
By Brent Stewart

Published on Mar 24, 2000




"Ok! Give me some time to get dressed and I'll meet you!" I yelled into the receiver. Geez, what crisis is Mike in now? "I'll meet ya in 20 minutes."

"Hurry up, ok? It's important and I need your help before we get to school", Mike said from the other end and hung up.

I crawled out of bed and headed to the restroom. 6 a.m. is NOT a good time for me on a school day, especially when I was up until 2 a.m. studying. I did the usual: shower, brush teeth, comb hair and then threw some clothes on. Mike was having some crisis and since we've been best friends since grade school, I'm kind of obliged to have to put up with these life-altering episodes every now and then. "Life was so much easier before high school," I thought as I headed down the stairs, and out the door to meet him.

I arrived at the coffee shop and saw Mike sitting at the counter talking with a waitress. He always seems to have just stepped out of the pages of a magazine. You know the type, perfect hair, teeth, body, and clothes. He has light brown, almost blonde hair. 6 feet of well defined flesh, and that look of most guys our age that says, "I'll play with you for awhile, but don't EVEN think serious!" More than likely, that was his problem again. The girls at school lust after him and he drives them crazy by seeming oblivious to their attentions. I'm not too bad looking myself, but compared to Mike, I'm the little off clone that is just a slight bit different from the original, but definitely enough to notice. Oh well, seventeen is an awkward age anyway. I'm Arrack by the way, but my friends call me Ark.

"Hey Mike! What's up now? You get some girl pregnant and their father called to offer you a duel?" I asked as I approached him at the counter. He turned around and I could tell that my comment had embarrassed him in front of the waitress he'd been talking with. "Serves him right," I thought, "for getting me out of bed at this God awful time of the morning."

"Um...hey Ark," he waved to me. "Excuse me, Ma'me, my friends arrived." He pushed himself from the counter and came over to me. He grabbed my shirt and pulled me over to a booth where we both sat down.

"Ok, so what's this emergency that got me up and out of bed? It better be good too, or I'm going to kick your ass." I told Mike. He had this furtive look on his face and he seemed to just be staring at me. His blues eyes were locked on mine and I could see the reflection of my face deep in them. They drew me in, we seemed caught in some otherworldly plane and I had to break eye contact before I was forever lost there. Lately, I've had to deal with these urges that were causing me no ends of comfort. Having a hard on all the time at 17 is somewhat normal, but NOT when you're talking to your best bud.

"Ark, I need you to just hear me out on this and when I'm done we can talk about it, that's IF you still want to be friends." Now a wild look had come over his features and I impulsively smoothed my hair back from my face. He was causing me to get a little nervous with the seriousness of tone. 'Will you hear me out before you make any judgments or comments?"

"Sure Mike, but why so serious guy? It's me, remember? Of course we'll still be friends no matter what you tell me. Just don't grab my cock under the table or I'll be forced to comment," I chuckled in an attempt to lighten the mood and tension. When I saw Mike's face, having said that, I knew immediately what this must be about. "Oh my God, he's caught me looking at him and probably has noticed me popping a boner," I thought. I swallowed hard and waited for the axe to drop. I'd been caught, and there was nowhere for me to escape from him. He holds me with just a look, like I were caught in a vice.

"Ark, I'm in love with you." Simple and direct, the words left his mouth and reached my ears. They entered and were assimilated into my brain. From there they traveled and wrapped my heart. They lay heavily for only a moment, as my breath quickened, before continuing there voyage throughout my being. The heat of a flush rose in my face as I looked at my best friend across from me, his eyes pleading with mine for affirmation of his love. I sat stunned by the implication and moved beyond joy at the result. I loved him too. I've loved him for all my life it seemed. "I know this must come as a total shock to you," he continued his confession. "I just had to tell you because it's been driving me crazy for two years now. I need to know if you can handle it, or if you want to distance yourself from me now. It's too hard for me to conceal any longer and it's tearing me up inside." His eyes continued to search mine and he noted the reddening of my face.

