
By Big D

Published on Dec 13, 2020


DISCLAIMER: This story will include scenes involving sex between young men and adult language. If you do not like or are offended by such things or are under age wherever you are reading this then please leave now.

This work is copyright by the author and commercial use is prohibited without permission.

This is pure fiction. No one in this story is a real person, living or deceased, and any resemblance as such is purely coincidental.

Characters in this story may partake in bareback sex, please remember that this is fiction and in the real world precautions should be taken to ensure everyone's safety. Please use protection.

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Tyler – Part 31

Steam swirled around them as their bodies moved together. Tyler held on to the hips in front of him with both hands, touching the smooth skin that somehow felt hotter than the water falling around them. He leaned in and moved his lips slowly up the back of the neck, placing little kisses from the shoulder all the way up to the ear.

When he heard a soft moan and felt the body beneath his lips quiver he smiled and playfully bit the skin. At the same time his hands began to move, sliding around to the front, his fingers dancing across the tight abs, sinking into the valley between each one.

"You are so fucking hot, Evan," Tyler growled.

He went back to kissing Evan's neck as he ran his hands over Evan's abs until they were on his surprisingly firm pecs, squeezing them, pulling their bodies even closer together.

Evan slowly turned in Tyler's arms until they were standing chest to chest, the water from the shower splashing down onto them as they stared into each other's eyes.

Evan then gasped and threw his head back as Tyler bent down and sucked one of his nipples into his mouth, licking and kissing it, teasing it with the very tip of his tongue.

"Oh fuck!" Evan screamed.

Tyler smiled when he saw Evan's cock jerk and jump and then he licked his way down over Evan's abs, coming within millimetres of his cock before he licked his way back up, over his chest, all the way up his neck until he was back at Evan's lips, capturing them in a heated kiss that made the temperature rise even higher.

He spun Evan around and pulled him back against his chest, wrapping Evan's smaller body in his big arms. He reached out and grabbed the bottle of shower gel sitting on a little shelf and poured some into his hands. He lathered them up right in front of Evan's face and then began to run his hands all over Evan's body, spreading the soap over the chest and stomach that he had come to love, tracing every muscle with his fingers, loving how they felt, how hard, how strong, how masculine they were, even on Evan's smaller body.

He slid his hands across every inch he could reach, back over Evan's chest and abs until he couldn't wait any longer. He found Evan's belly button, briefly dipped his finger inside, and then followed the little trail of hair down into Evan's neatly trimmed pubes, touching first the base and then sliding along the length of Evan's cock, wrapping his fingers around it as he kissed Evan's neck and shoulder.

"Oh fuck... Tyler..." Evan gasped and groaned, bucking into Tyler's hand. He still couldn't believe how good another guy's hand felt on his cock, even after dreaming about it for so long.

Tyler kept stroking up and down the length of Evan's dick as he ran his other hand down to cup and tug on Evan's balls. He then stepped in, closing the gap, sliding his own rock hard cock into the trench of Evan's ass.

"Oh god, Ty!" Evan moaned, throwing his head back as he felt Tyler's stiff dick brush against his hole. "Please..."

"Please what?" Tyler smirked.

"Fuck me!" Evan begged.

Tyler smiled as his cock throbbed, the tip brushing directly against Evan's hole.

"You want me inside you?" Tyler teased.

"Oh yeah, so bad," Evan moaned, actively humping his ass back against Tyler's cock. "Put it in me."

Tyler kissed Evan's neck again and held him close. It felt so good to just stand there and hold him, to take the time to enjoy it and soak the moment in, to not have to worry about what Evan might think or to pretend like this wasn't everything that he wanted. He loved it.

Reaching forward, Tyler retrieved what he needed to prepare himself and Evan for entry. When he was ready he pressed the tip of his dick against Evan's hole and held it there.

He moved his hand up and took hold of Evan's chin, turning his face until their lips met. At the exact moment that Evan opened his mouth and Tyler's tongue slid past his lips, Tyler pushed through Evan's ring, easing his dick inside in one smooth motion until it was buried balls deep.

Evan moaned into Tyler's mouth as he was penetrated and reached up to hold the hand that was still cupping his chin.

When their lips parted, Tyler didn't pull away, he barely moved at all. He slipped one arm under Evan's and placed his hand on Evan's chest, holding him close. With the other hand he reached down and wrapped his fingers back around Evan's throbbing, leaking cock. Then he began to move.

As he pulled back, easing his dick out of Evan's hole until only the final inch remained inside, he stroked his fingers up the length of Evan's cock to the tip. Then, as he pushed back in, thrusting forward, he ran his hand down to the base and pulled their bodies together, going as deep as he possibly could.

Evan's moans began to fill the shower, rising above the sounds of the falling water, as Tyler found a rhythm, pumping away on both Evan's ass and cock, gliding his dick back and forth through that still tight hole that gripped and milked him so perfectly.

They moved together as one, Tyler thrusting forward as Evan pushed back, impaling himself as they clung to each other. Evan reached up to the hand on his chest and laced his fingers together with Tyler's, holding on as Tyler's lips returned to his neck, kissing and licking those sweetest of spots as he continued to drive his cock deep into Evan's ass.

"Oh fuck..." Evan moaned as they writhed together.

"I love being inside you," Tyler groaned as he pushed in and held himself in deep.

"Oh yeah!" Evan cried, his back arching as he ground his ass down on Tyler's cock, moving it in little circles.

"I could get used to this, Ev," Tyler said as he withdrew and shoved back in. "So good..."

Evan whimpered as Tyler shifted his hips slightly and the tip of his cock crashed into Evan's prostate as it slid back and forth through his hole. "Oh fuck! That's it! That's it!"

Tyler bit Evan's ear as he continued to thrust inside him. He knew he was hitting Evan's spot by the way the hole was suddenly clenching and tightening, squeezing his cock. Neither of them was going to last much longer.

"Damn, Ev, I want to fuck you all night," Tyler growled as his hips slapped against Evan's ass.

"So fuck me all night," Evan moaned, his cock pulsing in Tyler's hand. "Oh God, I'm gonna cum!"

