Falcon Eyes

By moc.loa@L9yK

Published on Jan 2, 2023


Episode Eleven: Behind These Hazel Eyes

Nicole and Julieanne knocked on Mikey and Anthony's door the next morning. "Hey baby," He said with a groggy smile at Julieanne. She kissed him lightly. "Morning breath," Nicole said pushing past the two. She looked around. She saw Seth asleep on his bed. "Where is Anthony?" "He went to go find Dane," Mikey said. "We kinda had an argument." "About what?" Julieanne asked. Mikey sighed. "Dane," Mikey said with some noticeable venom in his voice. "Well, how long ago was this?" Nicole asked him. "I don't know," Mikey said. "A couple of hours or so." "A couple of hours," She echoed. "What if Dane is trying to convert Anthony. Oh my God!" "Nicole, shut up," Julieanne said firmly. "Go find Anthony so we can go ahead and hit the slopes." "Yeah," Nicole said rushing out the doors. Julieanne looked at Mikey. "I don't wanna talk about it," He said allowing her to climb in bed with him.

Nicole walked outside and bumped into Luke who had just left from Matt's room. "Sorry," She muttered to him. "Is Dane in there?" He asked her. Nicole shook her head. "No, he is God knows where with my boyfriend doing God knows what," Nicole said to a confused Luke. "Mikey, hasn't seen either of them since last night." "We need to find Dane and make sure he is okay," Luke said but Nicole objected. "We need to find Dane to make sure he isn't trying to corrupt my boyfriend," She said as a loudspeaker beeped. "Attention all residence," a man voiced boomed. "We need all Falcon Eyes students to report to the mess hall. I repeat all Falcon Eyes students to report to the mess hall. Immediately." Nicole looked at Luke and followed him downstairs to the mess hall.

Anthony opened his eyes. He felt extremely cold and he saw he was cascaded under a mound of snow. He jumped up trying to figure out how he ended here. Then he saw my hand in the snow and remembered all to well what had happened. "Dane!" He said pulling me out the snow. "Dane, talk to me." My eyes flickered open. "What...What are we doing outside?" I asked him. "Do you remember last night?" He asked me. "My ass hurts like hell," I groaned as I leaned on him. "More like my asshole." "Seth raped you last night," Anthony said and I immediately fell on the ground. "Oh my...I...I vaguely remember," I said holding my head. It was pounding for some reason. "Dane, it's gonna be okay," He said hugging me. "I don't think so," I said weakly. I felt so weak. "He used those pills on me again. I bet you." "What makes you say that?" He asked me. I shook my head. "Because I wouldn't do it voluntarily," I said with a shrug. I looked past him. "All that snow is blocking our way." "I don't think we can climb it," He said with a sigh. "That's way to much snow." "We need to make it to that cave. I can't turn into a human icesicle out here," I said trying to get back up. "Come on," He said helping me up. I was still wary of Anthony but I didn't feel like fighting with him. "Want a piggyback ride?" "What am I four?" I asked him with a smile. "Oh, what the hell! Giddy up!" I climbed on his back and raced towards the cave.

