rather spend a thousand nights with one person than one night with a thousand different people."

"You're going to make a great boyfriend or husband one day," Jackson said. "If Joe's not smart enough to realize that or isn't that way inclined then the guy you do end up with is going to be one lucky S.O.B."

Tyler blushed and playfully pushed Jackson away. "What time is it?"

Jackson reached over to the nightstand and grabbed his phone, pressing the button to light up the screen. "It's 9.15."

"Damn, I need to be getting up," Tyler said. "We're supposed to be heading home today."

"How do you think that's going to go?" Jackson asked.

"Three hours in a car with a guy who hasn't spoken to me in over twenty four hours and probably still doesn't want to? It should be fun..." Tyler rolled his eyes.

"I'm sure it'll be fine," Jackson said, watching as Tyler climbed gently out of bed, the hangover hitting him hard. "You might want to grab a quick shower first. It could sober you up. And you kind of stink."

"I'm not sure I can stand long enough to take a shower," Tyler moaned.

"Of course you can, come here," Jackson smiled, climbing over the bed so he was standing on Tyler's side.

Jackson helped Tyler make his way into the en-suite bathroom, both of them still naked. He started the water, turning the temperature dial so it was a little colder than usual. When he knew it was ready he helped Tyler in.

"Holy fuck!" Tyler screamed, trying to jump away from the tepid water.

"Relax," Jackson said, climbing in to steady him as Tyler almost felt down in the tub. "That's the shock the body needs."

Tyler nodded and let the water crash down on his body. His head felt clearer and he relaxed as Jackson's strong hands massaged his shoulders, helping him to loosen up.

When Jackson felt Tyler shiver beneath his palms he reached around him and turned the temperature back up. The water quickly became warm and Tyler sighed, feeling the hot spray on his front while Jackson's now soapy hands moved around over his back.

Part of Tyler wanted to tell Jackson that he was okay and that he could get out of the shower now, leave him alone because he wouldn't kill himself, but another part was enjoying the strong hands on his skin, digging into muscles he didn't even realize were sore. It felt too good to tell him to stop.

"Thank you for helping me," Tyler whispered.

Jackson's hands slid down Tyler's lower back to cup his big, firm ass cheeks. "My pleasure," Jackson smiled, slipping a finger into Tyler's crack, brushing against his hole.

"Woah!" Tyler laughed, jumping forward, away from Jackson's hands. "That's off limits."

"Can I at least finish washing the rest of you?" Jackson asked.

Tyler almost said no. He was worried things would turn sexual if he let Jackson touch him again, which he didn't want, but he also felt like he owed Jackson something for passing out on him. What harm could it do?

With a quick nod, Tyler turned around and took a step back toward Jackson, giving him permission to continue. For the next few minutes Jackson lathered Tyler's whole body with soap, from his shoulders, down his back, over his ass and legs, back up his shins and thighs, over his abs and across his big pecs, taking time to feel every inch, every muscle on Tyler's body, only avoiding the crack of Tyler's ass and his cock, which was hard and throbbing.

"Okay," Jackson said, slapping Tyler's ass as he stepped back, "Time to rinse off."

Tyler stepped under the water and let it cascade down over his back, moving from side to side, and then he turned around to wash it all from his front.

When he was done he turned back to look at Jackson and was surprised to see him stroking his big dick while his eyes roamed over Tyler's glistening body.

"You are so sexy," Jackson whispered, his hand no longer moved but it still gripped his hard dick.

Tyler's own cock was still throbbing, the head slick with precum, and he knew he needed to shoot a load before he headed back to Joe. He was horny and couldn't risk doing something else he might regret if they were alone.

"Keep stroking," Tyler encouraged, watching Jackson as he wrapped his fist around his own dick.

"You don't mind?" Jackson asked, surprised.

"No," Tyler admitted. "We can jerk off, just no more touching."

