Fame Love and Reality

By Alex A

Published on Mar 16, 2002


Fame, Love & Reality

Legal Disclaimer: This story will be centered most on the BSB characters and many other famous people, and by the way this has nothing to do with any of the celebrities mentioned before. This doesn't involve anything from their real lives and sexualities because it is just fiction, a story made from my mind. If you are under age and this is not legal to be read in your area, please leave immediately. If you feel like not getting with the material you're in about to read and that homosexual stuff offend you, then, please don't read it and also leave as soon as possible. Otherwise, feel free to start reading and enjoy it. I'm Alex and if you have any kind of comments, good or bad, you can send them to alexfire2264@hotmail.com. I would be pleased to read all of them.

Author's Note: Hey everyone, first of all, I want to apologize for the long delay, I'm so sorry but school's work and family matters are keeping me busy. I've been thinking about making another story line on Fame, Love & Reality as the way many readers want but I still need time to think things well. If I decide to do that, then it'll be like pick your own storyline thing, one it'll be the original idea I had for FL&R and the other one will be the way many readers want it to be, so this means that I'll be using their ideas. HOWEVER, I'm not sure yet. In the mean time, I'll continue with the original storyline.

To my buddy ND, thank you so much for being a great friend.

Stories I recommend, "Nick and Ashley" By ND, "Encountering Nick" By Kevin, and "Get Another Boyfriend" By Travis, these are really great pieces of work, go and check them out.

Not having anything else to say, here we go...!

Fame, Love & Reality Chapter 4

Two weeks have passed since the boys finished their European tour, and now they are in about to start another one all over the US and Canada during spring and summer. It was good to be home though. Brian was staying at Nick's house in Tampa and Howie and AJ were staying at Kevin's place in Orlando. This wasn't a usual arrangement since each of them had their own place but it had to be like that because they needed to work on some publicity stuff in both towns before the tour kicked off. During these two weeks, many things happened. Brian took the decision of trying to get over his feelings for his cousin and he asked Nick for help.

"Hey Bri, are you getting ready? You're taking too long..." Nick shouts from the other side of his room's door but he gets no reply from his friend. "Bri? What the hell are you doing?" Nick gets tired of waiting so he tries the handle and opens the door just to find Brian sleeping soundly on his bed.

"Oh man, I thought that you would be showering by now, we gotta go remember?" Nick says as Brian begins to wake up.

"Mmmm! Can't you just go away and let me sleep a bit more?" Brian asks his eyes still closed.

"No way sleepy head, we gotta go together and you better be ready in a half hour if you don't want to get killed by Shon who is on his way here." Nick says throwing the covers to the floor revealing Brian's naked body sporting a major morning hard on.

'Oh my God! Look at that, he looks just like Kevin' Nick thinks to himself as he stares at Brian who is getting up from bed.

"You know when Kevin and the rest of the guys are coming?" Brian asks.

"Well, actually, last time I talked to AJ, we are the ones going there. He told me that we had to go to Orlando next weekend, I guess that is because of the new management adjustments!" Nick answers, "But why you ask?".

"Nothing special, I just miss my cousin... And Howie and AJ too of course." Brian says. "Yeah right!" Nick mumbles "Come on Bri, we're running out of time!" Nick says as he finishes organizing his bed.

The truth is that Brian hasn't been able to get over those feelings for Kevin, he is not even trying to move on. Somehow, Nick sensed this, he really wants to help his friend but he is feeling uncomfortable because he hasn't told Brian about himself. In this moment, all his thoughts were focused on Brian. Maybe he was waiting for something or someone who might bring a change to his life, but what he doesn't know is that that person is very close but he hasn't noticed yet.

"It is just so you know that I'm not going to be at home early because I've some stuff to do with the Backstreet Boys." Shon leaves a message and then he closes his cell phone.

When Brian went inside the bathroom inside the bathroom, Nick went over his desk and opened a drawer from where he pulled out a picture of Kevin, Brian and him. Kevin was in the middle and he was hugging them. Alexander took that picture last summer when they were making the video for "Quit Playing Games" where it was supposed to be raining. They were all wet and they all looked so happy. Nick couldn't help but smile at the picture. He remembered then, two weeks ago when Brian told him that he was gay and that he was in love with Kevin. Everything had turned to frustration since then. The problem was that he didn't have the enough courage to tell Brian and Kevin about his feelings. However, Nick also knew that he had to do it somehow.

"I love you guys... But I love you even more Kev!" Nick says to the picture as he kisses it. Then Nick hears the doorbell so he goes downstairs and opens the door to Shon who is standing there grinning at him, Yeah, I know, that's not usual coming from him but today he was in a good mood.

