Exploring the Student Life

Published on Mar 18, 2012


The feeling of the warm water running over my body helped to relax my aching cock. Every inch of my skin felt raw and exposed from the electricity of being in the same room as so many naked men. My mind ran wild with the images of what was occurring behind my cubicle, but mostly every image in my head was of the warm droplets of water dribbling down Nathan's body. I recalled how his dark nipples set in the olive planes of his chest and his strong abdomen, rippled with muscle. I longed to caress the light trail of hair from his delicate belly widening as it travels over his strong pelvis and down to his long cock which lies on top of his plump balls that I longed to drain for him. His firm legs with their muscled thighs and strong calf muscles were dressed in a thin wispy layer of delicate hair which leads onto the pair of delicate feet that rooted him to the ground.

I felt the stirring in my cock again but elected to turn the shower to a cooler temperature to help me relax. As the cold water cascaded over my body I felt myself relax and finally I was able to wash my sensitive skin. I turned the dial to stop the waterfall and I felt the bitter cold air rush over my skin. I wrapped myself in my warm towel and it felt as though every individual fibre was gently rubbing my skin. Once I was dried I put my clothes back on and opened the cubicle door. Once again I was able to lose myself in the heavenly view of the fine teenaged bodies showering.

Once I was back in my room I stripped from my clothes once again and allowed myself to bathe in the relaxing and natural feelings of being naked. I led on my bed and stared at the ceiling; it's cracked white paint staring back at me. I lay there for a few minutes before I heard a small amount of noise coming from the corridor. I instantly recognised the beautiful octaves of Nathan's voice, the Mediterranean accent gently winding itself through his words. There was a loud bang on my door and I jumped in shock.

"Hey! Robbie. Hurry up! We'll wait for you in the kitchen man. Don't keep me waiting too long, yeah?"

"I'll be right there! Just give me a couple of minutes!" I called back to him, excitement rushing through my veins.

I leapt from my bed, my soft cock gently bouncing against my balls. I knew I wanted to be near him now. I hurried to dress myself, pulling on my socks and then my tight boxer-briefs up my slender legs to imprison my lusting cock. I pulled on my favourite Abercrombie t-shirt and my jeans. It took me just a few seconds to fix my hair in its usual Taylor Lautner style. I grabbed my converses and pulled them onto my feet, anxious to get to Nathan. I took a deep breath and shut the lights out in my room and closed the door as I left.

I could hear Nathan and his friends in the kitchen playing a drinking game. There loud laughter echoed down the corridors. I walked into the kitchen to see them sitting around the round table and on the work surfaces. The kitchen had a faint smell of bleach and I assumed the cleaners had cleaned it today in preparation for our arrival. I looked at Nathan and he smiled at me, his dark lips curling at the edge of his delicate mouth showing me two rows of perfect white teeth.

"Hey guys, this is Robbie. He moved in here today and he's going to be in our classes."

"Hey man, do you fancy a drink?" a beautiful blonde-haired boy called to me. I looked at his face and saw a dazzling pair of ocean blue eyes.

"Yeah, have you got a beer?" I replied.

"Yeah! But if you want the beer you gotta pay the price" he said. I reached into my back-pocket to find my wallet, which was filled with my food-budget for the next two weeks.

"Not money man" he smiled at me and pointed to the table where three shot glasses were laid in a row filled with a golden liquid.

"Conor he doesn't need to do that if he doesn't want to – well maybe we can give him a discount, just one shot for now" Nathan called, laughing and smiling his perfect smile.

"I'm up for anything." I retorted with a wide smile.

I picked up the first glass of golden liquor I pressed the tiny glass to my lips. The acrid smell travelled up my nose and I fought back the urge to gag. I tipped the glass back and felt the warmth of the tequila dance over my tongue. As it travelled down my throat it ripped and snarled and I felt the warmth hit my stomach. I quickly grabbed the thick slice of lemon from the dish beside the glasses and bit down hard. All of a sudden my mouth was filled with the thick acidic lemon juice and the urge to gag was gone. I quickly downed the other two glasses following the same procedure, each time the fire of the tequila having less of an effect.

We remained in the kitchen drinking for another hour before the crate of beer was empty and the unfilled glass remains of the tequila and a bottle of vodka stood erect on the table, a bastion of our triumph. My head felt light and my limbs numb. Nathan staggered over to me and put his arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him.

"He's well initiated now boys. What do you say we hit the clubs and find him some skirt too!" he yelled to the rest of his friends. I felt his warm breath on my neck and I could smell its intoxicating scent, although this time I was sure that it was truly intoxicating owing to the amount of alcohol already drank with a prospect of more to follow.

