Feminizing Faye

Published on May 24, 2023


Feminizing Faye Part 2  

    Feminizing Faye Part 2    
by Bill Beaumonte (oral_guy_2000@yahoo.com)  

This work contains explicit material intended for adults over 18. If you are under 18 or are offended by non-traditional sex, do not continue.  

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Author’s note:
_After dating CDs and TGs for many years, but one day I'm asked to help one get started, launching an entirely new adventure. I hope you enjoy this work of fiction.


    W hen I arrived home I went online and emailed Faye the information on finding women's sizes, based on her measurements. I also sent her information on finding her feminine voice and on female mannerisms. I also sent her a link to a website with makeup tips.

That should keep her busy for awhile. On our next visit I planned to take Faye out shopping for clothes at the Goodwill store, and perhaps check out some other resale shops. They had a nice selection, though not you can't always find what you want in your size. The prices were very modest, so it's a great way for a beginner to build their wardrobe.

I looked forward to seeing Faye en femme. I imagined what she might look like. Would she be a good gurlfriend for me? I didn't have a gurlfriend at the moment and really missed being with a special gurl. But I need to take the high road and not exert undue influence. I'll just let things unfold naturally and see how it goes.

On my next meeting I arrived at Faye's house with some flowers. Faye answered the door but stood behind it. I was unable to see her, but she invited me in. Then I saw why she was behind the door. She was wearing only a bra and panties. She had a wig on – she must have put a rush on the order, and she wore very nicely done make – she looked really pretty!

"You femme up really nicely!" I assured her.

"Is the makeup okay?" she asked, "You said you didn't like the 'painted lady' look."

"I think it's perfect," I said, "If you had more clothing to wear I'd take you out for lunch."

"It's only 10am right now," she said, "We should have time to find something for me to wear."

"I think you're right, if you feel ready for it," I said.

"Yes!" Faye confirmed, "I want it – just one thing, I need your help on walking."

"Oh?" I responded.

"I don't think I have it right," she said, "I do what I think I'm supposed to, but I don't think I have it yet."

"Let me sit down and watch you walk," I said, "Now walk directly away from me – all the way to the wall, and back." I watched and couldn't help but notice that Faye had a pretty nice ass – she was beginning to look a lot like gurlfriend material.

I watched her walk and could see the problem. When she returned to me, I stood up and told her to turn around. "Now put one foot directly in front of the other, like you are walking on a balance beam," I instructed.

She took a few steps like that and began to lose her balance. "Okay, I know that's awkard," I said, "Let's take it in stages. Men walk by putting each foot ahead of where it was, but woman walk with their feet coming close to walking a line. Not exactly, but close. Try doing it again, but this time don't bring your foot all the way in front of the other, just a little short of that. Also, shorten your stride."

I watched as she did much better. As she watched her hips rolled and her ass looked wonderful. I would have kissed it right then and there if I had a chance. I had to remind myself to stay focused.

"Now that's a lot better," I said, "If you can walk like that, you'll be very girlie." You just need to practice, so you can do it without thinking about it."

Faye came to me and put her arms around me, kissing me. "Thanks so much for all you're doing for me," she said.

I wanted to keep kissing her, but knew I had to stop. "Okay, let's get you some clothes," I said.

"I need to take off my wig and my makeup," she said.

"Why not just put some clothes on and leave them on?" I asked.

"But those are boy clothes," she protested.

"We are going to be buying you girl clothes," I reminded her, "Would you rather look like a girl in boy clothes or a boy buying girl clothes?"

I see what you mean," she said, "But right now I'm suddenly feeling terrified about going out at all."

"We don't have to do this today," I offered.

"But I want to," she insisted, "But I'm afraid."

"Faye dear," I said, "I will be just inches away from you at all times – I won't let anything bad happen to you."

"Okay," she said, "Let's do it, but I'm still scared as hell!"

Faye put on a button down shirt and jeans. When she got her shoes, she stopped. She looked at a pair of work boots that would look really clunky. "Do you have any slip on casual shoes?" I asked.

Faye went to her closet and brought back a pair of cloth slip-on shoes. They weren't exactly feminine, but not terribly masculine either. I nodded in approval, and she slipped them on and we went out the door. "You can hold my arm if you like," I said, and she put her hand on my arm, gripping firmly, as if I might otherwise get away.

We walked to my car, and I opened the passenger door. She began to put her foot in when I stopped her. "A woman gets into a car by first sitting in the seat, and then swinging her legs in," I said, "Give it a try."

Faye did and smiled at me, "How on earth do you know all this stuff?" she asked.

"I've been down this road many times," I said.

I got into the car and drove to the Goodwill store. On the way, Faye said, "You must have had a great many gurlfriends."

"A lot of casual dates," I agreed, "But I was always looking for a steady gurlfriend. I've only had a few of those, and they lasted a number of years – that's what I'm looking for now."

"Do you think I'll be good enough to be your gurlfriend?" she asked.

