Exchange Student Returns Home

By Dean Montague

Published on Sep 23, 2024


Chapter 7 Day 4 Brandon's POV

I wake up in the morning for the first time in my own bed. I quickly get my bearings straight. I see Luke staring at me.

"It about time you get up, sleepy head." He tells me.

"What time is it?" I ask.

"About 9:15 in the morning. I've already had breakfast."

"Crap! I must've slept for over 12 hours. I don't think I've ever done that before." I don't see his empty plates anywhere. "Did Mom already take your dirty plates?"

"No," he says. "I ate at the table. The doctor said that I could get up with help, so Dad helped me to the kitchen. Oh, and Mom said to tell you that there are pancakes staying warm in the microwave when you get up."

"Wait!" I said. "I thought the doctor wanted you to just stand for a couple of minutes, a few times a day and start walking the third day?"

"I'm not sure." Luke tells me. "I was pretty out of it when he spewed out all his instructions. Maybe Dad thought I was ready to get up some since I was able to go to the bathroom last night. I'm just glad I didn't have to use a bed pan to poop in."

"Yeah." I say. "Well I'm going to go get some pancakes. I'll be back in a flash."

I'm back on my bed in about 5 minutes with my plate full of pancakes, with scrambled eggs, toast and bacon.

Luke says, "You know, you can eat at the table. It must be better than trying to juggle all that food on you bed."

"Don't worry Luke. I got this." I got it alright. "Ahh!" I just spilled syrup down my shirtless chest and my underwear.

Luke is holding his side while laughing at me. "Told ya so." He said.

So I get up and put the food down on the night stand and proceed to take off my underwear and I am wiping the syrup off of my chest and stomach without much success. Mom must have heard my "Ahh!" because she runs in to see what all the hollering is about. So to sum it up, I'm standing in my bedroom naked and with syrup running down my body, not having much luck cleaning it off and my brother is cracking up at my misfortune and my mom has just entered the room seeing me naked for the first time since I was a child. I didn't care, but I think Mom was a little stunned.

"Can you get me a wet wash cloth, Mom?" I say when I see her. After a moment of shock she leaves to get the wash cloth. The next thing I hear are giggles from a young girl.

"I see Brandon's wienie. I see Brandon's wienie!" I see it's Chrissy in the doorway. Of course Luke is in pain. "Ha Ha Ow Ow Ha Ow Ha Ha Ouch!"

"You two are so immature!" I say. Then Dad walks in, "What's all the ruckus about?"

Mom comes back in with a wet wash cloth and I take it from her. I even have syrup in my pubes. Out of frustration, I just say, "This is no use. I'm getting in the shower." I walk right passed them even Chrissy. She is staring at my "Wienie" but I don't care. A couple of years ago I would have died on the spot.

After my shower, I put a towel around my waist and I gather up my dishes from my bedroom and I see that Luke is asleep. I take my dishes to the kitchen and Mom is there.

"Sorry, Mom. I wasn't thinking and Chrissy came in and saw me naked. I didn't plan on that happening. Is she ah, ah okay?"

"Well, your dad and I had a talk with her while you were in the shower." She tells me.

"She is nine years old and girls mature physically before boys. So we needed to have the `talk' with her anyway. It just came a little sooner than we were expecting. I think this is also the year in school they teach the girls about puberty and all."

"So you're not mad at me?" I ask.

"No. Were not upset. We aren't thrilled either." she said. "But I know it wasn't intentional and you did have a year in a culture that is different than ours. Your grandmother told me that when she was little and they only had an outhouse. You know she came from a big family with 10 children. It was a two seat-er. If your brother or sister was in the outhouse and you had to go also, you would just use the other seat. It didn't matter if it was a brother or sister. Also, she always took a bath with her two sisters. Her brothers also did the same. The youngest two were brother and sister and they bathed together until they were 10 and 12."

"Really?" I said.

"Yeah. She told me all this when I complained to her that starting 6th grade, we had to all shower in PE naked in front of our friends. I didn't want to do it, but after a few days, no one really cared anymore. At 11 or 12, we were starting puberty and some of us had boobs and some didn't. There were also girls from upper grades that had PE at the same time and they would shower in the open with us. It was a learning experience for us, `cause we could see how we would develop in the next year or two."

"Did Dad have to shower at school too?"

Dad walks in. "Did I have to do what in school too?" He asked.

Mom answers, "Oh I was just telling Brandon how when I was 11, it was required to shower naked in school. He was wondering if you had to also."

Dad smirks. "Yeah, we sure did. I was really worried about it too. My best friend Jon and I were to have PE together and were uncomfortable getting naked especially in front of each other. So we had a sleepover and we decided that we would just get it out of the way and see each other naked."

"What did you do? Did you flip a coin to see who went first or what." I inquire.

"Something like that." Dad said. "I called heads and it was tails. So I had to show him first. To make it easier, I was blindfolded when I dropped my drawers so I wouldn't see his reaction. After 20 seconds I pulled up my pants and it was Jon's turn. He was blindfolded and I could look all around him without being embarrassed. Since we had already seen each other, we just went naked for the rest of the night. We looked pretty much the same and it wasn't a big deal. So when school started and we had PE, we just got undressed and hit the showers while everyone else were taking their time and feeling embarrassed. The eighth grade class also met the same hour as us, so they showered too. Now that was a shocker!"

"How so, Dad?"

