Fag Fairy Tales

By neil kavanagh

Published on May 16, 2011


Please be advised the following is a fictional story. Also please note following this there will be gay sex and anyone under 18 should not be reading this.

Hello all. I'm going to write retelling of everyone's favorite fairy tales and I'm gunna want feedback. The e-mail is naughtynick@live.ie . Also I have another story on nifty in the camping section called Naughty Scouting so check that out too. We're starting with everyone's favorite : Little Red Riding Hood.

"Mom do I have to?" a boy whined at the breakfast table.

"Yes. You're on your summer holidays Red and I promised your Nan this cake last week. Your Father and I are working so we can't do it and all you'll be doing other wise is staying in" his Mother replied.

"But...." He started.

"No buts mister. You don't even have to go until later" his Father cut in.

"Fine" He stropped.

"None of that. Right we have to get moving love" his Father said as he walked to the door.

"OK. Red here's some money to buy yourself something in the shop after going to Nan's. As long as you do these breakfast dishes" his Mother said and followed her husband out.

Red surveyed the filthy kitchen. He scratched his mop of sandy hair and realised he needed a shower. He headed to the bathroom and turned on the shower to let it warm up. The 14 year old dropped his pyjama bottoms and looked himself over in the mirror. He weighed about 130 pounds and already stood at 5 foot 5. His 2 inch cock sat under a sparse bush of pubes. He brushed his teeth and stepped into the heated steam of the shower. The warmth enveloped him as the water cascaded down his body. He picked up his favorite shower gel and coated his body in it. He lathered himself completely and let it rinse off. He then used his shampoo and cleaned his shaggy, sandy hair. He turned off the shower and shook himself dry like a dog before striding, naked as a jaybird, from the bathroom to his bed room. He grabbed a towel from his floor and quickly dried himself. He saw jeans that didn't seem too dirty on the floor of his messy room. He searched his drawers for underwear and found none. He pulled his favorite t-shirt from the wardrobe and grabbed his red hoody. It was light so he wouldn't sweat too much wearing it. He grabbed his favorite sandals and was dressed. He quickly cleaned the kitchen and readied himself for the walk to his Granny's house.

He stepped out into the sunshine with the cake for his Nan in a bag. His Nan lived in a retirement estate that was a half hour walk away. He put in his head phones and his favorite song on his iPod before setting off. The city still seemed to be sleeping so the walk seemed faster without all the human traffic. He knew of a short cut through a few alleys. These would get him there faster, shaving about 10 minutes off his journey. He stepped into the first alley and was wary of it. He didn't stop and continued to the other side. He did so again a second time but it was walking through the final alley that left him feeling frightened. It was as though someone was watching him. He saw the gates to the estate and nearly ran to them. The estate consisted of several houses in a gated community. Each occupant had their own bungalow. In the estate there was also a house where nurses stayed in case someone needed assistance. There was a panic button in each house that connected to the nurses home, it was all very high tech. It also cost Red's Nan a butt load of cash, but she had married into money and her husband had died after his Aunt was born. Red walked to the front gate but still felt uneasy. He could've sworn he had heard something in the bushes close by but the security guard took his attention.

"Name?" The man asked.

"My name is Red Stevens. I'm here to see Ophelia Stevens" He replied promptly.

"What is Miss Stevens house number" The guard asked. It was all part of the security.

"26" Red answered. He heard the rustling again but ignored it to walk into the estate. He thanked the guard and started to walk to the house. He walked further into the estate and passed the nurse station. As he continued on by he spotted Hunter walking towards him.

"Hey Red. Your Mom make another cake for Ophelia?" Hunter asked stopping to talk to him. He was a Hispanic male nurse that worked in the estate. His green eyes mesmerised Red. Red snapped back to reality after seeing Hunter's pearly white teeth due to him smiling.

"Yeah it is. You know Grandma O. She loves to treat her friends while they play poker" Red laughed. Hunter chuckled.

"Well she's home in 26 so you won't have to go looking for her" Hunter said.

"I better hurry" Red said. "She'll be annoyed if I'm not on time"

"Sure I better get back to work. Bye" Hunter flashed his toothy grin once more before turning towards the nurses station. Red continued his walk and finally came to his Nan's house. He knocked twice and received no response. He turned over a stone by the door and found the spare key and let himself in.

"Nan are you here?" He called from the hallway.

"Yes dear. I'm in my bed." came a raspy voice.

"Are you sick Nan?" He asked. "I'll be in now I'll just put Mom's cake in the fridge for you"

"Bring me some water would you" the raspy voice asked again. This noise greatly worried Red. He did as he was told and knocked before entering the room. There sat up in his Nan's bed was someone. A blonde wig a top their head and a medical mask covering their lower face.