The streets were alive with hordes of students in different states of drunk, but none sober. I was in awe of the number of people staggering around and the overwhelming noise that filled the streets. We joined the queue of the biggest club in the city. The noise from within was muffled by the walls but was still loud enough to intimidate me. As we moved further down the line I eyed-up the bouncers feeling nervous; being huge muscled men more than twice my size. We entered the main doors and walked through to the cloakroom where a male attendant was patting down patrons. I looked at him through my drunken eyes and he looked up and caught my eye. My eyes darted away from him. I observed his light skin tone, perfect with not a single blemish and his milk-chocolate eyes were deep and warm. His slender body was tall and hugged by his tight shirt. As I got to him he smiled at me and welcomed me to the club and apologised for having to search me. The speech was cold and rehearsed and no doubt written by his manager to be said to every patron he searched. Despite the impersonal conversation I felt excited as his strong hands roamed over my body.

Inside the room was filled with people. The bar was hidden behind a barrage of people all fighting to get a drink. Nathan disappeared in the direction of the bar and so I went to stand beside Conor. He smiled at me and patted me on the back once. When Nathan returned he was carrying some drinks and handed them out to a few of his closer friends and then one to me. I thanked him for the drink and smiled at him. As he passed the drink to me my hand made the smallest contact with his hand and a jolt of electricity shocked through my body from the top of my head right down to the ends of my toes.

We spent the next few hours drinking and dancing. Nathan and his friends kept pairing me with a variety of girls and I enjoyed dancing with them. Conor pushed me towards a tall girl with rich ginger hair, so dark it was almost red. Her skin was pale and soft and her lips were soft as they kissed me, yet I was glad when she left to get a drink and did not return. Nathan appeared to be having a successful night and was dancing with several different girls.

I felt a rush of anger and jealousy as I turned to find him kissing a girl. Her arms were wrapped around him and they kissed passionately. I wanted to run to them and rip them apart but I simply watched. The music came to a stop and the lights suddenly became brighter and the announcement that the venue was closed was given. As we started to leave Nathan was still with the girl. She walked with us back to halls and we went to the kitchen for a few more drinks. The time was 4:00 am and I felt tired and the haze of the alcohol began to lift. I, along with the majority of Nathan's other friends left the kitchen and went to our rooms.

Once I was in the security of my room I stripped my clothes from my body and lay on my bed naked again. I still felt alert enough not to be able to sleep. I stared at my ceiling again going over the events of the past twenty-four hours. I began to drop-off to sleep when there was a knock on my door. I threw some boxers on and went to answer it. As I opened the door I felt elated to see Nathan stood before me in just a pair of sweat-pants.

"Hey. You ok?" I asked him, the corners of my mouth curling slightly allowing the smile I felt to creep outwards.

"Bitch fucked off. She got me all horned up and then left." He sighed looking stressed.

"Do you want to come in?" I asked.

"Depends. Do you fancy joining me?" he held out a cigarette that smelled putrid and I knew what the contents of the cigarette were.

"Sure. That would be cool." I said standing to the side so he could walk in. He went straight to my bed and sat on it, lighting the cigarette. He took a few puffs and handed it to me. I copied his actions, never having had drugs before it burned the back of my throat and I fought the urge to cough. He just smiled at me.

"Nice. Apparently I just took your virginity!" He laughed.

"What! I'm not a virgin – oh!" I smiled and laughed with him. We continued to smoke the rest of the cigarette but he still looked wound up.

"You fancy watching a movie?" he asked me, gently shoving me.

"Yeah sure. What do you want to watch? I've got some DVDs if you want to check them out –"

"Not that kind of movie man. Get me your laptop." I didn't question him I just followed his instructions.

"This is what I'm talking about." He said, the widest smile yet just beaming across his face. We watched the people having sex on my laptop.

Movie after movie but it just seemed to wind him up more. Then I noticed I was watching him and not the movie. He moved the laptop from his lap and placed half of it on his right leg and half of it on my left leg, his bare arm now touching my skin; the warmth radiated through it. We watched a few more movies and then I noticed he was rubbing his crotch. I just stared at him, watching him rubbing his cock through the thin fabric made my cock instantly hard.

"You liking the movies man? You don't have to hold back." He smiled reached over and grabbed my cock through the fabric of my underwear and squeezed it jokingly. I laughed.

I responded by placing my hand in his lap and rubbed his cock to return the joke. He simply sighed and did not tense but relaxed. I continued to rub him and he didn't tell me to stop. I rubbed harder and allowed my hand to wrap around his cock and gently wank it through the fabric. He sighed and closed his eyes, breathing deeply. I allowed my other hand to trace the planes of his bare torso and then slipped my hand beneath the waistband of his trousers. He adjusted his legs to make more room for my hand as it explored his hard cock and juicy balls.

