Falling and Getting Up

By moc.loa@87317JK

Published on Mar 18, 2007



Falling and Getting up

At a point in time I was lonely as can be. No one to call a true friend. No one to call my own. No one to call family. I was an only child and parents died on my eighteenth birthday. They were on their way to a dinner they were having for me for me at a restaurant called Adelios. They were hit by an eighteen wheeler, when they were getting off I-95, That was going to fast and ran right over my dads Camaro. Needless to say it was the worst day of my life. What made it so much worse, was that Adelios sat right on the interstate. I saw the whole thing from the parking lot as I was waiting for them.

My world just feel apart.

My parents were everything to me. I wasn't what you would call a loner. I had people I hung around with at school. But, that was the extent of our relationship. For some reason, I was just content to be at home and spend time with my parents. I am assuming this is the reason I wanted to be so close to them.

I just didn't know it. But, in hindsight, I am so glad that I did spend what I could with them.

When I was alone though, I was usually out in the garage working with my weights. I have a body that has been developed into what I think is a very well defined and sculpted body. Not as ripped as those muscle heads that live at the gym. But I am not lacking either.

My name is Brody Maynor. I am now 23. But at the time this story takes place I was just 18 and on my own. I am 6'2". Broad chest, slender waist. Nice tight bubble butt. I have blonde hair and blue eyes. You will find out about the other thing later.

I was home, working with my weights all I could. I had just graduated. No job, and my parents funeral over. I was just so consumed with the loss of my hearts, that I just took my frustrations on by working out all the time. I really wasn't adding much muscle. Working out and not giving your muscles a break can really hurt you. But, I din't care. What was there left to live for.

One day I was out in the garage working on my the solo flex when the door bell rang. I didn't know who it was. I had no friends or family. Was just me, so I got up and went to the front door. I looked out the window and there was a UPS deliverey man. I opened the door.

"Hello" I said

"Yes sir, I have a delivery for a Brody Maynor." He replied

"Thats me."

"I just need you to sign on the line and I will bring your parcel in for you."

"Okay" I said.

I signed his little clip board thing and he turned around and walked off to he truck. The truck was really rocking when he climbed in the back. I couldn't figure out what he was doing. It piqued my curiosity. When he finally got out of the back of the truck, he had a huge wooden crate on a hand truck. I knew it had to be heavy for the looks he was making and you could just see the sweat drenching his clothes. I mean that literally. Looked some one was hosing him down. I figured that he might need some help. I would hate to think that he got hurt because I didn't help him. So I ran to the back of the truck.

"Do you want me to help you? It looks damned heavy."

"Please. I was about to drop this damned thing."

While we were dragging it to the house I asked him, "Do you know who sent this. There is no one I know of that even knows I am alive."

"What do you mean that no one knows your alive. I do you are struggling right next to me with this freakin crate."

I relayed everything that had happened to me in the last few months. I had a look of sorrow on his face.

"Sorry, um, I don't know your name."

"Its Josh. Josh Scott."

"Well, sorry Josh, Josh Scott. I didn't mean to bring you down. It's just that I don't really talk to anyone. I just stay here by myself and workout all the time."

"Must be nice in a way. Not that you lost your parents or that you are alone now. Please don't misunderstand me. But, I was talking about those obligations that come from living on your own. You know. Working, paying rent and the sort. The stuff that makes you wish you were a kid again."

"Well, my parents weren't rich, rich. But they had invested wisely and had some money put up. As a matter of fact, in their will, they had it set up, that if something were to ever happen to them, that I would be taken care of the rest of my life. All their estate went in to one big fund. All but stock in one company was sold off. I was left one vehicle and the house. Everything that was non-essential to "me" was sold off and put into the fund as well. The bills are drafted each month from the account.

I never have to worry about bills again. Even if I were to make some, they would be drafted. Honestly I haven't even seen a bill. They are all sent to the executor that is also my parents accountant. I get a lump sum every month for me to spend as I see fit. If I need more I just call the accountant."

"That is pretty damned cool. Not in the way is happened. For you loss I am very truly sorry."

Not even realizing it we had been standing at the front door for like 15 minutes talking. But I felt so good right then. "Man I forgot we were even holding this crate up."

