Exchanging Roommates

Published on Sep 21, 2016


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Exchanging Roommates

Chapter Twelve

By Chris

Once her parents turned the corner, she felt Anya taking her right hand and then giving it a squeeze. She turned to face Anya feeling a lot happier seeing Anya's smile and receiving a light kiss to her cheek.

"So how you feeling?" Anya asked.

"I'm feeling great, I'm all better," Danica said turning to go back inside, keeping an eye on Anya who frowned at that comment. "What did my mother tell you?"

"I didn't talk to your mother," Anya immediately replied.

"Yea right, now tell me something I might actually believe," Danica told her as they got to the elevator.

"What makes you think I talked to your mother?" Anya asked.

"First off your guilty face," Danica said smiling at Anya who was frowning. "Plus I know that my mother didn't protest too much this morning about me coming back so she had to have given you some marching orders. And the fact that Tina called you to get my sizes so you have been in contact with my family without telling me."

"You mad at me?" Anya asked.

Danica laughed, "No I was just teasing you a little, I don't mind you talking to them, you and they are just looking out for me."

"You know your family can't keep any secrets," Anya told her.

"Yeah sometimes that is a good thing and sometimes not so much," Danica said with a bit of a laugh.

"I bet," Anya said then the elevator door opened and they stepped inside. "So how are you feeling?"

"Well I have about stopped coughing but I still get tired in the afternoon. And I'm still taking the antibiotics, which are big enough for a horse to take. I also have to go see a doctor here in two weeks just to make sure that my lungs have completely cleared." Danica told her.

"I've already taken care of the doctor's appointment and I did promise your mom that I would make sure you took the rest of your medicine... and to make sure that you took care of yourself from now on." Anya told her as the elevator door opened to their floor.

"Doesn't she think I can take care of myself?" Danica stated more than really asked.

"No she knows she can, she just said that she came close to losing you and she didn't want to do so again," Anya said and she hesitated for a second. "I got the impression that she wasn't talking about you getting sick this time."

"She wasn't," Danica said remembering her conversation with her mom while she was in the ICU.

"What was she talking about?" Anya asked.

"Let me pee and I'll tell you," Danica said as Anya put down her suitcase to open the door.

Anya opened the door letting Danica to go in and she went directly to the bathroom. She really had to go badly and she just made it to the toilet to pee. While she left the door open, Anya kept busy putting up her clothes.

"Oh guess who called me while you were in the hospital," Anya said coming into the bathroom just as Danica was washing her hands.

"Everyone in my family," Danica said with a laugh.

"I mean other than them," Anya said laughing with her.

"Who?" Danica asked.

"My sweet old roommate Shelley," Anya said smiling.

"What did she want?" with her curiosity peeked.

"She wanted to know that since you were so sick and wouldn't come back, if she could come back and room with me," Anya said with her face not giving Danica any indication that she was jerking her around.

"Are you serious?" Danica asked.

"Cross my heart and hope to die serious," Anya said crossing her heart with her right hand.

"I'm glad to hear that she was so concerned for my well being," Danica said a little peeved that Shelley would do that but then not surprised in the least.

"Well it seems that she and Debbie are having a few issues," Anya said.

"That isn't a surprise and while I really don't give a shit about either one of those whores, I am curious..." Danica said.

"Come on and sit down," Anya said directing Danica to the bed where they sat down facing each other.

Once they were settled, "Okay, give me the juicy details," Danica told her.

"Well it seems that Shelley has an evening class this semester and her boyfriend was supposed to meet her after her class so that they could go out. When she got to class, she found out that the professor was sick so the class was canceled. She hurried back to her room and she said that when she got to the door, she heard moaning so she quietly opened the door and peeked in...." Anya said stopping there with a grin.

"And?" Danica asked already figuring out what Shelley saw but she wanted to hear Anya say it.

"And what?" Anya asked innocently.

"Come on you little shit, who was Debbie in bed with?" Danica asked.

"Oh I don't know, Shelley didn't say, you know how dizzy she is," Anya said.

"Bullshit, tell me!" Danica said slapping Anya on the knee.

"Ouch!" Anya said rubbing her knee.

"Well you deserved it, now tell me the juicy details," Danica demanded.

"All of them?" Anya asked.

"Yes," Danica said grinning at Anya's game.

"Well Shelley's boyfriend was lying on her bed naked and a very naked Debbie was on her knees between his legs giving him a very vigorous blowjob. And would you believe that Shelley slipped into the bathroom and peeked around the corner to watch them?" Anya asked.

"Knowing her, yes," Danica said.

"When Shelley looked again, Debbie was on her hands and knees and Shelley's boyfriend was behind her fucking the shit out of her. Then Shelley said that Debbie saw her and just grinned." Anya said.

"Then what happened?" Danica asked.

"Shelley didn't say but I did hear about someone's roommate fucking her boyfriend which was followed by a real catfight that the boyfriend enjoyed just as much as the fucking," Anya said. "I figure that was when Shelley began to look for a new roommate."

"So what did you tell her?" Danica asked.

"I wanted to tell her that she got what she deserved but I was nice. I told her that you were doing just fine and would be returning soon to be my roommate. She then told me that she had heard that we had become a couple of big dykes and deserved each other. I told her that we did deserve each other just like she and Debbie deserved each other, then I hung up on her," Anya said with a grin.

"Damn I missed everything didn't I?" Danica said grinning.

"Yes but not as much as I missed you," Anya said leaning forward giving her a kiss that they didn't have to hurry and finish but then there was a loud knock on the door.

"I think the gang is here to make sure that you're okay," Anya said pulling back giving Danica a smile.

"I wanted to spend the afternoon with just you," Danica said not wanting to hurt their friends feelings but she did just want some alone time with Anya.

"I know, I did too but they were as worried about you as I was," Anya said. "I couldn't say no."

