Falcon Eyes

By moc.loa@L9yK

Published on Sep 2, 2005


Feedback is greatly appreciated for Falcon Eyes

"Seth...What are you doing?" I asked dazed. My head was swimming. His tongue lightly touched my earlobe.

"I am gonna make you feel good, baby," He said kissing me roughly. He was naked and I was down to my underwear.

"Seth...stop please," I said trying to keep the spinning to stop.

"Dane, you like it baby," He said biting my neck.

"Stop it," I said the tears forming. I couldn't fight back. I felt useless.

"Don't tell me to stop, bitch," He said striking me across the face. I could feel blood coming from my nose. "You took my best friend away from me. That hurt me so much and I am gonna show you pain you have never felt before." He ripped my underwear off.

"No," I screamed aloud. He covered my face with a pillow...

I shot up in my bed. I had that dream again. The second night in a row. It was Tuesday. I got up and walked to my Mirror to check my face. Yep. Tears were there in my eyes.

"Shit, why did this happen to me?" I yelled out. I fell to the ground and started crying.

"Dane, how did you sleep last night?" Mom asked. "I heard some yelling coming from your room."

"Well, next time don't eavesdrop and you won't have to hear me scream," I said grabbing a muffin out of a basket.

"We need to talk for a second," She said as I headed to the door. I turned around.

"Why are you delaying me?" I asked her.

"Terry will be picking you up today after school," She said firmly.

"I don't think so," I said with a laugh. "I think that I would rather walk."

"And I think that you do not have a say in the matter," She said to me. I smiled at her.

"Wow, mom. I guess watching good parents raising their kids finally rubbed off on you," I said smartly. "It's about time."

"Speak to me like that again and I will ground you," She said her force cracking.

"You should know by now that you don't faze me mom," I said to her. "You have done some shitty stuff and you have the balls...Wait you don't have balls. The audacity to demand respect from me. I don't think so."

"He will pick you up where you will go see a movie and grab dinner so you can talk," She said trying to stay in check.

"That's fine," I said to her with a smile. "I have been wanting to see Four brothers and I am craving Mexican food."

Nicole stood looking at herself in the Mirror. She felt different. Nicole had a rep for having sex with guys whenever she felt like it but when she started dating Anthony she felt something different that she did not feel with her boyfriends, love. But she regretted sleeping with Trey.

Her cellphone rang as it said on her dresser. "Hello," She said pushing her thoughts away.

"Nic, I need to talk to you," Julieanne said. "Can we skip first block?"

"This must be major for you to wanna skip class," Nicole said to her friend. "What's up?"

"It's about Tijuana," Julieanne said softly. Nicole scoffed.

"Jules, Dane is gonna be okay," She said.

"It's not Dane it's just that...I will be over in ten so we can talk," She said. Nicole sighed.

"See you then," She said closing her phone. "I can't even focus on my own problems because I am playing Oprah to my best friend."

Anthony sat in Psychology unable to finish the assignment his teacher gave the class. Luke, also, in the class looked over at him.

"You thinking about Dane?" He asked him. Anthony nodded.

"I mean I know that he claims that he is okay but he was almost raped," Anthony said. He was a little surprised that he was talking this closely to Luke.

"Maybe he is okay," Luke said hopefully.

"I read over the weekend that sometimes people who are raped or have almost been raped internalize this stuff," He said nervously. "This can lead him to a breakdown or worse. Suicide."

"I don't think that Dane is considering suicide," Luke said shuddering at the thought. "As far as the breakdown, maybe. I mean we saw what happened when he collapsed and was unconscious."

"I am just a little worried," Anthony said and Luke could feel genuine concern radiating from him. Luke had an idea.

"Mrs. Matthews," He said raising his hand. "I have a question." Luke was one of her favorite students.

"Go right ahead," She said smiling warmly.

"I have a friend who was almost raped this weekend," He said shocking Anthony. "He claims that he is all right but I mean something like that has to be traumatizing."

"You said this person is a male?" She asked him. Luke nodded. "Well, rape for women is traumatic enough. Rape is done for power and rarely for pleasure. Now when you look at it from a male perspective it is slightly different. When a male is raped or almost raped, it can damage their manhood. It makes them feel weak because of the fact that they were overpowered by someone."

"Are there things to look out for?" Luke asked her. "I am afraid he may be internalizing this situation."

"If he is internalizing it then you need to watch him closely," She said causing Luke and Anthony to look at one another. "It is deadly to internalize things because when these things are often expressed it makes things a lot more difficult than necessary. He could slip into night terrors. He may even become destructive. In a way to gain his masculinity back."

"Oh god," Anthony said his heart beating fast.

