Exploring Teen Idols

By Drinkster2

Published on May 18, 1998


Exploring Teen Idols- Part 2

You can mail Richard at drinkster2@aol.com and Todd at tmj098@aol.com



NEVER TOOK PLACE, (except in our imagination...)

I awoke late, at around 11pm, finding myself wedged under Leo's perfectly

formed body. Given the choice I would have happily stayed there all day, but

soon my bladder betrayed me forcing to leave Leo and go for a piss. I did so

and reflected on the happenings of the past days. I could hardly believe that

Leo told me that he loved me and I could not face ever being without him

again. I walked back to the bedroom and saw that Leo had awakened. He lay on my bed

with a happy grin plastered on his beautiful face.

"Hi again Richard," said Leo. "Hi babe," I replied.

I lay down next to him and softly slipped my arm around him.

"I can't bear to ever be without you again Leo." "I know babe." "What are we going to do?" "You could come to LA with me" "Really?" "Yes really. You could take a year out before going to university, and we

could spent it together. You could even go to university in LA"

I had recently finished my A-Level exams, so there was no reason why I

couldn't take a year off.

"I'll have to tell my parents" "Yeah, I guess you will. I will stay and give you a little moral support. I

don't have to be home for a week." "Thanks Leo. I love you, you know." "I know. I love you too, Richard."

Leo did stay and when my parents got home I told them that I am gay, which

they took pretty well. They took a little convincing about my going to the

USA, but eventually they came around and said yes. At the end of the week Leo

and I flew across to LA. The journey took ages, although time passed

relatively quickly with Leo for entertainment. We spent a lot of time just

looking at each other. I had plenty of time to think about things, to get

them cleared up in my mind. I realised that in just a few short weeks Leo had

become the most important thing in my life, and that I would do anything for

him. I looked into his eyes. They were so beautiful. He conveyed so many

feelings through his eyes. They just exuded that cuteness, that some guys

have and some don't. He certainly has it. Soon the end of the flight was

upon us. I had lost track of time, just sitting there and I soon realised

just how long I had been sitting there. We got off the plane and went through

the usual procedures, and we were both pretty tired having been awake for what

I can only describe as 'far too long'. We headed out into the car park and Leo drove me back to his house. It was

pretty impressive to say the least. It had more bedrooms than I could count

and a big swimming pool, in addition to a basketball court. We headed pretty

much straight to bed, as we both had some serious sleep to be getting. We

just lay down, and fell asleep in each-others arms. The afternoon soon arrived. It was 1pm when I awoke and I found that Leo was

already awake and was in the kitchen, making 'breakfast'. I walked down to

him and slid my arm around him.

"Morning babe." "Afternoon, really. How did you sleep?" "Great. How 'bout you, Leo" "Great. You are pretty comfortable to sleep on." "Thanks, I think. How is breakfast?" "Nearly done." "Good. I am starving!" "I love you Richard." "I know. I love you too."

We sat down, ate breakfast and we got dressed. Afterwards we sloped around

the house, played some basketball and swam.

"I've arranged for us to meet a couple of friends of mine later in the week.

Kind of a welcome party." "Anyone I know?" "Maybe," he replied. "Who?" "Devon and Jon." "As in Sawa and Jonathon Taylor Thomas?" I asked "Maybe." He replied, smiling.

I hated it when he did this.

"Is it or not?!" I snapped, playfully. "Yeah. It's them. I also gave another friend a call. He is in England at

the moment and he said he would pay Wil a visit." "Who?" "Nick Carter." "Cool. Is he--?" "Gay. Yes." "Wil should have some fun in store then." "Yeah. He's a nice guy." "Are Devon and Jon gay?" "Yep." "Are they together?" "I think so." "Cool. You mind if I give my cousin a call? He lives down in Texas." "Sure." "Thanks Leo."

I walked over to the phone and punched in Todd's number. He had come over to

England last year during the summer holiday and he had told me that he was

gay. I hadn't had the guts to tell him at the time, but I planned to now.

"Hi Todd. Its Richard." "Cool. How come?" "Just saying hi really. I'm in LA." "Really? We are going to LA on holiday at the end of the week." "Great. You can come and pay me a visit. You'll never guess who I'm staying

with." "Try me--" "Leonardo DiCaprio." "Yeah, right. You feeling alright? Been out in the sun a little too long?" "No really." "Well this I have to see." "One more thing." "Yes, I'm gay." "Really? Cool. I guess that explains who you're staying with anyway."

