Everlasting Love

By Alan A.

Published on Apr 24, 2019


Everlasting Love Chapter 14

NOTE: This is the fictional biographic love story as Mitch Humboldt, Macy Strickland and their friends make their way through different stages of their lives. All of the characters in this story are fictional and resemblance to any one person whether dead or alive is purely coincidental. Please, if you liked this chapter, share your feed back; I have a rough mental outline for how this goes but some extra details or inspiration along the way are always welcome. If you are offended by intimate male on male emotional and physical relationships, you really should be asking yourself why you are here in the first place. Lastly, please consider a financial donation to Nifty so they can maintain this awesome website.

The four of us rolled into Delancey's parking lot just before sun up where we met Kieran standing next to his ancient but well-cared for Toyota Tacoma pick-up with my longboard rental and a shorter surfboard resting over the edge of the padded tailgate. After ditching my board shorts I grabbed my rental wetsuit and worked it up just past my square cut speedo. I'm pretty sure I heard Logan verbalize something complimentary about my junk bump as the neoprene of the wet suit slid past it before we schlepped up to the beach a few blocks north of our normal 48th Street entry point.

Kieran and I took to the edge of the wet sand where he surveyed the waves, schooling me up on how to read the larger waves and warning me how much rougher and unforgiving they would be today. I turned and Mitch already had his camera out with a zoom lens on it and I tried to act natural and not pose too much before trudging out to waist high water and beginning to paddle out to out to the flat water where the waves were forming just beyond.

We had a few good sets of waves and both of us were both surprised at how well I was doing in the rougher water, popping up onto the longboard more often than not and riding it in to the shallows. Mitch was totally amazed at how well I was doing when Kieran suggested we trade boards. At first I was like cool, the teacher is going to let me use his board before I realized I would be at a disadvantage trying to get up as easy on the shorter board as I did on the more buoyant longboard.

Out we went again with the morning sun rising bright over the horizon for a few more sets. Lucky for me I had the leash cinched around my ankle because it took me about five tries before I finally mastered popping up on the shorter board. And once I did, I was unstoppable; I rode in every wave I could until Kieran motioned me out of the water with Logan taking video and Mitch taking a ton of pictures as I surfed in my last wave of the morning.

"Bolt-man, you are going to have to send me some of those, please bro; I want to put them on my Instagram," Kieran exclaimed before turning to me, "Macy, you are the best student I've had this summer; you're the bomb!"

"Thanks Kieran, I couldn't have done it without a teacher like you," I replied as I started to unzip my wetsuit after shaking hands and fist bumping with Kieran.

"Listen, since we're just a few weeks from Labor Day, Dad and I were going through some of our rental equipment at the store yesterday, kind of seeing what we were going to cycle out at the end of the season and he was asking how my star pupil was doing to which I said most excellent," Kieran started, "then Dad told me to pick a board out for you and give you the wetsuit."

"Really? No way Kieran," I replied.

Kieran nodded, "Yep, that's why I switched up boards on you; I wanted to see if you could handle the smaller one and after a rough start, you owned it. You earned it Macy and as for the wetsuit, you probably pissed in it anyhow so you might as well keep it."

I blushed a bit, "well, you told me to if I had to go; so I went."

Logan tapped at his Fossil watch, "are we still getting some breakfast, some of us do have to work for a living you know."

Just before 9:00 am we walked into Bayside Skillet just up the street from Delancey's and chowed down on some carbohydrates to get our day going. Logan was showing and sending the videos he took of us surfing. Mitch not so much; the big Nikon was not to be glommed up by everybody's fingers tainted with the imitation-artificial-maple-flavored high-fructose corn syrup based pancake topping so we would have to wait until he downloaded them and emailed them to each of us later.

We strolled back over to Delancey's, Kieran inviting us in just as the store opened up for another day of retail. Mitch and Logan looked around while I bought a couple of long and short sleeve tee shirts to proclaim my new status as a surfer and provide some free advertising for the iconic Ocean City surf shop before we all said our good byes to Kieran. I promised Kieran to come back for a little more surfing before the season ended for good around Veteran's Day.

