
By David Roslyn

Published on Mar 23, 2019


Disclaimers: This work is a work of fiction and is my property.

The story and characters are fictitious and any resemblance to anyone or any actual event is coincidental. There are three distinctly different main characters that will appear as the story progresses.

You should be legally allowed to read this type of material before continuing.

As it is based on an actual book, I had published a few years ago – free for your enjoyment – the story will not contain explicit material in all the chapters BUT don't fret, as it is more the exception than the rule.

Note that there will be a violent scenario. If this will trigger any trauma for you, please be aware of it before you start reading.

Please direct any comments or feedback to my email address at davidrolsynauthor2019@gmail.com.

Enjoy! And remember to donate to Nifty!


I can kick myself for trying to be the better man. I should've taken him back to my hotel and fucked him senseless. Yeah, I want more from this relationship than just a fuck but damn, he's just too gorgeous and the sweetness of him is distracting.

Trying not to be too needy, I give it until the afternoon before I send him a message.

Hey there. You doing ok? When can I see you again? I need to make plans.

He doesn't respond immediately and after two hours of waiting, I give him a call.

He answers only after the eighth ring, sounding awful. "Hi James."

"Hey Daniel. You ok? You don't sound too well?"

"I'm fine thanks." He replies curtly.

Seriously, what's happened?

"What's going on? You don't sound like yourself." I ask.

"Nothing. Listen. I think we shouldn't see each other anymore." There's a sad undertone in his voice.

What!? That cunt of a boss has probably gotten to him again. "What has he done to you now?"

He ignores my question. "I said nothing is wrong. Rather forget about me." The line goes dead.

I would do exactly that if I didn't know him well enough by now to realize something must be seriously wrong. This isn't like him and to be so rude as to cut me off. There must be a good reason. I just hope he isn't in any danger.

Our last phone conversation bothers me for the rest of the day and when I get to bed, after dinner and having watched television in my room, I find it difficult to fall asleep. I have to find a way to see him.

Maybe I should just go over there tomorrow. Sounds like a plan. I'll do just that.

The next day, I arrange for my usual cab to fetch me and we make our way to the wine estate. I'm not sure what I'm going to do when I get there but I must see Daniel face-to-face.

The cab stops in front of the gate at about lunch time and I inform the security guard that we're here to have lunch in the restaurant. If I announce myself and tell him I want to see Daniel, there might be a good chance that I won't be able to get in.

I have to think of all the possibilities.

The guard lets us in and we drive up to the manor.

"See that building there to the right side of the main house?" I point at it.

"Rather stop in front of there."

"Yes sir." He does as I ask.

I get out of the cab and tell the driver to wait for me and enter the restaurant.

First off, I order a take-way for the driver and tell the server to go give it to him and then seat myself down to have lunch. I might as well, since I'm here.

After I've placed my order and the server has brought it to me, I ask her. "Can you please inform Daniel that an old friend is in the restaurant and would like to see him."

"Sure sir." She replies and goes looking for him.

I enjoy my lunch and, as I'm about to finish, I spot Daniel walk into the restaurant, from the kitchen's side.

He looks God-awful. Not his smiling youthful self. More like he's ill, or worse, depressed.

Daniel notices me and freezes, turns around and walks back to the server and says something to her.

She comes towards me as he leaves. "Sir. He says he doesn't know you."

Ouch! That hurts deeply. My heart cramps.

"Oh ... Alright," is all I manage.

What could he have meant by that? This isn't how today was supposed to play out.

I'm not leaving it like this. I ask for the bill and after paying, I get up and go to the manor. I meet a large guy, who introduces himself as Koos and ask him to call me Johan.

He's pleasant enough when he greets me but when I mention Johan's name, his expression falls.

That guy's really unpopular.

Koos asks me to sit down on one of the chairs in the foyer and after a good twenty minutes Johan comes around the corner.

He's got a smug grin on his face when he recognises me. Like he's just won the lottery or something.

"Hello there. You're that American friend of Daniel's, aren't you?" He comes to shake my hand like the other day never happened.

I get up and ignore his outstretched hand. "Yeah. What's happened to Daniel? He doesn't want to speak to me or even see me. In fact, he told the server in the restaurant that he didn't even know me."

Johan smiles broadly. "Beats me. You know how temperamental young people can be."

I look him straight in the eye and his smile vanishes. "Let me make myself clear. I'm not buying any of this crap and will get to the bottom of it. Daniel would never behave like this. Yeah, I've only known him a few days but he's not this wreck I just saw in the restaurant." I don't even bother waiting for his reply and turn around and leave.

The cab driver spots me storming out towards him and he starts the cab and meets me halfway. I jump in and we drive off.

This isn't over. Not by a long shot.

Next: Chapter 14

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