Exploring Adam

By Damon Ellison Ellison

Published on Aug 24, 2011


I really didn't know what was happening to me. It was as if my world, when I was in my apartment with Adam, narrowed down to a single thought. Cock. In all of my fantasizing and tentative experimentation, I had never anticipated the hunger I would have, the constant desire to touch, stroke, taste, and suck Adam's beautiful cock. It intoxicated me, and the feeling I got when I made him helpless with pleasure was like nothing I'd ever experienced. I loved the way he got hard in my hand or in my mouth, I loved the suddenness with which his orgasm came upon him, I loved the ecstatic way his hot seed exploded in my mouth when I sucked him.

All of which, I could tell, he more than reciprocated. He still bore a look of stunned surprise when he undressed me or undid my pants, as if he could not believe what was happening. I was pretty certain I looked the same way ... it was a shock to both of us, really, though for different reasons.

We did not go out that first night, but flaked out and ordered pizza. We lounged on the couch watching movies, every so often interrupting our viewing to make out, which led to oral or hand play, but without the urgency of before. Instead, it was languorous ... lazy. We didn't bring each other off, but just teased and tickled and stroked. For nearly an hour I lay with my head in his naked lap, dividing my attention between the television and his cock, idly running my tongue up and down the silky skin of his shaft and kissing his flared head. Remembering something I had once read, I focused my attention on the area just underneath the cockhead, lazily running my tongue in circles while he made inarticulate noises of pleasure. Suddenly, he pulled my head off him, saying, "That's exquisite. But I want to save myself for tonight after we go to bed."

"Why?" I asked mischievously, "What happens tonight?"

He didn't answer, but kissed me and traded positions with me on the couch. We had changed earlier into pajama pants and tee shirts, and my pants were already down around mid-thigh. My cock had gotten soft during the time I had spent nuzzling his, but as he began to tongue my balls it started to stir.

I don't even remember what movie we were watching. It had faded quickly to mere background noise as the main attraction became the attention we paid each other's cocks. I whimpered and squirmed as I felt the tip of his tongue ticking my balls. Encouraged, he slid off the couch to kneel between my legs. He looked up at me reprovingly. "Now, don't you go and cum on me now," he said with mock severity. "I want to save up that lovely stuff for later. This is just a warm up." I nodded, helpless, as he grasped my balls caressingly and pulled my sack up so his tongue could tease the tender skin underneath it.

"Holy shit, Adam," I gasped. "Are you SURE I'm your first?"

"Yeah. Of course. Why?"

"Because I've been having sex for over ten years, and no one has ever done THAT."

"So it feels good?" he asked, and returned his tongue-tip to that incredibly sensitive patch of skin.

I did not answer--could not answer--just moaned inarticulately. Finally, I managed to gasp out, "I guess my question is, how did you know to find that spot?"

He smiled shyly. "I read a lot," he replied simply. "I was so desperate to have sex but couldn't find someone. So I frustrated myself by reading about what I could do and dreamed about finding someone to do it to." As if for emphasis, he flicked his tongue up the underside of my sack. "See, I could do this for hours and have you helpless with pleasure, but you won't cum. Not unless I help you along." And as his tongue squirmed against the underside of my balls, he stroked my now rock-hard cock slowly, pausing at the top to smear my precum around the head.

I don't know how long he did that for, but it felt like hours. It was the most exquisite torture, and I wondered how, after a day of almost non-stop sex and three orgasms, I could feel like I was blueballed. Finally, I made him stop ... not because I wanted him to, or because I was getting close to cumming, but because I needed to visit this torture on him.

If anything, his reactions were more vocal than mine. He moaned and squirmed, and every so often reached down to stroke his cock. I smacked his hands away when he did that, but I was otherwise lost in his taste and smell ... not unpleasant or funky at all. We had showered together after our last session to wash all the cum and lube off ourselves, and so there was still the faint smell of soap on him. But his natural fragrance, slightly musky and salty, came through. His skin was soft, almost velvety under my tongue.

