Falling in Love

By or tcns

Published on Apr 9, 1999


Falling in Love - Chapter 5

Waking up with Jake in my arms was amazing. Probably the only thing that could top falling asleep with him. I awoke laying on my back with him cuddled up to my side, his head laying on my chest. Jake was still sound asleep, so I just lay there watching him sleep. He stirred eventually, reaching up with his hand and rubbing his face.

"Morning, sexy," I smiled down at him.

"Mmm," he groaned softly, rolling over on his side, facing away from me. I turned and cuddled right up behind him, wrapping my arm around his torso.

"Mmmm, that feels good," Jake finally said.

"What, the cuddling?"

"Yeah I love this."

"Me too," I agreed. He turned his head to look me in the eyes, then gave me a kiss. I kissed back and he turned to fully wrap his arms around me in a hug. Before I knew it, he was laying on top of me with his arms around me kissing me on the cheek.

"I love you," he said with a cute smile.

"I love you too, Jay."

We cuddled more and finally decided to get up, so Jake could get home to work on a school project that was due soon. We ate breakfast together, nothing fancy, just cereal and orange juice. Then we decided that being we both needed to shower, we would just do it together. After all, no one was home nor would they be coming home soon, so how many chances like this would we get?

"Here ya go," I said, tossing Jake a towel. "You get the pink one."

"Fuck you," he laughed at me. "Besides, this isn't pink... it's like... light magenta."

"Oh ok... only a FAG would know that!!"

"Hey that's mean," Jake said with a big pout on his face. "Take that back."

"Awwwww," I said, thinking I really upset him. "I am sorry babe. I didn't mean to--"


Before I realized, Jake had wound up and snapped me hard with the "pink" towel. It was a good one and hurt like a mother fucker.

"OUCH!!! Goddamn it, you little shit!!" I yelped.

Jake just laughed and ran into the bathroom. I grabbed a towel for myself and followed him. He had already got the water running and was looking at me all weird. Finally he walked over to me, reached down and slid my boxers to the floor. Partly because of the newness of this, and partly because of the look on his face, I could feel myself getting hard. Without a word, but with a coy smile, Jake took off his boxers too and pulled me into the shower. I stood under the running water and pulled Jake into my arms under the hot spray.

"Hey Jake," I said as we stood there under the running water.


"I just wanted to say thanks for last night."

Jake turned to look up at me.

"You mean for the sex?"

"Yeah, hehehe... I really enjoyed it. And I enjoyed falling asleep with you even more."

"Well you are incredibly comfortable to cuddle with, Todd."

"ME?? YOU are totally like a little cuddle bug or something," I exclaimed with a big smile.

"Cuddle bug, eh? Hmmmm I do not remember learning about those in Biology. Gonna have to start paying more attention."

"Yeah and stop checking out the hot senior in the class," I joked.

"What hot senior?" He smiled innocently.

I didn't say anything, but just splashed a handful of water up in his face.

"Oh... YOU. Of course how could I forget," he laughed.

"That's better... make sure it doesn't happen again," I said with mock seriousness.

We finished our shower without further incident and ran, giddy and naked, to my room. We both dressed, hugged, made out and got ready to go. Jake grabbed his pack, I grabbed the keys and we headed over to his house in Dad's truck.

"We have got to do this again, sometime," Jake said as we pulled into his driveway.

"Yeah I agree."

"Anyways, thanks a lot. I will see you soon right?" Jake asked as he stepped out of the truck.

"Of course, silly."

"OK call me tonight," Jake said looking in the open door.

"OK I will."

"Love you."

"Love ya back."

I watched him walk up the driveway, made sure he was able to get in, then waved and drove off, humming to the song on the radio.

"Hey, cute stuff," I heard quietly as I sat in the school library reading. I looked up and saw Jake smiling at me.

"Hey what's up?"

"Nothing much, just need to use the computers here so my study hall teacher let me come down."

"Kewl. I am just reading 'Fahrenheit 451' for English. Mr. Allen said I could come down here if I wanted."

"OK well, I will be right over here," Jake said, gesturing to the nearest computer. He went over and sat down, getting to work on whatever homework he had. I continued to read for a while, getting into the book, which I was really enjoying. Suddenly I felt someone tap the book from over my shoulder and looked to see who it was.

"Hey G, what up?"

Oh good lord it was Spencer. The most annoying little punk I had ever met. I mean this kid was totally like that one Offspring song 'Pretty Fly for a White Guy.' He totally thought he was some smooth black guy with lots of chicks and a total image. Like some big man on campus or something. In reality he was just damn annoying.

"Nothing, Spencer. Just trying to read."

He just laughed and walked off. Just as I was getting back to my book, I heard him bug Jake. Same thing.

"Hey there, little G. Whazzup??"

"Journalism, Spencer."

"Oh yeah that's cool," Spencer replied with obvious mock interest.

I tried not to pay too much attention, but could not help overhear Spencer being his annoying usual self, not leaving Jake alone. Finally he asked Jake another stupid question, which Jake seemed to ignore.

"Hey, dog, I asked you a question," I heard Spencer say.

"Look, Spencer, I am working, so why don't you stop being annoying and leave me the fuck alone?" Jake said, getting angry.

