Fallen Angel

By Darc Blackwind

Published on May 22, 2005


It's I, Darc Blackwind, here with a reformated version ov Fallen Angel. I had to take it off because ov a legal matter and edit a few names. However, it is now complete so I shall be re-releasing it over the next several weeks.


Chapter 2: Cal the Ninja

Cal and Althea arrived back at his place just a little after midnight. The two had to sneak into his house via the basement, because Cal didn't want to wake his parents up. Plus, in a way, it was quicker, because his room was in the basement. "Be silent," Cal whispered as he picked the window-lock to his father's office. He then stealthily snuck through the room and opened the basement door, which was also in his father's office. He let Althea in and then quietly shut the door behind him. He thanked his training in the ninja arts because it allowed him to move through the window and to the door without so much as a sound.

Althea moved through the room just as stealthily, not wanting to get her new friend into any trouble with his parents. Cal led the way through his father's office to the "family" room of the basement into his room on the far side. Through the gloom, Cal knew exactly where he was. His training was much too perfect to allow him to lose track of his position in the surrounding blackness. Quietly opening his door, Cal flicked the light on to his large bedroom. It was remarkably clean, with a set of Japanese samurai swords on a sword rack at the far side of his bedroom. A kanji symbol hung on the wall over his bed, which was a full size. Next to his katana set was his ninja gi, a matte black uniform with somewhat baggy pants that had tie-downs on the legs around the shins. His mask lay on his desk, behind his blackbelt. A pair of black tabi, or split-toe boots lay on the ground in front of his desk, neatly aligned next to each other for quick access. "Stay here while I go tell my parents I'm home," he whispered. Cal then stealthily crept out of the room and quietly shut the door. After this, he tiptoed up the stairs to go face his parents' wrath.

The only light from the upstairs came from the luminescent digital clock on the stove. Apparently, Mom and Dad gave up waiting for Cal to come home and thus went to bed. Oh well. . . . I can leave them a note telling them what happened, he thought to himself as he crept to the table and grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. He then wrote:

"Dear Mom and Dad:

I got home at roughly midnight. I had car trouble and then I had to help someone in trouble herself. No problem. I'm not hurt. Sorry to worry you. Love,


With that written down, he stealthily grabbed a bottle of water for Althea and him each, and then sneaked back down to his room. Althea sat on the edge of his bed, fully naked and her torn robe and sash piled on the ground away from the doorway. "So, what did they say?" she whispered, stretching out her wings and thrusting her chest out at him.

Cal smiled. "They were asleep. I left them a note and grabbed us some water. You must be thirsty from the fall and our 'play' session."

Althea nodded. "Yes, I am. I've never needed water, because I can't die again. But, I'd like some please. . . ." she asked in a light, gentle voice that was barely above a whisper.

Cal handed her a water bottle and opened his. The fresh, clear liquid felt refreshing on his tongue and dry mouth. Cal sat down next to Althea and looked at her, smirking mischievously. "So, how are you?" he asked, setting a hand on her thigh and stroking lovingly.

Althea drank her water contentedly, looking around Cal's peculiarly styled room. "Say, Cal," she began, swallowing a gulp of water, "what is all this stuff?"

Cal lay back and looked up at the ceiling. "You wouldn't believe it, but I'm a martial artist in the style of Ninjutsu. That's the style of the ninja, Japan's elite caste of shadow warriors."

"Shadow warrior?" Althea echoed curiously.

Cal sat up and took his boots off, setting them off to the side of the bed. "Yes. That means we're able to disappear quickly without a trace, move like lightning, and kill our enemies within the twinkling of an eye. It's come in handy more than once at school." Althea nodded, looking down at her feet. Sensing that something was wrong, Cal looked over at her concernedly. "Are you alright?"

Althea nodded sadly. "It's just, there's so much violence down here. . . . So much suffering. . . ." A tear drained out of her right eye, the droplet cascading down her pale, fair cheek. Cal slid his arms around her and held her.

"I know," he whispered quietly in her ear as he held her. "But, one has to learn to fight so the person can defend his or her family and friends. I would throw my sword and gi away if the reason I fought was to gain something or destroy someone. I only fight to protect that which I love. I would give my life if it meant saving my family and you."

