
By Rubber Rider

Published on Jul 30, 2010


Farming Pt 14 -- New Apprentices

Roger took Adams folks a back to High Creek on Sunday morning, they said they had a wonderful time and were so happy to see how there son had fitted right in there.

Pete and Adam here from Tara Station that Tony has two apprentices under his wing. The two twin brothers Chas & Tommy both guys are still at school but following the path that you took Adam and are doing all there school work related to TAFF in there after school hours. Tony is asking when we might be doing some major maintenance as he would like to send one at a time to Clara for millwright training during the school holidays and would we be willing to assist. Adam said it sounds like an interesting idea so what is scheduled during that period. Checking the flow chart we start on the harvester two weeks before school ends.

Pete is thinking what about this idea bring him up here on the weekend before the work starts, he can go to school here for the last two weeks which means he will have the afternoon with you on the tools. I'm assuming he has an email address if not we will get Tony to have one setup. Adam says he must have one because that would be required for the TAFF course, I'll check anyway. So Adam are you willing to assist -- yes by all means.

I'll try and get Tony or Ian on the radio, Tony answers -- oh hi Tony how are things great Adam and I have discussed your request and would be delighted to assist. Now hear is the problem the major work starts two weeks before school ends. However we have an idea bring the first one up here on the Saturday two weeks before the end of school, he can go to school here and would be free from about midday and then go to work with Adam and we invite you to spend the night with us when you come up -- that's a great idea because it is the same teacher and we can let the school know what is going on. The other thing I assume they have email address -- yes they do. Tony suggests that Chas comes for six weeks and then they are swapped over and we can easily make the other one six weeks. Adam is nodding his head in approval, Tony Adam here how long have you had them on the tools a good twelve months now and nothing seems to fizz on them either, mind you we have not had the wets when you can guarantee something will get water into the fuel --now other question I hope they both have fireproof coveralls -- Tony is laughing they sure have and I have even got Ian working that way including hard hat and safety glasses -- congratulation mate look forward to seeing you in a few weeks time. Thanks guys now the hard part must go and talk with there folks this evening, will talk closer to the time bye Mate.

Some five weeks later a call from Tony I'll be in on Saturday morning with Chas and his gear sounds good oh by the way do they drive yes there dad taught them when they were eleven years old and they have both driven me and no problems -- great and please make sure they have there swag. Will do and expect to be there before lunch time look forward to your call 5 minutes out and I will collect you.

Arrival day, Adam gets the call and out there waiting for them to land as they get off the plane I see they are both wearing Hi-Vis coveralls Tony is getting the luggage out and I see Chas complete with hard hat -- welcome to Clara Station, is this your first time here Tony no I came up when Keith was alive and the place looked pretty drab. As we come into the town-site Tony this cannot be the same place -- yes it is with a few changes. Pete has done a lot for families and crew moral and it is surprising what a coat of paint can do. The biggest change has been the old house is now the office and the old office has been converted into our home and we have a guest suite attached that was a single room house.

Pete also got rid of the through traffic passing bye and creating lots of dust and relocated the road at the rear of the town-site. It is now much safer for all the kids. Oh sorry Chas you are really our guest so lets go over to the house first as you may wish to get a wash. Well while we wait for Chas who comes out in his shorts and Hi-Vis shirt and casual boots. I look at my watch and said lets go over to the cookhouse for some lunch. I introduce Chas to our cook and tell him that he is here for six weeks and then there will be a change over and his brother will be here for a further six weeks, they both come from Tara Station and doing the apprenticeship for millwright.

So what do we have for lunch today there is vegetable soup and egg salad sandwich please help your selves -- Thanks will do.

Now Chas here your schedule, breakfast @ 6:00 am then school till just about 11:30 am the teacher knows you will be hear, get some lunch I'll meet you here at 12 noon and then into your work gear and we go to work and don't forget any questions just ask -- Sounds good thanks.