Tyler jerked Evan faster and drove his dick in deeper. He leaned in over Evan's shoulder and watched as his cock exploded, firing shot after shot all over the wall in front of them.

Evan had barely finished when Tyler pulled out of his ass and within seconds was blasting his own load all over Evan's back.

When they came down from their orgasms they turned and embraced, kissing under the water before they washed each other again, dried off and headed for Tyler's room, slipping into his bed.

The smile on Tyler's face as he dropped Evan off near his house was huge. They had shared a parting kiss, a long yet soft brush of the lips, before Evan had hopped out and headed down the street, looking back over his shoulder with a grin.

Tyler couldn't remember a time when he had ever felt that way after dropping off a girl. Sure, he was usually happy, satisfied, but with Evan there was something more, a level of contentment he had never felt before. What was happening with Evan was everything he had imagined and more.

The smile didn't drop from his face until he pulled onto his driveway and saw Joe sitting on his front steps, tapping his feet on the ground, rocking back and forth slightly, with a look on his face that told Tyler he was either about to explode with anger or burst into tears.

Oh shit...' Tyler thought. How long has he been there? Did he see me leave with Evan?'

Bringing the car to a stop, Tyler jumped out and forced a smile on his face, even though his heart was pounding in his chest and his stomach churned.

"Hey, Joe!" Tyler called as he walked towards his best friend on shaking legs.

Joe jumped to his feet. "Where have you been? Why didn't you answer your phone?"

"I was driving," Tyler explained. He pulled his phone out of his pocket and was shocked to see that he had six missed calls and probably as many texts. "What's going on?"

Tyler was about to click on one of the text messages to read it when Joe answered.

"You'd know if you had stuck around after practice," Joe snapped. "Where the fuck were you?"

Tyler looked at Joe confused. He had no idea what Joe's mood was about but he knew it wasn't about him and Evan so he relaxed a little bit.

"I had some things to do for my Mom," Tyler replied, hoping his face didn't betray the lie. "What happened after practice?"

Joe turned away and let out a huge huff of air. When he turned back to look at Tyler there was clearly some moisture in his eyes.

Tyler quickly moved around Joe and opened his front door. He waited until Joe was inside and then closed it.

Joe walked into the living room and sat down on the sofa. He began to speak slowly. "Just after you left, Coach called Luke into his office..."

Tyler felt his heart sink. Had something bad happened to their friend?

"And?" Tyler asked when Joe didn't continue.

"He got an offer from his first choice school," Joe stated.

Tyler's face lit up and he felt like his body was about to float up off the ground. "That's incredible!"

He thought about all of the hours he had spent with Luke over the summer, training with him, both in the gym, putting on the extra pounds and building the stamina Luke would need to play college ball, and on the field, running through plays and practicing long range passes. It had all paid off in the biggest way and Tyler felt so proud, especially when even Coach hadn't truly believed in Luke when he had.

Joe's face didn't reflect what Tyler was feeling.

"Why aren't you happy?" Tyler asked. "That's awesome news."

Joe sat silently but Tyler could see that there were countless thoughts buzzing around inside his head so he gave him time to sort them out.

"Everyone's getting offers but me..." Joe said, looking down at the floor.

Tyler felt his heart break a little at the sad, almost whining tone of Joe's voice. He move closer to his best friend and sat next to him, putting his hand on Joe's shoulder.

"You've had two offers," Tyler reasoned. "From good schools."

Joe said nothing. He continued to stare at the ground.

"Look, there's still time. The season isn't over yet. I haven't heard from my first choice either," Tyler said.

Joe sighed. "I just feel like time is running out, Ty."

Tyler slipped his arm around Joe's shoulder and pulled him into a hug. "Coach said no news is good news, right? That means they're still deciding. We'll hear back soon."

"What if we don't?" Joe asked quietly, turning to look directly into Tyler's eyes. "What if it's bad news? What am I going to do?"

"You're going to get in," Tyler assured him. "And if you don't you've still got those other offers."

Joe growled and threw Tyler's arm from around his shoulder, pushing him away. He stood up. "You don't fucking get it, do you?"

"Get what?" Tyler asked.

"There is no other option, Ty," Joe ranted with fire in his eyes as he began to pace around the room. "Those other offers, they were for partial scholarships. I can't fucking afford a partial scholarship. I need a full ride. Anything else and I will be stuck here washing cars for the rest of my Goddamn life."

Tyler was stunned. He started to stand up.

"Don't say anything!" Joe demanded. "I don't know why I thought you'd understand."

Before Tyler could respond Joe stormed out of the front door, slamming it behind him.

The locker room was completely silent. Everyone had changed and left after the game. Only Tyler remained, seated alone on a bench with his head in his hands.

They had lost.

Tyler was going through everything in his head, every manoeuvre, every play, trying to figure out where it had gone wrong. They had been winning right up until the last few minutes, only to lose by a single touchdown.

It wasn't the defeat that had shaken him. They had already lost one game during the season and were still top of the division with only one final game left to play. No, it was the fact that he knew there were scouts out in that crowd, watching them, judging them, that made him feel like a failure. He was the captain, the quarterback, he had called some of the plays, and now if any of the guys, if Joe, if he, failed to get into college it would be his fault.

"Oh good, you're still here." Coach's voice broke through the silence.

Tyler turned his head and looked up at the older man as he approached. He expected to see a look of disappointment on Coach's face but he was actually smiling.

"I've got someone on the phone for you," Coach smiled, holding out a cell phone.

Tyler looked up into Coach's eyes and then reached out to take the phone, lifting it to his ear.

"Hello..." Tyler said.

He listened to the voice on the other end and his heartbeat grew faster with every word that was spoken. The whole time he was listening he was looking at Coach, who had a huge grin on his face.

"So what do you say?" the man on the phone asked.

"I accept," Tyler said, still trying to process everything that he had heard. His head felt like to might explode.

He listened to the rest of what the man had to say and then said goodbye. When he hung up he handed the phone back to Coach in stunned silence.

"Well..." Coach pressed.

Tyler looked up at him, still in disbelief. "I just got my offer."

"Hell yeah, you did," Coach beamed, slapping Tyler on the back. "Congratulations, kid, I knew you could do it."

