Fair Trade 1 - Northfolk

By C M

Published on Jul 25, 2013



Fair Trade 1 - Northfolk

The following work is completely fictional and meant for enjoyment by adults.

  • All persons, places, and things are completely made up

  • Do not try this at home

  • Practice safe sex

This story contains graphic male on male sex.

  • Some of it is less than consensual

  • Some of it involves fantastic creatures and magic

  • The protagonist is about 16 years old

If you are bothered by any of this, now would be a great time to stop reading.

I hope you enjoy. I do not write for a living (it probably shows). Please feel free to send feedback to bbuddy2010@live.com

This is the first of three or four chapters.


The first signs of the thaw were making itself known. There had been no blizzards for several days and the clouds were beginning to let the sun through. Soon, the snow would begin to yield; making travel on the surface easier and the villagers would start moving along the surface more regularly.

For nearly half of the year my people confined themselves to a network of underground caves. Part sunken village and part mine, our dens kept the freeze off our backs. Large caves housed underground farms for herd beasts and edible mushrooms. Smaller caves were packed with stores of dried foods and supplies we couldn't grow during the freeze or underground and our sleeping spaces. Bands of hunters and gatherers would occasionally make trips to the open surface when there was a break in the snowstorms to supplement our limited supplies.

We mined to keep ourselves busy during the freeze and to support ourselves during the thaw. Tunnels leading well away from our women and children led deeper into the low mountains. The occasional veins of gems or precious metal helped support our trade but our homeland was most known for a rare form of dark iron indigenous to our region. All of our distant neighbors appreciated it but none wanted to brave this hard land. So we were left alone and our iron fetched a good value in trade.

We had adapted so well to our cave sanctuaries you might think we were related to the dwarves. That is, until you met one of us in person. On average, northfolk men, as my kind was known, stood seven feet tall which is nearly twice the height of the stonefolk. We were broad in shoulder, barrel-chested, and thick everywhere else. You could describe us as stocky. We had thick pelts of hair on our chests, arms, and legs. Beards were customary but never as long as the stonefolk. My people have hair in shades of blond, red, and light brown. Our eyes were typically light blue or green with the occasional hazel. Some legends say we have the blood of giants mixed in our human lineage. The humans of the more temperate lands consider us a separate species.

Now with the thaw nearly upon us, the villagers are beginning the transition back to the surface. Some of the miners would become our builders. Repairs to the surface structures we abandoned would commence and the great caravan would ready to take our bounty from the earth to our neighbors. The latter part is where my story comes in.


I was woken by the sheet of cold air that rolled over me. I knew immediately that the great doors, the main entrance to our cave system, had been completely open. With the temperature less punishing, the people were eager for a steady supply of fresh air and not just the quick fix we get from small vents. I had never been a morning person and it always took me a bit to wake up – except for today. Today was very special to everyone. The great caravan would be leaving today and I wanted to be part of it. This would be the first time I left the village.

With the speed of a snow leopard I threw myself out of my bed and grabbed the packs I had already prepared and stashed nearby. I was already mostly dressed but stopped long enough to throw on my journey boots. I ignored my bursting bladder and growling stomach and dashed like a madman for the great doors. I nearly ran over several villagers in my haste, but most everyone knew my reasons and took no offense. A few rolled their eyes in amusement.

Skidding to a halt just outside, I took quick stock of the surroundings. Everything was still covered by a heavy blanket of snow. A bit further up the main road outside of the great doors was the caravan performing final checks before beginning its journey. My explosion out of the main doors was noticed by several caravan members and murmurs spread amongst them. Ignoring their gazes I began jogging towards them, my packs over my shoulder.

I neared the gathering place where the men, beasts, and supplies were nearly ready. The lasttier, our pack animals, were already loaded with packs full of our village's life-blood – mostly dark iron ore – and supplies for the journey. About two dozen men dressed in heavy journey furs and sporting packs of more supplies would lead the caravan. Some of the larger northfolk men were nearly as strong as the lasttier so we didn't rely on too many of the dumb but obedient beasts. Half of the men had weapons for defense at their belts or back and the other half had weapons for hunting.

"Stop right there, Norryn!" Ro'und's booming voice caused me to nearly skip a step and slow down. "We have already talked about this. You will not accompany the caravan this year." With my father's passing and no other kin to claim me Ro'und had stepped forward as my primary caretaker. He was like an uncle to me.

"No, you talked about this and I did not agree." I could feel my face flushing in anger and embarrassment. I could feel the eyes of everyone around us.

One of the men behind Ro'und broke in, "let the boy join us Ro'und. We could use something pretty to warm our sleeping mats on the journey." Several men broke out into jovial laughter. Despite the lighthearted tone, the jab struck at a sore point with both my caretaker and I.

"Nay, he is too young," Ro'und stubbornly continued to resist. He puffed out his chest. Combined with his height over me, his wide frame, and the thick slabs of muscle he was a proverbial wall.

