
By Rubber Rider

Published on Jul 30, 2010


Farming Part 13 -- John heads for Clara Station

I take off about 4:15 am it is just getting light, the landscape is beautiful and arrive over Clara Station at 10:15 hrs, I call the station and no response but the Doc plane on the air field, I land and refuel and then head over to the managers house on entry I see the Doc stretched out and he rouses as I walk in. Hi Doc how are things, Pete is very distraught following Keith's passing so I gave a good sedative to make him sleep and hopefully come back to normal. Have you had any breakfast yet, nothing since late yesterday afternoon, ok come with me and leave sleeping beauty and I take the Doc to the Cookhouse and request the cook to make two good breakfasts, he asks what is going on. A sad story Keith passed away last night from a massive heart attack, and Pete is very distraught so the Doc hear has knock him out for some hours, I have just flown in from High Creek and later today Jim our Boss will be here so you will have two extra to feed.

OK must get two good breakfasts anything you do not like Doc, I'll have toast instead of hash-browns and same for me please. There is Tea over there always fresh. We both get ourselves a large mug of Tea and take a seat bye the way my name is Ted and I'm John. We have seen each other several times, gosh this tea goes down well, and I wonder if Keith has any living relatives Ted says he never said anything to me about his private life. Bye now we have been served a really great breakfast and it goes down well and after another mug of tea we head back to the house. The Doc goes and checks on Pete and he is sleeping peacefully, he says let him sleep and here are two sleeping pills one for to-night and hold the other in reserve. I'm going to head back home now and leave things in your hands. I'll drive you out to the strip don't bother I need the walk, oh do you need to fuel up no I'm alright I have enough fuel for 2000 miles on board and I started with full tanks but thanks all the same. I will give you a call to-morrow.

I go over to the office and see if there is any reference to his family, just hope he has told Pete something. I'm relaxing at the house and it is now late afternoon and I hear a plane sound like Jim, then my radio trips are you about John sure am I'm the way to collect you. See you shortly, dam it cannot find the truck keys I check my own bingo mine fits so soon at the airstrip so I collect Jim and get my own gear. We head for the house but stop in the shade to talk, I fill him in on Pete's condition he may not make much sense today. Do you know if the funeral man has been called? No idea well we need to do that promptly, there is a little graveyard here and that where we will place him. Try and set that up for tomorrow afternoon. We carry on to the house and find Pete is up, as we enter he says Hi John & Jim thanks for coming. Jim says do you feel up to answering some questions and we both know you may not have an answer. He mentioned he would retire just outside Darwin close to the nursing home where is sister is being care for and I believe she may be a spinster -- that would make it easier to locate her.

Do you know if Keith had received any personal mail lately that upset him, well last Thursday was mail day and after that he was never the same and he never mentioned anything about it, but unusually he stayed in his office from then onwards.

I wonder if he used a bank or do you know if he had a safe here. Pete says guard this with your life this sealed envelope is the combination to my safe and is located in my office as part of my desk. We go to the office and find the safe with all three present Pete calls out the number two at a time, Jim opens the door, it is jammed full of cash in large bills. Let's move everything off the top of the desk first put it all over there, Jim start putting the bundles of money on top of the desk and suddenly we find a will, Jim looks it over and says this was only dated a month ago. Pete put this through the copy machine and makes three copies please. Jim takes the rest of the money out to make sure there were no other papers. OK we will put all the money back into the safe plus the will and lock it for present. We hear someone calling is there anyone about, John goes out to who it is, turn out to be the funeral man here to embalm the body. He ask do you have a death certificate yes I would like a copy please, no problem. Do you know if his pockets have been cleared -- nothing has been touched I would like one of to be present while we do that John said I will come with you. While we are there in the room what type of box would you like, basically a good simply box the man was the manager here. I'll get on with this but may I call you again if required certainly.

I return Pete and Jim are having a drink Pete says please help yourself there is either Gin or Scotch -- it's going to be a stiff scotch for me thank you.

John says I don't know if you have talked yet about this but to-morrow morning we need a hole dug not less than 6 feet deep 30" wide and 7 feet long. Now Pete you know your equipment operators and who would be best should also have a helper. Now after supper tonight we will go to the grave yard and find a suitable spot, Pete I know this might upset you it is your choice if you come or not.