"I forgot too. Good thing you are my last delivery fo the day. But, now that you mention it, my arms are starting to feel like rubber and my legs too. Mind if we take it in the house now?"

"No problem. Lets get it in there."

So we got it in the house. We set it down on the living room floor.

"Josh you want something to drink?"

"Sure. Doesn't matter what as long as it is cold and wet."

"Be right back." I said.

When I got back to the living room, Josh was looking at the pictures over the fireplace. I hadn't even payed attention to how handsome he was. I was just so consumed in my own darkness that I forgot about the lighter side of things. You could tell that he was a strong and powerful man. I judged his age at mid 20's. He had a strong square jawline. A nose that you could tell had been broken at least once, but was still cute. Brown hair with hazel eyes. He had a tattoo on his right arm. Couldn't rally see what it was though because his sleeve covered most of it.

"Here ya go Josh."

He turned around and just looked at me.

"Something wrong?"

"No. Thanks for the drink." He took it from my hand and downed it in one gulp. I took a drink of mine and some condensation dripped on my chest. It was brrrr cold. It was only then that I realized I was standing there in only a pair of white mesh shorts that were pretty much see through right now because of me sweating so much. You could see my thongs through them. At that moment in time I felt embarrassed and totally underdressed. I now know what he was staring at though.

"Excuse me for a minute while I go put on some clothes that don't let everyone see everything." I said whilst blushing.

"Without over stepping my bounds. You look FINE to me." It was Josh's turn to blush now.

"Josh, do you like what you see?" I said while looking down at his growing tent.

"Very much. Can't you tell." He said while stretching his pants over his erect penis.

"Yep, no more proof needed." We both laughed at that.

"Brody, I hope you don't mind me asking you this, and I'm not sure how your going to respond. Hell, I could actually lose my job for this. But could I take you out sometime?"

My heart started racing. I had never even entertained the thought of dating. Especially a dude at that. But it just seemed to fit right now. From what I could tell Josh was caring and compassionate. I knew he was goodlooking.

"Yeah. Sure why not. You know something. This will be my first date."

"I kinda figured when you told me how you spent all your time with your folks. Would tonight be too soon?"

"Tonight would be great. What time?"

"Let's see it is 5:00 right now. By the time I take the truck back and get my truck... Do you mind if I was here? I always keep extra close im my truck for days like today. I generally just go out back of the depot and hose myself down. So I don't have to smell myself on the ride home."

"Sure. That'd be fine."

"Alright then. I'll be back around 5:45."

"See you then."

He turned around and raced to his brown-mobile. I shut the door and went to go get ready. I got to my room. (My parents old room. I felt closer to them staying in their room.) I stripped down and climbed in the shower. Forgetting about this huge crate sitting in the middle of my living room. I scrubbed myself as hard as I could making sure to be as clean as possible. I didn't want to give Josh any reason to decide he doesn't like me. I got out of the shower and just let myself air dry while I shaved the days stubble away. I brushed my teeth and flossed. I then went to my room to find something to wear. I decided on A pair of Levi's Button Fly jeans. Paired witht he right underwear they show an awesome bulge. And they show off my ass right now. Not that I was trying to be slutty or anything. I was genuinely attracted to him. No just wanting in his pants.

I got some clean socks, a Perry Ellis pullover. Now for the big decision. UNDERWEAR. I opened the drawer and my underwear started flying.

I said outloud to no one but my self "Nope, no, uh uh, nah, no, don't think so. Ah, these are perfect. A Gregg Homme Basixx Push Up Jockstrap. Wearing underwear that are padded make the bulge more pronounced but make it a softer bulge. It doesn't just poke out like you are going commando. I got dressed and checked the time. It was now20 til 6. I put on my shoes and just waited for Josh's return. I sat in the living room sitting on the couch watching out the window. I started getting disheartened when it turned 6 o'clock. I turned around and sat there with tears in my eyes thinking why did this happen to me. Wondering why he stood me up. I was getting ready to really start crying when the doorbell rang. I ran to the door and flung it open.

"That excited huh?" Josh asked me.

