Every Book Has a Story

By Vex Garnet

Published on Jan 9, 2010


So I was feeling for a little more drama for this chapter. I'm hoping to get some emails about this chapter and the previous chapter. Enjoy!

Chapter Three: Emergency

[Justin is in the car with his closest cousin, Jay. Jay is trying to cheer up his cousin so the best way he knows to cheer him up is going shopping.]

Justin: So where are we going exactly?

Jay: Dude I told you, I am taking you to the mall.

Justin: Great just what I need. A reason to empty my wallet in one day.

[Jay pulls into the mall and finds a parking spot. He parks it and turns off the car.]

Jay: [Puts hand on Justin's left shoulder] Hey, cheer up. You're here in Vegas now. You have family.

Justin: [Gets out the car and sighs] I know, I know. This is supposed to be the happy-welcome-back thing but really all I can think about is Mike.

Jay: [Gets out the car and locks the car] Justin, he's dick and you don't need a dick.

Justin: If you haven't noticed, I am gay for a reason.

Jay: You know what I mean. He's a dumbass for breaking your heart and if I ever see him I will kick his ass.

Justin: Cool it sparky. I know you have my back, you always have, even when we were kids you had my back.

Jay: That's what family's for.

Justin: But what if it's a civil war between family? Who would side with?

Jay: You.

[Jay and Justin walk around inside the mall.]

Justin: Why pick me?

Jay: Because you've always been the most logical person in the family.

Justin: And the outcast.

Jay: True.

Justin: I'm like the Lady Gaga of our family.

Jay: You're a hermaphrodite?

Justin: [Glares at Jay] No. But I'm apparently the most weirdest person in the family. Which makes me the most normal person in the family.

Jay: [Chuckles] Anyway, where do you wanna go?

Justin: Uh...let's go to GameStop. I'm in the mood for a new videogame, particularly something gory and bloody.

Jay: [Chuckles] Ha ha, okay let's go.

Justin: Lead the way.

[Jay and Justin walk around the mall and finally arrive at GameStop. Jay walked to the PS3 section while Justin walked around the entire store since he and his little brother owned every system. Then Justin walked towards the Xbox 360 section and crouched down looking for a particular game, Mass Effect. A sales associate walks to Justin and greets him.]

Sales Associate: Hey, welcome to GameStop. Is there anything I can help you with?

[Justin turns around not looking at the sales associate and asks him a question.]

Justin: As a matter of fact, do you guys have Mass Effect? I know it's a pretty old game but I haven't finished the Paragon section.

Sales Associate: [Laughs] Justin, I can help you a lot more if you just look at me.

[Justin looks up and notices he was talking to Art.]

Justin: Art? You work here?

Art: [Smiles] Yeah, is that a problem?

Justin: No, I'm sorry. I just didn't expect to see you again.

Art: Vegas isn't that big of a city.

Justin: It's bigger than the city I lived in Missouri.

Art: Probably. So you want me to look for Mass Effect.

Justin: Uh no it-it's fine. Y-You don't--

Art: It's fine, Justin. I work here, that's what I do.

Justin: I know, it's just awkward.

Art: Don't worry about it. [Looks at the rack and grabs out a used Mass Effect cover] Let me check if we actually have one that's new. I don't trust used games.

Justin: It's fine, really. I have an Edge card.

Art: You do know that's a waste money right?

Justin: Yeah, but I get a subscription to Gameinformer.

Art: [Smiles and pinches Justin's cheek] You really are a cute kid.

Justin: [Blushes]

Art: I'm just going to go check for your game now. [Walks to the counter]

[Jay walks over to Justin.]

Jay: So it seems like you and Art are hitting it off.

Justin: It's nothing like that. [Pauses] Did you know that he works here?

Jay: Maybe.

Justin: [Slaps Jay's arm] What the fuck Jay?

Jay: I see the old Justin's back. So my plan is working.

Justin: No, it is not working. Because there is nothing between me and Art.

Jay: It's Art and I, you should know that. So it really is working. I'll leave you two to flirt more. [Walks away]

Justin: Jay!

Art: [Taps Justin's shoulder] I know it's none of my business but that was a very heated conversation.

Justin: You heard...what we were talking about?

Art: [Smiles] I heard enough.