"They're what?" Nicole and Luke asked in unison. "We have reason to believe that your friends may have wandered into the restricted area and are caught in an avalanche. We saw two sets of footprints in the snow and they are the only ones not accounted for," The administrator said. "Well, find them so we can account for them," Luke demanded. The Administrator shook his head. "It's gonna take awhile to dig through the snow to get to them," He replied sadly. "There is a lot of snow out there and they may be deep inside the restricted zone. We are waiting for more help to come but until then we wait. I'm sorry." Nicole sobbed on Luke's shoulders as the others walked over to them. "Did you guys find out where Dane and Anthony are?" Aaron asked. "They are out there in that avalanche," Nicole said. "What?" Julieanne asked. "What do you mean they are out there in the avalanche?" Mikey asked worriedly. "Exactly what I said," She said walking to a chair and sitting down in it. Julieanne knelt beside her. "They are gonna be okay," She said hugging her. Luke gathered around Mikey, Chris, and Aaron. "Why were they in the restricted area anyway?" Chris asked concerned. Luke sighed. "Seth raped Dane again last night," Luke said lowly. "Shit," Aaron said spotting Seth and Matt laughing and talking. "I ought to go punch Seth in his face." "No," Chris said. "We need to focus on finding Dane." "And Anthony," Nicole added. "But why were they in the restricted Area?" Aaron asked again. "I got into a fight with Anthony last night," Mikey said looking down. "That's probably why he was in the restricted area." "No, last night he ran after Dane and I think that they may be why they are there," Luke said with a shrug. Chris was worried just as much as everybody else was but he knew he had to do something. "I gotta go get Dane," He said walking towards the door. "You can't go out there by yourself," Luke said getting up. "I'll go with you." "Me too," Rusty said following the two. Nicole looked around confused. "Who is gonna go get Anthony?" She asked. "I guess Mikey and I will go," Aaron said. "But Julieanne can I talk to you for a second?" "Yeah," she said following him to a corner. "What's up?" "Seth raped Dane last night," Aaron said. "Anthony ran after Dane and we are thinking that's how they ended up in the snow." "Oh my God," She said covering her mouth. "What...But how...." "Look, I want you to try and flirt with Seth and try to get him to admit he raped Dane," Aaron said. "Just use that woman's intuition you claim to have." "Okay," She said. "And be careful. You too Mikey." "We will," Aaron said heading off. Julieanne sighed to herself. She spotted Mary talking to Seth. "Interesting," She said taking out her cellphone. She text Mary a message reading: Meet me in our room. She looked up to see Mary check her phone. She smiled as she watched Mary head upstairs to their room. "Nicole, come on to the room. We need to talk." Nicole followed her friend upstairs.

"This is so uncomfortable," Anthony said from across the cave. I looked up. "What is?" I asked him. "This," He said getting up. "This whole thing. Dane, we have been in here for a while and we have barely said anything to each other. This isn't how we interact. What happened to make us feel this uncomfortable around one another." "You did, Anthony," I said to him. "You know you are the cause to why I was held at gun point just a few weeks ago? You and Mikey." "Huh?" He asked confused. "What you did to Larry made him hold the school hostage," I said getting up. "You thought he was gay. SO you beat him up just because of that. But you wanna know who really is gay. Me. I'm gay." 'What?" He asked confused. I walked over to him. "I'm gay, Anthony," I said not caring anymore. I was probably gonna die out here anyway. I wanted to die. "I'm queer. I'm a faggot. And you wanna know something else. I am in love with you." "Dane," Anthony said. "Yeah, so why don't you do what you did to Larry?" I asked him. "Beat me up. I'm gay. And I want fight back. Just like Larry didn't." "I can't," He said looking down. "And why not?" I asked him. "Look at me. I said why the fuck not?" "Because...." He started. "Because of this." He caught me by surprise when I felt him kiss me. He pulled away. "What was that?" I asked him. "Dane, I...I really am sorry that I hurt you," He said to me. "In fact you could go as far as to blame me for you rape. If I didn't do what I did to Larry you would have never had to deal with that and you wouldn't have tried befriending the guy who raped you. But you have to understand that I...I have these feelings for you. It's hard for me to deal with them." "Why?" I asked him. "Why is it so hard for you to deal?" "It's hard for me to admit that I am in love with you," He said softly. He looked into my eyes and I looked into his. "I love you Dane." "I don't know what to say," I said to him. I began to feel lightheaded. I stumbled to the side. "Anthony." I fell to the ground. "Dane," Anthony said rushing over to me. "Dane! Wake up please,"

"So you know what to do right?" Julieanne asked Mary as they stood in their room. "Yeah," Mary said grabbing her purse. " I just don't know why they would hurt Dane." "I know," Julieanne said shaking her head. "I just hope this works." "It will," Mary said leaving the room. Julieanne looked over at Nicole who had been silent since she had explained the whole thing. " You okay?" She asked her. "Nicole?" "Yeah, I am," Nicole said getting up. "I need to go get some fresh air." "You want some company?" Jules asked her. Nicole shook her head. "I'll be okay," She said with a small smile. "See ya in a while." "Okay," Julieanne said watching her leave.