"I am so proud of you," Nicole said as she, Julieanne, and Mary sat in the park.

"I knew that if you loosened up you would have some fun," Mary said amused. "Who knew that much fun, though."

"Guys, this isn't funny," Julieanne said. "I lost my treasure."

"Treasure?" Nicole asked her amused by the statement. "You lost your treasure? We are not pirates and if you say that again I will kill you."

"I was waiting till marriage," Julieanne said shaking her head. "Now I am a slut. I can't talk about Paris Hilton anymore."

"There is a big difference between you and her," Mary said with a laugh. "She is a pro and you are a virgin."

"Was," Nicole said making Mary laugh. Julieanne scoffed at them both.

"I feel dirty," Julieanne said rubbing her body as if something was crawling on her.

"You should," Nicole said. "You did after all have sex in somebody's car and even did some karma sutra."

"I like that stuff," Mary said. "And who knew that Ms. Prissy over here was a freak."

"She's a super freak. She's a superfreak," Nicole and Mary sang. "She's superfreaky, yeah."

"Shut up," Julieanne said laughing at them both.

"So to change the subject to something less 'Julieanne is a ho'," Nicole said.

"Bite me," She said to her friend.

"I saw the most hottest guy today while I was driving here," Mary said excitedly. "I got his number."

"Looks like she met her baby's daddy," Nicole said and the three girls laughed.

"I resent that," She said blushing. "I don't ho around. I am no Nicole."

"She got you there," Julieanne said. Nicole looked down.

"Yeah, she did," She said with a heavy sigh.

"Okay, thanks for bringing the mood down," Mary said. "What's up?"

"Nothing," She said with an uneasy laugh.

"Isn't your anniversary coming up soon?" Julieanne asked her. Nicole nodded.

"Three days," She said happily.

"What do you want?" Mary asked her. "You know that Ant is super rich."

"He's not that rich," Nicole said thinking of her boyfriend.

"Nic, he gave us all pods for Christmas." Julieanne said with a laugh.

"I hope that this year we get cars," Mary said making Jules laugh. Nicole just sat lost in her thoughts.

I sat asleep in Civics I was having that dream again.

"Dane," Mikey said rubbing me on my back. I jumped up.

"Please don't hurt me," I said dazed. I saw the look of Mikey and Chris.

"Dane, are you okay?' Chris asked me. I nodded my head.

"Yea, of course," I said with a weak smile. "Come on. Let's get our grub on."

"Well, I don't wanna be seen walking with Evans so I am gonna take the long way to Lunch," Mikey said flashing Chris a look.

"That's fine because I don't wanna be seen with a midget," Chris retorted. I shook my head as Mikey walked off and flipped him off.

"You two are really dumb do you know that?" I asked him.

"Hey, he started with me," Chris said angrily. "This is why I hate this school."

"It's not that bad," I said as we walked out of class. "I mean aside from teachers who give off creepy vibes and the secretary with the eye patch, I like this school."

"You would," Chris joked as this blonde haired guy walked up to us. "Trey, where are you headed?"

"I do not wanna eat in the cafeteria so I am heading off campus," He said looking at me. "I know you from somewhere."

"I don't think we have ever met," I said with a friendly smile. He shook his head.

"I always remember a face," He said looking at me determinedly.

"Trey, this is my friend Dane," Chris said introducing us. "Dane, this is my little brother, Trey."

"Were you at the power party this weekend?" Trey asked me. I smiled tightly as I flashed back.

"Yeah," I said softly.

"Of course you were," Trey thought to himself. "My brother was watching you like a hawk."

"Dane, do you mind if I go have lunch with him?" Chris asked me breaking me out my thoughts.

"Huh? I asked. "Oh, yeah, sure."

"We'll walk you into the cafeteria," Trey said getting on my left side with Chris on my right. We headed into the cafeteria.

"I can't believe you of all people skipped," Aaron said to Julieanne as they saw with Nicole, Luke, Anthony, and Mary.

"Well, she is full of surprises," Mary muttered causing Julieanne to kick her. "What? You are."

"What are you guys talking about?" Aaron asked looking at the two curiously.

"Nothing," Julieanne said quickly. "Look there is Dane." She pointed to the doorway.

"Oh, there is Evans and his little brother," Aaron said with distaste.

"Trey isn't that bad," Mary said vouching for him. "He's a sweetheart." Nicole who was preoccupied by her makeup noticed the three of us walking to the table.

"Can we talk?" Anthony asked her.

"Thank god," She thought to herself and nodded and got up.

"That means they are going to have sex," Aaron said and they all laughed.

"Where is Anthony going?" I asked watching Anthony and Nicole walk off.

