Evan and Payton

By Bryan Kelling

Published on Oct 17, 2006



The wind kicked up slowly and you could feel a storm coming on. "Evan, I think it's gonna storm, we should get in the car." Payton said. He looked over at Evan as he was trying to fumble with the lighter in one hand and the one hitter in the other.

"Payton, don't be such a fuckin sissy." Evan said trying not to let any of the smoke out of his lungs. "It's just water. Besides, it'll add to the effect. Here," Evan handed the one hitter over to Payton as his face was turning red from holding his breath. "Take it!" Evan said blowing out a little smoke as he did. Payton grabbed the small metal pipe and took the lighter. You could tell he was a little uncomfortable with what was going on. It was Prom night and they should be out with their dates. Payton inhaled and turned passing the one hitter back to Evan. "That's a good boy." Evan said. He patted him on the back and laughed. Payton coughed a portion of the smoke out of his mouth trying to say something.

"Evan! Fuck you asshole." Payton said.

"Dude," Evan was holding the one hitter and tapped it out on a rock, "you can't even hold your weed, don't give me any shit." Payton grabbed his slushy and took a sip trying to hold down his dinner from earlier. Crab legs and shrimp don't do well with lungs full of marijuana.

"Look," Payton said, "I just went along with this cause you said you had something better planned. I didn't want to leave Luanne and Heather high and dry, what's up with that? I wanted a little girl panty tonight." Payton pushed Evan a little and he rolled over almost doing a summersault off the edge of the hill. Payton felt he had pushed a little too much. All the sudden he was worried that Evan was going to start fucking with him because he almost pushed him off the edge. The hill can be a bit dangerous. It sits above the small plat of houses Payton and Even grew up in, roughly 40 feet high. Evan turned slowly and gave this look of complete horror on his face. As though he was going to swell up and burst out with flames. And then he laughed.

"Ha, you thought I was gonna kick your ass." Evan said. He stood up and started walking to the car. Then he turned back looking at payton. "Sissy boy." He said smiling. Payton got a little angry. He was 17 years old and he was pretty much tired of having his best friend call him sissy boy all year long. He stood up slowly matching Evan's eyesight. The he lunged forward.

"You fucking asshole!" Payton yelled. He hit Evan square in the chest with his shoulder and Evan fell backwards down the side of the hill holding on to Payton as he went. They started rolling through the dirt and rocks, fighting as they went down. Payton just couldn't take it anymore. All year long Evan had started calling him "Sissy boy". Ever since he mentioned that he was going to try and get a swimming scholarship for college. That was it for him. He felt his dignity was insulted and that tore at his anger just enough tonight that he was done. Both boys kept grabbing and fighting as they rolled down another 20 feet to the ravine at the bottom. A small creek went across the hill about halfway down. It was more manmade than anything but it stopped them from traveling any further down into the back of Mrs. Prickets yard. Payton landed on his back in the water and Evan was straddling him. They both stopped and looked at each other. Evan was laughing on the way down but it had stopped. His nose was bleeding and he had a small gash above his left eye. Payton could feel that his bottom lip was swelled a little and that the taste of blood meant that he had cut the inside of his mouth. Just then rain drops started falling down. You could hear them hit the water in the creek slowly at first. And then they just fell all at once. Payton had soaked the tie and the front part of Evan's shirt with blood but the water was slowly washing it away. Evan started to move but Payton stopped him.

"Evan, wait." He said. Evan turned and looked down at his best friend. Payton wanted to say he was sorry. He wanted to say something; anything but he couldn't find the words for it. Evan moved in closer to Payton's face. And then, in one quick fluid motion, Evan pushed Payton's hands up behind his head and held them down in the wet dirt with his left hand. Then he started pulling Payton's shirt out from his pants with his right. "Evan, what. ..wait. .I?" Payton said. Evan put his finger to his mouth.

"Shhh. I won't tell." Evan said. He leaned down slowly and kissed Payton smooth chest. Water droplets were falling across Payton's body and his face. He had to close his eyes or he would get too much water in them. He wasn't sure what was happening and he started to get very uncomfortable. His high was still streaming through him and he felt like he was floating on water. Then. ...Evan kissed him on the lips.

