
By William Marshal

Published on Aug 3, 2023


Exposed: Chapter 13

After breakfast, James hooked up with Michael in his library study room. Michael had several archival boxes, a stack of books, and his computer on a the large table that filled most of the room."

"If I didn't know better, I might almost believe you are here to do real research."

"Almost believe?" Michael said, "Why just almost."

James laughed, "Seriously, who in their right mind would chose Horace Templar for a doctoral dissertation. The only thing slightly interesting about him is his last name."

You've got a point, but we have to go with what we have. Now give me your phone and password. Come back after lunch and I will explain this your new phone to you. For day-to-day use, you won't see any significant difference, but there will be some things going on in the background you should know about. Do you have questions?"

"Yes, Shane told me that my security plan included something called concierge service. What does that mean."

"Let me tell you what it does not mean. I do not clean your room, run errands for you, or buy you beer, weed, or hookers."

"I'm guessing you've provided security for either rock stars, crown princes, or the Trump family."

"All of the above. What I will do, is coordinate with Pierce International to take care of your transportation, reservations, and travel arrangements. In fact, we prefer that, since knowing those things helps us do our main job."

"I was hoping that was what concierge service meant. On Thursday, the soccer team plays in the semi finals of the state tournament. Their game is in the afternoon in Pittsfield, which is almost in New York. Weston and I want to go to the game, and want to drive out today after classes, and drive back after the game tomorrow. The problem is that no matter what color your American Express card is, or whether you're legally emancipated, hotels don't want to rent to someone who isn't 18. Sooo, can you get us a room."

"Sure, but just so you know, I will be next door, and we won't be staying in the same hotel the soccer team is staying in."

"That's probably a good idea. Also make sure it's a double queen room, Weston is completely straight, and I am completely taken."

Michael gave him a thumbs up, and James headed off the class.

The day went remarkably well. The truth was school was easy for James, it was life that sometimes was the problem. After lunch James was in the library for an hour before his last class of the day. The library was slow, with there being less than a week before Thanksgiving Break most teachers were holding off and any research or reading assignments, so James told the other aide he needed to take a break, and he headed off to see Michael.

James knocked on the door to Michael's study room.

"Come in," Michael said.

"I came to see if my phone is ready."

"Just finished it."

James looked at it, then said, "It does not look much different than the old one."

"It really isn't that different on the outside. These are the things that are different. First, the battery has been replaced by one that has 50 percent longer charge life. Second, we've installed an app call SecureCom. It encrypts your conversations and texts. You should use that when talking or texting with your mother, your lawyer, me, etc. We will talk about people to add to that system later. Finally, there is upgraded GPS location."

"I'm beginning to feel like some animal the Fish & Game Department has tagged and is tracking. Please tell me you're not recording my breeding habits."

"Michael laughed, and said, "I'm not the least bit interest in the nocturnal activities of the American Teenage Male, scientific name doggus hornicum."

"One last thing," Michael said, "On this phone if you dial 911, in addition to emergency services, I and the rest of you security team are also notified."

After their last classes, James and Weston loaded up Weston's Camaro, checked out in the Dean's office and headed for Pittsfield. On the way the two boys got to know each other.

"So why the navy," James asked, "I know you have the grades and scores to get into almost any school you want, and I know that tuition isn't an issue."

"I think you already know the reason," Weston said. "For the same reason, you insisted on being accepted as a National Merit finalists and on your grades, rather than just letting your daddy write a huge check to the university. We both wanted to know we could do it on our own merits. Now, you are naturally smart, I had to work my ass off to be smart enough to get into Annapolis, plus at the service academies you also have to be physically fit. I guess part of it was also to get my father's respect. He loves me and all, but he had to work hard for everything he got. If I make it through Annapolis and a couple of tours of duty. That will mean a lot to him and my grandfather."

"Your grandfather?"

"Yeah he's one tough old sea dog. He entered the navy right out of high school and started his career during the Korean War. Truman had just desegregated the U.S. Armed Forces, but that didn't mean life on board a ship at sea would be easy for a black man. But he was a proud man and proud to be both black and an American. Grandma said that was why he refused to stay just a cook or a deck hand. He fought and clawed his way into the NCO ranks and retired a Chief Petty Office."