"To get some," Aaron said to me and I tried not to let the statement bother me."

"Oh," I said looking down.

"What are they doing here?" He asked looking dead at Chris who challenged him.

"Stop being a dick," I said with a sigh. "They just walked me into the cafeteria."

"You need to be guarded?" He asked me. "I mean they are around you like the CIA?"

"Secret Service," Julieanne corrected.

"What is your deal?" I asked him.

"You and this pussy," Aaron said pointing at him. "He started with me at the power party and we fought."

"And I beat your ass too," Chris said hi-fiving Trey.

"Wanna go right now?" Aaron asked getting up.

"Sure why not," Chris said with a sly smile. I stood in front of both of them."

"Whoa!" I said stopping them. "This is not smackdown. Just calm down. Both of you."

"I am calm," Chris said flashing a sexy smile made my knees weak.

"I am out of here," Aaron said grabbing his bag and walking out to the courtyard.

"Crap! There's Mikey," Julieanne said getting up. "Come on Mary!" The two scurried off.

"I needed to talk to her," Mikey said to me. "Where are they headed?"

"Girls," I said sitting down at the table. "Who knows?"

"Well, we will be on our way," Chris said to me. "I will see you two at practice."

"Unfortunately," Mikey muttered.

"Bye Guys," I said.

"Nice meeting you, Dane," Trey said with a friendly smile.

"You too," I said returning it.

"We have been sitting out here for five minutes," Nicole said as she and Anthony were sitting on a bench by the student parking lot.

"Did you talk with Chris a few days ago?" He asked her. Nicole was taken by surprise but then she answered.

"I think so," She said to him. "Why?"

"What about?" Anthony asked her.

"I don't remember," She said with a shrug.

"He told me that you told him that I was jealous of Dane," Anthony said.

"He's lying," Nicole said slightly uncomfortable by this conversation.

"No, you're lying," Anthony said angrily getting up. "How would he know anything about Dane if he was lying? You are the only one I talked with about this."

"He's psychic," She said weakly.

"Nic," He said angrily. "Why would you tell him that?"

"I don't know," Nicole said shaking her head. "You and Dane have a hot and cold relationship. "

"What are you talking about?" He demanded.

"One minute you are all buddy the next you aren't then you are again," She said.

"So that is what made you tell Chris that?" Anthony asked her. "I tell you, hopefully you are never on trial for a crime because your ass would fry."

"Trouble in paradise?" Trey asked causing Anthony and Nicole to turn around.

"What the fuck do you want?" Anthony asked him. Chris watched his brother talk.

"I just noticed that you and your pretty girlfriend over here were fighting," Trey said.

"About Dane," Chris added. "It's a shame a great guy like Dane is getting in between such a godforsaken relationship."

"Screw you, Motherfucker," Anthony spat out.

"I don't fuck my mother so how can I be a Motherfucker?" Chris asked smartly.

"Just stay the hell away from us," Nicole said looking at Trey with a hard glare. Anthony and Chris both noticed this. Trey, however, smiled his omnious smile that Chris knew oh-so-well.

"I think I am gonna like Falcon," He said walking towards Nicole. "Ripping the pedestal from underneath bitchy cheerleaders."

"Fuck you," Nicole said a little shaken by his comment.

"Do you really want to?" Trey asked her and she blushed a deep red.

"Get away from her," Anthony said pushing Trey. Trey turned around and punched him.

"Anthony," Nicole said rushing to him.

"Don't put you hands on the Calvin Klein," Trey said walking to the parking lot. Chris just laughed and followed Trey.

I sat in parenting and Child Development suppose to be listening about the early motor development of infants but my mind was elsewhere. I kept seeing him on top of me. Kissing me. Trying to rape me. I couldn't breathe.

"Are you Okay?" Anthony asked me as I started hyperventilating. "Dane!"

"What's going on?" Mrs. Clarke asked.

"I think he is hyperventilating," Anthony said causing Chris, Luke, and Aaron to run over to me.

"Dane, we're here," Luke said in my ear. I could hear his voice but it was faint. I noticed that my feet were moving. I must've been walking. I sat outside on the school steps where Anthony and Trey had gone at it.

"What am I doing out here?" I asked them.

"We convinced Mrs. Clarke to allow us to come outside to get some fresh air," Chris said. "Do you have asthma?"

"I don't think so," I said images popping into my head. I felt contained. Constricted. I needed to break free. I felt a hand touch me. "Let go of me!" I said punching Anthony. I was seeing Seth though. I pounced on Anthony. "How could you do this to me? I am fucking messed up because of you."

"Dane," Chris said as he and Luke attempted to pull me off. I finally snapped out of the nightmare.

