Fade Works in Strange Ways

By Jaded Angel

Published on Sep 20, 2001


Ok so here we run off again and write another well I hope u like this one more then the old one and please I do not know any of o town and stuff so none of this is true its just what I wish it 2 be loll I have met them and there really nice guys anyway please email your comments 2 divaboispears@yahoo.com and if your not old enough to read this then what u doing here that goes for the peeps who don't like male to male fiction.

Fade Works In Strange Ways By Jaded Angel

To : SimplyAnAngel@hotmail.com From: Superman2002@hotmail.com Subject - Love Hurts

Dear Ashley,

Have You Ever Loved Someone So Much It Made You Cry Well I Have, Have you ever needed something so bad you can't sleep at night well I have had that as well? I am seating here writing this which the cold tears running down my face, I have not slept in over 48 hrs and I am still hurting from the damage me caused in my heart, Have you ever thought in your Mind There is this one person out there for you where you're contacted at the soul once again I have. I have never Felt more connected in my life then I did to him, Just his voice or his smile could cheer me up if I was down, But he never really gave me a shot to show him we could work as a couple. Now I sit here and wonder if that person in life actually exists the one who can make you happy when you're down just hearing there voice is Enough.

I remember the night I met him it was like wow it hit me that maybe this guy should be the one. Not normally will I kiss after a hr or so of just talking but the way he looked at me and introduced himself was really all I needed it was like an instant feeling. We ended up making out all night talking and being close the one thing that was on his mind was only sex nothing more. I found that out a few days ago when he told me he was not interested in a relationship once again I got hurt and my heart was ripped out of my chest and stepped on.

How do you know the person is the one like I said maybe you just know and this is another test of my love for this guy or not. Maybe there is someone else out there for me I Had that connection which someone else a few weeks before this happened the problem is this one is way beyond untouchable. I think, For one I don't know if he felt what I did when we met but I feel like I know him better then anyone else in this world. Could he be the one I don't know I am just sick of being lied to and hurt all the time would he be like the rest if he did like me when we hugged it was like he'd be there for me whenever I needed him. But honestly he could problem have anyone i just wish i chould meet him again and maybe tell him i like him no i can't do that hes a celberity, I Don't think i am gonna give up whith out a fight this time this is a voe of my love to you!

Ashley the Min I Looked into your eyes i figerd to myself maybe you were the one for me and i relised then i have loved you since i first saw you, Probley don't belive in love at first sight but it was a heaven send when i met you becuse my boyfreind dumbed me a few hrs before we met.I Don't know i was just in the dumbs that day but then your voice singing name on stage made me cry and i thought why can't i have someone in my life like you. we both have felt pain in our lives my parents dont aprove of my singing but i belive its my desenty my mom is the only one who really suppourts it.Maybe that day will come when were in the same room togather and i finally have the guts to say something i don't think my freinds gonna get me backstage again though i know if he wanted to he chould but i am gonna frwd this note to him and maybe hope someday you get it like thats gonna happen. Mind you fade works in mysterouious ways that is true the point is i vow to love you till the day i die i don't think there is anyone else on this earth for me. You loveing me back of even givein me a shot that i don't stand a chance in hell whith you all i know is, Your ashley angel and i am me and i know i don't stand a chance, But i felt something when your hand was on my shoulder when we took the publicty pic and i turned around to see who had there hand on my shoulder and you just smiled right back at me that Ashley angel smile i just knew. I Felt something i guess you can say, I Vow i will never hurt you like Shelli did but i say and i have learned you never go back to an old flame. all i can offer to you is my un dieing love and suppourt.

chances of me actully sending this letter are slim to done, I just have to get what I feel off my chest weather its in words or not , You probley think I am crazy and I don't know you well enough to love you, but it was love at first sight and I kinda belived that was always true that it chould be such a thing. I Am 18 yrs old and I have been thru anything and everything you can really think of when I was a baby my kidney got removed because it was polastic now I am 18 and there is a real good chance I might need a transplant, I Have had 17 operations in my 18 yrs of live and most of them were saferuly surious. All I ever really have been searching for is that big break when a lable whould finally notince me and take me on as an aritst but why am I telling you all this you probley don't care I just want you to know I am not some freaky stalker I just look up to you a lot you have acomplished a lot for your age and I am happy all your dreams are comeing true. I Wish you the best of luck in all you do and I want you to know I love you! And I hope you stay happy and healthy. By The way happy beladed birthday!



