Fifteen and Alone


Published on May 1, 2014


The usuals apply. If you're too young, or if it is unlawful in your part of the world, do not read these stories.

Chapter 9 -- Ben's Arrest

Zac's first entry into Jamie was something he'd remember for the rest of his life. Although Jamie had done it to him many times before, it had been nothing like this, nothing could ever erase the memory of this first time. Zac became light headed as he slid fully into Jamie, gazing down into his intense green and gold-flecked eyes, his feelings of fondness growing ever stronger. He didn't last long, his climax on the brink within a few minutes before it blasted into Jamie with an intensity Zac hadn't felt before. His whole body was shaking; he was completely lost in the afterglow of his intense orgasm before bending his head and locking their lips together. Glenn watched the scene fascinated, he was sure he hadn't witnessed Zac perform so strongly before. Zac finally drew back, pushed himself up on his arms and withdrew slowly and gently before sitting back on his ankles, gazing down at Jamie.

"That was totally unbelievable man, I've never blown like that before. Shit Jamie, that was just totally rad, thanks man."

"Yeah," Jamie replied, "felt real cool for me too Zac. Looks like Glenn's been teaching you a thing or two."

Zac looked over at Glenn and saw him smiling. "Yeah, he's a pretty good teacher too let me tell you."

Jamie went both of them before the night was finished, taking tips on his technique from Glenn. He found, as Zac had said, Glenn was a good teacher.

The rest of the holiday was spent at the beach, having barbecues, taking walks, using the skateboard ramp, a visit to Dreamworld, of course their nightly sessions and a thousand other things, either planned or spur of the moment decisions. By the end of the holidays, Jamie didn't want to return home, he wanted to stay on the Coast; this was his kind of lifestyle. But go he had to, and it was a sad day when Stan and the guys took him to the bus station. There were more than a few tears in more than a few eyes as the guys said goodbye. As it was, they didn't know when they'd see Jamie again. Stan saw their misery and took Jamie aside.

"You've obviously enjoyed yourself over the last ten days Jamie. I know it's hard to say goodbye mate, for both you and the guys. Look, what if I contact your Mum and ask her if you can come back next holidays, we can't have the guys moping round the house not knowing when they'll see you again. It's been more than a pleasure having you in the house and you're more than welcome to come again next holidays if you want to. What ya reckon?"

Jamie's face brightened. "You really mean that?" he asked.

Stan grinned. "Look at this face," he said, "would it bullshit to you?"

"Shit, thanks Stan," Jamie was ecstatic. "I'd love to."

Stan passed on the news to the guys; it was met with more than enthusiasm. Stan told them he'd contact Jamie's Mum when they got home and start the ball rolling, as long as she was in agreement of course. The guys said their final goodbyes as Jamie boarded the bus. There were no tears now, just feelings of apprehension as they waited for Jamie's Mum's reply. As the bus pulled out, Glenn put an arm round his Dad's waist.

"You're pretty cool for a gruff old fart you know," he said.

Stan smiled. "I was young once myself Glenn, I'm well aware of what friendship means to kids your age, it's one of the most important aspects of being a teen. Oh, and thanks for the compliment, gruff old fart indeed, jeez."

Their arrival home was marked by an offer, again from Zac and Glenn. They offered to polish the Caddy for Stan, seeing as he'd run them round most of the holidays. His answer surprised them both.

"Yeah, offer accepted. I've bought some new type polish, which even you two couldn't bugger up. Yeah, that'd be great guys, thanks."

The afternoon was spent entirely on the Caddy, the finished article looking even better than when Stan had done it. The guys had it looking better than showroom condition, better even than new and they stood back admiring their handywork.

"Well," Glenn said, "that ought to please him, that looks totally mean. Go and get him Zac, it's time he saw what real experts can do."

Zac found Stan in his study, buried in paperwork. "We've finished it," he said.

Stan looked up, his usual gruff expression on his face. "If there's one mark on it that shouldn't be," he said, "there'll be no food for either of you for a week."

Stan followed Zac to the garage, his mouth falling open as he saw the Caddy.

"Holy shit," he said, "that's absolutely brilliant, better than I can do. Thanks so much guys, it's appreciated. What did you use to get the swirls out of it?"

"An old trick I learned in infancy from a sorcerer." Glenn said, holding up a packet of corn flour. "Just a tad on a soft cloth and it takes all the swirls away, just like magic."

Stan walked round the car, it really did look superb. "OK, well from now on, it's yours, every time it needs polishing you can both do it, if you want to that is."

Glenn looked at Zac, who nodded. "Yeah, we'll fix that for you, no probs, but it'll cost you a hundred each, every time we do it." He grinned.

"Yeah," Stan replied, "and pigs might friggin' fly too. No really guys, it's appreciated, it looks a million dollars."

