Fat Thor

By Todd Mitchell

Published on Aug 6, 2022


I wrote this for a friend as his birthday present. It is very naughty... And yes, do send me fan mail if you like it.

And more importantly, please remember to donations to Nifty (using link https://donate.nifty.org/). Only they can give you that special feeling inside.

Chapter 7. The Only Solution

It took Bruce Banner a good hour or so to review the test results, do some research in some fascinating medical journals that other alien races had exchanged with him, and come to a conclusion. He had never seen such chemical and physiological results but it was clear what the impact of the Shi'ar cum had made on Thor's body. No wonder they were a known as a ferocious race.

The alien medical texts went into great detail about the impact of Shi'ar cum. There were old stories of the Shi'ar taking enemy warriors prisoners and then making them disappear. Crazy stories circulated until one Shi'ar confessed that the prisoners were force-fed Shi'ar cum which they swiftly became addicted to. Eventually the prisoners would start to express milk via their titties, and the Shi'ar would keep the prisoners as milking cows. From the milk came the famous Shi'ar butter. The texts went on to say that of all the aliens converted, humanoids provided the most delicious milk. Clearly if Thor had continued to be fed Shi'ar cum he too would have been converted into a milking cow. What price an Asgardian God, turned into a Shi'ar milking cow would fetch, made Banner decide not to mention this.

Luckily the dual effects of Thor stopping cold turkey, and having all the Shi'ar cum flushed out of him by Drax had prevented that from happening. However the impact of the Shi'ar cum that he had swallowed had already made its impact. His shrunken cock and testicles were probably here to stay for ever. But his body now demanded Shi'ar cum to feed his muscles. So without it, he would shrink back to being a little boy.

There was a solution though. A gamma injection would re-set his bodies balance. And Bruce Banner as the Hulk could produce a huge gamma injection. One load of the Hulk's cum would keep Thor's body generating muscle for years. There was just one downside to all of this. Bruce ran the simulation a number of times, but the answers always kept coming out the same way. There was only one thing for it, he was going to have to speak to Thor and get him to make the choice.

Bruce came out of his office to find Thor still on the sofa, tears now dried, but still naked. "Thor I have some answers for you."

"Oh good," Thor said, gingerly getting up off the sofa.

"Now..." Bruce paused and looked around. "Where's the dildo?" he asked.

Thor just winked at Bruce and patted his arse to indicate where it was now firmly lodged.

"Oh right," Bruce smiled. "Well you have two choices unfortunately. Fundamentally the Shi'ar cum has changed you. Changed the inside of you. If you carry on without further cum or treatment, you will shrink back to being a boy."

"How small?"

"Probably to match the size of that little thing," Bruce flicked Thor's cock with a pen.

"So I need more cum then?" Thor asked.

"I didn't want to tell you this," Banner scratched the back of his head. "But if you keep swallowing Shi'ar cum your breasts will become bigger and produce milk. Have you ever had Shi'ar butter? Yeah well now you know where it comes from. And trust me, it won't just be a squeeze in the morning. You'll have to be sent to a farm and milked like the other cows," Bruce informed him.

Thor swallowed. "So that's not an option."

"No," Bruce agreed. "There is one other option though. If we give you a big enough injection of gamma radiation your muscles will be able grow again..."

"Let's do that!" Thor demanded.

"Hang on now," Bruce cautioned him. "It isn't just as simple as that. I've looked all over for the right intensity of gamma and there is only one source that will work without you having to have daily injections."


"Woah, woah, woah!" Bruce had to restrain him. "The only source is the Hulk's cum."


"And..." Banner held his attention, "It can't be ingested down your throat. It has to be injected into you."

"I'm gunna be fucked by the Hulk?" Thor gasped. "No way."

"But there's a problem," Banner cautioned him. "I checked the full dilation of your hole. And I'm afraid it's not big enough to take the Hulk's cock. The Hulk's cum loses its gamma intensity very quickly and I can't see the big man wanking." Bruce looked at Thor in the eye. "So I will need to operate on you and give you a proper cunt."

Thor laughed aloud. "You're crazy doc! I'm the God of thunder. I had absorbed the power of a star. I can take anything."