"It's cool, let them in," Danica said with a smile.

Anya was about to open the door when Danica had a mischievous idea that she couldn't pass up. "Wait a moment," she said as she quickly got under the covers making sure that her clothes were covered.

"You are so mean," Anya said with a big grin obviously knowing what she was up to.

Anya opened the door and she heard her whisper, "You need to be real quiet, Danica is resting."

Danica let them start to enter when she began to let out these mournful moans. "Ohhhh... Ahhhh... ohhhhhhhh..." She was really egging it on.

"Oh god she needs to be in the hospital," she heard Georgia whisper.

"I thought you said she was better, " Haley said to Anya.

"Oh Anya, I'm hurting badddddd...." Danica moaned loudly and she thought that was too much until she heard Andi say "I'm calling 911!"

"She was feeling better when her parents dropped her off but she has gotten sicker as the day wore on." Anya whispered.

"I'm taking her to the hospital," Hank said firmly.

Danica figured that she had gone far enough and she suddenly sat up and said "Got you!"

"You're such a bitch!" Haley said giving Danica a mean look. "And so are you!" she added turning to Anya and slapping her across the back of the head.

"We're going to kill you!" Georgia said.

"What poor sick me," Danica said looking pitiful again but then she had to laugh at the mean looks she was getting from their friends.

However the joke turned against her as she began to cough for real. No one believed her except Anya who came over and patted her back until she got the cough out.

"I'm sorry but I couldn't resist," Danica finally said

"You're not forgiven," Georgia said with her arms folded across her chest.

"I'm sorry," Danica said holding out her arms to Georgia who just stood there for a second before she smiled and came over and gave her a hug.

"You did give us a scare, I mean before," Georgia whispered to her as she hugged her.

"I know and I'm sorry for that too," Danica said giving her an extra hug.

She then got hugs from the rest of their friends, all calling her a name for scaring them like she did.

"I did appreciate all the texts and stuff you sent to me, it did help knowing that you were worried and wanted me to get better. But I learned my lesson and I won't let myself get that sick again," Danica told them as they sat around her.

"And I'll make sure of that," Anya added.

"So will we," they all added in one way or another.

"You know we were going to take you out for dinner but now I'm not so sure we should," Shawn told her.

"Ah please, I won't do that again," Danica said looking sorry.

"Well maybe," Shawn said before grinning.

"Pleaseeeee..." Danica said looking even more pitiful.

"Oh I guess so," Shawn said being serious for a second before laughing.

When they got to the small diner near the university, Danica began to tell them about being in the hospital and all the things they did to her. Most of this Anya had told them but this time they got if from her perspective. She also told them a little about being born premature and how her lungs weren't fully developed. Her lungs obviously did eventually catch up in their development as she grew stronger but she would also have to be careful. For her a cold could turn much more serious than for most other people, something that she knew before but now she knew that she was the one who had to take care of herself and see a doctor when she started to get sick.

Once she was done, they all began to talk about what they had done while she was sick catching her up on everything and they all said that their Saturday night out wasn't the same without her and Anya as they mostly worried about her and not having fun. This information made Danica feel both happy and sad, happy that they worried about her but sad also for making her friends worry.

Once Danica was full and everyone began to talk about other things, Danica began to feel the day catch up with her and she yawned. That put a quick end to the dinner even though Danica claimed it was the food that made her sleepy. They all said that they had homework to do but Danica knew it was her yawn that ended the dinner, but then again she was feeling tired so she didn't protest too much.

"I hope you don't mind the pajamas but I..." Danica was saying as she came out of the bathroom.

Anya didn't let her finish her sentence saying, "No I think you look cute in them."

"You can thank my sister-in-law Tina for these, she bought them," Danica said twirling around for Anya to see.

"She does have a sense of style," Anya said with a smile.

"That she does," Danica said going to the bed as Anya went to the bathroom.

When Anya came back out, she was wearing a long sleep shirt that only Anya could make look sexy. But then again, it had been over a week since she had been with her and she missed her so much. Anya turned off the light and by the time that Danica's eyes got used to the dim light of Anya's night light, Anya was scrunched in close to her. She felt Anya's warm body against her body and she knew that she was really back home again. She felt Anya's soft lips against her lips and she let out a contented coo.

"Good have I missed your kisses," Danica said softly as the kiss ended.

"Me too," Anya said giving her another kiss.

"I know I owe you a real explanation of why I chose my mother over you at the hospital," Danica said.

"No you don't, I understand and it doesn't bother me in the least," Anya replied.

"Not even a little?" Danica asked knowing Anya and the difference between what Anya's words were saying and what her eyes were telling her.

Anya tried to hold her eye contact but then she looked down, "Well maybe a little..."

Danica smiled softly and she paused for a moment before beginning to talk, "When I woke up in the ICU with my mom there, I was really glad to see her, it was like I was back home and I knew that she'd make sure I would be okay like she always did. But then I had to go to the bathroom and she had to take me with no way to wipe myself. Suddenly I was back to being grown up and not so anxious to have her clean me like I was a baby, not a pleasant moment." She said grinning at her own embarrassment.

"I bet not," Anya said with a grin.

"Anyway mom began to talk about when I was born, you know premature and all." Danica said as Anya nodded her head. "I grew up hearing about how small I was and all that but mom told me another side of the story she had never told me before."

"That being?" Anya asked.

"Her side," Danica said.

"Oh," Anya said.

Danica went on to tell her about how scared her mother was and how she feared that she would never be able to bond with her only daughter. Danica went on to tell her about everything her mother had told her about trying to give her growing sons the attention they needed and still care for her fragile daughter. How she had sat late at night feeding her and cherishing the time alone with her. And then the time that she had to begin to let her go and be a child who had to figure out her own way in the world starting with fighting and playing with her four older brothers who both protected her and picked on her. And so her story went until she was done cleaning up her history, her full history to Anya.