"Grandma told me that when me dad graduated from Annapolis and was commissioned an office, grandpa wore his uniform and when the service was over gave my father a salute. She said, dad started to salute back, but grandpa said, Don't you dare. I am enlisted and you are an officer, and when in uniform we are sailors in the United States Navy.' I guess dad got pretty choked up, but then grandpa gave him a hug and said, I salute the uniform, but I love the man who wears it.' Grandma snapped a picture at that moment, and it hangs above my father's and grandfather's desks."

"That is so cool," James said. "So has your father bought his season tickets to next year's Navy football games?"

"He has had those ever since I can remember. He and mom agreed that when they were financially able, dad would get season tickets to the Navy games, and mom would get season tickets to the symphony. Actually mom has been going to Navy games since college. She went to St. John in Annapolis and, she met dad her sophomore year. So when they started dating, she started going to watch him play. Then they got married a week after his graduation from the academy and three day's before his first tour."

"Wow, that had to be torture, you just get married and ship out to sea," James said.

"Yeah, dad said his nickname on that ship was Issa Jackson Off Again."

James burst into laughter, "It sound you have a great father."

"I do, but he's a hard ass, and loves to bust me and my brother's chopped. He went with me on my visit to checkout the Navy football program. The coach said they didn't need a quarterback and with my size were looking to convert me to a tight end. Before I could even stay anything, dad said, `That's good because he sure as hell can't throw a ball, maybe he can catch one, or block for someone who can throw one'."

"I didn't know you have a brother."

"Marcus is two years older than me and is my hero. He was born deaf; however, you wouldn't know it. He is brilliant. He is currently a Sophomore at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. He is double majoring in Philosophy and Physical Education. When he announced those were his majors, Dad said, What the hell are you going to do with those.' And Marcus replied, Whatever the hell I want to do.' For the next 20 minutes they had a heated debate in dead silence. They finally, stopped when mom signed they'd better stop wagging their hands at each other, pick up a fork, and put their mouths to use."

"So you know sign language?"

"Absolutely, my entire family can talk, debate, cuss, and tell dirty jokes without making a sound. My mom never says a cuss word, but she can sure sign like a drunken sailor."

"So, does you brother also play sports?"

"Yeah, he loves sports, but has always been more into individual sports. He is on Gallaudet's swimming and track teams. He is also a very good at tennis and golf and is working on his black belt in Taekwondo. Truthfully, if he could hear, he'd be at Annapolis right now."

"It sounds like you have a very close family,' James said.

"Yeah, it is. What about yours?" Weston asked.

We're having fun, let's not ruin is by talking about the Borgia Clan. Besides, I need to be half drunk or stoned to do them justice."

"Okay," Weston said, "so are you and Brock serious."

"Wow, that's kinda personal."

"No, asking `Rre you and Brock fucking' is personal; asking about a relationship that everyday becomes more public is just clarifying."

"I guess you're right. We haven't really kept it as DL as we had planned. I guess I would say that I am serious about him and he is serious about me, but whether we are serious about `us', that's something we are working on figuring out."

"What do your parents think about it?" Weston asked.

"I told my parents I'm gay, and my mother knows I and Brock are dating and that we plan on living in her apartment while in college. She's okay, actually happy, that I have found someone that makes me happy. As for my father, he knows, I don't know what he thinks, and more importantly, I don't give a shit what that that asshole thinks."

"How about Brock's parents?"

"They seem okay with it, but what they say in front of me, and what they say to Brock might be very different. How would your parents react if you suddenly said `I'm gay, and living with my boyfriend'."

"Well when Marcus came out..."

"Wait, your brother is gay?"

"Yeah, I'm not sure which my father had a harder time with, finding out Marcus is gay or that he is a philosophy major. However, this time they didn't argue, when Dad started in on Marcus, Marcus put his hands over his eyes, which is his way of saying he doesn't give shit about what you say. He also does that to show something you say is hurtful. I don't think I had ever heard Mom so angry with Dad as she was that night. It was one of the few times I ever envied Marcus for being deaf."

"Wow, I was beginning to worry there was such a thing as a perfect family. How do you brother and father get along now."

"They had it worked out before either of them could go to bed. Dad may think he is the head of the family, but Mom rules the roost. Plus, she's a Federal judge who is very used to dealing with conflict and stubborn assholes. Once Dad got over his macho, knee jerk initial reaction he became Mr. PFLAG, and will be giving my brother away this summer at his wedding."

"That is so cool."

"Yeah, Mom is officiating the wedding. Yasser is Palestinian Muslim and we are Methodist, so they decided on a civil ceremony at the Federal Courthouse in D.C. with a reception at Gallaudet."

