Exploring Grad School

By Steve R

Published on Aug 17, 2014


This is my first submission to Nifty. The story below contains descriptions of sexual activities between consenting adults, some encounters are between members of the same gender. If this is offensive or illegal for you to view in your area, please leave stop reading now. Otherwise, I hope you enjoy. The characters of this story are fictional; any resemblance to people in real life is simply coincidental.

I walked through the double doors to see a sea of other graduate students in chairs waiting for orientation to start. After a few years working, I returned my undergraduate college for an advanced degree. I decided to fulfil my career goal, becoming college professor and research scientist. Over the past few years, I discovered my calling was in academia, teaching the next generation of engineers.

I took my seat at a table with a couple of really cute girls, a really cute guy, and then a few other people. I sat quietly until the one of the attractive girls turned to introduce herself to me.

"Hi my name is Sarah."

"Hi, Sarah. I'm Steve. I'm starting my PhD in engineering. What about you?"

"I'm starting my MS in psychology."

"Awesome, nice to meet you. Is this your first time at this school?"

"No I went to undergrad here, but I moved to Chicago. I'm back because this was a great school and my company is giving me 1.5 years to finish my MS while I work part time for them."

As she finished up, an older woman in the front of the room welcomed all of us to the university. She went over the agenda for the day, but I started to zone out. Having gone to undergrad here, I started reliving some of the highlights of my previous time spent on campus and in the all the fun bars downtown. I was hoping to relive some of my past experiences, particularly the fun of tailgating for home football games. I still knew a few people in town and expected to pick up just where I left off. However, since I left a few things had changed.

Over the years I started to explore my sexuality more, particularly after my girlfriend of 2 years decided the long distance relationship wasn't worth it for her anymore. Unfortunately, Facebook was the one who told me when I saw she was in a new relationship 3 days after she broke it off in a text message. That night was a black day in my history; I went through lots of alcohol and sent several regrettable text messages. However, with time I began to slowly move past things, or so I thought. My primary coping technique was a lot drunk nights with friends helping me forget. But then one night after a long day of drinking all day, I found myself in a new experience.

On that night, I had been drinking all day. I had hosted a small party at my house for a local event. We started drinking at 7:00 AM and had kept drinking all day. By 10:00 there were only a few people left. All my close friends had gone home. There were two other people left, Jill and Jason. I had only met Jill recently but over the past few weeks spent a lot of time drinking at the bar she worked at. Jason was one of her friends. I had only met him that night, but he seemed like a nice guy. He was 5'11" with a very tight body. He was tan with blond hair. He was very fit and I assumed was getting laid nightly by any girl he wanted. We were sitting out by the fire we had created earlier, but it was about out and we were ready to head in. I was getting tired but didn't want to end the night yet. With little else to offer, I asked if they wanted to play wii. They said sure and we selected wii bowling. We played a few rounds but were not really that into the game.

"Hey on the next game, let's make things interesting. Let's play strip bowling," Jill suggested.

"I'm in," Jason said.

"I guess, either way I'm in the majority," I reluctantly said. "So, what are the rules?"

"Oh the rules are easy, each round the loser of the round takes off a piece of clothing." Jill said.

"But there are ten rounds, what I only have a few articles on. What happens if you lose and you don't have more to take off." I asked foolishly.

"Let's cross that bridge when we get to it. Maybe it won't be an issue." Jason said.

So we started the game. Jason lost the first round and striped off his shirt. He revealed a tan abdomen with a well-defined six pack. He was completely hairless in his chest and stomach, but with his low rise pants you could see some of his clearly shaved pubic hair. Jill lost the second round and removed her shirt. She had on her bra and wasn't as fit as I normally went for, but it had been the first bra I'd seen since my girlfriend so I liked it just the same. Jason ended up losing the next 2 rounds and off came his socks and pants. He stood in his orange boxerbriefs. He seemed completely comfortable as I was getting more uncomfortable. I kept looking at Jason, his fit body was quite the sight. The next round Jill lost and I was on a great streak, having not lost yet.

"Jason, you better not lose the next round you'll be out of options soon." Jill laughed.

"Fuck off Jill, clearly we need to team up against Steve." He chuckled back.

"Oh he'll get what's coming to him."

Not really understanding what was going on between them I just kept drinking and playing. The next round I lost and removed my shirt.

"Finally, he loses one." Jason shouted.

"It's not my fault you to suck at this game, this game wasn't even my suggestion. I'm just along for the ride." I said.

"And what a ride it could turn into." Jill laughed.

Jason lost the next round and slowly slid off his boxerbriefs. I could help but look; he had a nice cock between his legs. He wasn't hard or anything but it looked nice. I didn't stare but did look a little. There was a little poking fun at Jason, but he seemed 100% comfortable. I was jealous of that. Even playing sports in high school, I was never really comfortable in my body particularly nude with other people.

