
By Rubber Rider

Published on Jul 30, 2010


Farming -- Part 15 Final chapter

We return home and Pete says I sure hope there is no other problem with our cook oh well only time will tell. We all watch the news and then turn in for an early night Tommy says good night and heads for his room. Pete says I think we both need a good stiff one and I have some over-proof rum hidden away with a little shot of ginger; that will help us sleep tonight.

The next day Tommy stripped that gearbox and cleaned everything up, on close examination we found there was a good crack in the gearbox casing and it lined up with output drive. Looking at the outside of the box around the crack area we find something hit the box. OK we will keep all the good parts scrap the damaged parts. After this we did some other shop work and then the time was 3:30 pm, OK Tommy lets get cleaned up and then we will get the reports updated, that did not take long. I think it is supper time, Pete had already got cook into the cookhouse and he looking a lot better once all sit down I ask Pete how did you make out the Doc, real good the wound looks good and was cleaned up and redressed and he prescribe with a course of antibiotics for the next ten days and to be taken with food. He is not to return to week until next week.

Well Tommy’s work went well including a bush trip and slept with the crew, no problems occurred it was now coming up for Tommy’s return to Tara Station this coming weekend his six weeks has gone bye very quickly.

Adam gives Ian a call to find out the arrangements for pickup, Ian’s reply was Tony was going to leave Friday late in the morning and should be there for supper so that Adam & Tony can sit down and discuss what Tommy has done the last six weeks and how he was accepted by our crew. No problem Ian I will let Adam know, look forward to seeing Tony tomorrow just get him to call in about 5 minutes before landing -- cheers Ian look forward to seeing Tony tomorrow -- Bye.

Well all had supper Cook had made his own way into the cookhouse and sat with the crew and enjoyed his supper, everyone was asking what the Doc had said so I gave them all the info and requested we carried on with our assistance in the cookhouse and I thank both groups for all there assistance. This coming weekend I am requesting that some other volunteers cover the breakfast.

By the middle of the following week cook returned to work and said after the first day he was real tired but slept the night OK. So things sort of got back to normal also about the middle of the week Jim showed up without warning. The first thing he asked what sort of bonus are you going to pay the volunteers for there efforts in the kitchen, I said $150 each -- that sounds reasonable good show.

So how did your 12 weeks of apprentice training go Adam, they were both good and got right stuck in, Tommy was here for the storm and he remained very calm and it was he that spotted our cook in problems. Actually that night before going to bed I explained how we would handle things and had said if I call you in the middle of the night be ready to go in less than five minutes. Pete says I went to Adam’s room opened the door call Pete get moving please see you in the office in 5 minutes --onto Tommy’s room and said lets go Tommy then I noticed he was sleeping in a clean pair of coveralls, boots and socks were right there plus his hard hat and gloves. Well he made it in roughly three minutes and we sat on the leeward side of the office listening for anything moving around, then Tommy said I’m going to walk around the office and look and listen. Then Tommy is on the radio asking us to come and look at something strange over by the cookhouse. So I took Tommy with me leaving Adam in the office and that’s when we found cook bleeding badly. We were making quiet a bit of noise and very soon many of the crew were there to assist and we got him free and you know the rest.

Later that day we got word that a harvester had been blown over together with its tractor, Adam and Tommy went to site having first loaded a number of long towing chains on the tool truck. I decided to fly over the station and look for damage which was a few trees up-ended north of here other wise nothing as far as I could see. Tommy looked closely at the mess and after disconnecting the tractor, Tommy did the rigging and then Adam looked at what he done and gave the OK so by using two tractors the fallen one was pulled into its normal position, the same method was used on the harvester and both were back in service by about 1:00pm. Adam & Tommy went back to the shop and repaired the wall and made secure any loose metal sheets. It was a long day for all of us so Adam and Tommy headed for the showers and did the usual then came home and finally sat down. Everyone had a couple of drinks talking about the events of the day. We finally went for supper had a really nice meal and came home and sat outside resting, I think we were all in bed by 8:00pm that evening.