"I am so sorry," I said crying. "I didn't mean to hurt you."

"I'll live," Anthony said in spite of his bruised eye.

"Shit," Aaron said. "This is all my fault."

"What are you talking about?" I asked him. "I don't blame you for being anything but an ass."

"You are thinking about what happened, aren't you?" Chris asked me. I nodded my head.

"I am fine," I said getting up and wiping my eyes. "I will be fine."

"Dane, there is nothing fine about you," Aaron said reaching for me but thought against it.

"I am fine," I said again. I had stop crying and for the moment I wasn't thinking of the rape.

"You just hyperventilated and attacked Anthony," Luke said demanded.

"That was fun to watch though," Chris said laughing.

"Guys, let it go," I said looking them all in the eye. "I am just a little stressed right now but I am fine so just forget about it, Okay?" I turned and walked back into building.

Luke walked into Felicity Matthews's classroom.

"Do you have a minute?" He asked her. She sat reading the newspaper.

"Sure," She said with a smile. "What's up?"

"I need you to first promise that you will not go back and tell what we discussed here," He said with a sigh.

"I promise as long as you are not in any danger," She said causing him to smile.

"This guy I care a lot about was almost raped this weekend at this party," He began.

"When you say care a lot about..."

"I am in love with this guy," Luke said and she nodded. "Anyway, I think that he may be trying to internalize it."

"That is not good," She said.

"He hyperventilated in class and also attacked one of his friends."

"You have to get him to open up about this," She said. "Because if you don't this could drive him completely insane."

"That was what I was worried about," Luke said fear gripping him inside.

I stood in the gym showers after practice. The images were flashing in my head.

"Dane," A voice said from behind me. A hand touched me. I immediately wheeled around and grabbed the person in a headlock. It was Mikey.

"What the fuck?" He asked me as I let him go.

"I'm sorry," I said to him. I looked around to find the locker room empty. "Where is everybody?"

"Dane, everyone left thirty minutes ago," He said looking at me with a wary glance. "I was worried about you because you have been here for so long."

"Oh, I am done," I said turning the water off.

"I heard about your panic attack earlier," He said as I dried off and began to dress.

"I told them it's no big deal," I said sleepy from my lack of sleep.

"It is a big deal," Mikey said voice rising. "You almost took my head off in there."

"And I said I was sorry," I said voice also rising. "Look, I don't feel like fighting with you."

"Yeah, I didn't mean to piss you off," Mikey said with a sigh.

"It's cool," I said as we began to head out of the locker room.

"So are you ready for the first game of the season?" He asked as we made our way through the halls and to the parking lot.

"Huh?" I asked him.

"The first game, Dane," He said looking at me weird. "It's tomorrow."

"What?" I asked him. "Shit! I have been spacing out lately."

"Are you up for it?" He asked me.

"Of course," I said with a weak smile.

"So did you like the movie?" Terry asked me as we rode in his car.

"Hmmm?" I asked him. "Oh, yeah, I think that it was great."

"You're lying," He said. "You always bite your nails when you lie. Your mom told me once." That was true. I was lying. My mind was elsewhere during the movie. Even that hot guy's butt didn't really faze me.

"Good job, detective," I said sarcastically. "You figured me out. Did you also learn that I can not stand you?"

"I learned that you were a gay teenager," He said simply. I turned to look at him.

"What? How did you..."

"I was looking for some paper in that notebook you write in," He said to me. "Curiosity got better of me. But I assume you wanna keep it a secret."

"You assumed right," I said sarcastically.

"I will make you a deal," He said to me. "I love your mom and your sister a lot but if you can treat me like I am supposed to be treated then I will keep your secret. This football player must be hot for you to write about him."

"What else did you learn?" I asked completely bypassing that so-called deal.

"That the root of your father's death is the cause of your anger," He said. "Chinese sound good?" I decided to have some fun with him and regain the upper hand.

"That and the fact that my mom had an affair with my uncle," I said looking at him. His face registered a look of shock. "Yeah, I take it this is a shock to you. Oopsie! My bad."

"What are you talking about?" He asked me.

"I will walk you through it," I said really enjoying this. "Me and my mom have never been close even when my dad was alive. I basically tolerated her for him but he is dead now so that is pretty much out the window. Anyway, back when I fainted and went unconscious it was because of my father's death. I was with him during the accident and he revealed to me that mom was having the affair and when I confronted her about it she didn't deny it." He was completely in shock. "Silence. Just what the doctor recommended. Chinese does sound good after all."

Julieanne sat on her computer looking at pictures of Dogs. Her mind was thinking about her actions with Mikey and how disappointed she was with herself. The doorbell rung. She went and opened it.