Well the six weeks went fast and I hope Chas has learnt something, we was all go including out in the bush to do repairs then we got a late call so it was a Bush night I told Chas to gab his swag as this could be very late job, my cooler bag was always ready and I had double it up just in case. We had to travel about 20 miles to the site and be this time the crew had already cleaned up and were getting ready to light there fire. Hi guys which machine the one nearest the road so what happened. They told us there was a heck of a noise coming from the harvester and then the shear pin broke. We have cleaned out all the hoppers and nothing there but cannot rotate the drive rod at all, Chas asks ok to go under I said yes, then he calls out hey Adam move the drive shaft back and forward. Next he says think best look at this the gear box appears to have a problem. The light is fading now but we get the box opened up and find two gears with broken teeth. We take the box right off and find the output shaft is free to rotate. I said we need a new gear box, cannot do any more tonight Chas. Someone says got lots of tea hear we think you both need one. I always carry some soap and with a little water we both get cleaned up. I said to Chas I'm going to get Pete to bring out a replacement box as we have two in stock. I call Pete hi Adam how goes it, I need you to do a job for me, go into the shop and get a replacement harvester primary gear box and bring it here early say 5:00 am then I can get it reinstalled and will be ready to run hopefully by 7:00 am no problem will do. OK Chas that is dealt now for some grub, can you get the cooler bag; well we have a good supper and general talk with our crew. After which we get in ours swags and I think we both had a good nights sleep, the next thing we here is a truck coming this way we have both had a really good nights sleep. We quickly get up and Pete has arrived with two types of boxes, when he sees the damaged one his comment is oh yuck! Chas has a look at the two and says I think this is the right one it's the same part number, I double check and before I know it he has the box and is already under the machine and gets everything attached and fully bolted up, he also checks for alignment and that the drive shaft moves freely by hand. Chas comes out from under the machine and I the crew tells us they some tea brewed go and help yourself, while he is drinking his tea I do a double check and he has done a good job just the shear pin to replace. I see the time is 6:00am, I said to Pete you must have left real early yes I did about an hour earlier than I expected couldn't sleep last night and had already got the boxes before going to bed. The crew is up and doing there normal thing, Pete fired up the machine and all ran smoothly -- great work guys. Tony goes and get his tools put away and Chas has got both swags done up and wrapped and stowed on the Ute.

OK guys it is all yours and thanks, they all come up to Chas and say very well done you will do ok some give him a hug all the best in the future. We get back to the office and Chas heads for the office and starts on the report once completed Pete and Adam are talking, Chas says excuse me I'm going to get cleaned up are you coming over Adam as I need my back scrubbing and also a full haircut please. Everyone empties there coverall pockets and said Chas take these over use the big machine and a double lot of laundry soap and I will be there in a moment.

Chas thinks to himself I just hope brother Tommy get the same treatment including going bush on the job, Chas has got stripped off and about to going the shower when Adam shows up and says take a quick shower first then lay out on these two benches, It does not take Adam very long and Adam says so now you can do me. Chas says I though were going to give me a Full Haircut, oh sorry but sure I can do that so Adam soaps up everything and just say please don't move as do not want to nick you. Well Chas helps as he is nice and hard all he says that is already feeling much better. OK Chas go and rinse yourself off and then you can do me please. Well Chas is a little slower but he gets there OK once finished they both get in the shower and the back scrubbing begins after getting out of the shower Chas is looking at himself in the mirror and then says thank Adam it feels so much better, Chas come here and hold your hands out I'm going to pour a small amount of skin lube and then you rub this well into your head. Adam does the same. Lets get our shorts and shirts on and get the coveralls out on the line and they will be dry within two hours.

Next job is a late Breakfast so we head for the Cookhouse, the cook sees us and says are the wanders have returned all save and sound Chas said a full bacon and egg breakfast please, would you like a sausage with that as well oh yes please, Adam for you same again but no sausage. I'll bring to you once it is ready; have a good mug of tea while you wait.

Adam asks Chas so what do you think of what happened late yesterday, well a breakdown can occur at anytime. From the down time it will no more than one hour because we were working after normal working hours plus the fact you have a good partner who was able to bring a spare gearbox out to us. As far as going Bush I really enjoy it my brother and our Dad has taken us many times. But is the first time of bush on the job and it makes a lot of sense to go that way -- I'm so glad to have that experience plus I enjoyed the crew and listening to them they were like family.