"Are you sure?" Banner asked. "The truth is, that your cock will never grow bigger," Bruce explained. "And your balls will never produce any more cum. The Shi'ar and Drax have seen to that."

"You think a man's pleasure is purely centred on his penis?" Thor asked. "If I've learnt anything over the last couple of weeks, it's that pleasure can be found in so many parts of the body. Honestly if I'd have known it could have been that great getting fucked I would have let Loki have a go when we were kids. Boy, he was always saying we should play around... starting to miss the little troublemaker."

Bruce sat down beside him. "Listen pal, I ain't gunna lie to you. It's gunna be painful. But if you think you can take it, well you're an Asgardian. We're gunna have to relax you a little though."


"I got these little things from Captain Marvel," Banner smiled. "Amazing little crystals you crush up. You take a quick sniff and it's like being massaged by an octopus."

"A what now?" Thor asked.

"A creature with eight arms," Banner explained. "Not important. You'll love it."

Chapter 8. Gamma Injections

Thor woke up in his bed at the Avengers HQ. He ran his hands down his biceps and then his titties, damn he felt good. He went to touch his little cock and while it didn't give him any pleasure, it made him think that others might be more willing to fuck him once they knew he had a little-bitty, boys willy. He blinked his eyes and saw The Hulk standing nearby. But it wasn't The Hulk that he remembered. This Hulk looked a lot more like Banner than usual. Almost a merge of both of the men. "Huh?" he murmured.

"Well hey Thor," he said. "You feeling better?"

"You look different..." Thor said.

"What? Oh this," The Hulk touched his face. "We call this Smart Hulk," he laughed. "Best of both worlds."

"I thought..." Thor tried to say.

"What?" Smart Hulk laughed. "You were going to be fucked by the Big Guy? Man you never would have been able to take his cock. It's like 12 inches in diameter."

"Oh right," Thor felt so deliciously mellow, and his whole body tingled with delight. He looked at Smart Hulk. He had Banner's handsome face and while he wasn't the sheer size of The Hulk, he was at least 7 feet tall and with massive shoulders and arms that made Thor feel tiny.

"So how did the crystals work?" Smart Hulk asked. "I forgot to tell you, they make you pretty sleepy as well. But it's worked out for the best."

"Oh man," Thor signed. "It feels like waking up on the first day of holidays. I'm so happy."

"That's good to hear," Smart Hulk whispered, smiling as he walked to the edge of the bed, taking his shirt off as he did.

Thor threw off the sheets and exposed his naked body. Without thinking he slipped a hand down and touched his hole. It seemed to open without him thinking. "Oh yeesss," he whispered, a little awe struck.

"Roll over," Smart Hulk whispered as he climbed onto the bed. Thor did as instructed, flicking his long blonde hair to one side as he did. Smart Hulk's big hand reached forward and he ran his thumb across Thor's hole, causing it to pucker and sending shivers all through his body. Smart Hulk's large fingers were remarkably tactile, opening up and playing with the inside of Thor's cunt as if it was the softest of kittens. When Smart Hulk's thumb started to rotate inside, Thor thought his brain would explode. When Thor started to moan, Smart Hulk whispered in his ear, "So tell me. How often did you use to wank?"

"Odin. Oh god, my Odin!" Thor could barely concentrate. But he could see that Smart Hulk expected answers. "Once a day."

"Really?" Smart Hulk laughed. "You must know that Tony Stark has cameras everywhere. We've all seen you bashing one out. Every chance you could get. I even caught you at the battle of New York wanking one off when you thought no one was looking."

Thor blushed. "You were Angry Hulk," he protested in a whimper. "I thought you were blind to your rage."

Smart Hulk chuckled again. "Think about all that wanking. Well every time you used to wank, you'll now want to be fucked. And you're going to need someone to help you with that. Every single time you get that feeling. You're going to need a big cock in you."

"Oh no," Thor cried out. "How am I gunna get that?"

"I've got a plan, don't you worry princess," Smart Hulk whispered. Just the word reminded him of Altzar and it sent shivers of pleasure through Thor, resulting in him opening his legs a little wider without thinking. "Well it looks like you're ready for your injection," Smart Hulk smiled, and he slipped off the bed and removed his jeans.

