Fates Helping Hand

By Adam

Published on Dec 12, 2001



This story is fictious. Ya know what that means right? It's not real. I don't know the guys of *Nsync, or the guys of the Backstreet Boys. I don't know Britney Spears, I don't know Mandy Moore, I don't know Christina Aguilera, I don't know any one famous. I'm using their names and identities, but I don't own them. If I did, I have a feeling I'd be a millionaire. (but on a side note, I wouldn't be a pervert who would exploit them...not to name names, but ahem...Lou Pearlman)

As for you...you should be 18 or older. Unless the legal age in your area is younger, then you shouldn't be here either. Just be the judge by the laws your current place of residence has instilled. You should realize that this story is homosexual in nature, and that the homosexual acts involve some of your favorite pop stars. That's right, love between men...does it scare you...then leave. If you understand everything you've read, and you are okay with it, then please continue reading to the story.

Cliff Notes

Justin Timberlake runs into Brian Litrell at an airport, both of them there to pick up a friend. Her idea of a joke leads to so much more. Can a chance meeting bring love to two disheartened pop stars or is their mutual friend's hope simply to hard to meet? Well that's what this story will hope to answer, after all, I don't wanna give a way the answer in the preview, that would be ridiculous, and then you wouldn't wanna read my story.

Basically the plot is as above, focusing around the two, and their band mates. Easy to follow...great....now begin reading.

So, this story will also a fictional character, from a friend I have on the internet, Summer. It will also include a role from my other internet friend Mary. Summer is the one that tries to lay a hand in their own fate. She's a trouble maker...bad.

And if you have any feedback then you can send it to golden_silence27@yahoo.com and I will respond to it good or bad. Thanks.

Chapter 1 - Miscalculation

Summer's laugh slowly took control of her as the plane landed with a screech at the Orlando Airport. She couldn't help but smile, not only had she made friends with both Justin Timberlake and Brian Litrell, but she had managed to find out their darkest secrets in the process. Now don't get her wrong, she posed no threat to expose their homosexuality to the world, no, her laughter was for another reason. She simply laughed becuase she couldn't help but not to. She was about to try and pull off the biggest scheme she could have thought of, she only hoped it would work.

Meanwhile in the airport, Justin Timberlake, disguised as a regular traveler sat waiting for Summer. He had never met her in person, but he knew she would know exactly who he was, and he had seen a picture that would give him some idea of her when he saw her. He was anxious to meet her, she had been a great friend through out the time he met her in a chat room. He didn't know why but she got out of him that he was the Justin Timberlake, and then later on, that he was gay. That had been scary for him, just typing it to her was hard enough, he couldn't imagine what it would be like to tell his friends.

Although, Summer had convinced him to tell his mother, and she had accepted it, not much you can really change in the matter. Saying no and denying it doesn't really help, trust me on that. But back to point, Summer had gotten into his system, and sure enough had become his best friend when Josh and Lance had become to close for him to seperate. It hurt at first, but Summer was quick to make him happy with a joke or a story. Now he could not remember a time when Josh was really there for him that she wasn't. Well, at least, as long as he knew her.

And now that he was meeting her, he couldn't help but smile with a childish gleam. But he was also going to give her a playful smack on the arm. After all, it was her stupid idea for him to shave his head. But that thought also brought a smile to his face.

Back on the plane Summer was grabbing her overhead baggage. Now was the moment of truth as she lined to exit the plane, for the first time a little fear crept into her system. Would her friends be angry or happy...hmmm?

You're probably asking the question of friends...what do you mean friends? Well Justin Timberlake was not the only famous boy band member waiting for his friend. Only a few rows over and just as anixous, Brian Litrell was pacing.

He had met Summer at a concert, she had won a back stage pass for a radio contest, and they hit it off quick. After knowing each other for a month or so he admitted that Leighanne was a cover and that he was truly gay and just afraid to tell the world. They had laughed about it over the phone, both doing their best impressions of Carson Daly as though he had found out the news. Brian thought he would probably gag and choke on his own tongue. Summer thought he would start opening hitting on him, her mind was always that Carson was a gay pervert. Did I mention an ugly one?

As Summer came closer to their view, she immediately saw the both of them. Justin was wearing a baseball cap and his glasses, Brian was wearing a baseball cap and a large coat. She laughed, she may have been a devoted fan, but it wasn't that hard to pick them out of a crowd wearing t-shirts and shorts. For god sakes, it may have been December, but it was still 70 or 80 degrees outside.

Brian quickly ran towards her, pulling her into a hug. Justin caught the two doing so, and frowned. He could have swore that he had seen Summer in the girl that Brian was swinging in the air. Although, his own eyes had not noticed that it was Brian Litrell, and as the two walked close to him, being that he was on the way to the exit, Summer stopped. Justin smiled, it was her, and then Brian and Justin caught eye of each other, awkward smiles crossing all three faces now.