I wanted to go deeper, and pushed his legs back so my tongue could reach his asshole. I had been rimmed before and knew how delicious it felt ... I wanted to do the same for Adam, and he moaned appreciatively as my tongue tip found his sweet pucker. He draped his legs over my shoulders as my tongue swirled around his anus, pulling my face in closer. Finally, after I don't know how long, I withdrew and returned to licking his balls and occasionally teasing his cock with my tongue ... though not a lot, as his rod was so swollen with desire I feared one lick too many would cause him to erupt ... and while that was certainly something I wanted him to do, I didn't want him to do it yet.

Eventually, we ended up cuddled up on the couch, almost dozing, waiting for the moment when we could call it a night and go to bed. There was an unspoken agreement there ... bedtime would be the next act in our drama, and it was important not to rush it. We had just spent an extended intermission teasing each other ... what came next would be far more urgent and ardent and explosive. This we both knew without saying it.

When we finally did go to bed, he was shy again. Truth be told, so was I. I had never shared my bed with a man ... we'd had all sorts of sex on it that day, but the thought of falling asleep beside Adam was something new. We undressed in the dark, sliding naked under the sheets and up against each other's bodies. We were both already hard ... it was a thrill to feel his cock slide against my thigh, and to embrace him lying down, under the sheets, and to kiss him deeply in the dark room.

We made out slowly, lazily, each resisting the desire to reach down and touch each other's cocks, but thrusting our hips against each other as our kisses and caresses became more urgent. Finally, I traced my fingertips down his shaft, eliciting a shiver and a moan, and I whispered, "Do you want to fuck me?" His cock twitched.

"Do you really want me to?" I could hear the need in his voice, but also his concern.

"Yes," I replied, and rolled over to pick up the bottle of lube off the floor.

"You ... you want me to use a condom?"

I hesitated. "You've never been with anyone?"

"No," he said. "You're my first."

I said nothing but squirted some KY onto my hand and rubbed it over the length of his now-throbbing shaft. "How do you want me?"

We were both somewhat hesitant ... it was new territory for both of us. "I want to look at you," he said finally, so I obligingly rolled over on my back. I could feel my entire body trembling with want and fear, and my heart thudded painfully in my chest. He climbed on top of me, pushing my legs back, finding my hole with his hand and aiming the slicked-up head of his cock at it.

"Tell me if you want me to stop," he whispered.

"OK," I said, "but I want you to start, first."

He laughed nervously and I felt his cockhead press against my hole. He pushed, and for a brief moment I had to bite my lips to keep from crying out in pain. He was well lubed, though, and after a moment I felt the head pop past my sphincter.

"You OK?" he aked.

"Slowly," I said through gritted teeth.

He obliged, easing himself forward a little bit at a time, pausing when I grunted in pain. Finally he slid himself home and I felt his balls resting against my crack. I exhaled, thinking that perhaps this had been a mistake. The pain had dulled somewhat, but was replaced by a not-pleasant sensation of being filled. I felt constipated, and it was only the squirming of Adam's tongue against my neck and his ragged breathing that kept me from stopping this experiment right there. He was breathless with excitement and desire, and I wanted, yet again, to see his face as he came in a sudden, ecstatic explosion. I could deal with the discomfort.

But then he slid his cock back a few inches, and the world changed. The feeling was indescribable ... on his downstroke, it was as if all of the sensitive nerves in my ass came to life, and a tremor ran through my body.

"Oh," I said. "Fuck. Yes."

He looked up from where he'd been nuzzling my neck, a smile on his face. "Does that feel good? Do you like that?"

He slid out slowly a little further, and then thrust into me again. My cock, which had softened, suddenly sprang back to hardness as the delicious sensation redoubled. "Fuck yes. Oh Christ." He fucked me slowly again, corkscrewing his hips slightly, and I raised my legs to clutch his hips. "Yes. Fuck me."

Again, the words seemed to run through him like electricity. More confident now, he started to fuck me in long, slow strokes that had me gasping in pleasure. Each time he plunged into me my cock twitched and felt as though it might actually cum without me touching it. "Fuck me," I said again, into his ear, and by his breathing I could tell that he was getting close. I didn't want these sensations to end, but I also didn't want to overdo it my first time. And I knew that he would be hard again in fifteen minutes. "Fuck me," I said more urgently. "Fuck me with that sweet cock of yours."

