Everythings Going Swimmingly

Published on Jan 6, 2017


Everything's Going Swimmingly, Chapter 2

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I'm thanking G. Venereal. George for kindly editing my stories. He has as usual applied some 'gentle editing' to this story. barry97_97@yahoo.com Copyrite Author Edmund Barry Davies (AKA) Teddy Bare

Everything's Going Swimmingly Chapter 2

I was exhausted by the time I showered and did a lot of thinking. What possessed me to obey Kevin's orders, licking his balls and then sucking on his balls. Well he didn't really order me but he did trick me. I put my towel around my waist heading back to my room. Our room had it's own washroom so I took out my PJ's and went in the washroom to change for bed determined Kevin wasn't going to trick me again.

"Where are you going SANDRA?" Kevin asked laying with his sheet pulled up to his waist in his twin bed.

"My name is Sandy not SANDRA I'm changing to go to bed. What do you think I'm doing?" I replied going in the washroom not waiting for Kevin to answer me. I closed the door, taking off my towel going to the washroom, washing my hands before putting on my PJ's. I then walked into the bedroom.

"Told you that you were a GIRL. Only GIRLS change in washrooms and wear PJ's. Real men either wear boxers or better yet sleep in the buff." Kevin said as I walked to my bed to get in. At least just sleep with your PJ bottoms on. Oh I see you don't want me to see your chest until you have your implants. Well you'll have to go with padded bras to start off with. No implants quite yet.

Knock it off with the implants shit and padded bra. I keep telling I'm not a GIRL, so there." I said but I probably didn't sound very convincing.

"I'm sorry you probably would feel more comfortable wearing a nightie. I guess you feel uncomfortable wearing your nightie around me. Don't be! I was used to Paula wearing her nightie."

"I've never worn a nightie and I'm not about to start now." I said getting annoyed. "Let me go to sleep, I'm tired."

"Alright I'll let it go for now but you'll have to smarten up tomorrow or I'll leave you to cope with Doug and Stan. You only saw the good side of Doug today. Wait till you see him in a bad mood." Kevin said. "Think what I told you in the morning before you head off to class."

"Alright I'll think about it tomorrow but let me get some sleep now." I said.

"Fine with me SANDRA. Good night." Kevin said rolling over on his side. I laid down looking towards Kevin. I didn't trust him that he'd come to my bed and try to fuck me in my sleep. I did my best to stay awake but I was so tired I fell asleep within minutes of laying down. I had the strangest dreams of muscular football, basketball and soccer players lining up to make me suck their giant cocks. They sure were giant cocks. In my sleep I got turned on though. They were more like lustful dreams than nightmares. What the heck was the matter with me.

I was dreaming of lots of men taking advantage of me. Before I only had dreams of my best friend making me suck his dick and doing his best to let him fuck me. In my dreams that is. We never talked about sex between men. Ben talked about the girls never giving him enough blow jobs and when they did they weren't pleasing him that much. None of the girls wanted to fuck, most didn't want to suck him either. They just wanted to give him hand jobs that he could give himself much better than they could or did. I know I would have blown him anytime he asked I had such a crush on Ben. Now that I think about it I had a crush on most of the hot muscular guys at my high school. I sure wasn't about to tell Kevin though.

My dream faded quickly as I woke up to start a new day. Something about men and cocks was all I could remember. I had forgotten to set my alarm before going to bed I had been so upset with Kevin. Thank goodness I woke up in time to get ready for class and I had showered the night before. Kevin was still sound asleep in the twin bed across from my bed. I figured he'd have to be up for class as well so I said in a loud voice. "Do you have any classes this morning Kevin? I learned while on a scouting trip it wasn't always a good idea to shake someone awake. The guy had taken a swing at me when I shook him to wake him up. I never made that mistake a second time.

"Good morning. Yes I have an early class thanks for waking me up Sandy." Kevin said sounding groggy sitting up before pulling the sheet off himself. I was taken back seeing his hard cock the first thing in the morning. But I noticed that I had a piss hard-on as well. "Like what you see SANDRA?" Kevin asked. "Sorry this is just a piss hard on. You'll have to wait until I piss, unless you're into drinking piss that is."

"Not this again. No, I'm not into drinking piss leave me alone. I don't want to get into that sex junk first thing in the morning." I said feeling Annoyed. Annoyed more at myself than Kevin for giving in last night and allowing him to fuck my mouth and throat. I had to get a grip on myself and my desires. I had never gotten a hard on looking at girls but tossed it up to being not in the mood. I had to be straight. I knew I'd be such a disappointment to my parents if I were a fag. I just couldn't be a fag and I had to stop thinking that way. Most of all I had to control myself around Kevin.

"You're pretty touchy in the morning. Are you always so hung up in the mornings?" Kevin asked. "I just asked if you're into drinking piss. All that was required was a yes or a no."