Jackson's body quivered and his hand quickly picked up speed, running up and down the length of his cock as his eyes returned to Tyler's body, admiring the hard abs he wanted to trace with his tongue, the big pecs with their pink nipples he longed to suckle on, and the nice hard, seven inch cock that Tyler began to slowly stroke. He imagined himself on his knees sucking it, getting it nice and wet for its trip inside him.

Tyler's eyes were glued to Jackson's cock. The rest of his body was amazing, but that thick eight inch slab of meat was mesmerizing. The way the foreskin effortlessly travelled back and forth over the head, covering it completely before retracting so you couldn't even tell the skin was there, captivated Tyler. Not to mention how at one point Jackson had one hand wrapped around the base of his dick and four inches of cock still rose up out of his fist as he swirled his palm around the head.

They both quickly built to their climax and as Jackson sprayed his own abs with his cum he begged Tyler to shoot his load on him. Tyler agreed and took a step forward. Just as he was about to cum, Jackson dropped to his knees and opened his mouth. With just two more strokes Tyler exploded, giving Jackson a facial that covered most of his left cheek before letting the fifth and final shot land directly on Jackson's extended tongue.

As they came down from their orgasms Jackson savoured the taste of Tyler's load, using a finger to push more of it into his mouth. It was salty yet sweet, like one of the chocolate covered pretzels he had bought from a street vender earlier in the week, and he loved it.

With Jackson still on his knees, Tyler stepped out of the shower and dried himself off before heading out into the bedroom in search of his clothes. He was just pulling on his shoes when Jackson emerged wearing nothing but a towel.

"Damn that was hot," Jackson beamed. "What do you say to some breakfast before you go home?"

"I think that shower sobered me up pretty well," Tyler smiled, "but yeah, I could go for something to eat. I'm not sure I'll be able to stomach anything once I head back to Joe."

For the next fifteen minutes Tyler and Jackson chatted like old friends over a cup of coffee and some bacon and eggs before Jackson gave Tyler his email address and they parted ways with a friendly hug.

Tyler stepped out into the sun feeling better. He started to walk back toward the motel, enjoying the warmth on his skin. It felt like it was going to be a good day. His mind was almost blank, his thoughts clear, just taking in the sights around him of the beautiful scenery and beautiful people, wanting to remember the place before he had to leave it in a couple of hours. It was only as he recognized one of the buildings, knowing the motel was at the other end of the street, that he started thinking about Joe and what might await him.

What if the girl was still there with him, the two of them enjoying the room while they still had it? Seeing them together, even just lying in bed cuddled in their post-orgasmic bliss, would be much worse than simply knowing it had happened. He knew he was being selfish but he didn't want Joe to be with anyone but him.

He slowed his pace down so much that he was barely moving. When the motel finally came into view he had to stop completely to gather himself before continuing. He took a deep breath and looked up at the window of his room. He could see nothing through it; no evidence of movement and no way of knowing who or what lay on the other side.

One of the doors on the ground floor opened and Tyler saw a cleaner emerge carrying a bag of garbage in one hand and some left-over food from breakfast in a box under the other arm. That was when he realized not just what time it was but how long he had been gone. It had been early afternoon when he had left Joe in the room with his girl. It was mid-morning the next day now. He had been gone for almost eighteen hours.

Quickly reaching into his pocket, Tyler pulled out his phone and pressed the button beneath the screen, waiting for it to light up to tell him how many alerts he had amassed, but the screen stayed dark. The battery was dead.

Suddenly Tyler felt guilty. He had stormed out of the room without so much as a word and hadn't contacted Joe since. He had almost lost his mind not knowing where Joe was for an hour or two the day before. What had Joe been thinking when Tyler didn't come home all night?

The girl had probably left hours ago, maybe even the night before, not long after they had sex. What if Joe had spent the night alone in the motel room waiting for Tyler to come back only for him to never show? What if he had tried to call or had sent messages that either didn't get through or hadn't been answered. What if he thought Tyler had left and wasn't coming back so he packed up and actually headed home himself this time?