"They were huge!! Like 3 or 4 times bigger than us in the groin area. They also had all this hair there too. There were the Harner twins that were in the eighth grade and they were short for their age. We were about the same height. They were as big or bigger than most of the other kids their age. We were like a twig with a couple of peas compared to them. I'm sure Jon and I were just standing there with our mouths open."

"Did they catch you staring at them?"

"One of them did. He just grabbed his massive balls and his 5 inch soft dick and shook them at us, and asking if we were jealous. Jon and I finished quickly being embarrassed and got dressed. After a few days, things settled down and no one was embarrassed being naked. We also hoped we would be as big as the Harner twins. We didn't, but it was fun the next few years when a new crop of 6th graders had to shower. Jon and I would show off to them. Ha Ha! I haven't thought of that in years."

"Brandon! You're dripping all over the floor." Mom complains.

"Oops, sorry Mom." I then take off my towel and finish drying off then drop the towel to soak up the puddle. I didn't see Chrissy enter the room and she said, "Hey Brandon. How come you don't have any tan lines?"

Whoa! I cover myself with my hands, and she says, "Don't be shy. I've already seen it." I look at Mom and then Dad and they aren't having a fit or anything. I pick up the towel and just hold it in front of me.

She asks again. "How come Luke has a white butt and yours is tanned?"

"Well, it's like this. In France, they are different over there. It is common to be like I am right now in the family. Nudity in the family is pretty normal. It was really weird at first, but it's like showing the people you love that you trust them. It's like you're not hiding anything and you can be open about anything."

Chrissy re-asks the question. "But why do you have a tanned butt?"

" I'm getting to that." I say. "The beaches are clothing optional. That means that you can wear whatever makes you comfortable. Almost all the women go topless just like the guys. Probably half of the people don't wear anything at all. It's very liberating to swim or play on the beach without any clothes on. I remember that you would run around naked after taking a bath and would fight Mom over putting clothes back on. You didn't seam bothered by it because you were safe with your family."

Dad says, "So you did go to the nude beaches. I knew it."

"Yeah, I did. I went with my host family and by then, they had already seen me naked. I was okay with being naked at home, but I wasn't comfortable about doing it in public. So we went to the beach and I wore a bathing suit. Everyone else went naked, including the parents. At first I wouldn't even look at them. I enjoyed playing on the beach and the waves kept pushing down my trunks. Andres told me he didn't have that problem and it felt good. He had me just take off my suit in the water and see for myself. It was really nice. He had Sebastian take my trunks to his parents on the shore, and I enjoyed myself. Pretty soon I didn't even notice that I wasn't under the cover of the water and was on display while I was playing on the beach. No one was looking at me weird or anything, so I just stayed that way."

"There were families of all ages and both girls and boys nude. I had already seen some girls without their tops on at a friend's house. I was really shocked by that, but here, I saw their pus--- um, (I felt my cheeks redden) I mean, um their girl parts and everything. (I can't believe I'm talking about vaginas and boobs with my parents.) I remembered what the topless girls said at my friend's house. `You Americans have such a hang up with nudity."'

Dad said, "So that's where you learned that expression."

"Not just them, Dad. They all think we are weird about it. Anyway, I met some of the other parents at the beach and it was awkward, but I got used to seeing old people nude. But when I returned to my host parents whom were nude, of course, I was brought back to reality. They were parents, like my mom and dad. I think I just froze. Andres must have felt my uneasiness because he asked his parents to do him a favor and close their eyes for 15 seconds. He then whispered to me to look at his parents all over and get it over with, without them seeing me look. They closed their eyes, I looked and that was that. After that day, I, never wore a suit again or cared if anyone else did either."

My mom asks, "Didn't you get a sunburn down there. It's not like you had a tan already."

"Ouch! That brings back painful memories. I had to coat my entire body with sunblock. I just used what they used. I didn't realize that I needed a higher SPF on my untanned areas. It also wasn't waterproof. They didn't know it either because they didn't have any untanned areas. So yeah, Mom, I sunburned my manhood and butt. It was horrible. I couldn't lay on my back or on my front. It hurt to sit down so I did a lot of standing. I could only wear boxers or stay naked for a couple of days. I also didn't leave the house. My host mom felt really bad and responsible for my predicament and she would apply aloe to me all the time. It even hurt to pee. Speaking of which, I have to pee. I'll be right back."

After draining my bladder, I see that Luke is awake. He was sick of being in bed, so I helped him get up and we walked together to the living room. I did put on a pair of my old boxers while in the bedroom.

We entered the room and I announced, "Look who wanted to join the living?" I sit him down in the Laze-boy and propped his arm with a pillow.

Chrissy impatiently demands that I finish the story about my sunburned hiney.

"Wait a minute." Luke says. "What did I miss?"

"You'll just have to catch up as good as you can. In summery, I burnt my butt and my groin because I didn't have the right kind of sunblock on at the nude beach. So for the next few days, it hurt to lay down, sit down or even walk. But the aloe that my host mom put on me was soothing and got me through it quick. Then I got some blisters on, you know, everywhere, then my skin started to peel."

Luke say, "What! No way!" then he has to hold his side because he can't stop laughing. I glare at him and say, "Serves you right! Keep laughing funny guy. It'll hurt you more than it hurts me."

I continue, "Oh man. My penis looked like a snake shedding it's skin." Now Mom and Dad are laughing but Chrissy has a disgusted look on her face. "From then on, I used like SPF 1000 on my crotch until I got a tan. And that Chrissy, is why I don't have tan lines and why Luke has a white butt."