Before Tyler knew what was happening Coach's huge arms had enveloped him in a massive hug that was accompanied by several more pats on the back. Tyler returned the gesture.

When they broke apart Coach looked at Tyler with a quizzical expression. "Why aren't you more excited? You just got into a Big 12 school on a full scholarship. You're set, Tyler. I hate clichés but the sky's the limit."

"I just don't get why now," Tyler said. "We lost."

Coach chuckled. "It's because we lost."

"What?" Tyler asked, confused.

"You can't win every game, Tyler. Even the best lose some. It's how you handle the losses that counts," Coach explained. "You might have been crushed inside but when that reporter put the microphone in your face and started asking you questions you put on a smile, gave the other team props and admitted to your own mistakes. That's the true mark of a pro athlete, of a man. Those scouts saw that. They want you on their team."

Coach waited a second for those words to sink in. He could see Tyler's brain absorb them and smiled again when he saw Tyler's body language change.

"I got in!" Tyler screamed with a fist pump. This time it was Tyler who grabbed Coach for a hug.

"Don't get ahead of yourself just yet. We still have the rest of the season to finish before you start thinking about college," Coach said as they separated. "Now go talk to your dad, he's waiting outside for you."

"Thanks, Coach!" Tyler smiled. He grabbed his things and ran for the exit.

The first thing Tyler did after greeting his parents was to call Joe. He had wanted to give him the news in person but Joe had already left with his family and Tyler couldn't wait.

The phone seemed to ring forever as Tyler waited for Joe to answer. When he finally picked up Tyler was already in the car but he couldn't hold back his excitement.

"Joe! I got in!" Tyler cried, almost jumping up and down in the back seat as his parents sat in the front.

Joe was quiet for a long time before he finally said, "Congratulations."

"Bro, I can't believe it," Tyler gushed. "I was sitting in the locker room and Coach came in with a phone."

"That's great, Ty," Joe replied but there was no enthusiasm in his voice.

"Are you sure?" Tyler stated, the smile falling from his face.

"I'm sorry, Ty, I am happy for you, it's awesome news," Joe said. "It's just... you got your offer. Damien got his..."

"Really?" Tyler asked. "When?"

"When you were doing those interviews," Joe explained.

"Oh man, that means we'll be on the same team in college," Tyler smiled.

"Yeah..." Joe replied. "Lucky you..."

"Joe, you're going to get your offer okay?" Tyler sighed.

"When Ty?" Joe asked. "I should be celebrating with you but I've got nothing to celebrate."

Before Tyler could say anything else the phone went dead.

The celebration dinner that he had with his parents at his favourite restaurant left Tyler feeling bloated but as happy as he had ever been. His dad couldn't stop smiling and telling him how proud he was.

When they finally got back home Tyler still hadn't heard anything else from Joe. He thought about calling him again but he decided against it, knowing it would do no good. Instead he rang another number.

"Hey," Evan greeted him.

"Hey," Tyler replied.

"I'm sorry about the game tonight," Evan said.

"You followed it?" Tyler asked.

"Of course I did," Evan replied. "You were in it."

Tyler smiled. He felt warm inside from that statement. "Is that the only reason?"

Evan paused, "Kinda."

Tyler laughed, "I'm flattered."

"You should be," Evan laughed back. "It's a long game."

Tyler was grinning so wide his cheeks started to hurt.

"So... Something happened after the game," Tyler said.

"Yeah? What?" Evan asked. He actually sounded interested.

"I got a call from a college recruiter. He offered me a scholarship," Tyler explained, getting more excited with each word that left his mouth.

"Oh my god! That's awesome!" Evan screamed. "Congratulations!"

Tyler swooned. That was the kind of excitement he had expected from Joe but hearing it come from Evan might have been even better.

After three days of seeing Joe down and miserable, Tyler had finally had enough. He tried to think of what he could do to lift his best friend's spirits but the truth was that nothing other than a scholarship offer would work. He knocked on Coach's door.

"Come in," Coach called. When he saw Tyler he said, "Hey, Tyler, what can I do for you?"

Tyler closed the door behind him and sat down in the chair opposite Coach. "I need to talk about Joe."

Coach visibly stiffened a little and sat up in his chair. "Okay... I kind of guessed this moment would come eventually. Go ahead."

"Have you heard anything about his scholarship yet? He's going crazy waiting to hear about it," Tyler said.

"Oh..." Coach replied. "That... I thought... Never mind..."

"What?" Tyler asked confused.

"Nothing," Coach said. "Look, Tyler, there are a lot of factors that get taken into account before a school starts sending out offers. Some are more complicated than others. There is still plenty of time for Joe's to come through."

"You said he had nothing to worry about," Tyler stated. "He's worrying."

Coach sighed. "Tyler, I can't talk about this with you. It's confidential. Just trust me when I tell you I am doing everything that I can and Joe is still under consideration at the college he wants to go to. What I need you to do is to forget about college and keep your focus on right now. We still have a game to play, to win. I need every single one of you at your best on Friday. Do you understand me?"

"Yes, Coach," Tyler nodded. He started to stand up.

"Anything else you need to talk to me about?" Coach asked.

Tyler looked up into the older man's eyes. "No."

"Okay then, see you at practice," Coach smiled.

"This is it, Ty. My last chance to make an impression," Joe said.

They were getting ready for their final game of the regular season and Joe still hadn't received an offer yet. He was beginning to give up hope of it ever coming through.

"You can do it, bro," Tyler smiled. "Let's go out there, kick ass and show everyone that we're the best this county, hell, this state, has to offer. They'll come begging to get you to sign when we're through whooping ass."

"You bet your fucking ass they will," Joe smiled, bumping fists with Tyler.

Tyler turned around and ran off, wanting to find the rest of the team and make sure they were ready too.

Joe was about to follow when he suddenly thought of something and walked over to his locker. He pulled out his phone and quickly keyed in the code to unlock the screen. When it lit up he opened his messages and found the conversation he was looking for. He scanned the last few texts he had received and then took a long look at the photo attached. He took a deep breath and quickly typed out a message, sending it before he could chicken out. It was done. There was no going back now.