I check with Leo that it was ok for Todd to stay for a couple of days, and

returned to the phone.

"Leo says it fine for you to stay for a couple of days." "Really?" "Yep. Really. You got a boyfriend at the moment?" "No. Still a virgin." "I might get Leo to line someone up for you then." "Thanks. I better go now. Seeya later." "Bye."

I remembered from his visit last year that Todd was really cute, so I was

surprised that he didn't have a boyfriend. He was about 5'9 tall, with deep

blue eyes, not dissimilar to Leo's. His soft light brown hair, finished off a

near perfect face. He had very little body hair, just a light sprinkling, and

a nicely shaped cock, which I had seen when we swam together.

"Leo. You think there is any chance you can line up someone for Todd while he

is here?" "Yeah. I think I can manage that. I'll give Devon a call. Ask him to call

Tay." "Tay. As in Hanson?!" "Ummm, Yep. Can't think of another one!" "Cool. He is a pretty big fan of Hanson, or Tay at least. He'll be very


A few thousand miles away, Wil lay in his bed. He had finished school the

week before and was just beginning the long summer holiday. He was missing

Richard pretty badly, him being one of his best friends, especially since he

had found out he was gay too. The afternoon sunlight bathed him, as he lay on

his bed, naked. He pulled himself up and padded across to the bathroom,

climbing into the shower, letting the steaming water caress his body. He

washed himself and then pulled himself out of the shower and got dry. After

breakfasting he was about to check his e-mail, and a couple of newsgroups when

the doorbell rang.

'Who could that be?' he asked himself. 'I'm not expecting anyone.' He sloped

down the stairs and flung open the door. In front of him stood Nick Carter.

"Hi," said Nick. "A friend of mine told me that you could maybe use a little

company." "Which friend?" Wil asked suspiciously. "Leo." "Really?" "Yep. Really."

Wil could hardly believe it. He had met two of the cutest guys on the planet

inside a week!

"You want to come inside?" "Sure. That'd be cool."

He led Nick into the lounge room and they sat down on a soft sofa.

"Can I get you anything to drink?" "Yeah. What you got?" "Coke, Dr. Pepper, Tea, Coffee." "I'll take a Dr Pepper thanks." "No problem."

They walked back over towards the kitchen and Nick looked at Wil. 'He is

definitely very cute,' thought Nick. Wil was dressed in faded blue jeans, just a little on the tight side, so that

they sexily hugged his shapely thighs, and a white T-shirt. Nick was dressed

pretty similarly, in baggier jeans, and a black T-shirt. He looked even cuter

than Wil. As Wil poured two glasses of Dr Peppers, he felt Nick approach from behind and

softly slip his hands around his body. Wil felt his soft cock brushing up

against him through his jeans. When he finished pouring Wil turned around and kissed Nick lightly on the

lips. Nick returned the gesture and they kissed passionately, exploring each-

others mouths. Nick began to undo Wil's jeans, but Wil stopped him and led

him up to his bedroom. When they arrived there Wil pulled down Nick onto his

bed, and they first removed their shirts, and then their jeans. Now wearing

only their underwear, they continued to kiss passionately. Wil was having

trouble comprehending the fact that he was very close to having sex with one

of his favourite fantasy figures. Wil moved down Nick stopping for a moment

to suck lightly at his now rock hard nipples, and removed Nick's boxer shorts,

revealing his hard, smooth cock. It was around 7" long, with hair only around

the base. His balls hung quite low, and were completely devoid of hair.

First Wil took one of his balls in his mouth and licked at it gently. He then

gave the other the same treatment, bringing a soft moan from Nick. Nick then

swung around, slipping off Wil's briefs, to facilitate a 69 position. Wil's

cock was around 6" inches, and was a little hairier than Nick's. It had thick

black hair around the base, and a light sprinkling on his balls. Nick dived

onto his cock, sucking for all he was worth, and Wil did the same to Nick.

They writhed with passion, sucking hungrily at each other. They knew they

wouldn't last long and soon they were pumping hot cum into each-others mouths.

They swung back around and kissed feverishly, letting their cum flow between

their mouths. After a few minutes of kissing they separated and lay locked in

each-others arms for a while. They showered together afterwards and then,

reluctantly went their separate ways, having exchanged phone numbers.