I would also like to see six pallbearers three black and three white so ask for volunteers. We will transport the coffin to graveyard in a Ute so it would be nice to have a really clean one. Jim we do not have a Reverent here so perhaps you would conduct the affair at the graveyard. We will advise everyone at dinner to night of the plans and ask at that time for the volunteers. The only other thing I can think of is what time -- Pete says 1 pm would be good and I suggest we give the crew the day off -- good thought there Pete says Jim

The next 24 hrs went very quickly, Pete got things well organized, there were plenty of volunteers, everything went very smoothly, and all the crew and the wives attended. Once the burial was completed, the ladies invited everyone to the cookhouse for tea and sandwiches. The pallbearers closed up the grave when one of them said I will get the machine and seal it off.

Then we should join everyone in the cookhouse, well I sure need a big mug of tea.

The following day John & Pete sit down and go over everything, the one thing that John wants to see is a flow chart and is willing to help develop this. One thing Keith did have was a good set of records on paper of each piece of equipment. Jim joins the discussions and is please at what Pete has done with Keith.

Jim said while you two are working here I'm going to search Keith office to see if I can find the mail he received last Thursday, It was not long when Jim called out Bingo found it and after reading a couple of times, Jim realizes why he was so upset as the letter was from the care home where his sister Kathleen was living telling him she had passed away.

Jim decided to phone the administrator for the home and endeavor to find out who was dealing with her estate and to advise them that her brother passed away three days after receiving your letter. Jim was provided with all the required information, he said thanks I will get my Solicitor to get in contact; thanks for your help.

The rest of the paper work in the office appears to be regular farming correspondence. Jim said he was going over to the house and deal with Keith room. His clothing was limited nothing much there how ever it was all clean and well used. Jim asks Pete any large cardboard boxes around as I'm going to pack Keith clothing and we will donate it, Pete said we have two Aboriginal families that are rather hard up, I would be cautious there they are very superstitious people as wearing a dead mans clothes could mean they are next to go. Pete said I was not aware of that then best to get it all off site. Keith's bed is in poor shape so we will burn it and get a replacement, Pete comment was well frankly all the beds are rather beat up and all should be replaced. Jim said I will check them out and by the way the room at the far end what is in there? Have no idea door has always been locked, well eventually Keith found a key and when the door was opened the smell was terrible, it improved once some air was let in. The room was left venting for several hours then on return they realized the room was set up as a tomb as an embalmed body was sitting in the chair.

Jim said we will touch nothing I'm going to let the police know what we have found. Pete do we have any vacant homes here, yes two one two bedroom the other one bedroom.

John come join us please I have an idea and lets see if you have any ideas, strip the managers house completely and convert it into the office building all the room are more less equal size, the bathroom put a new shower in there. While this is going Pete and you John there is a spare two bedroom house vacant. Once the manager house is revamped we move the office over there then convert the old office into the new manager home it will provide three bedrooms, bathroom and small kitchen. John says were missing a living room and suggests the largest room become a living room and fix up the one bedroom house into a guest house and then sometime later but not now move that house close the new manager home and connect it with covered walkway

Thanks John, what do you think Pete I sure like the idea as the old house troubles me and I don't know why. Let's go and check up on these other two houses any idea how long they have been empty Pete, several years is my guess. We look at the homes and all in good shape basically just need a good cleaning and airing.

Well everything went ahead the police dealt with the body and burial in town and building change started to take place.

John said to Jim I must get my plane back to High Creek as they have nothing there at present, tell you what Pete why don't you take your plane and follow John back to High Creek spend two nights there and return I will stay here while you are away. John lets Roger know what is happening and that Pete will be with him I expect we will be in early afternoon to-morrow; and lots to tell you and we will give Pete suite.

Both John & Pete depart Clara Station and make good time going to High Creek, John calls Roger to meet us please at the landing strip. John lands first and Pete does a circle to let John clear the runway and then also lands. Bye this time Roger has arrived with the large Ute and after refueling in completed on both planes they join Roger and head for the house so they can get a wash up and then over to the office. Adam is doing records when his radio trips problem with a broken arm on the harvester it has fractured, ok where are you bottom end area five. Ok I will see you in about 30 minutes.

Roger says what's happened as Adam gets his coveralls on etc, ok if you have a problem give me a call, will be on my way once I have moved my tool box out of the Ute in to the welding Truck fair enough oh before you go I should introduce you to Pete from Clara your opposite number. Hi says Adam nice to meet you, Roger says why don't you go out with Adam we can loan some gear, oh that would be nice. Adam says I will get the tools moved over and I will pick you up here in about 5 mins, and make sure you have a hard hat on with that he is gone.