He threw the phone back in his locker, slammed the door and ran out of the locker room, pulling his helmet over his head. He was already on the field by the time Donte received the message.

"Oh fuck! Fuck me!" Evan screamed as Tyler drove his cock deep into Evan's ass and fucked him hard.

Evan panted and clung to Tyler, holding on as he had his brains fucked out, every one of the emotions running through Tyler's mind after the loss to end their season fuelling him as he hammered his hips forward, ramming his cock into Evan's gripping hole before ripping it out and repeating the move all over again.

"Oh God, I love fucking your ass," Tyler moaned, pushing in deep as his lips met Evan's in a frenzied kiss. "This is just what I needed."

"Yeah, fuck me..." Evan whimpered as Tyler pulled out, flipped him over and mounted him again.

They continued on, both working up a sweat until finally Tyler pulled out and shot his load all over Evan's stomach at the exact same moment as Evan reached orgasm, barely having to touch himself to set off a reaction that seemed to travel through his entire body, leaving him a heaving, quivering mess on the mattress.

Tyler fell down on the bed beside Evan, trying to steady his breathing as his body still trembled and occasionally jerked with the electric pulses that shot through it.

They lay in silence, both staring up at the ceiling, until Tyler felt Evan's hand slip into his and their fingers laced together. He turned his head to see Evan smiling at him and he smiled back, allowing himself to enjoy the afterglow, neither in a rush to be anywhere else.

When they began to speak Tyler felt more relaxed than he ever had, opening up completely as he told Evan everything that he was thinking and feeling. It felt so good to just lay there and talk.

"Thank you," Tyler said when they finally began to move and clean up the mess they had made. "For being you, I mean. For being here. For letting me just be me."

Evan sat up and looked into Tyler's eyes. He smiled. "Any time, Tyler."

They met in a kiss before Evan took Tyler's hand again and led him toward the shower.

The talk with Evan changed something inside of Tyler. Before it he had known that he was attracted to men, obviously, there was no better feeling in the world than being inside a hot guy, but he had still been able to imagine himself with a woman, not just in bed but in life. Afterwards he knew that would never happen, that no woman would ever give him that same feeling of contentment or happiness, that only being with another man would make him feel whole.

It took a few days for that to really sink in, for him to truly grasp what it meant.

It didn't change who he was. It didn't lessen his desire or alter his dreams of going all the way to the Superbowl and holding up that trophy as the winning quarterback. He was the same person he had always been with the same goals and aspirations; the only thing that had changed in the picture of his life was the person standing beside him.

Knowing what he wanted, his mind began to focus on WHO he wanted it with.

When Joe came over the next day they had hung out for hours, talking effortlessly, the words just rolling. They were completely at ease with each other, had so much in common, they could complete each other's sentences, knowing what the other was going to say before he ever did. They were the perfect match.

And yet when Tyler made a move Joe had pulled away.

As he had watched Joe leave, a strange mixture of confusion, frustration and anger swirled around inside his head. He knew that Joe wanted him. Two days earlier Joe had shown up at his door, let himself in and they had gone straight to bed, fucking for almost an hour.

They were the best of friends. They were the most amazing lovers. And yet those two things never seemed to come together. Joe kept them separate. Everything that Tyler wanted was right there in one person. But it wasn't meant to be. Tyler was starting to see that now. He would probably never have Joe in the way he wanted. Maybe it was time to let go, to let someone else be the one.

Tyler hopped over the fence and made his way to Evan's back door. He had butterflies in his stomach. They might have been fooling around for weeks, had spent countless hours together, but this was the first real date. There was no pretence, he didn't have to pretend that they were just hanging out, and it wasn't just a fuck, they both knew why they were there and it excited him more than he expected.

As soon as Evan opened the door, Tyler couldn't help himself. He stepped in and pulled Evan into a quick kiss, smiling as he did. It felt so good.

When they broke apart he knew that they were both looking each other up and down, taking in the way the other looked, wanting to strip him right there and fuck on the kitchen floor, but that wasn't what the night was about, even if it ended there.

Evan made them both a drink and they sat down at the kitchen counter.

"How was your day?" Evan asked, engaging in normal conversation.

Tyler grinned. He felt almost giddy and he couldn't hide it from Evan. They began to talk as Tyler beamed on the inside.

The next morning Tyler smiled as he woke up and felt the warmth of Evan's body against him. They had spent the night together and neither was in a hurry to leave. It was an amazing feeling.

He held Evan against him, placing soft kisses on his forehead as he continued to sleep, snuggled up against him, his head on his shoulder, his arm thrown across his chest.

It was only when Tyler couldn't fight the urge to pee any longer that he gently tried to ease Evan away from him, not wanting to wake him but needing to get out from under him.

"Ev, I need to pee," Tyler finally said.

Evan moaned and rolled away but he kept his eyes on Tyler as he got up from the bed and walked toward the bedroom door, his amazing muscular ass on full display.

Tyler paused and looked back at Evan. He loved the look of pure lust that glazed over Evan's eyes whenever he saw him naked. It was such a turn on to know how much Evan wanted him.

He opened the bedroom door and walked out into the hallway, heading for the bathroom.

"WHAT THE FUCK!" someone screamed and Tyler nearly jumped out of his skin.

He spun around to see Evan's best friend, Emily, standing equally naked at another bedroom door, her mouth hanging open as she stared at him, wide-eyed.

Tyler didn't know what to do or say. He was frozen in place as a wave of terror crashed through his body and the reality of having been caught again quickly dawned on him.

Evan appeared in the doorway as Emily started screaming, but Tyler didn't hear a word she said. In his mind he had flashed back to the locker room in those moments after Michael had walked in and caught him sucking Joe's cock. He was expecting to feel the pain, the agony as blows were rained down upon him, but they never came.

Unlike Joe, Evan didn't run away. He stood his ground and stepped up to Emily, talking her down and defending them both until she began to calm.

When Evan moved towards him, leaning in for a kiss, Tyler pulled back instinctively, wondering what Evan was thinking. But then his heart melted a little, seeing the look on Evan's face, knowing just how big a gesture he was making. Tyler leaned in and their lips met in quick kiss. It was exhilarating.