Jim left the following morning and went to High Creek to see John & Roger as he wanted to get some idea on how to use and not loose out with there apprentices. In other words what can we do, Roger said at times when there are several machines coming into the shop for maintenance and over haul and an extra pair of hands could be very useful. However the big problem is we don’t know when each station has its annual overhaul period. The only way we can do that is get a copy of all the flow charts so we can best use the guys as this will only have working at different station may be 5 months. John says I have an idea, build a new shop at where ever and do all pump and gearbox maintenance there, so instead of messing around servicing each item on site do an swap and exchange this would reduce down time on that piece of equipment. It would mean that each station will need to have a duplicate pump and gearboxes and once an item is taken off it will need to be shipped to the central workshop for the overhaul.

Jim has been listening to these suggestions and says I think we need a manager meeting to discuss all this. Now John how would you think of hosting such a meeting during the school vacation period, because most of the managers have never been here and bye the way I will arrange for an equate supply of refreshments.

The meeting took place and the general consensus was to discuss this with there assistants and come up with some sort of practical idea -- all agreed we don’t want to loose then either. Jim OK lets have phone conference next week but firstly email all the with ideas before the conference.

Well a number of ideas were submitted and it was agreed they would give it a test run for one year. Further more the apprentice would be sleeping in the bunkhouses with the rest of the crew as they were young working men now.

Six months later Jim visits John and Roger and he says he was thinking of buying up station next to High Creek -- Dennis is the manager / owner that means I will need an additional manager and assistant so I wouldn’t be taking over that station for at least six months assuming we can agree on price, from now most of the overhauls are completed I would like over the next six months to move one of the apprentices to base station and the other to high creek for three months and then switch then around, I believe the TQ exams come up at the three month change over time and hopefully they get the same examiner as Adam had.

Now they will work with Assistant Manager with as much time that can be squeezed in leaning the work the Assistant does but like Adam we don’t tell them what the outcome could be.

The flying time between High Creek and this other station is roughly 2½ hours, now I know who I would like to take over this station if becomes actual fact and that is you John and Roger to become Station manager here now I fully realize this will split you up. I don’t want you to be upset by my suggestion so I’m going to suggest you two discuss this in private and let me know our thoughts within three days. They both say thank you for the offer and yes we will give it serious consideration.

Jim says I think that enough from me today, John says I agree so it now relaxing time lets go back to the house and what would you like Jim a stiff G&T would go down well. Roger comes into the kitchen and helps get the drinks; I said make it a triple for Jim, what about you Roger some special rum and ginger I will make it two. We deliver the drink to Jim; it was a very hot afternoon around 38oC so we sat in the house with all the windows and door open.

Finally we went for supper and as usual we had a really good supper, as we returned to our home, Jim said he had been on the go today and had a lot of reading to do so he was going to his room see you in the morning. I said to Roger lets go for a drive. We went to a shady area and discussed Jim’s proposal.

Roger says we will not be far away, and I have admitted I would like to become a Station Manager. John says I can fully understand that so which of the apprentices would you prefer to have as your assistant, well I would have to talk to Adam but I have liking to Chas as he wanted to know how the flow chart was developed, mind you Tommy acted very calm during storm and got stuck in there.

You know there is little to choose between them and I think we would need to talk to them separately.

John & Roger decided that it was time that Roger became station manager despite splitting them up, however they were nor really to far away. They notified Jim of there decision; his response was a great big hug to both of us.

Later that month they say sat there TQ ticket exam and passed, the examiner asked will you be hear tomorrow for your basic welding ticket. You mean we can write that as well -- why certainly was the answer -- we will be here what time 8:00 am please. The only thing is we do not have our welding hoods or gloves not to worry I will lend you that gear -- Thanks

The two brothers contacted there pilot and told him what was going on, OK guys use that motel and I meet you there tomorrow around midday. I am going back to the station for the present and will see you in the morning.

Next day they were waiting outside the motel when there pilot showed up both young men were full of smiles. Pilot’s first comment was looks as if you did OK guys -- yes we did, well congratulations to you both as that is a weight off your shoulders.