Thor rolled onto his shoulder and looked over. The rock hard muscles of Smart Hulk had him captivated. He remembered when he used to look like that. Now he was curvy and soft and everything bounced. Just looking at those muscles made him touch his nipples. They were so big, he had to pinch them and roll his finger around them. Smart Hulk noticed. "You like the big muscles, hey? They make your nipples get hard don't they? Yeah that's the Shi'ar cum at work. It's made you feel things. You see hard muscles from now on, your nipples are going to get sensitive. You're going to want to get laid."

Thor rolled his head back and moaned again. Smart Hulk smiled as he shook out his long, fat, green cock. Thor tilted his head so he could see the full length. "Fuck me!" he whispered.

"That's the idea," Smart Hulk chuckled as he applied lube to his cock. As he started to fist it, it grew into an enormous fifteen inches. Smart Hulk walked slowly over to Thor, the huge cock swaying as he did. "We're going to take this slow my princess," he smiled. "You've never had one this big. But don't worry. You'll stretch."

Thor was terrified for a moment, but as soon as he saw each one of Hulk's huge hands take one of his feet in his palms, and the huge biceps flex, he was totally ready for it. The head of the cock immediately filled him and he gasped, as if the air had been pushed out of him. "Breathe out," Smart Hulk guided him. "You're a god."

Thor remembered, and the smell of the crystals came back to his mind. He head rolled his head back and opened his legs even further. Each little bit, he felt more of Smart Hulk's cock inside him. He'd never felt like this before. Even when Drax's arm had been up him. "Half way there," Smart Hulk whispered.

"Oh Odin!" Thor moaned.

"Yeah you do say that, don't you?" Smart Hulk noticed. "Hulk's your daddy now."

Thor wasn't sure what he meant but he didn't have time to think further. There was more of that cock filling him.

"That's good princess," Smart Hulk murmured. "Now let's just rock a little," he said, and he started to move Thor up and down his huge cock.

Thor felt like he was going to explode. "Oh yes. Fuck me daddy."

Everything in him was so sensitive. He swore he was having orgasms in his fingertips. "Please!" He squealed. "Give it to me."

"It's cumming, don't worry," Smart Hulk laughed. "I've been horny ever since I saw that phat booty of yours walk in, begging for cock. Feel your body awash with gamma!"

Thor could feel the huge cock pulsate inside him. And as Smart Hulk slowly withdrew more and more of the gamma intensified cum flooded every cell of his body.

"Now you have to hold it all in," Smart Hulk warned him. "Tighten up for me."

"Oh, oh, oh...." Thor trembled. "Stay in me please."

"Now, now. Be a good princess," Smart Hulk tutted. "I need to withdraw."

"But I can't tighten it!" Thor whined. "I don't know how."

"You'll have to learn quickly," Smart Hulk sighed. "No one likes a stretched hole. Right now you need that entire load to stay in you. If you can't hold it in your cunt the rest you'll have to swallow. Understand."

"Yes, yes, yes," Thor sobbed.

Smart Hulk gave him a firm nod and removed his entire cock. Thor could feel the emptiness, and then the flood heading towards the opening, so he pulled his legs together as quickly as he could. Smart Hulk reached down and picked Thor up, lifting him over his shoulder.

"Where... where are we going?"

"This'll help you keep the cum inside you," Smart Hulk smiled, and he patted Thor's behind softly. When he felt like Thor had been there enough, he gradually lowered Thor back down on the floor, until he was towering over him.

Thor looked up, unable to take his eyes off Smart Hulk's huge cock that had remained erect. "You haven't finished?"

"Ha ha, there's a little bit more of a load for you," Smart Hulk whispered. "You need all the gamma injection you can handle. So why don't you open your mouth and get ready to swallow. And any bit that you don't swallow," he grinned, "There is a nice little bowl to catch it. And you can lick it up afterwards."

"O...ok," Thor stammered. He felt weakened by the fucking and the cum started to flood in his mouth. It was only as he squatted there that he thought about what Smart Hulk had said. Was there really Stark cameras everywhere?

Next: Chapter 7

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