"Oh, fuck," he said in a strangled voice. "I'm close, I'm fucking close."

"Good," I whispered. "Fuck me. Cum inside me. I want to feel you cum."

He moaned and stiffened, and I felt his cock swell and pulse as he came. I squeezed my legs around him, pulling him deep inside me, and he kissed me deeply, his tongue hungry in my mouth. When he finally pulled out and collapsed beside me, he said. "Holy shit. That was incredible." Looking at me shyly, he asked, "Was that good for you?"

"Amazing," I said. "Unexpectedly so. I never imagined it would feel that good."

"Good." He ran his hand over my still-hard cock, circling his fingers around its base and giving me a few lazy strokes. "It seems you have something you need to take care of here."

"Indeed," I said, kissing him. "I was hoping you might be of assistance."

"Perhaps. You want my hand or my mouth?" He paused for a moment. "Or do you want to fuck me?"

"Do you want me to fuck you?"

"Oh god, more than anything," he whispered. "Being inside you was ... unreal. I want you inside me now."

Oddly, in all my homoerotic fantasies I had never fantasized about fucking a man. Sucking him off, yes. Being fucked, yes. But now, running my hands down Adam's back and over his ass, I realized what a perfect ass he had--a young, tight one, perfectly shaped, and suddenly I was overcome by desire.

"OK," I said thickly, and reached for the lube. He snatched it out of my hand, and squirted it on my cock. He slathered it over my shaft lovingly, to the point where I had to pull his hands away. "Careful," I said. "You don't want to make me cum yet."

He chuckled in a way that seemed to suggest he was happy to make me cum whenever, but he obligingly rolled over on his back and lifted his legs for me. I lay on top of him, kissing him, and running the slick head of my cock up his crack until it rested on his anus. "Ready?" I asked.

"You have no idea."

He grimaced as I pushed, exhaling in relief when the head popped in. I slowly, slowly worked my way in. He was hissing in pain, but it was hard for me to hold back ... the feel of his tight ass gripping my cock was nearly delirious, and it was all I could do not to start thrusting away with abandon. But then, I chided myself, I might be new to this but not to fucking ... Once his face relaxed and I saw pleasure on his face, I fucked him slowly and deliberately, moving my hips elliptically, pausing at the top of my stroke before sliding home again. He felt exquisite, and soon he started to gasp and moan and whimper as I fucked him more strongly. His cock, which had gone soft after fucking me, was hard again. As I thrust in and out of him it bounced appealingly on his belly, and I reached down to stroke him as I fucked him.

His legs came up and gripped my hips and his fingernails raked across my back. "Oh fuck. Fuck yes. Fuck me ... fuck me hard. Fuck my sweet ass," he whimpered, and the words had the same effect on me as mine on him. I leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "Yes, you have a fucking sweet ass. You're exquisite. You like my cock in you?"

"Oh, fuck yes," he moaned. "Fuck me harder."

I obliged, managing somehow to stroke his cock as I did. He was fully hard again, and again I marveled at the eagerness of his young cock. He started to gasp, and I felt his cock twitch in my hand and suddenly it was hot and slick with his cum as he fountained up between our sweaty bodies. Feeling him cum put me over the edge, and I gasped in his ear, "Fuck. Fuck. I'm cumming."

"Yes!" he moaned back ecstatically. "Cum in me. Fucking cum in me."

I cried out as I came, pressing my body against his, feeling his semen sticky and sweet on our skin. ""Oh, yes," he purred as I gasped into his collarbone. "Oh, yes. Good. God, I love making you cum."

"Me too," I said feelingly, and slid my softening cock out of him. He gasped again and moaned when my cock popped out.

"We need to do that again," he sighed.

"Oh, we will," I promised, feeling the exquisite ache in my own ass, and my sphincter clenched in pleasure at the thought of him fucking me again.

We lay like that for a few minutes, and he finally murmured, "Do you want to take a shower?"