The guys were returned to thee home station so they can let there folks know, that night there was much celebration in that home and in the morning they both woke up with bad headaches or should I say hangovers, later that day they reported to Allen who once he saw them decided they were no good on the job; site so after talking he sent them both home to recover but he told them they were taking off again to=morrow so make sure you have everything you need for three months stay with both of you please. Tommy went to base Station and Chas went to Hi Creek Station

Four months later, Jim meet with John and said it was a go because he got the price down as there was a lot of renovation to be done with the homes etc similar to High Creek but worse, now I’m giving you funds for up to $100,000 to get things squared up. So I would like you to come with me to visit the Station the to-morrow for a few hours and then we will return here for further discussion.

I contacted Roger and told him I was leaving with Jim but would be back tonight, well on arrival I could see what Jim meant, most of the buildings looked very run down, we found they had six kids with families all doing school by correspondence.

No internet on site, no single room house that could be converted however they did have a community hall including some side rooms that could be converted into a school room by taking some walls out. Dennis was asked how old were the homes, he said at least 50 years and the community hall which is large, that is something I had built about 20 years ago and is mainly for showing movies once every two weeks.

Thanks Dennis we will head back home oh bye the way in case I’m not available you can deal with John here for the hand over.

Back at High Creek we are just in time for Supper, turned out to be steak night and it was really good, well we returned to house so Roger joined us. Jim asked John what do you think, firstly I hope you got the price really down because those homes from the outside are dreadful condition. I had my small knife with my and stuck in some of the sidings and it went straight through, those boards are rotten most likely got the ants into them.

Frankly all the homes need replacing and I’m suggesting at least two three bed homes and the rest two bed homes. Like some of the other stations the homes are getting all the dirt and dust from passing traffic so I’m suggesting we find a new location down wind of the road and not to far from the community hall.

Jim with your connections you would be able to get a good price on factory made homes most likely in two parts that can be attached to a concrete foundation with suitable anchor bolts to keep the house secure in bad wind storms. The roof sheeting to be suitable to provide a veranda around all the houses. Jim says that makes a lot of sense. The bunkhouses at least one block will need replacing, in that case I would get the crew to remove all personal gear and stow in the community hall with there names showing then bring in the new building and secure it to the foundation; but first we must check that foundation.

Jim said the bunkhouse unit he would want them to come with all beds and mattresses; I will go out and get prices and also for the concrete foundations.

John says is time to relax what will you have, to much talking I need a beer first, Roger gets that and asks John what about you brother a tall G&T please he then gets a G&T for them both.

Roger says I think you will have a big job ahead of you, as a suggestion once Dennis has left I suggest you call a meeting of the entire station and tell them what is planned to be done to upgrade the place -- Jim says I like your thinking Roger and I agree with you, as I understand it Dennis will stay for a week and then take off to parts unknown.

Jim then says oh you have remaindered me Dennis office is also his home so we will also need a three bedroom home for you John and your assistant. The present office to become a true office and you need three offices one for you, then one for your assistant and finally for your lady looking after the books and general office duties. However that is the last item on the list by looking after the crew and then your selves it helps to get better accepted.

Oh bye the way how is it going where regarding our new tradesmen, Roger says I will have Chas and John will have Tommy. Jim say I will get a set of tools for both of them as we did for Adam and I get them delivered to High Creek now I guess we need to see both on them and make the offer of Assistant Manager/Maintenance. John suggests we bring them both to High Creek and to bring all there personal items as well let them have rooms in the Bunkhouse. Then give them a day together, after supper make the offer we will do it in the office; give them the chance to talk with us and tell them where they will be stationed; assuming they accept we will take them to house if we may John/Roger no problem from either of us.

Well all went well they both accepted and were told who report to and we will take it from there. Chas & Tommy left to go for a walk as so much had happened today they needed to clear there heads.

Jim said I like that excuse to ensure they did not have another drink. John said I need to go back up to Dennis Station in about two days time and fly over the territory and then go and have a look at the shop so I will take Tommy with me as I want to get some photo’s of what is there as I am feeling a little suspicious I need to find out how many Ute’s on the site plus check the welding truck over etc. OK let me know what you find. Will do because you may need to come up there on the double.