At first it was a shock. Payton pulled up as fast as he could but Evan pushed him down hard almost knocking his head into the rocky creek bed. Payton struggled hard with his hands. Evan had to use both of his hands to keep Payton from prying loose.

"Evan! Get off me!" Payton roared. But he was quieted when Evan forced his mouth down on Payton again. Then, lightening struck a tree in a loud crack. Even looked up and loosened his grip on Payton. Payton took the chance he had been given and twisted his legs around flipping Evan into the creek. He got up and ran, ran as fast as he could.

"Payton, wait! I'm sorry." Evan yelled after him. He could hear the rain hitting small puddles in the field as he ran. Tall grass and sticks grabbed for him as he ran but he kept going. He could see the fence around Mrs. Pricket's back yard and he heard Evan yelling behind him. He was slowing getting out of breath. Payton stopped once he reached Mrs. Pricket's yard and leaned on the fence post. He turned to see if Evan had followed him. He hadn't. In fact he was standing in the same spot that they had been fighting in. He was just staring at him. Lightning struck through the sky above with another loud crack and Payton could see Evan's face. His wet hair and blood soaked tuxedo shirt. Payton turned into the yard and took off running towards his house. He could hear the rain hitting the sidewalks of his neighborhood as he ran with his black dress shoes stomping on the concrete, but Evan's voice had disappeared. He couldn't tell how far from him he had gotten or where he was but he didn't care. He was so afraid that Evan would come out from behind a house, or a tree. He was afraid. He started running in the middle of the road. He was soaked down to his underwear and his feet felt like buckets of water when he lifted them to run. When he finally got to his house he hit the backyard and came in through the back patio. He was too afraid of what his parents would think he was up to that he didn't want them to see him. The blood stained tuxedo and fear stricken expression on their 17 year old son would be definite reasons to question what had happened. And for Payton, it was something he would like to forget.

Later that night, Payton was lying in his bed watching the rain hit his window. He had left his television on without sound so that there was something else in his room moving besides just the rain. Maybe he was a little bit of a sissy, but tonight had frightened him more that he had ever been frightened before. He kept replaying it over in his head. He could see Evan's rage as he turned from Mrs. Pricket's fence and ran. His eyes where wondering off and as the television changed to another show and the color changed in the bedroom his vision went into focus on the window. There was movement through blinds that wasn't the rain. Payton squinted as you would to look through a screen door and saw him. There, on the other side of the street, still in his tuxedo stood Evan. Payton got out of bed and stood at the window. He opened the blinds and saw Evan staring up at him. He was a good 60 feet away but his heart started beating faster inside his chest. Evan lifted a large bottle to his lips and finished off the Vodka that Payton and he were initially going to finish. Evan's parents were out of town and Payton had planned on spending the night with Evan. Just like he does every other weekend but this time it was planned out that the girls they took would be staying with them. Not tonight. Evan took another look up at Payton and then he smashed the bottle into the street shattering and echoing down the small suburban drive. Payton heard his parents wake up and turned his head towards his door. He saw his tattered tuxedo on the ground. His parents went past his room heading downstairs to the front door. When Payton turned back to the street Evan was gone. Nothing but broken glass and fear was left for him. That was the last time he saw him. Evan Stiles.

"Hey, Payton wait up, man!" Payton heard from behind him as he walked down the stairs out of the library. He stopped and turned around in a grudging sort of way. Kyle Walker was pushing past book bags and students heading up into the library. It was the first week back at Alderman and the freshman were piling high onto campus. Kyle was from Payton's home town and it was his first year. Payton was a sophomore. Since they were from the same town his counselor asked that Payton have Kyle as his little brother this year. Payton wasn't real excited about the idea. He had finished his first year slowly in decisions of heading into a psychology major and that meant a lot of heavy class and study time.

"Payton, hey." Kyle caught up and Payton turned to head out the doors. "Kyle I have to head back to the room, my bio teachers have added some load to this week and I need to read two chapters tonight." Payton said. He kept walking and started ignoring Kyle.

"Hey man, that's cool. But, it's Friday?" Kyle said as if asking a question. Payton stopped and turned to Kyle.