"Now I really feel bad about being jealous of your mom," Anya said softly.

"Don't be, like I told you before, I like you being jealous," Danica said giving her a kiss.

"Just don't ever give me a reason to be jealous for real," Anya said all serious like.

"I don't plan on it," Danica said giving Anya a soft lingering kiss.

While Danica had the desire to do more than kiss Anya, she was too tired to fulfill her desires, so she settled for the kiss and snuggled in close to Anya and was soon asleep.

The next morning was a struggle getting up early as she had gotten used to sleeping late but Anya managed to get her awake. And when Danica dragged herself into the bathroom, she found a cup and her morning pills sitting on the sink counter. She had to smile at Anya keeping her promise to her mom at making sure she took her meds so that she could fully recover.

When she got home from her morning classes, she saw her bed and it was calling out her name. She went to the restroom and changed into an old sleeveless sweat shirt and sweat pants and she slipped into the bed. She curled up on her side and was soon asleep feeling the warmth of the bed encompass her body.

Somewhere in her sleep, she felt something cool on her forehead. She cracked her eye lids open to see a blurry Anya sitting on the edge of the bed feeling her forehead.

"I'm fine just taking a nap," Danica whispered.

"I know," Anya replied with relief in her voice.

"What time is it?" Danica asked closing her eyes again.

"It's about two," Anya said.

"Wake me up at three,' Danica told her.

She felt Anya kissing her cheek, "I will." Anya replied getting up off the bed.

Danica fell back to sleep almost immediately, however she only slept for about forty-five minutes before waking again. She did feel better having taken the nap. She sat up in bed seeing Anya at her desk reading something on her laptop. Seeing Anya focused on her laptop brought back the dream that she was having before she woke up. The difference between what she was seeing now and her dream was that in her dream, Anya was naked in her dream. She closed her eyes seeing Anya's naked back and in her dream she felt the desire she had for Anya. The problem was that she had awakened before she could do anything about that desire.

She opened her eyes again seeing that Anya was clothed but in her mind she could see the fullness of Anya's breasts encased in her white bra, the slight bump of her mound hidden beneath her panties. She felt the desire arise in her that she had felt in her dreams. She also realized that the gusset of her panties was damp and she wanted Anya in the worst way. As quietly as she could she pulled her old sweat shirt and her sweat pants off along with her panties. While the room was warm, the old tile floor was cold so she left her socks on, intending on removing them once she had Anya naked in bed with her. Danica slipped from the bed and quietly walked in behind of Anya. She put her hands to Anya's shoulders scaring her a bit.

"Oh you awake," Anya commented as she turned her head back toward Danica.

Danica saw Anya's grow wide as she leaned over showing Anya that her breasts were bare and so likely the rest of her. Anya's lips were forming words when Danica's lips touched Anya's cutting off anything Anya was about to say. Danica moved her hands down to Anya's breasts squeezing them as she opened her lips to Anya's tongue. She pinched Anya's nipples through her shirt and bra getting Anya to moan into the kiss.

"Someone is feeling better," Anya said breathlessly as the kiss ended.

"Someone will be feeling a whole lot better when you get those damn clothes off and join me in bed," Danica said turning and walking slowly to the bed she just got out of. She heard Anya's chair sliding back and when she turned to get into bed, Anya already had her tee shirt off and was undoing her bra. Next Anya undid her jeans peeling them down along with her panties. She did have to stop to step out of her jeans, using her feet to do so.

Anya came on over to the bed and Danica lay back allowing Anya to lie on top of her. "Are you sure you're well enough?" Anya asked with concern in her eyes.

"Shut up and make love to me," Danica said putting her hand to the back of Anya's head bringing it down so that she could kiss her.

Anya took over from there which is what Danica wanted and so desired. Anya kissed her passionately with her lips opening and letting their tongues touch as they lips kissed. Anya then kissed her cheeks and chin before she moved her lips down to Danica's exposed neck. Danica felt her heart begin to pound and her pussy getting moist from feeling Anya's warm and soft body lying upon her and Anya kissing her neck from one side to another. Danica had her hands on Anya's shoulders gripping them as Anya's lips went down to her breasts, giving several kisses between her breasts before going to her right nipple kissing it before sucking it into her mouth.

"Oh god, that feels good," Danica moaned putting her right hand to the back of Anya's head running her fingers through her hair.

Anya gently bit her nipple getting it harder and then she went to her left nipple kissing it before biting it with her hands squeezing and caressing her breasts as she kissed and sucked on her nipples. Anya kept her hands on Danica breasts as she kissed her way down Danica's stomach. Danica opened her legs wanting to feel Anya's mouth on her pussy. She felt Anya kissing her mound and then biting her there. That made Danica moan from pleasure and her pussy becoming even wetter.

Anya's hands left her breasts causing her to groan from the loss of contact but then she felt Anya's fingers combing through her pussy hair and parting her lips. She felt the cool air against her hot pussy just before she felt Anya's hot tongue touching her pussy.

"Oh god," Danica heard herself moaning. She could feel Anya's tongue moving in deep between her lips and she raised her ass off the bed pushing her pussy into Anya's face. Anya was licking in deep going from the bottom of her pussy to her clit where she sucked and licked it getting her close to an orgasm only to stop short going back to lick up her juices. When she went back to her clit, Danica put her hands down to Anya's head, holding it there. Anya first sucked hard on her clit and then began to lick hard against it getting her close to an orgasm and then bringing her over the cliff with her crying out as her orgasm hit her hard.

When she recovered, Anya was laying beside of her, kissing her face and lips. "Now that is the medicine I really needed," Danica said with a smile.

"You know now I'm not feeling all that great; I think I might be coming down with the same thing you have," Anya said with a grin.

"You know I just might have the medicine you need," Danica said rolling over on top of Anya.