"Okay, so, no one be mad at me. But, I wanted you two to meet." Summer smiled with desperation, looking back and forth for approval.

"We know each other, from the label and parties." Justin replied shortly, he recieved a dirty look from Summer for that.

"I know that, but, well, I just wanted you, to really meet." Summer replied, hinting on the word really. Justin frowned and began to walk.

"I didn't drive here, so we have to take a cab." Justin mumbled, barely loud enough for Summer and Brian to hear him.

"Don't worry, I drove. I mean, that is, if you want me to take you home or whatever." Brian replied politely.

"Yeah, I guess, I mean, after all you might as well make the time last with Summer. I'm sure she'll be pretty busy while she's hear with me, so she might not see you at all." Justin was increasingly becoming agitated. Summer was just about ready to bitch at him, but her idea was cut off by Brian's voice.

"Ya know, Summer's my friend too. I don't think you should just go about assuming that she would be hanging out withjust you this whole time. Obviously she had other ideas, I think that's why w'ere both here. So maybe you should reconsider your little statement."

"You're right, I should rephrase that. I meant to say that I'll take a taxi, and have a great two weeks with Summer, cuz I know she won't be seeing me much." Justin stormed away from them, Summer's hope of catching him gone as soon as he was through the crowd. She turned with defeat in her eyes to Brian, hoping her always happy and friendly friend would feel sorry for the situation, his eyes said other wise.

The walk to the car was long. Summer had refused to wait for Brian to come around and pick her up, instead she insisted that they both walk together. But the conversation had ended after that, and Summer could feel the tension in his movements and appearance. In the car she sank into her seat, defeat completey enveloping her. Justin was upset, of course, he was always a little touchy or upset about some things, but he was really upset, and she knew she had to talk to him soon.

Brian was mad at her and she could tell a little hurt too that she would trick him into such a situation. She had screwed up royally, and now she just had to figure out what to do.

"So, where do you wanna go?" Brian asked as he pulled out of the airport parking lot.

"I don't know, you know more about this town then I do, and I'm sure you can think of something exciting to show me." Summer replied with a little annoyance in her voice. She knew she sounded rude, but Brian simply nodded and turned back to the road ahead of him. "Sorry, I, I'm just really sorry for everything. I didn't mean for this to happen like this, I mean, well. I don't know what I mean. But I'm sorry."

"Yeah, I know." Brian replied, it wasn't an acceptance to the apology, nor was it a refusal to accept, just a simple reply.

"I mean, I just wanted you to meet some one who was, like you. I mean, he's gay, and he's in your business. You could keep the secret of the whole thing, and you'd know what was going on when something was hurting the other one. And he's cute, too cute if you ask me, but still, he's everything you describe to me when I ask about the perfect guy for you. I was trying to help, every thing is so messed up though. And I know I screwed up, but at least I can count on you to stick around. So much for Justin, he just took off." Summer rambled on an apology and an explanation. Looking out the window of the car at the passing scenery.

"He had every right to take off. You promised me two weeks of a vacation, just the two of us, I assume you promised him the same. You lied to him, you surprised him with me, which was probably hurtful to him for a lot of reasons, and then, I don't know. Ya know, it's weird, but I'm not pissed at all for what you did. Although I'm a little pissed that you hurt him, he wasn't so much pissed at you, but you could see the hurt in his eyes." Brian replied, looking over at her, and watching as she focused on him with confusion.

"I didn't hurt him. How did I hurt him?" Summer asked, her confusion expressed in words.

"Think of it like this. You're supposed to spend fourteen awesome days with your bestfriend that you never see, and all of a sudden, their's another best friend, just important as you, and you have to share those fourteen days now. Now tell me if those fourteen days seem as awesome any more. Or if that best friend seems so good now." Brian replied.


"Yeah, oh. I know you didn't mean to hurt him, but I think you did." Brian smiled at her, hoping to lift her spirits, although he had sort of squashed them.

"Um, I was thinking, well, this was when I thought Justin would wanna spend time with us, or me, or whatever. Anyways, maybe we could get a hotel room, I've always wanted to stay in a big time hotel suite, and I figured, with me being here, it would be a good thing to hide me from everyone." Summer replied.

"My friends know about you Summer. God, after I told them I was gay they thought you were really a man and I just called you Summer as a cover. I'm sure they would even wanna meet you if you're up to it." Brian smiled and laughed.

"I know, but I'll meet them and all, it's just that Justin's friends don't know he's gay. So if he wants to see me, then he could come there, without explaining me and why he talks to me so much. I figured that might be easier, but I guess since he isn't going to come and visit me, then it won't matter." Summer frowned.

"I'm sure you'll break him in a few days, you've just got that power." Brian winked at her. "Now, which hotel do you wanna stay at?"

