Everlasting Love

By Alan A.

Published on Feb 11, 2019


Everlasting Love Chapter 9

NOTE: This is a fictional, biographic love story as Macy Strickland, his family and friends navigate their way through different stages of their lives. All of the characters in this story are purely fictional and resemblance to any one person whether dead or alive is purely coincidental. If you liked this chapter, please send me some feed back; I have a rough mental outline for how this goes but some extra details or inspiration along the way are always welcome. If you are offended by intimate male on male emotional and physical relationships, you should be questioning yourself why you are here in the first place. As always, please consider making a donation to Nifty to maintain this website.

So here's a surprise: Once word got out about the door sill rescue brace we built for Lutherville, other fire companies that had automobile extrication equipment on their apparatus wanted a pair too. It wasn't Cal's way of doing business; he ran a "make one or two of these things and then move on to the next project" kind of shop but considering their value and what our family had endured, I was tasked with building them for most of the rest of the summer which worked out well for me. I could easily build a pair each week, working on them in the morning and the afternoon was kind of "my time" unless Lonnie or somebody else needed help with their own projects.

And "my time" in the shop meant one thing; going next door to Hallmark Restorations and tearing apart the Land Rover bolt by bolt. By the middle of July, the insides were systematically gutted of everything from seats and center console to the entire dash itself. On the exterior, the roof and doors were removed along with the body tub and sanded down to bare metal. Luckily, the frame itself was in great shape for its age and all that it had been through in the 20 plus years since she landed on this side of the pond from Mother England. And for as much as Arnie Hall preached that he wasn't going to get too invested in this project, well, he couldn't resist. Arnie jumped in more as a mentor, showing me how to check the wiring, how to replace the fuel lines and helping Cal and I when it was time to set the diesel engine.

Fear not, Mitch was never too far away and I was becoming more enthralled with everything he did and how he did it. I know I've created this illusion of some sort of uber-lacrosse-jock-macho-firefighter-Ashton-Kutcher Superman but Mitch also has this beautiful natural, artistic and romantic side to him which I found out about when his parent's gave us their blessing to go alone to the family-owned house in Rehoboth Beach, Delaware.

My parents' idea of a family vacation was to go to some place like New York City and see a show, visit the Statue of Liberty and all the other touristy stuff but Mitch was a beach dude so this was going to be a whole new experience for me. Mitch drove us in the Volvo, over the Chesapeake Bay Bridge and then made the left onto 404 before taking a turn off through some back roads and popping out on Route 1 in Delaware before his conversational voice took on a serious tone to ask, "why do you call your grandparents Rita and Cal?"

I pondered my response for a minute, debating something sarcastic like, "cause that's their names?" but went with the main reason, "we talked about it after the accident and came to the conclusion that they weren't my parents so Mom and Dad were out. And they really didn't want the constant reminder that they were no longer parents so Grammy and Pop-Pop were out which left Cal and Rita as the viable alternative."

"I figured it was something along those lines. I like them a lot, so do my parents and my sister. Your grandfather is a trip, he can be so intense but when he lets go, look out," Mitch reflected, "and my mom is still raving about the whole Italian Sunday supper that we had before this trip."

"Rita does miss doing the big Sunday supper like her family used to do back in Italy," I said with reflection on the dinner, "she went all out, soup, pasta, main course, dessert; I thought your sister, Madeline, was going to explode if she had to eat anymore."

"She's going to be just like Mom, pretty cheerleader girl snagging the star football player," Mitch said as we approached Lewes and he pointed out a large athletic facility with well-groomed playing fields along Route 1, "played quite a few lacrosse games over there."

"Any chance you will get a lacrosse scholarship?" I asked as the traffic lights starting getting closer together and the traffic slowed as we approached the beach town.

"I don't know, I've done all the right things, all-Metro lacrosse, tried to play all the positions, been a varsity starter, gone to the better lacrosse camps, hopefully somebody noticed," he said with a bit of resignation, "I might also qualify for a couple through the fire company but I have to complete my training first."