I then said we want that feeling right through the whole station and that includes all the family and kids. Since we are isolated we must all work together in a safe manner. When I meet you the first time coming off that plane I was delighted to see the way you were dressed, you dress that way every time you fly because it also keep you warmer as it is much cooler up and if Jim the company owner had seen you then he would been so happy I can tell you -- why thank you. Well I guess next weekend is change over day so I expect you may have some questions. Well there is one thing this flow charge intrigues me, where was it designed. I laughed and said it was developed by John and Roger when they were at Base Station and I understand it took John about three months to develop. It purpose was twofold to find out what and wear crops were being planted and then harvesting the equipment used. This then showed us when equipment was available for full servicing back here in the shop this includes any modification that are needed and such like, however no two stations are the same but using the basic format this can be developed successfully -- OK I can see the benefits it sure shows maintenance times up nicely. Chas last week involved a fair amount of shop work we also got word the that Ian was going to bring brother Tommy here, stay the night to give the brothers time to talk. So when we got the call from Ian he was five minutes out, I called out Chas come and meet your brother, we took the big Ute as it has four seats we are on the landing strip watching them land and as the get off the plane both are wearing there coveralls and obviously Tommy because he has his hard hat on. I bring the Ute up close so all there gear is dumped into the Ute. OK Chas and Tommy just stand back please while we refuel the plane. Ian and I push the plane over to the refueling site and get it refueled; I notice out of the corner of my eyes the two brothers are hugging each other in a really loving manner. We get the plane tied down and back into the Ute and head for home. On arrival Chas take your brother to your room and help him get things sorted out we will both be on the veranda having a beer. Ian please get stripped off and make yourself comfortable, I go into the kitchen and get two beers would you like a glass no thanks OK here is a cooler.

Ian asks first question how did Chas fit in, really well and we had an all night job and went bush he earned a lot of respect from the crew out there and told me he enjoyed the experience in fact he did the bulk of the work from finding out what was wrong and installing a new gearbox and did all the alignment I simply checked it out. That is most interesting because to me he has always been the shy one, well he certainly was not here. I will send a written report on both of them to you for there records after they have both completed there time here, that sounds great you are great help and Tony will be delighted. Like another beer that sounds good and I'm surprised those two have not shown there faces yet, I said don't worry I bet they are having some brotherly love and good luck to them.

I understand that Pete had some major changes done here, yes that was completed by the time I arrived it John and Pete. All the homes were repainted both outside and inside, the got rid of the through traffic and relocated the road to the back of the town-site this reduced the dust here by about 90% the old manager's house was totally gutted and remodeled and is now the offices. The old offices got similar treatment and became our new home and in order to get a guest house the single room house was spruced up and moved to become an annex to this building. While this was going on we were using the spare double room home.

But I'm not sure how this was achieved but there were two cookhouses on site one for black and one for white. The old black cook retired Keith never replaced him so the present cook was doing that food as well which was then carried over. One evening when at supper Pete was explaining why the road was moved. Someone said Pete why do we have to separate dinning room it does not make sense. Pete's answer it sure does not make sense so what are you suggesting this is the bigger dinning area and after all the days separation have long been got rid of. So guys lets do something about it, firstly we will need two tables and bring chairs as well from the other dinning area infect make three in case we have guests lets put them all together. Now you guys go and get your mates and those tables and chairs. Once everyone was hear I said it is sure nice to have crew all together, and said to the cook the old cookhouse is now closed so no more food will go over there. Eventually we sold that building sold off to another company. The remaining bunkhouse was relocated and connects to this one. Ian says you sure achieved a lot in the first three months but I bet it has been well worth it; yes, the crew response has been overwhelming they all feel more like a family. Let us go for a walk and I will show you around the town-site and the school, I then take Ian into our new offices. Ian's comment I like this layout and also you have a filing room and that each office has an outside door opposite to the main entrance, I said yes it provides good ventilation in the hot weather and we like it. So let us take the Ute and I show you more, next stop is the shop Adams domain, it sure is nice and tidy. The welding truck is kept in here and his tools are on the truck already to go.