Luke says, "Hey!! When did this start being about me?" Now we are laughing at Luke.

"It was always about you, Luke. You just weren't here." I say, and I laugh at him.

There is a knock at the door. Since I do have something on, I answer the door. "Hey Luke. It's Grayson! Grayson, come on in." I bring Grayson into the living room. Everyone greets him.

"Hey Graystone." Luke says. "What brings you out on a day like today?"

Grayson says, "I just thought that my best friend would like to help me break in my new PlayStation 5 game, "Star Wars Jedi: Survivor." He says the name in a low voice for effect.

"Graystone? You know I can't play with just my left hand." Luke admonishes Grayson.

"No problem, Luke. You can just watch me play. It'll be fun, at least for me." He's kidding but Luke isn't laughing.

Luke sighs. "Well, there isn't much else to do. I'm about going crazy around here with boredom."

"Really?!" I think. I've done everything I can think of to help him get better. I've been by his side day and night. I guess I haven't been fun or entertaining enough for him. I guess I must bore him.... It kinda hurts my feelings. I wanted a way to prove to him that I was honest when I said that I'd do what ever it took to make up for my actions. This has been my opportunity to show him that I am a caring big brother and that I love him. Mom said that I can't make up for lost time, but I think I can. I think I have done a pretty good job so far.

Luke tells Grayson, "Fine. Help me up and then we can go to my room and plug in my console."

Grayson does and they turn to walk down the hall. Luke's butt is hanging out of his gown again and Chrissy sees it. "I see Luke's White shiny hiney." Luke doesn't say anything, but he bends a little and wiggles his hiney at her. That made me laugh for a moment.

I have to stop myself from following the guys to the bedroom. Luke and Grayson probably need some time without me hanging around. I think that I'll go shoot some hoops. Since I'm just in boxers, I go to the bedroom to get proper attire to go outside.

I walk in the room and Luke rolls his eyes. What is that about? Anyway, I get my shoes, socks and shorts on and grab my basketball. I see that the guys are playing the game and I see that it's just Grayson playing. So I ask sarcastically, "Who's winning?"

Grayson speaks up. "I am!"

Luke just shakes his head. "That's because it's a single player game. You know that when I'm out of this cast, I'll kick your butt all the way to Shanghai!!"

"Yeah, but until then, I rule." Grayson counters.

Grayson is teasing Luke, but he doesn't seam to think it's very funny. I see Luke's frustration and I get out my phone and I do a search on controllers for one-handed people. I find a DualSense One-Handed Adapter. It takes all the rest of my money to buy it but Luke is worth it. I got priority shipping and it will be here tomorrow. I can hardly wait. We'll be able to play games together for the first time since we were kids and he can kick Grayson's (white, I'm sure) butt.

I leave and grab my basketball ball. That's what they call it in France; ball of basketball. Actually, it's a basketball balloon. He He. I go outside and shoot some baskets.

Luke's POV

It really does suck to be cooped up in the summertime. This was going to be the "Summer of Luke", but not now. Grayson and I were going to go camping with his dad and I was going to get in shape to join the swim team this year in high school. The most I can do is wade in the shallow end, and I can't even do that yet. I can't even play a damn video game.

"Watch me get this Storm Trooper, Luke. Die, sucker!! Ha Ha! Ooo; no you don't! Graystone the Jedi will hunt you down." At least I can watch him play, and maybe I can learn something.

I'm glad that Brandon is doing something other than just hanging around me all the time. This morning he couldn't even eat his breakfast in the kitchen. He felt the need to be here all the time. When I was in the hospital, I was really glad he was there. I was really uncomfortable, okay scared, being there by myself. He was really kind. I don't even know what I am complaining about. I really think he has changed and is everything, so far, I've wanted in a brother. There is something that is just gnawing on me though. I just think that maybe he is just showing off wanting people to see him as the perfect person. I don't know. I just wish he would leave me to my thoughts or whatever.

"I am the Jedi Master. Now you will bow down to me. Ha! Oh, you want to play hardball do you? Eat my light saber, loser!"

What was I thinking about? Oh yeah. When Brandon came in earlier, I figured he was going to hang out with me and Grayson. We don't need a chaperon! I'm sure he saw me roll my eyes. I couldn't help it. But then he was just getting ready to actually do something on his own. I was glad for the reprieve.

"I'll get you...oh crap! You got me you dirty dog. Dang it. I died." Oh good, Grayson died and maybe now we can do something I can do.

Then Grayson says, "I guess I'll be more careful this time." Wait. Did he just restart the game?"

"Hey Grayson. How about we do something that is fun that we both can enjoy?" I say.

"Okay," he says. Like what? Do you want to play Monopoly?"

"No. That takes too long to win with just two people."

"Well, How about Chess?" He asks.

"No way! I said something we could do that was fun."

"Okay, then." Says Grayson. "Why don't you tell me what you want to do?"

"What do I want to do? What do I want to do!?? I want to be able to go on a bike ride. I want to practice my judo, go running or even swim. I doubt I'll make the team this year now. I even want to practice the piano. I want to do push ups and pull ups. I want to be able to take a shower and wash my hair. I want to take a crap by myself. I want to be able to cut up my own meals!! I want to be able to play a damn video game.... I want everyone to stop thinking I'm fragile and will break into pieces. I want my brother to stop babying me and give me 5 minutes to myself. I want you to stop blaming yourself and feel you have to make it up to me. Crap happens and this time it fell on me... What I don't want is your pity!"