Panic washed over Tyler again and he quickly sprinted into the parking lot. He looked around frantically for Joe's car but it wasn't parked where it had been before, a dark blue SUV was in its place. His knees felt weak and he thought he might collapse or throw up until he spotted Joe's car parked on the far side of the lot and a huge wave of relief surged through his body. Joe was still there. Waiting...

A different kind of dread filled Tyler at the realization that he would have to climb those stairs, push open that door and see whatever was behind it. After that he would have to talk to Joe. They needed to reach an understanding, to let their feelings be known before they could spend a three hour car ride sitting next to each other. Their relationship had changed in untold ways and he knew it would never be the same. He tried to prepare himself for what came next but he didn't think he would ever be ready for that conversation.

Tyler took each step one at a time, pausing for a deep breath and to gather his willpower, having to use it all to propel his body up to the next rung. He gripped the handrail hard, not to stop himself from falling but to pull himself further up when his legs didn't want to move.

When he reached the top of the landing and was standing just feet from the door to their motel room, he thought about turning around, about walking away and finding some other way to get home. But his competitive nature wouldn't let him do that. He couldn't admit defeat. However bad things seemed there was always a way to turn it around and to come out on top. That is what he had to do. He had to stare down the challenge of repairing the damage done by sleeping with Joe and conquer it so they could move on, no matter how they went forward from there.

Knowing he had no other choice, Tyler reached into his pocket and pulled out his keycard to the room. He took one final deep breath and closed his eyes as he slipped the card into the reader. It was only when he heard a beep and a click that he opened his eyes and started to breathe again. This was it.

He pushed the door open and watched as the room came into view. It was empty. There was no one there. All of their things still hung in the open closet or were strewn across the desk but there was no sign of Joe or anyone else who had spent the night with him.

Of all of the images that had been going through his mind that was the one he hadn't prepared himself for. He didn't know what to do.

Just then, he heard the toilet flush and Joe walked out of the bathroom, jumping slightly when he saw Tyler standing there.

"Fuck, Ty, you scared me," Joe said, putting his hand to his heart, which beat rapidly beneath his fingers.

"Erm... Sorry..." Tyler stammered. He didn't know what else to say. Joe speaking to him had thrown off his train of thought, and calling him Ty, an affectionate term between friends, surprised him.

"What time do we have to be out of the room?" Joe asked, walking across to the closet.

"Eleven..." Tyler answered, his eyes following Joe's every move, his mind trying to figure out what was going on inside Joe's head.

"Cool, we've got time to get everything packed before we head home then," Joe smiled. "Are we going to stop off at that diner again? It was about half way, wasn't it? Man, I loved their pancakes. I can almost taste them now."

Tyler still stood in the doorway, the heat from outside making his back feel hot. He didn't understand what was happening. Joe was just acting like Joe. He wasn't getting the cold shoulder like the day before. Were things going to be okay between them now?

"Erm... Yes, we can I guess," Tyler nodded.

"Have you eaten?" Joe asked. "I went ahead and got something when you didn't come back."

"Yeah, I did," Tyler said, frozen on the spot. He couldn't believe they were just chatting away.

"Where did you get to anyway?" Joe asked, pulling some clothes out of the closet and throwing them on the nearest bed.

"When?" Tyler asked; still trying to process what was happening.

"Last night," Joe replied, making it sound like the idiotic question it was.

"Oh, I went to another party with the volleyball guys," Tyler said, thinking that maybe his relationship with Joe wouldn't be badly affected after all.

"With Jackson and those guys?" Joe asked.

"Yes," Tyler replied.

"Cool. Did you crash at their place?" Joe enquired.

"Yeah, I slept on one of the couches," Tyler lied. Part of him wanted to tell Joe about him waking up in bed with Jackson and how they almost had sex together, just to see what Joe's reaction was, but he couldn't bring himself to say anything.

