Fag Pledge

By Alexander Grey

Published on Aug 18, 2024



I stood in the quiet corridor for a moment, wondering whether I should go back to Zach's room and wait for another brother to summon me. I dismissed this option, deciding that Dominic had meant what he said about going into the house. I walked the length of the corridor to the stairs, weirdly feeling much more exposed and self-conscious about my nakedness on my own than I had at any point until then. I think now that was because up until that point I had been in use, serving brothers. I hadn't had any control over what happened to me, but I had known what was going to happen. Now I was just a naked boy, alone, in a corridor, in a house full of young men, any one or more of whom could appear at any moment and fuck me or hurt me, depending on whether they were feeling horny or sadistic.

Zach, and what seemed like the rest of the committee and other senior brothers, had their rooms on the top floor of the house so I could stand at the top of the stairs and look down, seeing the four other landings and a slither of the ground floor below. I stood there for what was probably too long, but I no one appeared, and I couldn't hear any sounds from the rest of the house. I guessed that the brothers were sleeping off last night's party, which I had heard continuing long after I was back in Zach's room. It must still have been early, dawn light was still filtering through the windows at the end of the corridor, but I didn't have my watch on so I couldn't be sure. I took a deep breath and started to descend the stairs, slowly at first, but picking up speed as I went down. For some reason I'd decided that I wanted to get to the ground floor without being stopped by a brother.

I had just taken my first step onto the last section of the stairs, thinking I'd done it, when a heavy hand came down on my shoulder and a voice said, `morning Fag. Come with me'. I turned and saw a muscle-bound brother, at least 6 foot 4 inches tall, wearing some scrappy jogging shorts he'd clearly been sleeping in, and nothing else, apart from a shit-eating grin. He had short, black hair and green eyes. There had to be some unattractive brothers here, right? But if there were, I hadn't seen them.

`Morning brother, how can I serve you today?' I remembered what Dominic and Henry had said about serving well so I made sure I smiled at this brother -- whose name I thought might be Jasper, or Johnny, or Julian, something with a J at the start anyway -- and tried to sound eager for whatever he had in mind.

`I need to piss, Fag. I was just on my way to the bathroom when I saw you. Good timing, eh?' he laughed as though we were sharing a joke.

I laughed with him and replied, `very good! I'm glad I didn't miss you!'. As I said this, I sank to my knees and opened my mouth to receive his morning piss. Jasper, or Johnny, maybe Jack, nodded approvingly and pulled his cock out over the waistband of his shorts. Even soft I could tell it was a monster, 5 inches and thick. I knew some guys were showers, not growers, but I suspected this guy was both. This view was aided by a vague memory of a massive cock, glimpsed through cum-glazed eyes, when we were introduced the night before.

I was getting used to the feeling of a cock head resting on my lips and cum as its owner prepared to piss in my mouth. I made sure to look up into this brother's face, keeping our eyes locked and trying to convey enjoyment, and maybe a sense of honour and privilege in being able to swallow this man's piss.

It was only a few seconds before I felt the warm piss gushing from his piss slit and pouring over my tongue, filling my mouth, and flowing down my throat in an amber torrent. From the volume and intensity of his stream, I suspected this guy had been lying in bed for a while, ignoring the demands of his bladder in favour of 5 more minutes, and 5 more minutes, and 5 more minutes.

He let out a short groan of relief and the stream turned to a trickle and then stopped. I closed my mouth and licked the head, making sure I got the last drips. I hadn't broken eye contact all this time and I received a smile from the brother. `Good Fag, either you're learning fast or you're a natural'. He ruffled my hair, either affectionately or patronisingly depending on your point of view, and I could feel him starting to grow in my mouth.

I took his cock in my hand, removed it from my mouth and asked him whether he'd like me to suck him off. He considered it for a moment and then said, `Nah. I'm gonna fuck you later and want to make sure your ass is full of my sperm'.

Feeling daring, I winked up at him and said `I can't wait'. Julian, I was pretty sure it was Julian now, let out something between a snort and a laugh, patted my head again an turned away.