"Is your brother's fiancé also deaf?"

"No, when they met, Yasser couldn't sign at all, he is actually a student at Georgetown. Fortunately, Marcus is a pretty good lip reader, and has pretty good skills at dealing with hearing only people. He also told me, if you know what you're doing, you don't need to talk. Whatever that means. However, what really made Marcus fall in love with him, was that Yasser threw himself into learning sign language."

"Okay, it's my turn to just `clarify.' Your father is ex-navy. I don't know where all he was stationed, but he had to have some reaction when he learned Yasser is a Palestinian Muslim."

"Marcus told Mom about Yasser first, and she took Marcus and Yasser out to dinner before she told Dad. The thing with Dad is he was in Naval Intelligence and he believes that you have to understand the past to understand the present, so when he was stationed in the Persian Gulf, he read everything about the history, culture, and politics of the region. So, he knew both sides of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. Although he and Yasser might not always agree, they can have reasonable conversations. Of course, I am pretty sure he had some of his Navy buddies run background checks on Yasser and his family. Yasser did tell us that his mother was actually a Palestinian Christian. From what I can tell, neither my father or Yasser have much use for Hamas, and the other thing they agree on is to never put Marcus in the middle of an argument...Hey, how did this get back on me and my family. We are supposed to be talking about you and your family."

James laughed and said, "So who are you spying for, Brock, your father, or both?"

"Shit," Weston said, "You should be in counter intelligence. How did you know? And, are you angry?"

"First, I'm not angry. Business is business, and you are loyal to your father and Brock. As to when I suspected, it was when you told me your father knew who I am, and that I am in line for the Pierce International throne." James decided to keep the information about the press leak of the Family dirt to himself, at least for the moment.

"I'm really sorry. I hope this doesn't ruin our friendship."

"Not at all. Frankly, I don't have enough friends to be losing any."

"So, is this why you invited me and my father to the Giants/Patriots game?"

"Nope, I invited you and your father first, because I really like you and want to meet your father. Second I invited you because I am hosting politicians, and your father is a decoy. The third reason is because you and Brock are good friends. Of course, I also did invite my attorney to make sure I didn't do or sat something stupid."

Now it was Weston's turn to laugh. then he said, "I really need to get something to eat."

"When they got to the hotel, James sent Michael a text, "Are you at the hotel?"

"Yes, room 215. Come on up."

Michael gave the boys the key to 217, and then looked at James and said, "You know the rules."

"Yeah, I know the rules."

When James and Weston got to their room Weston asked, "Is he why I have a really sweet new dorm room?"

"What are you talking about?"

"You don't think I know all about private security. From the first day Dad made the cover of Forbes with the Allied Metals deal, I and Marcus have had to periodically have security. It's not as bad now that Dad is old news--first African American billion dollar dealmaker and all--but for a while we couldn't piss without first checking with our babysitter."

"I think this is more about protecting my image. The corporate types are afraid I'm going to run naked down Wall Street or be Grand Marshal of NYC PRIDE parade and the bad press will tank the company's stocks."

Weston laughed and said, "If you decide to do either of those, let me know so I can buy Pierce International on the cheap."

"Isn't that illegal?"

"Hell yes," Weston said, "Martha Stewart 'go to prison' type illegal if you get caught; however, if you don't get caught it's `pot of gold at the end of a rainbow' cha ching."

"So to answer your question, it's a yes and a no as to why you have that sweet room. They needed a cover story to move me to Gilbert Hall, and to get Michael on campus. However, you were chosen to be part of gambit because you fit an objective criteria created by your friends."

"I can live with that," Weston said.

"So, did you bring your swimsuit?" James asked.

"Of course I brought my swimsuit. In my family you packed a swimsuit even if it was for a day in the desert because you never know when you might run across an oasis."

The boys were soon changing into swimsuits. James had basics board shorts, but Weston had tight, short trunks that highlighted both his ass and his cock. Add to that a super fit body, and you had a perfect beach body. At first, they had the pool to themselves, but then a pair of twin boys showed up. They looked about 16 and were the most cocky bastards James had ever seen. They were a clearly athletes and were looking for some competition, so they challenge James and Weston to a chicken fight. Clearly, in their calculation that they could take James and Weston they figured James was the Achilles heel; however, they underestimated James' strength and more importantly his refusal to ever quit. Finally, after being beaten five times, the two decided they'd had enough and left. When they were gone Weston said, "I am ready for the whirlpool."