"No. The bell just scared me. I was deep in thought when it rang." I didn't want him to know how bad I wanted this. Can't let him think I am desperate.

"Oh, okay." He said with a sly grin on his face. He knew the truth.

"Where's your bathroom at so I can get cleaned up?

"Go down the hall and it is the first door on the right. Towels and wash cloths are on the towel rack and there is an unopened bar of soap on the shoer caddy. If you need anything else, just holler."


While Josh was in the bathroom showering I sat down on the couch. Thinking to myself, is he really intrested in me or is he just wanting some sex? I just sat there pondering that for a while. Before I knew He was standing in the doorway. Freshly showered and looking hot as hell. Nice fitting jeans. A nice crisp shirt. He had his hair spiked. I didn't see him take any gel or anything in the bathroom with him. Where did he get the product to do his hair. Oh well, its neither here nor there.

"You ready to go Brody?"

"Let's roll. We do you wanna go?"

"It's a suprise. You'll find out when we get there."

We pulled up to this dumpy looking little place called John's. Didn't really look all that promising. But when we walked in the door. It was a different world. The interior was done in rich deeptones fabrics. Over sized furniture. Dimly lit. All the tables were very private. The type of restaurant that you go to for a romatntic dinner. There was soft musac playing in the background. It was awesome.

"What do you think Brody?"

"It feels weird to be in an upperclass restaurant like this. I'm used to McDonalds or Ryans type places. You know, noisy and very open with spartan deco'r. This is totally awesome."

"Glad you like it."

The Maitre' de came over and took our order. We sat and chatted, while waiting on our food. We both got to know each other quite well. Found out he was an only child as well. Loved lifting weights. He had wrestled and played football in highschool. He was also on the local swim team. I laughed to myself. I was thinking about Bio-Dome when they called swimmers "grape smugglers". I could not imagine what he would look like in a speedo. Bet it was hot though.

Our dinner arrived and we more or less ate in silence. When we were done, we just leaned back and let it settle for awhile.

"That was delicious Josh. I would never have thought this place couldhave food this good, and it is so romantique."

"That was the whole idea. So what would you like to do now?"

"Wanna go see a movie or we could go back to my place and watch a movie."

"Why don't we go back to your place. I overate and wouldn't be comfortable in a movie theater."

We got up and left. When we got to my house, I told Josh to pick out a movie and I would be right back. I have to piss. When I came into the living room, the movie was just starting. I knew this one well, he picked The Lion King. That was funny, thats the theme we used for our Junior Prom. "Can u feel the love tonight" I thought to myself, I hope so.

We were sitting on the couch. Him on one end me on the other. I noticed him looking at me out of the corner of his eye. He leaned over and layed his head in my lap and snuggled down to get comfortable. Of course I instantly boned up. I know he had to feel it. He just shifted his head around and rested his hand on my thigh. I put my hand on his shoulder. I felt his fingers start caressing my thigh. Not helping my little, well, not little, problem any. I started rubbing his shoulder. His hand moved upto my groin and he was now just all out rubbing it. I started moaning.

This was the first time I had EVER been touch by someone else in an intimate way like this. My head was swimming. I reached over and started to rub my palm all over his obviously rigid member. He looked up at me and pulled my head down and kissed me. I was in heaven. I was so overjoyed I didn't kiss him back which left me with a puzzled look from him. I immediately kissed him back to let him know we were good. He sat up as we broke our kiss.

He stood up and said "Where you lead, I shall follow."

And lead I did. Straight to the bedroom. But when I opened the door I saw the mess I had made earlier. I told him "Hold on a sec." I went in the room and threw everything back in the drawer. I opened the door and welcomed him in. He layed me down on the bed and started kissing my neck. It made my toes curl. it was so erotic. I pulled his shirt off and when I was doen he did the same to me. I undud the top button of his jeans and then I undid mine.

I rolled him over and started kissing all over his neck and chest. Paying special attention to his nipples, he squirmed while moaning and graoning. I assumed that he liked it. We rolled all over the bed kissing each other all over. It was time to go a bit further. I completely undid his pants. To my suprise all he was wearing underneath them was a rubber. I was amazed at the size of his cock. It was a bit longer and a good bit thicker than mine.