"I believe you do," Anya said just before Danica lowered her lips to kiss Anya tasting her juices on Anya's lips.

Danica kissed Anya softly as first then she opened her lips making the kiss more intense. She felt Anya's hands gripping her shoulders as she kissed her. Danica so wanted to taste Anya again, it seemed like it had been forever since she had made love to her so she ended the kiss sooner than she had intended. She moved down to Anya's breasts, kissing each nipple in turn but then her sense of teasing left her. She quickly moved down to Anya's pussy opening her lips with her fingers. She looked at the wet pink flesh inside and she had to taste her. She lowered her head down and she began to lick, drinking in Anya's sweet juices. She sucked up those juices hearing Anya's moan and Anya's hands on the back of her head holding her to her pussy.

Danica pushed her tongue in deep and moving it around Anya's pussy. Danica pulled Anya's lips open wide and she licked even deeper. She moved her tongue to Anya's clit sucking the little bud into her mouth. She sucked hard on it getting Anya to raise her hips up pushing in against Danica's mouth. Danica pressed her lips against the base of Anya's clit and she heard Anya moan with her body stiffening. She felt Anya's fresh juices against her chin as Anya orgasm hit her hard. Danica release Anya's clit going to Anya's pussy to taste her juices.

"I'm sorry, I didn't do that to well did I?" Danica said as Anya's eyes opened after recovering from her orgasm.

"No honey it was great," Anya assured her giving her a kiss.

"No I didn't..." Danica was saying when she felt Anya's lips touched her lightly.

"It was perfect," Anya told her pulling Danica to her body holding her tightly.

"You're too good to me," Danica whispered.

"I'm going to quote you the next time I piss you off," Anya said with a chuckle.

"I bet you will," Danica replied laughing with her.

They cuddle for a while kissing and caressing each other before they got up to wash off and get back to their schoolwork. They worked for a while before going to dinner and then coming back to finish up and then heading to bed early as Danica still got tired easily.

The next morning it was easier for Danica to get out of bed, she wasn't as tired as she was on Monday morning. She felt a little more ready for her day which was an easy one with only a lab and one class to attend. She spent some of her morning studying and catching up in the library before meeting Anya, Haley and Andi for lunch. When she got back to the dorm, she looked at her bed and it looked so inviting and she was a bit tired. So she changed into her old sweat outfit and slipped into bed.

She slept for about an hour and half and had just woken up when she heard Anya opening the door. She closed her eyes and waited to see if Anya would come over and check on her. Sure enough she heard Anya put her things at her desk and then come over and sit on the edge of the bed. When she felt Anya's hand lightly touching her forehead, she opened her eyes giving Anya a grin as she reached up pulling Anya down to her.

"You faker," Anya said with a grin as she moved onto the bed lying in beside of her.

"Actually I had just woke up when you came in," Danica said rolling Anya onto her back and sliding on top of her with Anya putting her hands to Danica's shoulders.

Danica put her fingers to Anya's face, caressing her cheeks as she lowered her head with Anya closing her eyes waiting for the kiss. Danica tilted her head giving Anya a soft kiss brief kiss. She followed that kiss with another one, letting this one linger, opening her lips to make the kiss so much more passionate.

"I think I like you taking these afternoon naps," Anya said breathlessly as the kiss ended.

"Enjoy them while you can, they'll be ending soon," Danica told her giving her another kiss.

Danica made this kiss just as passionate as she felt her body becoming aroused with the kisses she was giving to Anya and receiving from her. Slowly Danica ended the kissing as she sat up on Anya's hips. She reached down to Anya's knit top pulling it up to her chest. Anya rose up enough for Danica to get her top off and she was pleased to see that Anya was wearing a bra that hooked in the front.

Anya started to reach for Danica's sweatshirt but Danica slapped her hands away, "Oh no you don't, I'm going to pleasure you first today."

Anya just smiled as she lay back down; Danica reached down to Anya's bra, unhooking it and pulling the cups from Anya's breasts. Danica stared down at Anya's beautiful breasts seeing Anya's nipples hardening before her eyes. She reached down to those breasts grasping them in her hands. She squeezed them tenderly before taking those hard nipples and pinching them getting Anya to moan. She pulled up on them a little before releasing them to finish taking Anya's bra off.

She slipped her ass downward enough so that her head was now over Anya's breasts. She cupped them in her hands squeezing them so that Anya's nipples popped up even more. She gave a light kiss to the left and then right nipple hearing Anya moan. Danica formed her lips around Anya's right nipple sucking it into her mouth. She sucked hard for a moment before pulling off letting it pop from her mouth as she kept sucking on it. She nibbled on the nipple hearing Anya moan louder before she went to the left nipple drawing it into her mouth. While she sucked on this nipple, her fingers were pinching and pulling on Anya's right nipple. She felt Anya's body squirming under her as she stayed on Anya's breasts making up for the day before when she pretty much ignored them. However she soon felt Anya pushing down on her shoulders.

She kissed her way down to Anya's jeans when she sat back up using her fingers to undo Anya's jeans. Anya raised her hips up off the bed allowing Danica to pull her jeans and panties off. She pushed Anya's legs out wide opening her pussy and seeing just how wet Anya was. She used her fingers to open Anya's lips and she lowered her mouth down to her wet pussy. She placed the flat of her tongue at the bottom of her pussy and slowly licked her way up to Anya's clit giving it a kiss causing Anya to moan again. She put her tongue back to Anya's pussy and began to lick deeply, moving her tongue all around and drinking in Anya's juices.

She used her tongue to fuck Anya's pussy getting her very aroused and when she moved her tongue to Anya's clit, she slipped two fingers into her pussy. She first teased Anya's clit with the tip of her tongue as her fingers began to fuck her. All so slowly she increased the force of her tongue against Anya's clit and fucked her harder and deeper with her fingers. Anya was pushing her hips back against Danica's fingers and she felt Anya's pussy gripping her fingers as Anya got close to an orgasm. When she used her lips to press against the base of Anya's clit, she felt Anya's body stiffen and she heard her moan as she came hard with an intense orgasm.