"OK, now that smile on your face is so impossible, I mean weird, did Hell freeze over, is the sky falling?" Nick says sarcastically.

"Good morning Nicholas, and no, Hell stills burning, and the sky stills up there with no intentions of falling down!" Shon replies and then he burst in laughter.

"Whatever Mcalister...!" Nick says "Anyway, come on in man, I like when you are in a good mood." Nick finishes allowing Shon entrance to his house.

"And where is Brian?" Shon asks taking a seat on the loveseat in the living room.

"What are you doing?" Nick asks, "Come on up with me, I guess Brian must be done with his shower!" They go upstairs and both Nick and Shon get to the room just in time to see Brian coming out from the bathroom totally naked. His face turns into several shades of red when he sees Shon standing there in front looking at him without any clothes on so he just quickly tries to cover himself with the towel.

"Oh God I'm so sorry Brian, I'll be waiting outside and don't worry, take your time!" Shon says as he gets out from Nick's room.

"Damn it Nick! Why the hell do you bring him upstairs? That was so embarrassing!" Brian yells at Nick who is laughing his ass off.

"What is so funny you dick-head? We'll get even later Frack!" Brian says with an evil grin painted across his face.

"Oh shut up and get dressed." Nick replies calming a bit from his outburst.

Meanwhile, outside the room, Shon was standing there in deep thought. He was still thinking about what he had just seen and he is terrified that he actually liked it. It excited him a lot to see Brian naked but he also felt something more than just excitement, he felt some kind of attraction. Now Shon was clarifying many doubts he had about himself. In the beginning he thought that he had gotten rid of those thoughts from his adolescence but no, they still there, deep inside his mind. He used to think that he was gay because when he was fifteen years old, he liked a guy from his Chemistry class but then, seven years later, he had found love with a girl, who is now his fiancée.

"God! What the hell? Something must be wrong with me, I thought that I was over it with that issue!" Shon says out loud not realizing his mistake.

"What do you say must be wrong with you Shon?" A voice asks from behind scaring the hell out of him.

"Oh nothing Nick, just thinking out loud about something here!"

"But you sure you're OK?"

"Yeah Nick, I'm fine don't worry!"

"Alright man, we're ready to go!" Brian says.

"Ok then, lets go!" Shon says.

In the mean time, in Orlando, Kevin was going crazy with all the stuff he had to do. There was a pile of papers over his desk with the information about the incoming tour. AJ and Howie weren't a great help though, they were out doing some shopping and they left all the work to poor Kevin. God, how considerate they were. Kevin decided to take a break and work out a little bit since he had the enough time to do so. He went to his room to change clothes and opened his closet. He took out a pair of black sweat pants and a white T- shirt. Curiously, Kevin had a copy of the same picture Nick has from the three of them. Time ago when he realized that he was in love with Nick, he put that picture on his closet's door. Kevin stood there staring at it for a few minutes. "God! Nick I miss you so much!" Kevin whispered to himself but soon the calm was interrupted by an annoying yell.

"WE ARE BACK KEV!" AJ shouts from the living room.

Kevin puts on his work out clothes and heads to the living room where Howie and AJ were checking out all the clothes and stuff they bought but as always, making a big mess in Kevin's living room, something that Kevin didn't like at all. "So, the children decided to show up early, just in time to help their daddy with his work!" Kevin says with an evil grin.

"What do you mean Kev, I thought that you had finish it all by your self!" AJ says kind of confused.

"Oh really...! Well, I'm sorry guys but the problem is that I can't do this all by myself so both of you are going to help me like it or not!" Kevin yells at his friend with moderate anger. He couldn't help it anymore so he exploded because he was very annoyed by AJ attitude.

Shon, Brian, and Nick get out from Nick's house and they head to Shon's BMW. When Shon is about to open the door, he accidentally drops the keys to the floor. Both Brian and him kneel down at the same time to pick them up and Brian reaches for them first, then, Shon places his hand on Brian's causing them to look at each other in the eyes. They stay there for what it seems an eternity, staring into each other's eyes. Brian sees in Shon something special but he is not sure what it is. "Umm! Did you guys find the keys? I mean, we gotta go remember?" Then they realize that Nick is standing there waiting for them to get in the goddamn car so they get up as fast as possible.

"So Shon, where are we going?" Nick asks getting inside the car.

"We're going to an elementary school nearby to make some publicity stuff and then we have a meeting with my superior at the Firm's office to pick up some instructions you should deliver Kevin next weekend." Shon answers as he starts the car.