"Mikey," She said in shock. "Wha-What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to talk to you," He said a little nervously.

"We couldn't do this at school?" She asked him. She was nervous to talk to him.

"You have been avoiding me," He said causing her blush.

"Avoiding you?" She asked laughing uncomfortably. "Where did you get an idea like that?"

"Mary told me," He said. "So can I come in."

"Yeah, sure," She said allowing him inside. He walked over to the couch and she stood over by the window.

"You can sit down," He said amused at her. "It's not like I plan on jumping your bones right now. I just wanna talk."

"Shut up," She muttered as she sat down.

"Jules, you are a good friend of mine," He said looking in her eyes. "That night in Tijuana might have been a drunken night that you hope to forget but it was different for me. I....I like you Jules. A lot. And that was not just some fling that I can add to my black book. I mean if I did add it, It would bring the number up to 100 but that really doesn't matter."

"Mikey, what are you saying?" Julieanne asked him.

"I am not saying anything," He said getting up and standing on bended knee. "I am asking will you go out with me?"

"Mikey..." Julieanne said unsure.

"Julie, It's not about the sex here," Mikey said. "Do you think that is what I want out of you? I don't want anything. I just want to go out with you." She looked down and then back up.

"Okay," She said to him.

"Okay?" He asked uncertain.

"I will go out with you," She said with a smile.

"Hell yeah," He said kissing her. He immediately pulled back. "That wasn't to forward was it?"

"Come here," She said kissing him lightly on the lips.

"Where is Terry?" Mom asked me as I walked into the house.

"He left apparently," I said grabbing a cinnamon bun off the pan on the stove.

"Well, how was everything?" She asked me.

"It was super," I said in a mock cheer voice. "We have gotta do it again."

Mom sighed. "Someone sent you a card," She said handing it to me. I grabbed a Pepsi out the fridge. "Who do you know in Malibu?"

"No idea," I said opening the card up as I walked out the kitchen. I froze as I read it.


I am thinking of you. That night in Tijuana we had is just the beginning. I will get you. I am gonna show you a world you have never known and a world you can't escape. You are mine now.


My mind was completely blank. I didn't even hear the loud thud when my can hit the ground.

"Dane," My mom said coming in. I headed upstairs and shut my door. "What in the world is going one with my son?"

"So what are we gonna do for our anniversary?" Nicole asked Anthony as they rode to school.

"No clue,"Anthony said absent-mindedly. Nicole was slightly hurt by his unattentiveness.

"Well, how about we go to a nice dance club and then have dinner on the beach?' She asked him.

"Okay," Anthony said. His mind was on me. He got no sleep last night. Nicole had a feeling his mind was on me.

"Would you like to hang out with Dane more than me now?" She asked him.

"Yeah," He said not even realizing he fell into her trap.

"Okay, what is going on with you two?" Aaron asked Julieanne and Mikey. "Have you had sex or something?"

"Yeah, we have actually," Julieanne said shocking Aaron. Mikey, Nicole, and Mary just laughed.

"We are going out," Mikey said shocking Aaron even more.

"What?" He asked lost. "Since when?"

"Since seven last night," Mikey and Julieanne said in unison. They blushed.

"That is so sweet," Mary said smiling at the couple.

"It's sickening," Aaron said mock gagging.

"Shut up," Nicole said throwing a fry at him.

"Dane, are you not happy for me?" Julieanne asked me.

"Of course I am," I said no idea what she was talking about. I needed to be alone. "Guys, I will catch up with you later."

"Dane, wait up," Anthony said following after me. The others looked at us confused as to what was going on. Nicole was really bothered about her boyfriend's lack of attention on her. Only one person gave her the attention she deserved.

"I will be back guys," She said getting up in search of Trey.

"Okay, that is one weird triangle," Aaron said and he had no idea how weird it was getting.

"For the last time I am fine," I said to Anthony. We were in an empty classroom.

"Dane, you are distant," Anthony said. "Why won't you talk to me?"

"Why are you so interested in talking to me?" I asked him. I was angry but not at him. I just needed to take it out on him. "I mean just a week ago you wanted nothing to do with me and now you do. Make up your mind."

"What?" He asked me. "U are still on that? I apologized and I thought we were moving past that."

"You thought wrong," I said angrily.

"Dane, stop trying to take the anger out on me and talk to me," He pleaded. "Please just talk to me."

"It hurts so bad," I said doing my best not to cry.

"What hurts?" He asked me.

"I think this guy is stalking me," I said to him. "He sent me this card that says basically I can't escape him and he will come and get me. I am so fucking scared right now and I don't know what to fucking do."