The wear and tear of the season, was catching up to Weston, and the last game was brutal. Weston was sacked six times. When Weston sank into the whirlpool, he groaned, then said, "The best part of being a tight end is I get to hit them before they hit me."

"Do you ever wish you'd played for a school with a better team?" James asked.

"I always wished I'd played for a better team, but I wasn't willing to change schools to get it. Dad gave me the chance my sophomore year to go to Syracuse Preparatory, they have a great football program, but I said no. I didn't want to leave my friends, and I was doing well academically. I might have made a different choice if football if that was the reason I was going to college, but since my dream was Annapolis, I stayed where I was happy.... So would you have gone somewhere else."

"In a New York minute," James said. "But it wouldn't have made a difference. I would have been miserable there. I am not saying I deserved the shit and bullying I got at Mill Brook, but I think in a twisted way, I subconsciously made myself a target to justify my being angry and resentful of my father's decision to send me to boarding school. I didn't want friends because it justified hating my father."

"So what changed?"

"One Saturday morning, fate put Brock Champlain into my life. Why, I don't know, but I am so glad it did."

Weston again groaned and winced. James said, "If you don't mind being touched by a gay guy, I give a pretty decent massage."

"Hell, if it would help, I'd let Pickles touch me."

James laughed and said, "I don't know what being compared to Pickles says about me."

"No man, I didn't mean it like that. It came out all wrong."

"Don't worry. I know what you meant. I just can't resist being a smart ass. Let's head up to the room."

Back in the room Weston jumped into the shower to rinse off the chlorine. When he walked out of the bathroom, he was stark naked and drying his hair. James couldn't help staring at the Nubian prince. In addition to being muscular and handsome, Weston moved with a fluid grace that screamed self assurance. Then there was what hung between his legs: 7 inches of thick manliness. Weston's complexion was like milk chocolate, but his cock was the color of rich dark cocoa"

Weston was a man and compared to James and every other student at Mill Brook. When Weston noticed James looking at him he asked, "Do you like what you see?"

Weston was used to a comment like that sending his peers into a heterosexual panic, but James said, "Pretty tempting, but I'll stick with Brock."

Now it was Weston who got defensive, "I wasn't... I hope you didn't think I was... you know... trying to get into Brock's ..."

James just stood and let Weston dig himself a deeper hole.

"Come on James, you know I was just kidding. I would never betray my friends. You and Brock are my buds."

James smiled, dropped his swim suit, and giving Weston a chance to see the monster hiding just behind the fabric. James then turned, flexed his ass a couple of times, and went to take his own shower. James took a long hot shower that include a tension relieving jack off session. When He finally walked back into the bedroom, Weston was sitting on his bed, wearing a pair of black athletic shorts, and a deep-cut sleeveless T-shirt. He had found ESPN and was watching a replay of the Michigan/Ohio football game.

"Take your shirt off and lay on your stomach." James said.

"You're still okay with giving me a massage after I just make a complete jackass of myself?"

"Why not, you're not going to like try to overpower me and have your way with my perky white ass, are you?"

"No," Weston said, " just thought you might be uncomfortable about it."

"I don't think we gays suffer from heterophobia."

Weston stripped off his shirt, grabbed a pillow, and lay chest down at the foot of the bed so he could still watch TV. James straddled Weston and began massaging the captain of the football team's aching shoulders.

"Fuck James, you are damn good. Has Brock discovered this talent you have?"

"Oh yeah, I actually think he intentionally puts himself into harms way just so I take pity on him and massage his muscles after a game."

"Way to go Brock," Weston said.

"After about ten minutes, a commercial came on and Weston said, "I don't think I'd be grossed out."

"Huh, what wouldn't gross you out?"

"Having sex with a another guy."

"Really," James said, "So do you think you're bi?"

"No not really. If I had to describe it I would say I'm 80 percent straight, and twenty percent curious."

"Have you ever done anything with a guy?"

"Back in New York, there's a hot guy who's a member at the gym. He and I gave each other handjobs after a work out, and I would show up at his door when I need a good blow job."

"Did you like it?"

"Hell yes, best blows job of my life. Girls our age are terrible when it comes to giving blowjobs. At least the ones I have had humming on my cock. On the other hand, Larry knew exactly what it took to give me a mind-bending orgasm. We hooked up five or six times last Summer. One time was after Debra and I had really unsatisfying sex. When he opened the door, the first words out of his mouth were "Damn Weston, you reek of pussy. I ain't suck any meat that's been marinated in pussy juice. Now go get a shower, and be sure to scrub that cock until it smells like you, and you alone."