I know that was harsh and I didn't need to dump that all on him. But, all my built up frustration just came out at once. He is just sitting there staring at me and slightly shaking his head. I wonder what is going on in his head right now.

Grayson's POV

I have half a mind to just walk out right now and not talk to him for awhile. I am here because he is my best friend and I'm just trying to be here for him. I am sorry for what happened but I don't pity him. What a bunch of crap!

He is just staring at me probably wondering what my next move is. I'm wondering the same thing, but if things were reversed, I would be frustrated and take it out on someone I cared about like maybe my dad. He'd take it because I know he won't stop loving me.

"Well, little Miss Sunshine, I hope you feel better now." I smile. "You probably needed to vent and be heard. I am your best friend and I'm glad to be here and know you trust me enough to tell me what is really bothering you. If any other person had talked to me like that, I'd cut them off at the knees and bury them alive. Ha Ha. So just be honest and tell me what you want or want me to do right now."

Back to me. Luke's POV

Actually, I do feel a little better. I also feel bad for yelling at him like that. What do I want?

"Sorry, Grayson. I think I just want to be left alone with my thoughts for awhile. Okay?" I say in a somber voice.

He gets up. "Okay, I can do that. I'll give you all the time you need." He gathers up all his stuff and tells me goodbye.

Brandon's POV

Boy am I out of practice. It's not like I'm really out of practice, it's just the ball and the height of the basket is different in Gometz-le-Châtel. The French kids thought it strange that I couldn't play very well, but that was because it wasn't the same. As soon as I got used to the changes, I kicked butt. I made them eat crow, but they looked at me funny when I told them to do so. You just get used to doing things a certain way. I bet Luke could learn to play with his left hand and if he did, he would be a big challenge.

I try shooting with my left hand and I don't even come close to the basket. Sounds like a challenge to me. So for the next half hour, I practice my dribbles and shooting from the free throw line. I don't make a single basket. I think dribbling with my left hand got a little easier though. It's pretty hot out too so my shirt is off. I'm not used to the heat here in the states in the summer time.

I see Grayson leaving the house. I call him over. "Hey Grayson! How's it going buddy?"

He walks over to where I am. I don't wait for an answer because it really wasn't a question, just a greeting. In France, if you asked someone how they were, be prepared to stand there for a long time waiting for them to finish.

"I thought you would've stayed longer. Do you need to go home?" I asked.

"Well," he said. "Mr. Grumpy pants isn't very good company today. He is at that stage where he is feeling sorry for himself and no matter what you say, it doesn't help. So, I'm just gonna give him some space to think things through."

"That's not good." I say. "Maybe I should talk to him."

Grayson puts up his hand. "Just give him time to himself. He needs this and I know your intentions are good, but trust me on this, it'll make things worse."

Humm. Grayson seams to know what he is talking about and is a wise kid. I don't know. I think I could get through to Luke. He is my brother and all. Hummm."

"Okay Grayson. I'll just play it by ear and not push it. Speaking of playing, how about a friendly game of `Horse'?"

"That could be fun. Okay, let's do it." He sets his stuff down and joins me on the court.

"To make it interesting, since you are left handed, you have to use your right hand. I'm right handed so I'll use my left. Deal?"

"Deal!" He says.

After about 5 minutes, Grayson has an "H" and I don't have any letters. We really suck at this, but we are having fun trying. The ball isn't going anywhere near the basket. Grayson bounced the ball really hard and low and behold, it went into the basket. No way!

"Okay. I got this. Prepare to be impressed." I bounce the ball and it doesn't even bounce 7 feet off the ground.

"The baskets must be lower in France." Grayson quipped.

"Actually they are. French men can't jump." I laugh and Grayson joins in.

So now we both have an "H". I take a shot from the free throw line, only standing backwards, and to my shock it goes in. "Beat that, hot shot!"

"Okay, okay." He says and takes off his shirt. He continues, "Now this is serious".

"Oh my gosh!" I think to myself. He is so ripped. His pecks are perfectly formed with nickel sized oval nipples. He has a six pack that is impressive. He even has a nice tan. His upper arms, shoulders and back show off his perfection. I thought I was pretty impressive, but he is like 3 years younger than me.

He catches me staring. "Yo! Brandon! My eyes are up here."I snap out of it real quick. I know I am caught and I must've turned a couple shades of red. But it's hot out here, so I hope he doesn't notice. I decide just to be honest.

"I'm impressed, Grayson. You must really work out. Sorry about staring, but you really caught me by surprise. You must have all the girls swarming around you at school. How long have you been working out?"

Grayson scratches his chin. "About 4 years. I do a lot of swimming and my dad noticed that I was developing in my chest and arms. He used to do weight lifting long ago so he started me on some weights and exercises. He asked what I wanted to do. You know, like what did I want to achieve. I told him that I wanted to compete in swimming. So he worked with me on developing my muscles and endurance. I didn't have any desire to look like the `Hulk'. I just wanted to swim fast. I joined the swim team in middle school and got some ribbons and medals. So yeah, all the girls on the team and tons of girls at school would flock around me. I thought it was pretty cool. I was the man!"

Grayson then sits down on a bench we have near the court and I join him. He is looking down and not saying anything. About 60 seconds passed, so I asked him if his parents were proud of him.

Without lifting his head, he nodded. "Mom was so proud of me and never missed a single swim meet. Dad came to every meet if he was in town. I think he even canceled some meetings just to watch me. Then...."