"I can't believe this. I never even thought for a second it would be Tyler," Those were the first actual words Tyler heard Emily say. He turned to look at her, seeing her glaring at him. "Do you feel the same or are you just using him?"

Tyler didn't know how to answer that but he forced a smile and replied, "If I was just fucking him I wouldn't still be here."

To Tyler's relief Emily smiled at his comment and the tension in the air slackened just a little.

As Emily began to ask more questions Tyler was reminded of how badly he needed to pee and quickly excused himself, retreating into the bathroom as the muffled sounds of their continued conversation could be heard through the door as he finally found relief.

As the flow slowed the words in the hallway grew louder until he could finally make out an entire sentence.

"You were holding out hoping Jake was gonna fuck you first?" Emily laughed.

Tyler almost fell over hearing that, barely managing to catch himself as he pushed down on the handle, flushing the toilet.

He instantly regretted it, wanting to hear Evan's answer, but if any words were spoken they were drowned out by the sounds of the flush. He pushed himself back up, moving to make sure he looked presentable until he realized he was still naked and he blushed as he headed for the door, unable to hide the smile on his face as he knew what Emily had said was true; Evan had been holding out waiting for Jake but Tyler had got him instead.

When Tyler stepped out of the bathroom he tried to explain himself to Emily, knowing that while the football season was over she could still ruin his reputation and his chances of playing in college and beyond if word about him got out. She clearly wasn't happy but she didn't sound like a threat either. He didn't know what to think.

"She won't tell anyone," Evan tried to reassure him after Evan's brother had dragged Emily back into his bedroom.

"How do you know?" Tyler asked, swallowing hard.

"Because I know Emily..." Evan trailed off.

The conversation that followed did little to ease Tyler's anxieties but he told himself that he had to trust Evan and hope that he wasn't wrong about Emily. As much as he knew what he wanted, he wasn't ready for the rest of the world to know about it yet.

A couple of hours later, Tyler walked into a diner with Joe, Luke and Toby; Kyle was still recovering from whatever he had done the night before. He was so consumed by the thoughts of what he was going to eat that he didn't notice Emily and Evan's brother sitting at one of the tables until it was too late. His eyes met Emily's and he felt like he was going to throw up.

`Please don't say anything,' he thought to himself.

Emily smiled and cocked her head a little as he turned away and walked toward the counter, trying to hide the fact that he was shaking as he gave the waitress his order.

When they sat down at their table and Emily did nothing but look at him he allowed himself to get caught up in the conversation with the guys but he kept shooting glances over at her, expecting her to get up and announce that he had been fucking her best friend and was gay. She didn't.

Thinking that maybe Evan was right after all, Tyler started to pay less attention to Emily and concentrated on his friends as they spoke animatedly.

At one point Toby made a joke that turned Joe's cheeks red with embarrassment. Tyler laughed and threw his arm around his best friend's shoulder, pulling him close and giving him a playful hug as their eyes met and they smiled at each other.

Eventually Tyler had to make his way to the bathroom. He was just about to push open the door that led to the two rooms when it was pulled open and Emily stood in front of him.

Taking a quick look around he pushed her backwards until they were alone in the tiny space between the doors and looked into her eyes.

"Please don't say anything," Tyler begged.

Emily stared up at him before she spoke. "Do you really care about Evan?"

Tyler was shocked by her reply but he found himself nodding his head. "Yes, I do."

"And you're not just fucking around with him to get one over on Jake?" Emily asked.

Damn, this girl was tuned in, Tyler thought.

"No," Tyler shook his head. "I promise. That might have been on my mind at the beginning but we're way beyond that now."

Emily was silent again. She began nodding her head. "Okay."

"Okay what?" Tyler asked.

"I won't say anything," she said.

Tyler smiled and let out a sigh of relief.

"I won't tell anyone about Evan. Or Joe. Or the video," Emily continued.

Tyler gasped, his heart hammering in his chest as his jaw dropped open and his knees went weak.

"Emily..." he whimpered.

She stepped up to him and looked deep into his eyes. A smile spread across her face. "Relax. As long as you don't hurt Evan all of your secrets are safe. I won't say a word to anyone."

She moved past him and started to push open the door but then she let it close again and leaned in, whispering into Tyler's ear. "By the way... seeing Joe suck your cock... that was really hot!"

She pushed open the door and walked away, leaving Tyler stunned.

Tyler opened the door to see Evan standing there, panting for breath, his body covered in sweat. He had run the whole way there, desperate to get fucked, and Tyler wasn't about to disappoint him. He wanted it as much as Evan did.

The door wasn't even fully closed when Tyler pounced. He grabbed hold of Evan and pulled him into a kiss. As their lips and tongues battled, they wrapped their arms around each other, running their hands all over the other's back and ass.

Without breaking the kiss, Tyler scooped Evan up into his arms and carried him up the stairs. Evan instinctively wrapped his legs around Tyler's waist and felt the bulge of Tyler's hard cock push against him with every step. He needed that dick inside him again and he moaned into Tyler's mouth.

Once they were inside the bedroom Tyler lay Evan down on the bed and pulled Evan's clothes off, stripping himself almost as quickly until they were both naked, hard and staring at each other with lust.

Instead of climbing up onto the bed, Tyler bent down and pulled a pair of handcuffs out from underneath it, asking Evan if he remembered them from gym class. All Evan could do was smile and nod his head, his cock throbbing in anticipation of what was to come.

Tyler crawled up on top of him, his huge body pinning Evan's to the mattress, as he brought their faces together for another round of breath-taking kisses, each one better than the last.

When they came up for air Evan realized that Tyler had somehow moved him up the bed, had raised his arms and was ready to handcuff them to the headboard.

"What are you going to do?" Evan gasped.

Tyler bit his lip, leaned down to Evan's ear and whispered, "I'm going to suck your dick until you beg me to let you cum and then I'm gonna fuck your brains out."

Tyler then did exactly what he had said he would. He kissed his way down Evan's body, licking every one of his abs before he took Evan's cock into his mouth and sucked him, using his hands to play with Evan's balls, finger his hole and caress his body until the boy beneath him was begging to be fucked.

