Falcon Eyes

By moc.loa@L9yK

Published on Jul 1, 2023


Chris Evans usually was never one to let someone know when something was bothering him. But his face revealed that something was seriously bothering him. Trey looked over at him from across the dinner table.

"You okay, bro?" He asked him concerned. Chris sighed. "It'd be a lie if I said yes," Chris said sadly. "I just can't believe that Dane ended up with Anthony after all." "It's because they are destined for each other," Trey said to him. "Just like me and Nicole." "But it's not fair," Chris said throwing his glass of juice at the wall. Trey jumped from the outburst. "Whoa, you wanna calm down there?" He asked trying to diffuse the situation. "I love Dane and I was there for Dane no matter what," Chris said with a sigh. "Anthony on the other hand has hurt Dane so much yet Dane runs back into the arms of the one who caused him so much grief." "Chris, you are gonna drive yourself insane over a boy," Trey said with a small smile. "Tomorrow is the beginning of your senior year. This is your senior year and you are supposed to enjoy it. Okay? "Maybe," Chris said with a sigh. "So what are you gonna do today?" "I was gonna ask you did you want to go school shopping with us today but you are kind of bummed by the two of them and they will be there," Trey explained. "Well...I do need to go shopping," Chris said to him. "Well, Nicole and I are going to leave here in about two hours so I guess go get ready," Trey said to him. Chris sighed. "Look, I can predict that Anthony will probably fuck up so you just be there to pick up the pieces." "Maybe," Chris said unsure of anything. Trey grabbed his brother's chin. "Look, I will help you break up Dane and Anthony," Trey said. "I just got to figure out how to do it." ****************************************************************** Anthony and Mikey sat in the local dinner eating breakfast. "So..." Mikey said to him. "You're gay." Anthony raised his eyebrows. "I thought you were cool with it?" Anthony asked him. Mikey shook his head. "I am cool with it," Mikey said to him. "I mean not cool enough to want to try it myself but I just want to know were you always like this." "No," Anthony said to him. "Tell you the truth, Dane is the only guy I feel this way for. Before, Dane it was always girls." "But what I don't get it is how you can go from girl to guys just like that," Mikey said to him. Anthony shrugged. "I don't know," He said shaking his head. "I really don't." "All I know is that, I can finally mean it when I say I am cool with everybody," Mikey said. "I mean when you have a gay best friend that is pretty much everybody." Anthony laughed. "I am a little nervous about school starting up again," Anthony said. "I know Dane wants to be open with our relationship and all but I just remember how last year everyone was against him for being gay." "Anthony, dude, you are one of the most popular guys in school," Mikey said. "Who happens to be friends with other popular people. I guarantee you that all those freaks that want to be us will die if you, Aaron Julieanne, Nicole, and me stop talking to them. We run Falcon." "Yeah," Anthony said with a sigh. "But it's not just that. I don't know if I am ready to be that open with him." "But you said you were gonna make things different," Mikey said to him. "Let me bottom line it for you. You have fucked up with Dane in the past but I guarantee that if you fuck up again you could risk losing him forever." Anthony just stared at his cup of orange juice. "I don't know," Anthony said. "I really need to think." "Well, don't forget that we are going shopping with everyone today," Mikey said to him. "You might wanna think fast." ****************************************************************** I stood outside my house unsure of whether to knock or use my key. I hadn't been here since the incident and I had found out that they had got married still. As much as that pissed me off, I knew I couldn't keep avoiding my mother. I knocked softly on the door. Salina answered.

