Evanescence of the Moon

By Jessie Mkay

Published on Jul 2, 2012



If you aren't at the very least 18 then don't read this. This doesn't contain any personal information on the celebrities who portray the characters. Donate to Nifty.org to keep the site running. Reach me at jessiemkay@Yahoo.com and enjoy.

Evanescence Of The Moon-4

I finished playing and put Betsy in her case, and carried her to my room. I could feel a wave of calm, I turned to Jasper. "Please...let me have this...I have t get over it by myself." I said or more like sobbed, he nodded. I continued my walk to my room and laid Betsy on the floor before leaping into my bed. The pillows puffed like an air bag during a crash as my face collided with them.

A knock to my open door, "Justice. If you're not il for tests, then we can reschedule for some other time...." Carlisle's voice said with compassion, "No. I'm ready." I said getting up and whipping my eyes. "Where too?" I asked before he led me to his office. "Alright...it's just small stuff. Blood sampling." He said with a smile. He wiped my arm and tried to stick the needle in, we watched in surprise as it wrapped in two.

"We may need a bigger needle." Carlisle said shocked, he grabbed a bigger syringe and attempted it again with the same result. "Okay....we need a machine syringe." He said taking out a hand gun like syringe. I barely felt it, "Okay...got a very small amount of blood." He said as we watched it heal instantly. "Okay...so...that happened." I joked. He looked at the machine syringe to see it jammed. "Well... that's that. I'll see what I can find." Carlisle told me before putting the sample into a slide.

"Thanks...dad." I said to Carlisle...funny thing was...Dad...Victor...felt more like an uncle. Carlisle...he had this fatherly aura about him..."You called me Dad." He said looking at me wide eyed, "Yeah. Anyways....thanks...for everything." I said giving him a hug.

° ° ° ° °

I sat bored on a tree...."Justice." I heard a female voice say, by it's motherly tone I knew it was Esme. "Yes?" In the blink of an eye Esme was beside me. "Why are you outside all alone? Is everything alright dear?" "Yeah...I'm fine mom." I said and I chuckled at her expression, "You called me..." "Mom? I never had one....so I thought....If you don't feel comfortable with it..." I rambled as she pulled me into a hug. "I have no problem with it at all." She said hugging me even tighter. "Uh...I can't breath." I gasped, she released me instantly. "Sorry." I laughed, "It's okay."

"Let's get you inside. I'll make you some hot chocolate." She said leaping to the ground gracefully. I landed on my feet without any trouble but I wasn't as graceful as her, as a loud thud could be heard. Aswell as shaking from the impact.

° ° ° ° °

I made hot chocolate with Esme, a laughing could be heard as Renesmee came in with a large young muscular man with russet skin. "Sorry..um..we smelled something good." The guy said, He took a whiff. He began smelling around landing on me, he took breaths of my hair. "Can I help you?" I asked, "Sorry." He said blushing, we shook hands as he introduced himself as Jacob. "Nice to meet you, I'm Justice." "So your the guy that needed the blood!" Jacob said with a smile, "Glad to know your alright." "Thanks. Oh, and please...have some hot chocolate we made plenty." I offered with a smile. "Don't mind if we do." They bot said together.

We sat chatting over nonsense and we just got to know eachother. "So hey, a friend of mine wants to meet the guy he saved...is it cool if he came over tomorrow....better yet. We're throwing a party in La Push...and we would be happy if you came." I thought about it for a second, "I can't see the harm." Esme said to me, "Sure...I'll go." I said happily, "Awesome! I'll pick you two up tomorrow. As for now...I have to get going." He said before giving Renesmee a hug and kiss, and he shook my hand and then gave Esme a hug.

I noticed how warm he was...it was like he was on fire inside his skin.

° ° ° ° °

A knock to my door alerted me, "Come in." It was Alice and Jasper. "Hey. We wanted to know if you wanted to go shopping with us." Alice said with a smile, Jasper looked happy but at the same time pained by the idea. "I already have clothes." I said questioningly, "Besides...I don't have the money." I said, "Umm...Your a Cullen now. No offense but I don't let anyone wear the same thing twice." She said in a matter of fact tone. "It's true." Jasper agreed with a smirk, "Also, we have it covered." She said, "Rosealie and Emmett are waiting for us. Let's go." They grabbed my hands and pulled me out of bed and took me downstairs to the garage.

° ° ° ° °

Alice had me trying on suits and shirts and pants and shoes off all styles and colors. I had told her that I just to have clothes on, but she went for the male model thing. When we finally got to the cashier she smiled and seemed to gush at the boys. Rosealie cleared her throat and the cashier scoffed before ringing up the clothes. "That'll be $1500." She said with a bitchy annoyed tone, before she winked at Jasper. Alice slid the card and the transaction was finished, "Come on let's go before I hand this bitches' ass to her." Alice said surprising us. Who knew little Alice would be so violent.