Well I think it is too late for lunch hope that is OK Ian, no problem; I frequently do not have lunch so let us do a general tour.

By the time we got back the two brothers are sitting on the veranda both looking a little sheepish. Chas did you get your brother something to drink no I didn't so Tommy which would you like a pop or a beer, a beer I would love one please, Chas what about you same again please, so I guess its four beers that easy.

Adam heads for the Kitchen and gets four beers and four cooler sleeves, so Tommy I hope your brother has told you all about us, well he has told me lot but I can see I have a lot to learn, well enjoy his company to-night and he will be leaving with Ian tomorrow morning after breakfast. Now the schedule here is no doubt the same as Tara Station up at 5:30am breakfast 6: 00am and meet up here in the office and have your work gear on. We will take it from there is that OK Tommy, yes sir -- please don't call me sir my name is Adam and by the way your are not a kid and neither is your brother you are both young men. We eat all our meals in the cookhouse with the crew and I will introduce you at supper to-night to the rest of the crew I really should say family that way they know who you are and I'm sure Chas has told you the good reception he received. Now don't forget if there is something you are unsure of them just ask and I'm like you two; I was an apprentice within this company and started the same way.

Suddenly I hear a plane coming in, then my radio trips I see it is Jim, I answer by saying Hi Jim out sight seeing eh! Not really but can you pick me up in 5minutes please will do. Please excuse me you OK Ian no problem Adam, I left and headed for the airstrip arriving just as Jim was taxing up to the fuel pump.

Jim looks around and says are good you are on your own, so how are these apprentices doing, well this is change over weekend Ian is here as brought Tommy up and will be taking Chas back after breakfast tomorrow.

Chas has proved himself to me and is very confident this really showed up late one day as I realize the job could be a long time, I said make sure you have your swag and as you know I keep my cooler bag in the frig ready in the event of a call out and I had already double stocked it. Once we got to the site some 20 miles away and we found out which machine, Chas asks me is ok to under and check things out, well he found the problem in the gearbox some broken teeth. I said we will replace it so get this one off and I'll get Pete to bring the replacement up first thing to-morrow. The new box arrive ahead of time Chas took and installed checked the alignment made sure everything moved freely, then got the shear pin replaced, I ran the machine and everything was working ok so t was back in service for the 7:00 am start. The crew thanked Chas for his good work and so we returned back to town. He is going to do OK just hope his brother does as well.

This will make you smile I think these brothers are very much one and love each other but that is there affair; Jim has a good laugh at that comment of mine. Oh bye the way are you planning on staying the night? Well I would like to, do you have your swag -- certainly do. Now Ian is using the spare room; so you have the choice or of crashing on the living room floor or the veranda. I'll take the veranda please OK and I have a thick foamy which will soften up ground.

Lets head for the house, as Jim puts his swag and small bag in the Ute; as we arrive I see both Chas & Tommy heading some where I ask where are you going, Chas says going to show my brother the shop fair enough but it is locked up, just hang on and I will get you a key and please make sure you lock it afterwards don't be too long as supper time is coming up. Well they were only about 15 minutes and returned the key. Tommy said he like the welding truck nicely equipped I said I use that for all call outs as it has all my tools as well so I'm basically self contained, behind the seat is where we keep our swag and that is where your swag will go and I will find you some plastic to wrap it in to keep the dust out.

Well I believe some of us my need to freshen up before supper. We head for the cookhouse and take seat in various places around the table after the main course is over Adam rattles his glass and stands up, this is the weekend when we change over the apprentices so Chas will be leaving us tomorrow morning with Ian here the Station Manager of Tara Station and he is replaced by his brother Tommy. Tommy please stand up so everyone knows what you look like -- Tx Tommy, thanks guys a couple of the crew said Chas good luck to you in the future you did dammed good the other night nice have meet you mate, and Tommy welcome to this crazy family. Chas then says, thanks for all your help and I enjoyed my six weeks here, last but least many thanks to Adam for his all his help.

