Every Day I Love You More

By moc.loa@092naelCrM

Published on Feb 22, 2001


Series: Everyday I love you more Title: Everyday I love you

Disclaimer: Much to my dismay, I still don't know them. This is c/o my wonderful imagination. This is boy boy real people love so if you're not into that you don't hafta read it. Thanks!

Feedback is ALWAYS appreciated. Thanks yall! MrClean290@aol.com OR BritsChick1@hotmail.com Note: if the words are not exact, I apologize, I got them off a site. Thanks


I don't know, but I believe,

That some things are meant to be,

And that you'll make a better me,

Everyday I love you.

I never realized a kiss could so powerful. But apparently, it can bring two people together in ways I never believed in. He kissed me. I kissed him. My lips brushed his. His lips captured mine. My tongue found his lips and licked gently. His tongue brushed over my lips and licked the insides of my mouth. It was glorious.

Our hands found each other. Our fingers linked into each other and intertwined. We were one. His arms circled my torso; my hands cupped his face. Our breathing ragged, we broke away. His eyes closed and he licked my taste off his lips. I met his tongue as it snaked out to lick his bottom lip. He sighed into the kiss; his breath breathed life into my lungs and pulled me in closer to his body.

We stop our movements, and just look at each other. His eyes on my face. My eyes on his face. Our eyes locked. I don't think I've ever felt safer, or more wanted, than I do at this moment. I lift my hand to his face, and stroke his cheek. He turns his head into my hand. His hands, his fingers, comb through my hair and massage my scalp. I close my eyes and relish the feeling of his hands on my body.

I never thought that dreams came true,

But you showed me that they do,

You know that I learn something new,

Everyday I love you.

Your hands on my face, your hands on my chest. I sink into the feelings I am having. I sink into you. We stand up and you close my eyes with your fingers. Your hands slide over my shoulders as my shirt falls to the floor. Your finger tips, your knuckles, run down and over my body. I stand still; I breathe ever so slowly. Your hands stop at my waist. You've never done this before. You're nervous, I can tell. I put my hands on yours.

" We don't have to do anything."

" I know. I just want to look at you."

He wants to look at me. I want him to look at me. He slides my sweatpants off my waist and they fall to the floor. I step out of them so that I am clad only in the skin that God gave me. I hear his intake of breath. Suddenly, I feel awkward. What if I am not what he is expecting, what if I am not enough.

" Don't think that."

" Think what?"

" That you aren't beautiful, that you aren't everything I could have ever dreamed of and more."

" Justin?"

" I know you Josh. I know how you furrow your brow when you're confused, or how you get tense when you think its not enough, whatever it is. I know. And I know that you're beautiful, so don't ever think you're not enough."

'Cos I believe that destiny,

Is out of our control,

And you'll never live until you love,

With all your heart and soul.

I smiled through the tears that possess my eyes. How could I have waited so long? I waited because this was our destiny. For us to be standing here, just looking at each other, and soaking up the visions that God has given us.

" What are you thinking about?"

" Everything."

" What's everything?"

I feel him walk around me, his fingers touching places I only dreamed of him touching.

" Everything is...your hugs when I get frustrated, and your laughter when I cry over God knows what. It's believing in me when I don't believe in me. It's holding my hand when I cry at sappy old movies. It's emailing me with a joke or just a hello when we are only two doors away from each other. It's the way you KNOW when to kiss my cheek and say good night. It's the way you have loved me forever but have always maintained to be the best friend I could have ever hoped for. That's what everything is."

Your tears run down my body. Your chin is on my shoulder and your arms wrap around my body, my hands hold yours as they clasp together at my belly.

" Wow."

You turn your head to my cheek and kiss it lightly,

" I love you Joshua."

" I love you Justin."

It's a touch when I feel bad,

It's a smile when I get mad,

All the little things I am,

Everyday I love you.

I pull up my sweat pants and follow you up to the bed. You lie on your back, your head tilted, your eyes closed. You haven't gotten much sleep lately. Then again, neither have I. I place my head on your chest and you wrap an arm around my shoulders.