"I will be sixteen in another moon. I would be old enough for my Rite," I tried very hard to keep my voice level and my eyes locked on Ro'und. I know he meant well but every bone in my body was telling me I needed to join this caravan. It was not completely unheard of for someone as young as me to join but it was pushing my luck.

"Then stay here and attend your Rite of Passage before the elders. Help the village with the thaw. Stick to what you're good at – tending the herds and plants. This journey is not for you – especially not now." We were referring to the Rite of Passage into Manhood that would throw off the last chains of childhood in the eyes of my people. He was also dancing around another sore point; my father had died during a previous caravan. Ro'und believed I was eager to join on some kind of call to vengeance. Truth be told, my father's path and my own were always very different and I did not feel a duty to avenge him. Strangely, no one would share the details of his death with me.

Further argument was cut short by the approach of the eldest. The big man slipped quietly into our space and then dominated it. The eldest was the head of our elder council. Promotion to an elder isn't just rewarded from age but deeds and strength. I did not know how old the eldest was but there was no denying that he held incredible power. He was tall even for our kind, close to eight feet. His body still held an incredible build. He walked with a staff but did not lean against it. His handsome face was framed by light gray hair. The lines and scars on his face told of countless years and hardships. And his eyes – they could stop an avalanche. This man had earned the respect of the village and now he wielded it like a battle-axe.

"This young man will join the caravan," the eldest declared to no one in particular and everyone at the same time. There was a pause to let the decision sink in and to see if there were any protests. Ro'und's jaw clenched but he remained quiet. When no one commented the eldest calmly continued in his deep and gravelly voice, "The sacred rite has never been a test of what a man knows but of what he has yet to discover about himself. Young Norryn is...unique...among us and has always had to walk a different road, sometimes harder. Despite what we see on the outside, his heart has always been the match of any northfolk. This caravan will be part of his rite."

I exhaled a breath I didn't know I was holding. Had the elder's voice not be so strong I might not have heard the rest of his speech above the pounding of my heart in my ears.

"But know this Norryn, charge of Ro'und – if you do not find yourself or worse, disgrace the name or spirit of this village or the rite, you are not to return." And with that the eldest turned and walked away.

"You will have to pull your own weight," Ro'und jabbed.

"Well there isn't much of that," another one of the men quipped. Several men chuckled.

Ignoring the laughs I simply nodded at Ro'und grimly.


With the matter settled for us the caravan set out for our first of three major stops, the Orcs of the blood burrows. The mood was a bit somber. The eldest had not shied away from pointing out my uniqueness and no doubt everyone was wondering how it might affect our journey.

The last growth spurt of northfolk men tended to level off at sixteen years of age. Just a moon-cycle away from my sixteenth birthday I had just made it to six feet and three inches tall. If I stretched my spine and puffed my chest I could possibly made hit six-four. I was still the shortest adult male in the village. If I was lucky I might get two more inches over the next year but it was doubtful. Simply put, it seemed I would always be painfully small for a male.

To make matters worse, I was cursed with a weak build. Oh, I had muscle. Don't get me wrong I didn't shy away from physical pursuits when I could. My chest, arms, and legs were almost as muscular as my peers. But I suffered from a slim waist. And instead of blocky slabs of muscle and fat that gave northfolk men their mountainous builds I had rounded muscles and very little body fat. I was more tightly built, compact, than the other men. My body would not hold onto much fat except my rear which formed a distinct bubble. It had the bounce often found on northfolk women. To top it all off there was barely any hair covering my body. My beard wasn't much more than dark brown scruff and I had never shaved it. Most young men my age already had their "fur" and "manes."

All these factors added up to give me a very feminine quality compared to the other men and boys in our village. Both men and women joked about how beautiful I was. Beautiful?! How dare they call me such? I was often treated like I was delicate or at least much younger than I actually was. During the freeze I was often shooed away from the heavy work. I had never been let into the mines. I did well with animals but the herd beasts were pretty docile despite their massive size so it was no great accomplishment.

My father had been teased as well while he had been alive. His friends often joked aloud, wondering how human or elven blood must have gotten into our family. He was a good man, my father, and he raised me as best he could when my mother passed away but I know he was a bit embarrassed by me. He and my mother had both been "normal" for northfolk. With neither parents still alive nor anyone else in the village quite like me I was an oddity.

In the poorly lit caves I would often catch many of the men, of all ages, gave me funny looks. The looks made me uncomfortable but not for the reasons you might thing. You see, male on male sexual relations weren't taboo in our village. Physical intimacy was often viewed as a sign of mutual respect between two peers. But no one considered me a peer. I was too different in appearance. The looks I got weren't of comrades wanting to show respect but more like a predator stalking a bunny. There was no planned exchange between equals in those looks.

The caravan's journey could take many months. Many months that would be away from women. Northfolk men were known for needing release often.