Well John’s suspicions were correct, he found out that Dennis was claiming the Ute on site was his yet we found it never been transferred also over the last six months he had sold off four Ute’s, one tractor also when we went to take over the number of cattle diminished dramatically. So we needed the bill of sale because the agreement was nothing was to be disposed of until the transfer of ownership had taken place. We advised Jim and said you had better bring the police with you it is very urgent because you are getting ripped off.

End result there were than enough witness to back up John finding and most of them said I hope he rots in jail.

Dennis was sentence 15 years for fraud; his ultimate payment set by the judge was the agreed price less the cattle sale and the four Ute’s.

Well John and Tommy took over and because there was a lot of public seeing what went on that day, John requested a meeting of everyone in the Community Hall that evening to tell than what has transpire and what was proposed. The meeting took place and the end result was applause and someone stood up saying folks don’t expect this to be done over night but I am having good feeling about this take over, because I know what was done at High Creek and that is the same company. John said thank you for that comment and added it was his intention to get the housing improved. I’m going to put this sheet on the table over there as wish to know who has kids and if they are male and/or female and the family name, there may be some queries later and either my self or my assistant will stop bye.

Many of the folk came up to us and said thank you for taking over -- Denis was a rip off man.

Jim came to his new property and with John and Tommy they walked around looking to where best to place the new homes, finally a location was agreed on also the home would be placed so that the evening sun was on the veranda’s which meant facing west.

Next a good look at the bunkhouses both unit were in bad shape and worn out, John suggested a larger unit so all single guys lived together, the unit need to have at least six extra rooms, Tommy suggested two units linked to a common room for relaxation and should have a nice veranda area. Jim looks at Tommy and asks where did that idea come from Tom, he said his experience of living in bunkhouses made him think on how to make the place more like home. John says Tom I like that idea good for you mate.

Well the new homes were delivered same with the bunkhouse block and all went in to service, the office building was too small so it was extended to a similar layout of High Creek, finally the new school room was opened with internet with the School of the Air. The kids were all given Hi-Vis shirts and there benefits were explained also said please try and get you dad to wear one.

About a week later we got notice that all the crew and families wished to meet with us and would we be available on Thursday evening around 5:30 pm we said yes and asks what this all about and the only answer was we think you will enjoy the meeting. We did find out they were going to have big BBQ to say thank you and I decided I needed some beer for every one and wine for the ladies. So I contacted my brother and asked him to get the required amount and bring it in on Thursday midday if possible use the company credit card and mark in Top Creek. Well everything arrived and I shipped it over to the cookhouse and asked the cook how much space do you have in the chillers, he asked why so I told him but said keep this to yourself please a big smile came on his face so the beer and wine was stashed out of site chilling.

Come 5:30 pm we showed up, as we joined everyone there was a lot of applause, well I thought we had done something wrong -- that got folk laughing.

There spokes person said we wish to say thank you for what you have done for everyone here, I think we were all dreading the wet season because most of the houses leaked like hell now we have something to be proud of and the bunkhouse block looks really good, so if there is anything we can do to help you achieve the final result please let us know.

Tommy stood up and said one of my bosses wishes are in the direction of safety, now you may wonder why you only see us in Hi-Vis clothing during working hours now in my case and John there our coveralls are fireproof to protect us when burning or welding. We are not asking you to wear coveralls but we are asking you to wear Hi-Vis Shirt the same as the school kids are now wearing, we will give you your first shirt free, any additional shirts the cost is $10.00 each.

John then said this all started when a young guy got hit by a Ute in front of his house, there was a lot of dust about and the kid was wearing sand colored shirt and shorts so basically invisible and I do not want to see that happen here, and in fact I don’t want any accidents. Talking about dusty conditions I suggest you use a pair of safety glasses as that will reduce grit getting in your eyes by about 90% and I tell you what you get a shirt and I will throw in a pair of safety glasses.

That is my request to you folks, there spokes person said you have heard John & Tom’s request, we must support them to make this place a much safer place -- thanks everyone.