Grayson can't talk. He wipes away a tear and I knew something must have happened. I put my hand on his shoulder and just wait for him to continue. I can feel his body shake and he looks up at me with his puffy eyes full of pain. I scoot close to him and pull him into a sideways hug. I didn't know what to say, I just knew I needed to comfort him.

After a couple of minutes he sniffs and wipes his eyes. "Then, we had a meet out of town and I rode home with the team and Mom drove herself home. A..ah.... a drunk driver swerved into her lane and hit her head on. {Sob sob}"

"Oh Grayson!" I pull him tighter. "I'm so sorry." I feel like I want to cry now. I notice that our sweaty bodies are together but I don't mind and I don't feel Grayson thinks anything of it either.

He starts again. {Sniff, sniff} "I was having a wonderful time with my teammates, reveling on our win while my Mom laid dead on the side of the road. That was my last swim meet."

"That's horrible!" I say pulling his head towards me and I kiss his forehead. He looks at me a little startled and I realized what I had done. "Ohh. I'm sorry Grayson. The French side of me took over and did what was natural."

"It's okay, Brandon. I was just taken by surprise. My dad must be half French because he is very expressive with me. He has always been there for me and hugs and kisses me all the time. I'll never grow out of it. Thank you, Brandon. You showed me that you care and that I can trust you. It means a lot to me. Dad and I did out best to help each other get through our loss."

"How long ago was this?" I ask.

"It was a little over a year ago. I found out who my friends really were. Sure they were sympathetic at first and all. But when I quit the team and we lost the championship, I think they blamed me. One friend even told me that people die everyday and that I should just get over it. I wanted to punch him in the nose. The girls no longer hung around me either. I was pretty alone."

"Is that when you moved here? I asked.

"Not at first." He said. "I didn't want to go to school and I had no real friends. My dad worked out of town often and I was by myself. Dad saw what was happening to me, so he got a new job where he could be home everyday. We moved here and I got a new school and things started to turn around for me."

"So did you meet Luke at school?" I asked.

"No! Actually it wasn't too far from here. I was checking out the neighborhood a little and this kid comes up to me and starts giving me crap. Later, I find out that his name is Donald Cook."

"Oh yeah. I remember you telling me a little about this. Those Cook brothers are a bunch of jerks. They are nothing but trouble, and they never learn either. Donald's older brother CJ would challenge me every year to a fight and every year I'd kick his butt. I'll probably have to teach him another lesson now that I'm back. I have to be careful now that I'm 18. He's 18 too, so if he starts crap, he could go to jail for assault. So, what happened with Donald?"

"Well, like I said. I was new here and still a bit depressed. Donald wanted me to give him money or he would beat me up. He was really intimidating and I didn't know what to do. That is when Luke saw what was happening and he came to my aid. He told Donald to back off, and when Donald took a swing at Luke, he turned into this super ninja and took him down. We have been friends ever since. Luke didn't know me, yet he stood up for me. He saved me two ways that day. First, he saved me from a fight or losing my money, and became my best friend and was here for me when I needed a friend most. I'll never be able to repay him."

I then say, "I know that you have been good for Luke. He has several friends, but he told me that you have been the best friend he has ever had. He even said that you were the best friend that anyone would want in a friend. I think he even thinks that he owes you for being his best friend when he needed it most. I believe that was mainly because of me. So, I don't think that either of you owe the other a debt. You do what best friends do best, and that is being there for each other."

He looks at me a little sad. "I don't think I was there for him today. He is really depressed over all the things that he can't do right now. He even yelled at me. I think he was just venting so I let him speak his mind. I think I started it all by playing a video game in front of him. He can't play and that was really insensitive of me."

I get a little smile on my face. "Well, that might change tomorrow. I spent every dime I had and ordered him a DualSense One-Handed Adapter for his controller and he will be able to play any game there is. I can hardly wait to see the look on his face when he will be able to play again. It'll be here by noon. Why don't you come over then and we can give it to him together?"

"Really?" He said. "Wow! I wish I had a big brother. Can I hire you?"

I laugh. "Sorry, I already have that job. But what I would really like is to be your friend. I think you are an amazing kid that is wise beyond your years."

"Thank you Brandon. I would love it if we were friends and I think we already are. I never would have told you my personal story and cried and everything in front of you unless I trusted you. You cared and you listened. I really appreciate it."

"You are very welcome. We can pick up this game another time if you don't mind. I want to check up on Luke."

Grayson stands up. "Okay, we'll do that." He turns to leave and stops. "It's okay for friends to hug, isn't it?"

I stand up and extend my arms. "It is very okay for friends to hug."

I thought it might be a quick hug, but as soon as our bare chests come together, I feel the warmth of not just his body, but of his soul. I feel a brotherly love towards him much the way I care for Luke. I hug him a little tighter and he responds in kind. Before we separate, I kiss him on the side of his forehead.

Grayson questions, "Do friends kiss each other on the forehead?"

I smile. "Sometimes, but big brothers always do." He gave me the biggest grin I have ever seen. He then gives me a quick hug and walks off telling me he'll see me tomorrow.

I put my shirt on and go back inside. I'm really thirsty, so I drink full glass of water to quench my thirst, then get a soda out of the frig to enjoy. I see Luke sitting on the couch watching a music video.

"Hey Luke? I'm having a soda. Do you want me to bring you one?"

He snips at me. "If I wanted a soda, I would've gotten one myself!"

Burrr...The room just got a lot colder. "Okay. Just let me know if you change your mind." I then sit on a chair in the living room. He doesn't say anything, just watches TV and I just look at my phone; first email, then Facebook.