"Nan?" Red asked.

"Yes dear?" the raspy voice asked.

"You look odd" Red said as he hand the glass of water over.

"What a thing to say to a sick old woman" the person in the bed said.

"Where are your glasses. You must be blind without them" Red said. He turned his back to the bed and looked on the dresser.

"I don't need glasses to recognise a sexy lad when I see one" A much deeper voice said from behind him. Red turned but was grabbed quickly in a bear hug. The man forced Red to the wall and held him there. Red struggled and shouted. He was quickly silenced when the man covered Red's mouth with silver tape. The man had thrown off his wig and face covering. He had short dark hair and stubble. He placed his nose at Red's neck and inhaled deeply. His slimy tongue slithered forth and licked the frightened boy's ear. The man mashed his crotch into Red's arse. Red's eyes widened in fear at the feel of it. The man was more beast than man as he grinded into Red. He ran his hands up inside Red's shirt and pulled it off him. Red gained leverage and pushed the man away. He tried to dash to the door but was caught in the living room. The beast flung him to the sofa.

Red made to pull the tape from his mouth but his hand was caught in a painful grip.

"Now, now. We can't have that." the beast said. From his pocket he drew a pair of silver handcuffs and tied Red's hands behind his back. Red kicked out at the man but couldn't hit with enough force. The beast ripped his own shirt from his chest. He was toned. He then pulled off the shorts leaving nothing left to cover him. His cock was 8 inches long and rock hard. The purple head flared angrily. Red sobbed and screamed behind his gag as he felt the beast paw and Red's trousers. The belt opened and Red bounced as his jeans were pulled from him.

"Only boys who really want it go without undies" The beast almost panted. His sweaty hands parted Red's bubble butt cheeks and he inhaled the slightly sweaty sent. His tongue darted across Red's passage. The pleasure surprised and disgusted Red. He didn't want to enjoy it. He knew becoming aroused would be akin to saying that he did want it. The tongue darted in and out from between his cheeks and started to press in. The tongue entered the virgin orifice. The beast was close to loosing control. He sucked his fingers and began a painful and sloppy loosening process. He could barely fit two fingers in before he had to enter Red. The beast stood up and went to his shorts. Red rolled off the couch onto the floor. The beast stepped forward and placed his foot on Red's chest. The beast unscrewed the tiny bottle top and spread the clear substance on his cock. He ignored the boy as he did this. His mind almost shouted to him that he was akin to a god and his actions now would make him feel even holier.

He pulled Red up onto the couch and looked him straight in the eye as he pointed his cock to the target. The beast tried again to make passage easier with the excess lube on his fingers. He lined himself up and pushed forward. He watched as tears formed in the boys eyes and revelled in the muffled scream. He stopped when he was fully inside. Allowing the boy to become accustomed to his cock was like a gift in the beast's opinion. He pulled back and pushed forward slowly at first. His speed picked up. The tube of rock hard flesh powered through the recently virgin hole. Red cried all the harder as his prostate was hit and his cock responded. The pleasure was immeasurable but the embarrassment was killing him.

"You like this don't you you little fucking fairy" the beast panted. He began to fondle the boys cock. His right hand stroked the boys hardening six inches as the other roamed his body pinching and prodding. The beast could feel the boy's oncoming orgasm. He pulled the silver tape from his mouth but covered it with his free hand. The boy sobbed behind it as the pounding and stroking continued. He let out a gargled cry as his cum shot forth. His ring tightened and the beast knew he was not far himself. The passion and lust was upon him. He grabbed the boy by the hair and forced a kiss upon him as he filled the boy. He moaned around the kiss and didn't hear the doorbell. His sweating form turned quickly when he heard the key in the lock. He removed himself from the boy and tried to plan quickly on his escape. Hunter nearly broke down the door and could not believe his eyes. Red had gone limp. Hunter shouted in fury and quickly got the beast to the ground and under control.

Things moved quickly from then. Red was freed from his handcuffs and the same ones were put on his captor. He dressed himself in silence before his Nan could see him. The beast was taken away by the police. His name was Victor Wolf. A fitting name for a beast. Red gave no evidence as none was needed he was already wanted for doing similar things else where. The cop understood when Red refused to say anything. The story became that Wolf had come to steal from Nan before Red got there. When he saw Red he tried to take him hostage before Hunter arrived. Red hugged his Nan, who had been trapped in her bathroom, and was on his way home. He exited the estate and began walking. He saw the time. It was 10:45. The entire sordid event hadn't lasted much longer than half an hour. He continued to walk but Hunter soon caught up with him. He wrapped his arm around Red and offered to walk him home.