Roger passes over a pair of fireproof coveralls, safety glasses and hard hat, Adam is back and picks up Pete and head off to breakdown site. Pete this truck is like an old bronco bounce you everywhere, Adam laughed and said that one reason you need a hard hat. On examination this job is similar to one earlier and so he checks the other side looking for any stress cracks and can fine nothing.

He then commence to grind so he has a double v notch the takes a strip of steel from the truck clamps to hold secure and then makes his start on a root weld after which he can remove his clamps and the steel and complete the root weld and complete the welding on that side cleaning out any slag between welds, he then does the other side, cleans up the edges and gives it all a quick coat of fast drying paint. Lastly a photo of nameplate and side view, check the time hum 2:45 minutes down time. He get the operator to start up everything is ok and he said go ahead I will wait here till you complete your round. The operator is back in roughly 45 minutes his thumbs up -- and shouts thank Adam.

We return back to the office after parking the truck in the shop and locking up. On entry to the office Roger asks how did it go Adam, Pete pipes up you are lucky to have a guy like this he is good. Adam take Pete over to the bunkhouse showers and you both get cleaned up etc will do boss, come on Pete empty any thing you have out of your coveralls because they get washed as well.

Adam does his thing and while under the shower says to Pete give my back a good scrub please he does a fair job, OK want yours doing, Pete hesitates oh what the hell yes please. By the time they are finished the washing machine has complete it job, Adam says we just hang them on the line and in about two hours they will be dry. They return to the office and Roger says call it a day Adam and head home we will see you in the morning.

Pete first words were I wish I could weld like that, Roger words were practice make perfect. Ok I think it is time to go to the house for a beer dam good idea brother. Now I don't really have an idea how you do things a Clara but supper time is a family time for all the single guys and everyone joins in the conversation we will be interested to hear what you think afterwards. Kim is the chef and he does some really good meals and he knows what our folk like, well we headed for the cook house and sat together, some called out where have you been hiding these last few days, I've been at Clara Station and this guy sitting next to me is from Clare his name is Pete. Some else called out hey Pete welcome to High Creek, Pete says thanks very much nice to see you guys. While eating there meal there was comments about the breakdown today the operator said you should see young Adam he's doing dammed good, someone else said look who did most of his training -- good for you Roger we are all so proud of his achievements. Pete is listening to all this and then turns to John next to him and asks is this Adam the one that came back with both a TQ in millwright & welding yes the same one and the instructor at TAFF said do you need a job as I have several vacancies on the books -- Adam answer was no thanks I already have a job and further more I really would not want to work in town too many people all in a rush getting no wear.

We leave the cookhouse and take a walk around the little town-site, Pete first words this is attractive place everywhere looks so neat and tidy, well we have done a lot to it since we took over. The last house over there is converted into a school house and we brought in the internet. So finally we are home Pete asks which room and we say the suite right at the end. We will see you out on the rear veranda; we both strip off and in our chairs with a drink this time good stiff Rum & Ginger, about five minutes later Pete shows up are you are dressed for comfort and with he peels off his shirt, what would you like to drink we have rum, gin, and scotch. A scotch please so we pour him a good one with ice and ask would you like any water in it -- no thanks.

Therefore, Pete I am assuming you will become the manager now due to a force of circumstance what are going to be your priorities. Good question most of the housing looks drab and it needs repainting. I like the idea of getting the whole crew together for meals in one cookhouse because at present our cook has two cookhouses to look after and would much more efficient if we only had one. There has been no cooking there for the last 12 months; when the old cook retired Keith decided not to replace him so food is sent over for those guys from this kitchen.

I get on well with the crew, at times I go bush, and really enjoy myself it has been a sort of un-winding period for me because you listen to the crew and so often, you pick up good ideas.

I sure like your way of thinking, so how many of the crew wear H-Vis gear about 60%, well we need 100% was the offer ever made to your knowledge the first one was free any more were $10 each. No not to my knowledge, what about the school kids 2 out of five do because there Dad forced it on them. We will take some back with us and present the kids and then tell them extra ones are $10 each and we will give each one a pair of safety glasses to keep the grits from passing trucks out of there eyes. John says I can easily see all the Kids when we get back, as a matter of interest I hope you wear Hi-Vis gear, my coveralls are but not fireproof type, well you need to correct that promptly, also Pete you must wear Hi-Vis gear at all time because you must practice what you preach.

So how much traffic is there in the town-site, everything passes through, well when we get back we will look at re-locating that road at the back and eliminate that traffic.