Lubing them both up, Tyler slipped inside Evan slowly, teasing him, enjoying the look of frustration on Evan's face as he tried to get Tyler's cock deeper inside of him but failed.

Eventually Tyler gave Evan what he wanted, easing in until he was balls deep and then withdrawing almost as slowly, long dicking him until neither could take it anymore, the pace building until Tyler was pounding Evan hard, their skin slapping together as Tyler's cock drilled Evan's hole and Evan screamed for more.

Evan kept begging Tyler to make him cum, to jerk him off or to just fuck it out of him but Tyler kept pulling back, kept edging them both, backing off just before they reached the peak.

Finally, when he could take no more, Tyler shifted his hips and thrust into Evan, moving around until finally he heard the scream that told him he had hit the right spot. He leaned forward, hunkered down and fucked Evan hard, ramming his cock into Evan's spot over and over until Evan's eyes rolled back into his head, his toes curled and his cock jumped up from his stomach, firing cum all over his chest. Tyler joined him seconds later, pushing in deep as he began to shoot.

Struggling to hold himself up, Tyler collapsed down onto Evan and kissed him gently as he reached up to remove the handcuffs. The next half hour was spent cuddling, kissing and talking, until they finally regained enough strength to get up and shower together.

Needing something to eat after expending so much energy, Tyler ordered pizza and they ate it together before heading back up to bed, where they lay back, snuggled together and watched a film on Tyler's TV.

As the movie was drawing to a close Tyler couldn't help himself. He gently ran his hand across Evan's chest and trailed his fingers down over Evan's abs until he found Evan's cock, half hard and rapidly growing.

Evan protested when Tyler's hand started to move lower, reaching for his freshly fucked hole, and he shifted on the mattress, taking both of their now leaking cocks into his hands as he jerked them off in a rhythm that simulated the real thing.

"Oh fuck, Ev. I'm gonna cum soon," Tyler moaned as his body began to tense.

Just then they heard a car door slam outside. Tyler's eyes went wide and he jumped off the bed, sprinting to look out of the window. His parents weren't supposed to be home yet. But when he glanced down it was even worse, Joe was walking toward the front door, reaching into his pocket for his key.

"Oh fuck!" Tyler cursed.

"What?" Evan asked, still on Tyler's bed, still hard.

"It's Joe," Tyler said, panicking. Joe couldn't see them like this, couldn't know that he was fucking Evan.

"What's he doing here? Did you invite him?" Evan asked as Tyler looked around, hoping to find an escape route that didn't exist. What was he going to do?

They scrambled around, looking for a way out as they heard the front door slam and Joe's footsteps grew louder as he climbed the stairs. At the last minute Tyler did the only thing he could think of. He shoved Evan into his closet, threw their clothes in after him and jumped onto his bed, wrapping his hand around his cock so Joe would just think that he was jacking off.

Tyler's heart was beating fast as his bedroom door swung open and Joe walked in. He prayed he hadn't left anything of Evan's out that Joe would see.

His fears quickly faded when Joe immediately took off his clothes and climbed up onto the bed, wrapping his big hand around Tyler's cock as he brought it to his mouth and began sucking it.

Tyler moaned as Joe's tongue slid across the tip of his dick and his eyes shot over to the closet door, seeing that it was slightly open, knowing that Evan was inside and would be listening to everything that was happening, maybe even watching. Fuck! He had to stop this. It wasn't right.

He moved to sit up but Joe pushed him back down and took his dick even further into his mouth, sucking it almost to the base. Tyler gasped and threw his head back, melting into the mattress.

He couldn't do it. He couldn't stop Joe. He didn't want to. He knew it was wrong but he had to let it happen, had to let Evan listen and watch, because telling Joe that Evan was there wasn't an option. He didn't know how Joe would react. Would he run like he had before? Would he freak out, drag Evan out of that closet and beat the shit out of him like Michael had with him? No, he couldn't do it.

Instead he let Joe continue and he began to move with him, thrusting his hips up to fuck Joe's mouth almost as much as Joe was sucking him. It was amazing when Joe sucked his dick.

Tyler moaned uncontrollably as Joe continued to suck him, "Joe... Joe... So close..." Tyler panted, running his fingers through Joe's hair.

Joe pulled back and let Tyler's cock fall from his mouth. He stepped off the bed and took Tyler's ankles in his hands, using them to pull Tyler down the bed.

Tyler whimpered at the feeling of being manhandled by his muscular stud of a best friend and his cock throbbed and leaked. He liked it. He would let Joe do anything he wanted to him.

Joe was hungry. He flipped Tyler over almost like a ragdoll, positioned him on his hands and knees and then dove down, burying his face between those two huge round cheeks, attacking Tyler's hole with his tongue.

"Oh fuck Joe! Joe... Joe...!" Tyler moaned, clawing at the sheets beneath him.

Joe pulled back, wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, and then swooped back in, plunging his tongue into Tyler's asshole. Tyler threw his head back, pushed his body up on his pumped arms and arched his back, pushing against Joe's face, fucking himself on Joe's tongue.

Tyler didn't know if he had ever been harder in his life. Precum was literally dripping out of his dick, falling to the bed below. He bit his lip, his body heaving, and then he opened his mouth, ready to beg Joe to fuck him.

Instead, he felt Joe shift, pulling his face out of his ass as he began to lick his way up his back, sending a literal shiver up Tyler's spine.

What happened next almost made Tyler pass out. As Joe reached his neck with his tongue his big dick slid into the crack of Tyler's ass and he rubbed it back and forth across Tyler's twitching hole.

"Are you ready to fuck me?" Joe growled into Tyler's ear.

Tyler wanted to say no, wanted to tell Joe to stick that big cock in his ass and fuck him. He wanted that more than anything. He wanted to have Joe inside him, fucking him, filling him full of cum. But he knew it wasn't the right moment, the right time. Instead he said, "Oh God yes, I'm gonna fuck you so good."

Joe put his hands on Tyler's hips and flipped him over onto his back. He reached into Tyler's nightstand, grabbed the bottle of lube Tyler always kept in there and poured it into his hand, smearing it all over his ass and Tyler's cock.