Luckily, the Volvo had a split rear fold down seat and we were able to get all of us and the surfboard in easily with my damp wetsuit on top of it. Mitch drove north, back to Rehoboth and over to Baltimore Avenue to drop Logan off at Beach Essentials just in time for the start of his shift and then we headed home to School Street to begin cleaning up the house so it would pass Mitch's father's inspection when his parents would come down for a long weekend after Labor Day.

Back at the beach house, I pulled the suit and board out of the car and hosed the salt water off of each like we did every morning at Delancey's after my lesson. Mitch came back outside with a couple of rolled up towels, Shelby right behind him stopping to sniff the board and wetsuit that were now drying next to the exterior shower stall.

Mitch ditched his own board shorts and tee shirt, standing naked in the morning sun of the backyard before coming into the shower. I was right behind him, my board shorts and speedo not far from his as the water began to spray on us.

"I wanted you so bad the last few nights," Mitch pined, "but we had company and I didn't want to make too much noise."

I smiled as I soaped him up, I loved soaping up his pecs, they looked so damn perfect as I reached up on my toes and planted a long kiss forcefully into his mouth. I rinsed under my own shower head for an extra minute before Mitch reached over and started soaping up my glutes and crack making me moan.

Turning, I offered them to him, feeling the front of his body against the back of mine before he suggested, "Stand, stand on the bench."

My eyebrows scrunch up when I don't understand something and I felt them do it at just that moment but I complied and Mitch sat on the bench next to my feet and turned his face, now even with my hard-on. My eyebrows unscrunched as he took me in as far as he could and held it, his eyes looking up at me, almost tearing.

I ran my fingers through his hair and smiled, "it's kind of unfair, little compact swim dude like me with a big fat cock compared to a big jock like you has."

He tried to smile and spit my cock out instead and gasped, "it's so fucking hot Mace, so fucking hot!"

I slapped my fatness on his face as he looked at it and looked at me and looked back at it, "fuck my face Macy."

"Yeah?" I asked him as I stroked myself a few times and slapped his cheeks some more, "are you sure?"

Mitch nodded almost solemnly, "do it, be as rough as you want."

Mitch and I would both be lying if I said we didn't watch any online porn and we had traded dozens of links back and forth about content we both found to be inspirational and perhaps some things we were willing to try and this had been one of those topics.

I tried to be as serious as I could and commanded, "open."

Mitch complied and I went in as deep as I could, until I could feel him exhaling through his nose onto the base of my shaft. I held it there, running my fingers through his hair and then clasping both hands on the back of his head, drawing his nose into the few remaining hairs of my trimmed bush. I held him there until I felt his strong arms trying to push me away and I relaxed, my cock almost out of his mouth as he looked up at me with teary eyes.

He nodded and I kept going, just one hand on on the back of his head and my hips thrusting just like I was doing some butterfly, getting into a regular smooth swimming-like rhythm, his drool leaking out of the corners of his mouth and down his chin and neck as I smiled, "do you like being used by your boyfriend?"

He nodded yes.

"I am your boyfriend, right?" I challenged him, going a little deeper and holding it as I waited his new response.

His gurgling, gagging and another nod indicated yes again.

I smiled, "you're so fuckin' sexy" as my hips went back into butterfly ramming my shaft into his mouth as my hand kept his head steady.

Out of the corner of my eye I could see his left hand reaching for his dick and I carefully moved my right foot over his junk, "My cock Mitch, your boyfriend's cock is the most important cock right now."

His groan was audible and then I fucked his face a little faster, punching my chubby dick down his throat, feeling him trying to move air any way he could. In fact, I'm pretty sure he even tried to breathe through his ears. I smiled at him, pulled my slick shaft out and let my cock swing in front of his face as he panted, his hot pecs heaving and abs creasing with each breath he took.

I leaned in and kissed him, tasting the mix of my pre and his saliva and feeling his big tongue paint it inside my own mouth. As the kiss I broke I said to him, "you look so hot, I want to make love to you."