"We gotta tell the cops," He said.

"No," I said firmly. "I am not going to let anyone else no I was almost raped. But he is just gonna get me. He is gonna hurt me again."

"No, he's not," Anthony said grabbing me up into a hug. "I care to much about you to let someone hurt you, Dane."

"Thank you," I said my head resting on his shoulder.

"I will kill anyone who tries to hurt you and take you from me," He thought to himself.

Trey zipped his pants up. Nicole fixed her hair and reapplied her lip-gloss. He looked at her.

"Why did you come to me?" He asked her.

"My boyfriend isn't paying attention to me," She said as they climbed back into the car and left the park they just had sex in. "I figured you could help a girl out."

"So why not break up with him?" Trey asked her.

"I love him," She said.

"If you love him then why are we here?" He asked deeply confused.

"Why are you interrogating me?" She asked defensively. "Just look at it this way. I am need of attention. You give me the attention I need. You are my attention giver."

"I don't like that word," He said looking over at her. "How does Fuck buddy sound? Can you work with that?"

"Yea, I can," She said with a smile. "Let's grab some food because I am starved."

"Why exactly are we skipping again?" Matt asked Seth as they drove.

"We are going to a game," Seth said in the driver's seat.

"Where at?" Matt asked curiously.

"Harmony," Seth said and Matt looked at him.

"I don't feel like bothering with Luke today," Matt said with a sigh.

"Not Luke," Seth said to his undetermined boyfriend. "Dane."

"Dane?" Matt asked. "Exactly what do you have planned? You already tried to rape him."

"I did that because I wanna break him," Seth said amazed at his own prowess.

"Oh, I see," Matt said getting it. "You weren't trying to rape him, were you?"

"Of course not," Seth said with a scoff. "That is one dirty deed I will never do. Besides I have a lot worse planned for Dane Martinez."

"I am nervous," Aaron said as Mikey, Anthony, and I walked towards my locker.

"I should be nervous," I said surprised he said this. "I am the only one who never was on a team after all."

"You are one of our better players, Dane," Mikey said to me. "After us, of course."

"And me," Chris added as we all looked to see him standing in front of us.

"Hey Chris," I said flashing him a smile.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Anthony demanded. Chris flashed him a twisted smile.

"Come on you cant be that dumb," Chris said laughing. "We have a game today after all and I am on the team."

"Unfortunately," Anthony muttered. "I meant why are you here waiting for Dane."

"I wanted to see if he was okay," Chris said and that angered me. Even though I knew these people were my friends, I was getting sick of people asking me if I was okay. "Are you?"

"I'm fine," I said coldly and everyone flashed me a look of surprise. "I'm sorry. You know what? Aaron, Mikey, and Ant I will catch up with you guys in the locker room. Chris I will walk with you." Aaron and Mikey looked at each other wanting to protest but Anthony did that for them both.

"Don't think so," Anthony said to me stepping a little closer as If he was trying to guard me from Chris, who flashed him an amused look. It was getting annoying all though deep down it was kinda cute.

"Anthony, if you have such a problem with me hanging out with Chris alone why don't you walk with both of us?' I asked him flashing him a look that said don't challenge me or I will kill you.

Anthony knew better than to say no. Mikey and Aaron looked oblivious to the whole thing.

"Fine then," I said stepping in between Chris and Anthony. "Let's get moving."

"I have a boyfriend," Julieanne said as she, Nicole, Mary, and Luke all sat in the bleachers.

"Calm down Jules it's not that serious," Nicole said reading her Cosmo magazine. "You're dating Mikey not Tony Parker."

"I am just so excited," Julieanne said gushing.

"You are doing that gushing thing," Mary said looking at her friend. "You must be really excited."

"No, you think, Luke said sarcastically as he sighed loudly.

"Luke, I am sorry that we are talking girl stuff," Mary said wrapping her arm with his. "Let's talk about us."

"Us?" Luke asked her skeptical.

"There could be an us," Mary said causing Luke to blush.

"Maybe," He said as Trey headed to sit beside Nicole.

"What's up?" He asked her. She smiled and looked at him.

"The sky," She said and they both shared a laugh. "I'm good."

"Then that is good to me," Trey said and they went off in their own conversation while Julieanne was trying to tell Luke how cute he would look with Mary.

"I didn't know your girlfriend was so buddy-buddy with my little brother," Chris said as the team sat on the bleacher. To his dismay, Anthony had to sit beside him because Coach made him.

"What are you talking about?" Anthony asked looking at where Chris was looking at. He saw the two talking and laughing.

"I guess they must be," He said not really caring.

"Just know my brother can break up even the most happiest couples," Chris said and Anthony looked at him.

