Falling in Love

By or tcns

Published on Nov 10, 1998


"Man where IS he?" Aaron asked, drumming impatiently on his steering wheel.

"I have no idea," I said.

"Well, he's YOUR boyfriend," Aaron joked. I looked over with a smile, but Aaron saw me blush. "Whoa, sorry--umm--did not mean to embarrass you. Anyways, that would be cool, I think, but who cares, here he comes."

Aaron started the car as Jake walked up and hopped in the back

"Sorry I took so long," he apologized.

"No problem, man," Aaron replied as he sped off. "I mean, I have only known you for like 2 weeks, you can take advantage of me, right?" We all laughed. Aaron drove home, as we had been doing here recently everyone chatted idlely about school, friends and stuff.

"Oh, Aaron. Jake is working on a Biology project with me, so drop us both off at my place," I said.

"Right." Aaron pulled onto my street. After saying our goodbyes, and Jake saying his usual thanks for the ride, Jake and I walked up to my house. To my surprise no one was home. On the kitchen counter was a note from Mom.

"Todd- Dad's team won the other night, so the next tournament game is tonight. Knew you had homework. There is food in the fridge, help yourself. We should be home around 10. - Mom"

I turned to Jake with a big smile.

"Everyone is gone until 10 tonight. Dad has a baseball game."

"Cool the whole place to ourselves," he said with a cute grin on his face. I smiled at him and stood there while he pulled his backpack off his back and tossed it under the bar in the kitchen. Jake walked over to the pantry and looked for a snack.

"Uhh, Todd??"

"Hmmm??? Yes what?" I pulled my eyes from taking him in.

"Todd, you--uhhh--you ok?"

"Yeah sure why?"

"Well, you were looking at me funny," he said with this strange but cute worried look on his face.

"Huh? Oh nothing, I mean, I don't know."

Right then, Jake did something that totally surprised me. He walked over to where I was standing and put his arms around my waist. Then he looked up at me with his big brown eyes.

"Yes, you do -- you know."

He was right. I did know. I put my arms around him and gave him a big hug. We stood there hugging for probably a full minute, neither one of us saying a thing. I lifted my head from his shoulder and looked him in the eye again, only to see a huge smile on his face. We let each other go and I walked into the kitchen and got us some food.

"Sandwiches?" I asked.

"Sure. Fine with me." I got out all the fixings and made us two great big sandwiches.

"So about this Biology project," I said. "Do you really think that Joe is gonna do his part?"

"Hmmm I dunno. I don't really know him that well."

"Well, I do and he is a slacker. Do you want mayo?"


"Ugh gross," I stuck out my tongue. "Anyways, if he fucks around on this and we get a bad grade... God I hate group projects."

I grabbed a plate, put the sandwiches on it, tossed Jake a soda and took one for myself. We sat in the kitchen, devouring the sandwiches.

"Damn I make good food," I gloated.

"Yeah, well you also wear mustard well," Jake said, pointing to my face. He laughed as I wiped it off.

"Oh that's fine, I slave to make you a good meal and you laugh at me. Fine." I pouted, rather fakely.

"I can think of better things for a slave to do," he said with an evil looking grin. We laughed and laughed.

"Come on," I said. We both grabbed our school bags, and walked down the hall to my room.

"Hey Jake?" I asked as I threw my jacket on the floor and dropped onto my bed.


"What made you come over and hug me just now?"

"Oh, I dunno," he said, kind of looking around my room. "Just did I guess. Maybe cuz of how you were looking at me."

"Well, I was watching you make yourself at home in my pantry," I grinned. "By the way, you can sit down somewhere, you don't have to stand you know."

"OK fine," he said, looking around my room again. Just as I realized there was no where else to sit, he jumped and landed on my bed, knocking me on the floor. I jumped up and tackled him. We laughed and wrestled around on my bed, then he popped me upside the head. I was so surprised that I jumped and fell off the bed. Jake lost his balance and fell on top of me. Seeing he was caught off guard, I flipped him over on his back, jumped on top of him and pinned him to the floor.