The following Monday, the guys returned to school, Zac being immediately collared by Sophie wanting to know why he hadn't been around during the break. His explanation of Jamie was sufficient to curtail any further questions, but she did tell Zac she wanted it and wanted it bad. They made arrangements to meet at the rotunda at lunchtime, Zac knowing a way to get underneath. They met as planned, Zac opening the door to the storage area underneath. He set the outside lock so as it would look like it was still locked before pushing the door closed and placing an iron bar against it. He gave Sophie one of the best sessions ever that lunchtime, blowing a huge load into his condom, which he just happened to have on him.

The following days, Zac was sure there was someone following him, there always seemed to be this person in the background who disappeared whenever he turned round. He began to think it was his imagination, who'd be following him here? The days passed and still there was that feeling someone was watching. Zac dismissed it, thinking he was becoming paranoid.

One Wednesday, Zac arrived home to find the house empty. He knew Glenn had sport that afternoon and didn't expect him home till about five thirty. There was a note from Del explaining she and Stan had to go and get certain business matters fixed up and they'd be home at around six. Zac made his way to Glenn's bedroom and put on a CD.

He heard the doorbell chime, and wandered down to see who it was. He opened the front door and was absolutely astounded to see Ben standing on the doorstep.

"Who's home?" Ben demanded.

"No one," Zac said. Big mistake.

"In that case," Ben said, grabbing Zac by the shirt, "you'd better come with me. I've got a car outside; we're going back home. Don't argue with me Zac or you know what to expect. There's no way you're going to get that money your old lady left to me, no frigging way. You're coming with me and that's final."

He almost dragged Zac down the driveway, holding onto his shirt. At one stage, Zac heard the shirt rip, so strong was Ben's grip. They got to the car, Ben forcing Zac into the passengers seat, making sure he had his seat belt securely fastened before making his way to the drivers seat. Ben thought that was it, he had what he'd come for and now it was time to make it back home.

He'd forgotten one small thing; Drew. No one ever knew when Drew was home; he kept to himself most times, keeping his car in the garage out of sight. He'd heard the doorbell too, leaving his room to answer it before he heard Zac do the same. He heard the conversation at the door, the burning hate returning to the pit of his stomach as he heard Ben's comments. He followed them out, keeping close to the house, unseen by both.

Ben had his car parked forward of the driveway, and was walking hurriedly around the front of it as Drew made the footpath.

"I think you'd better leave him alone Ben, just let him out of the car and I won't hurt you."

Ben laughed out loud at Drew's comments. "Come on then soft arse, see what you can make of it."

Drew approached the car, making his way round to the driver's side cautiously. "Let him go Ben," he said, "let him go now." Drew could see the terrified look on Zac's face.

Ben laughed out loud again. "Yeah right," he said, "c'mon you fuckin' weakling, come and get him."

By now, Drew was around to the driver's side of the vehicle, standing near the boot, feeling the fire of hate grow steadily inside him. Unbeknown to Ben, he'd put an emergency call through to the Police and had been assured there would be a car there post haste. He approached Ben cautiously, his previous thoughts in relation to Zac uppermost in his mind.

`If I ever meet that prick, I'll do him some serious damage.'

He approached slowly, and when Ben made his move, an attempted punch to the face, he blocked it readily with his left arm, his right fist moving with the speed of light and crashing into Ben's jaw. Ben dropped as if he'd been hit with a poleaxe, hitting the road and staying put. Drew ran to the passenger's door, opening it before releasing Zac's belt.

"Come on Zac, quick mate." Drew noticed Ben getting to his feet.

Ben approached Drew again, a look of deep hatred on his face. Again he took a wild swing that was quickly and easily blocked by Drew's left arm, his right fist crashing into Ben's mouth, this time twice, sending him onto the roadway heavily. This time Ben didn't attempt to get up. Glenn and Zac both heard the sirens approaching, knowing help was on the way. The Police arrived, one of them being Stan's mate, Pete.

"G'day Drew," Pete said, "looks as if you've fixed the problem for us." He stared, totally disgusted at Ben lying in the roadway. "I think we can take it from here mate."

The Constable took their statements as Pete handcuffed Ben and placed him in the rear of the vehicle. Ben was still belligerent.

"Don't think it's over yet, you little prick," he shouted. "I'll have you back with me one way or the other."

"Yeah," Pete said, "maybe, after the judge has finished with you that is. That could take ten years, they don't look real kindly on child abduction in Queensland my friend, and that's what you're going to be charged with."

Almost as the incident concluded, Stan and Del arrived home early, wanting to know what the hell was going on. They both saw Ben inside the Police car; they didn't really need any further explanation. Pete thanked Drew for what he'd done.

"Thanks mate, you should have hit him harder though Drew. I would have done if I'd been in your position, but of course, you didn't hear me say that, did you?" He grinned.