"Dane," She said shocked to see me. She hugged me. "Hey sis," I said to her. I could tell she was crying. Damn, she had to make this hard enough for me. "I'm okay." "Well, how did I know that," She said punching me in the chest. She smiled at me. "You've been wanting to do that for awhile haven't you?" I asked her. She smiled widely at me. "Salina, who is at the...Dane," Terry said walking up to us. I felt my blood boil but instead I smiled. "Hello Terry," I said to him in a sweet fake voice. "I am here to speak to my mom." "We have nothing to talk about it Dane," Mom said heading down the stairs. I flashed Salina an "is she kidding me" look as she let me in the house. "I think we do," I said to her. I can tell I couldn't use the nice approach with her. So I turned and faced Terry and Salina who were behind me.  "You kids might want to cover your ears. There may be profanity coming in oh...five seconds." "Dane, I can't believe you think that you are not wrong," She said to me. "No, there is where you are wrong," I said to her. "I know I was wrong for punching him across the face. But you know that you have got to take the blame in this as well mom." "Where am I to be blamed?" She asked me. I folded my arms. "You really are a dumb bitch," I said to her. She looked shocked. "Dane, I am still your mother and you will respect me," She said to me. I busted out laughing. "Respect?" I asked her. "Fuck you! How's that for respect." "Dane," Salina said to me. I shrugged. "I warned you kids," I said to her. "Where are you to blame? Who the hell marries a man a mere year after her husband dies? You forced Terry into my life mom and you knew that I wasn't ready. But as soon as we buried Dad, I was supposed to go on and just get back to normal. You never loved my dad did you?" "You know that I did," She said to me. "Why are you throwing this in my face?" "Because you suck as a mother," I said to her. "I want you to know how much you suck. You still married this man. The same man who has a connection with the same people who tried to kill me. That is a slap in the face. No. A knife in my back." "Dane, I made some mistakes with you," She said to me. I shook my head. "You're only mistake was being my mother," I said to her. "I can not believe that you married him even after what you discovered." "I love him Dane," She said to me. I looked at her speechless. "So you choose this man over your own son?" I asked her. "Where the hell did you get your mothering skills from?" "I will not have you speak this way to your mother in my house," Terry said to me. "Your house?" I asked him. "Just because you fuck my mom and married her does not mean that you get call this your house." "Dane, I am sorry," She said to me. "I am so sorry." "You got that right," I said her. "Mom...it's funny how I still feel the need to call you that. I wanted to file for an emancipation." "Emancipation?" Salina asked me. "Dane, don't." I ignored her. "Dane, we can work through this," Mom said grabbing my hand. "We can. Me, you, Salina, and Terry can work through this. We can make this right." "There is nothing right about what you have going on here," I said to her. "Dane, emacipations take a lot of time," Terry said to me. I nodded. "You're right," I said to him. "Terry, you and mom are gonna help me get my own apartment." "We are?" Terry asked me. I turned and faced him. "Of course, it's the least you can do, don't you think?" I asked him. He glared at me. "No? Well, if you don't I can surely go to the police and let them know that you have a connection with SOS." "Dane." Mom said to me. I shook my head. "So what's it gonna be?" I asked her. Terry sighed. "We'll play it you way," He said to me. I looked at him. "Thanks...Dad," I said and then shuddered. "Oh...It's nasaeutating saying as much as thinking it." I walked out the door. "Love you sis," I said to her as I walked out the door. ****************************************************************** Anthony brushed his teeth as he walked around his room in a towel. He had spent an hour searching for something to wear. He wanted to look good for me. Aaron called him on his house phone and he put the phone on speakerphone. "Yeah. What's up?" He asked running around outside. "Yeah...look out your window," Aaron said to him. Anthony walked over to his window to see me trying to change a tire. "That is really...Cute," He said smiling as he watched me. "You say cute and I say extremely sad," Aaron said to him. "You could tell he didn't pay attention in auto mechanics last year." "Shut up and go help him," Anthony said to him. "I'm getting dressed so I will come out soon." "If not soon, Dane will make you," Aaron teased. It took a second for Anthony to realize his double meaning. "Fuck you," Anthony said with a laugh. "Save that for Dane," Aaron said disconnecting the call.

