Every Little Thing You Do

By moc.loa@yliheefenrybzaC

Published on Mar 19, 2001


This is about the Irish pop group Westlife. 100% fiction. Don't read anything into it because it's not true...Just made up. If you're not supposed to be here, please leave, otherwise enjoy Thanks for all the feedback, greatly appreciated

"Alright! Alright!" Kian opened the door to see Shane still knocking on the door, except now he was pummeling on fresh air. Shane pushed past Kian and threw himself on the bed. Kian closed the door and just stared at Shane who was sighing loudly. "Okay. I take it he didn' t want to know" Kian said gently Shane sat up on his elbows and groaned "You could say that. Things have gone from bad to worse. Can I stay here tonight?" "Surely things aren't that bad" He grinned "Please Kian!" His eyes were shimmering with unshed tears. Kian bit his lip and nodded "It's cool, you can stay" Shane let out a deep breath "On one condition" Kian added "Anything Ki. Name it" "I want to know what happened Shane" "Well I best find someplace else cos that's not gonna happen" Shane stood up and walked to the door. "Wait! Shane" He spun round as Kian continued "Wait, Shane. If you really don't want to talk, I won't push it. Just stay okay" Kian rested his hand on Shane's shoulder and Shane just pushed his hand away and spoke softly "I'll stay then" Kian slipped into the bathroom to change for bed. Shane undressed and slid into the double bed. Kian came out in just his boxers, Shane looked at Kian "Am I okay to sleep in here? Maybe I should just sleep on the couch" He started to get out of bed, but Kian held up his hand "Shane. You are not sleeping on the couch, this bed is big enough for 3 people!" Shane smiled and settled down. Kian slid in next to him and Shane felt content, he knew if he was next to Nicky, he'd feel tense...and horny God. What must he think, Shane thought as he drifted off to sleep. Kian glanced at Shane as he fell asleep, First thing tomorrow I'm gonna see what the hell happened, he sighed and fell asleep

Nicky was settled in bed, he kept glancing at the door, wondering when Shane would return. Why did Shane say that. He pondered. Surely he's joking! Shane's not like that ...is he? He sighed loudly and fell asleep