"Awesome," Joe smiled. "Were there any hot babes there?" Joe asked, raising his eyebrows before turning back to the closet to grab his shoes.

Tyler stared at Joe in disbelief. That last question felt like a slap in the face. Was he really asking about girls? Was he going to revert back to talking like he had before they spent the night together? It shouldn't have bothered him but it really did.

"No," Tyler said, coldly. There had been girls at the party but he hadn't looked at any of them long enough to gauge whether they were attractive or not.

"That's too bad," Joe said, placing his shoes on the bed beside his clothes.

Joe was acting so casually and so differently to how Tyler expected that he thought he might still be drunk and this was all just a dream; a bad one. He didn't know what to say. He desperately wanted to talk about the two of them having sex and where it left them, but Joe seemed to have gone from not talking to him at all to pretending like their night never happened.

After almost a minute of silence, during which Tyler watched Joe stuffing his clothes into a backpack he had brought with him, Tyler forced himself to say, "How was your night?"

"Oh it was cool, bro, don't worry," Joe said, looking over at Tyler. He turned away as soon as their eyes met. "That girl I was with was awesome. Thanks for giving us the room. She must be a gymnast or something. I got her folded up like..."

"Stop!" Tyler snapped. "Just don't."

"What?" Joe asked, partly confused and partly scared at the volume of Tyler's voice.

Tyler slammed the door to the room behind him and took a step toward Joe. "If we can't talk about what happened with us then I don't want to hear about you fucking someone else."

Joe's jaw dropped and he stared at Tyler in silence, his eyes wide. Tyler didn't know if it was the outburst and how angry he sounded or what he actually said that caused the reaction.

"I don't know..." Joe finally started to say, but Tyler cut him off.

"Don't you fucking dare say you don't know what I'm talking about," Tyler raged. "You can pretend like it didn't happen all you want but we both know better than that."

Joe swallowed hard and looked around the room, his eyes moved over anything and everything that wasn't Tyler.

"We need to talk about it," Tyler stated.

"No we don't!" Joe screamed. "I don't want to talk about it. I don't want to think about it. I just want to forget it ever happened."

"That's really what you want?" Tyler asked, glad that his voice didn't reflect how crushed he felt inside.

"Yes!" Joe exclaimed. "You don't?"

Tyler had to turn away. They both knew the answer to that question but saying the words out loud were a different thing.

"No," Tyler admitted, his voice little more than a whisper. "I don't want to forget it."

Joe looked like he was about to cry. He wanted to be anywhere else but stood in front of Tyler having this conversation. He knew there was no turning back from it. He had hoped that they could write off having sex with each other as a one-night experience but he knew now that Tyler wanted more. They would never just be best friends again.

"Fuck..." Joe muttered, not sure what to do or say. "Don't do this, Ty."

"Don't do what?" Tyler asked. "We've been best friends for years. We can talk about anything, tell each other anything, and we've always had each other's backs."

"This is different," Joe protested.

"How?" Tyler demanded.

"Because you fucked me!" Joe screamed.

Both boys froze in shocked silence. The words rang out around the room and echoed in their ears for what felt like minutes. Hearing the words out loud somehow made them feel more real. It drove home the fact that it HAD happened. It was the truth.

Neither of them knew what to say. They stood staring at each other, their eyes locked, trying to guess what the other was going to do.

"Joe..." Tyler finally whispered.

"I can't do this, Ty," Joe said. "I can't deal with this right now."

Joe made a move toward the door but Tyler quickly stepped in front of him and reached out to touch him. Joe immediately jumped backwards, almost falling over the edge of the bed.

"Don't fucking touch me!" Joe shouted.

"Joe..." Tyler pleaded, surprised by the strength of Joe's reaction.

"No," Joe spat. "That's how all of this started."

"What?" Tyler gasped.