"I hope you get one of each," I said, "you work so hard."

"Well, the big thing is I want to go to Maryland, they have the only engineering program in the United States geared for fire protection," Mitch said, is voice swelling with hope before emphasizing, "a real engineering degree, not just a fire science degree."

"Oh yeah? I didn't realize there was any such program," I said, "you want that really bad don't you?"

"About as bad as I want you," he said, his voice pegging in confidence as we pulled up to the Craftsman-styled beach bungalow across from an elementary school, "this is it, we're here!"

Shelby was glad to be out of the back of the Volvo; we had to bring her, it was one of Cal and Rita's requirements since they were going to go to Italy for two weeks to visit Rita's family and they didn't want to board the dog. It wasn't long before she was sniffing every blade of grass, plant, bush and tree before she decided she wanted to come inside with us.

"This is one of Dad's latest projects," Mitch began explaining as he lowered the thermostat to get the air conditioning to cycle on, "after my grandfather died my grandmother didn't like coming here anymore so my dad and his brother, with my grandmother's permission, decided to fix it up. Mom did her thing, picking most of the exterior finishes doing the interior design is her handiwork while Dad and Uncle Tom did the heavy lifting; took just about a whole summer."

"It's beautiful," I exclaimed, loving the very cool modern kitchen with all the stainless steel appliances.

Mitch reached in the fridge, fished out two bottles of Samuel Adams left over from a previous family visit and nervously handed me one, "to you Macy!"

"To us, Mitch, to us," I said, then asked, "you okay?"

The proverbial Mitch shoulder shrug, "If I said yes I'd be lying...." his voice trailed.

"What's wrong?" I asked, trying to find a bowl for Shelby to have some water.

"In case you haven't noticed it yet, I'm in love with you," he half blurted out, then kind of correcting himself, "I mean, I love you Macy."

I started to respond but he kept going, "this summer has been the best, I found you, I found that one somebody I can relate to, that one somebody who will understand me and accept me the way I am."

I smiled at his words as he kept going, "I know my parents talked about this and they approve of this, of us and that your grandparents are okay with you being here alone with me, and now, finally, it's just us."

Swallowing a gulp of beer, I replied, "I know, I'm looking forward to just us without Cal flicking the light switch at the top of the basement steps or without one of us having to go home at a certain time."

Once Shelby sniffed every room and corner inside, she plopped herself down on the cool ceramic tile floor in the kitchen while Mitch grabbed his bag and I followed with my own to the west side of the house where a pair of bedrooms shared a common bathroom. "This one is usually mine when we're here," Mitch said with the usual nod of his head to a room with a queen-sized bed in it.

He was so damn sexy right there, just a half rumpled grey Warrior Lacrosse tee shirt, some jeans and his big beautiful feet in some flip-flops as I drank in the vision of him again. A distant rumble of thunder reminded us that the storm clouds had followed us from Maryland into Delaware. Some how, no words were needed as I turned to him and stood on my toes a bit to kiss him powerfully on his lips; launching my tongue into his mouth, making it swim against the current of his tongue diving into my mouth.We half fell and half rolled onto the bed, both of us trying to pull the covers down and each other's clothes off as the line of storms grew stronger as they approached.

We had advanced from grinding against each other to blow jobs in the Strickland basement but now I sensed we were both ready to go further this afternoon; after all it was finally our time to be alone and together. I was glad when Mitch finally stood up from the bed, grabbed his toiletry kit from his larger bag and turned to me and said, "just wait a minute, okay?"

"Of course," I said, not thinking it was possible but my tongue was actually enjoying the short break from all the motions it had gone through during our extended make out session as I watched his hot peachy ass walk towards the bathroom.

Under Mitch's control rather than the storm's; the lights went out and I could hear the water flowing followed by some clicking sounds which were obviously from a lighter as candlelight began to flicker in the darkened space before he returned, his semi-hard cock jutting out in front of him, "join me, please?" he asked, his left hand extended to grip my right.