I said to him "Were you thingking that you were gonna get lucky tonight?"

"I was hoping but, thats not why I wore the rubber. I forgot gel for my hair, so I jacked off and used the cum as gel. I works in a pinch. But I didn't want to make a wet spot in the front of my jeans from post cum. It was a good thing too. I have been hard most of the night and gushing like a water fall." A fact he pointed out by holding up the end of the condom. The resevoir tip was mor than fool of precum.

"That is hot." I said while rolling the rubber of his hard, throbbing beef steak. "I have never done this before. WITH ANYONE. Male or female. So if I do something you don't like just tell me."

"I don't think there is anything you could do I wouldn't like."

I took his pants the rst of the way off and then took mine off. We started kissing again and rolling around. He rolled me over on my stomach and the shocked the hell out of me. He started eating my ass out. He just pulled the straps aside and went to town. I was almost ready to cum. Extrasensory overload again. I rolled over and licked the head of his cock. Savoring my first taste of anything from a mans cock. I took his hard 9" in my mouth and started sucking. I must've felt good. He was making sounds I had overheard my parents room when they were making love. I bobbed up and down on it for about 5 minutes before my jaw started aching.

He then managed to turn around and he started just licking my cock head. That made my 7.5" throb and fill that much more with blood. He stuck his tounge in the piss slit and was sucking my pre cum out. Then he started sucking my whole dick in earnest. Again I was ready to cum. I told him to stop. I didn't want to cum yet.

"Brody, can I fuck you?"

"I don't know. I've definately have never been fucked before. Does it hurt bad?"

"It will if you don't relax. But, I promise to go slow. If you don't like it or it hurts, just let me know and I will stop. But, I definately want you to fuck me."

I layed down on my stomach and he rubbed some lube on my hole. I turned my head and watched while he put a rubber on and lubed it up. He then poured some- thing on my back. It was warm. and he started rubbing it in. It felt soo good. He started rubbing my shoulders and neck. Whatever it was he was using was getting warmer with each rub. Before I knew it he said, "I'm all the way in you. How does it feel?"

"It feels awesome"

He started fucking me with long smooth strokes. I was in extasy. I started telling him "Fuck me. Fuck ME. FUCK ME!!!"

He obliged. He started making short fast jabs into my man pussy. I was loving every bit of it. He was fucking me so hard, the bed was bouncing off the wall and we were sliding on the sheets. With one final thrust, a somewhat painful final thrust, he dug his nails into my back and blasted his load into the hefty bag in my ass.

"URGH. Oh holy hell. ugh. Shit, that was awesome. That tight ass was spectacular."

My only reply was to turn around and kiss him. we untangled ourselves. He turned me onto my back and kissed me again. He stuck a condom in between his teeth. he rolled it down my engorged prick with his lips. That almost made me cum just watching him do that.

"I'm afraid I'm not gonna last long."

"Thats just fine. We got all night to go at it again."

With that , he smeared a little bit of lube on his ass and just impaled himself on me. No warning no nothing. He just jumped on it and slid all the way to the base.

I just about shot my load right then. But, I managed to hold out. I told him to just sit there for a bit. Let me relax so I can really enjoy my first time. We made out with very little movement so I could last. After about five minutes, I told to have at it. He sure did. He looked like he was riding a horse the way he was bouncing up and down on my cock.

"Josh, I getting read to CUM!!! OOOHHHH yeah. Keep riding it oh yeah. Milk my cock with that fuck hole of yours." I filled the rubber up with my baby batter, or in his case his hair gel. I has holding his thighs while I was cumming. He rolled off of me and took his and my condoms off and threw them in the wastebasket. I didn't know that anything could feel that good.

"Josh, I know it is quick but,I think I love you."

"Brody baby, I know I love you."

We shared a passionate kiss. No urgency, just tenderness and love. Josh and I have been together now for 5 years and been living together for 4 1/2. He works a part time job answering phones at a department store. But that is by his choice not mine.

But we are happy and still very much in love.... When I fell he helped me get up.


All comments, questions, and contsructive criticsim are welcum. kj71378@aol.com

Next: Chapter 2

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