I tried not to dwell too much on such things. I was finally away from my home that held so little to me. My destiny would be found out in the world. I would return after I have proved myself just as capable as any northfolk man alive or not at all.


I would find out early what special challenges awaited me in our journey. Being away from your home changes people. You see different sides of people you thought you knew quite well; you see different sides of yourself.

We were more than a week out when we came across a fresh water stream. The thaw was advanced enough to allow snow to melt and a light trickle of fresh water to snake its way across the hard earth. It was the perfect opportunity to top off our water skins and wash away several days of dirt and sweat from travel. The lasttier could use the rest and unlimited drinking water.

Several of the men were quick to strip nude and begin washing themselves. The still cold air and just above freezing water didn't faze their thickly padded bodies. They openly talked, admired, and displayed their bodies without modesty or conceit. Muscles and fur and heavy dicks were bared. The temperature did nothing to diminish their swinging manhood.

After settling my pack and digging out a wash cloth I moved to join them. At the edge of the stream I began stripping. Focused on the many knots, straps, and buckles in my journey clothes I almost didn't notice the banter die down. When I had finally undone the last buckle of my trousers and yanked them down I heard a few strangled grunts. Straightening up and looking over my shoulder I saw that nearly all two dozen men had their eyes on me. Most were not looking at my face and I felt a full body flush over take me briefly. Doing my best to ignore them I went about my business though I tried to keep from bending over more than necessary.

Half way through my cleaning ritual I nearly jumped when something cold, wet, and soft landed on my back. I was never particular jumpy but the unexpected cold made me whirl around. I found Yuther holding a wet washcloth to my shoulders. He had decided to help scrub my hard to reach places.

Yuther was a blond-haired, blue-eyed 19 year old. He kept his hair and beard cut short. He was almost a full foot taller than me and everything about him was massive. We had just enough age between us that we didn't associate much back in the village. But he was always kind to everyone, even me. He was the second youngest person in the caravan after me.

"It's all right, Norryn, I'm just helping you reach your back." He spoke just above a whisper. His eyes drilled into mine with a look I couldn't quite place. Before I could respond his free meaty hand came to my turned shoulder and turned be back away from him. Despite the warning bells in my head, I allowed myself to be turned.

His technique was surprisingly gentle. You would have thought he was tending to a newborn rabbit. He was very methodical in covering my wide back. After washing half way down my back he bent down to rinse the washrag. On his way down his other hand moved to my bare hip for support while he kneeled. I swallowed hard. He was slow to lift back up. Instead of picking up where he had left off, Yuther started in a new spot – the back of my upper thighs. I began to turn around in protest when his hand again came up to my shoulder to lock me in place.

"Stay." His voice was still quiet but also resonated with force and...pleading?

I'm not sure why, but I did what he said. I didn't look behind me but I assumed we had to have a following. I felt the full body blush return. Sensing the source of my embarrassment he reassured me quietly, "don't worry about them – it's just you and me right now."

His washcloth travelled between my legs and slowly trailed up the crack of my ass. Still being methodical in his cleaning, he slowly crossed the area again. The third pass was a bit different – he didn't use the washcloth but his index finger. And his pass was even slower this time. We both quietly gasped as his finger made contact with my hole. His hold on my shoulder was becoming almost painful even though I wasn't resisting. I began to shiver.

"You are so little, you get cold easy," Yuther observed, misunderstanding my reaction. "Tonight, sleep next to me and I'll keep you warm." This wasn't like the jokes back in the village. There was no humor in his voice. He provided demonstration by pressing up against my back and wrapping his massive arms around me. As his large body fit onto mine I felt someone long, hard, and pulsing rest of the top of my bubble. I was surprised to find him erect. I was even more surprised when one of his hands travelled down my front and gripped my own swollen phallus.

When I didn't respond right away Yuther's finger came back around and rested on my hole. After more silence he began applying steady pressure. Before the tip could breach my entrance I found myself nodded my head yes. Once I had agreed he moved away and let me finish washing on my own. I kept my back to the rest of the men while I finished washing to hide the fullness of my crotch.

I wasn't entirely sure what I just committed myself to. I had seen couples kiss, fondle, and cuddle but never anything more serious. I knew the mechanical theory of how different combinations of men and women could be with each other but up until now no one had actually touched me in that way.


We ended up camping for the night not far from the stream. After being cooped up in the caves for so many months we enjoyed unrolled our sleeping mats without tents under the stars. As the evening wore on, a few men ventured away in pairs for private time. One pair enjoyed themselves on their sleeping mats where anyone could watch or listen. But being used to the closed in spaces of the caves, no one paid them much mind. I was certainly too shy to just walk up and observe.

Yuther and I had set our sleeping mats next to each other near the edge of the circular encampment. When I dropped my mat to the ground Yuther made it a point to drop his right next to mine. There wasn't any space between the two mats. I chose to pay it no mind and focused on readying myself for sleep.