"Now Faye," I responded, "I'm not doing this to make you my gurlfriend – I'm doing this to help. If you are meant to be my gurlfriend, that's okay too, but let's not get ahead of ourselves."

"I'm sorry," she said, looking down at the floor, "I know I'm not nearly as good as the gurls you've been with."

"Stop that, Faye!" I said, "You are doing well for a gurl on her first time out. If you are going to be successful as a gurl you need to have confidence, so stop that stinkin' thinkin'!"

"Okay," she said, giggling, "I won't stink up your car."

We arrived at the Goodwill store and Faye began to open her door.

"No," I said, "You have to wait for me – a guy can't be a gentleman if you don't let him be one."

She remained seated until I opened her door and said, "Now just swing out your legs and stand up."

I offered her my hand and she stood up, and immediately kissed me, saying, "Such a gentleman deserves a kiss."

We walked to the entrance and Faye waited while I opened the door for her. She entered and waited for me. She looked around in wonder and said, "Where shall we start?"

"Right now you could use some skirts, blouses and dresses," I said, and led her to those racks. Faye got out a slip of paper that listed her clothing sizes and we soon found some attractive clothes in her size. I held a frilly blouse up to her and a nice skirt.

"There are people watching," she said.

"So what?" I said, "We are customers, and aren't doing any harm. A store clerk came by and asked if she could be of help. Faye grew pale and looked like she was going to fade away in shame.

I replied, "We just need to find a few items in the right size." She was really nice about it and helped us find a few items. We had two blouses and two skirts that looked good, so now we needed a couple of dresses.

The clerk chose an absolutely beautiful royal blue dress. She held it up to Faye and it looked like a perfect fit. We both loved it. The clerk showed us another dress with a pretty floral pattern. Then she looked at Faye's feet and asked, "You need shoes too?" I nodded and she asked the size, which Faye provided. Faye picked up a pair of four inch heels. "What do you think?" she asked me.

"These would be better," I said, pointing to some two inch heels. She tried them on, and they fit. The clerk suggested a pair of flats which we also agreed to.

As we paid for the clothing, the clerk whispered, "Could I talk with you privately?" I nodded and said I'd be right back. I took Faye to the car, got her seated and told her I'd be right back.

I returned to the clerk, who said, "You must be quite a guy to help your friend out this way – I wanted to suggest that you consider breast forms – you can get them in Penny's department store, and they will fill your friend's bra very realistically." I thanked her and departed.

"Do you think she knew?" Faye asked.

"How would I know?" I lied. Fortunately Faye didn't ask why I went back, so I didn't volunteer that.

"Why did you stop me from getting the heels I chose?" she asked.

"Four inch heels are no place to start," I replied, "You have just learned to walk like a girl – heels will take practice and you could easily sprain your ankle learning on the high ones."

"But did I really need the flats?" she asked.

"You'll be glad you have them," I assured her, "Flats are much more comfortable if you're on your feet a long time."

"Bill, I should have known," she said, "I need to trust your judgement."

"I want you to question me," I said, "I won't intentionally steer you wrong, but welcome your views."

We got back to Faye's apartment and went in. Faye quickly undressed, eager to put on her new clothes. She chose the frilly blouse and a skirt. She slipped on the heels and took a few tentative steps and got a shocked look on her face.

"I better wear the flats," she said, promptly changing her shoes.

Faye took a couple of minutes to touch up her makeup and we were off to lunch. I took her to a local Italian restaurant, where she patiently waited for me to open the car and building. She held my arm as we were led to our seats. Arriving at our table, I helped her with her chair as a nearby couple watched. The woman nudged the man she was with – probably asking him why he didn't do that for her.

"Maybe I shouldn't have got those heels," she said.

"You'll be fine," I said, "You just need to practice! Little girls practice walking in their mother's shoes at an early age – you're just starting. Just be sure you take short steps or you'll fall on that pretty ass of yours!"

"You really think my ass is pretty?" she asked hopefully.

"A lot about you is pretty," I said, "And soon you'll have to learn how to deal with men you attract."

"That sounds like a wonderful problem to have," she said, and then pondered it a bit, "But what if the found out I wasn't a real girl?"

"Some guys would like it, but some won't," I said, "And those who don't could be pretty nasty about it. Please don't put yourself at risk until you learn how to handle it."

"How will I learn if I don't try it?" she objected, "Is that something you can teach me?"

"I'll help get you ready for it," I agreed, "but you'll have to experience it for yourself – but not until you're ready – ok?"

"I'll trust your judgement on this," Faye agreed.

Before our server brought us menus, Faye asked me to order for her because she wasn't confident about her voice yet. I ordered for Faye and we had a really nice meal, over which we had a really nice visit.

"I can't tell you how wonderful you've made me feel," she said, "I'm beginning to feel that I'm a real girl."

"Faye, there is nothing unreal about you," I assured her, "You are on your way to leaving your boy life behind you." Faye smiled broadly.

  To be continued . . .

Feel free to contact me with your comments or requests.
–Bill Beaumonte (oral_guy_2000@yahoo.com)

Next: Chapter 3

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