"And that means what to me, Kyle?" Payton said. He looked down at the five foot five inch tall kid and felt sorry for him. He had taken a job with the school newspaper doing photography for the sports teams. Payton knew this meant that he'd see a lot of Kyle, but he also knew that it meant that Kyle would also be having a heavy load. Payton sighed and took a breath. "Well?" Payton said. Kyle stopped and had the look of confusion and being lost. Then a light came on.

"Oh, well listen. One of the football players I met today shooting their practice warmed up to me a little." Kyle smiled and winked at Payton.

"Why Kyle, I had no idea you fancied football players, maybe it's all those pads." Payton laughed.

"Dude," Kyle said, "I'm not gay." He looked at Payton and rolled his eyes a little. "Maybe you're the gay one." Kyle added. Payton turned his head and stopped. He stared off into the cracks of the sidewalk and went quiet trying not to remember something he'd forgotten. When he realized that he had made an awkward silence he quickly came back to his senses and tried to cover for his obvious action.

"Yes Kyle," Payton said as he put his hand on Kyle's shoulder. "You are right. But I only want you, naked, in a big vat of monkey shit with a rubber double dong." Payton said.

"Fuck off, man." Kyle said. "I was just gonna say that I got invites to a private party tonight if you wanna come." Payton laughed and realized his moment of lapse had gone unnoticed. He was relieved.

"Uh, yeah, what time?" Payton said.

"I'll drop by and get you. It's right off campus so we'll walk." Kyle said. Payton nodded and started off for his dorm room. Kyle called back for him. "Payton!" he yelled. Payton turned and shrugged.

"What now, Kyle?" He said. Kyle jogged up to where Payton had stopped and leaned into him looking around as if watching for someone.

"It's an invite only. Meaning someone actually invited you and me specifically. I think one of the Frat's is gonna sponsor us." Kyle's look of glee and excitement was a little overwhelming. Payton smiled.

"Well, I guess that's good." Payton said. He didn't want to mention that this school doesn't have Fraternity sponsorships unless an immediate family member is an alumni and with it being rush week there's no way they'd just hand Kyle over a Frat pin, but that would seemingly crush his happy dreams. Payton didn't have the time for the small details. "Fine, just come get me when you're ready to go." Payton said. He turned away from Kyle and headed down the quad sidewalk towards the dorms.

Payton awoke to a loud thumping at his dorm room door. He leaned over and looked down at his alarm clock. It read ten thirty. Not the kind of nap he was hoping for after three hours of reading about the human nervous system but he needed to get up anyway. Payton jumped down out of bed and unlatched the door. He opened it to find Kyle dressed in a tan sport jacket, t-shirt, ripped jeans and sandals.

"Oh, yeah," Payton said. "I forgot, the party." Payton opened the door wider and the light from the hall spilled into his room. Kyle came in and the door closed behind him.

"Dude, you think you could sleep in something else besides just your gym shorts. You're pitching a carnival tent." Kyle said motioning down at Payton's groin.

"Sorry man, I guess I was dreaming. I need to shower and I'll be good." Payton said. He walked into the adjoining bathroom and left the door open. He hit the shower faucet and jumped in shedding his shorts along the way.

"Payton, I'm using your cologne. I left mine at home last week." Kyle yelled in the shower. Payton groaned and tried thinking of something else to get his carnival tent to go down. After ten minutes of fumbling with clothes they were out the door and down the woods path towards fraternity housing. Payton let Kyle lead the way because he wasn't sure where they were headed. He'd only come through this part of campus on the weekends to head out to the local shopping strip.

"Oh, there." Kyle pointed. "The blue house." They walked up to the loud thump of music and people laughing. Kyle turned to Payton and handed him his invite. It was a black piece of paper with torn edges that had his name embossed across the top. "Payton Hawks" It read. "One invite to the Death of Summer Frat party." At the bottom in smaller letters was the phrase "Isle of Style". Kyle knocked and the door opened. Someone dressed in a grim reaper's costume answered the door and took the invitations immediately. He looked out onto the street in both directions and then motioned them inside. They walked into a room that had black clothe strips hanging from the ceiling. It was pitch black except for the mask on the grim reaper. It glowed in the dark.

