Extra Credit for Dr Primmer

By Stephen B

Published on Dec 23, 2016


"Johnson... Johnson?"

I blinked, snapping out of my daydream at the sound of my name being called. Dr. Primmer stood at the front of the lecture hall looking impatiently in my direction. It's not that I wasn't paying attention to him, exactly. I was definitely paying attention to parts of him, just not what he was saying. I was staring at his thick salt and pepper hair and wondering if matching chest hair layered the thin but muscular pecs underneath his button-up shirt and plaid bow tie. I wondered what kind of underwear he might be wearing under those corduroy slacks. Was he in simple white briefs? If I unzipped his fly and pulled down his pants would I see a thin layer of see-through white cotton stretched across that butt? Or was he more of a boxer-briefs kind of guy? Or trunks? Maybe with a fun argyle pattern or something.

"Big. Dude. Your paper," my buddy Jared said hitting me in the arm. I felt my face flush with embarrassment as I jumped to my feet and jogged down to the front of the room to take my paper back. I could feel the fifty pairs of eyes on me as I made my way to where Dr. Primmer stood leaning against his desk, my face burning crimson.

"I hope we didn't wake you, Mr. Johnson," Dr. Primmer said in a tone that was not entirely without humor. "Or `Big', if you'd prefer."

I froze. The nickname "Big" embarrassed me enough when my friends said it. To hear it come out of Dr. Primmer's mouth made me cringe and I could feel another layer of red sweep across my face. "I mean... I don't really... Pete is..." I stammered trying to tell him that he could just call me by my first name, Pete. But I couldn't get the words out. I finished by mumbling something incoherent, snatching the paper out of his hands and practically sprinting back to my seat. I sunk down as low as I could, wishing I could disappear.

"If he didn't know about that crush before, he does now, Big," Jared said climbing over me to go down and get his paper.

"Shut up," I said weakly to his back as he disappeared down the aisle. I looked down at the paper in my lap and almost died when I saw the red "D" in the upper right-hand corner. This could not be happening. I had thought surely this would be at least a "C" paper, if not a low "B". Seconds later, Jared was back with his own returned assignment.

"What's that?" he asked, climbing back over me. He pointed to a note scrawled in red ink in the margin. "Come see me after class...?" Jared read, his voice rising with excitement at the end.

"Sh!" I said, trying to quiet him down.

"He wants your dick, dude," Jared said with a grin.

"He does not," I said through gritted teeth. "I got a fucking `D' on this paper. He's probably going to tell me to drop this stupid class."

"Nah. He gave you a D' so you'd give him the D'," Jared chuckled. "Ask him if there's anything you can do for extra credit."

"Well, I'm going to have to," I answered tersely. "Otherwise my GPA is fucked."

"Yeah, and be sure to mention you'll do anything," Jared said, poking me in the ribs. "Anything at all!" I smacked him in the chest. "Damn, Big. Relax. I'm just teasing," he said, rubbing the spot where I'd hit him.

"It's not funny," I said, my voice a higher pitch than I would have liked. "I need to pass this class, not get expelled for sexually harassing a professor."

Jared rubbed a comforting hand across my back. "It'll be fine, dude. Seriously. I'm sure ol' Rob'll help you out with some extra credit or tutoring. Or both." I shifted my gaze back to the front of the room where Dr. Primmer's stack of papers was quickly disappearing.

"I hope so," I said doubtfully. Truth be told, I didn't care about literature at all. The only reason I chose Existential Literature for my humanities elective was because I had a major crush on the professor, Dr. Robert Primmer. I thought it was going to be an easy A. I mean, I'd read a lot of this stuff in English class in high school and passed with flying colors. I even found a lot of it interesting. But Dr. Primmer was tough and I'd been finding his good looks more of a distraction during lectures than anything.

"...and some of you have a little work to do," Dr. Primmer was saying from behind the podium. "This is a 300 level literature course, people. I'm looking for real literary criticism. Not a book report." I heard a couple of irritated sighs and was grateful to know he wasn't just talking to me.

"So read my comments in your papers carefully," he continued, "Especially you, Mr. Johnson." Shit. I was thinking that I might be able to pretend I hadn't seen his note and slip out. I really rolled out of bed to make it to this class on time and I was certainly not dressed to impress in a pair of loose gym shorts and a cheeky t-shirt that declared simply `BRO' in big block letters. "Have a good weekend everyone!" he finished as a dismissal. Students slowly filed down the aisle and out of the room while I remained seated, waiting with dread for the room to clear out before I went down to meet with the professor.

"Pete!" he said warmly.