"Mmmmmm, yeah. Go on." was all he said to me; encouraging me to go further. I took the laptop our laps and placed it on the floor. I tugged lightly at his trousers, pulling them down his legs and freeing his cock. It pointed towards the cracked ceiling and I marvelled at its size. I observed the purple veins trailing up the thick shaft, pulsing as blood rushed to increase the size. His erect cock stood tall at around nine inches, its head glistening. I wrapped my hand around the shaft and gently pulled the foreskin up and down. Every time the skin came down I saw the head in its full glory. I longed to taste it.

I was lost in the ecstasy of the warm hard member between my fingers, wondering how this could ever get better. And then my question was answered. His head turned in my direction and his full lips made contact with mine. The kiss was hard and passionate and I allowed his tongue to enter my hungry mouth. It danced around with my own and I felt my own cock and his tensing as a small puddle grew in my underwear; the precum from my cock oozing out.

"Suck it." he commanded. I did not need to be told twice and I got down on my knees and placed myself between his two legs, my hands grabbing at their muscle and caressing the light brown skin. I pulled down the foreskin and exposed the glistening head once more and this time I gently kissed it and licked at it. Nathan moaned in pure ecstasy. I felt a surge of need for his cock and sunk down onto him, my mouth engulfing as much of the shaft as possible. I raised my head allowing my wet tongue to dance over the shaft and head as I motioned upwards. I followed the same action as I plunged back down the shaft, the beautiful scent of his sweaty balls rushing up my nose and sending me into a whirl of excitement. I continued to suck him allowing my other hand to play with his big balls.

"Get off." he commanded again. I felt a sudden sense of fear. I was scared that he was angry. " Get up and take of your pants. I am gonna fuck you. Now." he said. The fear vanished as if it had never been there. I jumped up off the floor and he grabbed at my pants yanking them down and freeing my cock. As it was freed it flew up and slapped my stomach, bouncing gently and pointing directly upwards, the skin already retracting from the head with the hardness. The flying of my cock had sent precum flying off the end of my cock, some of it landing on my feet and legs and now a big wet smear where the head of my cock had slapped my stomach.

Nathan pushed me onto the bed and my face buried into the brand new duvet. I felt his hands on my body, every inch of skin on fire with his touch. I felt his hard cock push through my round cheeks and press against my tight hole. As he pushed in I felt a sharp pain and I bit down on my duvet hard to avoid screaming. He allowed his member to push all the way in and then held it there. I felt to full and the pain suddenly felt worth it. The heat from his skin was all over my back and my legs and ass as he rested on me, allowing my ass to become accustomed to the invader.

Nathan began to extract his cock and then surged forward again. A rush of warm feeling in the pit of stomach exploded through my body and every single neuron appeared to be firing at once. The feeling of his cock rushing in and out of my ass caused my whole body to shake and quiver from the intense feeling. He was panting and breathing hard, so hard that jets of warm air were enveloping my back as he breathed. He kissed the back of my neck gently and began to pump harder.

I reached underneath my body and between my legs to grab my hard cock. I started to wank it in time with Nathan's movements. It felt so good that I forgot where I was and began to moan loudly. Nathan slapped my ass and told me to quieten down. He continued to fuck my ass as I wanked. It didn't take long for the feelings to intensify and I could no longer see the room around me. Nathan's pumping grew in intensity and I felt his cock tense. He threw his arms around my body and held me hard, still pumping. His moaning grew louder and finally he appeared to stop breathing entirely. I felt his cock explode in my ass and the warm juices of his cock drain into my ass. As soon as I realised what was happening I pumped my cock with more intensity and then my body appeared to explode and it was as though I was no longer there. Thick ropes of cum fired from my cock, rebounding off my duvet and spreading onto my legs and pooling on my feet.

Nathan let go off me and extracted his now over-stimulated cock. He fell back onto the bed beside me. My knees gave out and I fell to the floor. I sat frozen in position still flying high. Nathan's breathing was still laboured but calming. After some time we appeared to return to our own bodies. The air was suddenly thick and awkward.

"We shouldn't have done that. Lets forget it ever happened and not mention it to anyone else. Ok?" he said to me. His cheeks were flush, impossible to tell if it was the heat of our passionate sex or the embarrassment of what he had done.

"Never." I told him "You have my word, we're mates."

"Ok then." He got up and pulled on his trousers and turned to leave. I was concerned but still reeling of the ecstasy of our encounter.

"We're ok though, yeah?" I asked slightly concerned.

"Yeah, we're cool" he opened the door and left. I was still in the same position on the floor. I felt exhausted and climbed into bed, where I fell straight to sleep. I dreamed of Nathan.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter. Your comments and ideas would be most appreciated, or if you would like to discuss the story or characters then I would gladly reply to any emails sent to oscar.growdon@live.com

The story so far is completely true but I am happy to continue the story once my own experience runs out!

Thanks guys and keep reading! I look forward to hearing from you!

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