Althea looked Cal in the eyes and knew he told the truth about what he said. His eyes had a sort of fire in them that she had never witnessed before. And, much to her surprise, it intrigued her. "Cal. . . . I love you. . . ." With that said, Althea took off Cal's shirt slowly, her eyes never leaving his gaze.

Cal knew that this would be a night to remember, and he lay back as he felt Althea undo his belt buckle and pull his jeans down with her teeth. He was already hared from her erotic way of undressing him. Finally, he was naked and standing at attention. Althea looked down at him with a lusty gaze that further aroused him. After all, she was a real knock-out, even with the horns and wings.

Sitting down and straddling Cal's stomach, she leaned down and kissed him passionately, her own hard cock pulsating on Cal's stomach. Her fingernails scratched gently on his chest as he hugged her around her waist and started sucking on her breasts. Althea moaned with Cal's swirling tongue as she sat on his stomach. With Cal's left hand he hugged her waist and with his right, he gently started to massage her tool. "Fuck me," Cal whispered gutturally in her ear as he masturbated her cock with his right. He reached over onto his stand and grabbed the bottle of hand lotion and smeared it over all ten inches of Althea's dick, and then over his own anus, fingering himself to get it nice and slippery.

Althea positioned the head of her penis at Cal's back door and gently pushed in. Because he was already loose from fingering himself and his last assfucking, she slid into him with relative ease. At least her head did. The shaft would prove more difficult. Cal grunted quietly and closed his eyes as he felt Althea's ten-inch clitty enter his nether orifice, stretching him to the fullest. Finally, after about five minutes of thrusting, Althea had her cock buried in Cal's ass to the hilt. She then began to slowly and romantically thrust it in and out, in and out, making Cal's breathing increase and making him moan in delight.

Althea moved so Cal straddled her hips, forcing his entire weight down onto her tool. Cal felt as though he were a butterfly pinned to an examining table, and he loved every minute of it. Feeling Althea's hard, pulsating member thrusting inside him was a real turn-on. "Oh, yessss," he moaned as he moved his hips in a circular motion. "Give it to me, Althea! Fuck me hard!!" Althea needed no help in increasing her pace of fucking him and soon she too was moaning, about to cum in Cal's stuffed ass.

"Uhhhh, uhhhhnnn. . . !" Althea moaned as she felt Cal's anal muscles start flexing, squeezing her hard dick as he bounced up and down repeatedly. "Oh, Cal! Ohhhhh, I'm gonna cum!" she moaned loudly, but not too loudly.

Instantly, Cal felt Althea's hot love juice eject into his violated rectum with tremendous pressure. He shuddered in pleasure as he massaged the moaning Althea's breasts with lustful abandon. She continued to fuck his butt until she came again, this time howling with pleasure. The two just lay there in each other's arms for a while, loving their embrace.

Thirty minutes passed before they regained their breath. Althea's penis had withered and exquisitely slid out of Cal's anus and Cal felt her hot semen start to ooze out as well. "You always wear me out, Cal," Althea whispered lovingly as she held Cal to her, kissing his forehead.

Cal looked into her eyes and smiled. "You wear me out too. . . ." he said as he smiled. Looking over at the clock, it read: 2:36AM. "It's late. Do you want to go to sleep?" he asked curiously.

"Yes. I'm very exhausted. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that which you've done for me, Cal. How can I ever repay you?"

"You've already repaid me. I've a new friend now, and that is priceless," he said as he shut off the lights. "Good night, love."

Althea slid her dainty arms around Cal. "Good night, Cal." And, the two of them slept soundly in each other's arms the rest of the night.

Cal was standing at the edge of a precipice, looking out over the masses of soldiers charging into battle. Where am I? he asked himself silently as he watched the two armies collide with each other and slash out with their swords and spears. The armies were armored with two different colors, the one closest to him with poisonous green armor and the one farther off with shadowy black armor. They were wearing samurai armor, with helmets that had metallic crescents on them.