"I doubt he can," Anthony said uncomfortable. "I love Nic and she loves me."

"Keep telling you that," Chris said as the coach called the team over into a huddle.

Things were going pretty good for my first game. I shot two-three pointers and caught a lot of Aaron and Mikey's rebounds. We were up 25-14 in the second quarter.

"You are on fire," Mikey said whispering in my ear as we stood waiting for the third quarter to begin.

"Thanks Man," I said walking with him over to huddle.

The Junior varsity cheerleaders were cheering to give the Varsity cheerleaders a chance to rest.

"That blonde likes you," Mikey said pointing at one of the cheerleaders. She waved at me and I almost waved back when I saw another blonde that made my blood run cold. It was the guy who had tried to...

"Dane," Mikey said breaking me from my thoughts.

"Coming," I said not taking my eyes off of the boy. I tapped another member on the shoulder. "Can you see that blonde dude?"

"Of course I can," He said flashing me a wary look. "And so can everyone else here with eyes." The dude flashed me a dirty smile and licked his lips. The boy beside him was trying to talk to him but he was watching me. The brown haired boy said something and I made out the name Seth. His name was Seth.

"We are gonna crush those Angels," Coach Turner said to the team as we stood in our huddle. "On 3, falcons. One...Two...Three..."

"Falcons," The team called out. I said nothing. I was still watching Seth.

The whole third quarter my shots were off because I was always looking over at Seth. I even threw a shot in the wrong goal.

"What the hell is up with you?" Aaron asked me as we stood during a time-out the coach had called to chew me out.

"I just feel tired," I said and my chest felt like it was closing with each breath I took.

"Why did you tell Coach to keep you in?" He asked me. I shook my head.

"I'm fine," I said as the time-out ended.

In the fourth quarter, I had to shoot a penalty shot. I was standing in the center of the gym with the ball in my hands.

"Don't fuck this up, Martinez," The jerk I spoke too earlier said.

"Shut up," Anthony said flashing the guy a look. I looked over to see Seth mouth the words: You are mine. That was it. Everything went black and I felt as my body hit the floor.

I awoke to see my mom looking down at me. I was in my bedroom and all my friends were standing around the bed along with Salina and Terry.

"Your face is not ones face I wanna see when I wake up," I said sarcastically.

"Why didn't you tell me you were raped?" She demanded. I was pissed.

"Almost," I corrected and flashed my friends dirty looks. "I can't believe you told her of all people."

"We had to tell her, Dane," Julieanne said holding on to Mikey. "You fainted and she wanted to know why."

"Save it dumb ass," I said bitterly. The tone I used was not one that I had ever used on her before and She was just as surprised as I was. "Shouldn't you be having Mikey screw your brains out like he did in Tijuana?"

"Dane," Mom chastised.

"Cool it Man," Aaron said giving me one of his usually intimidating glares.

"Said the boy, whose father uses him as a pawn to get back the youth he lost," I said getting up and climbing out of bed. Aaron made a move to step towards me but Mikey stopped him. I was gonna rip all them to shreds with my words. Julieanne was looking at me with a venomous look, as was everyone else.

"Dane, we are just trying to help," Terry said and I smiled evilly at him.

"Terry, you are no way involved in this," I said to him. "So why don't you go home to your family and leave mine alone. Oh wait you don't have one because your wife disappeared years ago. Well, just go."

"Dane, what is wrong with you?" Salina asked me.

"Don't worry about me," I said to her. "Just know dad loved me more than he loved you."

"Stop it, Dane," Chris said to me. "I will when you all leave my room because you betrayed my trust," I said to them all.

"We aren't going anywhere," Aaron spat out pushing past Mikey to stand in front of me. I never noticed my room was so big.

"Then fine I will leave," I said grabbing my cellphone and trying to push past him. He grabbed my arm and I punched him. I instantly regretted that and pushed my way out the room and down the stairs. Aaron followed with everyone else trailing behind him. I made it outside before he tackled me to the ground. I tried to get up but he punched me.

"Aaron," Julieanne said afraid.

"That was for punching me," HE said and punched me again. "That was for talking bad to your sister and friends." He punched me one last time and stood up. "That is for pushing us away."

"I am so sorry," I said crying. I had only said those things to push them away. He was right. My mom rushed over to hug me but I pushed her away. "Leave me alone. I don't want you to touch me." She looked hurt when Anthony, who had been silent whole time, hugged me. I tensed up first but I relaxed.

"It's okay," He said in my ear. "I am here now, Dane. He isn't going to hurt you."

Luke felt a rage inside of him that was rivaled by the same rage Chris had inside himself but neither knew what was going on with the other.