Back in LA there was more feverish kissing going on, although this was between

Devon Sawa and Jonathon Taylor Thomas. It was a beautiful picture, the two

sexy teen stars, kissing hungrily, naked on the hotel bed. Devon moved down

Jon's body, licking and sucking as he went. Soon he reached the grand prize,

Jon's beautiful cock. It was rock hard and around 7" long. At the base was a

thick patch of brownish hair and his balls hung down heavily. Devon first

licked lightly at the head, bringing an "Ummm" from Jon and then devoured the

whole length, sucking hard at it. He slipped his finger in between Jon's

shapely bubble butt, and found his rosebud. He slipped his finger gently in.

Jon was in ecstasy. He writhed with pleasure and screamed "I'm gonna cum!"

Devon continued to suck hard at his smooth cock, and Jon pumped spurt after

spurt into his mouth.

Devon managed to swallow it all, savouring the taste. Jon soon realised that

Devon's cock had so far gone unnoticed, so he lay Devon down on the bed, and

kissed him softy. He then sat up, straddling Devon's crotch and guided his

cock up his tight asshole. His big 8" cock caused waves of pain and pleasure

for JTT as it penetrated his asshole, and felt truly amazing for Devon, the

tight hotness wrapped around his big cock. Jon pumped up and down on Devon's

cock, the initial pain having largely subsided, leaving him to wallow in the

passion of the moment. Devon knew he would not last long, and after a couple

of minutes, he spurted load after load of cum into Jon's asshole. Jon climbed

off Devon's slackening cock, and kissed him deeply. Then Devon held him

tightly, not wanting to ever leave.

A couple of days after his encounter with Nick Carter, Wil sat at home feeling

lonelier than before. Now not only was his best friend gone, but the hot

celebrity that he had fantasised about and finally had sex with was gone as

well. He couldn't keep his eyes of the sheet of paper with Nick's phone

number on it. Part of him said he should call, but the other part just

laughed. He's a celebrity! It was just a one time thing! he thought.

Wil sighed deeply and headed off to his bathroom to shower. He stripped

naked and was about to get into the shower when the telephone rang. Wil's

heart skipped a beat as he reached to answer.

"Hello?" he said hopefully into the receiver.

"Wil?" The confident voice on the other end could only belong to Nick.

"Nick, hey, what's up?" Wil's heart had begun to pound faster.

"Not much bud, I was just wondering what you were up to tonight?"

The sound of Nick's voice sent a rush through Wil and his cock jumped up to

it's full 6 inches. Unconsciously Wil started to rub it with his free hand.

"Not a thing actually. Why?"

"Well, I don't have anything to do either and I was hoping that we could get

together and do something. You know, maybe catch a show?"

"SURE!" Wil replied, a little to excitedly. "Did you have a particular film

in mind?"

"Well actually, I've been so busy lately that I haven't been able to see many

films. Do you have a suggestion?"

"Lost in Space just opened, we could go catch that. If that's okay with


"Great! I'll be by around six to pick you up okay?"

"I can't wait," Wil replied.

"Me either. See ya at six!" Nick hung up and Wil stood there holding his


His cock was throbbing in anticipation of spending the evening with the

hottest of the Backstreet Boys. Wil hurried to the shower and, without even

turning the water on, leaned up against the back wall of the shower. He

closed his eyes and began to pound his dick furiously.

"Yeah, Nick, suck it!" he moaned as his fist flew up and down his hot rod. He

threw his head back and bit his lip as his balls tightened at the base of his

dick. "Oh Nick yeah, fuck yeah!!" he cried out as his hot cum shot out from

his cock and sprayed all over the opposite shower wall. He leaned against the

wall as his breathing slowed down and then he cleaned himself up in the


Wil sat on the couch watching the clock and the door. He felt as if he had

never waited for something this long in his life. When the doorbell rang he

bolted out of the couch and rushed to the door. He collected himself and then

opened the door. On the other side of the door was Nick, easily the most

beautiful person Wil had ever seen.

"Wil!" Nick grinned broadly and ran his right hand through his silky blond

hair. "What's up?"

"Hey Nick, come on in." Wil moved aside and motioned for Nick to come

inside. Nick came into the room and Wil shut the door behind him. Nick

walked over to the couch and grinned again.

"So," he said. "You ready to go?"

"Ready when you are, Nick," Wil replied.

"Cool, let's go!" With that, the two walked out the front door and headed

towards the cinema.