Another Scotch Pete oh thanks you that would be nice. John says Pete it is nice to hear some positive ideas, thank you says Pete I do not know how Jim will accept it. I cannot answer that one but anything related to safety just go ahead, however Jim is very receptive to good ideas and I would suggest you convert the bunkhouse showers over there to the same as here. Our crew hear really did like that because there is room for haircutting.

Well Pete see its way past our bedtime so I think we all should hit the sack and we will see you in the morning, breakfast is 6:00am. We all get up and head for our room. Night Pete hope you sleep well; night guys.

We get to our room take a quick shower and head for the bunk but not before making love, we fucked each other for a good twenty minutes doggy style and finally got into bed. Talk for a few minutes John asks Roger what he thought of Pete idea's they are good because he is thinking about the crew. John has now fallen asleep, Roger is not far behind.

As usual they get woken at 5:30 am by the alarm clock, get a quick shower and dress in regular work gear, the decide to let Pete sleep because John is sure he is thrashed.

However they are just about to go for breakfast and Pete shows up so the three have our usual bacon and eggs etc all washed down with tea after which they head for the office only to find Adam already at work writing up yesterdays repair. Roger is looking over his shoulder at the report and Adam says I think there must be a problem with these harvesters because this is the second one to have a similar breakage. I'm going out today to look at the other two to see if I can find anything and also discuss with the operators the problem that has occurred twice after which I think we should contact the supplier of these machines and see if they have had this on other similar machines. I expect to be out all morning, no problem if a breakdown occurs anywhere I will deal with it and let you know where I'm going; OK I'm off and I'm taking my Ute with tools -- see you later Adam.

Pete says I like this idea of a flow chart it makes a lot of sense, Roger said another thing it does it tells us when certain items of equipment will not be needed and therefore this will become the annual maintenance time for that machine. Pete asks John could we get this started as soon as we get back to Clara -- John says no problem at all, I know one thing we are going to have a busy time with your plans. Now here is the photo album of how this place looked when Roger and I took over, we also re-painted all the inside of the homes and we had a spare house so the tenant could move over if they wished.

Tell me who did all the painting, Harold someone that Jim knows, he is good does not waste time and very clean about his work. I'll be back in a moment I need to talk to Darlene. Hi Darlene how things really good, there is some ordering for you to deal with because I have taken five kids sized shirts and I'm going to take to adult medium shirts charge them to Clara Station I will counter sign or Roger will if I'm away -- no problem John I will deal with this today and get them to send me the bill right away. It sounds as if you are going back to Clara, I said yes maybe as long as three months as we have a lot of work to do there -- see you later Darlene.

I dump two Hi-Vis shirts on Pete lap, OK Pete off with old and on with new please once was changed I laughed and said Mate now you are one of us and gave him a big hug.

Many other things were discussed and I said we need to discuss a number of things with Jim so I am going to call him and make sure he is not planning to take off right away. I get him on the radio, morning John how are things very progressive is my comment, please don't plan on leaving to-morrow as we have a lot to discuss, Pete has got some very good ideas. No problem John I don't intend leaving till the weekend anyway -- oh that is great. We will leave early tomorrow morning and should be in for lunch see you then -- bye.

Adam has returned and said Roger do you have time to talk, certainly so what did you find out, well I rode with the operator of two machines and the whole arm section is sort of swaying from side to side, so in my opinion it needs bracing to take that swing out. However you cannot do a normal bracing because the arm moves up and down and would foul on other parts; but by welding in stiffen strip on each arm I think that would solve the problem. OK Adam lets get the supplier on the phone, they said that also had similar problems and found by shortening the upper arm by 12" and then put cross bracing in and that is a hit and miss. We are more than willing to do the job if your own crew cannot handle it, thanks for that offer but we have two TQ Welders on our crew; your are lucky to have that staff -- thanks for your ideas. Well Adam you heard what was said and unless we get another breakdown, we will modify all the harvesters once they are in for annual maintenance; good work thanks.

John says Pete would you come with me please, Roger we will see at lunch sure thing. John goes outside lets take the Ute and they head off of site in the shade of a bunch of trees, lets sit on the tail gate. Firstly Pete what we discuss here is private and I would like you to be honest with me, now you lived in the same house as Keith how did it work out in your off time. At first everything went well but as time went on it became more uncomfortable to the point where I was considering taking over the single room house. Most of my relaxing was done on the veranda. With that experience how do you feel about having your assistant living in the same house, well I don't see a problem because I assume the Assistant will be my age or younger.