"I'm freezing," Mikey said as they walked outside. "Nobody told you to come," Chris said as he led the group. "God, I can't believe that we didn't do anything."

"We didn't know about the rape, Chris," Aaron said from behind him. "But we should have done something when we first notice he begun to change and start hanging with the freak the begin with." "I am just trying to figure out how the shooting could have had such a change on him," Luke said and Rusty shared a knowing with Mikey. "I think I might know what could've caused this," Rusty said and Mikey flashed him a pleading look.

"What?" Chris asked and he, Aaron, and Luke turned around. "And so does Mikey," Rusty said folding his arms. "Tell him Mikey." "No, I rather not," Mikey said. "Tell them or I will," Rusty threatened. "Somebody tell me or I will kill somebody," Chris said and Mikey sighed. "The guy, who held the school hostage was Larry ulchin," He started. "The whole reason he did it was because of something that happened to him freshman year." "Didn't a bunch of dudes jump him or something?" Aaron asked and then it dawned on him. "It was you?" "And Anthony," Rusty added. Luke and Chris were confused. "So why would Dane care that they beat someone up two years ago?" Chris asked him. "You can't figure it out?" Mikey asked amused. "God, you really are dumb as I thought." Chris took a step towards him. "Dane's gay." "What?" Chris said stopping suddenly. "What?" Rusty, Aaron, and Luke echoed. "Anthony and I beat the guy up because we thought he was gay and it turns out he wasn't," Mikey said with a shrug. "That's why old dude went psycho and held the school up." "But how does that prove Dane is gay?" Luke asked although deep down inside he was slightly excited. "Why would Dane care so much about some kid who we thought was gay unless he shared the same twisted secret?" Mikey asked folding his arms. "Dane can't be gay," Aaron said aloud and everybody stared at him. "Dane isn't gay. We always said that we would meet two chicks, get married, and move-in together." "Aaron, face it, Man," Mikey said to him. "Dane is a faggot." Aaron punched him in the face. "Dane's not gay," He said continuing to walk. "Anthony might be but Dane's not gay." Chris, Rusty, and Luke followed behind him but Mikey stood where he was. "Anthony might be but Dane's not gay," Mikey replayed Aaron's words in his head. "Oh my God," Mikey said. "Anthony is a faggot,"

"Nicole?" Trey asked as he held his door opened. She stood at his door crying. "We need to talk," She said sniffling. She saw his roommate in the room. "Get out!" "Whoa, this is my room," the guy said. "I don't have to leave." "I said get out," Nicole yelled making Trey jump. "You might wanna go, dude," He said to his roommate. "Ulchin bitch," The guy muttered on his way out. "Nicole, what's going...." Trey couldn't finish his sentence because Nicole pounced on him. "I wanna have sex," She said as she began to unbuckle his pants. "That would be nice but tell me what's going on," He said as she ground her hips into his crotch. "No time," She said kissing his neck. Trey pushed her off. "Nicole what is going on? " He asked more forcefully. "Just a few weeks ago you were breaking this off with me. Now you're here wanting me to have sex with you." "Why are you complaining?" She asked him. Trey sighed angrily. "I'm not complaining, Nic," He said looking her into the eyes. "I wanna know what's going on." "I think Anthony might be gay," She said sadly. "Oh my God," Trey said although deep down inside he was excited at the possibility. "Now I told you so get ready to bump and grind," She said climbing on top of him. This time Trey gave in knowing very well Nicole was using him.