After the show, Wil and Nick walked around enjoying the night air. It was

getting to be pretty late and Wil was afraid that the night was going to end

pretty soon. He was just about to say that he should be getting home when

Nick turned to him with a gleam in his eye.

"How about you staying over in my hotel tonight?" he asked. "I think a

sleepover could be a lot of fun!" He winked seductively.

"Well, my parents are out of town tonight so I don't guess they'd ever find

out," Wil replied. "Sure, I'll stay over!"

"Cool, let's go." Nick grabbed Wil by the hand and the two caught a cab to

Nick's hotel.

Once there they rode the lift to the top floor and stepped off. Nick

unlocked his room and the two entered, hand in hand. Nick's suite consisted

of a living area, a wet bar, the bathroom, and a bedroom with a huge four

poster bed.

"Nice place!" Wil said, impressed.

"It's pretty cool," Nick replied. "Come this way, there's something I want

to show you." Nick pulled at Wil's hand and led him towards the bathroom.

Wil's dick was as hard as a rock from holding hands with Nick. They entered

the bathroom and Nick turned around to face Wil. With one hand he flipped on

the light, revealing a huge open shower. With the other hand he gently

grabbed Wil's crotch.

"I've noticed you're a little excited. I think we need to clean up a bit."

He grinned naughtily and started to undress. Wil wasted no time himself and

was quickly down to his boxers. The silk material did nothing to hide his

rock hard cock, which was sticking out of the band at the top.

Nick looked over to see the head of Wil's cock poking out the top of his

boxers. "Why don't you free yourself up a little?" As he asked this, he

removed his own boxers revealing his own hard 7 inches. Wil removed his

underwear, freeing up his rod.

Nick moved over to Wil and put his hands on Wil's defined chest. He brushed

his lips against Wil's right ear and whispered, "Let's get under some water."

The two slowly moved backwards into the shower and Nick turned on the hot

spray of water. The water quickly slicked the two down and Nick brushed his

wet hair back out of his face. The water only made Nick even hotter and Wil

could barely keep himself from cumming right then.

Nick moved forward quickly and kissed Wil on the lips, their tongues dancing

together. Then he moved his tongue down Wil's throat and onto his chest. He

took each one of Wil's nipples in his mouth and teased them with his tongue

until they were hard. "Oh Nick--" Wil whispered. "Yeah." He placed his hands

on Nick's head and gently pushed him down towards his raging cock. "Come on,

suck it," he pleaded, remembering his earlier shower.

Nick obliged and knelt down before Wil. A large drop of pre-cum had formed

on the tip of Wil's cock and Nick lovingly licked it off. Then he very

quickly took all of Wil's 6 inches in his mouth and swirled his tongue around

it on the way down. "Oh shit!!" Wil cried out as pleasure racked his body.

"Yeah, Nick yeah!!"

Nick bobbed his head up and down Wil's cock several times. He then started

working on Wil's sculpted head, swirling his tongue around the rim. He licked

Wil's shaft down to the base and then quickly sucked both of Wil's balls into

his mouth. He swirled them around his tongue and then moved back to Wil's hot

cock. Wil threw his head back as Nick worked his tongue all over the head of

his cock. Wil grabbed Nick's silky blond hair and began to thrust his cock

into Nick's mouth, fucking his face.

Nick complied greedily and grabbed Wil's tight ass as he continued to suck as

Wil fucked his mouth. "Oh yeah!" Wil groaned. "Come on suck my cock Nick!!

Yeah!" Nick continued to suck as Wil began thrusting his hips faster. "Fuck

Nick, I'm gonna cum!!" Wil's cock seemed to enlarge in Nick's mouth and he

cried out "Yeah!!!!! Here it comes!!!!"

Stream after stream of hot cum exploded into Nick's mouth. Nick swallowed

hungrily and managed to take all of Wil's load. Nick then cleaned Wil's

softening cock off with his tongue and slowly stood up, the hot shower water

still cascading over his slick body. The two boys locked eyes and kissed

passionately. Wil tasted his own cum dancing around his and Nick's tongues.

Nick reached over and turned off the water.

"Let's dry off," Nick said. "I want to go to the bedroom." Wil looked at

Nick's rock hard 7 inches and grinned.