"Hi Dr. P," I mumbled, "Listen, about my paper..."

"Not your best work," he said, cutting me off. "Do you know why I asked you to come see me?"

"Um... I assume you're going to tell me the add/drop period is almost over and I should drop this class." He looked startled as though what I said had completely caught him off guard.

"Not at all!" he assured. "You're a bright guy. This shouldn't be a problem for you. I've overheard you engaged in some pretty intelligent debates about the material outside of class. But for some reason, you're in-class participation and your assignments don't reflect that level of understanding."

I didn't say anything but continued to stare down at my shoes. He took a step closer to me and my gaze lifted to his crotch. I pictured undoing that belt buckle... boxer shorts? Maybe he was a sexy bikini briefs sort of guy. Maybe he was going commando.

"I asked you to stay after," he said, realizing I wasn't going to respond, "because I want to know what's going on. I know you get this. So why are you turning in a "D" paper?" I sighed but didn't answer. This time he waited for me to say something.

"I guess... I don't know..." I said, not sure what to say. I couldn't tell him the truth, could I? Sorry, Mr. P. I get Camus and Kafka but when I sit down to write about it, all I can think of is what kind of underwear you wear and what it would be like to fuck you. I didn't think that would go over very well.

"I think I might," he said and my heart skipped a beat. Did he know? Was Jared right? I looked around. The door to the classroom was still open and a steady stream of students shuffled by. He wasn't going to try to seduce me right here was he? He couldn't... He gestured toward me, his hand brushing past my waist. I jumped, startled. His touch was electric.

"Oh, sorry! I was just grabbing my bag," he said, pulling his back off of the desk behind me and holding it open. "There's something I wanted you to have a look at." I could hear the blood pounding in my ears with each heartbeat. I felt ridiculous. Of course he was not interested in me. But what did he want me to look at?"

"Shit!" he swore and then I could see a rosy pink rise to his cheeks as though he were embarrassed too. "Sorry, didn't mean to swear. I just left it back in my office."

"What is it?" I asked.

"Just a little something I wanted to go over with you quickly. I think it might help. Do you have a few minutes to run back to my office with me?"

"Uh, sure..." I said. I was actually supposed to be on my way to another class in a few minutes but, whether or not he was interested in me, I wasn't going to pass up an opportunity to be alone with Dr. Primmer in his office. Even if I was nervous as hell.

"Great!" he said and zipped his bag up again. I followed him out of the room and down the hall to where his office was.

"Gloria," he said to his secretary as I followed him into the department office, "I know I'm supposed to have office hours right now but I didn't have any appointments so I'm going to meet with Mr. Johnson here. If anyone comes to see me, please take a message."

"Sure thing, Dr. P," she answered. We went into his office and he closed the door behind me.

"Have a seat," he said, gesturing to the leather loveseat against one of the walls. I sunk into the brown leather cushion and noticed that I was now at about crotch height. This could be awfully convenient. If only...

Dr. Primmer shuffled through some papers on his desk until he uncovered a brightly colored pamphlet.

"Here it is!" he said, and sat next to me on the small sofa. His knee touched mine when he sat and I felt my cock jump a little. Not now! I thought. I could not have a hard-on while I was sitting so close to him. He would definitely notice it.

He presented the pamphlet to me. "Making the Grade with ADHD" read the big cheerful letters on the front cover. Below that it said "How to Succeed in College with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder."

"What is this?" I asked turning it over in my hand, trying to ignore the fact that his face was so close to mine. The scent of him thickened my dick a little more - clean like soap but also something else, something manly. I felt the blood rush from my head and I felt a little dizzy.

"Well," he started, "because school is so structured before college, symptoms of ADHD are sometimes not apparent until a student graduates and goes on to university where the structure is more self-imposed." Finally what he was saying dawned on me and I jumped to my feet.

"Wait a minute!" I said, out of breath. "You think I...?"

"I can understand why you might be upset," he said, "but, really, it's nothing to be ashamed of. We just need to find a way for you to learn that works for you."

"I don't have ADHD," I said, my face getting hot once more.

"I'm not a psychiatrist, but I've seen this a few times. You have trouble paying attention. You seem to have a lot of internal distractions. I've seen you spend three times as long on a page as your classmates when we've read silently in class--"

"It's not that," I said, cutting him off. "It's you!"