Suddenly, the ground opened up and exploded, killing all but a few soldiers in the farthest parts of the battlefield from the blast radius. What exited the explosion from the ground was a creature that looked much like Althea, only different in certain characteristics, such as longer, more jagged horns that curved steeply back to the backs of the creature's knees. The creature's skin was black, except where the musculature was, where it was a gleaming crimson. The creature also stood at a height of about fifteen feet and its wingspan was at least twenty-five feet. The creature also had eyes that were slits, like that of a poisonous serpent, and a mass of bloody red hair that gathered about its shoulders. He also had ears that were like that of a bat's and fangs like that of a viper's.

"MREASHKA FOLDENTATA MOSEIN VEARIOSNEK!!" it shouted in a demonic language that was very deep, cold, and suffocating, like getting buried by a rushing wall of ice a thousand feet tall. With that said, it flapped its leathery wings and flew out of the the battlefield, the soldiers erupting into flames where they stood. It flew towards Cal's vantage point and stopped perhaps ten feet in front of him, flapping its gigantic leathery wings. "Your time will come, Calvin of the Legion of Darkness. But, not today. We'll wait to change you when the time is right."

Cal woke up, screaming. Althea was holding im gently, looking into his terrified face. He looked up, a cold sweat glistening on his naked body. "G, good morning. . . . H, how did you sleep?" he asked, sitting up.

"I slept fine. . . . You were having a nightmare, so I decided to hold you close to me to hopefully make the dream change. I wasn't very successful, was I?" she asked compassionately. Smiling, she let go of him. "So, what are we going to do today?"

Wiping the sweat off of his forehead, Cal got up and stretched. "What time is it?" he asked, looking around for the clock.

"Time?" She asked curiously.

"Never mind," he said, finding the clock. It read: 9:47AM. "Well, first, since I'm two and a half hours late for school, I think I'm just going to call in sick today so I can take you around town and get you some things, like clothes. How's that sound?" Cal asked, getting up and swiping his hair out of his eyes.

Althea smiled. "I would like that. Thank you!"

"Well, no worries. When do you want to go?" Cal then asked, stretching his back as he thought about what he wanted to wear. Althea gazed at his nude muscular body with lust in her beautiful silver eyes.

"Well, whenever you want to take me, I suppose. I don't know how to tell time," she said, almost apologetically. Cal looked back at her and smiled knowingly, his smile warming her heart.

"There's nothing to be ashamed about, love. It's expected that you don't know how to tell time. You've been down here what, thirty-six hours? It took me at least a month to figure out how to tell time."

"Thank you, Cal. I really appreciate all the support you're giving me," Althea replied gratefully. This Cal was really starting to appeal to her now. He had been the first human she had ever met, the first human she had ever liked, and definitely the first human she had ever fucked. And, he didn't seem to mind all that he had done for her, greeting her asking how to repay him with a simple smile and a "forget about it" sort of reply.

"Anytime, baby," Cal said. "Say, you want a shower? I'm gonna take one, so I figured I'd better ask."

Knowing what a shower was, Althea nodded. "Sure. I'd like that!" Already nude from making love the previous night, she walked with Cal into the downstairs bathroom. "Say, won't your parents know you're up to something?" she asked as she stepped into the tub and shower basin, folding her wings up tightly against her back. Cal locked the bathroom door and then stepped gingerly into the basin as well.

"No. Both of them work during the day, so we're home alone!"

"Hmm. . . ." she thought mischievously, a grin breaking across her gorgeous face. "Say, I was wondering. . . ." Cal turned the water on and let it hit him and her with the cold droplets of water. Cal looked back at her, smiling. "Could you make love to me like I've been doing to you?"

Cal nodded, his pulse beginning to race with the combination of the chilly water beating down on his naked flesh and the erotic sight of this demoness standing before him, ready and willing to let him have his way with her. He thought about it for a second. "I'm not sure you're ready for anal sex yet. I might hurt you by entering through your butt. After all, you're still a virgin there like I was, aren't you? And goodness knows I don't want to hurt you. . . ."