Adam sits down and the crew is applauding, Adam turns to Ian saying I thought you said Chas was shy! Well I think he has changed your view now he sure has Adam I'm amazed at what I have seen but very pleased.

Supper was over and I invited everyone back to the house, whoever Chas and Tommy said they were going to take a walk for about an hour, all said was don't get lost. Once we got home we stripped off and got comfortable, Pete said I think it is time for something a little stronger than beer, we have Gin, Rum and Scotch in stock Ian says Rum and Ginger please, Jim a good scotch please, Adam Rum and Ginger won't be long. So had the drinks done and delivered and sat down.

Jim said the reason I came was to see how these two brother were doing I was sure please to hear the comment from the crew directed to Chas that was very genuine and even more so since it was one our Aboriginals that started it all off. So Ian how is Tony doing, he is a really great guy and very fussy on the standard he tries to set for himself and in the off hours he is great company he also loves going Bush.

Sunday morning Chas is returning with Ian, Tommy is with me to see them and Tommy gives his brother a tight hug and says see you in six weeks time, sure thing mate. We return to the house and Tommy asks any idea what is on the books for to-morrow morning. Well unless we get a call out, we will strip that gear box and see what caused the failure but it will need a good cleaning and I will you how I handle as I use a little diesel and brush everything well I want to save all the damaged part so we can examine them. Now because you don't need any cleaning material on your coveralls I have some old rain pants the bib front type that will keep you clean.

Jim shows up and says I'll be off now and turn to Tommy hope you learn well from Adam here, we will possible drop in within the next 3 -- 4 weeks, would you like a lift to the airstrip that would be nice thanks. We watch Jim take off and I ask Tommy which do you like ginger ale or coke he answers coke. We will stop at the cookhouse and grab two cans of each and borrow a small esky.

OK Tommy never got to do this with your brother but will take you on a tour of some of the property, after about 50 miles I pull up under a clump of trees, there is also a nice breeze blowing, OK Tommy lets get out of the truck and we sit on the tailgate, and I have the esky and say help yourself to a coke, I have ginger ale.

So Tommy tell me something about yourself, the things you enjoy and such like, of the most enjoyable thing is going bush for several years Dad has taken us at first Mum used to come but today she does not more is the pity. So what about school, how are you making out there with your marks. I get an average of 95% and now the same as Chas. What made you looking at millwright TQ two things the old guy that retired used to show us things and get us to do various job some were very plane others were far more interesting I had been going to the shop for a bout a week when my brother joined me, I guess this must have start about the time we were 12yrs old. Dad had been to town and got four pair of coveralls for us and said you wear these any time you go to the shop as your Mum complains about your other clothing getting messed up, so we both have been wearing coveralls ever since. I laughed and said when I grew up I lived on a farm and dad dressed us in Bib fronted Carhartts right from day one and we also went to school like that and so did most of the other boys. So tell me what area of millwrighting do you really like. I enjoy overhauling pumps and gearboxes and similar items; however I need to get into the bush to work on a breakdown.

Well returned back to the house and joined up with Pete who was sitting outside and when he saw he called out saying there just time for one beer before supper.

Pete says so Tommy work to-morrow what do you think, I'm looking forward to getting stuck in and don't worry about dirt it all was washes off at the end of the day. I just hope someone is willing to scrub my back no problem says Adam laughing because you will have mine to do as well. Pete says if anyone needs a quick wash suggest you do it right now and then we will head for supper.