Danica licked Anya clean before she pulled her sweat shirt and sweat pants off. She was very aroused by this point and she wanted to feel Anya's body against her own. She tenderly kissed Anya until she recovered from her orgasm.

"Ah... I wanted to take your clothes off," Anya said before giving Danica a kiss.

As she kissed her, Danica felt Anya pushing her onto her back. "I couldn't wait"' Danica said as the kiss ended and she was on her back.

"I can see that," Anya said giving her another kiss, this one a light lingering one that further aroused Danica who was already very aroused.

"Make love to me," Danica moaned as the kiss ended.

"I plan on it," Anya said giving her a very brief kiss.

Anya then moved her body downward until she was able to grasp Danica breasts. Danica closed her eyes feeling Anya's lips kiss her right nipple and then sucking on it. Danica let out another loud moan feeling her pussy getting wetter. Anya went to her left breast biting her nipple causing Danica to moan again and moan louder when Anya sucked her nipple into her warm mouth.

Danica could only let her suck for a minute before she pushed against Anya's shoulders wanting her to move to her pussy. Anya gave a kiss to each of her nipples and then she slipped down her body. Danica opened her legs and she felt Anya's fingers caressing her lips before opening them with her fingers. Danica felt Anya blowing on her pussy making her let out a moan and then she felt Anya's tongue against her pussy, licking in deep. She moaned loudly and pushed her pussy into Anya's mouth. Anya seemed to be able to push her tongue in even deeper and Danica thought she was going to die from the pleasure Anya was giving to her. Then Anya slipped a couple of fingers into her pussy fucking her with them for a moment before Danica felt Anya's lips on her clit. She felt her sucking on her sensitive clit and before she knew it her orgasm was crashing down upon her sending her into that world of pleasure.

When she recovered, Anya was kissing her cheeks and then lips. Danica wrapped her arms around her kissing her back. They cuddled for a few minutes before they forced themselves from the bed to wash and get back to their class work.

On Wednesday when Danica came back to the room, she wasn't feeling as tired as she had been but still she felt like a nap would do her good and besides she kind of liked making love to Anya when she came in. This time Danica was asleep but one touch from Anya woke her up and she grinned when she saw Anya's hopeful face. They made love slowly before talking and cuddling but then it was back to their homework.

However on Thursday, Danica was feeling much better and the need to catch up with her work overrode her need for a nap. She visited the bathroom and changed into something comfortable before opening her laptop and getting to work. When she heard Anya come in, she noticed the disappointed look on Anya's face when she saw that she wasn't in bed but hard at work.

"You know we can still make love," Danica said to her as Anya came over to give her a kiss.

"No, I got a paper to work on, we'll play later," Anya said smiling at her.

"Deal," Danica replied getting back to her laptop.

They didn't make love that night, but they did kiss and cuddle as they talked. For Danica it was a very close second to making love as she enjoyed just laying there relaxing in Anya's arms talking about nothing and everything though she did find out that everyone had decided that on Saturday night, she would be the one picking out what to do. As Anya explained it, no one was sure what she would be up to doing so the easiest thing to do was to let her decide.

As they were getting ready for school Danica finally figured out what they could do that would be fun without her having really overexert herself. She was feeling a lot better and figured that she was fine to do about anything but still after spending several days in the hospital she wasn't going to take any chances. After her last class she sent out a text that they were going to go get pizza and the go bowling. She quickly got a text from about everyone asked if she was really up to it with some suggesting that they just going out to eat. However Danica assured them all that she was fine. The only person she didn't get a text from was Anya but she knew she would hear from her soon enough and she did.

"Bowling?" Anya asked as she came into the room. "Are you sure that you're up to that?"

"Oh I'm up to it I assure you, I won't even raise a sweat," Danica said accepting Anya's kiss.

"And just how you going to do that?" Anya asked her not believing that was possible.

"I'm going to be the official scorekeeper and then head cheerleader when anyone bowls a gutter ball," Danica said with a grin.

"So you get to make fun of us and we can't get you back," Anya asked arching her eyebrows at her.

"That's my plan; do you think the gang will let me get away with it?" Danica asked.

"They will this time but heaven help you when you bowl again and roll a gutter ball, they'll kill you," Anya said with a laugh.

"I know," Danica said laughing.

"Hey how about us going shopping Saturday morning, then we can make a day of it. You have been cooped up all week trying to catch up and you need to get out," Anya suggested.

"Oh man that is going to be hard to do, but I just might be able to fit a shopping trip in on my busy schedule," Danica said just as solemnly before she burst out in laughter.

Saturday morning they did get up early and after having breakfast, they went out on their shopping trip going to the mall and then some of the thrift shops just for fun. And it was at the thrift stores that they actually found some things that they wanted to buy. It took them much longer than they thought it would and left them both worn out by the time they returned so they laid down for a quick nap.

"So do we have enough time for a little afternoon delight?" Anya asked softly as she woke up and Danica was already awake just laying there resting.

"Well... maybe just a little," Danica said rolling over on top of Anya giving her kiss.

Danica felt Anya's hands on her hips and then her top being pulled up. Danica raised up allowing Anya to pull her top up over her head breaking off the kisses that she was giving to her. Danica had no more than began to kiss Anya's lips and cheeks when she felt Anya's hands undoing her bra.

Danica sat up letting Anya pull her bra off which she replaced with her hands giving them a squeeze causing Danica to let out a moan. Danica slid her ass back pulling Anya up so that she was now sitting. Danica pulled Anya's top up and off with her help and she quickly removed her bra so that she could lean in giving them both a squeeze and a kiss to each of her hardening nipples. She sucked one deep into her mouth and as she released it, she gave the nipple a tender bite making Anya moan loudly.