"With pleasure," I said as he led me into the extra large bathroom with a giant soaking tub, a few white pillar candles lit around its perimeter.

I tested the water with my hand just like he did and we both entered slowly, facing each other, our legs entwining with each others before he reminded me, "I know neither of us have done this and, well, I'm ready if you are."

I leaned in towards Mitch, gave him another kiss, "I want to also, I'm ready, Mitch."

Carefully I turned 180 degrees, my back to his chest and backed up, feeling his hard-on against my lower back as I felt his strong hands begin to soap up my pecs. There were more kisses as he washed down to my abs and then to my own fat erectness, my cock head bobbing just a bit above the water line as he jacked me for a few pleasurable strokes. On his cue, I stood and leaned forward, feeling the water rush off the curve of my glutes, feeling Mitch soap them up and then washing my crack before I turned, my engorged hard-on even with his lips.

Mitch leaned forward and took me into his mouth as I steadied myself with my left hand on the tiles above the tub while I cupped the back of his head in my right hand, gently tilting it up so I could look into his big beautiful lusty green eyes. It was so hot, so erotic seeing this larger than life athlete taking my big dick so willingly and hungrily into his mouth as I asked, "so who is going to be on the bottom first?"

Mitch unmouthed my cock, "me."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

He smiled, nodded, "yes, I've been thinking about this for a long time now and I know it's not going to be easy this first time but I want to give it a try."

"I know, we just have to go slow," I said, motioning for him to turn, "I promise not to ram it in.

I found the bar of soap and lathered up his ass and crack, "we've talked about this enough, we're both virgins so we should be able to go forward without any condoms if you want."

"Do you want that?" he asked as I began to rinse his butt and crack.

"Yes," I said with hushed excitement as I kissed each perfectly formed glute and then the top of his crack.

I swear I felt a shiver travel down his spine to my lips before I reached for the towels and began to blot him off while he used the big toe on his left foot to open the drain. I quickly dried myself while Mitch fished the tube of lube out of his toiletry kit and carried two of the pillar candles to the nightstand next to the bed. The wind-driven rain pelted kind of loudly against the aluminum siding on the beach cottage as we both slid back into the bed and I imposed my weight on top of Mitch.

My lips returned to that spot on his neck just under his ear that drove him crazy, a mix of sensual and ticklish before moving further down his neck to his defined right pec with just a dusting of hair on it. I sucked on its nipple while I felt Mitch's fingers rake through my half damp hair before moving south, kissing each crease of the muscles that made up his sexy six pack before I kissed around his dick and swallowed it whole one more time.

Mitch was squirming and moaning and I loved making him do that, the more he moaned, the more he squirmed the more I wanted to make him squirm and moan. I slid my hands over his quads and then under the back of knees to his hamstrings and pushed enough to arch his ass off the mattress. Mitch spread his legs a bit and tucked his knees until they almost touched his chest and I licked his jock crack until I found the smooth bumpiness of his hole.

"Jesus Macy!" he exclaimed the first time my tongue swirled around it and I was inspired.

My tongue found a new part of Mitch to make out with; I did everything to that dime-sized spot of his anatomy I could with my tongue, even making tongue strokes that spelled out M-A-C-Y-L-O-V-E-S-M-I-T-C-H before I reached for the lube and began to apply it generously around his pucker, using my left index finger to start working it inside his most intimate tightness. I only stopped putting lube on him and my cock when I realized more was getting on the sheets than on either of us.

That was my cue to kneel as close to him as I could, to align my shaft with his pucker. I waited for his nod and then pushed my head in with just enough force to overpower the pucker factor and waited. Mitch's eyes said enough, that it was unpleasant and I considered withdrawing but he shook his head no, his right hand firmly gripping my left wrist until his eyes opened again and then nodding in the affirmative.

Mitch panted, "slow Macy, slow."

I waited, trying to read his body, watching his abs as he exhaled, just enough relaxation for me to inch forward inside of him. He wanted this, we wanted this and there was no point not trying to go forward. Once I was about halfway he panted out, "go for it."