I lay on my side, facing away from the camp and pulled a heavy blanket over myself. I immediately felt Yuther do the same. When he settled down he was pressed all along by back side. The feel of the much bigger man so close to me made me start shivering again. Mistaking my shivers as my being cold, he yanked both our blankets off each other and instead laid them one on top of the other so they covered both of us together. Now there was one less obstacle between our two bodies. The closeness caused my shivering to increase. Yuther responded by wrapping his big arms around me and bringing me in closer to him. I could feel the bulge of his massive chest muscles against my back and the bulge of his packed crotch against my rear. The tight embrace was surprisingly comforting and I found myself easily relaxing into the bigger man.

One of his large paws began ideally running up and down the front of my body. The contact was quite pleasant and I figured this experience wouldn't be too bad. Adjusting our positions a bit I found my head resting on one of his giant biceps. The pelt of fur covering his front tickled my back. His manhood was a limp but full mass resting along my rear. Between the two bodies pressed tightly against each other and the two blankets covering us we began putting out intense body heat.

"You are so smooth everywhere," he observed in a whisper. I had nothing to add so I quietly enjoyed his touch. I eventually fell asleep.

As I mentioned before, I'm normally a heavy sleeper. Something was causing me to partially wake. Through half closed eyes I could tell it was still nightfall. I became aware of our sleeping mats rocking and an odd sensation at my rear. As the curtain of sleep lifted more I could also make out quiet grunting and strained breathing practically in my ear.

I became aware that my sleeping trousers had been pulled down in the back and resting under my bubble. There was a lot of movement going on in that area and I quickly realized what was going on. Yuther was playing with himself. I normally wouldn't have been bothered too much to witness another villager pleasing themself but this time was very different. It appears he was using my body as part of his private ritual. We were both still under the covers at least. Unable to see me cheeks he was instead feeling around the area with his free hand. He squeezed my cheeks a lot, alternating between the two. Occasionally something firm yet spongy would bump into one of my cheeks. Just like at the fresh water stream, Yuther would occasionally run his finger along my crack slowly. He alternated his finger with the apple sized head of his manhood. I was too shocked to react at first.

As more of my situation came into focus I noticed more details. Yuther would occasional snort like a pack beast as he fondled himself. He must have been close to release. His breath was hot and moist on the back of my neck. On some of his passes with the head of his manhood at my crack he would give a little jab.

Recovering some sense, I was about to bring my arm around to stop his hips when a lucky jab wedged the very tip of his manhood to my sweat soaked virgin hole. The sensation of my tight ring parting even just a little immediately sent him over the edge. Immediately, a burning wetness began pouring over the area. The first several pumps of his seed coated the head of his rod and my crack. The new lubrication and his continued pressure forced half his head inside now and his last pumps shot directly inside me. The pain caused me to jump and I was going to try and fight him off when his free hand shot around my shoulder and clamped over my mouth and pulled my body tighter into him. His other hand kept his manhood pressed into my sweet spot and he continued to jab against me. Despite his pressure and lubrication he just couldn't squeeze more of his manhood past my tight ring with me so tense.

"Please, just a little more," Yuther hoarsely whispered into my ear. Whether he was referring to my struggling to pull off his manhood completely or my reluctance to relax my ring I wasn't sure. I was shaking my head no to both.

Eventually his seed stopped pumping and he collapsed on my back. His heavy breathing was so hard I thought his chest might burst. Even with his seed spent he continued to hold me tight for a long while shuddering. As warmth spread from my ring warmth was spreading in my mind.

I had wondered how two men could join completely in the past. Now I knew. I had never stopped to consider just how big the average northfolk man's phallus is. Combined with my smaller than normal frame and inexperience back there I couldn't fathom how anyone could breach me. Surely, Yuther or anyone northfolk man would be unable to complete such an act with me. Why would they even want to try knowing how tight I would be?

Exhausted by the very brief encounter, sleep found me quickly.


I was out of bed fairly early in the morning. The soreness radiating from my violated ring helped shake off the grogginess of the morning. Untangling myself from the two layers of covers I found that my sleeping trousers were still bunched under my rear. Quickly pulling them back into place I was also aware of the dried mess along my crack. I hurried off the mat towards the stream, leaving the bastard Yuther asleep.

I only passed a few other caravan members awake at camp and none were already using the stream. I moved a little further away for additional privacy and began the process of wiping Yuther's mostly dried seed from my body.

I was at the point where I was standing in the shallow stream, naked, bent down, with my fingers in my rear trying to scoop out the rest of the sticky seed when I heard the sounds of someone approaching. As quick as a rabbit I yanked my fingers out and stood back up. The round mass of my rear would cover my hole from scrutiny. Unfortunately, when I looked up I realized the newcomer had already gotten close enough to have gotten a good enough look at what I had been doing.

"We aren't so far that you can't turn back now, Norryn." Ro'und offered, his face was unreadable.