After a while, I speak to Luke. "It was nice that Grayson came over today. Did you guys have a good time?" The only response he gave me was, "I guess."

Humm, interesting response. "I think he is a really nice guy. You guys are lucky to have each other.

"Really!" Luke says. "How would you know? You just barely met him!"

"True I only met him a few days ago, when you got hurt. We were told by Dad and Mr. Palmer to wait for the paramedics and bring them to you. I told you while you were in the hospital that we had talked and I was impressed with his insight. He told me about how you two met when that jerk Donald Cook was messing with him. He said you guys became instant best friends."

"Oh yeah, I remember now. I was a bit out of it." He said.

"Then today when I was practicing basketball, I saw him leave the house and we played a little game of HORSE. We started talking and he opened up to me about what had happened with his mom and moving here then meeting you. He said that his life was in ruin and his dad could only do so much. That's when he met you. You cared about him even though you didn't know him and saved him from Donald."

I get up and sit next to Luke. "Luke, you saved him. You were there for him in his darkest hour and you genuinely cared and he trusted you. I don't think you'll ever know how much you changed his life by just being you."

I place my hand on his shoulder. "Luke, you are an amazing human being and I have a feeling that Grayson helped to bring out you greatness. I feel a sense of genuine goodness in him too. I'm so happy that you have had this great friend when you didn't have much of a big brother. So, let me rephrase what I said earlier. You are not lucky to have each other, you two are blessed to have each other. I am in his debt for that."

Mom enters the room. "Boys, it's almost time for dinner. Brandon, can you make some lemonade and set the table please?" That wasn't really a question. "Sure, Mom. I'll be right there." I give Luke a kiss on his forehead and I get up to help in the kitchen.

Right before I finish setting the table, Dad and Chrissy walk in. Chrissy yells, "Who wants pizza!" I love American Pizza. "I do! I do!" I answer.

Dad helps Luke come to the table and I put the glasses out with a pitcher of lemonade.

"Oh man! American pizza. It's been too long since I just had an ordinary pizza."

Mom asks me. "Surely they have pizza in France, sweetie?"

"They do and it's really fancy too. I just like to have an ordinary pizza. They usually have caramelized onions and anchovies on it. They could put cheddar and mozzarella or jack cheese on their pizza but that would be too boring for them." I take a big bite of pepperoni pizza and I'm like in heaven. "Yummm..."

Chrissy asks, "What are anovys?" Luke answered for me. "It's anchovies and they are like guppies or minnows, or what I like to call, bait."

Chrissy makes a face. "Eww! That's gross!" Luke continues, "Yeah, and they have their heads and tails still on too."

"Are you teasing me?" She asks. Mom answers for Luke. "He's right, honey. Even some Americans like anchovies on their pizza. Actually, I kinda like them, but I never get them because I love my family too much."

All us kids in unison say, "Thanks Mom."

"Oh Yeah, and they have to put all these exotic cheeses and olives on it too. Don't get me wrong, I love their so many types of cheese, but on pizza, it didn't work well for me. Then the crust isn't crust at all, it's bread and it is really thick too. You get a chunk of pizza, not a slice."

Luke speaks up. "What about snails? Do they put snails on their pizza?"

"Oh, definitely not. You wouldn't waste some yummy escargot on a pizza. They are best served in the shell."

Chrissy says with a scrunched up nose, "Yummy es cargos? What are those?"

Luke whispers in her ear. "Snails."

"Snails! You like snails?"

"Yup. I know what you are thinking and I thought that too. I wouldn't eat them for months. My host mother then made some pasta Alfredo and put some escargots, that's what they call them, and put them in the pasta. I thought they were tiny shrimp. I told her that it was the best Fettuccine Alfredo with shrimp I had ever had. She told me that she never said that it was shrimp. I stopped eating and examined the shrimp' and I said, NO!' She said, OUI'! To make a long story short, I had to admit that I liked it. I said, fine then. I like escargots but I still hate snails.' She was fine with that."

She then says, "If I ever go to France, I'm packing my own lunch, and I'm definitely not eating their pizza." We all laugh.

After diner, Luke has me follow him to our room. "Brandon? If I was being rude earlier today, I'm sorry. I was just feeling sorry for myself. I realize that this won't last forever and everyday I can do more than I could. I was just looking so forward to doing so much this summer and now I can't. It's just not fair."

He hesitates. "Um, right now I need to pee and I think that I can do that myself now. I also have to poop and I'm not sure I can do that by myself."

He sheepishly looks at me and continues, "but I also, well stink. I need a shower, but I can't get my cast wet. I don't think a sponge bath is going to do the trick. What can I do?"

I say, "Let's find out." So we go over to the computer and put in, "How do you take a shower with a broken arm?" A YouTube video shows up with instructions. Looks easy enough and I tell him, that we'll give it a try.

I take Luke into the bathroom and help strip him down. Then help him lower himself on the pot. I tell him that I'll be back in a few with some supplies. I stop and light a candle and I turn on the fan. His poop smell like crap.

I come back in in a few moments and he tells me that he is done. I say, "Did you wipe your butt?" He says, "I tried. I'm not sure I got all of it though."

I say, "That's okay, because you're getting in the shower."

I take off his arm sling and start wrapping his arm and cast with cellophane up past the cast. I then tape it off with waterproof tape. Then I open a trash bag and put his arm in it, then wrap it around the cast and again taping it off with tape. "That should do it." I say.

