Everybody Hates Me

By Aaron Saxon

Published on Apr 7, 2011


This is part 2 of Everybody Hates Me called School Daze.

The usual disclaimer applies. If you are under the age of 18 or it is illegal for you to read such stories involving teen boys and sex, please leave now.

Part 2: School Daze

To say the least I was surprised by the sudden change in John. I didn't know how to react. I was definitely skeptical and I think he could tell.

He let go of his embrace and said, "Kevin, I know I've fucked up and it'll take a while to earn back your trust, but please give me a chance?" I was still feeling uneasy about what just happened, when I looked around the room for approval and then finally broke down. Through tears I said, "John, you're my brother, of course I'll give you a chance. I'd give you a million chances."

Edwin came next to me and wrapped his arms around me. His embrace always had a calming effect on me. He kissed me on the head and when I looked towards John, there was only tears in his eyes, not disgust like last time. "You're really in love, aren't you?" He asked me. "Yea, I am very much." I responded. Looking at Ed now John said, " Treat him right, ok?" Both Ed and I were shocked at what he had said. "I will, I promise John, I promise all of you." Ed said looking around the room.

We enjoyed the rest of the evening watching TV and talking before Carter, Shawn, Gus and Ed had to leave. Carter, Shawn and Gus said they'd be by in the morning to pick me up for school. I nodded in their direction. I wasn't ready to say bye to Ed, but I knew I had to. I held on to Ed for what seemed like an eternity, weeping into his chest. He just held me and gently rubbed my head. "Please don't go, Ed," I pleaded. Looking in my tear drenched eyes Ed said, "I have to work in the morning, but it will be ok honey. I will be up to see you very soon." I led him to the door and walked him out to his car. Again we embraced. He got in his car and drove down the driveway. I stood in the middle of the driveway watching as he soon left my view.

I turned back towards the house to see my dad and Jamie standing in the doorway. Jamie ran out to me and wrapped his arms around my waist. Looking up into my face he said, "Don't be sad, Kev, he'll be back before you know it." I looked down at him and gave his head a rub and kissed his forehead. "Let's get inside little man, it's getting kind of cool out."

We walked back toward the house, as we entered, our father clasped his hand on my shoulder and said, "Kevin, everything will be ok from now on." I nodded at him throwing my arms around him.

A thunderstorm started about 11:00 pm and I got a little worried so I called Ed. At first he didn't answer, but after my second attempt, he finally did.

Ed: "Hey baby. What's up?"

Kevin: "It's starting to storm out and I got worried about you."

Ed: "Awww, sweetie, it's ok, I'm almost home."

Kevin: "Good, I don't like you out in this." I said.

Ed: "I'm pulling into Houston now babe."

Kevin: "Good. Now I can sleep knowing you're ok."

Ed: "Get a good night sleep, babe, you've got a big day ahead of you."

Kevin: "Yea, right. I'm not looking forward to it."

Ed: "It'll be fine Kev. You'll have Carter, Gus and Shawn with you. Oh, and John."

Kevin: "I guess, but I won't have you."

Ed: "You always have me, Kev, always. I'm not going anywhere."

Kevin: I was sobbing into the phone. "I love you so much, Ed. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Ed: "I love you too, Kev. You'll never have to find out because I'm not going anywhere."

"Now, get some sleep ok?"

Kevin: "Ok, Ed. Sweet dreams."

Ed: "Sweet dreams, babe."

After that, we disconnected. Jamie came running in asking if he could sleep in my bed. I threw open the covers and pulled him into me. We snuggled that way all night.

Chapter 2:

At 6:30 am Monday morning, the alarm clock on my nightstand started going off. I leaned over Jamie and hit the snooze button. My heart sank and butterflies started to fill my stomach as I rubbed my hands over my eyes. "There was no point delaying the inevitable," I thought to myself. So, I crawled out of the foot of my bed trying not to disturb Jamie. No such luck, just as I put my feet on the floor, he began to stir. Rubbing his eyes he said, "Good morning, Kevin." I reached on over and rubbed his head, that was my favorite thing to do. "Good morning, buddy." I said.

I got up and went into the bathroom to relieve myself and take a shower. When I opened the bathroom door, Jamie was still sitting on my bed. He'd been waiting for me. "Dad said to hurry up because breakfast was ready." I went over to my dresser and retrieved a pair of boxers. With a towel still around my waist, I pulled them up underneath, then dropped my towel and finished getting dressed. It was still going to be warm out, so I threw on a pair of cargo shorts and a plain blue t-shirt. Jamie and I walked together into the kitchen where John and our dad were waiting. "Well, it's about time," my dad said. "I thought I was gonna to send out a search party."

We quickly wolfed down breakfast and put our dishes away. Dad had to get off to work as this was his first day back at the office. John was going to drive himself and tried to get Jamie to go with him. Jamie was still skeptical of John and declined saying, "I wanna ride with Kevin." He started to get upset, but then our father interjected on the way out, "John, you need to give your brother's time, they don't trust you right now." He seemed to see the wisdom in what our father said and his face softened. "See you at school, Kevin," he said leaving the kitchen with our dad.

At 7:30 am, Carter, Shawn and Gus showed up. "Hey, Kev, you all set?" They could tell I wasn't but when I tried to protest, they pushed me out the front door. We drove Jamie to school about 15 minutes away and then on to Providence High School.

To be continued...

Sorry guys, but I had to keep you wanting more. You can email me at a.saxon1122@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 6: School Daze 2

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