"Listen, Big, I know it seems logical to blame my teaching style but--"

"No," I said, looking at the floor. I fought the urge to correct him about my name. I hated that stupid nickname. Jared had started it our freshman year when I'd tried my hand at being a jock. A group of us did it. Never having played any organized sports before, we all thought wrestling would be the easiest to jump into. I had no idea how weight-centric the sport would be and I was too self-conscious to continue after that first day in the locker room getting weighed when I discovered that I was the only one of my friends to be in the heaviest weight class. But that didn't matter now. Now I'd made it seem like I was blaming my poor performance on him and the only way I could think of to explain that's not what I meant was to tell him the truth. I sunk back down into the couch. It seemed easier to say when I wasn't facing him but beside him where I could look forward and not at him. "It's not your teaching style," I continued. "It's you. I get distracted in your class because I have a crush on you. It makes it hard to concentrate. I don't even care about literature or existentialism. No offense. I shouldn't have even taken this class. I just... I've seen you around campus and I had this open elective... I just wanted to be near you, I guess."

There. It was all out in the open. My words hung in the air in the silent office for a moment before he placed a hand on my knee and took a deep breath. Before he could say anything, I stood to my feet again.

"Look, I know nothing's going to happen. It was a dumb idea to take your class. I'm going to drop." I could see he was about to protest so I tried to move on and change the subject. "Can I just ask you for one favor?"

"Sure," he said quickly. "What is it?"

"It doesn't have anything to do with this but... please don't call me `Big'. I really hate that nickname."

"Really?" He asked. He seemed confused. "Why is that? I'd think you'd be proud of it."

"Why would I be proud of it?" I asked. "It makes me self-conscious. I mean, I've been trying to slim down but it's really mostly muscle. Jared's a jerk for getting the nickname to catch on. Now everyone calls me that."

Dr. Primmer leaned back on the couch and smirked at me. He looked me up and down slowly and finally said, "is that really why you think they call you that?"

"Of course!" I said, defensively. "Why else?"

"Your name," he answered.

"What do you mean?"

"Johnson...? Big Johnson...?" I had never thought of it that way before. I was probably desensitized to all of the jokes about my last name being a euphemism for a penis since I had been hearing them from the time I was old enough to know what a penis was.

"And that's supposed to be better? I'm a big dick?"

"No..." he said gently, now infusing a hint of compassion into his voice. "It's not that you are a big dick. It's that you have a big dick." He chuckled again and shook his head. "Did you really not know that?"

"I don't think that's why..." I stammered. Any mention of my dick from Dr. Primmer's mouth made me weak in the knees. "I mean, it's not even that big..." I said weakly. Did I really just say that? Was I really in Dr. Primmer's office with the door closed talking about the size of my dick?

"Well," he said, his gaze shifting noticeably down to my crotch--was he looking at my crotch?! "I suppose it's not appropriate for me to say one way or the other but... that's not what I've heard."

"Dr. Primmer..."

"I'm sorry," he said, standing. "Really. I shouldn't have said anything. It was inappropriate. Let's get back to why we're here," and he rested his hand on my shoulder. I could smell him all over again, fresh and sexy, and again I felt dizzy.

"If you're not interested in the course, then perhaps you should drop it. But you do have to take a humanities elective and it's not too late to turn your grade around."

"I guess," I said, shifting my weight from one leg to the other. Suddenly his hand felt heavy on my shoulder like I might collapse. I'd been staring at the floor but now I looked into his face and was struck by the image of him leaning forward, lips slightly parted. He said something but I didn't hear him. My heart was racing and I could feel the partial erection I'd so far been successful in hiding grow to almost full size. I didn't dare look down for fear that my looking might make him look but I just knew that the gym shorts I'd worn to class were tented out in front of me ridiculously. It had been a mistake to go commando, especially when I knew I'd be seeing Dr. Primmer. But I never imagined that I'd be here, in his office, looking into his face, so close that I could smell him.

"Pete," he said sharply. He took his arm from my shoulder and patted my face gently. "Are you listening?"

"Oh. I guess not. Sorry dad."

"Dad?" he said with a smirk and took a step back from me. Had I just called him `Dad'? Where was my head? Except I knew where my head was: thinking again about what he might be wearing under those slacks. I dared to imagine that he might even be in a jock strap, something sexy that framed his bubble butt perfectly and really accentuated his package.

"Oh my god!" I said, embarrassed. "I didn't mean to say that... just... I kind of got lost in thought and... I meant to say `sir' but..."