Mary was upset as she walked down the steps and saw Seth and Matt laughing. "How could someone do that Dane?" She asked herself as she walked up to them. "Virgin Mary," Seth joked as they sat in the lounge area. "What's up?" "I wanted to know could you keep me company," She said turning on her sex appeal. "Since we can't go skiing until they find Dane and Anthony I need some company if you know what I mean." "I think I do," Seth said standing up. "Catch you later." "Whatever," Matt said rolling his eyes. Mary had an idea. "How about you join us?" She asked him. "That's okay," Matt said with a small smile. Mary could tell he was gay but she wanted to have some fun. "I have never been turned down by anyone except a gay guy," She said leaning down to his face. "Are you gay?" "N-No," Matt stammered. Mary stood back up and smiled. "Then come join the fun," She said leading the two up the steps.

"Chris, can I pick your mind about something?" Luke asked as they were walking. Rusty and Chris were ahead of them talking about something. "Yeah sure," Chris said with a polite smile. "What is it?" "What made you wanna change?" Luke asked him. "I mean when you came to Falcon you were a Dick, no offense, and seemed to only care about only you and your brother. I just wonder what made you change." "Dane," Chris said. "When I met Dane it was like I saw myself for the ass I was. Dane looked past all the rivalry shit and befriended me without a care in the world. I used to beat guys like Dane up all the time at Harmony but I realized that Dane isn't whom I should be fighting. I should be fighting my demons." "Yeah, I know what you mean," Luke said and he honestly did. "Dane is a great guy. I just hope we aren't too late,"

"A two-for-one special?" Seth asked Mary as she led them to the bed. "Yes, sir," She said motioning for them to sit. "Take of your clothes except for your skivvies, boys." She pulled out some handcuffs. "Oh, you are a wild girl, huh?" Seth asked as she waved them around. "You got that right," She said with a seductive smile. Mary was shocked at how well she could pull off seduction. She handcuffed him to the bed. "You're turn." "Maybe I should go," Matt said making a move to get up. Mary immediately pushed him back down. "You gotta be here for when the fun begins," She said handcuffing him to the bed. "And trust me, I am about to have some fun." Julieanne walked out the bathroom. "What is she doing here?" Seth asked confused. "I'm joining the fun," Julieanne said picking up a candle. "Except I think we have two very different ideas of fun. And that just want do?" She walked over to Seth and poured the hot wax on his bare chest. "Awww Shit," He screamed out in pain. Julieanne smiled tightly. "Did you rape Dane last night?" She asked him. Mary watched in amusement. "You crazy bitch," He said as Matt watched in Horror. "Wrong answer," Julieanne said pouring the wax on his chest again. "Yes, Yes I did," He screamed out in pain. "Good Boy," Julieanne said. "Now why would you do that?" "Fuck you," Seth said but quickly added, "I'm sorry. It's revenge." Mary was videotaping this whole thing. "Revenge?" Julieanne asked confused. "For what?" Seth looked over at Matt. "She asked for what," Mary said forcefully. Matt gulped. "Because of Luke," He said softly. "Dane is the only way to make Luke pay for all the things he did and tried to run away from." "What do you mean run away?" "Why do you care so much?" Matt asked. "Dane called you a bitch so many times and now I can actually smell it coming off like a bad odor. I'm not afraid of what you can do. Do it. But first answer my question." "Dane is mad at me right now, true," Julieanne begun. "But I owe it to Dane to find out why you did this to him." "That's not the only reason why," Matt said. "You hope to win his friendship back. I can already tell you. It aint gonna happen. We broke him way to good for him to believe that shit you spit out your mouth." "I'm gonna say this one time and one time only," Julieanne said trying not to let his words bother her but they did. "Stay the hell away from Dane or I'll show what a real bitch is." Matt was about to say something but Seth intervened. "Okay," He said flashing Matt a look as to say that is final. Julieanne and Mary walked over and unchained them. "Get out," Julieanne said to them both. Seth massaged the area where his skin was burned. "Why the hell didn't he get waxed on?" He asked her. "Get out," Julieanne and Mary said in unison. Seth and Matt hurried out the room. "Do you think they will back off?" Mary asked her. "They will if they know what's best for them," Julieanne said lost in thought.