Justin: Like what?

Art: [Smiles] Just forget about it. I found a new Mass Effect game and I'll give it to you at the used price.

Justin: Thanks but what's the catch?

Art: I give you my discount price and you get me a date with you.

Justin: What?

Art: I can't really talk about my personal life at work. But I get off in an hour, we can talk then.

Justin: You're a-asking me out? I thought you were straight though.

Art: And you were talking shit about my gaydar? [Gives Justin the game] Here, have the game for free.

Justin: I-I can't take that. I have to pay something.

Art: Don't worry about it. [Smiles] I'll see you in an hour? Outside this store okay?

Justin: Uh...y-yeah. Okay.

Art: [Kisses Justin on the cheek] You're so cute when your nervous.

Justin: I-I'm not nervous.

Art: Right. See you later, cutie. [Walks back to the counter]

[Jay walks back to Justin and they walk out the store.]

Jay: So how'd it go?

Justin: He asked me out. He told me to meet him here in an hour.

Jay: Seriously? Awesome! I knew if I brought you here, he'd ask you out or something.

Justin: You knew he liked guys? Why didn't you tell me? I looked like an idiot when I told him I thought he was straight.

Jay: You thought he was straight? Well I thought he was too when I first met him but wow.

Justin: He gave me a game for free too.

Jay: Cool, what game?

Justin: Mass Effect.

Jay: I thought you beat that game already.

Justin: I did, but I didn't finish the good side yet.

Jay: Wow you would do the bad side first.

Justin: What's that supposed to mean?

Jay: Nothing.

Justin: Oh okay.

Jay: Anyway, is there any other place you want to go to?

Justin: Uh...I don't really remember any of the stores here. Um is F.Y.E still in business?

Jay: Yeah. You wanna go there?

Justin: Sure, I could use some new headphones.

[Jay and Justin walk around the mall again and end up at F.Y.E. As they both walk in, they are greeted by an old friend.]

Jay: Hey, what's up Andy!

Andy: Hey! I didn't know you were coming here today. You should have texted me. [Looks over at Justin] Hey, Justin! Long time no see. What are you doing back here in Vegas?

Jay: He just came back yesterday. There was a party for him last night. I texted you about that.

Andy: Seriously?! Shit, my phone was fucking up yesterday. I never got your text. Where do you live now?

Justin: Um. [Thinks]

Jay: He lives a few blocks away from you. Maybe a few blocks away.

Andy: Whoa! Are you my stalker now, Justin?

Justin: What? No!

[Here's a little background information on Andy. Justin met Andy about a year ago when he came back to Vegas for summer vacation. Ironically, it was in an F.Y.E store but in a different mall. Immediately, when Andy introduced himself to Justin, Justin developed a petty crush on Andy (By the way, it was the first time Justin liked someone who was the same race that he was since he usually fell for other races and never Asian). But after they hung out a little bit more over summer break, his petty crush became a little more intense. Justin wanted to tell him but Jay warned him that Andy's best friend liked Andy too and even told him but Andy told him that they were only friends. So if Justin told Andy about how he felt, Andy may not speak to Justin again since they weren't really that close. Ever since then Justin has kept his feelings a secret about Andy but not very well. Justin makes his feelings obvious to Andy by treating his feeling like they were little kids where a little boy would push the little girl around or the little girl would tease the little boy around. Unbeknownst to Justin though, Andy knew about Justin's feelings for him. He knew ever since he caught Justin starring at him at a party. Andy thought it was a bit too awkward at first but after a while he was fine with it. Andy tells everyone that he's straight but honestly he doesn't know for sure, he's just too scared to try anything with a guy but he does in fact care for Justin even though he's like Justin, acting like a little boy or girl.]

Andy: Right.

Justin: Shut up, you fat ass. You know for a metro, I'd think you'd know how to style a Mohawk but apparently I was wrong.

Andy: I can't have a Mohawk during work. It's not professional.

Justin: Then don't have one in the first place.

Andy: [Sticks out his tongue at Justin] Anyway, is there anything you guys need?

Justin: No, we were just looking around.

Jay: Actually, Justin was looking for some headphones.

Andy: Oh let me hook you up. Is there any specific kind you want?

Justin: Look I don't want your free shit.