He smiled and nodded to the rolled towels, "I brought the lube out."

While Mitch unrolled one of the towels and placed it on the bench I reached up and shut off the water just before he tossed me the lube. I began slathering it on my saliva-glazed cock and then a big smear on his pucker as we tried to figure the best position which was always a challenge due to our height difference any time we moved beyond one of us being horizontal.

Finally we ended up in this sort of hybrid position, Mitch had his left knee up on the bench and his right foot planted on the shower floor with his left upper body against the shower wall allowing me to enter almost at the height of his hole. "Go easy Macy, just go easy, my butt isn't as big as my mouth," he pleaded.

I gave his right butt cheek a playful slap and then slapped my dick on his crack a few times before another spray of lube and then began nudging my cock head inside of him. I felt his ring grip me and then waited for it to relax and pushed in again. I waited for a of his few breaths before pushing into him another inch before waiting a few more breaths until I was all the way in, my trimmed up bush right against his outer ring

"Just hold it there a minute baby, just a minute," he whispered, "I'll let you know when."

"I know babe, I rubbed my hands on his lats, his shoulders, his neck and then down his arms as far as I could reach, helping to dispel the sensations my fatness brings when I put it inside of his innermost intimate tightness. It didn't take me long to learn to wait for him to begin working his hips as my cue to start fucking.

Mitch just groaned as I worked in and out of him at a steady pace, squirting lube on my shaft on each out stroke from his ass until it was sufficiently slick and spread inside of him. It made me smile to watch him horizontally brace his long strong arms on one of the 4" x 4" pressure-treated lumber posts of the shower stall to steady himself and then begin to push his own hips back in synch to meet my forward thrusts until there was just the sound of a steady whap whap whap whap whap of fuck coming from the stall along with our kisses, grunts and groans.

As he relaxed and pulled away I knew he wanted to swap positions but was unsure what he had in mind. My hard-on sagged out of him as he turned to face me and braced his back against the 1" x 6" pressure-treated boards of the shower stall. Then, with a reversed grip, Mitch grabbed the top edge of the wall with his hands to pull his lower body up, so his legs were slightly above parallel to the ground. It took a few seconds for it to click in my head what he wanted before I stepped in applying more lube and aligning my shaft with his hole and locking in to him before I felt the backs of his hairy quads on my smooth abs and pecs, his knees bent over my shoulders as I carefully began thrusting again.

"You are so hot, I feel so lucky that we are together," I said with a huge smile.

It was easy to tell he was straining as he screwed on a smile, I could see his arm muscles trembling to hold the position before he panted out, "hurry Macy, I can't hold this position forever!"

I gave a few more thrusts but I wasn't there yet and I could see the desperation in his eyes as I backed away and let his legs come off of me until his feet touched the wooden decking in the shower stall. I fell to my knees and began sucking him and immediately rammed two fingers from my left hand back into his lube slicked hole as I felt his large strong left hand clamp around the back of my head and the initial thrust of his shaft as far down mt throat as it could go.

Mitch lifted his right foot up onto the bench giving me more access to his hole so I could digitize his prostate with my fingers as I tried to look up at him, as I tried to smile at him, as I tried to swallow him as deep as I could while my right hand caressed his his left leg from the ankle up to his glute and my right fingers took the place of my left fingers inside of him.

One look at Mitch and I could tell with his eyes almost closed that he was in his happy place as my left hand went down and began to stroke my own cock. His eyes reopened as he began fucking down my throat even more forcefully, almost to the point of making me gag and cough until he just pulled it out with his right hand and jacked it a few more times, my mouth hungrily open for his semen. Big huge loads of Mitch cum shot into my mouth and onto my cheek and lips. I could smell his potent semen with its almost bleachy scent as I licked and swallowed it while I stroked up and down faster until I looked up into his eyes and said, "I love you" as I erupted next to the drain.

"I know Macy, you are my boyfriend," Mitch replied, "and I want you to know I love you too, no matter what, I will always love you."

Next: Chapter 15

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