"Yes," I replied, realizing that we were both soaked with sweat and sticky with cum, and the funky smell of ass was on our cocks. But I was also excited about showering with Adam again: that afternoon had been lovely, soaping each other up and pressing our slick bodies against each other. We hadn't had sex, exactly, just teased each other. But now as we stepped into the steaming water, I wanted to make better use of the soap and water and heat.

I was hard very quickly, even before we stepped past the shower curtain, thinking of what I wanted to do. Adam turned to face me as soon as the water cascaded over us, running his hands up my back and kissing me. I took the soap and dropped my hands to his cock, stroking him with it, eliciting moans of pleasure. I dipped my head to his chest and sucked at his nipples. His cock was soon positively throbbing, almost seeming to strain at the limits of his skin as I continued to stroke it with my soapy hands. He took the bar of soap from me and reciprocated. His hands were exquisite. The one thing I had never before and have never since experienced was a woman with hands strong enough to deliver a handjob that good ... even when I asked for them to squeeze harder or stroke faster, they were either too timid to do it or their hands weren't strong enough.

Adam's hands were confident and firm. And they made my cock so hard I almost couldn't stand it.

But I didn't want to cum in his hands there in the shower. I had something else in mind. Reaching up with both my hands, I placed them on either side of his head and kissed him hard. He responded ardently, his hands roving up my back to pull me close as our hard cocks clashed like a parody of a swordfight. Playfully, he swung his hips back and forth and our soap-slicked rods slid over each other deliciously. But still, I wanted something else. Sinking my hands into his hair, I pulled his head back and whispered in his ear, "I want to fuck you now." He shuddered and moaned. "Do you want me to fuck you?"

"Fuck yes."

"Tell me."

"I want you to fuck me."


"Yes. Hard. And fast."

Taking him by the shoulders, I turned him around and, placing my hand at the nape of his neck, bent him over so he was braced against the wall of the shower. The water, hot and needle-like, bounced off his back, ruddying the pale skin where it struck him. I could hear him panting , his breathing fast and ragged, as I re-soaped my cock and rested its head against his asshole. I leaned forward to whisper in his ear over the sound of the falling water, "Do you want my cock in you?"

He whimpered. "Oh, fuck yes. I want it. I want it now. I need your fucking cock."

I slowly slid myself into his hole, earning a moan of pleasure and desire from my lover. I entered him as slowly as I could manage, drawing out the sensation. His moan became a sort of keening cry of want as I buried myself in him up to the hilt, my hand on his shoulder pulling him back down on me. As hot as the shower was, he was hotter; my cock felt as if I had slid it into an exquisite, tight, slippery furnace, and it was all I could do to proceed to fuck him slowly. I kept one hand on his shoulder and one on his hip, bringing him down again and again to rest his ass on my hips. He started to cry out in pleasure as I fucked him, and speak nearly incoherent, broken phrases of desire.

"Oh fuck. Yes ... fuck me ... with ... hard ... oh fuck. Fuck. Fuck me ... hard. Your cock. So hard. So ... oh, Christ. Fuck yes."

I slid the hand on his hip around to find his cock, which was as hard as I had left it, its skin impossibly taut, the head flared and swollen, and I started to run my fingernails up and down the underside of his shaft. His hips started to buck, caught between the pleasure of my cock in his ass and my fingers on his rod, and his whole body began to shudder.

"Oh. Fuck. Yes. Now. Yes. Fuck me. Hard. Now. Yes. There. Right there ... right there ... right there ... yes."

I could feel myself getting close, so I thrust into him harder and grasped his wet cock in my hand. When I came I cried out myself, thrusting deep into him, holding my pulsing cock inside him, and he pressed back against me with a matching wail of ecstasy. His cock began to twitch in my hand and, hotter than the water falling over us, his cum spurted over my fingers and my palm.

I don't remember much after that. I had never felt such a moment of ecstasy, and Adam would later avow the same. We must have toweled each other off and crawled naked back into bed, where he snuggled into my arms. The last thing I remember was, in spite of my earlier vow to not let him sleep, drifting off into an exhausted, contented, delirious slumber.


Thanks for reading! If you enjoyed this, and want more, please let me know at damon9888@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 5

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