"Young man where are you coming from?" Principal Wilkes asked Mikey as he walked into the lodge. "I was going to rescue my friend but decided to come back," Mikey said. "You were not supposed to leave this lodge," She said firmly. "I wanted to rescue my friend," Mikey said getting irritated. "Then where is your friend? Why did you come back if you were rescuing your friend?" She asked him curiously. "Because the others are going to get him," Mikey said with a sigh. "Others?" She echoed. "Who are these others?" "Why?" Mikey asked her. "Mr. Jusino, tell me who these other people are and I will be giving you a lengthy suspension for breaking the rules," She threatened and they stared each other down. "Aaron Lamphere, Chris Evans, Luke Futreal, and Rusty Wagner," Mikey relented and Wilkes smiled at him. "Thank you," She said. "Now go to your room and if I even find out that you left I will do more than give you day of detention. I will suspend you." "You're giving me detention?" Mikey asked shocked. Wilkes narrowed her eyes. "Whatever." "Make that two," She said as she walked on to the rescue men.

Anthony stirred as he felt my head moving around in his lap. "Dane?" He said aloud. "I'm so tired," I said to Anthony as I awoke to find my head in his lap. "And cold. This must be what dying is." "Dane, we are gonna get out of here," He said to me. "You aren't gonna die." "I don't think so," I said trying to sit up. My body felt so weak. "And it's all my fault. I shouldn't have ran out here in the snow wearing nothing but pajama bottoms and a T-shirt." "Dane, it's not your fault," He said to me. "I feel as if I am fading away," I said to him and that was the truth. I felt distant from my body. "If I don't make it out of here alive I just want to say...." "Don't say it," Anthony said. "Don't say it because we are gonna get out of here." "I love you, Anthony Thomas Squillini," I said closing my eyes and allowing the cold and pain to overtake me. "Dane?" He asked scared. Tears formed in his eyes. "Dane! Wake up."

"Good thing we brought these shovels," Luke said as they dug their way through the snow. "There is a load of snow out here." "Oh my God," Rusty said leaning down. "A glove." "And footprints," Chris said pointing at the ground. Sure enough there were footprints in the snow. "But only one set? Where do they lead?" "To that cave?" Aaron asked them and they looked at one another and then at the cave. "Come on," Chris said and all four took off running towards the cave. He fell into the snow and twisted his ankle. "Ahhh! Shit!" "Chris?" Luke asked running back to him. Chris pushed him away. "Dane needs you more than me," He said wincing in pain. "Go! GO!" "Come on," Aaron said leading the way. As they drew closer to the cave, they could hear Anthony crying. "Anthony?" "Aaron?" Anthony asked unsure if his mind was playing tricks. "Dane," Aaron said seeing me lying in Anthony's arm. Like lovers. A thought flashed in his head. Dane couldn't be gay, could he? He shook it out of his head. "I think he's dead," Anthony said as Rusty grabbed my cold body and Aaron helped Anthony up. "He's really cold," Rusty said nervously. Luke looked outside the cave to see some men in skimobiles tending to Chris. "Great calvary's here," He said sarcastically.

"Mrs. Martinez?" Doctor white asked Mom as she stood in the waiting room. "Doctor, please say he made it," She said holding onto Terry and Salina. "Dane ingested a lot of pills and he was in the cold for way to long," He said and everyone took a breath as to anticipating the bad news. "What are you saying?" Mom asked him. Doctor white sighed. "What I'm saying is...." He began.

Wouldn't it be mean if I just cut it off right there as a season finale or something? But I'm not that mean so read on....

"He wants to see an Anthony?" Doctor White finished. "Dane's fine." "Thank God," Mom said kissing Terry and Salina. "Um...I'm Anthony," Anthony said from behind Doctor white. He was in a wheelchair. "Ant, are you okay?" Nicole asked rushing over to him. "I'm fine," He said as she hugged him. "Doctors just wanted me to take it easy that's all." "Well, let's get you home," Nicole said attempting to move Him. "I gotta go see Dane," Anthony said and Aaron immediately pushed the thoughts in his head down. "Oh...yeah," Nicole said hurt. "Go on. I will be waiting." "Come on," Doctor white said pushing him to my room. Nicole walked over to Mikey. "We gotta talk," She said to him in a whisper. "Definitely," Mikey said following her outside.