Their hands went down to each other's jeans, unbuttoning them and pushing them off the other's hips. They both had to get up on their knees to get them down before they each finished pulling them off. They came back together kissing as they pulled their bodies in close. As they kissed and caressed, Danica felt her pussy getting very wet and she could feel the heat from Anya's body. When her hands went down to Anya's ass cheeks giving them a squeeze, she heard Anya moaning into their kiss.

Danica slipped her right hand between their bodies, covering Anya's pussy. She used her fingers to caress Anya's pussy lips that were rapidly becoming very wet. She slipped her middle finger into Anya's pussy moving it around inside of her. Anya stopped trying to return her kiss, putting her head on Danica's shoulder and holding onto what was to be an intense orgasm. However Danica had other plans for Anya, she withdrew her finger and pushed Anya back onto the bed. Anya groaned as she was so close and needing to cum.

"Where you going?" Anya moaned seeing Danica move to the side of the bed and reaching into the nightstand.

"Getting this," Danica said with a grin holding up their dildo vibrator.

"Oh!" Anya said grinning and opening her legs.

Danica grabbed the bottle of lube and carried both down between Anya's legs, looking at her pussy with the hair matted with her juices. Danica put both down and putting her hands to Anya's thighs, she dropped her head down to Anya's pussy. She gave Anya a couple long slow licks going from the bottom of her pussy to her clit causing Anya to moan each time she touched her there.

She rose up and as Anya watched, she put some lube on her hand using it to coat the dildo. She turned it on and she reached up lightly touching Anya's right nipple getting Anya to moan loudly and even louder when she touched the left nipple seeing it harden even more.

She very slowly brought the vibrating dildo down from between Anya's breasts to her pussy causing Anya to wiggle and moan. She placed the head between Anya's lips slowly pushing it inside of her. She felt her own pussy tingle watching as Anya's lips opened and the dildo slipping inside. Once she had it most of the way in she paused letting Anya get used to it while she leaned down and kissed Anya's clit all so lightly.

Danica began to slowly push the dildo in and out of Anya's pussy as she teased her clit with the tip of her tongue. Anya was moaning and she began to push her hips back against Danica's hand as she fucked her pussy with the dildo. Danica began to push harder and she sucked Anya's clit into her mouth. Danica knew she wasn't doing a great job of either but Anya's didn't seem to mind. Soon Anya gave out a guttural moan as her orgasm washed over her.

Danica slowly pulled the dildo from Anya's pussy that was still pulsing from her orgasm. She put the dildo to the side so that she could lick Anya clean of her juices and sending Anya into a series of mini orgasms. She finally gave Anya a reprieve fearing Anya would become too sensitive. She came up in the bed pulling Anya to her holding her tightly as she came out of her orgasm.

"How was that afternoon delight?" Danica asked her when Anya opened her eyes.

"Wonderful," Anya replied giving Danica a light kiss.

Anya sat up pushing Danica onto her back and sitting on top of her. "What shall I do to you now?... oh I have an idea." She said picking up the dildo that still had her juices coating them.

"Oh no, don't use that on me!" Danica said acting fearful.

"Oh I do believe I will..." Anya said waving the dildo in front of her.

"Please don't!" Danica replied putting her hands in front of her face like she didn't even want to look at such a fearful thing.

"I'm afraid so," Anya said turning the vibrator on.

"Nooooo..." Danica said but she quickly changed that to "Ohhhh..." when she felt the head of the dildo touch her nipple feeling the vibrations go from her nipple to the rest of her body.

The vibrations stopped on that nipple and Danica groaned before she felt Anya touch her other nipple with the head of the dildo. She felt her pussy getting so wet and she so wanted to feel the dildo deep inside of her.

"Fuck me," She moaned to Anya.

"My pleasure," Anya said leaning down to give her a kiss.

She felt Anya sliding off her hips and down between her legs which she brought up. She first felt Anya's hot breath on her pussy and then her even hotter tongue licking up her pussy to her clit. She moaned feeling Anya's tongue part her lips going inside of her. However Anya's tongue was gone just was it was feeling really good. But a moment later, she felt something firm against her lips, parting them and pushing inside.

"Ohhhhh..." Danica moaned feeling the dildo fill her pussy.

It seemed to push so deeply and then she felt Anya's tongue on her clit about sending her through the roof. The dildo began to move in and out of her pussy feeling so great and Anya's tongue tip teasing her clit was about too much for her to handle for long. The dildo was moving in harder and deeper into her pussy filling her so full and when Anya began to suck on her clit, she felt a lightning bolt go through her body as the orgasm she was trying to hold off exploded inside of her.

When she recovered, her pussy was empty but still pulsing; Anya was lightly kissing her face. "Oh that was wonderful," Danica sighed before she began to return Anya's soft kisses.

They kissed and cuddle for a while before they had to start getting ready to go out and meet the gang for pizza and then on to the bowling alley. Once there Danica set herself up at the scoring table as her friends got their shoes and bowling balls.

Anya was the first one to get their shoes and bowling ball however she had two pairs of shoes. "What are these for?" Danica asked her.

"The man said that everyone had to have bowling shoes and besides you might want to bowl a ball or two," Anya answered with a grin.

Before Danica could question Anya everyone else arrived so she had to put her questions Anya on hold. They all bowled a practice frame before the friendly completion began. They all bowled with Anya figuring out a way to go last. She got her ball and went up to the alley. She stood there for a moment and Danica noticed that she was way off from where she had taught her to start.

"Ahhhh... I've forgotten where I'm supposed to stand," Anya said with a completely innocent expression.

"Yea right!" Georgia said to her.

"I did, honest!" Anya protested.

"I'll help you," Danica said with a deep sigh.