"Damn it," I said punching the side of the car. "Ow! Fuck!" "Dane, you have no idea how sad this is to watch," Aaron said to me. I turned and looked at him. "Shut up and help me," I said to him. "I see exactly why I failed that tire test in mechanics last year." "And every test after it," He said to me. "Did you go talk to your mom?" "Yeah, that's how I got the car actually," I said to him. He eyed me curiously. "Your mom gave you a 2007 Hummer H3?" Aaron asked me. "Well, I intended to force her hand but I didn't mean to force her off the bridge," I said to him. "I realize that I can not go back and live there as long as Terry is there. He will kill me or I will get him first. So I used the information that I had on him in order to get a free apartment. I am declaring myself illegally emancipated." "Damn, let me find out Dane got balls," Anthony said walking up to me. I smiled at him. "Hey," I said nervously. "We had only been going out for two days so it was still kind of uncomfortable to me. He kissed me on the cheek. "Hey back," he said to me. "So continue on with the story. "Well, I am becoming emancipated and as I was leaving my mom just sweeten the deal," I said to them both. "If I agreed to get family counseling then I can get this car." "Damn," They both said in unison. I Shrugged. "My mom wasn't there for me when the whole thing with Seth happened and she certainly wasn't there for me with SOS so I intend to bleed her dry because she deserves it all." "Dane, she's your mother," Aaron said to me. I looked at him confused. "What's your point?" I asked them. They looked at each other and sighed. "Well, I fixed your tire," Aaron said to me. "Thanks," I said to him. "So what do we have planned for today?" "Well, since I know nobody has been school shopping we all were gonna meet at the mall and go shopping," Anthony said. "Would it be okay if I got a ride with you?" I smiled at him. "Of course," I said to him. "You should know that you didn't have to ask." He smiled at me. "I see someone might be taking a detour so I will catch you two at the mall," Aaron said heading back to his house. "You ready?" I asked him. He nodded. "You know, Aaron was right. We should take a detour." "I might need to go get a condom," Anthony said to me and I just stared at him. "What?" "That wasn't the detour I was talking about," I said to him. He looked at me and I looked at him. "No?" He asked embarrassed. I shook my head. "Nope. I mean that I was hungry and I wanted to stop." "Yeah, and I was joking about the whole condom thing," He said to me. I rolled my eyes and laughed as we got into the car. ****************************************************************** "So..." Mikey said as we all stood there. We had coupled up of course. Mikey and Julieanne then Nicole and Trey and last but not least me and Anthony. Aaron and Chris were the oddballs out. All eyes were on Anthony and I. I sighed aggravated and folded my arms. I said that I would learn to forgive my friends and all but I never said how long it would take. "Anthony, come on," I said pulling him behind me. "They stare at us like we are freaks when we have a cheater and her master in our midst." "Dane," Anthony said but I had already begun walking. "More than likely he is headed to Dairy Queen in the food court," Aaron said to Anthony who looked shocked. "But he just ate a whole big breakfast," Anthony said taking off to catch up with me. "I can not believe he said that," Nicole said frowning. "Well, I mean if we can overlook the fact that you and Trey are a couple why can't we accept them?" Julieanne asked her. Nicole sighed. "Well, let's see if Anthony was able to get him to calm down because he is still in shock after what happened to him," Chris said and the 6 made their way to the food court.