I will tell you Keith had said he planned to retire in 12 months time and told Jim you would be able to take over however we would have to find a Assistant Manager / Maintenance. Well we are training Adam in that roll and so far he is doing well and he knows nothing of the plans for him. So your thoughts Pete, well having seen him at work he is very mature and I could see he is well respected with the crew and I would be delighted to have a man like him working with me.

If he is willing to take on such a job it will be the first time he has lived away from home. My question is how do you feel about becoming the manager of Clara Station well to be honest it is sort of scary because there are things that I don't know how to handle. Well to start with you can always phone me and I will try and help -- thanks that is a weight off my mind.

We better go and have some lunch, so on the way back these discussion were private between you and I, we get into the cookhouse and only Roger is there, so where is Adam he had brought his own lunch and having it on the office veranda.

Roger asks do you have a brother or sister, just a brother who lives in the UK, so what does he do? To me a mundane job he is manager of the local supper market works excessive hours for poor wages. He is married with four kids how ever his wife walked out about three years ago and never been seen or heard off since. Luckily for him his kids are all teens, the two boys have gone into the army and love it, one girl is a trainee nurse the other is a child care worker so they are on there own basically. My feeling Tom my brother should pull the pin and move either to Canada or come here to Australia but the problem is he does not have a trade. He has a tough situation and there is little I can do to help because we have always loved each other, sorry may be that is the wrong wording. John said no Roger and I love each other you could call us gay and Jim knows that hence he does not even suggest splitting us up.

Come on Roger you have a job to do for me please I need a full haircut; you can join us if you wish Pete. Must admit it would do me good to get a cut like you guys because you both look good. Keith used to use his electric clippers but they were not able to get that real close cut, I did his as well.

John is laughing, well Pete we often do our haircutting in the bunkhouse shower room but don't worry we will do it out on the back veranda and we have an outside shower to rinse off any loose hair so I suggest we do it straight after supper sound real good -- thanks.

Well what can we show or explain, Pete says well you two have pumped so much information into my head is spinning, don't worry if I questions I will ask one of you guys. Sounds good Pete, now you might be interested in looking some plans Jim had drawn up to revamp the office to provide more space. The drawing are on the plan table, John says well we have a better space for Darlene and a filing room, Roger I assume you have looked this so you may have questions or suggestions please put it all down on paper because I would like to take these drawing with me so I can discuss with Jim

Pete says I like this idea of a flow chart it makes a lot of sense, Roger said another thing it does it tells us when certain items of equipment will not be needed and therefore this will become the annual maintenance time for that machine. Pete asks John could we get this started as soon as we get back to Clara -- John says no problem at all, I know one thing we are going to have a busy time with your plans. Now here is the photo album of how this place looked when Roger and I took over, we also re-painted all the inside of the homes and we had a spare house so the tenant could move over if they wished.

Many other things were discussed and I said we need to discuss a number of things with Jim so I'm going to call him and make sure he is not planning on taking off right away. I get him on the radio, morning John how are things very progressive is my comment, please don't plan on leaving to-morrow as we have a lot to discuss, Pete has got some very good ideas. No problem John I don't intend leaving till the weekend anyway -- oh that is great. We will leave early tomorrow morning and should be in for lunch see you then -- bye.

Adam has returned and said Roger do you have time to talk, certainly so what did you find out, well I rode with the operator of two machines and the whole arm section is sort of swaying from side to side, so in my opinion it needs bracing to take that swing out. However you cannot do a normal bracing because the arm moves up and down and would foul on other parts; but by welding in stiffen strip on each arm I think that would solve the problem. OK Adam lets get the supplier on the phone, they said that also had similar problems and found by shortening the upper arm by 12" and then put cross bracing in and that is a hit and miss. We are more than willing to do the job if your own crew cannot handle it, thanks for that offer but we have two TQ Welders on our crew; your are lucky to have that staff -- thanks for your ideas. Well Adam you heard what was said and unless we get another breakdown we will modify all the harvesters once they are completed; good work thanks.

John says Pete would you come with me please, Roger we will see at lunch sure thing. John goes outside lets take the Ute and they head off of site in the shade of a bunch of trees, lets sit on the tail gate. Firstly Pete what we discuss here is private and I would like you to be honest with me, now you lived in the same house as Keith how did it work out in your off time. At first everything went well but as time went on it became more uncomfortable to the point where I was considering taking over the single room house. Most of my relaxing was done on the veranda. With that experience how do you feel about having your assistant living in the same house, well I don't see a problem because I assume the Assistant will be my age or younger.