"The Hilton, or something like that, I'm not familiar with the big time, master suite type hotels. You know me, it's the Comfort Inn all the way baby."

Across town, Justin finally arrived home, his anger calmed, but his hurt still growing. He ignored Josh and Lance's calls of questioning and went straight to his bedroom. He needed to talk to some one, and when Summer wasn't around there was only one person who he could really rely on. Some one who didn't know who he was, but none the less, would give good advice.

Sitting down on his bed, he pulled his lap top from his night stand and flipped it open. He waited for it to log on and then accessed his instant messenging service. He signed on his nickname of timberboy and watched his buddy list light up. He ignored the many other names he saw and clicked on the one he recognized. His good friend, mjchicky

Hey...I need your advice

Is something wrong?

Well, it's kinda weird. Remember I told you my friend was coming into town, well, she really upset me and I need to know what you would do in my situation.

Is she around?

Let me explain. I went to pick her up at the airport, mind you, I'm really excited at this point. Then I see her with this guy, they're hugging and she walks over to me with a frown on her face. She tricked me and the guy to get there, since we both live in Orlando, and to meet. She's with him right now, it was either him or me, and I really don't wanna see her right now.

So in other words she tried to set you up with some kid without your knowledge? And since you aren't out of the closet you weren't too happy?

I wasn't happy at all, not because of that. I mean, she's visiting me, and I wanted it to be just us. Just the two of us, but now, now their's this other guy, in the same town, with the same friend. And she's gonna have to spend time with him. So I figure I'll give him the whole fucking week with her. It doesn't mean anything to me anymore if their's gonna be another person involved.

Really? Cuz it sounds to me like you wanna spend a lot of time with her. In fact, it sounds to me like your just mad because you aren't getting all her time.

Not true, I ain't like that.

Justin was becoming agitated that his other trusted friend wasn't on his side. His whole body was frustrated with the whole day and things only seemed to be getting worse. He really just wanted to lay down and cry, but with out a friend to cry too he didn't even see the point of doing that.

I'm not out too get you, I'm on your side, it's just, maybe you don't wanna admit that you are afraid she isn't gonna wanna spend time with you. But she's obviously a good friend. Dude, you haven't been with a guy since, well, never. I'm sure she was just trying to help you out, even if she was making a big mistake.

Justin read the message and paused. Leave it to him to find friends that could immediately tell what he was thinking, without him telling them that he was.

So what if I am? I have every right to be upset. I don't get much time to see my friends, especially from far way, wh shouldn't I be upset?

Justin paused, he hadn't meant to say that. He wasn't suppose to say anything that would imply he was too busy for friends. Although after his stupidity sank in, he realized that just saying far away friends had probably thrown Mary off the idea that he was any one but he had said he was the first time he talked to her.

Listen, if this girl is with that guy. Call her, call him, I don't know, get a hold of them, cuz you know you want to. Now if you don't mind me, I've really gotta go to work, not that I wouldn't wanna keep talking to you. But I don't have much of a choice, cuz money is tight round here. So I'll talk to you later, and check your e-mail I sent you one that you still haven't replied to.

Thanks, and I'll write you back tonight. Later

Justin clicked off his name, and shut down the laptop. He wished he could get a hold of Summer, or Brian, but he just didn't have his rival's numbers written down on a piece of paper. But than again, he knew that Chris would have Howie's, which meant that from there he could find Brian's. But he pushed that from his mind. If he asked for Howie's number, he would have to explain why to Chris, and their was no way he would wanna than explain it to Howie. That would just be too hard for him to think of lies at that point.

And Summer didn't have a cell phone, and he had no idea where they were going. So, sinking into his bed, he knew he would just have to wait for their phone call, hopefully, he would recieve it sooner than later, but he would have to wait and see.

He flipped open his cell phone and turned it on, knowing Summer would try there first instead of his house. He'd make sure to answer quickly, cuz he didn't wanna leave things unsettled for long. He was already beginning to feel bad for walking out on Summer, he knew he shouldn't have done that. She was probably worried about him, or at least upset at the fact that he would walk away with out a goodbye. That much was at least deserved.

"Justin....dude...open the door." Justin sat up quickly, that voice belonged to Josh.

"Hang on." He hollered as he walked to the door. Pulling it open, in stumbled Josh and Lance.

"I thought your friend was coming down. What did you do with her?" Lance asked with a smile. "Or was she just a 'friend' type of friend."

Justin didn't even respond as he walked back to his bed. Josh smacked Lance on the arm for the comment. Sensing the sadness in Justin and that his mood wasn't happy, at least, for having a friend visit it was definetly a strange mood to be in.

"You okay Curly?" Josh asked sympathetically.

