Father and Son Forced Bonding

By Emmit Miller

Published on Mar 16, 2014


Father and Son Forced Bonding Part 1

I don't know how you could've found this story if you weren't into this stuff, but I figure I should warn you anyway. This story contains scat and incest. If you are under 18, believe me, I understand, but please go away.

I am always looking to improve so please email me at comicmiller@gmail.com with any comments. Also, feel free to follow my Tumblr weirdgayposts.tumblr.com.

Please note that perspective does switch in this story at the lines.

Thanks and enjoy the show!

I woke up to a sharp, sickening pain. It felt like i'd been kicked in the nuts. My body tries to recoil, but was prevented. My arms were strapped down. As I became more aware of my surroundings, I realised there were straps around my middle and each leg too, which seemed to be raised in the up on stirrups or something.

"Ah, so it seems a good stomp on their balls did the trick"

I had no idea who was speaking, but I could only assume they were they ones who had strapped me down naked.

"And the other one's moving now too. Rise and shine"

This was someone different speaking I thought. It was had to tell because they sounded quite similar but, the second man's voice was a bit huskier. I feel I knew who they were, but my over stimulated brain was far too busy being terrified to think about things like that. I only realised who they were when one of them moved into my line of vision just as it started to unblur. I could only look straight up due to the way my head had been strapped, as my captor pressed his face to mine.

They must have been my neighbours, the twins. I'd always admired the two of them. Well...maybe admired is the wrong word. Wanked to their photos is a better description of our relationship. The one above me was Cameron, captain of the first eight rowing team. The other one was Harry, a star waterpolo player and record breaking freestyle swimmer, both sports my dad coached him in. I'd be lying to say my anger at having to hang out at the pools, waiting for dad to finish after school wasn't slightly exaggerated.

Something clicked in my mind. He'd said the other one. Who else was here? My question was answered pretty quickly.

"So both of you must be wondering why you're here" Cameron said looking into my eyes.

"Firstly, don't scream, or we'll stamp on your balls again, or worse" Harry must have been with the other prisoner.

"Now you must be wondering who you are with." Cameron said as he stepped away, revealing to mirrored ceiling. I'm sure this has been designed so we could see each other without being unstrapped, because lying naked, in the same position as me, was my father. He was around 35 to my 17 years. He'd knocked my mum up first week of college, as his mother insisted that they take care of me. They were far wealthier than for family, and preferred to keep me out of any public eye. Even so, family was more important to my grandparents than even money, and they took care of me like their own, until my father graduated college. I still think it was my fault he dropped out of med to do teaching. I mean, yea, he'd always been a great athlete, and teaching meant he could use that as well as his brain, but I think it was because he spent so much time with me, there was no time to study.

I was shocked to see Harry, one of my star students, with his face pressed to mine. He must have crushed my balls to wake me up, because I couldn't think straight I was in so much pain. As my head cleared, and Harry stepped away, I noticed through the mirrored ceiling, and my son was strapped down beside me. I tried to wrench my hands from the cuffs, but to no avail.

"Coach and son, you dirty little perverts. You thought no one knew that you'd wank to our training videos in your office. Didn't think we'd notice you perving on us in training did ya Sammy." Harry walked around to a table behind me, but it was hard to see what Cameron and he picked up.

"You and your son got so much enjoyment out of us, so we felt it only fair to get some enjoyment out of you two." Harry stood between my raised legs now, and loosened what looked like a belt.

"But the problem is, what could we do to you, that you wouldn't like."

"Because if we just chain you up, you dirty fags will probably like it." Cameron said as he fiddled with a similar looking belt device behind my son Sammy.

"Wouldn't you?" Harry said to me. I stayed silent.

"Wouldn't you?", he growled again as he reached down and squeezed my balls.

"Just let us go. We won't tell anyone we swear!" I said pleading.

"Oh but that isn't fair now is it, because if we don't let you go, you're not going to tell anyone either, are you? Now what are you again?"

"I'm a dirty fag" Sammy said. Cooperating with them was probably a good idea, but I would have never imagined hearing those words come from his mouth. Truth be told, I'd wanted to have sex with my son Sammy ever since I found out he gay. He thought he hid it well, but as someone who's been hiding it for 30 odd years, I knew all the signs.

"Now what about you, old man?" Harry said smirking. I stayed silent. I knew life was going to be different no matter what I said, but it was hard to work past years of suppressed feelings.

"You know, Cameron, I think he needs some motivation. But obviously he likes having his balls, hit because he still has a raging hard on."