Nicky groaned as his phone jolted him out of his pleasant dream. For once his dreams weren't plagued by visions of losing Georgina. He reached for the phone, a monotonous voice carried across the line. His wake up call. He hung up and sighed "Shane, gotta get up" He rolled over and found Shane's bed empty, not slept in. "Damn! Where is he!" He ran a hand across his brow and plodded into the bathroom, he stripped off and stepped into the shower. As the hot water cascaded over his spent body he moaned softly, tiredness fading as he became revitalised. Ten minutes later he was dry and dressed in black jeans, and a blue shirt to match his eyes. He ordered breakfast for everyone and proceeded to call the rest of the lads. First Mark, which was a struggle to say the least. He let it ring five times "Ugggh.." Mark's typical early morning response "Morning Mark" Nicky sang in a cheery voice, knowing it'd irritate him. "Uggghh! Turn it down!" He mumbled "Turn what down?" "Your cheeriness. Too early for that" "Whatever, breakfasts in 15 minutes..Ahh...Mark?" "What Nix?" "Erm....Is Shane there?" "Huh? Shane? No, why?" Nicky's face fell "Ahh..okay, see you in a bit" He hung up and called Kian and Bryan "Hallo! " Bryan answered "Alright Bry! Brekkies in 15 minutes" "Cool. I'll have a job waking Ki" He giggled "Erm...Bry. Shane's not there is he?" "Well, now you mention it, yeah he is" Nicky's face lit up "He was in bed with Ki when I got back. Must have crashed out" He laughed and Nicky's chest tightened. Why would he stay there, in bed with Kian? He shook his head, gee. I sound jealous. "We'll be over in a bit okay?" Bryan interrupted his thoughts "Ahh okay" He hung up the phone and waited for his friends. The breakfast arrived within 10 minutes. Mark was the first to arrive. Nicky nearly fell over in shock "Am I seeing things? Feehily's the first to arrive!" He pretended to swoon and Mark grinned and poked him in the stomach "Your wit astounds me Byrne, Where do you come up with these witty oneliners" "Well, it's a trade secret!" Nicky was about to close the door when Bryan shoved his foot in the gap "You're eager Bry!" "I'm starving..Where's the food!" Bryan eyed the trolley and piled bacon and eggs onto his plate. Kian and Shane followed Bry. Shane was quiet, Nicky handed him a plate "So where did you go to last night?" Nicky grinned as Shane nibbled on a rasher of bacon "I had to go" " But why? "Nicky. You know why! Or have you forgotten what I told you?" "I haven't forgotten, but don't worry. I knew you were having a laugh, it's cool" "Yeah cool Nic" He muttered and sat down Nicky stared at him as he chewed his breakfast "Shane. What's wrong?" Everyone turned to stare at Shane who turned bright red and hung his head. Kian glared at Nicky "Leave him alone" He said sharply Kian stared until Nicky backed down "Fine. I was just asking" Bryan broke the awkward silence and started chatting about the great time he had with Kerry last night. "So what are we doing today?" Mark asked "Boring photoshoot" Bryan groaned " Ahh....well we've got the rest of the day off" Kian grinned "Wahey!" Everyone yelled. Shane was staring intently at Nicky as he sipped his tea. Nicky caught his eye and smiled, and this brought a rosy colour to Shane's cheeks. This tickled Nicky and he stifled a giggle After breakfast they all set off for the studio. In the limo. Bryan and Mark sat together chatting. Shane was against the window, Kian was whispering to him, with Nicky in the middle, he felt alone and found himself thinking about Georgina, to his surprise he felt a tear trickle down his cheek, he brushed it away and sighed. Kian turned to Nicky and felt pangs of guilt, he rested his hand on Nicky's arm. "You okay?" Nicky looked at Kian and nodded "I'll be fine Ki" Shane looked at Nicky and saw his unhappy face, he forced away a lump in his throat and longed to comfort him. Nicky held Shane's gaze and felt a smile grow. Kian spotted the silent communication and knew that whatever happened, he couldn't just blame Nicky . They were very close and it was obvious nothing could defeat the friendship

The photoshoot dragged on, Shane groaned when he had to hug Nicky, although it was his fave pastime, he felt incredibly tense as Nicky's hand trailed over his shoulder, his stomach tightened as Nicky smiled at him. Wrapping his arm around Nicky's waist, he felt content, but how could something so wrong feel so damn right!

"I need to talk to you Nic" Kian grabbed Nicky's arm when they were back at the hotel "Not now Ki. I need a drink before I do anything" Kian sighed "It's about Shane. I'm worried about him" Nicky perked up at his friend's words "Sure Ki. I'm worried about him too" They reached Nicky's room. Mark Bryan and Shane were at the cinema...Shane couldn't trust himself around Nicky, so he tagged along. After Nicky quenched his thirst, Kian told him his concerns "What went on last night?" "The usual, except.." "What?" Kian's voice wavered "We had an argument!"