"No, this is my rite," I replied as I puffed up my chest and met him in the eye.

"To be claimed by every man in this caravan?"

"I have not been claimed by anyone," I snapped back defensively.

"The seed on your fingers says otherwise," my caretaker almost sneered. "They do not see you as an equal. You are a prize to be claimed. They will not share pleasure with you. They will conquer you."

"I will not turn back. I will not back down."

"At the rate you're going you will not return to the village as a man but a possession." And with that, Ro'und walked away.

Alone again, I returned to the matter of Yuther's remaining seed. I had squatted back down and moved my hand back to my inflamed ring. The cheeks of my rear were so full that they made easy access difficult so I had to spread them further apart with my other hand. Now able to get to my target, I continued trying to scoop out the load. The sensation of something actually in past the ring was new to me. Closing my eyes I began to focus on the new sensations. My scooping action gave way to simply thrusting my finger in and out of myself. The remains of Yuther's seed and the phantom of his thick cock head made one finger easy. I slipped in a second finger and began working myself faster.

Twisting my pumping fingers in and out now I stumbled across a hard lump inside me that causes me to lose my breath. As I felt around this lump I felt waves of intense pleasure. The harder I pushed against it the more rewarding the sensations. I wanted to press harder still but I wasn't particularly flexible and the position made it difficult. I began trying to think what I could shove up there to properly massage my new best friend when it occurred to me how close Yuther's fat rod was to doing it for me last night. I suddenly regretted not letting him finish. This new discovery certainly added a piece to the puzzle.


The next several weeks on our journey were uneventful. I brushed Yuther away whenever he would get too close. He seemed to know he went too far but was persistent in letting me know he was available. He tried to do little things here and there to earn my favor but I avoided them as well. Some of the other men, seeing the rift between us, tried to fill the void. I kept mostly to myself and worked on appearing self-sufficient. I was particularly good with a bow and made it a point to haul in game for meals. I made sure to bring in just enough so the caravan knew I was contributing.

The more experienced hunters in the group still didn't want me joining them on their hunts. That was actually fine by me. They were all so large and loud. I could move quieter and faster than any of them on difficult terrain.

I had been heading out to find a good spot to hunt when I found someone waiting for me. His name was Kosym. He was a deal older than Yuther or myself. His raven black hair and beard were worn long. With much of the biting cold behind us it was not unusual to see him standing in my path shirtless. His massive chest was covered in thick fur but you could still see the cut of his chest and abs. The parts of him not furred were covered in dark blue tattoos. He easily stood seven and a half feet tall.

I tried not to show my surprise at seeing him so far from camp and pushed on with a friendly greeting. "Well met, old man." Truth be told, he was only just shy of three decades in age.

"Well met, youngling. I will join you in your hunt today."

"Nay. You move like a rutting mountain ram in an ice cave. The game will hear your stomping for miles." I kept my tone jovial.

"Closer to the truth than you think, youngling."

I raised my eyebrow in confusion but carried myself past him silently. I couldn't help but catch a strong musky scent from him. A warm buzzing settled on my mind.

Seeing I wasn't going for his bait he pressed on, "We are well enough into the thaw that some more dangerous game might be about. You might even find yourself game for something big and nasty out here all by yourself. But luckily for you I am here and I am bigger and nastier than any animal." The last part came out huskier. The sound of his voice told me he was following me.

I continued to march on. I hoped that he would get that I wasn't interested in his company and get bored. It didn't dawn on me till much too late that moving even further away from the camp with him probably wasn't a good idea.

After covering more ground in silence he decided to step up his game.

"Are you still sore?" His voice was inquisitive.

"What are you talking about," I replied without stopping or turning back to him.

"Where Yuther breached you."

I stopped dead in my tracks and whirled around to face him. Enough time had passed that I had almost dared believe everyone had forgotten the experience. I was naively certain that no one else knew about it than Ro'und.

Reading the alarmed look on my face he held a huge hand up and continued, "Don't worry, your secrets are safe with me. My sleeping mat was close to you both that night. You were both pretty quiet but there was no mistaking what happened. I doubt anyone else knew the fun you were having. You are both young men and no one would be surprised to know you play often anyway."

My mind was in turmoil. I'm not sure why, maybe because of his friendly tone, but I found myself opening up to him. Just above a whisper I admitted, "That was our first and only time."

Now it was Kosym's turn to be caught off guard. "Really? He was the first to bed you? And why has he not shared bed with you again?"

"We didn't," I was stammering, "actually...join. Not all the way." The tops of my face felt hot in embarrassment. "And it didn't feel...right."

Kosym nodded his head in understanding. "Yuther is young with the heart of a bear but a lot less sense and even less finesse. He probably rushed. It is a mistake many of us have made in youth and you should forgive him," he spoke in a paternal way.

I was not actually prepared to do any such thing but I would have preferred to end this conversation now. I simply nodded my head in agreement and turned to continue on my trek.