From : SimplyAnAngel@hotmail.com To : Superman2002@hotmail.com Subject - Re Love Hurts

Hey Cory,

You sound like you have been treated like shit in the past anyway think about it dude why whould I give my email addy out to someone I did not even know. Clue In yet anyway lol well the tour is been a blast whould you belive out of all the fanz I met I cant still picture you is that not strange or what. Anyway dude meeting you just might have been fade who knows I kinda did think your cute but I don't know you're the first guy I ever thought that about anyways I wanna get to know you because I think gawd brought you into my life for a reason. I Talked to the guys and they know how I feel so all you have to say is the word and I am bringing you up here to vist me and get to know me more I am home now so I will check my email a bit later and hopefully you made up your mind about it  talk to you soon, Oh ya before I forget I love the email addy and that was so sweet, The fucked up thing is I dreamt about you the day before I met you is that not fucked up or not. Anyway I have to run guys wanna go to the mall I am thinking more superman stuff lol!Just say the words ok!

Your friend and maybe soon to be Boyfriend


I just got off the plane and I am waiting for my flight change in Chagagio I pulled my laptop out of my carry on bag and decided now whould be a good time to check my email. Since I am gonna be in orlando and might be really busy down there. As I read is email a tear started to fall down my cheek and I decided I better give him my hotel info and stuff because I really wanted to meet him and see him again he was the guy of my dreams. So I started to reply to his message ....

To : SimplyAnAngel@hotmail.com From: Superman2002@hotmail.com Subject -- re re Love Hurts


Hows the sexest man alive ?? well u wanna know something real funny I am on my way out to orlando to meet my new manager oh did I forget to mention I act I have a major aution so I am on my way out there. I am gonna stay longer so I can get to know you well my flight is gonna board soon but here is my info my Msn is well superman2002@hotmail.com , I will be staying at disneys contempary resort I don't know what the room number is yet and I will be on when I get on the plan to chat so I hope talk u soon ttyl sexy!

Yours forever if you want, Cory

So I am on the plane finally it seems like I was waiting to board my orlando flight I was waiting for freaking ever. Wow were in the air only 3 hrs till I will be in the hot florida sun about time I haven't been to orlando for over 2 months so this was a treat to me. When we finally got word of bein able to use are laptops and stuff I plugged mine in at logged onto the net. I Check my Msn hopeing Ashley whould be on.

Instint Message From Angel2002

Angel2002 Says : Hi So your gonna be In orlando in how long?

SuperMan Says : Um I am not sure I am still on the plane

Angel2002 Says : So let me get this straight your comeing to orlando and your in love whith me why did you not email me sooner its been over a month.

SuperMan Says : I Whould have emailed you sooner but I was scared and that nite I just had to get things off my mind ya I wanna see you talk about a no brainer what are you doing tonight.

Angel2002 Says : I Talked to the guys and they want you to stay here and not stay at a hotel you can have my room inless u wanna share it ;)

SuperMan Says : Don't play like that but that be great if I chould stay whith you guys that might be good for us if were gonna start something but I never get my hopes up I have learned my leason.

Angel2002 Says : Why not get your hopes up I can't get you off my mind and that's fucked up for me

SuperMan Says : Um if you say so u meeting me at the airport ???

Angel2002 Says : Hell ya I can't wait to see you again its been what a few months lol

SuperMan Says : Ya and I can't get that hug off my mind so where we meeting at the airport

Angel2002 Says : You know were the universal store is I will be in there just look for me ok sexy what time your flight come in,?

SuperMan Says : Ya totally I will see you then you hottie in 1hr so u best leave and get that house clean I know how messy your housemates really are don't forget I used to watch making the band.