Noticing that Jake was getting mad, I put down my book, stood up and started towards them just in time to hear Spencer's reply.

"Ohh... look at this. Is the little faggot gettin' mad?"

Hearing this I stopped dead in my tracks, astonished at what I had heard. Jake stopped typing and turned slowly to look Spencer in the eye.

"What did you say?" Jake asked, anger dripping from his voice.

"I said 'Is the little faggot--"

Before Spencer could finish repeating himself, Jake jumped up, sending his chair crashing to the floor. He grabbed Spencer and pulled him to his feet. Before he could react, Jake punched Spencer hard in the mouth, sending him sprawling across the floor towards me. Spencer landed at my feet.

"What the FUCK was that for??" Spencer yelled, wiping blood from his lip. Without thinking, I grabbed Spencer and yanked him once again to his feet. I pulled him close so we were face to face. Spencer's eyes grew wide when he recognized me.

"I think you better apologize for that before I knock you flat, Spencer." I said through clenched teeth. Before anything else happened, a teacher ran over.

"You, young man... let go of him RIGHT NOW!!!"

Without looking at the teacher, I let go of Spencer's jacket and stepped away from him.

"Both of you," she continued. "To the office right now."

Jake looked at her like he wanted to protest, but grabbed his pack and walked out of the library not even looking my way. I walked back to my chair, threw my book in my bag and headed out the door of the library, with the teacher right behind me.

We walked down the hall, around the corner and down the stairs to the front of the main office. I never got in trouble so I had no clue what to expect. I walked in and saw Jake sitting in a chair.

"Sit down," the teacher told me, pointing to a chair next to Jake. I sat down as she knocked, then walked into Mr. Cole's office. Mr. Cole is the Vice Principal in charge of discipline. I knew that much. I sighed out loud, trying to relax and looked at Jake. His eyes were glued to the floor.

"Jake," I whispered. "Are you ok?"

"Yeah I guess. Just mad."

"At Spencer?"

"Yeah and at myself. I shouldn't have gotten mad like that, but he's SO annoying, and I have had a long day."

"I dunno maybe they will understand, ya know?" I reassured.

"I have no clue. I guess maybe... I mean, that's Mrs. Young. And...well, she knows. I mean I kinda told her."

"You DID??"

"Well, we turn in this daily diary journal thing for health class and, well... I kinda wrote about you," he grinned sheepishly.

"Oh my god, really???"

"Well, yeah. So then the other day she called me over after class and we talked about it for a bit. She is cool with it and asked a lot about you. I dunno, Mrs. Young has always been one of my favorite teachers."

Just then, she came out of Mr. Cole's office and asked us both to come in. Mr. Cole motioned for us both to sit in the chairs before his desk while Mrs. Young stood next to Jake.

"Mr. Dahrens and Mr. Hunter. Mrs. Young was just telling me about a little incident in the library. Would you care to explain a little bit here?" he asked, pointing first at Jake.

"Well," Jake began, "I was working on my journalism and Spencer came over and starting bugging me. He said something that really made me mad and I kinda did something I shouldn't have."

"What did he say?" Mr. Cole asked.

"Well... he called me a faggot... and I got real mad and punched him."

"And you Mr. Hunter?"

"I just was trying to protect my friend, Mr. Cole. I just grabbed him and told him to leave Jake alone."

"Well, boys, I have talked this over with Mrs. Young. She saw the whole thing and heard everything that Spencer said. Jake she also told me about your journal not because she had to but because she cares about you."

I was totally surprised by this, and I heard Jake's reaction.

"So I know that you are both gay and want you both to know that we do not condone intolerance at this school, whether it is racial, religious or sexual orientation. Spencer's comment was way out of line and his actions will be addressed by me. However, boys, this does NOT excuse your behavior at all. I can understand getting angry and being offended by a comment like this, but you should never let it get to the point of physical violence. Understand?"

Both Jake and I nodded together.

"If something like this happens again, you come to me and I will deal with it immediately."

"Yes sir," Jake said.

"I also want you boys to know that your secret will stay exactly that. I will not be sharing it with any other teachers or anyone, ok?"

Again we both nodded together, kind of in shock. I mean... now ADULTS knew and they were ok with it. Or seemed to be anyway. At this point Mr. Cole handed us both notes to get into our classes that were well in progress and told us to get going. We walked out of the office together, grabbed our bags and headed out of the Main Office.

"You ok?" I asked Jake as we walked towards our classes.

"Yeah I am."

Once we were outside between buildings, I started talking again.

"Jay, listen... I love you and... I don't want anything to happen to you ok? And if that means I get hurt or whatever trying to protect you I will."

"Todd, you don't have to. I mean, I can handle myself. No one is gonna hurt me. Besides I was dumb to react to Spencer that way. He probably did not even know anything, and was just being annoying. I mean he calls other people faggot. I just let him get to me, which was stupid."

"Well, I would have gotten pissed at him too. I mean I was getting ready to flatten him when Mrs. Young came over."

"Yeah yeah," he smiled. "Anyway I have to get to class. See ya after school."

"OK see ya."

As usual, any constructive input on the story is welcome.

Email me at strilo1@yahoo.com or tcns@hotmail.com

Next: Chapter 6

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