"Stop." Kosym's command held the weight of his years and I did so immediately. The change in his tone caught me off guard. "I care for you Norryn. And I want to make sure you have not been hurt."

"I'm fin..."

"Bend over that log," he talked over me.

"What?" I could feel myself start shivering.

"Bend over that log, boy."

Slowly, I moved myself over the thick fallen log. I placed my gear and bow besides me.

"Yuther is a big man down there. And you are tiny compared to him. He could have hurt you."

"I feel fine now," I tried protesting.

"It won't hurt to check. Lower you trousers."

"Kosym, I don't think..."

"Lower. Your. Trousers."

With shaking hands I undid the many straps and buckles and exposed my rear.

"Hold open you cheeks with your hands and keep looking forward. I'll need to get a clear look through those meaty cheeks. This won't take long."

I hesitated for only a moment but complied. My head dropped in shame and I squeezed my eyes shut. The warm buzzing had grown in my head. Breathing felt more difficult.

I experienced the world with my other senses. I could feel the heat of someone moving closer behind me. I felt every muscle in my body tense up but nothing actually touched me. The blood pounding in my ears sounded like war drums. Through the thunderous sounds I thought I heard more buckles being undone but my hands hadn't moved.

"Spread them further," he rasped.

Digging into my soft cheeks for leverage I pulled them further apart. I would feel the crisp air over my hole. In the back of my head I dimly wondered what he would think of my hairless cheeks and hole. A small part of me wanted...approval? I knew it was just one more thing that made me different from the other men around me. The hard lump inside me was vibrating with anticipation. I tried to relax myself for the coming invasion. Surly Kosym's rod would work just as well as Yuther's if I could relax enough to let something that thick in.

There were more sounds behind me. There was the jingling of metal. I heard ragged breathing. Then something wet and very hot started spraying against my hole in rhythmic pumps. Kosym was anointing my hole with his seed. The air rushed out of my lungs in a long groan. I thought I would lose my mind. There was definitely more seed on me than Yuther had managed.

It sounded like a charging bear was breathing behind me but I continued to look away with my eyes closed. I jumped a bit when I felt a thumb briefly contact my ring. With a quick flick it dipped just inside my hole, pushing some of his seed into me. My entire body felt like it was on fire. I pushed back a little, enough to press his thumb against the hard lump. Sensing my need to jabbed his thumb in a few times but withdrew before I could find any real release.

After a few moments I became aware of Kosym straighten up behind me then staggering away from my body. Still struggling to catch his breath he commented, "Looks like there is no permanent damage." Once assembled, he walked away back to camp.

I stayed bent over the log for long minutes. My head was swimming and the front of my trousers felt tight. A part of me was hoping he would come back. I wasn't so far gone that I couldn't analyze the encounter. Kosym was older than Yuther. He clearly knew he couldn't breach me with such endowment as the northfolk were blessed with. He had left satisfied but how would I accomplish my own satisfaction? How do I make the hard lump inside me stop buzzing?


Something had woken inside me. It was a kind of curiosity. I had always known I was being treated differently. It had been different before. Before I was a mere boy. My entrance into manhood had changed the game. I didn't just look different from the other men, I was bringing something out in them.

Today was my birth celebration. I am sixteen years of age today and mostly a man by my village's standards. However long it took, my actions from now until my return to the village would constitute my Rite of Passage. This was one of the few age milestones we made a big deal of.

In celebration the caravan would stay camped in the same spot a few hours longer than usual. We would celebrate as the sun was setting and the moon was raising so our celebration would be witnessed by the sun, moon, and stars. Everyone would strip down, wash up, and paint each other's body with handprints to mark the solidarity between men. As the man of honor, everyone would mark me with at least one handprint.

I stood naked in the center of the camp as the men danced, drank, and one-by-one came up to mark me. While only a single print was needed to show respect, I often received many repeated marks from the same person. I was nearly covered in red, blue, and purple handprints from the neck down. My father would have been the last to mark me so Ro'und took that honor. He placed his hand firmly on the side of my face, a spot reserved just for family. Despite our disagreement over coming along I knew we still shared a close bond.

For several hours we drank and danced. We worked ourselves into a frenzy. Hands were always on me, either to mark me or congratulate me. More than a few made their way back to grope my bubble but I let it slide. The contact kept my phallus plumped to which the men found amusing but no one touched it. Everyone nude, the atmosphere caused more than a few manhood to swell. For the first time I really paid attention. Kosym's rod was as thick as my wrist. The heavy appendage, only partially excited, hung over nine inches already. The loose foreskin pulled back enough to reveal part of the pink head and glistening drops of dew. Yuther's rod stood straight out from his body ten inches. He was clearly more easily excited in his youth. The rod was a bit thinner than Kosym's but the head was fatter. Yuther also had less skin around the head. More than a few men were even bigger than these two. The warm buzzing feeling began to spread in my head again. I openly checked out the bodies and members of all the men present. I know I stared too long but I couldn't help it.