On the next round I lost, and striped off my socks, until I harassed by the other two and gave in. Instead I put my socks back on and slid my pants off. I was so uncomfortable in my boxers and socks. I just wanted the night to end now. I mixed myself another whiskey and sprite to help me out. Jill was on a roll and won the next round and Jason lost. With nothing else to discard Jason looked at us. "You need to do whatever the winner says," Jill stated matter of fact.

"Alright that seems fair. What do I need to do Jill." He asked.

"Hmm, let's make this an epic night. Jason, you need to make Steve hard."

"Woah, wtf why am I involved?" I asked.

"Cause it's something you would never do." She said.

"What about Jason, what's he think?" I asked.

"He I agreed to the rules, fair is fair." He said.

"Ugh, fine let's get it over with." I said.

He sat down on the couch next to me and stuck his hand over and started rubbing my cock. I closed my eyes and tried to think of something different. Jason was rubbing by cock, while I was focused on anything that wouldn't get me hard. It working at first, then he shouted that I wasn't trying hard enough.

"Look I don't back down on bets, I was challenged to get you hard and I will come Hell or high water. So sit back and enjoy this and stop resisting." He declared.

"Fine." I stated.

At that moment he bent his face toward my cock. He peeled down my boxers and with one hand gave my cock a quick squeeze before bringing it to his mouth. In one motion he engulf my cock in whole. I could feel the blood rushing in now. The sensation was amazing. I couldn't believe what was happening. I was letting this hot guy suck my cock. From the other couch, Jill called out. "Well if you are using your mouth you need to keep going till he finishes. But I'm going to bed so fill me in on who wins in the morning. "

Neither of us responded. He just kept sucking my dick, which was now rock hard. With Jill gone I relaxed a little more. I placed my hand on the back of his head. He moved to kneel in front of my and pulled my boxers the rest of the way off. I look down at him, I looked down at my 4 pack abs with a light dusty of hair on my chest and abdomen. I was no greek god but having swam competitively since age 5 I was still quite fit. Jason's mouth and hand was working my cock good and I was in a state of euphoria. I pushed his head deeper onto my cock and now started to thrust my hard cock into him. He took one of his hands and started to jack his rock hard cock. I couldn't believe how good it felt and I could believe he was jacking himself off while he was sucking me. This most not have been his first time with a cock in his mouth. After that I start face fucking him harder and harder. The harder I pounded my cock into him the faster he jacked himself off. I couldn't take it much longer. Gasping for air I yell out to him, "I about to cum." Without missing a beat he started jacking his cock faster and picked up the pace of his sucking. I grunted and with one final push I couldn't help but erupt down his throat. I shot a god 6 or 7 times. Each shot deep in his throat. I could feel him swallowing after the first few shots blasted in him.

After I finished, he stood up and unloaded his seed onto my chest and cock. I wasn't quite ready for that but I admit it was hot to see another jack himself off in person. After he finished he bent over licked up his seed from my stomach and cock and then headed to the bathroom to wash up. Astounded by what happened I just sat there. I couldn't believe what had just happened. The room smelled of sex, so I got up turned the air on and went to wash up myself. By the time I returned from my bathroom, Jason had put his clothes back on and was just relaxing on the couch. I asked if he needed anything. He said no and tossed me my boxers. I pulled them on and then walked over to grab my pants. After getting dressed, I turned the tv on to sports center. We watched tv for a little bit. Jason turned me and said, "Thanks for the great night but I'm going to grab get going home. Do you want me to take Jill with me?"

"If she's sleeping, she can stay."

"Oh, she's wide away in the bedroom. She kinda planned this all out for us. She thought you could use a blowjob after your breakup. So, I volunteered."

"Woah, you guys planned this?"

"Sort of, We weren't sure if you would go for it at first. But after you seemed to be okay with it at first we went all out." He said.

"Wow, not sure if I should feel flattered or what?"

"He we all need to get our dicks sucked from time to time. Does it matter whether that mouth is man or woman's?"

"I guess not." I said.

"Good, then maybe we can do it again. But for now I'll go get Jill and we'll head home."

"Thanks for everything."

Jill came out of the bedroom with a smirk on her face knowing what happened. She smiled and said good night before walking out the front door. Still trying to wrap my head around my first gay experience, I drifted off to sleep...

Snapping back to reality I heard the lady in the front finish. "Thank you all for coming and I wish you all the best in your future hear at this university." I turned to Sarah, wished her luck with her degree and stood up to leave. I had zoned out for the entire orientation, thinking about that first night of many night with Jason. But that was in my old life. Now I was a student again and he was several hours away. I would have to find someone knew to explore sex with...

**This is it for the first chapter, I hope you enjoyed it so far. I am hoping to submit more as I have time to write them. Would love to hear feedback or even thoughts on where things should go from here. Feel free to email me at steven.grad86@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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