Everyone has freshened up and we head for supper to find the cook has done roast beef, yorkshire pudding, roast spuds and greens. Well we notice young Tommy sure got stuck into his meal not leaving anything, he finally said that was the best beef he had for a long time, after supper we headed back home and I put the TV on to get the news and weather forecast. Pete & Adam look at each other saying this does not look good especially with the high winds for tomorrow. Come Pete we need to go out to the airstrip and make sure the plane is well tied down and nothing out there loose however Tommy had followed them out there and he said we have two empty fuel barrels here, where can we store them good point Tommy get them into the shed please make sure the caps are done up first. Pete says that looks like everything lets close up the shed and secure it. We then head for the shop area and do the same there putting anything loose into the shop. Pete says I'm going to visit all the families and warn them, I will do the bunkhouses and the Cook and then fire up the generator and let it run for a short while, after which I check its fuel tank and it was full. We eventually return home and Tommy is collecting all the chairs from outside and asks where do we put these; in the living room please but leave three for a little while. Pete goes into the kitchen pour three rum and gingers but making Tommy's a light one. Ok let's sit down for a few minutes and discuss the situation. Firstly Tommy have you got a large flash light -- no I do not OK I will get you one from the office, next no one goes out in the high winds unless they are wearing coveralls, boots, hard hat and have a pair of thick work gloves on, during the hours of darkness carry your flash light at all times. I will go and get a flashlight for Tommy. Adam says we should have the radios all on charge; provide Tommy with a radio if things get rough at lease we can keep in contact with each other. Pete says the first aid equipment is all in the office and it is the office that will become our base.

Suddenly our cell phone is ringing, I can see it is Jim; yes Jim are you aware of the storm coming in, it is already hitting us at base station; yes we are, all loose items have been moved inside, the plane is well secured, all the families and crew are aware of the situation. The generator has been run and warmed up. Thanks Guys good luck keep in touch should anything go amiss -- Bye

Well about 3:30 am I got woken up with the wind and decided we should all get up, I woke Adam who said be with you in a minute, I open Tommy's door said wakey wakey let go please. I had to smile to myself Tommy was sleeping in his clean coveralls on top of the bed his boots and sock were right there. On my way Pete, shut your windows and put the shutters up within three minutes Tommy was in the office, his comment was hell it sure is blowing out there. Put this on your belt it is set to our private channel if you are out there just press this and talk and call either Pete or myself. For the time being we will sit outside on the leeward side which faces the family homes and simply watch and listen. Everything around the homes appears OK we will check at day light. Tommy gets up and walks around the office building and he looking towards the cookhouse as something appears not to right. He calls Pete to have a look, Pete says stay here Adam and Tommy and I will go over there and check things out. There is a sheet of metal that has caught the cook and he is not responding, Pete calls Adam to get the Ute and basket stretcher with the first aid gear, once there Adam attempt to free the cook, very soon some of the crew is out there to help and the successfully get cook freed and gently move him into the stretcher, Adam take him to the office, I see he is bleeding from somewhere around the neck. One of the crew jumps in the back of the Ute and applies pressure to the wound while being transported others head for the office to help unload him. Pete scrubs up and gets some boiling water into a bowl rinses it out and the put a small amount into the bowl with the aid of a large bandage pad Pete cleans up the area and finds the bleeding has slowed right down. Another pad is used and has it applied with pressure. That needs to held on there for a least 30 mins, the next thing we hear is cook asking what the hell happened. Pete says you OK but please lay still you are in the office. What time is it 5:00 am well I must get breakfast going, your are not you are staying here sorry.

Pete calls Adam, I think cook will be ok; however I need you to find two volunteers to cook breakfast please, but first get some tea going -- thanks

Pete say to the crew member applying pressure are you OK for a few minutes, no problem boss just keep that pressure on until I return and don't let him up. I quickly head over to the cookhouse and bunkhouse and do a quick check to see how things are nothing else can be seen so where did that sheet of metal come from, I ask those not busy to look around and see if they can fine a hole in a roof or wall somewhere.

I see the cookhouse is all in good order and decide we will take cook back to his room help him get cleaned up. On return to the office I check on the bleeding it has stopped so I redress the wound and get Cook to take 2 #5 they will do two things take any pain away and also make him sleep. We move cook into the Ute my assistant rides with him. Once at the bunkhouses we get him into his room and get his shirt off and put it into a bucket of cold water to soak, get rid of his shoes and socks then picked him up and lay him on his bed putting a towel for his neck so to protect the pillow and other bedding, he was already sound asleep I had another quick wash and realized the wind storm had passed us thankfully.