"I don't get this man, why do we have to make publicity in an elementary school?" Nick asks innocently.

"Nick... You know... Sometimes, children can be our greatest fans in the world so we need to let them know that we care about the little ones too!" Brian tries to explain things to Nick.

"Oh that's cool, I like children." Nick says happily.

"But of course you do," Brian says, "Since you're one of them, you enjoy being around people of your same nature!"

"Shut up, you're just jealous because I'm younger than you!" Nick snaps at Brian. This makes Shon laugh a bit.

"What are you laughing at?" Brian asks and then both Nick and Shon burst in laughter.

"Don't worry Brian, don't pay attention to Nick, you're not old, instead, look at me, this you can call old!" Shon says.

"Nah! Don't say that man, you're not old!" Brian replies.

Actually, that's true, Shon is not old, he is just twenty-six years old and he looks younger. Shon Macalister is the typical cute tall blonde British guy with green emerald eyes and a gorgeous smile. For a manager, he had a very good body build, it seems that he had work hard to get what he has now. He comes from a very wealthy family in London, he once was part of the British Royalty but he wasn't into that crap so he told his parents that he wanted to live his life on his own and far away from Queen Elizabeth, so America was the best place to start a new life in.

Fifteen minutes later, Shon is parking the car in the school's parking lot. There they stay for a few minutes so Shon can explain to Brian and Nick what they are gonna be doing in there, as a matter of fact, this wasn't going to be an easy task for them. They had to be very patient since they were going to be dealing with kids. For some reason, Brian starts arguing with Nick once again and Shon just stays there staring at Brian the whole time while he argues with his friend. The weird thing is that he doesn't do anything to stop them. Well, we know that Shon has a terrible temper and he gets mad so often that it was becoming annoying like it happened during the European tour.

'Why I keep looking at Brian?' Shon thinks to himself and then he sees a hand waving in front of his face.

"Hey Shon, are we gonna go or are we gonna stay here all day?" Nick asks.

"Yup, we're going, lets go!" He replies.

The sound of children playing, laughing, talking, screaming, crying and fooling around could be heard all the way down the large hall. Inside the auditorium, Nick is confronting the most difficult challenge of his life... He is trying to calm down all the 256 children that were inside that place.

"BE QUIEEEEEEEEEEEET EVERYBODY!" Shon yells at the top of his lungs.

Soon all the kids were quiet and paying attention to what Shon was saying. Almost all the teachers from the school were there too and the Principal of course.

Many of the kids knew who they were but some of them didn't but that wasn't a big issue, Brian and Nick made them sing with them a couple of songs and then they went to play in the playground.

"Listen Caroline, I'm not in the mood to be discussing this again, I'm not having an affair, why can't you just believe me huh? You don't trust me anymore? Oh I see... Then I guess we must call off the wedding then... Listen, I think that you and me have to work some things out and in the mean time, I'm calling the wedding off, we're not getting married ya hear me... Well that's because you don't trust me anymore... You see, you're suspecting that I'm with someone else right now... Well you're wrong!" Shon snaps to his fiancée and then he turns his cell phone off. He's been having some problems in his relationship with Caroline Ray Patrick, a very famous Hollywood actress. Shon wasn't showing much interest to her in past few months so this made Caroline suspect about Shon cheating on her, the thing is that he is not cheating on her, he is just gay.

"What's wrong Shon?" Brian asks as he comes near Shon who by the time had some tears rolling down his cheeks.

"KEEEEEV!" AJ Shouts, "Howie doesn't want to share his ice cream with me!"

"Oh God! What did I do to deserve this?" Kevin sighs, then the phone rings and soon AJ is answering.

"Good evening, this is the Richardson's residence, how may I help you?" AJ says, faking a butler's voice.

"What the fuck was that, Kevin doesn't have a butler!" The voice says.

"Well, certainly he doesn't have one but since I'm here, he treats me like if I were one!" AJ says, "Anyway, who the hell am I talking to here?"

"It's me you asshole, Nick!" Nick says.

"Oh hey, what's up dude where are ya?"

"Doing some publicity stuff in an elementary school near my house but tell me, is Kevin around!"

"Yeah, he is around here but before I forget, your friend Justin Timberlake called, he needs to talk to you urgently!"

"Oh really, didn't he say what was it about?"

"Nope, he just said that he would be waiting for your call!" "OK, I'll call him as soon as I get home!"

"Alright bro, hold on a sec, I'll get Kevin and tell Brian I say hi, see ya!"

"OK, take care Bone!"

