Fate Rules All

By LeslieNTammy BarberNRose

Published on Feb 2, 2004

Copyrighted by SkyeRoseNovels

Author: SkyeRose

Feedback Email Address: leslientammy@yahoo.com

Part 2

I noticed when she smiled that she had a tongue ring, with a rainbow ball on top. Oh yes ma'am Miss Les was definitely "family". I thought it kind of odd for her to have a tongue ring and be a music teacher. (But you know those "artsy" types as my mama used to say.)

I proceeded to take her around to the other parts of the school. I showed her where her stomping grounds would be and we both peeked in the room looking at how miserable the children seemed to look. They had been assigned a substitute, whom I think was sleep. The kids were watching a movie that looked as if it was made in the 80s and we all know how today's children are.

"Tsk, can I start now?", she said.

I looked at her in amazement. She really took teaching music serious, if she was willing to walk in a classroom where the attention of the kids was lost in their own little doodling imaginations. I mean what was I going to do, tell her "no, because I have to lecture you on rules and regulations of our school system, district, state, etc. b.s." So I did what any good principal who cared more about the children than hearing themselves talk would do, I told her yes.

"Make sure that you stop by my office later on so that we can go over proper procedures and any questions you care to discuss I will..."

I was just talking to hear myself talk by this time because she was not listening. She walked into the classroom and turned on the light switch. The kids immediately perked up and responded. Their eyes began to glow as she pranced and jumped around the room. I thought her actions to be way out of the norm, but when you face it, "norm" was one of those words that probably had never been in her vocabulary.

Easy enough the day went by and I checked on her from time to time but she had no trouble. She was professional and when she walked in my office at a quarter till 5, I realized she had taken out her tongue ring. I was glad at that though because I had seen too many teachers come through MLK that wanted to do their own thing and not abide by rules. She listened as I spoke and when the meeting was over I got my briefcase and jacket and walked to my car.

I heard blues coming from some part of the building. I went back inside and followed it to her room where she was putting up music symbols onto her bulletin board. I walked in and turned down her music.

"You know Les, I appreciate your enthusiasm in preparation for your class but you should probably get home and get some rest. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow. You have the fourth graders tomorrow, and their class is tough."

"Well Virginia, (I loved how she said my name.), I think I can handle them. You're probably right about resting up though. I need to get out of here. But before you go, you want to grab a bite to eat."

I stared at her. What was this game this girl was trying to play with me? I am pretty sure she knew that I was a lesbian, considering I had embarrassed myself earlier on with the comment and her name. But asking me to dinner was a step gone too far. I had chosen not to ever put my private life in the public. That was a choice that I had made because I didn't want to have to explain, and personally I didn't have the energy to give in to how other people would choose for me to live my life.

Just as I was about to answer she came at it with a different angle.

"If you are a lesbian, and I know that you are, we can go to dinner. But if you're not a lesbian we can still go to dinner.", she said with a smart alick tone.

I smiled.

"Well Les, I am a lesbian, but I don't play musical chairs with those whom I am on the same team with.", and I walked out.

I left her there looking at me, probably trying to figure me out. Good luck to her. She knew that I was feeling her but from that day on I promised myself to never ever show in liking of any kind towards her, except on a strictly professional principal to teacher relationship.

That night as I lied in my bed, I wondered why this night I wished for someone to be with me. Ultimately I had been doing good and I missed Daya at times. But was it enough to actually be put down for what I love. I would make my love...work. It was the only thing I knew would love me back, and I could not disappoint it.

A couple of months went by and it was all good until the head principal was in a terrible car crash that put her on bed rest for 3 months. This would be my time to prove to myself and the school board that I could run my little eagle's nest. But why is it when it is your "time to shine" that everything has to go wrong.

This particular day I had one too many fights with the same three kids, and a parent-teacher-(and unfortunately) principal conference that ended with too much screaming, not enough listening, and a migraine that bitched me out.

I retreated to the teacher's lounge along with a bottle of water and some headache medicine. I knew no teachers would be in there because it was in the middle of third period. Of course while I was sitting on the couch zoning out, Les would walk in.

She came in and sat right up on me on the couch. All that space in the room and she just had to sit next to me.

"Les I had a long ass day and I am not in the mood for your childhood antics in the teacher's lounge."

"What antics Virginia? Because I want to sit next to a divine beauty like yourself."

I got up right then. It was enough that I had taken bullshit all day but I didn't have to take hers. I decided I was going to leave.

"Are you running from me Virginia?, she asked.

"No I don't run from anything but I told you that I am not in the mood and I am not."

"Then why Virginia, I must ask, are you still looking at me as if you wish that you were still sitting beside me on this couch accidentally brushing your leg against my knee?"

Was she serious? I looked at her and rolled my eyes, and I mean hard. Cocky little shit she was. Once again, she didn't know me very well. I was not in the mood and you know how a sister, or rather any woman is when she just wants the world to step the hell off. In my case, I wouldn't have minded stepping off from myself.

I went back to my office and got through with paperwork after I had asked the secretary not to send me any phone calls through to my line unless someone was dying. In the last period of the day the secretary called me to tell me that Les needed me in her room because another fight had broke out. Just when I when I thought my day couldn't get any worst.

I walked down to her classroom and the kids were sitting there. I didn't see any fight and Les was sitting on her stool with her guitar. I walked in and the kids began to sing "You Are My Sunshine" in 3 part harmony. Not only that but they sung it in Swahili. I had to smile. I mean the kids were great and Les's smile was radiant. I clapped when they finished and told Les thank you. She winked and I swear, my heart skipped a bar of beats.

School was finally through for the day, thank God, and I was rushing out of that place to get home. They had really beat me up today and I just wanted to get home. I walked to my car and on the driver's side sat a beautiful yellow rose. Only Daya knew that I loved yellow roses but I hadn't heard from her in forever. I turned around and she was standing there in "regular" clothes.

"Why are you here?", I asked. I was getting straight to business because I knew that she knew that I knew she wanted something.

"Virginia Jacques I need you. My life has been so dull since you have been gone. I mean I know I messed up and I could have made life really better for you...and I know you love your little job."

See this is where I totally forgot anything she said. My job was not little. That showed to me that she still had no regard to the passion of my job and she felt it was not equal to hers. Not just that, I looked at my rose and thought how beautiful and innocent and pure it was. But that meant nothing. She wasn't beautiful to me and the innocence and purity of our love had been scarred and repeatedly bruised time and time again.

Some would call me crazy, but those who know the sanctity of love that I am talking about, understand why I walked away from her. I put my finger to her mouth and hushed her. I put the rose in her hand and got in my car. As I drove away I watched her out of my rearview mirror as she stood there not ever knowing that our love that was there in the beginning was devoured by her selfishness and my intolerance of it.

I got home and took a long hot bath. As I was stepping out, the doorbell rang. I knew it was Daya and I was not about drama tonight. I didn't want to argue. I just wanted some peace. Can't a girl just get some time to reflect and relax? I opened the door in my robe and Les was standing there. How did she even know where I lived? But before I could even ask her, I did the unthinkable.

I don't know what happened in me to make me wrap my arms around the neck of this...stranger, but I did. Whatever it was, I hoped that it would still be present when the consequences of that action rolled around.

Still To Be Continued

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