Danica came in behind of Anya putting her hands on her hips, putting her to the side line that Anya needed to be. "You know you're helpless," Danica whispered in her ear.

"Hey it worked, I got you up against me didn't I?" Anya whispered back.

"Yea it worked," Danica said squeezing her hips and then she quickly kissed Anya's shoulder before going back to her seat.

Anya steadied herself and started her steps up to releasing the ball and as soon as she did, Danica knew where it was going and it did, right into the gutter.

"I get up and help you and you throw a gutter ball?" Danica asked as Anya turned around and Danica could see her blushing.

"Gutter ball, Gutter ball, Gutter Ball, " Came the chorus of cat calls from the rest of the gang.

"Oh shut up!" Anya responded to their laughs.

When she got back to the line, she looked back at Danica who smiled and got up to place her when she was already standing. "Take a deep breath and just bowl it like you know how to bowl," Danica whispered.

"I know," Anya said taking that deep breath as Danica returned to the scoring table.

This time she bowled much better and knocked most of the pins down getting genuine cheers this time. They all bowled through a couple of more frames and then Shawn bowled and he left two pins standing, separated by more than a bowling ball width.

He got his ball and went back to the alley; he studied the pins for a moment before he turned around and said, "I'd like to use a lifeline." He then came back giving the ball to Danica.

He caught everyone off guard for a moment before Haley cried foul, "You can't do that!"

"Too late I already did," Shawn said helping Danica up and pushing her toward the alley.

"Cheater!" Haley said to Shawn as he sat down beside of her.

Danica looked back to make sure everyone was cool with what Shawn had done.

Everyone was smiling and that made her suspect something. She went ahead and faced the alley. She was concentrating on the pins when she heard Shawn say a bit too loudly, "Did I do that right?"

"Yes honey, now hush," she heard Haley say.

Danica then knew that they did indeed have this all planned to get her to bowl some and be a part of the fun without overdoing it. Danica got her focus back and without thinking too much, she bowled the ball. She knew what she needed to do to get the first pin to hit the other pin thus knocking both down. But knowing what to do and being able to do it were two completely different things. She slowly stepped back watching the path of the ball and the farther down the alley the better the ball looked. She got her hopes up and when the ball hit the first pin looked like it was going to hit the other one and it did but it only barely touched it making it wobble a little. Danica said a silent curse knowing her had gotten close however the first pin hit the side and came back hitting the standing pin again, this time knocking it down.

"Yes!" Danica yelled surprising herself and Shawn was the first up to come and congratulate her.

"How did you do that?" Anya asked as Danica sat back down behind the scorer's table.

"Beats the hell out of me," Danica commented laughing.

Georgia was the next to call for a lifeline only she had three pins left standing however the two that were standing together were even further separated from the other one. Danica tried her hardest and she was able to get the two pins however the third pin was never touched by either the ball or the two pins that she knocked down. Georgia was still happy to have at least two pins knocked down. Danica ended up bowling a couple more times during this game with mixed results but it was fun to get up there and try even if she wasn't up to the task.

One thing she was able to do while mostly watching her friends bowl was she could really see what they were doing. She was better able to give pointers on what they needed to do to improve their game. But the one person that she really was able to help was Andi who was probably the worst of the group as far as scoring. As they rested and talked between games, Danica pulled Andi aside and told her what she was seeing and what she thought might help her game. Andi was all ears as she really wanted to beat everyone just once.

The first ball that Andi bowled knocked down several pins but still she wasn't able to pick them up on the second roll. Danica kept talking to her when she wasn't being someone's lifeline. Slowly Andi's game improved as the game went along and she finished in the middle of the pack.

On Andi's first roll of the third game, she threw a strike, knocking down all the pins on her first roll. That earned Danica big hug after Andi stopped jumping up and down yelling. Her second frame wasn't as great but still she did well getting most of the pins down. However on the fifth, sixth, and seventh frame, she threw strikes putting her way ahead of everyone else. And when they got to the tenth frame, she got hot again and threw three straight strikes, that left everyone in her wake. This earned her the honor of buying everyone an ice cream shake when they stopped at a late night diner on the way back to the university.

"You did great with Andi tonight," Anya said as they cuddled in bed. "I've never seen her so happy."

"I'm just glad that I could help her, I know she hated always finishing near the last every time we go bowling." Danica said snuggling in close.

"You know we will be hearing about it all week," Anya said grinning.

"It'll be worth it just to see her so happy, she is so serious all the time," Danica said.

"That's just her nature, her music is so important to her that something she forgets to just have fun," Anya said.

"Well tonight I think she remembered," Danica said giving Anya a kiss to Anya before they settled down to sleep.

Sunday Danica joined Anya listening to her practice as she studied. It felt good to get back to normal again and she was finally feeling good again. She had stopped coughing and her breathing was normal without any wheezing when she exerted herself.

"You know I could have made my own doctor's appointment and driven myself," Danica told Anya as she got into the car on Thursday.

"I know but I wanted to help," Anya said leaning over giving her a kiss before starting her car.

"So who did you make an appointment with, is he a good doctor," Danica asked resigned to her fate.

"She is a great doctor," Anya answered and Danica looked over at Anya and saw that Anya was trying hard to not to smile.

Danica knew Anya and she knew what Anya had done, not that she should have been surprised. "You know SHE is going to kill you." Danica told her.

Anya finally broke out into a smile, "Probably... but she knows your history now and she is the only one who knows if you are really better."

"When she starts to bitch at you and she will, I'm going to claim innocence, you're on your own," Danica warned her.

"Thanks for the help," Anya said frowning at her before laughing.

When they got to Anya's mother's practice, Anya slipped them in the back way since she had a key to the building. Anya had everything arraigned so that Danica got an x-ray and blood work done and into one of the exam rooms without her mother knowing. Everyone there all said the same thing to Anya that Danica had said, she was on her own on this one. They had to sit for about thirty minutes before the door opened and Dr. Sharapova strolled in wheeling her laptop in front of her.