"Thanks." Luke says and walks into the shower holding his cast with his left hand. "Um, I'm gonna need my sling so I can wash."

"Oh, I guess so. But it shouldn't get wet either. Oh what the heck." I take off my clothes and join Luke in the shower. It's a little cramped but not too bad.

"This will be a lot easier." I grab the shower wand and hose him down. Then I wash his hair. He never would've been able to do this. After I rinse his hair, I wet him down again. I'm getting all wet and soapy but I needed a shower anyway. So I soap up myself as I clean him up. I make sure his pits are good and clean, then his chest. I then have him turn and I get his back and legs.

"I'm gonna make sure you are clean back here in case you missed some." I soap up his butt with lots of soap and lather because if he had any poop residue, I didn't want to get any on me. It was weird, but I needed to do this for my brother. As long as I don't make a big deal out of it like my French mom did with me, it'll be fine. So I make sure his crack is good and clean. I made sure his hole was clean. It was weird cleaning it, but I just acted normal. I rinsed off his backside, and had him turn around. I thought he might get hard and of course he did. Again, I didn't make a fuss and I cleaned his balls, groin and dick. I could feel it pulsate while I was cleaning under the hood. Again, it was weird touching another guys boner, but is was done quick. I half boned up too, but again, not a big deal. Not that I'm small, just, you know.

While I was bathing him, he told me how he was sorry for being mean to Grayson. He told me how frustrated it was that he couldn't play the game. "He offered to play some board games and I said no. I was feeling sorry for myself and just went off on him and told him that I wanted to be left alone. He was just being a friend and spending time with me and I... I just hope he isn't too mad at me."

"Luke. He is your best friend. Best friends are there during the worst of times along with the best. I know he isn't mad at you because I talked with him right after he left you. Trust me, he just wants you to be happy and well. He'd do anything for you. You two are good. Now let's get you dried off."

I get a towel and dry both of us off. Then I take the bag and cellophane off his arm. I got a wash cloth and got any areas above or below the cast that didn't get clean. I put the sling back on him.

"Good." Luke said. "I was getting tired holding my arm up."

We then walked back to our room totally naked of course. Mom caught us as she came out of her room.

"Oh good." She said. "I'm glad you boys got all cleaned up."

She followed us to our room. "Luke, honey. I just need to have one last look to make sure all the rash is gone." She has him bend over and she felt his bum. I noticed that his balls really hung low between his legs. I wondered if mine did the same. Probably. It was a warm shower.

"It's good." she said. "Brandon, just make sure you pick up all the dirty clothes off the bathroom floor and take them to the laundry. Chrissy needs to take a bath soon."

"Okay, Mom. I'll get to it in a second." I make sure Luke was in the chair, for he wanted to check his email, then I gathered up the clothes. I took them to the laundry room which was past the kitchen. Chrissy was drawing a picture with her colored pencils and so on the way back, I looked at her picture. I commented on how good it looked.

I started back to the bedroom, but I turned back around to Chrissy. "Oh, you can take your bath now. I got our stuff out of there."

She looks up and asks, "Aren't you cold?"

"Nah." I say knowing she is talking about me not having any clothes on. "I like it on the cool side. Us guys get warm down here."

I get back to the room and Luke is looking over his email. "It's hard using my left hand with the mouse. I keep messing up."

"Luke, I remember when you were young and were having a hard time using a mouse with your right hand. It was new to you, but you learned. You'll get the hang of it soon, I bet."

"Actually," Luke says, "With all the texting I do, it's not that hard to type. I just have to get used to doing it all with my left hand."

I have a moment of insight. "When I was in France, we used the metric system. I knew some of it like a liter of soda and a 100 meter race. I had to learn how tall I was, how much I weighed, how fast we were going in a car, and even what temperature it was outside. If it was 25 degrees Celsius, it was a warm 77 degrees for us. I had to learn and so I did. Now, I know it all in both measurement systems. If you learn to text or type with just your left hand, when your arm heals, you might be able to eat and text at the same time. Everyone else has to use both hands."

I see the gears turning in his mind. He says, "I think you may be on to something."

I hear someone enter the room. I look and it is Chrissy with wet hair because she must've just had her bath. Oh, and she is also naked.

"Hi guys. What'cha doing?" Luke is too busy on the computer to notice the lack of clothes on his sister. She pretty much looks the same as she did a few years ago, only taller. She hadn't grown any pubes yet and only her nipples were just starting to puff up a tiny bit. She is standing there like she is saying, "Hey, I'm naked too". Oh yeah, I almost forgot. So are we.

Luke says to Chrissy without moving his head, "I'm just getting caught up on my emails. A lot of my friends heard what happened and are wondering how I am do- Oh my gosh, Chrissy!! You're naked!!" He finally saw her.

Chrissy says, "So what? So are you and Brandon!" Luke looks down and realizes that he is in fact, nude.

"Oh!" He says. "I thought I felt a breeze." We both laugh.

Then Mom comes in. "Is everything alright, Luke? I heard you yellin- Chrissy? Where are your clothes?"

"Why should I wear clothes, Mommy? They don't have to." She is pointing at us.

Mom raises both hands in the air and belts out, "I have nudist for children!!" Then she walks out yelling dad's name. "Kevin? Kevin!! Where are you?"

I heard their bedroom door close. "They must be talking in their bedroom about what to do with us. What do you guys think they're going to decide?"

Chrissy says, "I hope they tell us its okay. I want to go skinny dipping."