"You may want to go to the bedroom," he said with a sly grin. "But I NEED to

go to the bedroom!" He reached down and gave Nick's hard dick a few quick


"Shit, man! Give me a chance!" Nick exclaimed with a smile. He grabbed

Wil's hand and led him over the two towels. The two dried off and then moved

into the bedroom. "Let's get in!" Nick said and jumped onto the four-poster

bed. Wil hopped on after him and climbed up into Nick's arms.

Again, the two kissed hungrily and Nick began working his tongue down Wil's

hard body. When he reached Wil's cock, he kissed it lovingly and then grabbed

Wil's legs. "Turn over," he commanded. Wil quickly obliged and Nick now had

perfect access to Wil's ass. He spread Wil's cheeks apart and stuck his face

in between them. He began teasing Wil's rosebud with his tongue, gently

pushing against it waiting to penetrate.

He finally worked his tongue up into Wil's ass and Wil twitched with

pleasure. "Nick, come on fuck me with your tongue!" Nick worked his tongue

all around Wil's hole and then backed away. He quickly leaned under the bed

and pulled out some Vaseline, which he spread onto his fingers. He then

returned to Wil's ass and pushed his index finger all the way inside. His

finger danced around Wil's prostate and Wil writhed in pleasure. Nick

followed this with two fingers and then three. Wil was moaning by this point

and he turned to look at Nick.

"Fuck me Nick," he moaned. "I want your cock inside of me!"

Nick needed no more invitation then that and turned Wil over onto his back.

He reached again for the Vaseline and coated his cock with it. Nick grabbed

Wil's ankles and moved them up to his shoulders, exposing Wil's waiting hole.

Nick positioned his cock at the entrance to Wil's ass and then looked down at


"Are you ready man?" he asked. "You ready for me to fuck you?"

"I've been ready all night," Wil replied. "Shove your cock into me! I want

you inside me!"

With that, Nick grabbed Wil's hips and guided his cock into Wil's hole. Wil

bit his lip at the initial pain and then said, "Give me a second, you're so

huge!" Nick just held still, enjoying the feeling of Wil's tight ass closing

around his cock. After a few moments, Wil looked up into Nick's beautiful

blue eyes and grinned. Nick returned the smile and slowly began to move in

and out of Wil's tight ass.

Wil looked up at Nick as he began to thrust faster. Nick's blond hair had

fallen down over his face, which was contorted in ecstasy as he began to fuck

Wil harder. Nick threw his head back and moaned loudly as he fucked Wil. The

feeling of Nick, Wil's fantasy, pounding into him was driving Wil crazy. He

reached up and grabbed Nick's pecs as Nick began thrusting even faster.

"Yeah, take it all! Fuck yeah, your ass is so tight!" Nick cried as he began

thrusting madly into Wil. "You like it? Come on, tell me you like it!"

Wil groaned as pleasure racked his body. "Yeah Nick, fuck me harder! Nick!"

He moaned and threw his arms up over his head, grabbing the pillow under it.

Skin slapped against skin as Nick's heavy balls slapped against Wil's ass.

Wil bit his lower lip and began stroking his rock hard cock with his right

hand. Nick slammed his cock into Wil's ass as Wil jerked himself off


"UH! Nick, I'm gonna cum!" Wil cried as he continued to jerk his dick.

Suddenly he cried out and his hot cum shot all over his chest and on Nick as

well. "Yeah Nick!" he cried as spurt after spurt of cum erupted from his

cock, landing all over the bed.

Nick reached up with one hand and wiped his hair out of his face, which was

tight with pleasure. "Wil, here it comes man!!" he yelled as he felt Wil's

ass tighten around his cock. He threw his head back and pulled Wil up to him.

"Yeah! I'm cumming!!!" he cried out and then whimpered loudly as his cock

erupted deep inside Wil. Wil could feel Nick's hot cum coating his insides

and he felt Nick's cock twitching inside of him. "Oh yeah! Ummmmm!" Nick

moaned as his orgasm subsided.

Still inside of Wil, Nick laid Wil back down on the bed and the two kissed.

After a few moments of feverish kissing, Nick reluctantly withdrew his now

soft cock from Wil. Exhausted, the two lovers embraced and fell asleep in

each-others arms.

The next morning, Wil woke up to find the bed empty except for him. His first

reaction was panicked until he heard the shower going in the bathroom. He

climbed out of bed and walked naked over to the bathroom. There in the open

shower was again the most beautiful vision he had ever seen. Wil could not

believe that not only had he spend the night with Nick Carter, but that they

had fucked and sucked until they fell asleep.