This is it. This is what has been missing from life. I place a hand on his belly and make circles with my fingers. When I don't hear his laughter from the ticklish sensation I prop up on my elbow and look at him. I expect him to be sleeping. But I look up and come face to face with his baby blues.

" You should try to sleep."

I brush a curl out of his face as I kiss his cheek.

" I know. But I'm scared."

" Of what?"

" That I'll wake up, and this will be all a dream. That I'll wake up and I won't be able to kiss your lips, or hold you close, and I'll have to sleep just to look at your beautiful form."

" Its not a dream baby. Because if it were, how could I be having the same one?"

" I dunno, that happens something you know? People who are always together, they sometimes have the same dreams."

" Well then, if we are having the same dream, then we both can wake up and find each other again."

" When you put it that way..."

I watch his eyes close and his mouth curls into the most adorable smile I think I've ever seen. He curls up on his side and pulls me next to him. My head rests gently in the crook of his elbow and I feel his breath on my neck, and I hear it slow down, I know he's close to sleep.

I slide out of his embrace and kiss his lips before covering his body with the sheet. I walk to the door and turn the knob, ready to go back to my book, knowing that Justin is finally going to get the rest he needs.

" Joshy?"

" Yes?"

" Nothing."

"No, what is it?"

" I just, you look really handsome with the sunlight shining on you like that."

And with that he turned over and fell to sleep. I closed the door lightly and walked back downstairs. I can't imagine a day better than today. I can't imagine a day where I could love him more. But I know that tomorrow I will feel the same.

Everyday I love you more,

Everyday I love you.

I walk back downstairs and lay down on the couch. If it's all a dream, I'm bound to wake up soon. But if it's a dream, I want to do so many more things to remember this! I walk to the table and get out my notebook. The words, the melody, just flow to my fingers and all I can do it write.

"The music flows while Water rushes by Notes sing As the heart plays Stars shine Because tears roll The tune is over Says the mind The song is over But just for now Night departs And morning arrives The flowers work As we lay Forever And then some Years pass As days fly by We are the chords We are the melody Always Without Cease." ( Simple, By Elisheva Averett-Balser)

As I finish writing the last word, I hear the front door open. I shut the book and run to see who it is. In walks Lance with a very pissed looking Lynn behind him. He walks to me and whispers into my ear.

" I tried to stop her. But when Joe told her Justin was sick, she dragged me out of the house and here."

" It's okay."

" How are you two?"

I smile like I've just won a trillion dollars.

" We're in love."

" Joshua! Where is my son?"

" He's upstairs sleeping Mama Lynn."

" Why didn't you call me?"

" I guess it slipped my mind, he just wanted to sleep and talk, so we talked. And he slept."

" And you? Did you sleep at all Joshua?"

" Not so much."

" I can tell. You get your butt up there with Justin and take a nap."

" Mama Lynn, I'm fine."

" You are not fine. You have studio time tonight, you have to be rested."

" Alright, alright, I'm off."

" Sleep tight Joshua."

I walked to the top of the stairs and listened to Mama Lynn and Lance talk.

" Now, Lance, you know you boys are like my sons."


" And so if my children are in trouble, I have to know about it."

" Trouble?"

" What really happened last night?"

'Cos I believe that destiny,

Is out of our control,

And you'll never live until you love,

With all your heart and soul.

" I don't know. Josh said Justin wasn't feeling well, so we all went home."

" And he just voluntarily stayed here all night?"

" They are best friends Mama Lynn."

" Something I wonder."

" Wonder what?"

" If it's something more."

I couldn't bear to listen to the rest of the conversation. I sprint to Justin's room, curl up next to him, and close my eyes. My arm drapes over Justin body and my breathing gets into his rhythm and I feel myself begin to relax.

" Everyday, I love you more Justin, and no one is gonna tell me other wise."

From his sleep, I could have sworn I heard him say ' I know.' But by then, I was almost asleep. I held him tighter as the tears spilled from my eyes at the thought of losing this wonderful day.

If I asked, would you say yes?

Together we're the very best,

I know that I am truly blessed,

Everyday I love you,

And I'll give you my best,

Everyday I love you.

Next: Chapter 5: Song for Mama

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