"It's ok, I understand" he said, "Freudian slips happen..." then he added, "boy," with a wink. That wink was like a splash of cold water in the face and I realized that this was my chance. Unlikely as it was, the professor on whom I'd been harboring a giant crush seemed to be flirting with me... coming on to me? I took a step forward, closing the gap he'd just made, and he didn't move away. I reached out and put a tentative hand on his waist and he didn't resist so I leaned in toward him. And, like magic, he leaned in too and our lips met in the middle. His lips were firm and soft at the same time. I could feel his stubble, soft against my chin, not scratchy like I'd expected. We pulled back from the kiss and looked into each other's eyes. I'd never noticed before that his were a deep emerald and I got lost in them for a moment seeing my stupid grin mirrored on his face. But that was just a taste. I wanted more. I leaned in again and this time our kiss was deeper. I felt his tongue flick across mine and my dick jumped in reply. I felt his hands on my cheeks and then drifting down around my waist, pulling me into an embrace. My stiff cock pressed against him and I could feel that he was hard too. I let my hands wander over his muscular back and down to his ass. I'd had dreams about that ass, perfectly round and firm. Inviting. I cupped his butt in my hands and ventured a light squeeze that elicited a moan. He leaned in and kissed my neck. When he whispered in my hear, the feeling of his lips there made my skin break out in goosebumps.

"You like daddy's ass, boy?" he said.

"Fuck yeah," was all I could say and then our lips were locked again, our tongues wrestling with more urgency now.

"You want to fuck daddy's ass, don't you...?" he asked, his voice so quiet that I wouldn't have heard him if his mouth had not been close enough for his lips to barely sweep across my ears as he spoke. Here was a professor who was so well-spoken and put-together. Before this moment, I might have described him as "prim". He was wearing a bow tie for god's sake. But now he was radiating an animalistic desire and saying things I'd only dreamed of hearing in his voice. My words failed me so I managed a slight nod. He started kissing my neck and now I was the one who was moaning. I grabbed onto his ass hard now, as if to keep my balance.

Suddenly he backed away and flopped onto the couch. I stood there for a second, awkwardly, my dick now fully erect and pointing straight out in front of me, my shorts pulling tightly across my ass to make room. I moved to join him and he stopped me.

"Oh no," he said, "not yet." He looked me over appreciatively.

"I try not to eavesdrop," he said after a minute, "but I couldn't help but hear about Big Johnson' and his big johnson'. They say it's rather impressive. Shall we have a look?"

I blushed with the thought that people had been talking about me--about my dick!--but I pushed it out of my head and hooked my thumbs into the waist band of my shorts. I pulled them down slowly and stopped just before revealing my package. I wanted to tease him a little. I grabbed my dick through my shorts and traced the outline of it so he could get an idea of its size. I knew that I was a little above average but I never thought of myself as being especially hung. I was so emboldened by the new idea that, while I'd thought most of the guys on campus were referring to my weight, they were actually so impressed by my dick that they'd nicknamed me after it that I pushed the shorts down to my ankles and stood proudly. My cock jutted out in front of me, completely straight and circumcised. I had never measured it but I could tell by the hungry look in his eye that Dr. Primmer liked what he saw.

"Big Johnson indeed," he said, impressed. "Now let's get the shirt off, boy." I did as I was told and pulled my shirt up over my head, glad for all those compulsive nights spent at the gym, running off emotions so I wouldn't dive into a pint of ice cream. At 210, I knew I was heavier than most of the guys I knew, but I knew I was built more solidly too. Unconsciously, I flexed my muscles and Dr. P let out a sigh.

"Ok, turn around," he said, and I did a full 360 so he could get a look at me from all angles. "No, no," he said, "let me see the back of you." I turned to face away from him, suddenly aware of how cold it was in the room. My nipples were hard as little pebbles and my arms and chest were covered in gooseflesh.

"Very nice," he said, "Dr. Primmer gives that ass an A plus," he said with a little laugh. "Now come over here." I turned around and took a few steps until I was standing directly in front of him. He sat straight up until he was eye level with my cock. He looked up at me and tentatively licked the head. I gasped when I felt his warm tongue on me and he smiled.

"Now get on your knees," he said. And while I knelt down in front of him, he added, "I noticed you looking at my crotch earlier, you know. What? Were you wondering what kind of underwear I'm wearing?" It was as if he read my mind. I nodded slowly.

"Yes, sir." I answered quietly and licked my lips.

"Give me a guess," he teased, "what did you think it was?"

"I don't know," I said honestly. "Briefs?"

"Why don't you find out if you're right," he said and gave me another wink. I didn't need any more of an invitation than that. I undid his belt buckle and noted that he had a button fly. I undid the first button, thinking I'd see the waistband of whatever undergarment he had on. Instead, I saw the first hint of fuzzy pubic hair disappearing beneath the next button. I unbuttoned that one and saw more of his bush. My heart leapt when I realized he wasn't wearing any underwear at all. I pulled free the rest of the buttons and his fat dick sprung free.