" I think I know something that might be able to change that." Cameron said walking over to the table. From it, he picked up a dildo, about 8" long and 2" thick. I had a one a bit smaller at home, so it would have been able to fit inside me quite nicely, but I could only hope my son has the same practice I had at his age.

Without any lube, Cameron guided the tip to Sammy's exposed hole, and pushed. Slowly, it slipped in about 1/4 of the way, followed by a shout from Sammy.

"Remember no screaming Sammy boy" Harry said. Sammy tried to suppress his pain, groaning as Cameron worked the cock in and out of his ass. The small room started to smell of shit, as the dildo came out more covered every time.

I was ashamed of my dick, which has betrayed me by getting even harder than before. Before my son could see, I shouted out the words they'd been searching for.

"I am a dick loving dirty faggot and I like being locked up".

My brain had to whip into action the moment it realised I was about to be fucked with a dildo. My dad had a really nice one in his sock drawer he didn't know I knew about, but I used it when ever he was away. The idea that something that had been in my dad's ass was in mine made me really hot. I knew my dad would know I liked it up the ass if the dildo glided straight in. I would have to make it resist. I was lucky because I actually had to shit real bad, so it wouldn't go in all the way. It might get a little messy but thats my last problem. It was hard to remember that I was not in dream as my crush guided the thick rubber penis into my hole, but I made sure I acted in pain. At least Harry and Cameron seemed to believe it, a grin spreading across their faces as a squirmed.

I had been right about the mess. Things started to get a little stinky just when my dad said what the brothers had been looking for. Cameron actually kept working my ass for a bit longer before pulling the shit covered dildo out for good. Cameron laughed "Well it seems like your son was too eager the get the party started, but why waste some good shit". I could see in the mirrored ceiling as Cameron and Harry walked around to stand either side of my Dad's head.

"We will gladly cut you and your son's penis and balls off if you don't do exactly as we say for the rest of your time in our custody." I watched as Cameron lowered the dildo caked in my shit, into my dads mouth. I would have wanked furiously if I could, as my father licked the full length of the toy spotless.

I'm glad the boys gave me the ultimatum, castration or eat shit. It meant I could just do as they said and not pretend to resist for my son's sake. I took my first lick of the shit covered dildo, breathing it in like I'd done to a few of my logs before. Don't get me wrong. I wasn't some shit-eating freak, but I did occasionally pick my turds out of the toilet, or do them in the shower, and take a good sniff. I'd never eaten it before, only licked it once or twice, but when being forced, the leap wasn't too big. I took my first lick, a layer about half an inch thick coming off on my tongue. It was strange how strong eating it was compared to just licking, but I closed my eyes, and just thought of my handsome, blonde boy Sammy. I pictured him naked, squatting over me, my tongue darting around is hole, waiting for a meal, when slowly, the hard log emerged into my mouth. I chewed the shit in real life, as I imagined chewing it straight from my sons ass. Soon, there was none left. While I did gag quite a lot and my mouth tasted terrible, I just remembered where it came from and the process wasn't too bad.

"Castration seems to be a good motivational tool." Harry said laughing.

"And good news, we seem to have found something that doesn't get him excited." I wasn't sure what they were talking about, until I noticed in the mirror that my cock was completely limp. I wasn't sure why, seeing I found Sammy sexier than anyone. My body must have realised that eating shit is the job of a pussy faggot, and pussy faggots don't get erections. I looked at my son, whose dick was just as limp as mine. Ours eyes met, at I looked up at his face. I smiled, remembering who I was doing this for. My love, who I was now connected to not only biologically but physically. He smiled back and me and I was filled with warmth. Knowing that Harry and Cameron were once again at the table, fiddling with the belts, I winked it at him, and smiled a wide, shitty grin.

It was one of those moments where everything sort of stops. Me and my dad caught each others eyes. Somehow I knew that he was thinking of how much he loved me, as I thought of my love for him. I know it weird it be in love with your dad, but mine was special. He was there ever since I can remember, watching over me, looking after me. Who knows how that turned into something romantic, but I loved him with all my heart. I've been on the verge of depression since puberty knowing that I would never be with him the way I wished. So maybe our torturers weren't so bad after all. A brief, forced sexual relationship might not be much, but it was more than my wildest dreams. He winked at me through the mirror, and I know we'd be okay.