While AJ goes to look for Kevin, Nick thinks about Justin's message, well, this could be kind of ironic but Justin and Nick are great friends, he is the only person who knows about Nick being gay. I know that Brian and Nick are best friends but Nick didn't have the guts to tell him that he is gay and that he is head over heels in love with his cousin. Now things are worst since he knows that Brian is gay and that he loves Kevin too. Before The Backstreet Boys went touring around Europe, Nick called Justin to tell him how he felt about Kevin and there's when he found out about Justin being gay too and his crush on JC Chases. 'I wonder what would Justin need to talk to me about?' Nick thinks to himself.

"Hey yo, Grandpa! Somebody wants to talk to you by the phone!" AJ yells.

"Shut up and leave me alone!" Kevin says as he comes and takes the phone from AJ's hands.


"Hey Kev, how are ya?" Nick asks with enthusiasm.

"Oh hey Nicky, what's up!" Kevin says and then a huge grin comes to his face. Actually he is happy to be talking to Nick since he has been so stressed out because of AJ and Howie.

"KEV, HOWIE STILL DOESN'T WANNA SHARE THE ICE CREAM WITH ME!" AJ yells from the kitchen as he chases Howie.

"Keep it down you two I'm talking here!" Kevin replies, "So Nick, How is it going over there?"

"Well, everything is fine, we're doing great with the kids and all. Later we have to go to the Firm's office to pick up some stuff you should check so I just wanted to let you know that Shon, Brian and I are coming over there on Friday so be aware!"

"Well lets see if you guys find me alive by the time you get here!"

"But why is that Kev?"

"These two children are going to drive me nuts and therefore they'll kill me!"

"Don't worry Kev, I'll rescue you!"

"Oh thanks, but you think you can do it now?"

"I'm afraid not but I'll try by Friday OK?"

"OK any kind of help is welcome here!"

"Sure man, so I'll be talking to you!"

"Yeah Nick, god, I can't wait for you guys to get here!"

"Me too and Kev...!"

"Yes Nick?"

"I miss you!"

"I miss you too Nick!"

"Alright man, I gotta go so see ya later Kev!"

"Bye Nick take care!" Kevin says and then Nick hangs up the phone "I love you!" Kevin whispers, "I guess that me loving you it's going to be my secret forever!"

Brian sees that Nick leaves the classroom to call Kevin so he goes to the playground where Shon is sitting in one bench crying. It is also weird to see Shon Macalister crying to so he goes near and sits next to him.

"What's wrong Shon?" Brian asks.

"Nothing Brian, no big deal, it's just that sometimes I think that life has been so unfair to me." Shon replies.

"Well, if you don't mind me asking, would you care to talk about it with me?" Brian says.

"I don't mind Brian and thanks for your concern." Shon says wiping the tears from his eyes.

"It's OK, what are friends for?" Brian says flashing a beautiful smile, which makes Shon smile too.

"The problem is that I'm calling off my wedding with Caroline, things haven't been working very well between us!" Shon says.

"Oh man, I'm so sorry, but why do you say that things haven't been working well between you guys?" Brian asks as he puts an arm around Shon's shoulder.

"It's practically my fault, I haven't been paying much attention to her in the few last months so now she thinks that I'm having an affair!" Shon says as more tears form in his eyes.

"So, she doesn't trust you anymore. Why don't you make it up to her, I mean, go and spend more time with her, try to take care more about your personal live than your job, but the most important thing that you should do is tell her that you still love her and that-" Brian says but Shon cuts him in the middle of his sentence.

"I can't do that because I don't love her anymore, I can't live lying to her and making her believe that everything is happiness to me!" Shon replies sobbing hard.

"But is there another girl that you're falling for? I mean, there's gotta be a reason!" Brian says.

"No Brian, there is no reason and I'm not falling for another girl...!" Shon takes a deep breath and then continues "The problem here is that... that... I'm gay!"

Shon sees Brian's expressionless face so he gets up and then runs inside the school not knowing where to go.

"SHON WAIT!" Brian yells as he gets up and follows him. He runs all the way down the hallway and then stops to see Shon standing next to the entrance door sobbing.

"Shon, it's fine, lets go and talk somewhere else." Brian says hugging Shon tightly. "I'm here to help you, I'm here for you Shon!"

To Be Continued...

God, that was a hard one to write, well considering all the problems I had with my computer. However, I hope you guys enjoyed this and once again sorry for the lateness, I'm working now on chapter 5 and I'm not so sure when is it going to be out but I can promise you great changes and surprises. Remember, All comments are welcome to alexfire2264@hotmail.com. See you all and don't forget about the introduction of FL&R, it is very important for the understanding of this story.

Next: Chapter 5

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