I will tell you Keith had said he planned to retire in 12 months time and told Jim you would be able to take over however we would have to find a Assistant Manager / Maintenance. Well we are training Adam in that roll and so far he is doing well and he knows nothing of the plans for him. So your thoughts Pete, well having seen him at work he is very mature and I could see he is well respected with the crew and I would be delighted to have a man like him working with me.

If he is willing to take on such a job it will be the first time he has lived away from home. My question is how do you feel about becoming the manager of Clara Station well to be honest it is sort of scary because there are things that I don't know how to handle. Well to start with you can always phone me and I will try and help -- thanks that is a wait off my mind.

We better go and have some lunch, so on the way back these discussion were private between you and I, we get into the cookhouse and only Roger is there, so where is Adam he had brought his own lunch and having it on the office veranda.

Roger asks do you have a brother or sister, just a brother who lives in the UK, so what does he do? To me a mundane job he is manager of the local supper market work excessive hours for poor wages. He is married with four kids how ever his wife walked out about three years ago and never been seen or heard off since. Luckily for him his kids are all teens, the two boys have gone into the army and love it, one girl is a trainee nurse the other is a child care worker so they are on there own basically. My feeling Tom my brother should pull the pin and move either to Canada or come here to Australia but the problem is he does not have a trade. He has a tough situation and there is little I can do to help because we have always loved each other, sorry may be that is the wrong wording. John said no Roger and I love each other you could call us gay and Jim knows that hence he does not even suggest splitting us up.

Come on Roger you have a job to do for me please I need a full haircut; you can join us if you wish Pete. Must admit it would do me good to get a cut like you guys because you both look good. Keith used to use his electric clippers but they were not able to get that real close cut, I did his as well.

OK lets get it done, Peter we will go over to our place and we all go total nude, I'll get mine done then you Pete and finally my brother. Roger says John I'm going to use the clippers first as your is rather long, well the shaving went ahead and Pete is watching carefully. Roger says I assume you want a full cut -- yes please. Your done next please, Pete takes up his position and says I want the whole works as well please, no problem mate. Finally John gets Roger cleaned up. They all shower together next Pete is hugging the other two saying thank you so much. Well afterwards they sit therein the sunshine and dry off. John I'm going to pack some gear and get it loaded in plane, you should do the same Pete then that is one item less in the morning.

Pete asks what time do you want to leave, early as the sun is coming up and I'll get Kim to make up my lunch bag with a couple of sandwiches each and two large bottles of water tonight and we can put it in our frig over night.

Next day we departed as planned, a good flight until Pete said I'm going to drop down to the emergency strip up a head I have to have a big dump, we landed OK, Pete nip out very quickly poor bugger really did need to stop. I got out also with some toilet paper and the shit shovel. Then it hit me and I did the same, finally we are back in the plane and taxi back down the strip and take off. We seemed to arrive after that at Clara in very quick time, called Jim about five minutes before landing and he meet us at out strip and we headed for the house to drop off our gear.

Jim's first words were how was your trip Pete, really great and I have learnt a lot. Well I have got thing moving here come and have a look, they are just putting the walls back in the old house as we gutted the place completely, and there will be three offices and storage room. Electrical work is under way and also the network cable for the computers in all offices and they will to there own server all being well it will be ready for occupation by the weekend. Then we can move everything over. John ask is Harold here for the painting yes he is why, well Pete has some ideas that I know he wants to pass by you -- go for it Pete. Well Pete and Jim talk for a short while and Pete is smiling all the way. He says well you going to be the manager anything like that go for it especially since you are trying to make the crew more a family and that is so important. Regarding the homes once the old office is remodeled and you are able to move in, get the spare house repainted in side and the make it available to each family in turn while there place is totally redecorated -- that makes sense.

Pete lets go and look at the road, what's this all about I answer Dust and Safety, so which way is the prevailing wind, so that means we need the road on the north side of the town-site. John says this is easy as there are only two high spots that need the bull dozer on and then we can grade it, what is the bull dozer doing at the moment, easy it is in the compound I assume it is operational yes it is I have recently done its oil change and other jobs, OK lets get the bulldozer running, just hang on I will have to get the keys. Pete arrive with a very large bunch of keys, Jim ask what are all the keys, various storage buildings and such like. That is ridiculous said Jim we will get all the locks change to the company standard and for your information this means the buildings do have there own key but everything is under a master key so that only you and who ever becomes you assistant also has a key

Jim adds this master key fits all locks on all stations but I do not publish that fact. Any way I'll get my locksmith in here promptly.