BBQ hamburgers were served, we were asked many times do you have any shirts on site I said yes they are all medium and I have to get large size in.

Excuse me everyone one we have something for you folk we will be back in a few minutes, we get the Ute collect shirts and safety glasses onto the cookhouse where cook is eating on his own lets have half the beer and some wine, then come with us and you server the wine to the ladies and we will do the beer.

We return and I ask can someone give us a hand please, those boxes there put them on a table at the back please I will deal with this, Cook has glasses for the ladies and pours the wine for then Tommy and myself put the beer to everyone -- oh thanks never had beer on a station before -- I said special occasion.

One of the ladies said to cook we missed you; would you like a hamburger he said yes please so now it appears the whole family is really there. John asks Tom take the Ute and get the second round of beer and wine.

John calls out in a few moments I will have the packing case opened and will have some shirts available now if you need a large size I get your name and hopefully have something tomorrow. John has two sheets one for large shirts and the other for received shirts finally John takes his clean coveralls off as he has his Hi-Vis shirt and shorts on anyway. Many of the guys are putting there new shirts on. Many of the wives are hugging there man and saying you look real good.

Tommy has arrived and handing out the second beer, cook is doing the ladies refill.

John says thanks everyone for you support and you will really make my boss happy. The only other thing I will say is I have to get my own house built because I’m sure the bunkhouse crew will be glad when we are not around -- the answer we got was you will always have a room with us we like you around -- here! Here!

Oh one last thing from me I am going to call this Station “Top Creek”

Well over the next few months there were other changes made, including a new cookhouse block, and larger shower block for the single guys in which had the washing machines etc.

Well this brings to an end of what went on John was very proud at the way Tommy performed and he told Jim so. Over a six month period according to the accident book mishaps decline to zero; this was enough to bring the industrial inspector in to endeavor to find out what has happened. When he arrived by Ute to give a surprise visit Tommy was in the office as John was flying over the station doing an inspection. The inspector asked for Dennis, Just said he was not available and also had no control on matters of this Station but hang on please I will try and raise John the Station Manager on the radio. Top Creek one, Top Creek one, come in please; yes Tom something wrong no nothing but we have the industrial inspector just arrived on site. OK Tommy meet me at the air strip I should be in within 20 minutes. Tommy turns to the inspector and asks do you have safety glasses with you he say no well I will lend you a pair as there is lots of dust about, Tom say please come with me and we head out in the Ute and I take the long way around.

The inspectors says there appears to have been a lot of money spent here, all I said was yes and it has been well worth it during our ride I get flagged down bye one of the ladies who says Tommy do you have any more shirts in stock I said yes as my husband sure likes his and I want to get some more for the kids and family. Please stop by the office later today -- thanks, Tommy’s radio trips Top Creek one will be landing within five minute, OK John almost there. On landing he refills the plane and then comes to meet us; John like me we are wearing hard hats.

The inspector said he knew nothing of what had happened however he asked who actually owns the Station, Jim Fielder. Oh that answers a lot of questions, you have a very straight forward boss and how long have you worked for him about a good twenty five years including his Canadian holding which have now been sold off -- very interesting. By now we are the temporary office as the old place is being structurally expanded. John turns to Tommy and says please go and let the cook know we would like soup and sandwich lunch for three say 12:30 pm.

So what part does Tommy play in this setup; he is my Assistant Manager / Maintenance man same as the rest of Jim’s operations. So please where is Dennis these days and do you have an address for him, his actual location I’m not sure but he is serving 15 years for fraud, you would have to get that from the police department.

We go for lunch and chat generally and the inspector says I wish I had know about the change of ownership however I’m please to say your rating will be reduced, sorry I don’t know what it will be but will email it to you as soon as I have the information.

With that the inspector left having left his card and I see his name is Gavin Long; well within a week we did get a good drop in rates. That amounts to several thousand dollars to our operations benefit.

From there on everything went smoothly including getting through the wet season well and so that is the end of our story on farm life and when myself and my brother we have come a long way since Dad passed away.

Thanks for reading.

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