Family Debt

By slut

Published on Apr 24, 2006


The story is pure fiction. Comments and communication are welcome - and thank you to all those who kindly contacted me about Part One.

Family Debt - Part Two

It wasn't much of a choice. Suck off my father-in-law now in front of my family or a string of fellow cons in front of the whole cell block once I was sentenced. It wasn't that simple, of course. It was obvious this wasn't going to be the end of it, but I was frantically rationalising and letting tomorrow take care of itself when tomorrow comes. I looked over at Claire.

"You're actually going to do it, aren't you?" she said, her eyes wide.

"There're things you don't know about your husband, Claire," Tom said. "Things perhaps you should know."

"Such as?" she asked contemptuously, turning her face coldly to him.

He reached down and picked up the second envelope. He extracted the thick wad of paper and photographs that were the contents and thumbed through them. I watched him nervously as he selected a sheet of paper full of printing.

"One of his internet conversations," he said, passing it across. "The chatter called cockwhore is John, and the other two are both men. All fantasy, of course. He hasn't had the guts to make his fantasies reality. So you could day I'm doing him a favour."

I watched her read it, her face slowly changing. Disgust replaced contempt.

"Then there's these," Tom said, spreading a collection of photographs across the table. "Samantha printed them off for me, from John's computer but she could have done so from any of the sites he's contributed them to. I take it they were not done with your consent."

I cringed inside as she stared at the photos in horror. Some had our bedroom as a background and others the bathroom - the money I had stolen from Tom had bought some very sophisticated surveillance equipment. All of them were of her, and in all of them she was nude or nearly so. I was relieved, at least, that he hadn't produced any of those of Dawn, but then realised that he was doubtlessly holding them for later. And I also remembered at that point that I had taken some of Samantha when she was staying with us, and those she would definitely have seen.

"You shit!" Claire spat at me. "You lousy little shit!"

"I must say you have a good body for your age, Claire," Tom said, smiling. "Very nice indeed."

"I don't really think that's an appropriate comment from you, Dad," she said haughtily.

He laughed. "You still don't .understand, do you?" he said. "The definition of what is appropriate has changed drastically, and it'll be me writing the definitions from now on."

He pulled another photo from the wad and laid it out. This one was of me, though unlike those of Claire this was headless. Claire looked at it confused, and then he hand shot to her mouth as she cast me another venomous glance.

"That's my underwear he's wearing," she said, shaking her head in disbelief

"I know," Tom said smugly. "There was a sequence of shots of you getting dressed in your bedroom where those were what eventually came off."

He peeled off another photo and laid it beside the first.

Claire looked again, it seemed with more interest as the revelations about me grew.

"Those are not mine," she said. "But I do recognise them."

She thought for a moment, and then turned her head to me once more. There was a new look in her eyes, one I couldn't quite interpret. Some part of her was definitely changing, had changed over the past ten minutes and was continuing to change. Shock, maybe. Or perhaps something else. I couldn't tell.

"That bra and those panties are Dawn's," she said apparently calmly. "You've been wearing your own daughter's underwear and taking photos of yourself."

I nodded, unable to speak.

"Your three minutes is just about up," Tom said, but neither of us turned at the sound of his voice.

"Go suck Daddy's cock," she said levelly. "I think you deserve it, you little faggot. And I think I deserve to watch."

There was the sound of a key in the door. It was now or never. The decision that was going to decide the rest of my life, and my family's, had to be made this very second. I pushed myself off the sofa and dropped to my knees in front of Tom. I looked up into his face and saw the triumph there, and then down at the still limp cock flopping across his lap. Close to, it looked even more old and gnarled. In my fantasies it had always been a young and attractive cock that would first take me, but that was fantasy and this was reality. I took it in my hand, feeling the clamminess of his skin, and without thinking took the head into my mouth. It felt alien and strange there, and I almost jumped when it grew a little.

I heard Tom chuckle, and then the voices of Steve and Dawn chatting as they came into the house. Their voices cut off suddenly, and there was an unnatural silence.

"Evening, Samantha," Tom said. "Perfect timing. As you can see, John has made the choice we expected him to. Hello, you two. How was the bowling?

I kept my head down, knowing the sight I must be presenting to my children and wanting above all else not to have to look at them. But I could feel my own cock getting hard inside my trousers, and excitement rising in me at the very same thought of what they were seeing. Their father at their grandfather's feet, his cock in my mouth. A cock that had now grown stiff and hard. Tom was evidently enjoying the situation.

"What the.." It was Steve who found his voice first.

Tom chuckled again. "This, Steve?" he asked. "You wondering why your daddy is sucking your grand pappy's dick? Well, of course you are. But all will become clear in time. Samantha, could you and Claire take the kids into the kitchen and give them something to eat? And explain the situation to them, and their own choices in the matter?"

"It'll be pleasure, Dad," I heard Samantha say, and I could imagine the smirk on her face that underlay the words. ""Come on, Claire. Let's leave the boys to their fun for a while."

I sensed them all leaving, and heard Samantha herding them out of the room. I wondered how I was ever going to look Steve and Dawn in the face again.

"I didn't want to embarrass you in front of your family, John," Tom said quietly. "But I'll tell you now that that you don't know the first thing about sucking a cock. Still, you'll learn in time. You'll get plenty of practice, on me and others, and you'll learn or suffer the consequences. Now stand up."

I let his subsiding cock fall from my mouth and rose to my feet. I could still taste his cock on my tongue, as if I always would. He looked up at me, and smiled.

"Claire seems to have started thinking that this is all about you," he said. "That only you will be paying the price of the two of you living dishonestly off me all these years. And she's angry with you over the photos you took of her and posted on the net, so that's alright by her. She always was one for putting up the blinkers. "He picked up one of the nude photos of her from the table and studied it, gently stroking his cock as he looked at it. "But she'll be getting a rude awakening soon enough."

"Why do you have to involve Steve and Dawn, Tom?" I asked. "They didn't know I was stealing from you. Claire did, but they didn't."

"Because I want to," he said, matter-of-factly. "And because I can. I am offering them a reasonable deal, John. Very reasonable. A good education paid for by me, better than the one they're getting now, until they are old enough to fend for themselves. And all they have to give up are the luxuries paid for with money stolen from me. They have a choice, though I think I know which way they will go."

So did I. Much as I loved them, even I had to admit that they were spoilt rotten.

"Strip," Tom said suddenly, startling me.

I began to obey without even thinking about it. Within minutes I was standing stark naked there in the in the living room before him.

"Good boy," he said, looking me up and down. "I think you are going to learn very quickly." He reached forward and picked up the photo of me in Dawn's pale blue bra and panties. "Go to Dawn's room and find these," he said. "If they are not in the drawer, look in the washing basket. Then come back here."

My time for arguing was past. I knew that the die was cast now, and nothing was ever going to change the score. Meekly, I walked naked from the living room and up the stairs to Dawn's room.

Next: Chapter 3

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