John uses the bulldozer to eliminate the humps and then switches to the grader. Pete is making up some signs saying town-site only -- use detour.

That evening at supper time Pete stands up and explains the road diversion and the reason for it -- any comment guys, one guy said it was about time that was done another said they had asked Keith to do this but he said no every time, we would all like to say thank you and may be you will have some other good idea's.

Pete ask well something else is bugging you, why in this day and age are we running to two separate dinning rooms it is just stupid, I turn to the cook and ask how many in the other dinning room he said eight well there is lots of space here just need an extra two tables. OK guys get the rest of your mates and bring two tables and chairs. I said lets make this one big table and push them all together.

Within 15 minutes every one is sat down with the complete crew, there were many smiles and hugs going on and then lots of talk. Pete rattle on the table and said welcome now we have our true crew and as from now the old cookhouse is closed there was a round of applause. Well guys I'm going to leave you now if you have any ideas or questions please feel free to ask -- have a goodnight.

John, Pete & Jim all went back to the old house, Jim produced a bottle of scotch and poured three stiff ones and then said well that went well so Pete that is two items off your list. Jim says now there is spare bunkhouse what its condition is because I'm thinking of attaching to what was the white one and that way we can develop a very large shower room and haircutting space, we can then eliminate the other bunkhouse and selling it off and removing it from the station.

Jim then said I sure like the fact you are trying to make things better for the crew and the families by moving that road but last but not least my congratulation to our new manager for Clara, John says Cheers and congratulations Pete.

Well the next three months went very fast, during that time Roger visited a couple of times and he told me that Adam was coming along better than he expected and he has over two hundred flying hours under his belt, A lot of that went into landing and taking off.

Two weeks time he is spending a week at the flight school and hopefully come back with his wings, John says I'm sure he will and that means we certainly have an assistant for Pete. His license to drive on government roads can be done here.

Well after Adam completed his flight school he passed with good marks. John said have a private talk with Adam and offer him the job at Clara as Assistant Manager / Maintenance man I'll get his salary from Jim and phone you back, a quick phone call to Jim and I got the answer. His comment was sounds like you guys are happy with this promotion we sure are and bye the way Adam has his wings. Oh that is great -- I will see him before he take up his new position fair enough but go ahead please.

John contacts his brother anyone else with you, no Adam is over the shop and Darlene is way down the hallway. Got a pencil handy write this down that is the annual salary and it includes all medical the same as you and I, make the offer and tell Adam to come back and to see you to-morrow to let you know his decision.

Roger walks over to the shop and shut the door, hi Adam how are you doing lets go into the shop office, and Roger shut the door. Well Roger I have something interesting for you to consider now I want you to give it serious consideration and I would like an answer to-morrow morning. So Adam how would you like to become Assistant Manager / Maintenance man at Clare. Adam is very quiet and then says you're kidding me, no I'm not I'm very serious. Pete who you meet is the Manager now the annual salary is this handing him a piece of paper, he swallows twice and then says Wow!

I tell him about the staff package for health and such like at no cost to you. Adam says he cannot believe it I sure will try my best, well Adam go home and let your folks know and get there reaction. Adam then hugs me and gives me a kiss saying thank you so much.

Adam goes home but first he launders his overalls, and of course they go on the line at home. The he ask his Mum to do his hair, so what is the occasion. I will tell you both at dinner to-night. He is all cleaned up and goes for his shower. His dad is home early as well. Dad asks what is going on; Adam says I will tell all at supper time I promise. Mum calls suppertime guys wine or beer folks. Go and get my chilled bottle of champagne and fills the glasses. Adam stands up and says I have my wings but I have also been invited to become the Assistant Manager / Maintenance man at Clare Station.

Adam come here please and he get very tight hug from both his mum and dad and if I accept the starting date will be the first of next month. I have to let them no later than to-morrow morning.

Well Adam who else knows on this station, I said no one except Roger and you two. Simon says I never expected a son of mine to archive this sort of poitson but dammed good luck to you and he gets another very tight hug. So Adam is there anything you are short off. Well yes I need some good quality haircutting tools and a good razor because I like my very short hair cut. It is so easy to maintain, good for you son, well in this warmer weather it need doing about every four days. Is there anything else relating to clothing. My plan is to leave to pair of shorts and socks here and take the rest. I also have to get a new pair of boots 14 holes high and some more socks.

Dad said another night to celebrate mum, Dad just remember Adam has to work to-morrow we were just about going to bed when Roger shows up and asked if Adam was about we said no he has gone to bed he is very excited about the whole affair; OK I will see him in the morning.