Andy: Free? Whoever said I was going to give you anything for free? I said I'd hook you up but I wasn't going to give it to you just for free. I'll give you a discount but it's nowhere to free. What made you think I'd give you it for free.

Jay: Art gave him a free game.

Andy: What?! I went in there today to get a game earlier and he didn't even give me a discount.

Jay and Justin: Maybe you should come out of the closet.

Andy: I'm not gay.

Justin: You sure do look like one.

Jay: And act like one.

Andy: Well I'm not. So Art gave you a discount because you two are gay?

Jay: Nope, because he thinks Justin here is cute and they're going on a date in half an hour.

Justin: That much time has passed already?

Andy: Y-You're going out with Art?

Justin: Uh yeah. Is that a problem?

Andy: [Defensive] Uh no. I don't even know why you have to ask me.

Justin: You stuttered.

Andy: No I didn't.

Justin: You did when you asked if I was going out on a date with Art.

Andy: [Ignores Justin and looks at Jay]

Justin: Andy, do you not want me to go out with Art?

Andy: No, I was just wondering. I told you I'm not gay.

Justin: I heard you the first time, Andy. Do you like guys?

Andy: [Defensive] I-I don't--no! I just don't trust Art. He's too old for you.

Justin: I know he's ten years older than me but--

Andy: But nothing. Justin, he's too old for you.

Justin: Thanks dad. Thanks for your opinion.

Andy: I'm just saying okay. Reconsider.

Justin: Reconsider what, Andy? I just broke up with my one year boyfriend. Maybe I'm just going out with Art because he makes me feel better so I'm not depressed anymore or maybe I'm just looking to get laid or maybe--maybe I don't know. But you have no right to tell me what to do with my relationships. Unless you have a better offer, I'm going out with Art. You know what? You remind so much of him.

Andy: Of who?

Justin: Of Mike, my ex. We're not even dating but you remind me so much of him. You're such an ass!

Jay: Justin, calm down.

Justin: No! I won't calm down. It's people like him that make me so--so crazy that I can't even form my sentences without sprouting more grays. I'm sick of people like him!

Jay: You're just stressed out, calm down.

Justin: No! Fuck this! Fuck you! Fuck Andy! I'm out!

[Justin exits.]

Jay: I'm sorry, Andy. He's not thinking straight today.

Andy: No, it's fine. I shouldn't have said anything in the first place. If I knew that he just broke up with his boyfriend I would have been a little bit more gentle than I was just now.

Jay: But that's just it, Andy. You didn't know. So it's not your fault. I'll go talk to him. I'll see you later.

[Jay exits.]

Andy: Fuck. I'm such a fucking idiot. Justin probably fucking hates me now. Fuck my life.

[Justin power walks around the mall bumping into other shoppers. He walks pass GameStop and Art notices Justin in distress. He asks his manager if he could clock out early and she lets him clock out early. Art follows Justin. Justin walks outside and keeps walking. Suddenly a he hears a car horn, he stops and notices a car speeding close to him. Justin stood there, firmly planting his feet on the ground, waiting for the car to hit him. Just as he thought he was going to die, Art leaped in front of the car and pushed Justin out of the way, saving both him and himself. Art wrapped his arms around Justin as they hit they fell to the ground. Art fell on his back while Justin rested on Art's chest.]

Art: Justin, are you okay?

Justin: Art? I-I--[Tears began to flow down his cheeks] I'm sorry.

Art: No need to cry, you're okay now.

Justin: But you--

Art: What about me? I'm fine.

Justin: You're bleeding. You're heads bleeding.

[Art wiped his right hand on his bald head and put it to his eyes.]

Art: I guess I am.

[Jay enters.]

Jay: Justin! What happened?

Justin: It's all my fault! I'm sorry!

Art: Don't cry, Justin. You're too cute to cry. [Passes out]

Justin: Art? Art? Art! [Looks at Jay] Jay, call 911.

[Andy enters.]

Andy: Justin! [Runs to Justin] Are you okay?

Justin: [Shakes his head and hugs Andy] It's all my fault. I'm sorry for blowing up at you. [Cries]

[Andy notices the unconscious Art.]

Andy: It's going to be alright, Justin. [Rubs his back and the back of his head] Don't cry. He'll be fine.

Next: Chapter 4

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