"Red I should check you out" He said as they arrived at Red's home. "No" Red said in barely a whisper. He opened the front door but Hunter would not take no for an answer. "I'm sorry Red but he could've done some serious damage. We don't have to tell your parents. Better to be safe then sorry" Hunter convinced him. Red took another warm shower being very careful with the area in question. The shower relaxed him and he walked back downstairs to the kitchen.

"It was smart thinking ya know" Hunter told him. "Getting to the remote to trigger the panic button. It was lucky too, that you could reach it when you threw yourself to the floor of the living room. Who knows what else could've happened." Hunter had Red bend over and he quickly checked him out.

"You're fine" Hunter told him.

"I'm not. I'm sick. I'm a sick bastard" Red began to sob. Hunter drew Red into his arms and listened as Red explained about getting aroused during the event. Hunter eased Red's conscience with science and explained about the prostate and how hitting it can make anal sex pleasurable. Red asked the fateful question of how did Hunter know.

"Because I have been fucked" He whispered in Red's ear. Red became desperate. His thoughts had also made note that his first sexual experience had been ruined by that bastard Wolf. He brought his lips to Hunter's and mashed them together. Hunter resisted.

"Please. Make me feel good. Please I hate feeling dirty like this." Red begged. Hunter lifted him and carried him to his bed. Hunter could not deny the strange attraction. He rested his lips upon Red's. The kiss got rougher and Red became aroused once more. Hunter disliked the idea of full sex with a minor so he made a deal with himself. He pulled away from Red who immediately tried to cling to him.

"Lie back" He commanded. His voice was a loud boom in the silent empty room. Red did as he was told and stared up at the ceiling. He lost himself looking up at the star scape his father had put up on his roof. A shuffle sound brought him back to reality. There stood a naked Hunter. He was toned and smooth. Red made to sit forward but was pushed back. He had only a towel around his waist, which Hunter removed carefully. Red lay back and shuddered as the naked Adonis kissed his flesh. He felt fingers wrap around his hardening member as Hunter continued to kiss and nip as he moved down. Red's cock was at full hardness as Hunter slid back the foreskin and placed a kiss upon the purple head. Red gasped.

"Relax baby" Hunter whispered. He ran his hands up and down Red's chest, deliberately hitting his nipples on both runs. Hunter wrapped his tongue around the boy's hardened flesh and engulfed it in the heat of his mouth. Red shifted but was stilled by Hunter's hands. Hunter expertly took the full 6 inches into his throat and managed to tongue Red's balls at the same time. Red wouldn't last much longer. Hunter could feel the orgasm coming upon the boy. He pulled his mouth back up leaving only the head in his mouth. He licked and sucked and even nipped lightly as Red bucked beneath him. Hunter's hands shot up and pinched both nipples. Red's scream of pleasure became a tangled, choked noise in his throat as he emptied what was left in his teen balls into the welcoming mouth of Hunter. He went limp on the bed and could only move slightly as Hunter joined him on the bed.

Hunter's throbbing 8 inch cock demanded attention. He spat the teen cum into his hand and slicked his member. He licked the fingers on his other hand and began to finger himself. He gasped in pain as he did it as he didn't usually do it dry. His fingers searched for his pleasure button as he tended to his cock. The tired Red watched in amazement as the older hunk pleasured himself on his bed. He gathered his strength and moved to watch Hunter's fingers. Hunter's breathing became shallow and a moan escaped his lips. He let go of his aching cock and focused on only stimulating his prostate. He licked his lips and groaned. His groaning grew louder as Red watched in amazement. Hunter's body froze. He called out a word that Red didn't know as strings of cum shot from the throbbing cock that stood out from his lying body. Red took a chance a swiped his tongue across the head to get a taste of cum. Hunter hissed as his cock was still very sensitive.

"Sorry" Red apologised quickly.

"Nah s'okay. Come here if you wanna try some more" Hunter tiredly said. He quickly scooped up some onto a finger. Red took the finger greedily into his mouth. The taste was intoxicating and he quickly grave Hunter's abs a tongue bath. His exhaustion caught up with him again and he cuddled close to Hunter, who was dozing.

"What time will your parent be home?" he asked with his eye shut.

"Not till late and it's only 12.30 in the afternoon" Red answered.

"Cool let's take a nap then" Hunter replied sleepily.

"What about work?" Red asked.

"S'all right" he said before he began snoring.

It was 2.30 before they both woke up. They dressed themselves and Red showed Hunter to the door. Before he could open it Hunter took Red's face in his hands and kissed him hard on the mouth. His tongue sought entrance and Red allowed it. His body matching Hunter's body in a tight embrace.

"Don't be a stranger" Hunter whispered before leaving Red home alone.

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