"Even so, I'd like to try it. You looked so sensual last night when I was thrusting into you so passionately. It was like our souls were touching, me on the bottom, thrusting up to meet your butt, you on top, arching your back and moaning my name and your love for me. It looked like so much fun, I need to try it!" Althea said passionately, her nipples hard as diamond in the cold water. She slid her hand down Cal's taut stomach and grabbed his penis gently. It started to get hard almost instantly. She looked him deep in the eyes, her eyes having a tangible sort of longing to them. "Please?"

Cal caved in and kissed her full on the lips, his tongue sliding into her mouth to dance with her tongue. He then pulled back and said, "Anything for you, lover." He then kissed his way down her stomach, which had goosebumps from the glacial water. He licked the cleft of her bellybutton and continued down, finally getting to her already hard cock. Gently grabbing it about the base, he kissed the head and swirled his tongue about its hard length. Althea moaned in delight as she let Cal have his way with her.

After about two minutes or so of giving her head, Cal turned her around so her butt was in front of his face. Cal kissed both teardrop-shaped cheeks and began to eat her ass out. He slowly and deliberately licked around the puckered opening to her but and then, even more slowly, he slipped his tongue in, licking around the muscle. "Uhhhh, oh God!" Althea moaned as he ate her anus out passionately. "Oh, Cal! YESSS!!" He continued to fuck her ass with his tongue, even slipping two fingers into her cleft.

Passionately fingering Althea's butt, Cal looked up from eating her out and massaged the center of her back, involuntarily making her wings spread. "Are you ready?" he whispered as he got to his feet and held her about her waist. His hard cock went between her legs and tickled her own hard cock as he stood up.

Althea moaned and turned her head to kiss him full on the lips. "Yes! Fuck me as hard as you can, lover! I need your hard cock buried deep in my tight virgin ass!"

Cal kissed her hard on the lips, massaging her waist as he rubbed his pelvis against her backside. "This may hurt you. Tell me if it begins to hurt, love. I don't want to hurt you." he then positioned the head of his cock against the anal opening of Althea's seductive butt. "Ready?"

Althea looked back at him, longing deep in her watery eyes. She nodded, her chest heaving with anticipation. "Fuck me!" she moaned passionately. With that said, Cal moved to her back door and gently massaged her anus with the head of his cock. Althea moaned involuntarily as she caressed her breasts, squeezing the nipples tightly.

Cal, using the water as a lubricant, gently pushed forward, making Althea moan with both agony and ecstasy. He instantly stopped and gingerly asked, "Are you alright? Did I push too hard?"

Althea craned her neck to look at him. She smiled deviously. "No. I just wasn't used to such a big love muscle entering me there! Please don't stop!" she moaned as she massaged her breasts feverishly.

Cal nodded and, grabbing her about her hips and massaging, he thrust the head of his penis past Althea's tight anal ring. She groaned loudly and closed her eyes, arching her back as she shuddered with this new feeling of love. Staying still to let Althea get accustomed to the fucking she was about to endure, Cal licked the back of her neck and whispered, "Thank you for everything. I've got no love in my life."

Althea looked back at him with compassionate eyes and kissed him full on the lips. "Fuck me like you've never fucked anyone before, lover!" she moaned as she began to push back on Cal's tool. "Let your passion erupt inside of me!"

Needing no encouragement from her, Cal began to thrust the shaft of his penis into her anus. Althea moaned and trembled with this new sensation, but her words kept telling Cal to continue piledriving into her. After about five minutes of thrusting, Cal was buried inside of her all the way to the hilt. Althea was moaning incomprehensibly now, her eyes closed and her back arched. Her left hand reached behind her to caress Cal's chest and her right massaged her breasts. "Fuck me! Fuck me please!" she panted, out of breath because of the throbbing dick buried deep in her nether regions.

Cal began to slowly thrust in and out of her hot ass, his hands massaging her breasts and stomach along with her own hands. Althea had never felt so full or vulnerable before, but she had to admit, she loved every minute of it. Folding her wings up and turning her head to look lustfully into Cal's eyes, she blew a kiss to him as he held her about her waist, impaling her on the end of his hard cock. "Ohh. . . . Uhhhh. . . . Oh, Cal, YES!!" she moaned, massaging her breasts zestfully. Her tongue sensuously licked her lips and she arched her back, holding onto the wall for support.