In one swift move he straddled Tyler and pushed his ass down onto Tyler's dick, impaling himself as they moaned, staring into each other's eyes as their hands came together and they linked fingers, using them to help Joe continue his descent until all seven inches of Tyler's bare dick were firmly planted inside him.

With Tyler buried balls deep, Joe sat back and rotated his hips in little circles, humping his ass back and forth without ever rising off Tyler's cock, grinding himself onto it, enjoying the full length throbbing away inside him.

They moved together, with Joe pushing his ass down as Tyler thrust up to meet him, getting faster and faster until Tyler was shoving up so hard he was almost lifting Joe off the bed.

"Fuck me. Fuck me," Joe screamed.

Tyler loved hearing those words come out of Joe's mouth so much. It was all he needed to hear for his cock to take charge and he sat up, wrapped his arms around Joe's body and put him flat on his back, his legs in the air, giving Tyler the access he needed to really hammer his ass.

Joe threw his head from side to side and grabbed hold of the sheets, calling out every time Tyler went in deep. He stared up at Tyler with such a look of joy and pleasure on his face that there was no denying he loved having that dick inside of him. Tyler knew it.

Tyler stared at Joe too, never breaking eye contact even as he changed the speed and pace of his thrusts. His dick was sawing in and out of Joe's hole. He wanted to kiss Joe so bad, wanted to lean down and lock lips with him, to fuck his mouth with his tongue at the same time his cock was fucking Joe's ass, but he had promised Joe he wouldn't so he had to fight the urge and fucked even harder.

"I'm getting close," Joe moaned, throwing his head back. "Fuck me like you did last time. Make me shoot without touching myself. That was fucking awesome."

Tyler grunted and fucked even harder still, bending slightly to change the angle of his thrusts.

"Yes! Yes! There! There!" Joe screamed. "Oh fuck me, Tyler."

Hearing Joe scream his name destroyed Tyler's final pillar of resistance and he crumpled, swooping down to capture Joe's lips with his, kissing him hard.

Joe moaned into Tyler's mouth and gripped the back of his head, pulling him closer. They made out while Tyler continued to fuck his ass, slowing down but never breaking the kiss.

Tyler felt his cock pulse inside of Joe. Kissing him while he fucked him was the ultimate pleasure, the thing he had dreamed about so often and wanted so badly every time they were together.

Joe tried to deny that he wanted the same thing, said he didn't like it, but his body told a different story. His hands were all over Tyler's back, clawing at him, holding on to his ass, pulling him in even deeper as they kissed and fucked.

But then all of a sudden Joe stopped and pushed Tyler away.

"Fuck Tyler, I told you not to kiss me. We're not gay," Joe said while Tyler was still fucking him.

Tyler felt like he had been punched in the gut and stabbed in the heart at the same time. His bottom lip quivered as he whimpered, "My dick's inside you. I'm fucking you. How much gayer can we get?"

"I'm so close. Don't ruin it," Joe pleaded. "Just fuck me."

Tyler looked away for a second, thinking about pulling out and telling Joe to go home, but then he changed his mind and rammed his cock into Joe's ass as hard as he could, hoping it hurt. Instead it made Joe scream even louder and soon they were both cumming, Joe all over his abs and chest, Tyler deep inside his ass, filling him with so much cum he was surprised he had been able to hold it all in his balls.

When they came down from their orgasms, Tyler pulled his cum covered cock out of Joe's ass and fell down onto the bed beside him. He turned his head to look at Joe and rolled onto his side, reaching out to touch him but Joe quickly rolled away, getting up off the bed.

Joe didn't stick around. He got dressed, said goodbye and disappeared down the stairs, leaving Tyler alone on the bed, staring up at the ceiling, his eyes welling up with tears that he refused to let fall.

He saw the closet door begin to open and jumped, "Oh fuck! I forgot you were there," Tyler gasped, staring at Evan as he stepped out, feeling like crap for what he had just done.

To his amazement Evan was okay with it, maybe even turned on by it. He tried to apologize but Evan wouldn't hear it. He had a goofy grin on his face and Tyler had no idea what he was thinking.

"What?" he asked.

"You love him, don't you?" Evan asked.

Tyler shot up on the bed. "Ev..."

Evan chuckled but placed his hand on Tyler's arm to reassure him, "It's okay, Ty, you can deny it but I know what I saw."

Tyler buried his face in his hands. "It's so fucked up, Ev."

He let his feelings flow out of him, telling Evan everything. He was waiting for Evan to leave, to want to get out of there and have nothing to do with him, but he didn't. He stayed and talked and before Tyler knew what was happening he was kissing Evan again and Evan was kissing back.

"You're hard," Tyler said, breaking the kiss.

"I've been hard since I saw you fucking Joe. I'm the only one who didn't get off," Evan said.

"Well maybe we can change that," Tyler smiled, reaching down to stroke Evan's dripping cock.

Instead of letting Tyler take the lead, like he had every time before, Evan felt bold after seeing the submissive side of Tyler and he quickly took charge, manipulating the bigger guy until he was on his hands and knees, his big ass up and exposed, just like he had been for Joe.

Tyler didn't know what Evan had planned but he was willing to go along with it, letting himself be led as Evan guided his hands to the headboard and quickly handcuffed him to it.

"What the fuck, Ev?" Tyler asked, tugging on the cuffs, which wouldn't give way. He was suddenly very nervous.

"Time for a little payback," Evan grinned, kissing the side of Tyler's face.

"What? Ev?" Tyler said with panic in his voice.

"Relax," Evan said as he started to kiss his way down Tyler's back. "I won't do anything you don't want me to."

Tyler yelped when Evan buried his face in his ass and started eating his hole, going to town on it as Tyler groaned and grunted, pushing his ass back against Evan's face, fucking himself on Evan's probing tongue.

"Oh God, Ev, what are you doing to me?" Tyler panted, overwhelmed by the sensations.

"What you've been doing to me for weeks," Evan said, slapping Tyler ass. He reached down for the bottle of lube and popped open the cap, pouring some onto his finger.