The family wandered back to the house as the Police drove off, taking Ben to where he should have been some time ago. Once inside, Stan just stared at Drew.

"What can I say mate, I'm so proud of what you did for Zac. Shit Drew, I didn't think you had a mean bone in your body, looks like I'll have to change my mind on that. Thanks boy, and that comes from the heart."

Drew was his usual modest self. "Anyone in this family would have done the same for Zac," he said, "even Mum. Shit, I wouldn't want to be on the wrong end of an uppercut from her." He looked at Del, grinning; she was giving him the evil eye.

"Jeez, Zac!" Stan exclaimed, "are you OK mate?" He looked at Zac who was still visibly shaking from the experience.

"Yeah, thanks Stan, I'll recover. Just surprised me more than anything else." Zac walked over to Drew and held out his hand. "Thanks man, from me to you."

Drew disregarded the outstretched hand, and wrapped Zac in his arms. The others noticed the tears in his eyes. "Welcome man, what're brothers for?"

Glenn arrived home. "What's all this crap?" he asked. "We having a love-in or something?"

Stan and Drew put him in the picture.

"Fuckin' arsehole," Glenn said, not thinking. "Oh jeez, sorry Mum!"

"So I should think, young fella," Del retorted. "Only trouble is, I agree with you."

The family had their evening meal, nothing special as none of them felt in the mood to eat anyway, afterwards, veging out in the lounge room in front of the TV. Zac and Glenn said their good nights around ten, heading for their rooms. Drew called Zac into the dining area.

"You had me worried today man," he said. "I only had to take one look at your face while you were sitting in that car to know what I had to do. I'd have taken that pricks head off if it'd been necessary."

Yeah," Zac replied, "I thought you had at one stage. Shit he hit the road hard."

"Listen Zac, I know it's been a while now, but I virtually promised you something that you haven't claimed yet. Wanna come to my room later maybe and claim it?"

Zac's lips formed a slow smile and he felt a sensation in the area of his groin. He knew exactly what Drew was talking about.

Yeah man, cool, love to," he replied quietly, "but could we go out to the pool and do it there. It's a hot night and a swim'd be real refreshing."

"You're on." Drew said, turning to tell Stan and Del where they'd be while Zac raced upstairs to get his Speedos on.

Zac changed quickly and raced back downstairs, heading to the pool. He dived in, not surfacing until he had travelled the full twelve metres to the other end. Jeez, the water was cool, so refreshing after a hot day. He heard a splash the other end of the pool and soon Drew surfaced next to him, there were no lights on so the two of them had the pool to themselves. Drew swam about halfway along the pool before stopping, removing his bathers, placing his arms and elbows comfortably on the side of the pool and opening his legs. Zac needed no further invitation and swam round behind him, running a hand between Drew's smooth thighs. His hand moved gently upwards, between Drew's cheeks, feeling the lube already applied thickly. He removed his own bathers before using some of the excess lube on his cock, finding it quite easy underwater. He stood behind Drew, his rigid erection against the puckered opening.

"I'm gonna enjoy this so much Drew," he said, "I've wanted to go you since that morning at the motel man."

Zac grasped Drew's hips gently as his own hips thrust forward, slowly and gently, feeling his cock slide into Drew until he felt his pubes against him. Drew didn't utter a sound until Zac was deeply embedded and had taken the first tentative thrust.

"Orgh fuck you're good Zac," Drew whispered. "Go me man, slowly and gently."

Zac's hips thrust and withdrew his rampant cock as Drew had instructed, slowly and gently, deep sighs of satisfaction emanating from Drew. The feelings generated in his cock became exquisite and he became light headed with the intensity of them before he felt his climax building strongly in his groin.

"Gonna blow Drew, gonna blow real soon, orgh shit man!"

Within seconds, the most powerful, exquisite orgasm Zac knew he'd ever experienced, blasted into Drew, making him cry out softly as he felt the powerful flood deep within him. Zac's hands tightened on Drew's hips as his orgasm exploded from him, wave after wave of his juices flooding into Drew, seemingly unending.

It was finally over, Zac withdrawing from Drew before his legs could no longer support him and he fell backwards under the water. Drew stood in amazement; he couldn't believe what this young, handsome guy had just done to him. Cameron was good, real good but nothing like what had just happened. It had been simply incredible.

Drew turned slowly to find Zac floating on his back, his now flaccid cock in full view lying in a curve against his abdomen. Neither of them said anything, neither of them needed to. They pulled their bathers back on before making their way wordlessly inside. It had been a night neither of them would forget.

Zac showered before getting into his bed, lying there thinking of the days activities. What if Drew hadn't been home? What if he had now been travelling south with his hated stepfather? He turned his thoughts to the more happy memories of what had just happened in the pool. He'd finally done what he'd wanted to since that morning in the motel and he knew well he'd never forget the experience.

To be continued... one to go.

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Next: Chapter 10

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