Just as he turned, another brother appeared. Jason', he said, there you are!' Jason! His name was Jason! I needed to remember that. I doubted any brother would be very forgiving towards a Fag that forget his name, but after the committee members, all the brothers sort of faded into one long line of cum-spewing cocks. I thought you were only going for a piss, not draining Niagara Falls!' It was only then that the newcomer saw me, kneeling on the floor. Oh excellent! You found Fag. A much better urinal'.

`Yeah, Fag did a good job with my piss. I'm sure he'd be more than happy to help you, Eddie, wouldn't you, Fag? Eddie's my roommate.'

`Oh yes!' I replied, desperate to show that all I wanted to do is please.

Edward walked up to me, wearing similar sleeping attire to Jason, though his body slimmer than Jason's. He wasn't a twink, but I wouldn't have said he was a hunk either. Maybe a twunk, or perhaps an otter. He had a hairier chest than the brothers I'd spent the most time with so far. Auburn hair framed a face defined by graceful lines and high cheekbones. Unlike Dominic, Henry, and Jason, Eddie didn't look like he'd been sleeping, but as though he'd just got ready for the day and only happened to be wearing an old pair of shorts. If he played a sport, I'd have guessed it was tennis.

His long fingers stroked my hair and the gripped it hard, yanking my head back so I was staring up at the ceiling. I let a short, involuntary cry of pain as Edward stood directly over me, my chin resting on the waistband of his shorts. `He'll take my piss whether he's happy to or not,' Eddie laughed, using the hand that wasn't currently wrapped around my hair to pull his cock out. Unlike Jason, Eddie was a grower, or I hoped he was for his own sake. A cock that was all of one and a half inches popped out of his shorts and he angled it towards my open mouth.

He didn't put his cock in my mouth but instead arched a stream from his piss slit into my mouth. With my head tilted as far back as it would go, I couldn't see the start of the stream and so relied completely on Eddie to get his aim right. He didn't always do this, and so droplets, sometimes more than droplets, of his piss landed all over my face, and I could occasionally feel splashes on the rest of my body. When he did get it in my mouth, the angle at which the piss hit my tongue and throat made it hard to swallow, and so I ended up coughing and choking my way through his morning slash, my face getting redder and the task of swallowing as fast as he pissed getting harder and harder. Finally, after what felt like forever, the stream slowed and I could breath properly again. Of course the other effect of Eddie stopping was that a trickle of piss ran my chin, down my chest, and onto the floor, a few drops even hitting Eddie's own feet.

Eugh!' he exclaimed, stupid Fag! Made me piss on my own feet. Lick it up!' He released my hair and I leapt to obey, apologising profusely for a problem I knew was not my fault. I licked the tops of Eddie's feet, making sure I got all of the drops and trying to convey contrition and eagerness, though I'm not sure tongue managed both these things.

Ha!' Jason let out a laugh. You can hardly blame Fag for that, Eddie! The way you were holding his head back, it's a miracle more didn't get on you. It's your own stupid fault'. That was the first time I learnt that brothers trying to help me can sometimes make things worse.

`I like to see Fag's throat in action as he swallows my piss. Sue me. And if I say it was Fag's fault then it was. Stand up Fag'.

I sprung to my feet at once, but no sooner was I on my them than Eddie punched me hard in the stomach. I doubled over winded, and went to one knee. Up!' Eddie snarled. It took me a moment to regain my breath and stand up. Once again, I was barely on my feet before Eddie had slapped me twice across the face. Whose fault was that Fag?'

Mine, Sir', I gasped. I'm so sorry. I was careless and it shouldn't have happened. Your punishment is fair and I'll try and do better next time'.

Eddie seemed appeased, smiling to reveal small, white teeth. You see, Jason. Fag knows what's what'. Eddie clapped me on the arm as teammates sometimes do in sports and gave my arm a squeeze. fancy playing some Madden before we really have to get up for the day?'

Sure,' Jason said I still think you were harsh on Fag. If you want to hurt him then hurt him. You don't need to make up excuses'. And with that the two of them turned back to their bedroom, for all the world as though they hadn't just pissed down my throat. Jason might have thought the `punishment' was harsh, but it was clear his problem was with the thin excuse rather than the acts themselves.