"Oh fuck," I said, both impressed with the size of his member and crazy with the idea that he'd stood in front of an entire lecture hall full of students with nothing but a few buttons between us and this massive dick.

"You like it, huh?" He said rhetorically.

I nodded my head vigorously and let out a solemn "yes, daddy."

"Why don't you go ahead and give it a taste?" He suggested and rested his hand on the back of my head.

I knelt between his legs and leaned over his giant prick, wondering how I was going to get the whole thing in my mouth and knowing that it needed to happen anyway. I started at the base, taking in a deep breath and breathing in the masculine scent of him. I licked the underside of his cock and slowly worked my way up until I was poised over the head. Then put my lips around the head and took the whole thing in my mouth, working my lips down until I felt his heavy balls on my chin and his cock head was in my throat, choking me. I pulled off and went down again.

"That feels good," he said and threw his head back. "If you do a good job, daddy's going to let you fuck his ass. Are you going to do a good job?"

In answer I took his dick in my mouth down to the hilt again and began bobbing up and down. His hips rocked back and forth, pushing his dick in deeper down my throat and pulling out again. It was a strange feeling to be completely naked kneeling in front of my professor with my dick in his mouth while he sat there fully clothed, his head tilted back, moaning with pleasure. I thought briefly of Gloria who was just outside his office door. His unlocked office door. My heartbeat sped up when I realized the door was unlocked and the excitement hit me that we could be caught at any moment. Though he'd told her to take a message if anyone came, there was nothing stopping anyone from barging right in. I sucked with more vigor until his moans became higher pitched and he was no longer rocking but bucking beneath me, fucking my face. He grabbed the back of my head and wrapped his fingers in my unruly hair and I let him thrust down my throat faster and faster until his breathing sped and I knew he was close. I pulled back just as he shot the first spurt of cum onto my face. He let out a quick gasp and his body shook with the orgasm. I put his cock back into my mouth, cum dripping down the side of my face. I felt his dick throbbing, each pulse letting out another jet of thick salty jizz. He gripped my hair tightly in his fingers and guided my head back and forth over his dick and each time I thought he was done, his cock would shoot another load down the back of my throat. I kept sucking, my own dick aching for attention.

Suddenly he pulled me off of him and leaned down to kiss me. Our tongues mingled as our lips locked together. I let him explore the taste of his own cum in my mouth and he reached down to jerk me off. The feel of his hand on my dick was electric and after three or four tugs, I was cumming too, my body writhing on the floor in complete ecstasy while he continued to kiss me. After another minute, I collapsed on the floor in front of him.

"Good boy," he grinned. "You did a good job."

I lay there naked and panting, sweaty, and covered in my own cum. He stood up and buttoned his pants up again. He walked around his desk and pulled open one of the bottom drawers. He pulled out a small towel and tossed it to me where I lay. Gratefully I cleaned myself up as best I could and pulled my clothes back on. My dick was sore from the intensity of that orgasm and I wished I'd worn underwear. He turned to the wall behind his desk where he had a mini fridge and offered me a small bottle of water. I took it and he sat down behind his desk.

"Now, about your grade," he started, and I sat down in one of the chairs on the other side of his desk, almost too stunned to comprehend what he was saying. I could not believe what had just happened. What did this mean? Would there be more encounters like this?

"I know you're a hard-working student," he continued, "and I'm definitely impressed by your, uh, willingness to do extra credit."

"I'll do anything to pass your class, sir," I offered, partly in jest.

"I know you will," he laughed, "and, believe me, there's a lot more--"

Before he could finish his thought, the door burst open and Gloria stood in the doorway looking frazzled.

"I'm so sorry, Dr. Primmer," she said, out of breath, "I know you said to take a message but the dean is here and he's insisting on speaking with you." Then, looking at me, she added "right now."

"No problem, Gloria. Thank you. Mr. Johnson and I were just wrapping up."

I stood up and followed Gloria out of the office, almost knocking into Dean Nelson on my way out.

"Whoa there!" Mr. Nelson said, startled. "Easy there, Big. You almost bowled me over."

"Sorry about that, Mr. Nelson," I said, brushing past him, and retreated out into the hall. I wondered if Jared would believe me about this. I wondered if I should even tell him. I didn't need to decide then. He was in the same class I had skipped to meet with Dr. Primmer--Rob--and that wouldn't let out for another twenty minutes. Just enough time for me to take a nice hot shower and put myself together a bit.

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Next: Chapter 2

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