"So, have your told your parent anything?"

"No, I have every intention to find a girl, live a straight life, fuck her every night I'm home on shore leave, and father at least three kids. Someone has to carry on the family name and tradition, and it looks like Marcus is pushing that duty on to his younger brother."

James started massaging Weston's traps, and he was in heaven. "Damn kid, this is amazing. Where did you learn how to do this?"

"From a friend."

"Must have been some friend."

"He was," James said.

"Can you stop for just a bit?"

"Something wrong?"

"No, I just need to adjust," and Weston reached down and shifted his cock. "This might actually be a bit too much of a good thing."

James laughed, and began working on the small of Weston's back. Weston's cock was hard and the head was sticking out of his waistband. However, the worst was the sensitive underside Weston's cock was rubbing on the bed's duvet. Suddenly, Weston rolled James off and ran for the bathroom. The next thing James heard was Weston loudly exclaim, "Ooooh Fuuuuck."

When Weston finally returned, he said somewhat sheepishly, "I can't believe I lost control like that. I haven't had that happen since I was thirteen and doing chin-ups in P.E.," Weston said."

"Wait, you ejaculated during P.E., why don't I remember that?"

"You were probably in the nurse's office. You seem to have been sick a lot during P.E."

" So, tell me about the P.E. orgasm."

"I can't believe you are making me relive the most embarrassing moment of my life."

"Hell yes I am. So get busy."

"Okay, so Brock, Kip, and I have always been athletically competitive. It was another free day in Darby's P.E. class." Free days were not uncommon in Darby's P.E. classes. He was that the end of his career and just didn't have the ambition to plan anything beyond, kickball, dodgeball, and free day. "So Brock, Kip and I decided to see who could do the most chin-ups. Puberty was hitting all three of us like a freight train: acne, changing voices, uncontrolled erections, wet dreams, stinking like a dog, the whole nine yards."

"Anyway, Kip said he could do more chin ups than either Brock or I. Then he did 15. Brock got 13. Then it was my turn. I easily did 12, and then it started to get harder, and by number 15 I was shaking and sweating, but I was determined to beat Kip. Just as I was about to get number 16, the strain triggers my cock to explode into my gym shorts. Soon, a little stream of cum was running down my leg. Let me tell you, cum on a black kid isn't hard to miss. I got my 16, but I took a lot, I mean a lot, of shit after that."

"Is that why every time you walked into the cafeteria, one of the seniors yelled `does anyone have some cream for my coffee"," James asked.

"Yeah, nothing like mixing a little racism in with your pubescent insecurity."

"How did you get the teasing to stop?"

"That summer I spent everyday in the gym. I don't know how many times I maxed out doing bench presses with tears in my eyes. However, by the end of the Summer, I wasn't that skinny black kid who jizzed his shorts the year before. In addition to the muscles, my cock and balls developed into showpieces. When I came back to Brook Mill in the Fall, I was a completely different kid. Do you remember, Bart Haught?"

"Yes, biggest fucking prick in the world. He was a couple of classes ahead of us. I hated his guts," James said.

"Well," Weston said, "Second day of our Freshman year, I was walking from the library to the cafeteria when Bart Haught yelled, `Who wants cream with their coffee' and all of his assholes started to laugh. I don't know to this day why I did it, but I walked right up to him and punched him in the face. He dropped like a sack of wet cement."

"Damn," James said.

"Yeah, I thought they were going to kick me out for sure, but all throughout the expulsion hearing, Dean Meyers seemed to be on the verge of laughing. Instead, I got community service. Which was scraping four decades of gum off the bottom of the auditorium seats."

"So is that why you were never part of the bullying by the jocks?"

"That was one of the reasons. However, my Mom also made Marcus and me fully aware of the crap African Americans had to put up with throughout slavery, Jim Crow, and the Civil Rights Era. The truth is bullies, the KKK, Neo-Nazis, skinheads, etc. are all cut from the same cloth. They don't rise to the top, they drag others to the bottom. I couldn't be part of all of that because it would have shamed my parents, my grandparents, and our struggle."

James gave Weston a hug, and Weston asked, "What was that for?"

"Well, it took me a while to realize it, but over the years, Brock and Kip have matured and become better human beings. I somehow have to believe that, at least in part, that comes from them knowing you."

I hope you enjoy "Exposed."

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Next: Chapter 14: Exposed 14

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