"You couldn't keep your queer fucking hands to yourself," Joe proclaimed.

Tyler was stunned at the use of the word queer. His fists balled up and he felt the urge to jump across the room and beat the shit out of Joe for that word ever leaving his lips.

"I was happy jerking off that night until you wrapped your fucking hand around my dick," Joe fumed.

"You think that's when all this started?" Tyler fired back, images flashing in his mind of all of the things they had done together over the past week, each one burned into his brain. "What about that kiss when our dicks were rubbing together in that girl's mouth, huh? That wasn't just me. You leaned in too. You kissed me just as hard as I kissed you. Your tongue was in my mouth!"

"That was just in the heat of the moment," Joe objected. "It meant nothing."

"Bullshit!" Tyler yelled. "I guess it meant nothing when our dicks were rubbing together inside her and we stared into each other's eyes when we came? You would have kissed me then if that girl hadn't been between us, I saw it in your eyes."

"Fuck you!" Joe balked. "You were probably just wishing you were inside me instead of her in whatever crazy fucking cuckoo land is in your head."

Tyler felt like he was about to explode. "So what if I did wish it was just us?"

"I'm not fucking gay!" Joe exclaimed. "I'm not in to guys. I don't fuck them. I don't want to."

"Then how do you explain me waking up the next morning with your arms around my chest and your hard dick rubbing against my ass?" Tyler asked.

"I was asleep!" Joe protested. "I was probably still dreaming about the girl."

"Do you really believe that?" Tyler pressed. "You really think it was just the dream? You didn't feel anything? Because I did, Joe. I felt your cock get even harder against my ass when you woke up and realized it was me you nearly had your dick in."

"Shut up!" Joe demanded.

"Why?" Tyler asked, "Because you can't handle it? Just like you couldn't handle it then? You wanted to push your dick inside me. You know that. You wanted to fuck me. But it freaked you out so much you decided to run instead."

"Because I'm not gay!" Joe shouted.

"Have I ever said you were?" Tyler asked.

Joe looked at Tyler confused. "What?"

"I never said you were," Tyler said. "I don't think you are. You're the only one talking about being gay or queer."

"Because how is that not what this is?" Joe cried. "You fucked me up the ass, Ty. Straight guys don't get fucked. Hell, straight guys don't want to fuck other guys either."

Joe looked directly into Tyler's eyes and held his gaze. Tyler knew it was an unspoken accusation.

"So you think I'm gay?" Tyler asked.

Joe replied, "You grabbed my dick. You sucked it. You ate my ass. No straight guy would do that."

"Some might with the right girl," Tyler said.

"I'm not a fucking girl!" Joe squealed.

"No, you're not," Tyler agreed.

"Then how are you not gay?" Joe asked.

"Because I still like girls," Tyler explained. "I didn't fuck Nikki the other night because I was in denial or some other shit. I fucked her because I wanted to, because she was hot."

"Is that why you wanted to fuck me?" Joe asked.

"Yes," Tyler admitted. He decided to go for broke. There was no reason to hide anything now, they had gone too far. "I wanted to fuck you because I think you're just about the hottest guy I have ever seen."

Joe was taken aback. Even after everything that had happened, hearing Tyler admit that he was attracted to him sent shockwaves surging through his body.

"Fuck..." Joe muttered. "I can't deal with this. I can't."

"Joe, please..." Tyler pleaded.

"What? What do you want me to say?" Joe asked. "I don't feel the same way about you that you do about me. I'm not in love with you. I don't want to be with you. I don't know what I was thinking the other night but I wish we hadn't done it, okay? I wish I hadn't let you talk me into it."

"I didn't have to do much talking," Tyler said with a forced laugh. His heart was breaking from hearing Joe say he didn't have feelings for him. All of his hopes blew away on his breath as he let out a long sigh.

"You didn't fucking listen either," Joe spat.

"What?" Tyler asked.