"Um...are you through?" I asked. "Is it my turn to make judgments and comments?"

Mike broke eye contact and seemed to brace himself for the words that he expected to hear from me. His entire demeanor seemed to shift to one of a shy puppy that was preparing to be kicked by its master. "Yes, it's your turn." He said.

"I would never have expected to hear you say those words to me Mike, not even considering the emotion I feel behind them," I began. "We've known each other for years and we have been so close people couldn't tell where you end and I begun. Not once in all this time have you ever done anything to cause me to doubt your friendship. You always helped me up when I needed and I tried to do the same for you. I'm not sure you know what love means, but I know that you feel a bond with me. I feel the bond as well. Is it love? Of course it is. Are you IN love with me? Well, now that means something entirely different Mike." I had to be sure of him. I had to know if his simple statement meant the same to him as it had to me. I couldn't drop my guard totally until I was sure.

"I know what being in love means, Ark," Mike said. "It means that I have feelings in me that are beyond reason, yet are necessary for survival. The very thought of having you near me sets my blood on fire and my whole being yearns to hold you and surrender utterly to you. Your presence in a dark room could draw me without need of light because I can feel your spirit. I know you Ark, like no one else can ever know you. I know you because I've touched your soul and mine isn't complete without that contact." His eyes had once again locked on mine and I was helpless to avoid the burning intensity of those globes.

Dazed, the immensity of what I just heard was infusing me. The love and strength coming from him; my body and soul were absorbing and feeding off of this awesome power emanating from my best friend. I looked around us to see if there were any people overhearing our conversation. When I looked to the counter where Mike had been taking with a waitress earlier, I saw a knowing smile on her face. Mike must have needed a bit more support before I arrived and the waitress must have been the receptacle from which he drew that added benefit.

"Well...say something to me. Tell me to go to hell; tell me you hate me, but just don't just sit there." Mike said. I knew now that he was truly in love with me and it freed some unknown barrier in me that I must have subconsciously suppressed my own feeling behind.

"Mike...I'm in love with you too. I didn't believe what my own emotions and body have been telling me for years now, but now I can't imagine how I could have been so dense." A sigh escaped from Mike and I saw the tension being replace with sheer relief and joy in his face. He smiled at me and my heart melted further. "What do we do now?" I asked.

"I don't exactly know how your feeling at the moment, but school doesn't appeal to me as much as it did when I started the day." He leaned forward and in a conspiratorial tone of voice said, "My parents are at work and there's that whole empty house begging for company. Why don't we go there and I show you the places you and I have never explored before. I'm sure we can spend ALL day finding new places and points of interest, don't you?" He gave me a mischievous grin and turned to look in the direction of his earlier confidant, winking at her with a huge grin for her benefit as well.

We arrived at Mike's house and as he said, his parents were gone for the day. He opened the door and led us up the stairs and into his bedroom. Thousands of times I've followed the same route through his house and to his room, but never with this overwhelming feeling that something miraculous was going to take place at the ultimate destination. I knew Mike was a virgin and so was I. We would have confessed any knowledge about sex to each other, and it seemed at this moment to mean all the more, since we were going to learn together. Mike opened his bedroom door and pulled me by the hand in after him. Without stopping he took me into his arms and our lips met for the first time in our lives. His smell assailed my nostrils as our tongues dueled for deeper ground. His taste was new to me and our closeness affected my teenage hormones dramatically. His hands moved down my back and I mimicked his contact and exploration with my own hands and body.

I pulled Mike's body into my own. I could feel the heat of our passion enveloping us, and our need increase with each passing second. When, finally, we broke the contact of our kiss, he caught his breath and reaffirmed his love for me by saying, "Before we make love I want you to know that there is nothing more in this life that I could ever want or need than to know that you love me. If you don't want to do this you don't have too. Your love is enough, even though it's more than I could have ever expected."