Cal too was enjoying this immensely. Her butt was so tight, it was almost inconceivable. Her tight anal muscles gripped Cal's cock like a vice, squeezing it to the fullest. He felt her anus contract about the shaft of his penis and moaned, "Oh, Althea, your ass is so tight, it feels like hot silk gripping me hard!" he told her as he thrust in and out.

Althea was beyond the reach of words, but the emotions that Cal conveyed to her told her all that there was to tell. She squealed in ecstasy as she felt her rectum get violated like it was, her water-slippery hands holding onto the wall for dear life as she was impaled by his massive cock. She could feel his pulsating warmth all the way up to her shoulders, making her archer her back in ecstasy, screaming his name.

Cal, knowing that ALthea was close to orgasm, reached down and grabbed her penis. It had already started to cum, the sticky-white love juice drizzling down to the floor. Cal used her cum as a lubricant and began to masturbate her with his right hand while rubbing the center of her backwith his left. He then reached up to her ear and whispered, "I love you so much, Althea!" He licked the back of her right ear and continued, "I can't explain why. Love of this sort doesn't come until months later, but I love you! Feel my love!" He thrust into her hard, lifting her off the ground. She moaned and shuddered in ecstasy. "Feel me making love to you, you sexy little demon!"

That was all Althea could take. She shot her wad of hot cum against the tiled wall of the shower, her back arched, her wings spread wide, and her eyes rolling into the back of her head. "OOOHHHH!!!!" she wailed, in the throes of an exceedingly violent orgasm. "OHHH GOD!!! CAL! FUCK ME!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!"

Cal pounded her at a fever pitch now, tearing her anal flesh to ribbons and making her howl in ecstasy. She was panting from the exertion and eruption of her sexual energy, her feet completely off the ground as Cal held her by her waist. She came again just from Cal pounding her like he was.

Althea had never felt such intensity of emotion before. It was a completely new experience for her, and with feeling Cal's pent-up emotion combined with their hot session of lovemaking, it was a very, very pleasurable experience for her. "Oh, oohhhhh, OHHHH CAL!!!" she screamed as she came yet again. Her love fluids drizzled down her legs onto the wet, gleaming, tiled floor of the shower. Cal massaged her hips as he kept fucking her, the blazing fire she saw earlier in his eyes again.

Getting creative, Cal turned her around on his cock so she faced him. She opened her eyes to gaze lovingly into Cal's as he thrust into her hard, making her bounce up and down from the power of it. Her maroon-blood-red hair was matted against her head and chest, partially from the water and partially from perspiration. She locked her legs around his waist and gripped his muscular shoulders with her hands. Cal then gingerly stepped out of the shower basin and walked out of the bathroom, carefully unlocking the door with his one hand and opening it. He then walked with her pinned to his cock into his bedroom and set her down on the bed, the cock slipping out of her butt with a sticky shloop sound. Althea moaned with anticipation. He then laid down next to her and she instinctively rolled on top of him, wanting more of his love muscle in her ass.

Althea grabbed Cal's cock around its base and shoved it into her ass as hard as she could. She moaned and trembled, feeling such a violent entry to be very sexy indeed. She then leaned down and passionately kissed Cal on the lips, moving her hips in a circular motion. "I love you too, Cal! More than words could ever tell." She moaned after the French kiss. Cal moaned and kissed her back, equally, if not more passionately.

Althea then felt this exquisite sensation. Moaning her name, Cal came in her ass, shooting it into her system with intense pressure. Althea was overcome, feeling this new sensation. She arched her back and came all over both of their stomachs, closing her eyes and pinching her nipples. She moaned and collapsed on top of Cal, exhausted and ready for sleep. Cal too closed his eyes and drifted off, kissing Althea on the forehead and hugging her around her slim waist. I'm happy for a change, he thought as he drifted off into slumber land. Finally. It has been a long time. A long time indeed. . . .

Next: Chapter 3

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