"I told you I didn't want to do it," Joe said. "I asked you to stop but you wouldn't."

"You could have stopped me any time you wanted," Tyler said, defensively. "All you had to do was push me away, but you let me keep going. You wanted me to keep going."

"No I didn't," Joe claimed.

"Oh yeah?" Tyler asked. "Then you didn't kiss me? You didn't run your hands all over my body and beg me to make you cum?"

"Shut up!" Joe demanded.

"You didn't run your fingers through my hair when I was sucking your dick or push me down on the bed and rub your cock all over me? You didn't slide it between my abs and pecs and then sit on my chest and run it over my lips until I opened up so you could feed it to me?" Tyler went on.

"I said shut up," Joe growled through clenched teeth.

"I asked you, Joe. I made you say the words before I did anything," Tyler said. "You begged me to fuck you."

"Only because you made me," Joe shouted.

"I made you beg?" Tyler chuckled. "What, by not giving you what you wanted straight away? I didn't rape you, Joe. You wanted it."

"Yeah, I did, okay?" Joe snapped. "Is that what you want to hear, Tyler? I wanted you to fuck me. I needed you to. You'd worked me up so much so that nothing else would have been enough. But it shouldn't have got to that point. You didn't stop when I asked you to. You kept going, you kept manipulating me."

"Manipulating you?" Tyler snorted.

"Yes!" Joe asserted. "You knew exactly what you were doing, touching me in all the right places. And you knew some things too damn well."

"What does that mean?" Tyler asked.

"There is no way that was your first time sucking a dick, you were too good at it," Joe said. "And how the fuck did you know where that button was inside me? I didn't even know that was there. How many guys have you fucked before me?"

Tyler looked down at the floor, "Just one."

"Damn! I thought you'd try to deny it," Joe gasped.

"What's the point?" Tyler asked. "You'd know it was a lie. Look, I'm sorry, okay? I should have stopped when you asked me to. I shouldn't have kept pushing but I thought you wanted it as much as I did. You were rock hard the whole time."

"That's because of what you were doing to me," Joe said. "Anyone would have been hard."

"Was it really that good?" Tyler asked, raising an eyebrow.

Joe turned away, "Don't ask me that. My head is messed up enough already."

"Because you liked it?" Tyler pressed.

"I fucking loved it, okay?" Joe yelled, spinning around. "That's what you want to hear, isn't it? That everything you did felt amazing? That my whole body was tingling? That no one has ever sucked my dick as good as you did? That as much as I hate to admit it, feeling your dick slide in and out of me, feeling it fill me up and hit that spot inside me, driving me fucking crazy, gave me more pleasure than every girl I've ever been with put together and made me cum harder than I ever have before? Is that what you want to hear? Well there you go, it's all true. I fucking loved it. Are you happy now?"

Tyler stood with his mouth hanging open. His brain was trying to find the words to reply but it couldn't. His head was spinning from Joe's admission while his body wanted to jump up and down. If Joe liked it so much there was a chance he would want to do it again. Tyler was overwhelmed with emotions.

Before he knew what he was doing, Tyler stepped forward, put his hands on the sides of Joe's face and pulled him into a kiss, their lips crashing together.

Joe was kissing back before he even realized, slipping his tongue into Tyler's mouth. They made out for a moment, their hands moving all over each other, before his senses took back over and he pushed Tyler away.

"What the fuck are you doing?" Joe screamed.

Tyler was still shocked from being pushed backwards when Joe's voice almost deafened him. He stared at Joe, not knowing how to react, and saw pure rage bubbling behind Joe's eyes.

"You... You said you liked it," Tyler stuttered.

"That doesn't mean I want to do it again," Joe seethed. "I'm not gay, Tyler. I don't know how many times I have to say that but you need to understand it. I don't care how good it felt, I don't want to do it again. It shouldn't have happened the first time. Fuck! You can't just kiss me and hope that I won't stop you. I'm not gonna lay down and let you fuck me any time you want. It doesn't work like that."