"Follow me." Said the reaper. They were led through the house where they were some lame attempts at body parts and dead cats. Skeletons hung in the corners. Candles where lit up around the house and you eventually noticed that the main event was in the backyard. The reaper opened the back patio door and let us walk out. Then he shut the door and locked it behind him. Payton turned and looked up at the reaper. The reaper lifted his mask up and smiled. "Have fun." He said. He laughed and walked away from the door.

There were about four kegs of beer strewn about the lawn and you could tell that it was the beginning of the year. The freshman had grouped together and were huddled up near a make shift table. It was just a couple of empty barrels with a bored lying on top of it. The rest of the party seemed to be going well. Music was blaring out of speakers that were up on stands on the four corners of the yard. The D.J. was going at it with his music while some sophomore girls were shaking their tits in his face. Payton sighed as he realized that it was going to consist of another frat party with bigger dick competitions and vomit stained shoes. He headed straight for the beer as Kyle took off instantly to pursue his dream of fraternity pledging.

An hour and a half crawled by and Payton had worked his way to his fourth beer and had bummed a cigarette from one of the frat bouncers. He stood behind one of the kegs leaning up against a wooden post that held the patio roof up. Payton started to decide it was time to go when he noticed people moving in and out of the side of the house. He walked over by the side fence and noticed that there were people going down into the basement via storm doors on the outside. He might as well get the full tour before he heads out he thought. At the bottom of the stairs there was no light save one that was faint and coming through a small side doorway. He could hear people laughing and someone moaning slowly. He crept in as cool as he could and leaned up against a wall. It was hard with all the heads in the way but once a few people moved he saw what was going on. In the center of the room stood a giant wooden X. There was Kyle strapped to it with his pants around his ankles and bare ass hanging out.

"Oh shit." Payton said. He walked closer to the center of the room and noticed that Kyle was blind folded. There in front of him on the other side of the X was a girl who was blind folded and on her knees. She was giving him the blow job of his life from what it sounded. Payton turned to a guy standing near who had a ring of keys out and he was clapping.

"Hey, that's my freshman little brother you got tied up and being sucked dry there. What's going on?" Payton asked. They fraternity guy turned and gave Payton the once over. It was one of those looks of deciding if he could take Payton in a fight or not. I guess he decided no because his attitude changed.

"Hey, man, he said he wanted to do it. I told him he didn't have to get up there just to pledge us. I said he'd already gotten approval just by being here. But he insisted." The guy said. You could tell this frat guy was a bit on the drunken side.

"Ah, well just make sure he gets back to the Cedar building before Monday." Payton said. He tossed his beer out in a trash bin and headed out of the room. He walked to the stairs and looked up when he saw him. Time seemed to have frozen itself and his heart was racing through his chest. A top the stairs walking right down towards him was Evan. Evan Stiles. He was wearing sunglasses and a black sports jacket. Payton turned as fast as he could and slid to the right of the stairs. He waited until he heard the footsteps walk into the other room and he breathed out. So much time had gone by and he had never even thought once that he would see him again. Payton stood there with his back to the wall for awhile. He heard Kyle step off the X and someone offer him a beer. They were clapping and laughing. Then he heard them moving out of the room towards the stairs. Payton had walked into another doorway and was turned away from it as they walked up. He wasn't ready to see Evan. He was still unnerved about it. He hadn't even told his parents. He had to tell them that he lost his tuxedo skinny dipping in the pond and that he left Evan by the pond alone. He never imagined him in his life after that. Payton remembered the day after. He felt horrible. He stood in his backyard and burned the tuxedo with blood stains in a trash can. His best friend had gone out of his mind. Maybe it was the alcohol or the weed but it didn't matter. He was still afraid of Evan. His hearing came back to him slowly and he heard someone call Evan's name.

"Hey man, Evan, where you going?" The voice said.

"I just want to lock up downstairs. There could still be somebody down there trying to work out some. . ." he paused, "issues they may have had in the past." Evan said. Shit. Payton didn't want to be caught by him like this. And then he heard the doors to the basement slam shut. Payton's heart picked up speed again. The lights flooded on throughout the basement. It was completely concrete with dirt floors. The cobwebs hung from the ceilings where not decoration and you could hear mice scurrying away from the lights.