Anthony sat and watched me as I downed a milkshake. "I mean who the hell do they think they are?" I asked him. "Staring at us like we are freaks with three arms, one eye and an ear for a nose. We are gay. They can get over it and move on." "Wow, that's intense," Anthony said and I Smiled at him. "So you agree right?" I asked him. He shook his head. "No, just you eat and eat and I just wonder where it all goes," Anthony said to me. I smiled at him. He looked around and grabbed my hand. "Dane...I'm glad that we are together." "Me too," I said to him. He sighed. "And I know you want me to come out," He continued. "But I don't think I am ready just yet. I hope that's okay." I looked at him. I thought he was coming out tomorrow. I forced a smile. "Of course," I said pulling my hand away. "I don't want you to get outted for holding my hand." I went back to eating my food while Anthony sighed as he realized I was upset. ****************************************************************** "I was thinking of going with a different Hairstyle," Nicole said to Julieanne and Mary as they sat in the hair Salon. "I mean now that I am starting a new chapter in my life, I feel like its time for a change." "But Nic, I love your hair in the straight style," Julieanne said. "What are you gonna do?" "I am thinking of becoming a brunette," Nicole said and Mary shrugged. "I think it would look cute," She said to her. "Hey! I am thinking of getting my hair cut." "Shoulder length?" Julieanne asked her as Nicole stood talking to the hairdresser.  Mary nodded. "What about you?" Mary asked her. Julieanne sighed. "Well, Mikey has been talking about how I always wear my hair in waves so I am thinking of dying it black to make my waves look different," She said. "Wow! We are really changing aren't we." "For the better too," Mary said to her making their way to a hairdresser. "I mean we have had the same hairstyles since freshman year basically and we have senior pictures coming up. We need to look Sexy for that." "Crap, I forgot about pictures," Julieanne said to her. "I am gonna look like a cow in those pictures because of that damn pregnancy." "You might be a little fatter than usual but you will be the same beautiful Jules who I used to be jealous of," Mary said to her best friend. "Aww! You were jealous of me?" Julieanne asked her. Mary scoffed. "Of course not," She said to her. "I was trying to make you feel better." ****************************************************************** "Damn," Anthony said as I stepped out of the dressing room. We were in Abercrombie & Fitch with Aaron, Mikey, Chris, and Trey. I didn't really want to shop here but Anthony wanted to see what I looked like in Abercrombie clothing. "That bad, huh?" I asked him turning back towards the dressing room. "Yeah, if by bad you mean fucking hot," Anthony said to me. My eyes bulged out. "What do you guys think?" I asked the others. "Well, I think your boyfriend pretty much said it all," Aaron said to me. I looked at Chris. "Chris? What do you think?" I asked him. He looked at Trey then me. "It's whatever," He said busying him self with some clothes. Trey walked over to him. "Guys, I don't usually buy Abercrombie," I said to them. "I mean all gay people wear it." "Dane, that is such...a stereotype," Mikey said to me. I shrugged. "Come on, I think you look sexy in it," Anthony said to me. I sighed. "Fine but I swear to god if you send me into Hollister I will kill you all," I said heading back into the dressing room. I turned back to face Anthony. "Yeah and Anthony I want to see how you look in gap clothes." He rolled his eyes and began talking to Aaron and Mikey.