"What about?" Kian asked "I found him on the phone to G, trying to get us back together, and I flipped out big style!" "How big?" "Erm...he thought I was gonna hit him" Nicky looked incredibly guilty for Shane to even have that thought "Fuck! What were you thinking!" Kian spat at him "Kian. I said he thought. I never...No matter what happens ...It threw me when he said that" "So you never made amends" "No. we sorted it out, we were fine until I hugged him, you know me I'm affectionate, and it made him uncomfy" "Why? You always hug and stuff . What's changed? Why doesn't he like it?" "Maybe I shouldn't say anymore" He refilled his glass and downed the cool liquor, it warmed his throat. "You can't stop there Nic..Tell me please!" He demanded "No Kian" He sipped his vodka and the ice clinked against the rim of the glass Kian marched over to him and snatched the glass out of his hand, vodka spilled everywhere, all over the desk, on Nicky's shirt. He glared at Kian "What the fuck are you playing at!!" He removed his shirt and went into the bathroom to bathe his chest which was sticky with vodka. He dried his chest and returned to the bedroom, he slipped a tshirt on. Kian looked at him apologetically "I'm sorry Nic. I thought it was empty" "What's gotten into you? You've been grumpy all day.What have I done to you?" "Nothing. It's just that Shane's my oldest friend, and he was really cut up last night, and you obviously upset him!" Nicky stood there in shock "Kian, I love Shane. He's my best mate. I'd never upset him intentionally" "Well. why is he so distant? Tell me. Tell me why he slept in my room" "Fine. Well he told me he liked me been affectionate, more than he should" "You mean he's gay?" He replied "Maybe. He said he wants me. but he was joking" "I doubt he'd joke about that" "That's what I thought but then this morning I told him it was funny and he didn't say he wasn't joking" "Did he say he was joking?" "Nope. Actually he avoided the question" Nicky's eyes grew large "Fuck! He wasn't joking!" "And what do you think? I know you're not gay" "I know I'm not gay but maybe.." "Maybe?!" Kian looked shocked "You knew about Justin right?" "Justin? Your best mate from Dublin" Nicky laughed nervously "If that's what you want to call it" "You're not saying...." Kian gazed at Nicky who had a look of sincerity "You are! You and Justin...how? why?" He rolled his eyes "Because I was attracted to him, yes Kian. I'm bisexual. We split a while before I met G." "Did...Did she know about your lifestyle?" "Lifestyle? I'd hardly call it that. Just cos I like men as well as women and she doesn't know but she's not stupid, she must have some idea" "What about Shane? Any attraction there?" "You'd have to be crazy not to see the attraction mate" He grinned "Or straight" Kian smiled nervously "Yeah, or straight. But I'll admit he's something" "Ahh" Ki fidgeted with the zipper on his jacket "No Kian" Kian looked up in shock " No what?" "You're thinking do I fancy you....am I right?" "Erm...Maybe" "Well relax. You're not my type. I don't fancy just anyone. I do have standards" He grinned "So what's it like sharing a bed with Shay?" He continued chatting purposefully trying to wind him up "Well I didn't really think about it until now...He could have jumped my bones" He laughed Nicky started laughing "God. Time to get your ego checked, not all gay men fancy just anyone...You don't fancy everyone you meet right?" Kian agreed, his eyes glazed over as he thought about who he did fancy "And we're no different. So don't stress" He sighed. Kian raised his head and smiled "So are you gonna get together with him?" "I'm not sure. I have to see exactly how I feel and plus I don't think I can trust anyone after G" "Shane's not G. He wouldn't hurt you. trust me on this one Nico" "Hmmm" He said deep in thought "Okay. Answer me this one. Do you fancy him or not?" He blushed deeply "Yeah, but that's besides the point!" "No. It's not. ..Don't waste time Nico. He wants you and you obviously want him. So what's stopping you?" "It's not as simple as that Kian. I need love, all he said was that he wants me. He may only want a fling and not give a flying fuck about my feelings" "Shane's not like that and you know it!" "I know but that doesn't stop my insecurities Kian. I have to be sure before I let anything happen" "I understand and so will Shane. So talk to him tonight" "I don't know" "Look! Stop been an ass! You know you want to. What are you afraid of?" "I'm afraid of everything, losing the friendship, rejection and I'm really afraid that I'll fall for him "That'll be good though" "Not if he doesn't feel the same way" He said sadly "Something tells me you may already be falling for him" Nicky ducked his head "What makes you say that?" "Just a gut feeling" Kian made his way to the door "Think about it Nicky" He left Nicky alone with thoughts of Shane, Shane and yet more Shane. He poured himself another drink and pondered over telling Shane. What harm can it do? "I don't wanna get hurt" were the only words that passed his lips