"Payton?" Evan's voice said. Payton shuffled his feet a little and backed into the room more. The light was not working in the room he was in so he moved out of the doorway in stood in the shadows. "Payton I saw you go in here but I haven't seen you leave." Evan said. Then Evan came into view in the doorway. He moved in front of the door from off of the steps slowly but with a relaxed motion. He had pale skin and dark almost black hair. His blue eyes burned in the light from the basement fixtures. He was more muscular than he'd used to be. But, then again Payton was too. Evan turned and moved towards the other room where Kyle had been getting head earlier. When he walked into the room and started shuffling around Payton took his chance. He quickly bolted around the corner and up the stairs, careful not to rustle too much and make noise. When he got to the top he noticed that the doors had been secured using a gym locker lock. And then he heard the voice call from the other room."Payton, you have to come down the stairs and ask me for the key to get out." Evan said. Chills ran down Payton's body. "This is my party and I have to formally meet every guest." Evan added.

Payton turned slowly and stepped carefully down the stairs. He had to duck down when he got near the bottom so he wouldn't hit his head on the ceiling but as Payton looked up there he was in full form standing in the doorway smiling. Payton stood motionless for a moment. He felt something inside of him spilling outwards. It was memories, the memories of Evan that he had forgotten about and buried deep away in his mind.

"Payton Hawks, I'm glad you got my invite." Evan said. "Come in here and talk to me. I haven't seen you in a while." He motioned to come into the room and Payton walked cautiously through the doorway.

Evan started spraying down the floor with a hose and washing fluids that one can only imagine where they came from. Payton calmed himself down more and he found his voice again. "What happened to you?" Payton asked. He looked at Evan and Evan stopped the hose. He put it down and you could see Evan losing his breath in that moment.

"You'll have to forgive me." Evan said. "I haven't had to tell this story to anyone. It's been a long time and I didn't realize that I'd ever see you again. This is just a little overwhelming for me." And with that Payton calmed down completely. "Payton," Evan said as he sat down in a chair and opened a beer. He motioned and I nodded as he opened a second and handed it to me. "I can't lie to you about any of this or it wouldn't be right. I'm in love with you." Evan stopped and looked at Payton's expression. It wasn't good. "Well, what I mean is that I fell in love with you back in high school and I didn't think I'd ever see you again so I just buried it all." Evan looked at Payton and realized that wasn't the right thing to say either. Payton stood up and took a few sips of his beer.

"Evan, I just wanted to know what happened to you." Payton said. Evan finished his beer and stood up. He walked around the large wooden X and slid his hands over the wet edges of the leather straps. He stopped near the other side and Payton saw him hit a button on the wall.

"Payton, I was found in park by a cop and taken to the station. My father had to come and pick me up. After that, I was sent to military school. Once I turned eighteen I left and moved out here. I didn't have money or a place to stay but I knew how to have a good time. I was taken in pretty quick by the locals here. When you know how to party you tend to fit in really well." There where footsteps coming from outside of the room. Payton started getting an uncomfortable feeling just when four men wearing no shirts walked in. They circled the X and stood with their arms crossed and very expressionless looks upon their faces.

"What's going on Evan?" Payton asked. All of the sudden Payton felt dizzy. He almost fell. One of the larger men moved in and held him up.

"Just enough to make sure you are aware but not in anger." Evan said. "Strip him and tie him up." Payton started feeling nauseous and the four men where being as rough as they could. He struggled with one of them as they pulled off his jeans but as they got them off from his feet Payton fell to his knees and threw up.

"You drugged me." Payton said. Evan walked around the X and ran his fingers through Payton's hair.

"It's all good. I'm not gonna hurt you. Just let them do their job and it'll be easier." Evan said. One of the men had stopped moving and looked up at Evan.

"Dude, I'm not sure this is such a good idea Isles." The shirtless guy said. Evan walked over to him and looked him in the eyes.

"I'm sure the coach would love to know about your fetish for my fucking asshole!" Evan screamed out the last part and the frat guy backed down and started ripping Payton's shirt off. Within seconds Payton was stripped nude and strapped in at the ankles and at the wrists with the leather shackles. Payton's breathing had eased and whatever drug he had used was working just enough to keep him at bay.