"What's with the I-can't have-him-so-I'm-gonna-act-like-an-ass attitude?" Trey asked Chris. "I shouldn't have came," Chris said to Trey. "Hearing Anthony talk about him in that way just pisses me off. I just want to be with him so bad." "Look, we aren't gonna have this discussion again," Trey said to him. "He is in love with Anthony so stop pouting and get over it. I have a feeling you want to try and break them up." "You just are afraid that if they do break-up and Dane comes back to me that Nicole and Anthony might get back together," Chris said to his brother who was shocked. "That was the dumbest thing to ever come out of your mouth," Trey said with a laugh. "Why would I be jealous of a guy who is gay?" "You tell me," Chris said walking out of the store. ****************************************************************** "We really racked up today," Aaron said as we waited for the girls to meet us at the cars. "I can't believe I spent nine hundred dollars in clothes." "I can't believe I spent 400 of my 1400 dollars in Abercrombie and Fitch," I said to him. Mikey's mouth dropped opened. "Oh my god," He said and I thought he was talking about me. "What can I say? I officially can say that Abercrombie is my favorite store," I said to him but noticed he was looking at the girls walking towards us. Julieanne's hair was died black while Nicole's hair was brown. They had their hair in cornrows while Mary's normally long hair was now slightly above their shoulders. They looked... "Damn," We all said in unison. Trey hugged Nicole. "You look beautiful," He said kissing her. Anthony shook his head. "Hate to admit it but you do, Nic," He said to her. She smiled at him. "Aaron, What do you think of my hair?" Mary asked him.  Aaron smiled stupidly at her. "With hair like that, I'd fuck you," He said to her. She frowned at him. "And you wouldn't have before?" She asked him. He blushed and pulled her into a bear hug. "I love your hair babe," Mikey said to Julieanne who was awkwardly quiet. "Thanks," She said to him with a weak smile that Mikey noticed. "Hey, we are gonna have to skip out on dinner," Mikey said to us as they made their way to the car. "Yeah and I want to hang out with Dane before school gets back in," Anthony said and we headed to my car. "I just wanna have sex," Trey said and Nicole just giggled. Chris, Mary, and Aaron stood there looking at each other. "You guys wanna hang out?" Aaron asked them not really wanting to go home. They both shrugged. "What else is there to do?" Chris asked him. "Trust me, I can think of something," Aaron said with a mischievous grin. ****************************************************************** Julieanne was quiet as She and Mikey drove down the street. "I thought we should get dinner and just spend the night together," Mikey said to her. "What do you think?" "Do you think I am fat?" She asked him. Mikey glanced at her. "No, of course not," He said to her. "I mean you have put on a little weight and..." "So if you think that I have put on weigh on then you lied when you said you don't think I am fat? She asked him. "I mean you have put on a couple of pounds but I don't think you are fat," He said to her. "Well to make me feel better then why don't you say that I am skinny instead of telling me that I have put on some weight, you idiot," Julieanne said getting angry. "Baby, what is wrong with you?" He asked her. "I...This pregnancy is starting to bother me," She said with a sigh. "I feel like I am turning into a cow and..." "Okay, shut up," Mikey said to her and Her eyes widen. "What?" She asked him. "I said shut up," He said to her. "I am not gonna sit hear and listen to you bad mouth yourself like that. You are not a cow even though the pregnancy is gonna make you bigger. I think you are sexy just the way you are." "I am gonna get bigger," She said to him. "I am gonna a lot bigger and will you still find me sexy?" "I am gonna find you sexy even then because I love you Jules," He said to her. "I am gonna want to have sex with you five months from now because you are just so hot." "I think we are taking a bit to far," She said with a smile. "But thank you. I needed to hear it. I just don't want to look fat in senior pictures." "Jules, I doubt that you are gonna big in a week," Mikey said to her. "I hope not," Julieanne said to herself. "I know not," Mikey said and she smiled because he knew just what she was thinking. ****************************************************************** Anthony and I were making out in his bedroom but I seriously wanted to further. "You wanna fuck?" I asked him. He looked at me shocked. "Huh?" He asked me. "I asked you did you wanna fuck?" I repeated to him. "Dane, I don't want to rush into fucking you or anything like that," He said to me. "I mean we have only been dating two days." "Anthony, I didn't mean for you to do me," I said with a laugh. "I mean I wanted to fuck you." "That will never happen," He said with a scoff. "Look, if and when we do have sex together I will never be getting fucked by you. I am gonna do the fucking and that's final." "Okay," I said pulling my shirt off. "Fuck me then." "Dane, why are you so quick to wanna be fucked?" He asked me. "Let's just keep doing whatever we were doing." "Whatever," I said climbing back on top of him kissing him. "Anthony, I just..." I turned around to see his mom standing at the doorway. "Oh god!" "Mom," Anthony said shaking with fear. His dad came up behind her and saw me straddling his son. "What the hell is going on here?" He asked us. I so did not need this drama so I casually got off Anthony, put my shirt back on, readjusted my hard dick and pushed past them without a word. As I made my way out their home, my phone vibrated. "What is it?" I asked after seeing my mom's name come up on the caller id. "We found you a nice apartment in that complex beside the college," She said to me. "Do you think you can meet us there in fifteen minutes?" "I am on my way," I said shutting the phone. I could already hear the yelling coming from Anthony's room. "Sorry babe." I climbed in my car and drove off. ****************************************************************** "So you are a faggot?" Mr. Squillini asked his son. "I am not a faggot, Dad," Anthony said getting angry. "Really? Cause I could've sworn I saw another one of your people sitting on top of you," He said to Anthony. "Carl," Jean said to her husband. "Anthony, who was that boy."