That's how the rest of the day was spent, well sort of. We shopped till I dropped...on the floor in exhaustion. Apparently I scared everyone as I blacked out, "Wow if this got to him, then I'd hate to see him in Italy during fashion week!" Alice said with a smirk. "Let's just get Justice in the car." Emmett said to the group. Emmett drove the group back to the house, the smell of dog strong to their senses. They saw the La Push pack in the front of their house. "They're early!" Alice said with a grin. "What's going on?" Rosealie asked her. "We decided to throw Justice a welcome party and I needed him out of the house. Esme put it together." Alice cheered.

° ° ° ° °

I awoke on my bed, something cold on my cheek. I touched it to see a porcelain hand, I looked at the owner of the hand to see David. Letting go I jumped out of bed and screamed for help. The Cullens showed up...their eyes red. "Welcome to the family." David said before leaping at me with blood red eyes and a snarl escaping his lips. I screamed again and began feeling a shaking as if my body was a tremor. I could hear my name being yelled in my ear.

° ° ° ° °

"Justice! Justice! JUSTICE!" I leaped into the air...literally. Hitting my head on the ceiling and landing in cold arms. "You were having a nightmare." Edward stated concerned. "Justice we would never do that to you...we love you. It has only been a week and you worked your way into our hearts." Edward said hugging me. "Sorry. I don't know what set me off." I said shyly, a shocked look appeared on Edward's face. "What's the matter?" I asked he looked at me stupidly for a moment, another looked appeared on his face as he heard me think he looked stupid. "Justice you...you're invisible." I looked at myself....to see nothing their but my clothes.

"Great now I'm even more invisible than ever!" I said stomping my foot. "It's not the worst thing." Edward said with a crooked grin, "Says you!" I stated, feeling a force leave me. A wave pushed against Edward blasting him out my window. "Oh! Sorry!" I yelled hoping he was okay. Air smacked my face to see a shocked Edward. "That was different. We'll tell Carlisle....for now you need to get changed for your party." Edward said leaving.

° ° ° ° °

I took a quick shower and went back to my room. I got changed into a white wife beater and tight white leather pants with white boots and a tight leather jacket with a white furred hoodie collar. Is Alice trying to make me look like an anorexic polar bear?

I hurried downstairs leaping the last step and I realized I had jumped across the room. The changes did a number on me...I didn't hear footsteps behind me as someone put a blindfold over my eyes. "Okay...just hold my hand." It was Jasper. "Lead the way." I said smiling....butterflies appearing in my stomach....I loved parties. He led me quite a distance, I could feel the moist air outside, the blind fold was taken off. The first thing I saw were bright clear lights wrapped around the whole set up. It was amazing... the table filled with food and guests all smiling and joking together. "Welcome to the family, Justice Cullen." Carlisle said as he showed me a copy of paper that showed my name change. He gave me a hug and Esme did the same. "Welcome my son." She said giving me a hug. They placed a platinum bracelet with the Cullen crest on it.

"Our turn!" Rosealie said with Emmett folowing. They handed me a box, "Open it!" Everyone cheered. It held an amazing necklace, with a multicolored stone in the shape of the sun. Green, red, and purple, with a smig of blue on the middle. "Put it on!" Rosealie said cheerfully, as I lifted my hair and Emmett put it on me. Then presented me with a ring. It held a large stone the same color. "Perfect fit." He said as he slid it on my finger. "Welcome to the family little brother." They said, Rosealie offered a simple hug before I was enveloped in a bear hug of epic proportions by Emmett.

"Our turn!" Jasper said with a sly grin. "It's in the front." Alice cheered as everyone ran to the front quickly. A silver 2012 Lotus Elise sat in the driveway. "Wow!" I exclaimed. Touching the car, "This is mine?" I asked, expecting them to say syke...but it never came. "Yeah..." I ran up to them and hugged them. "Thanks." We laughed, "Come along. The party is still to be had." Esme said pulling me along, "Sorry." "No need to apologize to us." She said cheerfully.

As we got back, I saw Edward and Bella coming up to me. I was hugged on both sides, then the gaps were closed by Renesmee and Jacob. I couldn't help but laugh. I felt something placedh in my palm. It was a new cell phone..."Can't be a family without these." Edward joked as I was led to sit down.

After dinner we went to a pond and sat down in the moon light playing music. 6 foot tall lean muscular boy with russet skin and a perfect white smile came up to me. "Hi, I'm....." he started but stopped, as we shook hands sparks could be felt. We looked in eachothers eyes....I just..I couldn't look away. It's like he just became a part of me. We were both blushing and realized we haven't let go of eachother. "Oh dear." I heard turning to a tall russet skinned girl. "Looks like you just found your imprint." She said with a small smirk. We looked at eachother as I also held confusion in my stare...."It's complicated." He said, "I have all the time in the world." I joked.

(That's the next chapter. I hope you like it. If you do then review. Cause If you don't I won't know if I should just stop the story and do some other story. Anyways reach me at Jessiemkay@Yahoo.com)

Next: Chapter 5

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