I was too caught up in my dads safe, deep blue eyes to realise that Cameron was once again behind me, and winced when he inserted a small butt plug. I could see Harry doing the same to dad. Then something cold and metal was placed over my soft dick and balls. I knew what it was before I could actually see it. I'd seen devices like this on the internet. Cameron secured a strap tight around my waist, and then connected it to a ring around the base of my ball sack. Another piece of leather then went from the ring, behind my anus and attached to the belt at the back. Cameron clipped the butt plug onto the leather strap that ran between my legs and the devices on my dad and I were complete.

"While you fags probably have realised what the device I've put on you both is, let us explain it."

"We've inserted a small butt plug designed not to reach your prostate that will stop any shit from escaping and stop anal pleasure."

"We've also incased your soft cocks in a metal cage and your testicles for good measure."

"Not only does this stop you from wanking, but also from having erections."

"So just incase you enjoy what we are soon to do to you, it won't do too much good."

"Only hurt more."

"And just to be safe, we've strapped and locked everything in."

"These will not be coming off when you leave."

"You will report to us at least once a day to take a shit, otherwise things will probably get uncomfortable."

The elation from sexual contact with my father was starting to fade, and the idea of being a slave to the two men was starting to hit me, but some how I still felt a buzz from the idea of being forced to do anything Cameron or Harry desired. The thought made my dick twitch, and I felt for the first time what it was like for my erection to me forbidden.

"Now, who will go first" said Cameron, pacing around my table.

"Well why don't we just go at the same time?" Harry pondered, inspecting my fathers genital restraints.

"What a fine idea" To my surprise, the two men started to remove the restraints attaching us to the table.

"Well come on you two"

I groaned as I sat up, feeling a slight pain as the butt plug shifted inside me. Out of curiosity more than love for my penis, I followed the two over to what looked to me like a potty.

I couldn't tell what the next step in their insane plan was, but was happy Sammy followed them without argument. I stopped when I realised what was in for us next. Two rim seats sat on the ground. I stood still.

"Get under those and face up" Harry commanded us. My son went to move, but I grabbed his arm.

"I hope we didn't make a mistake releasing you from your bonds. You were so happy to obey before."

"I will do anything you want me to, but you cannot make my son lie under one of those. He's just a kid" I said firmly.

"So? We are his age too?" Cameron said.

"In our care, you will only speak when instructed. Do you understand?" Harry commanded.

"Bu..." I was cut off my a sharp pain that seemed to be coming from the plug in my ass.

"Don't think that just because your testicles are incased, we can't punish you" Cameron laughed.

"I think we forgot to mention that the plugs we locked in your asses will omit a special electric current with the press of a button."

"But not just any current, no no no. This shock is designed to tighten all your bowel muscles,"

"so the next time we shove something up there, be it our dick, a dildo or even each others shit, it will feel like your first time"

"And probably hurt, " Cameron added

I did not want them to use the butt plug inside Sammy, so I lay down, and waited to my son to slide in next to me. The twins sat on the seats above us. All I could see was Harry's tight asshole. I couldn't resist licking it. I ran my tongue over his crack as much as I could, taking in his jock ass sweat. My tongue pushed as far as it could into the jocks tight hole and I got a taste of his fresh shit.

"Woah this boy's a bit excited," Cameron said laughing

"Yea this one too. He can't wait!" Harry laughed and gave my ass a quick zap.

I reached out beside me and felt my sons hand. I grabbed it, and held it tight.

"While we support your enthusiasm, you both misunderstand." Cameron said

"As payment for us unlocking your butt plug so you may shit, you must each entirely consume anything we expel from our anus."

"Similarly, while you may choose to piss through your cock's restraint, if you would like to be unlocked for that purpose, you must drink any piss we have for you."

"And the only sexual gratification you will receive, is our fat dicks in your asses." Harry growled.

"Or, you never know, maybe each others if you play nice and do as we say"

I squeezed my son's hand and he squeezed back.

Holding tight to my dad, with the comfort that he was doing the same, I opened my mouth to Cameron's dense log of shit. The bitterness hit me, but I had no time to stop as it piled up over my face.

"Come on sammy. I'll zap your anus if you don't hurry up. Do you not like the taste of my glorious jock shit?"

I chewed it bit by bit. The texture changed from firm at first, to more soft. I was almost sick as the odour filled my nose, but pictured the handsome jock sitting above me, and manage to swallow the last bit.

"Pretty good for a first timer," Cameron said, lifting himself off the seat.

"Lucky for you there's a lot more where that came from"

Email feedback to comicmiller@gmail.com

Next: Chapter 2

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