"My...Dane Martinez," Anthony said nervous to call me his boyfriend. "Isn't that the boy who was tortured by that gang and buried alive?" His mom asked him. Anthony nodded. "Well...he looks good considering." "So he is troubled and a queer," Anthony's dad said to him. "Dad, shut the fuck up," Anthony said getting even more madder. "He is my boyfriend and I love him. I won't sit here and listen to you badmouth him." "Then don't," Carl Squillini said to him. "You can get the hell out." "Carl," Jean said shocked at her husband. "Jean, you know how I feel about faggots," He said. "That is against god and I refuse to let him stay in my house if he is gonna live a life of sin. You have ten minutes to pack whatever you can and I want you out." "Dad, where do you expect me to go?" Anthony asked him. "I Don't care, Anthony," he said to her. Anthony looked at his mom. "I'm sorry, son," She said to him. They both left out of his room. "Fuck," He said kicking his bed rail. ****************************************************************** "What do you think?" Mom asked me as she and Terry stood in what was now my new apartment. I had to admit it was nice but I couldn't say that. "I want a house," I said turning to face them. "Dane!" Mom said to me. "Look, this is a nice loft and it caused us a lot of money. Now we moved your stuff in and during your first day of school, there will be furniture delivered here. It is gonna look nice tomorrow because I am taking off just so I can decorate?" "How are you gonna get in?" I asked her. She laughed. "I have a key," She said to me. I scoffed. "Mom, what have you been smoking?" I asked her. "Part of this agreement, was that once I moved out I wouldn't have to see you...pretty much...never." "Dane, someone will always need a spare key and who better than your mom?" She asked me. I looked at Terry. "Okay, you seem to be sober. Does she really expect me to answer that?" I asked sarcastically. "Look, I don't want either of you to have a key so how about I give you my key to the house and you give me key to here? That way we don't have nothing to hold on to." "Is this really how you want to do things?" Mom asked me. "You want to push me out of your life for good?" "Mom, you been out of my life quite some time now," I said to her. "I've just been biding my time with you. Now if you will excuse me, I would like to run around naked in my new loft." "Sandra, let's just go," Terry said and Mom cast me a sad look on her way out. "I'm free," I said as they left. I was about to head to the bathroom for a soak when terry walked back in. "What do you want?" "I left my wallet," He said and he opened it. "Here is about fifty bucks." "Thanks," I said reaching to take it. He held it up. "I just hope you don't think it is this easy to ruin my life," he said to me. "You might think you are doing something but really all you're doing is pissing me the hell off. So if you want to play this game, I can play it better." I saw an evil glint in his eyes as he handed it the money to me and walked out. ****************************************************************** Anthony was walking down the streets of Harmony. He had nowhere to go. He was too ashamed to ask his friends for help. So he just wanted to find somewhere safe to sleep at.

"Squillini?" Luke asked he was driving up behind him. "Shit," Anthony muttered. "Hey Luke. What's up?" "Parents kicked you out?" Luke asked him. Anthony stopped in his tracks. "How did you..." "It wouldn't be the first time someone got kicked out their house for being...Look, I bet you need somewhere to stay?" Luke asked him. "Yeah," Anthony said embarrassed at his situation. "Well, I just so happen to have a spare room in my apartment," Luke said to him. "I was just heading back so I can make it to school. Think you might wanna be roomies?" "I...I...if you don't mind," Anthony said heading towards the car. "Of course not," Luke said to him. Anthony smiled at him. "Thanks man," He said to him. Luke nodded.

"Just so we are clear I get the shower first," He joked and they both shared a laugh. ****************************************************************** Falcon Eyes returns!

I actually readjusted the original episode twenty for this one so my original ideas for episode 20 have actually been bumped up to episode 21. Okay, Dane moves out on his own while Anthony is kicked out and moves in with Luke. The Seth, Matt, Luke, and Dane saga is over...for now but Dane is about to face a whole new enemy...his stepfather. Luke has returned to Harmony and he may have a surprise coming in the future.

In Episode 21, Anthony struggles to hide his situation from Dane and also decides to break into his house to get the remaining things he needs with Luke's help. Aaron decides to try out for football. Julieanne is shocked to hear Rumors around school about her and also what happens at cheerleading practice. Chris and Trey's argument escalates. Dane must testify against Seth and Matt but maybe against Luke as well. Terry and Dane also have a showdown at his sister's birthday party.

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