Nick's eyes remained closed as he turned towards Wil, washing shampoo out of

his hair. This gave Wil a chance to admire Nick's hard body as the water

cascaded down it. His cock was beautiful when it was soft. It was about 4

inches long and the head was still larger than the rest of it. The small

patch of soft blond hair at the base just made it even more perfect.

Nick's eyes were still closed so Wil took advantage of the situation and

quickly moved towards Nick. He got down on his knees in front of the

Backstreet Boy and quickly took Nick's soft cock into his mouth. Nick opened

his eyes, but didn't say anything as Wil began sucking on his hardening cock.

Nick reached down and caressed Wil's head with his hands as Wil grabbed Nick's

cockhead with his lips and began teasing it with his tongue.

It wasn't long before Nick's cock was rock hard and Wil began bobbing his

head up and down the length hungrily. Nick groaned and threw his head back as

Wil shoved his cock down his throat. After a few more passes with his tongue,

Wil felt Nick's cock twitch and soon he was rewarded with stream after stream

of hot cum exploding into his mouth. Nick said nothing but moaned loudly as

he came.

Once the flow of cum had stopped, Wil stood up and looked deep into Nick's

eyes. Nick returned the gaze and quickly fell to his knees. He grabbed Wil's

cock and began jerking it madly as he sucked on Wil's heavy balls one at a

time. Wil leaned against the shower wall and groaned. Nick jerked Wil's cock

faster and tongued Wil's balls for all he was worth.

Suddenly, Wil let out a moan and his cock shot it's load all over Nick's

gorgeous face. Spurt after spurt landed on the star, but he kept jerking

until he felt Wil's cock began to soften in his grip. Nick stood up and the

two finished their shower together in silence. After Nick and Wil had showered, the were sitting together in Nick's living

area of his hotel. "I had a really good time last night," Nick said. "I wish

that I didn't have to head back to L.A. tomorrow."

"Me too," Wil replied. "I don't know if I've had such a good time in a long

time!" He grabbed Nick's hand and squeezed.

Suddenly a smile washed across Nick's face. "I've got it! You can come back

to L.A. with me for a while."

Wil laughed and said, "I can't afford that! I'd love to go; you know I

would, but I can't."

Nick laughed too. "Are you forgetting who I am? Come on, I'll take care of

it all. Let's go!"

"Hey, as long as my parents say it's okay, I'm all yours!"

"Man, you're all mine whether your parents say it's okay or not!" Nick

grinned slyly.

It took some convincing but Wil was able to get permission from his parents

and the couple headed off to the airport later in the day. The flight to L.A.

was long, but it gave the two a chance to talk some more and to enjoy the

first class airline accommodation. Upon their arrival in L.A., a limo picked

the pair up at the airport and they headed to a five-star hotel in downtown


When they reached the hotel, they went to the front desk to check in. The

clerk informed Nick that a message had been left for him. She handed him the

note and as he read it, a grin spread across his face.

"It seems that Leo and your friend Richard are having a little party," he

said to Wil. "Apparently Richard figured you might come out here if I

convinced you and they want us to come over later tonight. Are you up for


"You bet," replied Wil. "Let's go get ready!" He grabbed Nick's soft hand

and the two lovers headed up to Nick's room to get ready for the party.

At Leo's house Leo and I lay entwined together. A few days had passed since I

had arrived, and we were having something of a party, to which several friends

were set to be coming. Leo had invited Jon, Devon, Nick and Tay, while I had

invited Wil and Todd. Wil and Nick were to arrive together at the house,

after their long flight from England, at around 5pm, while the others were

already in town for one reason or another. I had arranged with Todd that we

would meet him at the hotel he was staying at.

Reluctantly Leo and I separated, and climbed into the shower. We hadn't had

sex of any kind for a couple of days as we were pretty much saving ourselves

for the party, which promised to be very entertaining indeed ...

Having got dressed Leo and I climbed into his car. He looked cute to say the

least, with the wind blowing through his hair as we drove. We soon arrived at

the hotel, and we parked in the underground car park. Leo had brought with

him the obligatory sunglasses and cap, to avoid unwanted attention, and rode

the lift up to the lobby. I slipped my arm around Leo, while in the lift, and

we then headed out. I noticed Todd pretty much straight away, his soft brown

hair fell softly across his ears, and complemented his cute face and soft blue

eyes. He was slim, and relatively short at around 5'9.