Angel2002 Says : Ya Ok I know what u mean I will see u in 1hr I hope at the universal store

Angel2002 Logs off

One Hr Later at the Universal Studios Store,

Ashley is Paceing Holding a single red rose hopeing cory whould arrive real soon the clock stroke the 1 hr mark and he felt someones hand touch his shoulder . Ashley Turned around and he looked into my sky blue eyes and just smiled its about time my princess got here in a low suductive whisper and then he burst out laughing just kidding cutie he said.

" So you got your bags you ready to go I already called your hotel and told them you whould be staying whith a friend I guess you just bring me under a spell already" Ashley said

We arived and I was greeted by all the guys saying we whould make a cute couple etc it was kinda sweet of them yet anoying they let us be alone and went out to the movies or something. Next thing I knew Ashleys Lips were pressing against mine in a slow and loveing kiss. The world just seemed to have stoped It seemed like this whould work and everything whould be ok next thing I knew he was leading me to his room and carrying my bags. I knew he'd be sleeping in there whith me he tossed me onto his bed and he got up and turned on the tv and next thing I knew I was fast asleep in his arms.

I Woke up to the sun shining into his bedroom window you chould tell it was trying to find its way to thru the blinds in his room. I Turned around and ashley was cuddeled up real close to me as the sun hit his head kinda lit him up like an angel but he was my angel. I slowley tried moving away so I chould go to the washroom and ashley spoke in a soft low voice "Hey where do you think your going, theres no way I am leting you go so fast and grined" I Just gave him a grin and said "I am goin to go the bathroom and have a shower care to join me in that shower teasenly"

Cory ran up and went into the bathroom and went to the washroom and started to turn on the water so he slowley slid off his clothes of what he was wearing the preface night he did not relise they must have feel asleep while watching tv. Cory Steped into the hot steamy shower and Ashley took this as his cue to walk into the bathroom .

I Walked into the bathroom and he was standing in the shower naked I chould kinda see his amazeing body thru the glass of the shower. My mind was raceing a million miles a second all I chould think was this guy was truly amazeing and I just might be in love whith him too wait I can't be its way too soon isn't it. I Qustioned myself my heart raceing I decided to make my move it was obvious I liked him a lot I guess I never really thought I chould possably date another guy but I don't know he was different something about him, I was kinda brought out of my dream state when I heard his angelic voice singing

Cause I want it all or nothing at all Theres no where left to fall When u reach the bottom its now or never Is it all or are we just friends is this how it ends whith a simple Telephone call you leave me here whith nothing at all

"I Am guessing you're a big fan asheley said whith a grin anyway when your done in there can we talk like right away cory" ash asked. I Was singing in the shower an o town song and I was caught by the man of my dreams I was kinda blushing a bright crimson red as I got out and wrapped a towel around myself and steped out. I started to spike my hair and get ready as soon as I was dressed I walked out to see that Ashley was sleeping soundley again on the bed speard across it laying there half naked.

So I woke up and there he was standing there and I knew in my heart I loved him he was ready and dam did he look good standing there in Cargos and a sleeveless t shirt. Dam he was build too I did not relise that as I started to sit up he joined me on the bed.

Ashley started to speak you chould tell he was nervous cause he was playing whith his dog tags " Um cory I don't know how to say this and I honestly never thought I chould feel anything more wonderful for someone then what I did for shelli I guess I was wrong whith her because its obvious to me that fade brought us togather that day so we chould meet and finally be togather so I know its short notice and all but I love you and whould want nothing more then u joining me in the guys living here whith me," Ash took a deep breath and contuied " I Don't know what it is about you but I see myself growing old whith you and being whith u for the rest of my life. I Guess we just fit together I Love you "

So baby what do u wanna do today ? Ash asked finally

Ok so my wonderful begaining to this story is now come to an end I wanna thank scorpio for editing this for me id like your coments back to me please email me anyways I hope u enjoyed the first installment of Fade works in Strange Ways. I have already started to write chapter 2 :)

Jaded Angel

Next: Chapter 2

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