"Cheer up Shay" Mark nudged Shane, all he could do was plaster a smile on his face, but Mark didn't buy it. "Come on Shane. What's wrong?" "I'm happy. See. Smiling face!" He made a point of placing a finger on his cheeks "Don't fob me off Shane. I know you and you're not happy. you've been a miseryguts all day. Now spill!" "It's too complicated. You wouldn't understand. No-one will" "Try me. I'm a good listener" "Maybe later...Where's Bry?" "Phoning Kerry" He smiled "I want what they have Mark" "Don't we all. You'll meet someone...And when you do she'll be the luckiest girl in the world!" "Yeah" He said quietly Bryan came rushing over. "Hey guys! Miss me?" Mark groaned "Bry my life was incomplete without you. Hurrah you're back. I love you man!" He threw his arms around Bry and started giggling like a girl. Bryan grinned.and as they got in the limo to return to the hotel, Bryan was full of joy, he was bursting with happiness. Mark couldn't stand it any longer "Alright.What is it? You're bursting to tell us something, so just do it!" "Ahh. You've twisted my arm. Well It's Kerry" "That figures. Who else makes you this hyper?" "Well she's coming here tomorrow!" He bounced up and down on the seat "Aww. That's great Bry" Shane smiled "How long's she staying for?" Mark asked "A few days.I can't wait!!" His whole face radiated happiness and It filled Shane's heart. I want what they've got. He thought to himself and closed his eyes

They arrived at their hotel. Bryan with the broadest smile, and Mark chuckling at his friend's good mood. Shane meanwhile was staring at the ground, feeling really sorry for himself. Bryan proceeded to give him a hug which Shane wasn't expecting, so he pushed him away. "What you doing Bry!" He snapped "Erm...Hugging you. Why? Do you have a problem with that?" "I wasn't expecting it. that's all" "Cheer up will ya! What's eating you!" "Nothing. Leave it. I'm going to bed" "Bed? You're keen. It's only 10. Or have you got someone waiting up in your room?" He grinned at the thought Shane thought The only one I want to be waiting is Nicky. So he told them for shock value really "Yeah, there is actually Bry" Mark and Bryan just stared at him in amazement. "Who?" Mark asked "Nicky" Just speaking his name sent shivers down his spine. Bryan groaned "Very funny Shane" But Shane wasn't laughing, Bryan shook his head and smiled and walked to the elevator, Mark just stood there, staring intently at Shane. "You were joking right?" Mark stopped Shane as they neared the elevator, "Right" He replied flatly "Shane. Don't feel you have to lie to me. I know that Nicky's not waiting for you" He giggled, then spoke seriously "But something is definitely bugging you. Will you tell me?" "No!" He said with anger in his eyes They noticed Bryan motioning with his arms to hurry up. He was waiting in the elevator, holding open the door, Shane rushed over to Bryan before Mark could say anything else. He sighed and followed Shane into the elevator