"Why am I not surprised to see you two here," Dr. Sharapova stated looking directly at her daughter.

"You told her to find a good doctor for her follow up visit," Anya said to her mother who just frowned at her.

"You know I meant someone who could be her doctor," Dr. Sharapova said.

"You are a good doctor," Anya said grinning at her mother.

"I suggested we come back here," Danica said getting Dr. Sharapova attention off her daughter.

"Liar," Dr. Sharapova said. "Come on and sit up on the table and let's see how you're doing."

Dr. Sharapova stopped being a mother at this point and became a doctor. Danica got up on the exam table and this time she was able to answer Dr. Sharapova's questions. She first examined and listened to her heart and lungs, before she looked over the x-rays. She studied them for a few minutes getting Danica a little worried and then Dr. Sharapova again listened to her lungs once again. She them made her lay back and poked and prodded about every part of her body. Then came a series of questions covering everything that she had felt since leaving the hospital. It took Dr. Sharapova forty-five minutes to declare that she was of sound body though she had doubts about her mind since she was friends with her daughter.

"Now we can meet dad for dinner before Danica and I have to get back to school," Anya said once her mother was done with Danica.

"Don't tell me your father is in on this too," Dr. Sharapova stated.

"He wanted to meet Danica, he's met her parents and now he wants to meet her," Anya said with a smile.

"You're both on my list now," Dr. Sharapova stated before opening the door once Danica had put her clothes back together.

Once in the hallway, she declared that anyone who helped her daughter was now fired. Obviously everyone declared their innocence not that Dr. Sharapova was going to fire anyone since she was walking along the hallway with her arm around her daughter and Danica following close behind.

They stuck around while Dr. Sharapova finished her paperwork for the day and then they went on to the restaurant where Anya's father was waiting. Once there, Anya's mother became Galina and her father became Adam. Danica really liked Adam and she saw that while Anya got her looks from her mother, a lot of her personality came from her father. He was a little shy at first, letting the women around him talk however once Anya and her mother got to talking about something, Danica got to talk to Adam and he began to open up. The first thing that she noticed was just how much he loved his wife and daughter, they were his life. She really liked him and by then end of the meal, they were talking away pretty much ignoring Anya and her mother.

"You and my dad seemed to really get along," Anya noted once they were in the car heading back to school.

"Yea, he's nice and I can see that you're him made over," Danica said.

"What do you mean, I look like my mom," Anya replied.

"Yes you do but you are your father, you got your personality from him," Danica said taking Anya's hand.

"Is that good or bad?" Anya asked.

"Very good, I love your mom but you father is so sweet and nice like you are," Danica said leaning over to give Anya a kiss on the cheek.

"But sometimes I think he gives into my mother too much, whatever she wants he does, even if he doesn't want to," Anya complained.

"Do you know that?" Danica asked.

"Know what?" Anya asked.

"That he doesn't want to do it, maybe pleasing your mom is what he wants to do. To me he seems very content with his life, he has a beautiful wife and daughter who love him very much, isn't that all anyone can ask for?" Danica asked.

Anya seemed to think that over for a few minutes, "You know you're too damn smart for your own good." She said with a smile.

"And the fact that your mother is a tiger in bed doesn't hurt," Danica had to add.

"Oh gross did you have to say that, now I'll be thinking of that all night,' Anya complained and she reached over and slapped Danica thigh to help make her point.

"Hey you never know," Danica said laughing at Anya's frown. "And I did see him goose your mother's ass as we left the restaurant."

"La, la, la,...," Anya started saying to block out anything else Danica might have to say.

"Okay I'll shut up," Danica said and once Anya stopped her "La, La's" she did say, "but you get my point right?"

"Yes I do but you know that your parents fucked at least five times," Anya said with a grin on her face.

"Yea I figured that out once I knew where babies really did come from," Danica said with a laugh.

"At least they are a bit more normal..." Anya said.

"Are they?" Danica asked.

"They aren't?' Anya asked in return.

"When my father first started his first restaurant, it was my mother that kept things going and controlled the money and the employees, she was really the one pulling the strings as pop made the pizzas and perfected them and when my oldest brother came along Pop had to do more but my mother still kept her fingers in the mix." Danica said. "And who controls the finances now, my sister-in-law Judy. Face it, we both have strong women in our families and that is the way it should be in my opinion."

"Damn you got me thinking too much tonight,' Anya said with a laugh. After a pause she asked, "So who is the dominate woman in our relationship since we both come from strong women?"

Danica had to think on that one much to Anya delight. "We both are depending on the situation."

"No you are, you're the one who got us out of the situation with our roommates," Anya quickly stated.

"And you're the one who made me go to the hospital and then got me the appointment with your mom tonight. I didn't even ask what doctor, I just let you take care of me." Danica replied.

"That's different you were sick, I was forced to take over," Anya said.

Danica started to remind her about getting the follow-up appointment again but then she had a better idea to prove her point, "You kissed me first."

Anya's face scrunched up as she thought that one through, "Okay I'll give you that one."

They talked for a while about their relationship and their mom's influence on them but then they grew silent and just rode as dusk turned to darkness. They were about twenty minutes away from the campus when Anya broke the silence.

"Is there anything you want to do but haven't for some reason?" Anya asked.

"Like what?" Danica asked.

"I don't know, anything," Anya said not helping Danica any.

Danica thought for a moment and she really didn't think of anything other than write the great America novel that would make her a famous author but she knew that wasn't what Anya was asking. She thought another minute before something came to her head and she was glad it was dark in the car as she was blushing from head to toe. Then a car passed by them and Anya happened to be glancing over at her.

To be continued...

Please let me know what you think of my story. I welcome all comments good or bad. You can email me at numlfl@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 13

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