"I know... I'm sorry," Tyler said quietly, dropping his head so his chin was resting on his chest. A tear escaped the corner of his eye and ran down his cheek.

"Look, I don't care if you're gay or bi or whatever," Joe said, seeing that Tyler was hurting. "But this was a one-time thing. Let's just put it down as something we did on Spring Break and move on. You know, what happens on Spring Break, stays on Spring Break?"

"Okay," Tyler nodded, trying to stop more tears from coming. He had hoped for a completely different outcome and he felt like Joe had ripped his heart right out of his chest.

"Cool," Joe said, stuffing his things quickly into his bag. "I'm gonna go wait in the car."

Before Tyler could say anything else Joe was out the door, leaving him alone in the room. Tyler looked around, blinking through the tears that clouded his vision, wanting to remember every detail of it because he realized that once he left the room he would be leaving his night with Joe behind in it.

He sat down on the edge of the bed and let his tears flow, wiping them away with the back of his hand. He hated to cry, especially over something he considered so trivial, but he had to get them out before he could go out and find Joe. What did he think was going to happen? Did he think Joe would declare his love for him and they would fall into each other's arms and have sex for hours, paying whatever late fee they incurred from not checking out of the room? He wanted Joe more than anything. He wanted him to walk back through that door and tell him he had changed his mind, that they could be together, boyfriends, even if it had to be in secret, but everything Joe had said let him know that wouldn't happen.

He thought back to words he had been told by both Jackson and Alex; that there would be others, to not get too hung up on one guy, especially if he identified as straight. But this wasn't just a crush. This wasn't a guy he had seen in the street and thought was attractive, or met in a club and wanted to fuck. This was Joe, his best friend, the person he was closer to than anyone else, who he spent most of his spare time with, who he realized he had fallen in love with. There was no easy fix. He would have to hurt before he could ever feel better.

In a sort of daze, Tyler went around the room, packing everything he had brought and anything Joe had left behind into his bag. He took one last look around to make sure they hadn't forgotten anything and let his eyes fall on the bed and the wall one last time, closing his eyes to picture Joe pressed against that wall or on his back on the bed, the two of them writhing in pleasure and ecstasy. It was too much. He started to get hard and knew he had to leave.

He closed the door behind him and slowly made his way down the stairs, slipping the key through a slot in the wall as they had been instructed to do. When he got to the car he reached for the front passenger door but then thought better of it, not wanting to be so close to Joe in case the temptation to reach out and touch him was too much. He opened the back door instead and slid onto the back seat, throwing his bag on the floor. Joe started the car without so much as a word and pulled out of the parking space, heading out onto the road.

Tyler hated the silence that hung in the air but he didn't know what to say to break it. He stared out of the window at the scenery passing by but he suddenly felt like he was going to throw up. He didn't know if it was because of his conversation with Joe and how their friendship could be permanently damaged, or if it was due to the amount of alcohol he had drunk the night before reacting with the movements of the car to make him feel nauseous. Whatever it was it didn't feel good so he lay down on the backseat and before he knew it he had drifted off to sleep.

"Yo, Tyler! We're at your house," Joe called from the front seat.

Tyler jerked awake, sitting up instantly. He looked out of the window and saw that they were parked in front of his home. Had he slept the whole way home? Did Joe stop at the diner for something to eat and didn't bother to wake him or did he drive straight back without stopping?

Picking his bag up off the floor, Tyler opened the door and climbed out. He pushed it shut and stepped up to the window to talk to Joe, to thank him for the trip, but before he could say anything Joe put the car into drive and sped off down the street.

Tyler stood on the sidewalk in front of his house as he watched Joe drive away. He was stunned that Joe hadn't even said goodbye. Things were worse than he ever thought they would be and he had no idea what to expect when they went back to school on Monday.

To Be Continued...

Next: Chapter 41: Tyler 11

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