Well Adam got moved to Clara Station with the help of Roger and the big plane, on the way there Roger calls John and asks can you organize a lifting crew to move Adams tool box on to the welding truck on our arrival and I guess it will be about an hour.

At Supper that night, Jim announces Pete was now the Manager of Clara Station; now Pete old job of Maintenance is being filled by Adam who becomes Assistant Manager / Maintenance, Adam is from High Creek Station and did all his training there under Roger, John's brother. He has two TQ tickets one for millwright and the other for welding.

The crew is calling out welcome to crazy family I'm sure you will get right in. Adam stands up and says thank you I look forward to getting to know you all.

John decides to return with his brother on Sunday so that can get back to normal. Some three months later John is looking through the personal files and is looking at Adams and brings it up to date then he realizes that this coming weekend I his Birthday on Saturday. Now Adam has been on Clara now for a good three months and his folk keep asking how is he doing. Roger are you there in my office. I have just found out that it is Adams birthday on Saturday and I'm thinking it would be nice to fly his folks up there for two nights. This will achieve two things his folks will see where he is living and no doubt his Mum will bake a cake. Now I would like you to get there in time for supper but leave enough time for his folks to get freshen up so what time should you leave. I would say 11:00 am. John says OK I will go hold of Pete so they can have the guest house and I requested not a word to anyone, Pete is chuckling it will be interesting to see his face when they meet. Well went well John arranged for Simon to have the day off with pay. Roger collected his folks at 10:30 am and John was also there. Roger does his routing checks and all is well Adam cake is packed securely and placed in the luggage area, OK folks all aboard, where should we sit anywhere other than the pilots' seat. Please put the helmets on they will keep the noise out and also they have the intercom built ii so we can all talk during the flight to each other. A successful flight and Pete meet us and wiped Adams folks directly to the guesthouse. Adams Mum is saying this is like a high class hotel room. There is a knock at our door to say Adam is in his getting dressed after his cleanup you might like to walk in on him -- That's a good idea for sure, come with me please Pete says go though that door and give him hell, His Dads first words were better get you shorts on son. Adam spin around balls to the breeze and now everyone is laughing. When the hell did you arrive, about one hour ago, Roger brought us here. Now Pete is in the room and says would anyone like a drink before supper, OK folks lets go to the living room. Well there is lots of talk and the Pete says we had better finish up and head for the cookhouse. We get our meal, Mother says this is nice and tender and very tasty. Once the main course was finished Adam raps his glass the room goes quiet and Adam the two folk sitting between Pete and I are my Mum & Dad who dropped in to surprise me, and yes they caught me bare arse -- the room broke out Into lots of laughter with that comment. Then the crew went through its welcome procedure, and then someone else said Adam does a dammed good job. Simon stands up and says thank you for your warm welcome and your comments about our son -- thanks everyone

Well after supper we headed back to the house, Simon went back briefly to there room and came back with a large bottle of Champagne, and he ask Pete can we put this in your fridge -- no problem at all so I assume neither you or Adam have to work to-morrow, that's correct. Then Adams folk said excuse us for a few minutes they return with the cake pates etc. It was decorated with two TQ, a welding helmet and wings; there was one single candle lit on the cake.

Now we know your birthday is to-morrow but what the heck we plan on celebrating to-night, so what glasses do you have, Pete I'm sure we have six the same I will get them, hey Adam can you come into the kitchen please. These glasses are all very dusty so while I search would you start washing these. Bingo here is the last one. So a tray is used to carry all the glasses in and the Champagne, well that evening went off well, my folks went to bed and I don't they were feeling any pain either both Adam & Pete are cleaning up by the time they were finish Pete has hold of Adam and he hugged him saying happy birthday Adam and I hope there is going to be many more. Following the very tight hug Pete give Adam a really big kiss; then says I should have done that -- oh why not; and with that Adam reverses the situation but this time Adams tongue is rolling around the inside of Pete's mouth. Pete says oh thank you Adam you have made my day. Would you like a night cap before going to bed, that would be nice I have some brandy in the cupboard, so Pete finds some suitable glasses and pour a shot in each. Cheers mate

I was amused when I heard you had been offered several jobs in town and I understand you turned them down because it was too noisy etc but you had a job. I said where else could you be sitting outside like this with a beautiful night sky and no lights visible, and that is another reason I like to go Bush because by listening to the crew you pick up lots of good information -- Happy Birthday Adam

Next: Chapter 15

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