A man walk by my field of view that completely caught my attention. The half hard slab of meat between his legs was the perfect combination of long and thick. It started off thinner by the head and worked up to a marvelous thickness at the base. It had beautiful veins running down its length. It looked perfectly shaped to pry open a tight hole. As I focused more on the member I noticed it looked familiar. Looking back up I saw the bearer of beautiful cock was Ro'und. The man who had accepted me under his wing and made sure I was looked after. The man who just caught me staring wantonly at his manhood. More than a little drunk I made no move to turn my gaze away from him.

I saw him rake his eyes up and down my body a few times and soon his manhood was as rock hard as my own. After a minute he shook himself out of the spell and stalked off. I detached myself from the several men poking and pawing at me and started to make my way the direction my caretaker had gone off to. I mumbled something about having to relieve myself over my shoulder as I left.

Ro'und had gone from the camp and into a thick patch of trees. He might have gone to relieve himself. When I finally caught up to him I saw I was partially right. He was leaning against a tree and stroking his manhood eagerly, trying to relieve his heavy sack. Sensing me approach he opened his eyes but did not stop his stroking. In the fading light I could make out his eyes on me, his muscles popping out, and a steady stream of dew dripping from his cock. I unconsciously licked my lips.

I stood there for a minute, painfully erect, and watched this handsome man please himself. My presence seemed to have fueled his lust and his strokes were getting faster. Something inside in my head clicked and I realized I didn't want him to finish himself off. Without saying a word I turned around and got down on a hand and knees. With the free hand I spit extra loud on my fingers and brought the slick back to my rear. There would not have been any mistaking what I wanted. I was dimly aware that I was not blushing or shivering. The heat in my head had spread to my body and everything was tingling.

I had to wait only a moment before there was movement behind me and I could feel Ro'und squatting behind me. With one hand holding my own cheek open he grabbed the other cheek to fully expose me to him. He spit several times on my hole and on his own manhood. Soon the plump head was pressed against my ring. Fueled by a primal desire of my own I didn't wait for him and started backing up on his rod. He quickly joined me in applying pressure but despite his tapered tip it was not an easy task. This was not like Yuther, I was not tensed up but relaxing myself back there. Sensing my need he moved the hand not holding his dick on target to my shoulder and yanked me back harder. Together we breached my entrance.

An animalistic roar, deeper than any sound I've heard from the men, tore through the night time air. Only after my lungs had run out of air did I realize it had come from me. I was also painfully aware that the head and about an inch of my caretaker's rod was now lodged firmly in my rear. I felt like a jolt of lightning flashed from my rear to crotch and I was surprised to feel myself about to shoot already. My hand holding my cheek quickly came around to my groin so I could squeeze my own sack and keep from cumming with the realization that I was properly breached. Already he was placing tremendous pressure against the hard lump inside me.

Now firmly wedged inside me, Ro'und wasted no time gripping both my hips tightly and working himself deeper. Despite my relaxing my hole would not give up so easily and keep a strangle hold on his rod. He had to fight for every half inch. It didn't help that he only got thicker the closer to his base he worked with. But there was definitely no denying him at this point even if I wanted too. He was simply too big and powerful to be unseated.

Again, something clicked in my head. I would not give in. I would not let myself be claimed. I would conquer my own way. With my knees and hands dug into the dirt under me I braced myself and began hunching back to meet his punishing thrusts. I would not shy away from the pain. This felt like my birth celebration. This was part of my Rite. I never felt so alive in my life.

After several minutes of us working together on a common goal we had managed to get half of his twelve inches buried inside me. The thickness of the rod and the angle of the thrusting were hitting a spot inside me that drove me wild. I fought hard to keep my balance. His thrusting was so strong I would be knocked off my hands and knees if I didn't fight his hips with everything I had. My hips were bucking hard and I would occasionally squeeze myself around his rod as hard as I could. The ragged breathing behind me told me I would bring him off like this. Without warning I felt a fist punching my bubble. I momentarily squeezed then released my hold on his rod by reflex.

"Not. Until. You. Have. It. All." He was grunting out the words between wailing on my ass with his fist.

The unexpected punching caused my hole to momentarily relax enough that his thrusts made much more head way. I had about three quarters of his manhood inside me. The head of his manhood was hitting some kind of inner door that set a dull ache in my lower abdomen. The sensation was odd and mildly discomforting but I refused to cave in. The angry dick inside me battered at this new deeper ring with a fury of thrusts that didn't get him any further. He was grunting in frustration. I could feel his need to complete the rut build even more.

Something clicked in my head. This new barrier was just another part of my body and I knew I must control it. I would determine who entered. I would keep control at all times. Gathering my strength of body and will I prepared for my greatest challenge yet. As we pulled apart during our rhythmic thrusting I forced every inner muscle to relax. As we came together again I forced myself back on his manhood like my life depended on it.