I pushed a little harder and deeper, going forward, not inching backwards at all even though his eyes were squeezed shut again; I held my position until they opened, until he smiled and said, "keep going, Macy, keep going."

One more push and I felt my trimmed swimmer bush against his crack and then I just stopped, I just rested there, both of us trying to get in sync with the moment, "you okay?" I asked buried into him as far as I could go.

Smiling from ear to ear, "very okay, I love you Macy, I want this to last forever"

I let my cock slide out of Mitch's ass about halfway and doused it with more lube before I pushed back in, feeling my re-entry go much easier. I repeated a few more times until I was easily sliding in and out the full length of my shaft, keeping my cockhead in just enough so I wouldn't have to break the plane of Mitch's pucker again.

Before long we were fucking like animals: sweating, kissing, thrusting and repositioning. Mitch seemed to like it best on his back with his ass just off the edge of the bed with me standing on the floor using the full thrust of my hips to rail into him the full length of my dick. Whatever position we moved into, I made sure I was applying plenty of lube before the thrusting began again.

One position Mitch was not fond of was him flat on the bed chest down and me flat on top of him, he said that position hurt so we went more for him on his knees, ass arched up and shoulders to the mattress. He had his head turned toward the dresser and said to me, "look at us, look at us in the mirror, it's so hot, Macy, watching you make love to me."

"I love you too but I can't hold out much longer," I said, giving his right glute a playful spank which made him moan pleasurably.

"Oh, did you like that?" I asked with a snarky smile on my face visible in the mirror. With a scrunched up face, he nodded and said, "yes, but I want to see you, I want to see you over me making love until we cum."

I pulled out again and found the lube as Mitch flipped on to his back and scooted his butt cheeks off the edge of the bed again, tucking his knees until they almost touched his pecs as I stood there and with a generous squirt of lube, I pushed back into his hole and began to fuck him hard. I held his hairy ankles just above and away from my shoulders and railed him, watching his abs flex as my dick rammed inside of him while Mitch pawed at his own dick.

Clear pre leaked from his slit like it was flowing, almost pissing out and he began stroking his long dick, long like his lacrosse stick, long like his legs, long like his arms and long like his fingers; up and down with his left hand while he cocked his right hand behind his head, exposing his slightly hairy pit. I kissed his lips and then licked into that exposed pit and the taste of Mitch Humboldt-scented pheromones being released was enough to take me to the edge of my limits.

Somewhere inside of me I found a little more strength, a little more power and a little more speed and drilled inside of Mitch enough for him to shout out, "oh fuck yes Macy, yes, fuck yes!" I locked inside of him, feeling his insides clench and spasm around me for the first time, making me lose control of my own self, "I'm cummin' Mitch, I'm cummin' so hard right now!" as I tensed up, pulling his hamstrings tight against my chest and abs while I spasmed my first load into Mitch's inner most tightness.

Between our bodies I could see Mitch jerking his cock and his hot cum began jetting out of his engorged dick, shooting up on his abs, up on his pecs and then up to the bottom of his neck. I smiled, watching him, carefully keeping myself impaled inside of him but still amazed at how he reacted, how he shook, how he trembled and how he spasmed. It was a sight that will be etched in my memory forever.

I let my fingers reach out to comfort him, to touch him, "I love you Mitch," I said as I caressed him, as we both savored our post-orgasmic bliss, "I'm going to love you for a very long time."

We both relaxed just enough before Mitch's insides pushed me out like they were repelling an enemy invader. Half pushing, half turning him, I got Mitch back past the center of the bed enough and planted a few more kisses on his lips before telling him, "there's something else I want."

"Oh, what's that?" Mitch demanded to know.

I rolled on to my right side just as he was, lined the backs of my knees with his knee caps and pushed my back against his chest, "hold me."

I trembled a bit in joy as I felt his left arm reach over me, drawing me snugly against his warm sweaty skin without forcing me too tightly as the storm moved on and I let myself peacefully fall asleep, our breathing and our lives in sync.

Next: Chapter 10

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