"I'm sorry Kevin. I have things on my mind being the first day of school and all. Swimming, diving and gym try outs after classes today as well." I said trying to apologize.

"No sweat. I know what you mean I got foot ball try outs after class today. I'm trying out for running back. I should be a shoe in I hope. You're still eyeing my dick licking your lips. Sure you don't want a drink of morning piss. I don't mind, Paula used to get off drinking my morning piss. You should give it a try. That is if I can loose my boner." Kevin said nonchalantly as if asking me if I wanted a morning coffee, not to drink his piss.

"Yes I'm sure. I'm not that Paula you keep talking about. I'm straight. I should never have let you talk me into sucking your dick last night. It was the first and last time for that nonsense." I said heading for the washroom. I have to piss my dick's getting soft so I won't have trouble pissing." I said walking into the washroom and closing the door.

I started pissing when the washroom door opened. Care if I take a leak, my dick's gotten soft enough to piss. We're both guys. According to you that is, myself I'm not so sure you are."

"If you think you're being funny, you're not Kevin." I said watching as Kevin took his semi hard cock out and start pissing. I was almost tempted to get on my knees and open my mouth to drink his piss. I knew I had to control myself as I finished pissing shaking my cock to let the last few drops drip from my cock. I still couldn't take my eyes away from Kevin's cock as he pissed.

"Go ahead and drink it. I'll pinch my cock to stop pissing. I know that's what you want." Kevin insisted.

Without realizing what I was doing I was on my knees looking at Kevin pinching his cock. I didn't realize I had my mouth wide open until I tasted Kevin's horrid tasting urine. Even though his urine had an acid taste I couldn't stop sticking my tongue out letting Kevin's urine enter my mouth and down my throat. He shook off the remaining drops before sticking his half erect cock in my mouth.

"I told you this is what you needed Ashley. Give in to it. You know your a sissy fag. Don't worry I'll go to Paula's old locker and fetch her closes for you to wear. That's the way wrap your mouth around my cock and let me fuck your mouth and throat like a good GIRL.

There Kevin goes again, calling me GIRL. But I'm letting him call me a GIRL and I am letting him push his cock in my mouth. His cock entered my throat as if it belonged there. I wasn't even choking like I should have been. His cock slid down my throat until his crotch hair pressed against my nose. Kevin's big balls smacked my bottom lip as he pulled his cock out of my throat. He pulled his cock out of my throat until only his cock head remained in my mouth. He shoved it down my throat beginning to fuck my throat faster and harder. "This is the perfect way to start the day SANDRA. That's the way swallow my cock GIRL." Kevin said. "Suck it, suck it good. That's the way."

"I'm getting close." Kevin groaned holding the back of my head as he continued fucking my mouth and throat. "Shit, fuck, yes, fuck, yes SANDRA. Fuck, fuck." His cock grew thicker in my throat and vibrated. He pulled his cock out of my throat filling my mouth with his salty tasty load.

As soon as Kevin pulled his cock out of my throat I swallowed his load before looking up into Kevin's smiling face. "You look great down there between my spread legs SANDRA." Kevin said. "As good as you look you better get cleaned up and dressed for class."

"Yes, yes, your right. I don't want to be late for my very first class." I said not correcting Kevin calling me SANDRA instead of Sandy. I washed my face as soon as I stood up. Kevin headed out of the washroom. "I need a quick shower. I'm covered in sweat after fucking your great mouth and throat SANDRA."

I finished washing my face and hands before going into my room picking out a pair of jeans and shirt to head to class. Kevin was entering our room as I sat on my bed putting on my socks and shoes. "I got to get dressed and head for class or I'd take your ass for the first time. Or would it be your first time GIRL?" Kevin asked.

"I'm a virgin if you're referring to my ass." I said tying my shoe.

"I bet your a virgin in every respect except sucking cock. I bet you've never been with a GIRL in your entire life and you will never want to be with a woman because your a GIRL yourself. Deep down you know it but don't worry after school I'll help you with that. I'll bring up some of Paula's clothes and make up." Kevin said.

I finished tying my runners and headed for the door. I'm not wearing any girls clothes Kevin." I said opening the door but I felt curious what it would be like to be in GIRL'S clothes the next time I sucked Kevin's cock and he fucked my ass. Was I really thinking about Kevin fucking me with GIRL'S clothes on. Yes I was. I didn't say anything as I left our room heading for the cafeteria for breakfast. I just hoped I wouldn't run into Doug or Stan...end of chapter 2...

...What lays ahead for Sandy? Will he accept his true calling as a GIRL inside a male body. I am open for suggestions. Copy Write Author Edmund Barry Davies (AKA) Teddy Bare.

Next: Chapter 3

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