Luke is thinking again. He says, "Hum, I think they'll tell us that we have to at least wear underwear. I can't believe Mom would let you get away with sitting your sweaty-hairy butt on the couch!"

"Hey! My butt isn't hairy!" Brandon reputed.

"Your crack is!" Luke declared.

"When did this start being about my crack!? Besides, I don't think Mom wants your sweaty hairless balls on the couch either." Brandon counters.

Luke drops his jaw as if he is offended. "I...I have hair on my balls! They are just hard to see."

Chrissy chimes in. "You too are so funny. Ha Ha."

Keven with Marie enter the room. Kevin speaks. "Okay, kids. You mother and I have talked and we decided that if you kids want to be in the house or in the fenced in back yard without clothes, there must be rules. So, to start with, no body shaming. In other words, we don't want you kids to make fun of your siblings body parts. We want you to be comfortable and not feel shame with what you look like. There is a big difference between shaming and just being silly. I hope you know the difference."

The kids nod in agreement.

"While you are in your rooms, you can wear as little or as much as you like. It's your room". Kevin said.

He continues, "Also, you don't need to go around announcing that you go around naked at home. Our home is Vegas. What goes on in Vegas, stays in Vegas. Next, no friends can come over without notice. Once someone is visiting, all occupants must wear acceptable clothing while outside you rooms."

Luke raises his hand. Kevin says, "Yes, Luke".

"So if my best friend Grayson wants to come over, he can't just show up and I can't tell him why?" Luke asked.

Kevin says, "There are exceptions and we get to decide what they are. It is probably okay if he knows. He is your best friend and wouldn't say anything that could hurt you. But he still can't come in the house without notice or until we say that it okay."

Marie's turn for instructions. "This doesn't mean that you can never be outside your rooms naked. You could be getting a glass of water or taking clothes to the wash. You may have just taken a shower and want to come out to ask us a question or something. We don't need you to be sitting around the house all day without clothes. We really don't want to be the clothes police and unless there is a problem, you can self regulate."

"Mommy? What is self regulate?" Chrissy asked.

Brandon speaks up. "I got this one if you don't mind Mom. Chrissy, it's like when Mom says to be good. What does that mean to you?"

"That's easy." Says Chrissy. "It means to be nice to people and to play nice. Don't do anything that is against the law or say bad words."

"That's right Chrissy." Brandon says. "You have a good idea what it means. Mom doesn't have to make a list of things you can or can't do. Like, does she have to say, don't drive Dad's car or don't get a tattoo?"

"No. That would be silly." Chrissy said.

"You see, for you, being good is to brush your teeth and do your chores. It could also mean to get along with your brothers. If you had a problem with sneaking out at night, `Be good' would mean that too. So, to self regulate is to do what you think is acceptable under our parent"s guidelines. What happens if Mom says to not stay up too late and you stay up til midnight?"

"I'd get into trouble." Chrissy says.

"That's right." Brandon says. "Because you can self regulate. If you don't then Mom has to regulate and tell you a specific time like 7:30pm. Would you rather stay up til 8 or 8:15? So, if we are respectful to the rules, and know the guidelines, then they don't have to make strict rules. When you abuse the guidelines, you get strict rules."

Luke speaks to Brandon. "I think she gets it, bro."

"You're probably right. I do tend to over explain things." Brandon says. "Okay, Mom. You can continue."

"Oh, thank you Son." Marie says sarcastically.

"Let's see. Oh yeah. Anyway, there are reasons we keep our parts covered and that is because it's hard to keep them clean. So, you must bathe everyday and when you sit on furniture, you will have a towel around you, put on clean underwear or wear a robe. Any questions?"

Chrissy's turn to ask a question. "So can we go skinny dipping?"

Marie answers. "Yes, but you have to have permission to swim like you do now. But as Brandon found out the hard way, you must have the proper protection from the sun. You don't want a sunburned hiney." Brandon blushes and Luke laughs. At least he doesn't have to hold his side as much any more.

"So Dad?" Brandon remembers, "Grayson is coming by tomorrow around noon. What should we do?"

"Simple enough." Kevin says. "Everyone make sure you are dressed by 11:30am."

Brandon says, "But Dad. Grayson has already-" Kevin raises his index finger. "Oh, oh, sorry Dad, 11:30am is just fine." Then he zips his lips.

The parents leave except Marie turns back to tell Chrissy that she needs to get ready for bed soon. Chrissy stays a moment longer and then she leaves for her room.

Brandon's POV

"You know, Luke. This was basically the same rules in France with my host family."

Luke inquires, "So did your French parents go nude around the house all the time?"

"Nah. I mean, they might get up at night to get a glass of water or something and not bother putting anything on. After going to the nude beach, it wasn't weird seeing them naked any more. Not like I wanted too. Old people sag everywhere and it's not very pretty."

"Ha Ha! What about our parents?" Luke asks, "Do you think that they might go naked sometimes too?"

"Hummm.... Would they?" I rub my chin, then scratch my balls. Luke asks, "Does scratching your balls help you think better? Ha Ha."

"It does if you have an itch. I'm glad that we can scratch if we have an itch. That's the way it was in France and if you were around family or friends. Anyway, about our parents. What do you think?"

Luke says, "Let me think for a moment." He starts scratching his balls and is making quite a production about it. "I don't think it is working".

I notice that he is about and inch longer than he was a minute ago. I point to it, "I can see that something is working down there."

"I'm not the only one." Luke says pointing at my appendage. We both laugh.

Next: Chapter 8

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