"Hah. You lose," I teased. He struggled and tried to get up, but I pinned him good.

"Do not," he retorted.

"How can you not be the loser?"

"Cuz I have a cute Senior sitting on top of me. How is that possibly bad?" he grinned.

Just then I realized that I was sitting on something else. Jake was getting turned on by this. An electric shock went through my body as I looked Jake in the eyes. Saying nothing, I leaned down and kissed him gently on the lips. He tasted like honey and smelled even better. I had never felt anything like this before. I kissed him again, this time with more feeling. He kissed me back. At that moment I felt something change between us.

I looked at him, smiled and let him up. Neither one of us said a word, but just sat smiling at each other. What seemed like forever must have been only a short while, but I was lost somewhere in Jake's eyes.

"SO!!" he suddenly jumped up. "Something about Biology I think."

Jake grabbed his books and I grabbed mine. We sat next to each other on my bed working for a while, but I got restless and begged that we take a break. Jake agreed. We grabbed two more sodas from the kitchen and returned to my room. I stretched out on my bed, and for the second time that night, Jake surprised the hell out of me by laying down next to me and putting his head on my shoulder. I put my arm around him and closed my eyes. I thought about things and realized that I was so happy right then. I was so relaxed and wanted to stay like that forever.

After a long while, I finally broke the silence.


"Yeah?" he answered, not lifting his head.

"I have been thinking, you know, about us. I mean, I like you and stuff."

"Heheh, ok--" Jake chuckled.


"Nothing that was just cute, what you said."

"Oh ok. Anyways, well, I think of you already as a friend and was wondering if--um--" I could not believe I was this nervous. "What I am trying to say is--um--will you go out with me?"

Jake swallowed and looked up at me.

"Yeah -- yes I would like that," he smiled.

He closed his eyes, leaned up and kissed me on the lips. For the second time in an hour, I felt light headed and tingly as I kissed Jake. The more we kissed, the more passionate we got, until he was straddling me, slowly thrusting his hips against me as our tongues met again and again. Jake sat up and looked me in the eyes. I smiled at him and he giggled at me.

"That was nice--" I said.

"Uh huh," he said with that cute grin.

"So have you ever fooled around with anyone?" he asked me.

"You mean guy or girl?"

"Well, either I guess--"

"Actually--" I paused, embarrassed. "I have not done anything with either. How pathetic is a senior in high school that is a virgin? Anyways, how about you?"

"Aww, don't sweat it, Todd. I am too. I mean, I kissed a girl once but it was-" he paused. "It was nothing like you."

"OK, well, listen flattery will get you everywhere, little boy."

We laughed and decided it was time to finish our homework and call it a night. After all my parents and brother would be home soon. As we finished and he packed up his backpack, we chatted about school and stuff. I walked him to the door.

"So, I had fun tonight. Thanks for coming over," I said.

"Yeah hehe, Biology what a blast," he chuckled.

"No, no, not that you asshole, the other parts."

"Yeah," he smiled as he leaned into me with another big hug. I lifted his chin up and kissed him gently on the lips.

"I'll see ya tomorrow morning," I said softly.

"OK, bye." As he left I leaned on the door jam and watched him walk down the driveway.

"What a great guy," I thought to myself. "I really like him."

Closing the door, I walked back to my room and turned on some music. I finished the last bit of homework I had left and got ready for bed. As I laid there, thinking, I remembered how comfortable and relaxed I was when Jake and I cuddled on my bed. As I drifted off to sleep, I curled up with my comforter like it was Jake and slept soundly -- dreaming good dreams.

As before, any constructive input on the story is welcome. I have decided for now, to keep the story realistic and somewhat true to myself, as Todd's character is based somewhat on me. As this particular story has leaned more towards an innocent romantic kind of love story, I think I may keep it that way. More to follow as I figure out where to take the boys.

Email me at strilo1@yahoo.com or tcns@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 3

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