"What do I do?" I asked him. "I am so sorry guys."

"It's okay," Julieanne said reaching down to hug us both. Salina followed suit along with Aaron, Chris, Luke, and a reluctant Mikey. "Just please talk to somebody who can help you."

"I feel so closed out," Mom whispered to Terry as he pulled her inside. "He didn't even want me to touch him."

"Don't let it bother you," He said kissing her softly and then thought to himself, "Dane don't you dare hurt her."

Anthony decided to spend the night over at my house when I told him not to leave. I may not be able to have him as my boyfriend but it did me some good to have his body lying next to me in bed. I was asleep and I did not even noticed that he had spooned me. His hands rested softly on my hips.

"This feels so right," He thought to himself. "Just like the kiss. By why does this feel wrong too." Unintentionally, Anthony got excited and his erection pressed against my butt. "Damn it!"

He was about to pull me away but me being so in sleep grabbed his hand as if him being there protected me. He smiled and stayed where he was.

"I think I am in love," He thought to himself with a smile one his face. Then it disappeared. "With a guy, I can never have." **********************************************************

"My name is Dane and I..." I started but stopped. I stood in the middle of a rape victim meeting. "I am so sorry. I can't do this. I will just grab my stuff and go."

"Dane, you don't have to leave," Dr. Camel said to me. "It took a lot just for you to come here. Your friends and family told me you have refused their help but you are here now. It took a lot for you to come here."

"I am such a wimp," I said softly. "You all must think I am some kinda idiot."

"Dane, l think you need to look around," Dr. Camel said to me. "Look at all these people. They are in the same position you are and some were actually raped and not almost in your case. They are here to support just like your friends, family, and I are."

"This is to much," I said heading to leave. "I am sorry to waste your time." I walked put the door and into a lobby.

"Hey wait a second," A voice called out to me. I turned and looked around. A boy with brown hair and a swimmers build ran towards me.

"What is it?" I asked him breaking down. "I know I suck but do you have to run after me just tell me that."

"Dane," He said to me hugging me. I automatically flinched. "I am not gonna hurt you. I just want to help you."

"Why?" I asked him. I pushed him away. "You just want to hurt me just like Seth did."

"Will you shut up and listen?" He asked me. No demanded me. "I am not going to hurt you because I can know how you feel. My dad fucked me every night for two years and one night he was a little rougher than usual and I bled from down there. So stop trying to act like you are the only one who has ever been through this because believe or not you are that special. Me and so many others would have been only so lucky just to be almost and have the friendships that you have."

I looked at him for a second. "Well, I am not going back in there but do you wanna go across the street for ice cream..." I didn't know his name.

"Daniel," He said with a smile. "And yes I would but you are buying because it was your idea."

"Deal," I said walking with him outside.

Luke knocked on Matt's door in Malibu. Matt opened the door with a look of surprise.

"Well, I guess hell froze over because here you are on my porch," Matt said stepping outside. "What the hell are you doing here?"

"I know you hate me," Luke said looking directly in his eyes. "But why did you go after Dane?"

"Seth and I have a different approach to a very similar topic," Matt said folding his arms. "You are the subject that we have in common. We have our reasons for wanting to do this. Seth more so than me."

"Let this be a word of advice to you," Luke said with heat in his eyes. "You hurt Dane and I will break you into millions of pieces."

"Let this be a word of advice to you," Matt said using his former's words. "You, Dane, and your friends may wanna watch your backs because I have a lot more planned for you and Seth hasn't even begin to haunt Dane yet. Now get the hell off my porch before I throw you off because I no longer fear you. I just pity you for the hell you are about to witness."

"I had fun that whole two hours," Daniel said as we headed back over to the building where I was to meet Aaron.

"Me too," I said with a smile. "I did not know you went to Falcon but it just shows just big the school is."

"And I didn't know someone as skinny as you could pack away four strawberry shakes," He said making me laugh. "Where does it all go?"

"No idea," I said noticing Aaron and Dr. Camel talking.

"Dane, I really did enjoy our talk today," He said to me. "It has helped me with a lot of my issues with making friends and you are the first friend I have had in awhile. So I wanna thank you."

"No, thank you," I said to him and he stuck his hand out but I hugged him.

Anther dramatic episode. I have never been a rape victim or anything near that but it can be traumatic and self-destructing if you do not get help.

In episode eight, which is part one, The gang goes on a ski trip for the weekend. Nicole is noticing Anthony's unattentiveness and begins to use Trey more and more. Anthony and Dane get trapped in an avalanche. Episode eight and nine will be apart of a two-part story. Feedback is wanted on this story please.

Next: Chapter 8

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