"Dane?" Anthony asked as he sat in my room. I opened my eyes. "Hey," I said weakly. "You had me scared," He said wheeling over to my bed. "Yeah, I had myself scared," I said with a smile. "I had to stay alive now that I know how you feel about me." "Huh?" He asked me. "You told me about how you loved me as well back in the cave," I said. "That's all I thought about as I was hanging near death. But now I'm alive and we can be together." "We can't," He said suddenly surprising me. "What?" I asked not following. "Dane, I can't...be with you," He said looking down. "When I...When I told you I loved you. I thought that we were gonna die. I had to get that off my chest before I died. If I died. But now...after being near death, I see that I kinda like my life." "You like the life that doesn't have me in it?" I asked softly. "You're in my life, Dane," he said grabbing my hand. "As my friend."

I could hear my heart breaking in a thousand pieces. I wish I had died in that cave. I wanted to scream. I wanted to cry. And then a song popped in my head. I had no idea who sung it; it just seemed right to sing it. "Here I am once again. I'm torn into pieces. Can't deny, can't pretend. Just thought you were the one. Broken up deep inside but you won't get to see the tears that I cry. Behind These Hazel Eyes." "Dane," Anthony said not knowing what to say. "Get out," I said quietly. "Get the fuck out my room." He wheeled himself out the room and that's when I sobbed my heart and pain out. "Behind these Hazel eyes."

"Are you sure?" Mikey asked her. Nicole nodded. "I think he has feelings for Dane," She said. "Looks like Seth and Matt might be onto something. Break down Dane and..." "Fix Anthony," Mikey finished. "Looks like 2006 will be one hell of a year." "For Dane anyway," Nicole said. She was tired of being played second to me. She wanted me out of her boyfriend's lives. "But we aren't gonna do nothing drastic like rape or kill him, are we?" Mikey asked nervously. "Let's hope it doesn't come to that," She said. "Nicole!" He said shocked. She smiled mischievously. "I was kidding," She said leading him back inside.

Matt watched as Seth packed his bags. "Are you sure we really need to do this?" "I need to lay low," Seth said. "If we are gonna finish what we started I need to lay low. We can't be seen together." "Where are you headed to?" Seth asked him. "I don't know," Seth said headed to the door. "I just need to think about some things." "So what the hell am I supposed to without your help?" Matt asked. He was dependent on Matt. "Trust me, you don't need me," Seth said. "You say you are beginning to get into Luke's head. Good. You work on Luke. And I will work on Dane." "Do we really need Dane?" Matt asked. "I mean we got Luke to feel pain that we both felt. Don't you think we hurt Dane enough." "This isn't about Luke for me anymore," Seth said with a look in his eyes. It was a look Matt recognized all to well. A look of desperation. A look that showed you will do whatever you want to get whatever you wanted. Matt took a step back. "You like Dane, don't you?" He asked softly. "That's what this is all about. Not Luke. This is about Dane." "You work on you goals and I'll work on mine," Seth said with a smile. Matt's blood ran cold. "Trust me when I return, Dane will love me. I'll make him love me." He walked out the door leaving a stunned Matt standing in the doorway.

Okay, I hope everyone had a happy new year. I promised I would bring the new year in with a bang. The events concerning the Luke-Dane-Matt-and Seth and also the Mikey-Nicole-Anthony-Dane are all gonna set the place for the last episodes of the season. I really can't wait to finish this season because I would like to work on As the eyes have it more because I have been focusing more on this story but also because the season finale should be fun to write. If you would like to read my other stories join my yahoo group at


Thanks Gabriel

Next: Chapter 14

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