Nicky was asleep when Shane returned. He turned the lamp on, being careful not to disturb Nicky. He stared at the one person who could make his whole world just by smiling that angelic smile that Shane adored. Walking over to Nicky's bed, he crouched down and brushed a stray hair away from Nicky's eyes, his fingers brushed his cheek and instead of moving away he started to caress Nicky's cheek. The soft skin like the feel of satin beneath his rough fingers. Curling his fingers, he ran his knuckles gently down the curve of his chin. Shane chewed his lip as he stared at Nicky's parted lips. Should I? he asked himself in barely a whisper Well It's the only chance I'll get. He had to squeeze his hands from panicking too much. He was shaking so much and he hadn't even done anything yet. Well It's now or never. He edged closer to Nicky's face, his whole body awakened, just from being close to Nicky. He licked his lips to prepare for the kiss. Finally his mouth brushed Nicky's. He kissed him softly. not wanting to wake up Nicky. Shane almost passed out from the sensation he felt. Running his hands through Nicky's hair, he softly moaned and realised what he was doing. He tore himself away, his lips on fire from the kiss. He knew he'd always regard this as his 'best kiss'. He knew he'd never lose the taste of Nicky. He rushed in the bathroom and felt his groin tighten, brushing his fingers against the bulge in his pants, the same fingers that touched Nicky's cheek, he let out a moan as he remembered the feel of Nicky's skin. He was about ready to explode, without another thought he stripped off and took a shower. All it took was a few strokes and he reached the point of no return, biting his lip so hard he tasted blood, he came fast seeing Nicky's angelic face as cum spurted out of him. Panting hard, his body all awash with the scent of cum and Nicky...It was Nicky who had this impact on him. 'All this from a kiss?' He sighed and decided he had to clean himself up. He soaped his body up. Taking care not to miss a bit, he quite simply was knackered from this little session

Nicky's eyes flew open, hearing running water. "Shane must be back" He smiled and longed to take him in his arms, but what does Shane want from me? I need love. I won't settle for anything less. He jumped when the bathroom door opened and Shane stood there in a small towel. He couldn't keep his eyes off Shane's chest, the hair all damp and his gaze rested on his pink nipples, perking up with the cold air. Nicky had to literally drag his gaze away. Say something Nicky. Say something. Anything. Just don't stare at his wet body. "Erm...Did you enjoy your movie?" "Ahh. Yeah" While Nicky was staring at his chest, he didn't really notice cos he was fixated on Nicky's pink lips, remembering when he kissed them. Knowing he'd never want to taste another person's lips again. His gaze rested on Nicky's neck. his tshirt was hanging off him, so his neck was exposed. God what I wouldn't give to suck that perfect neck and trail my lips down Nicky's chest, not missing a spot of his perfect body. he thought to himself. "You okay Shane?" Nicky's soft voice broke Shane's impure thoughts. Guiltily he looked into his eyes and merely nodded. Afraid to speak, he stepped away and took some boxers out of the drawer, he let the towel fall, knowing that Nicky wouldn't be bothered. But as soon as the soft towel left Shane's body Nicky mumbled "Fucking hell" under his breath and stared at Shane's ass. His breathing quickened, never before had he been this excited without even been touched. Thankfully Shane didn't wait too long before putting on his boxers. Nicky wasn't surprised to find himself rock hard. He was so excited, the top of his boxers were damp. Think unsexy thoughts...Think unsexy thoughts.... he repeated in his head like a mantra. Christina Aguilera popped into his head and happily his erection softened. Thought that'd do the trick, he smiled to himself.

Shane went to his bed and climbed in, still tasting the sweet aroma of Nicky, sleep took him to a land where he could be with Nicky without fear of rejection. Nicky watched Shane sleep and quietly crept over to his bed and let his lips brush against Shane's, then he went back to bed. Fuck! Why did I do that!! He thought to himself. Now I'll never get to sleep. He smiled as his cock stiffened in his boxers again.I should really sort that out, but how can I? Let me just fall asleep he mumbled to himself and stop thinking about how adorable Shane looks naked. Pleasure raced through his body "Damn this is gonna be a long night" He whispered He softly trailed his fingers over his tight boxers and did the only thing he could do at this point. Rush to the bathroom, before it gets messy! He made it just in time and groaned loudly as he came. "God I needed that!" He sighed as he cleaned himself. "Shit! Did Shane hear that!" He tiptoed out of the bathroom and saw Shane still sleeping like a baby, with a smile playing on his lips. "Wonder who he's dreaming about? Me? I wish he would" He crept into bed and was soon like Shane, fast asleep and dreaming of his best friend.


Next: Chapter 3

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