"Evan?" Payton asked. Evan turned and looked at him. "Why did he call you Isles?" Payton asked. His words were slurred from the drugs but it came out enough to understand. Evan turned and looked at the four men.

"You guys can go. We're even for this." He said and with that the men walked out and away into the basement. Evan stripped off his shirt and placed his sunglasses off his head onto the chair. He took off his undershirt and unbuttoned his pants. Then he walked over to Payton and put a hand on his chest. Payton shivered.

"My name is Evan Stiles, but I've become known as Isles for my parties. I tend to add a sexually sense of fun to them. So, Isle of style was born." He said. Evan moved around to the backside of the X and Payton tried to turn his head but couldn't position himself enough to see him. Evan caressed Payton's shoulders slowly and rubbed his arm muscles from behind. He ran his hands down his chest feeling every pectoral muscle and abdomen muscle he could. And then Payton moaned and threw his head back against the wood.

"Really?" Said Evan. "That's what I figured." He added. Evan slid his hands over Payton's bare buttocks and down his legs. "I need you, Payton. You left me alone. You ran." Evan said with an angry tone. Suddenly Payton realized he was hard. Rock hard and couldn't do anything about it. Evan slid his hands around each side of his waist and hugged at his body. Then Payton felt Evan's mouth against his lower back. It moved lower and lower down to his tan backside. Payton let out another moan. Evan moved around front and dropped his jeans completely on the floor. He wasn't wearing any underwear. Evan was fully erect and moved like a cat through the darkness. Payton didn't know what was going on but he suddenly didn't want it to stop. Evan slid his hands around Payton's calves and moved them slowly up his inner thighs. Payton tightened his legs and pushed the ankle straps outward. As Evan moved his hands up near his groin suddenly Payton felt Evans slow and heavy breath against his own cock. Evan rubbed his tongue down Payton's shaft to the base and felt his balls with one hand.

"Don't stop." Payton said. He hadn't realized it had come out of his mouth. Evan reached downward and undid the ankle straps. As soon as he did Payton's legs wrapped around Evan's bare naked body and he could feel his hard cock slide near his ass. Evan stepped up onto the board where the ankle straps where and leaned into Payton's ear.

"Do you want me? Do you want this?" Evan asked. Payton's own cock was thick and hard against Evan's stomach. Pre-cum was sliding over Evan's abdominal muscles and into his pubic hair. Payton let out another moan. Evan climbed up higher on the X and rested his feet onto the side beams. Slowly Evan slid his bare ass down Payton's chest and found his cock. And then he slid Payton's cock into him. Payton let out a loud moan as Evan started riding him faster and faster. Payton looked up into Evan's eyes and they met each other's stare.

"Come inside of me, Payton. Come for me." Evan said. He was riding so hard and fast that Payton started pulling on the wrist restraints. Evan's own cock was rubbing against Payton's chest. He was slowly spilling pre-cum onto Payton's stomach. Evan could feel Payton's hard cock growing thick inside of him. It pulsed as he slid up and down the shaft with his own bare naked ass. His asshole tightened and he held on to Payton's shoulders with his hands. And then Payton started to tremble. He moaned loud and louder still and then the wrist restraints gave way with a loud snap. Payton grabbed for Evan's waist and pushed him high into the air with his own pelvis. Payton screamed out into the ceiling of the basement. He held onto Evan as tightly as he could as he came hard and long inside of him. As Payton felt him loose himself inside of Evan, Evan lost control of his own body and began shooting his cum across Payton's face. Payton closed his eyes and felt Evan's come hit across his face. He opened his mouth and he could taste it dripping onto his tongue. He licked the come from his lips and then lifted Evan off of his own cock and pulled him up to his face. Payton slid Evan's cock into his mouth and swallowed all of his come, and it came. In streams still down his throat he swallowed it all. Evan was still riding the air and Payton had his hands cupping Evan's ass. He could feel the warm fluid across his face and body. Evan leaned into Payton's face and kissed him. Payton kissed him back.

"Evan, I love you." He said. Evan put his arms around Payton and held him. He was crying.

"Payton, I love you, too." And then, Payton passed out.

The End

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