We checked on our volunteer cooks to see how they were doing, we doing OK but how cook is so we passed on the info and that we had knocked him out and hopefully he may sleep till to-morrow we said when everyone comes in for breakfast we will tell everyone what we know. Our volunteer cooks said grab a mug of tea and breakfast will be ready by 6:00am. Just before 6:00 am the crew started to drift in and heading for the tea pot. The general comment was god what a night it sure rattled everything. Then someone said Pete found where that sheet of metal came from -- good where? Adam's shop wall and there are a number of loose sheets that require fixing. Adam says thanks for that information I will deal with it. Then the cooks called out come and get it, someone in the crew called out take your crew and your breakfast you all have done a lot of work during the night. Pete looks at Adam and says they waiting for us so let's go we had our normal breakfast of bacon and eggs etc and toast once we had finish Pete told everyone about Cook and how he was and that he had been knockout so that he sleep for many hours. The neck had received a very bad cut but luckily with pressure being applied it sealed itself right up. I'm also going to talk to Doc or his nurse to day nothing else to tell you other than today will check on all equipment and make sure nothing damaged and clean up the site also go to the homes and clear any mess from there places, if any of the operators find some amiss give a call and we will check it out. Thanks everyone we are heading for the office. As we get there two of the ladies are heading towards us and they call out we wish to talk to you.

We understand cook is out of service due to last night, yes that is correct we two are prepared to cook for the crew if you wish. That is very nice, I said please go and talk to the two volunteers who did breakfast, the may be grateful no to have to do the main meal, cook I suspect will be out of service for about two days. I prefer that you two talk to the volunteers as if I go over they may get the feeling they are getting pushed out. The ladies said good points leave it with us and we will keep you filled in. Thank you for your assistance.

Adam left the office and did a complete check up on the airfield and found everything clear to land. Pete phones the Doc and get his nurse, how can I help Pete, so she is told everything and what has been done, sounds like you nearly had a real major problem on your hands to me it sounds as if you have everything under control but will the Doc know when he reports in. Thanks Bye

Next he calls Jim to give him an update, Hi Jim did you get much damage sure did any one seriously hurt no thankfully. How about you yes our cook received a bad cut on the on the neck but is seemed to be ok and is sleeping well as we gave him 2 #5 and have advise the Doc nurse who said she will pass on the to the Doc.

We have checked the runway and it all clear lost a sheet of metal of the shop and that appears to be what caught the cook. The crew has gone out to check on all equipment out there. I am going to fly over most of the station and get photos where needed.

Jim asks what about getting food for the crew, two volunteers did breakfast and later on a couple of the ladies came over to help out -- just hang on there Jim I'll be back, what is it Adam -- one harvester on its side ok. Jim you still there Adam' just got a report that one harvester is on its side. Well I am off now to fly the area and see if there is anything else amiss. The flight showed the way winds path preceded, yes, there some trees blown down luckily the only thing was the harvester. I took photos over the site and then returned to the airstrip, did the normal of refueling etc.

I told Adam what I found, he said he was going out there with Tommy and had already loaded chains and shackles into his truck. I followed them out to the site and the realized the tractor was also on its side, my thoughts were oh shit.6

Adam is walking around the problem, and finally says to Adam there are two points to attach the chains and one line to each remaining tractors. Adam checks out Tommy rigging and agrees this is the best way to go. The tractor is rigged and it was easily rolled back onto wheels. We were lucky no fuel or oil was split.

The same process was applied to the harvester and other than a couple of bent levers everything was OK. The operators then run this combine machine and put it through its paces. It was given the all clear. While this was going on the crew had cleaned out the hoppers on the other machine to ensure no debris had fallen in there; ultimately the harvesters went back to work.

Adam and Tommy went back to the office, both were very dusty Tommy was the worst but he still had a smile on his face. Pete asks how did you make out good says Adam, Tommy had a good idea on how to rig the machine and we used his method to right everything. Adam says lets get our coveralls off and shake them well to get rid of the dust and then we will go for some lunch, and I think we best sit outside to eat because we are not that clean and must not upset the cook.