My answer was totally obvious by my actions, which included the remove of my shirt, shoes, socks and then removing his shirt and pushing him down on the bed. I took off his shoes and socks and lay on top of him. He embraced me and we once again explored the new dimensions of each other's mouths with our tongues. My hardness grew in my pants and was straining to be released into the open. I whispered into Mike's ear, "I need every inch of you and I offer the same to you." I took his hand and placed it on that need and was rewarded with the soft caress and manipulation I only imagined in my dreams. Here I was with the one person in the world that I knew would offer me ALL of him without reserve and in turn he would have all of me.

I sat up and began removing his pants. I traced the outline of his cock through the material and his moans inflamed me into rapid abandonment. As I slid his pants off and saw the straining tool of his love displayed for my taking, I bent and caressed it with my mouth and cheeks. Slowly, I reached the band of his underwear and peeled them down to expose a beautiful 7" hard piece of pulsing and expanding cock. Brown, wiry hair encircled the base of his cock, on an otherwise smooth body. His ball sack held two round globes the size of walnuts and just the slight dusting of light, fine hair. I reached and encircled him in my hand and felt a mighty pulse of the muscle. On the tip of his mushroom shaped head, engorged with pent up passion, a dollop of clear liquid escaped. I bent forward and used my tongue to tentively wipe away my first true taste of his love. He moaned and caught his breath as my tongue swiped this most sensitive appendage.

I fully removed his underwear and he reached to do the same to me. I lay on my back and watched as he moved into position to strip me and expose my own confined need. My body was so alive when he touched my stomach in the process of removing my pants; I felt a bolt of electricity shoot through me. Every nerve was active and the hairs on my body seemed to stand out with the charge of energy. I felt his hand slid along my cock through my underwear and a shiver ran through me. I moaned and closed my eyes and I felt him reach into the top of them and remove them down my hips and finally off of my body. I could feel his heated breathe flow across my cock and then the deep intense heat of his mouth as it closed around the head and slowly descend along my shaft. As he drew up from my cock and it escaped his mouth, I opened my eyes and saw him admiring my body.

We kissed and explored each other, losing ourselves in our youthful passion. As Mike continued his ministrations on my cock, my balls tightened to my body and I could feel the swell of cum running from the depths of my balls and building up to explode into my lovers hot, moist, hungry mouth. Reacting to my attempt to shove my cock down his throat, he sped up his suction and unable to restrain the result, I erupted in wave after wave of boy cum. Mike swallowed and pumped and bobbed my tool, draining every ounce of fluid and passion from me. I felt his body tense as my own manipulation of his cock reached its crescendo and the back of my throat was coated with spurts. I withdrew his cock from my throat enough to allow his cum to flow over my tongue. I wanted to taste him. Savor every nuance of his manhood. I swallowed eagerly and I pumped his cock to extricate every ounce of this wonder.

Both spent and basking in the glow of our newly found ecstasy, we lay on Mike's bed, holding each other in our arms and sharing kisses and words of love. After what seemed to be only moments, I realized I had better get dressed and head for my house. The clock in his room read 5 p.m. and his parents, as well as mine, would be home soon.

"I love you Mike. That was amazing!" I said as I pulled my clothes on and prepared myself to leave.

"It was pretty amazing wasn't it?" And he smiled at me and I melted all over again. "We still have several places to explore yet and we'll have to remember the best ones so we can revisit them over and over again."

We kissed one last time and as we reached the front door, his mother was coming up the drive. I said hello to her and waved goodbye to Mike, "See you at school tomorrow!" I called back to him standing in the doorway. Just as I reached the door to my car and opened it, I heard Mike yell back to me,

"Don't forget ... we have a lot of exploring still to do!!"

Well, this is my first attempt at fiction. I hope you enjoyed my little tale. Let me know what you think and please try to keep flames to a minimal. ;-) You can get to me at brent@cutey.com. Peace out, Brent. My other Nifty series is Outted In High School, which is a true account of my HS days.

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