We walked over and I said, "Hi." "Hi Richard," Todd replied. "Is that--?" "Yep." Replied Leo. "You look even sexier in the flesh," Todd announced. Leo blushed a little and

told Todd, "You're pretty cute yourself."

Todd wore black jeans, that were that perfect fit, that while not being too

tight, show off nice firm legs, and also a loose yellow T-shirt. We headed

back down to the car and headed off to meet Tay, at another hotel. He was in

town with brothers, for some recording, and had managed to arrange to escape

the studio for the day. He climbed in the back and sat down next to Todd.

"Hi," said Tay. "Hi," replied Todd. "How you doing?" asked Taylor. "Pretty good thanks. How about you?" "Not too bad. It's nice to get away from my brothers for a while."

Tay turned and looked over at Todd. Their eyes met and they looked deeply at

each other. Tay stared into Todd's eyes. They were beautiful, deep and blue.

He was lost in the depths. Todd felt the same about Taylor, and decided it

was up to him to make the first move, so he lent forward and lightly kissed

him. Tay returned the kiss and wrapped his arms softly around the cute teen.

Todd opened his mouth, letting Tay's tongue slip into his mouth and explore.

Slowly they fell apart, the events sinking into them both slowly. Todd

slipped his arm around Taylor and ran his fingers softly through his silky

blonde hair. Soon we arrived back at Leo's house. Leo and I went out to the kitchen and

left Tay and Todd in the lounge area, on a soft leather sofa.

It was 12:36pm. Jon and Devon were sleeping in after a night of hard

partying. They lay, asleep, their bodies tangled together. The sun had

splashed in through the window and now threw pools of light into the room. A

low moan came from Devon, as he awoke. He squinted as the sunlight forced

it's way into his eyes, and disentangled himself from JT and headed to the

bathroom to take a shower. He was careful not to awaken the sleeping beauty

that lay sprawled across the bed. He climbed into the shower and closed his

eyes, letting the steaming water envelop his body. Suddenly he felt two hands

slip around his waist, and turned to see Jon standing behind him in the


"Did I wake you?" asked Devon. "Probably," replied Jon smiling. "Sorry." "No problem. I can think of a few ways you can make it up to me--" "Hmm, I wonder what they might involve?!" "Something like this I should imagine..." Jon replied. Jon dived down towards Devon's cock and licked at it furiously. Soon it was

fully erect, and Jon teasingly licked at the head. "Ohh, Suck it Jon," begged Devon.

Jon slipped his lips over the head and began to suck hard at Devon's perfect

cock. Devon moaned in pleasure, and Jon continued to explore every inch of

his cock with his mouth. Jon slipped his hand up Devon's crack and pushed a

finger up Devon's ass. He pushed it right in, causing further moaning from

Devon, and began the gently finger fuck him, while still sucking his cock.

Suddenly he felt his cock tense, and he felt Devon's hot cum jetting into his

mouth. Devon let out a long moan. "That was great," Jon replied with a "Mmpf." He obviously hadn't finished swallowing Devon's

sweet cum! Jon pushed Devon lightly forward and rubbed some soapsuds onto his

cock. He then pushed it gently up into Devon's rosebud, and Devon felt a

twinge of pain. Then the cute teen began to pump gently at Dev's ass. "Fuck

me harder." Came Devon's request. Jon was only too happy to oblige and began

to ram his cock hard into Devon. Devon felt waves of ecstasy wash over him,

and soon felt his ass being pumped full of steaming cum. Jon pulled out and

kissed him, tenderly, and deeply ... After they finished showering they left the hotel and headed off towards Leo's


Devon and JT arrived to be greeted by Leo, Tay, Todd and myself, at around

3pm. They were obviously pretty close, judging by the way the looked at each

other. We chatted for a while and time passed quickly. We all agreed we

would leave the sex until Wil and Nick joined us. That didn't, of course stop

us from being engrossed in our respective partners, and Tay and Todd seemed to

be getting along very well indeed.

At around 4:30 the doorbell rang. Leo flung open the door and in front of us

stood my long-time friend, Wil and my long-time sex fantasy Nick Carter. What

could be better? Leo invited them into the lounge room, where the others sat.

To be continued soon in part 3.

Please email us at drinkster2@aol.com or tmj098@aol.com if you have any

comments or suggestions. Constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

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