Alone again on the landing, I darted back onto the stairs before any other brothers emerged from their rooms. At the bottom of the stairs I found myself in a large entrance hallway, with what looked like marble-effect flooring. The front door was right in front of me. For a moment, just a moment, I thought about running straight out of it, and back to my dorm room, where I thought I'd be living this year. People would see me, but I was fast, and a naked guy running across campus can't be too strange a sight in the first few weeks of term, right? I dismissed the idea as quickly as it had come to me. Ridiculous. I didn't need to run away and flee. I had a Get Out of Frat House card I could play at any time, and effects of running or of using it would presumably be exactly the same. And anyway, this morning had shown me that not everything would be unpleasantness and pain here.

There was also a bigger problem occupying my mind. Hunger. I hadn't eaten since arriving at the frat house yesterday afternoon. My belly might have been full of three guys' piss, but having that sloshing around in there without any food wasn't exactly making me feel great. I decided to find a bathroom to empty my bladder of second-hand piss and then try and find the kitchen.

I located a small bathroom quickly enough and stood in front of the toilet. I looked down at my caged cock, took hold of it and tried to work out how best to piss while trapped. I decided that trying to aim while caged would just lead to a mess I'd have to clean up, so I say down on the toilet seat and prepared to do my first sit-down wee since I was a little kid. Once sitting down I used one of my hands to tuck the whole cock below the rim. I wasn't sure what angle the piss might come out at, so wanted to make sure there were no accidents. It didn't take long for me to start pissing and as I heard the ping of piss on porcelain I began thinking about how me and the toilet weren't so different. I wasn't pissing out water I'd used to hydrate myself, or beer I'd used to get drunk, or juice I'd had as a treat. I was pissing out three guys' piss, just an extension of the plumbing. This thought made me feel cheap and dirty, but it also made my cock strain against its cage, even as it emptied my bladder. Humans truly are complicated creatures.

Once finished, I washed my hands and went in search of the kitchen, which again I found without too much trouble. I didn't know how food sharing worked in the frat house, but I was also too hungry to care at that point. I grabbed a banana and poured myself a bowl of cereal, then sat at the table and munched my way through breakfast. As I was finished Carter entered the room. He was built along similar lines to Jason, but as though the designer had looked at Jason and said, `everything needs to be bigger'. He was tall, broad, and heavily muscled, the most herculean man I had ever seen outside of those ridiculous body builder competitions, where men looks like parodies and freaks. There was nothing parodic or freaky about Carter. He was dressed in a tank top, shorts, socks, and trainers.

`Sneaking some breakfast, Fag, Tut tut. Those Lucky Charms won't do you any good, and we need you in tip top physical condition at all times', he said, as he pulled a tub of powder out of a cupboard and starting mixing it with water in a plastic bottle.

`I had a banana as well,' I replied, holding up the peeled skin rather forlornly.

Bananas are good,' Carter said approvingly, but the charms are absolute crap. And you are what you eat, so if you eat crap you'll be crap, and more importantly you'll end up looking like crap, which we can't have. But don't worry, I'm here now and we'll soon have you on a nice diet that keeps you healthy, happy, and fuckable. You'll also be joining me for morning workouts, to make sure you don't get flabby. No one wants a flabby Fag'.

I looked at it, slightly incredulously. I was 60 pounds soaking wet and had never had a weight problem. If anything, I struggled to put it on when I had made a feeble attempt to hit the gym and build some muscle. I started to say some of this but Carter just laughed.

You struggled to build muscle because it's as much about diet as it is about working out. Stand up'. I stood and he started running his hands over my body, commenting on its shape, asking me to flex or relax so that he could read' my body. You're a cute twink, and that's a good place to be, but if you sit in this house getting fucked all day, only leaving for class and 2 hours in the library, and eating shit like this,' he waved the box of lucky charms in my face, then it won't last. Anyways, this isn't a discussion. I'll create a meal plan for you and we'll work out every morning. We're not going to change your body too much, but adding some definition, toning it up a bit, yeah we'll do that'.

He chugged down the mixture of water and powder he'd created and smiled at me. `You're a lucky Fag. People would kill to have me as a nutritionist and personal trainer. Ask Sam and Ben. Now come on, downstairs to the gym and let's get started'.

I gaped at his retreating back. This hadn't been in the brochure! But knowing I was helpless to resist, I sped after Carter as he walked towards the door which led down the stairs and into the Chapter Room.

Next: Chapter 7

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