Pete says dam I must get over and check on our cook, hopefully he is still sleeping. On check up it does not appear the he has moved and was sleeping peacefully and no blood on his towel either which was good. We three went into the cookhouse to find the ladies working on the evening meal. Pete asks how are you making out -- real well. The two guys who did breakfast will do the same tomorrow and then we will take over. How is cook? Still sleeping peacefully that's good. We get some tea and ask do you have a sandwich at all, no but we will soon make something up, how about bacon and tomato sounds good I assume that will three yes please, we are going to sit outside as we are too dirty to be inside, I'll bring it to you when ready.

So what was Tommy rigging idea that you like Adam, I think it is best if Tommy explains, Pete asks what gave you that idea, I don't really know but it seemed just common sense -- well good for you Tommy. Our sandwich is delivered and tasted real good.

The rest of the day was spent on re-fixing loose sheets on the shop; Tommy was asking how he can get a haircut like his brother had. Adam said no problem I can do that for you, we will do it in the showers to day, thanks and please make it a full cut I smiled and said you sexy bugger Tommy.

Well at the end of the working day I collected my shaving/haircutting gear and we both headed for the showers in the bunkhouse block. I told through your coveralls in the machine this one is used for dirty clothes the other machines are for personal gear. Ok first Tommy I'm going to use my clippers first and take of the excess hair the you can then wash what is left after which I'll get you to lay on the double bench and will then do the shaving. All went very well and being a young guy he was nice and hard making is much easier to clean up around his privates once completed. I said now get in the shower and have a good scrub up and you can also scrub my back please.

While in the shower we are talking and I tell Tommy he did a good job to-day and thank you.

We pulled our shorts on put our coveralls on the line to dry and head for the house, once there we both changed our shorts and such like for clean gear then sat on the veranda, I said all being well we will completely strip that gear box and closely examine everything. Pete stops bye on his way to get a shower and asks any personal gear that need washing give it to me. We both get up and pass over our dirty stuff. Thanks Pete says Tommy go and get yourself a couple of beers I'll join you later. Adam says stay here I'll be back in a few minutes, Adam heads for the cooks room knocks on the door and see cook is awake and asks him how he feels; lousy what the hell happened. I said difficult to really know but you found trapped by a sheet of iron right bye the entrance to the cookhouse. Once you were freed you were bleeding badly from the neck, you were treated and given 2 #5 tablets to make you sleep for an extended period. How is my crew doing for there grub, don't worry about that it is all taken care. You know I sure would like a nice mug of tea. I tell you what I'll get that for you, how stable are you on your legs. Cook finds he needs assistance with walking. Just hang on a minute and I'll be back. Adam gets Tommy put the beer in the frig and come with me please.

I said cook is awake and feels lousy and want a good mug of tea, we return to the cooks room and ask where are your clean shirts and pants oh don't worry about the shirt, oh I see what you mean pants are hanging up in the closet there we help him get changed, get his socks on and then his shoes. Between us we take cook to the cookhouse a seat him at a small table. How do you like your tea? Black with some sugar and as he sips the tea he says oh that makes me feel a lot better. Once he has finished I ask would you like anything to eat what is on tonight I don't know but will check with the kitchen.

Hi Ladies what is tonight menu, they said basically lamb stew, dumpling and some green vegetables and there is a range of tarts for desert. They said they were ready as the crew will be here in about 5 minutes -- Thanks.

I tell cook what supper is oh he says that sounds nice yes please. Tommy you get cooks supper and I will move him to the main table and then we get ours and I will let Pete know, this time cook walked a little better and took his place Tommy had his supper and refilled his tea mug. We also got our supper as the crew started to come in and every one was asking how he felt lousy was his standard answer. There was a lot of ribbing going about getting served by the boss, that made cook smile. He seem happy to see his crew getting a good meal, he soon tired and said I think I must go back to bed. Pete and Adam went with him and after a bathroom visit they helped him get undressed and into bed. We said good night and don't rush around in the morning; one of us will come and help you get up and all being well have some breakfast then I plan on taking you to the doctor for redressing of your wound and to check you over.

We left cook and returned to the cookhouse, guys I would like to keep the same arrangement to-morrow for breakfast and hopefully you ladies who did an excellent meal to-night will also cover tomorrow evening. I'm taking Cook to see the Doc to-morrow morning to get his neck redressed and to check him over.

Next: Chapter 16

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