Tyler gasped when Evan pressed one of those fingers to his hole, teasing it around the entrance before he pushed forward and slipped it inside to the second knuckle.

As he began to slowly slide the finger back and forth, fucking Tyler's ass, Evan dipped his head down and sucked Tyler's balls into his mouth, rolling them around on his tongue.

When a second finger was eased into him, Tyler squealed and bucked his hips backwards, driving the fingers inside him as Evan sucked his dick. He could barely breathe, his body trembling as he gripped onto the headboard to steady himself and stop himself from falling.

Before things could go too far, Evan let Tyler's dick fall from his mouth and slid out from under him, licking his way up the underside of Tyler's cock, over his balls and back up onto his ass hole, replacing his fingers with his tongue.

When he needed to catch his breath, Evan pushed his fingers back inside Tyler's ass and twisted them around, hitting his spot for the first time.

"Holy fucking Christ!" Tyler screamed. "Oh God, Ev, just fuck me. Stop playing with me and fuck me."

"Are you sure?" Evan asked.

Tyler thought for a moment, having always imagined that it would be Joe who fucked him first, who took his cherry, but he needed it now. He wanted to get fucked. He wanted Evan to fuck him.

"Fuck me," he panted.

Evan smiled and slipped his fingers out of Tyler's ass, kissing his way up his back until he was pecking at the back of Tyler's neck, his own rock hard cock slipping into the deep trench between Tyler's ass cheeks, brushing against his hole.

Tyler moaned and tried to mentally prepare himself for what was about to happen. He was kind of scared but he was also excited. He was about to get fucked. He was going to feel what Joe felt, what Evan felt, every time he was inside them. Oh god, how he wanted it.

When the moment finally came and Evan started to push in, Tyler gasped. He didn't know how to describe what he was feeling. There was no pain just the strange feeling of being stretched as his tight ring gave way and the head of Evan's cock slipped into him, popping his cherry.

"Oh that feels so big," Tyler moaned. "I can feel it stretching me open. Oh fuck, Ev, give me more. I want the whole thing in me. Fuck me."

Tyler couldn't believe how much he wanted that cock inside him, to fill him, to feel it lodged inside him, taking ownership of his body.

He whimpered when he felt Evan push another inch inside him and then squealed when another two inches followed after that. His whole body was reacting to the new sensations, his insides rearranging themselves around Evan's cock as it slid into him, going where nothing else had ever been, and he needed to feel it all inside him, every last inch.

He pushed back, forcing Evan's cock into him until it bottomed out, their bodies pressed together, Tyler fully impaled on Evan's cock.

"Oh God, Ev... I can't believe I've got a dick inside me, your dick," Tyler moaned. "It feels so good."

He felt Evan's hands caress his back and hold on to his ass cheeks as he slowly withdrew, letting Tyler feel the whole length as it was dragged backwards out of him, graving against those sensitive walls inside his ass.

"How does that feel?" Evan asked, when just the tip remained inside Tyler.

"Better than I ever imagined," Tyler sighed contentedly. "Push it back in. I need you to fuck me, Ev."

Evan eased his way back in and then immediately pulled out, all the way, until his cock slipped out of Tyler's ass. Before Tyler could protest Evan shoved it back in, slicing through Tyler's ass until he was buried in it once more. He was ready.

Despite having never topped before Evan's instincts took over and he began to fuck Tyler, using every trick and technique that Tyler had used on him to fuck the quarterback's ass, to open him up, allowing him to deeper, harder, quicker, until he was pounding away at Tyler's ass, holding onto his hips for added leverage.

The longer that Tyler got fucked the more he liked it and wanted it. He knew why Evan loved it, why Joe needed it. Feeling that hard yet soft cock sliding back and forth through him, pressing on so many nerve endings deep inside of him, giving him pleasure in a way that nothing else ever could, was mind-blowing and he couldn't get enough.

He pushed back, wanting to feel Evan deeper inside him. "Oh yeah. Fuck me, Ev! Fuck me!"

Evan kept fucking him, running his hands up Tyler's muscular back, leaning over to kiss between his shoulder blades, reaching around his big body to take hold of his throbbing, leaking cock, stroking it in time to the thrusts he made, never letting up as he continued to fuck Tyler's ass.

"Uncuff me, please Ev," Tyler begged when it all became too much for him. He needed to see Evan's face.

Pulling out, Evan quickly unlocked the cuffs and barely had time to put the key on the bedside table before Tyler had rolled onto his back and was pulling Evan on top of him, kissing him hard as he lifted and spread his legs, reaching down to guide Evan's cock back into him.

"Fuck me like I fuck you. Don't go easy," Tyler moaned as Evan began to thrust and his body was lit up from the pleasure the new position and angle sent crashing through his body.

"Fuck me!" Tyler begged. "Fuck me. I've been waiting so long for this."

He hadn't known those words were true until he spoke them but they were. His final barrier dropped. The final bit of resistance left him. He had a dick inside him and he knew that it belonged there. He felt whole. Complete. He was meant to be with another guy.

Evan fucked him hard and fast, staring down into his eyes, their bodies and souls connected in a way that went far beyond the physical pounding that Tyler was now taking.

Just when Tyler thought he couldn't take any more, Evan wrapped his hard around his pulsing cock and jerked him off in time with his thrusts into Tyler's ass.

"Are you close?" Evan asked, panting, sweat covering his body.

"Yes. Fuck the cum out of me," Tyler moaned, humping upward, trying to get more of Evan's dick inside him.

In response, Evan let go of Tyler's cock and dove down for his mouth, pushing his tongue between Tyler lips as he entered him from both ends.

The movement of their bodies, with Evan's sweaty abs rubbing across his dick as he pumped into him set Tyler off and his cock erupted between them, spewing cum everywhere as his ass clamped down on Evan's cock, causing him to shoot while he was still fucking Tyler's ass.

Tyler collapsed back onto the bed, unable to believe that he had actually been fucked, except for the fact that Evan's cock was still inside him. He stared up at the ceiling thinking about how amazing it had been and then cursed himself as the question entered his head. What if it had been Joe instead? How would that feel?

To be continued...

Next: Chapter 62: Tyler 32

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