There was another flash of lightning behind my eyes and the sensation of Ro'und's crotch pressed up tight against my bubble followed. We had joined completely in the last thrust.

"Daddy," I sobbed.


Liquid fire poured into me as my daddy spilled his seed inside me. Both my inner and outer rings screamed in protest as his manhood flared to new thickness. But I refused to pull away from him. We were effectively locked together like winter wolves. My sack began to empty on the ground under us.

After a minute of being bred by daddy's seed I felt him return to his normal erect size. Slowly he began to pull back. As the tip of his rod came close to leaving me he changed direction and almost lazily pushed back in. The sheer amount of seed he spilled in me provided the lubrication I didn't have before and his thickness was easier to handle after I had experienced his flared rod. He could now use full length strokes in me and apparently he wasn't quite done yet.


I spilled seed that first time on the ground underneath us. The second time, in the same position, Ro'und caught my shooting seed in his hand and marked my face over the handprint he had put there earlier in dye. The third time I had flipped over and spread my legs back submissively and eventually spilled my seed between my heaving chest muscles. All three of my loads had been hands free. All of Ro'und's loads were buried deep in me.

The second and third time inside me he used full length strokes. He often pulled the flared head of this rod past my outer ring and slide all the way inside in one steady stroke, passing my hard lump and my inner ring. My entire rear felt like an instrument he was playing.

We had eventually stumbled back to the camp on shaky legs. Both of us were supporting the other. More than a few men were missing from camp. Those that remained were either far too drunk or already passed-out so no notice was paid to the smeared handprints.

That night I had pushed my sleeping mat up against Ro'und's mat. Our bodies had naturally slipped together perfectly, still both naked. Sleep found us both quickly and we woke still tightly tangled together.

The next day I travelled with a sore head and rear. My head hurt from too much drink and my rear hurt from...what Ro'und did to me - no, what I wanted him to do to me. I was pleased with myself. I felt alive. I had a bit extra bounce in my step. I was seeing the world and the people around me with new eyes. My change must have been apparent because Yuther, Kosym, and a few others were keeping their eyes on me but I wasn't bothered. My journey clothing hid the light bruises on my shoulder and hips. And the wetness in the crack of my ass. The weather had warmed enough that I would go shirtless and show more skin than I customarily do. Once I was sure the bruises had cleared up I intended to.

Ro'und was quiet and kept a measured distance from me. He looked as confident and self-assured as always so I think he was trying to give me space to figure out where I wanted to go from there. Long-term, I had no idea. Short-term, I wanted him in me again. I was trying desperately not to gravitate towards him. I couldn't seem like some love sick doe.

I had to march on surrounded by strong virile men but alone in my thoughts. The heavy material hid the half erection I seemed to now sport constantly. I was surprised it would be so ready again after the number of times I had spilled seed. I was sure I had to be empty by now.

More of the great puzzle had fallen into place.


At last we were nearly upon our first major destination. We had come across the Jagged Scar. The sharp stones marked the edge of blood orc territory. We would be at the blood burrows in a few days. The mood of the caravan had changed almost immediately. A few of the men commented that they were surprised we hadn't stumbled upon orc patrols already.

I had never seen an orc in person. There were numerous legends of the darkfolk in our folklore. Most of it didn't paint them in a positive light. They weren't just supposed to be hideous to look upon, but possessed poor manners, poor hygiene, and a poor sense of honor. Their savagery was well known. I had heard they were the primary reason the northfolk had stopped allowing women along on the caravan. There was no recent memory of hostilities however.

The orcs resilience was also well known. One of the primary reasons we traded with them is because they were one of the few races that could survive this far north. We provided raw materials, namely our dark iron, and they provided us with surprisingly well crafted metal goods.

As we trekked deeper into orc territory the men whispered reminders and warnings. Ro'und and Kosym both took up alongside me to give personalized instruction. Their faces and tone were serious.

"Do not let yourself out of any of our sight. Do not wander off alone, even to piss." Ro'und began the list.

"Don't try to make friendly talk," Kosym interjected.

"I'm sixteen years now...," I was about to tell them I didn't need to be babied.

"No, Norryn," Ro'und cut me off softly with a soft hand on my shoulder. "This isn't about you. This is about all of us. And the village too. The orcs aren't like us. They don't hold our values. They have their own laws and customs. If something were to go wrong, we would be outnumbered. Even if we were armed to the teeth we would never make it out alive. And then how would the rest of the villagers who depend on the trade fair?"

"We are just asking you to keep a cool head and a low profile," Kosym added. "We aren't asking you to do anything that we aren't telling all the men here to do. We aren't treating you any different now. Please trust us on this."

I contemplated this for a bit. Looking around discreetly it did appear that many such conversations like this were occurring. I felt closer to the group.

"I give you my word that I will keep a low profile." I really did have the best of intentions.


My only other story on Nifty may be found at http://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/incest/behind-my-brothers-back/

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