"Yeah, I'm fine. She's, she's just getting settled at a hotel is all. She didn't wanna stay here, she said it would cramp her and us. I'm going to see her in a little while, I just gotta wait for her call." Justin lied through his teeth.

"That's cool, just let us know if you're leaving again. And uh, well, yeah." Josh and Lance slowly walked out of the room, Justin followed and shut the door, locking it behind them.

He didn't hate his friends, but it was to the point where no one understood him but Summer and Mary. Josh and Lance were just too close to get anyone else's problems, too close to even acknowledge that some one else even had problems half the time. They were both cool friends, and fun to hang out with, but things had changed, and the one time good conversationalists had seemed to turn from Justin's idea of advice to only more confusion and annoyance.

Joey and Chris were just as bad, when they weren't together, Joey was with Kelly and Brianna and Chris was with his company. Always too busy for Justin, in the beginning it had never been that way.

Justin had always been important to them, he was always the one they turned to for fun, always the one they protected and watched over. Their was always time for Justin Timberlake, now, it seemed like even Summer didn't have time for him. He buried himself in his covers, intent on sleeping if he recieved no call, because if no one had time for him, he knew he could always rely on his dreams.

Ring Ring Ring

The faint ringing of Justin's cell phone caught the attention of a wandering Chris as he passed his younger band mates bed room. He slowly pushed open the door and grabbed the phone, careful on to wake the sleeping form of his friend.

"J's phone...Chris speaking."

"Um, this is Summer...Justin's friend. Is he around?" Summer almost hung up when she heard Chris's voice. She didn't expect anyone but Justin to answer the phone.

"He's sleeping right now...is it important, cuz I can wake him." Chris replied, looking over at Justin's body.

"Could you...I really need to talk to him." Summer replied, not very eager to hear from a very grumpy, awoken Justin, and an already pissed at her Justin. But she had no choice, she needed to talk to him as quick as possible.

"Yep, hold please." Chris set the phone down on the night stand and shook Justin gently. He watched his friend stir and blink at him. Justin sat up slowly, and Chris smiled at him. "You're friends on the phone." Chris smiled again and walked out of the room slowly, shutting the door softly. Justin wiped his eyes and yawned before grabbing the phone.


"Hey Just, it's me, Summer." The voice was soft, and Justin barely heard it through the phone.

"Hi" Justin replied cautiously

"I'm sorry, that's what I want to say first. I didn't mean to upset you, and I was talking to Brian, and he gave some really good reasons why you have every right to be pissed. And he's right, you have every right to be mad at me. But I was hoping you would accept my apology and yeah, you know...forgive me."

"I'm not pissed any more. I talked to my friend, she set me straight about it. So yeah, I forgive you, sorry for running out on you. And uh, if you wanna tell me where you are I'll come and meet you." Justin replied softly. He wasn't good at apologizing himself, and he wasn't good at in his way of begging for foriveness.

"Well, actually, I'm at the Hilton, Suite B, top floor. Um, but Brian will be here, he just went back to his place to pick up some clothes. I was hoping you'd stay here too, with us both. I don't want you to if you don't want to. But I'd like it if you did."

"I'll be over in a little while, and I'll bring some clothes too." Justin smiled, he wasn't so happy that he would be sharing her for the duration of her stay. But he was going to share, because he wanted to see her, and if it meant sharing her time and happiness, he could handle that.

"See ya soon."

"See ya." Justin hung up and went about packing, grabbing some lazy clothes and some nice clothes as he went. He also grabbed a lot of boxers and t-shirts, figuring those would be the things he'd use the most through the stay. Then he grabbed his wallet, and his shoes. Turning around he grabbed his laptop, he didn't wanna forget his source to his internet friends, he needed some body to even get away from his best friend every once in a while. His packing wasn't exactly organized, but if he had to do some ironing or whatever, he knew the hotel would gladly lend a hand for him.

His friends smiled when he told them he would be heading to hang with her and he didn't know when he would be back. He also smiled when he pulled out of the drive way in his car. He had the whole two weeks to himself, well, at least, away from his band mates, and with his best friend. And who knows, maybe he could find something good in Brian too, it wasn't like he ugly...he was actually pretty hot.


Okay, so Justin is going to give it a shot at the hotel and spending the two weeks with Summer. But of course, that means spending those two weeks with Brian as well. So, we also get the idea that Justin doesn't really like the idea of sharing someone with Brian, but we don't know what Brian is thinking yet. It seems as though Justin thinks Brian is hot, but it doesn't leave anything to the imagination that he doesn't really personally like Justin. I think in the next chapter we will explore what Brian thinks of the whole situation, including his take on Justin.

The next chapter should be out within a week, and so should each following chapters. And remember feedback is welcome and appriciated. Thanks and I hope you enjoyed the first chapter and will continue to read the following ones.

Next: Chapter 2

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