Fiji Hazing

By Jason Belinsky

Published on Nov 3, 2003


WHAT REALLY IS HAZING? ------------------------------------------ FIJI'S LIST OF 33. 1. Calisthenics 2. Nudity 4. Dropping food in the mouth 6. Throwing stuff on pledges 12. Line-ups 15. Eating spoiled food 25. Yelling or screaming at pledges 27. Expecting pledges to do anything "for the fun of the members" 29. Expecting pledges to do anything that the initiated members would refuse to do ------------------------------------------ By Whitey Awl

We were told the fourth week of pledgeship would special, with a ritual called Room to Room. After lining us up, Grasso told us the brothers were pretty pleased with our pledge class, and they were considering cancelling the Room to Room ritual - if the pledges could pass a short quiz.

After four weeks of pledging, I knew that the quiz would probably be un-passable, but it was worth a try. The first four questions were fairly simple, and some of the brothers even clapped with our right answers. The fifth question - "What does GOM mean?" - was a total surprise, and we heard a lot of groans.

Telling us he was very disappointed, Grasso said we would have to face the Room to Room ritual. To get started, we were stripped to our boxers. Even our shoes and socks were off. At least, I thought, I won't be running Room to Room naked.

I was paired with Eric for the ritual, and we started in Room One, which might be called the sweat shop but the brothers called it the Excellence Rooom. We had to do 50 sit-ups, and then push-ups, counting them off, until sweat was dripping from our noses, and Eric and I got up to about 80 before they were satisfied that we were excellently covered with sweat.

Room two was the so-called Moralilty Room. The floor had been covered with sheets of plastic, and there was a lot of white stuff on the floor when we entered. This test of morality, brother Kirk explained, was to see if you would help a pledge brother find some lost money, and would return it to him if you found it.

The lost money, Eric and I soon learned, was in a shallow cake pan, somewhere under and inch or more of flour. No hands, of course. We had to kneel on opposite sides of the pan, and blow the flour around until we found the money. The blowing flour was clinging to our sweaty faces, hair, arms, and chests, but we couldn't find the money (I pretty much assumed that there was none anyway). Since we hadn't found and returned the money, we had to be marked as Immoral, Immoral pledges had to drop our boxers and drag dicks and balls through the flour.

A bell rang, and we were told to move along to the Service Room, now with flour covering our tops and middles. The story in this room was to help a brother pick up a mess and put the stuff back in the box. There was a large plastic pail upside down on the floor. When a brother pulled up the pail, there was a large block of ice with eight olives on the top. The test was simple, said Brother Heath, who was usually called Heathen. Just pick up the olives, one at a time, and carry them about 15 feet and drop them in the bucket. "No hands, no mouths, just your butt crack," he said, and the slowest pair of pledges would eat the olives later. There was some flour on the ice, so some earlier pledges were also immoral.

Several brothers reminded Eric that he was the Best Pledge, and asked him to display his winning package. Then he had to grab my package, and display my whiteness. Eric went first, and his sagging white balls were dragging the ice as he tried to squeeze an olive into his crack. He got the job done fairly quickly, and I didn't have much trouble either.

According to Heathen's "official clock", our time was just over four minutes for eight tightly-cinched trips.

Room four was the Friendship Room, and the floor was covered with plastic sheets. "Friends," said Brother Austin, "help friends, and Fiji friends really help Fijis." The story was that pledge Eric was badly sunburned, and needed lotion spread on his bod. He lay on his back on the floor. I was blindfolded, but heard Austin and his helpers pouring stuff on Eric.

I was led to Eric, and told I had to spread the lotion around, but hands and feet were out. I would have to lay on top of him, and use my bod to spread the lotion, which a taste proved was only honey.

My spreading didn't satisfy Austin and the brothers, and they insisted I hump Eric vigorously. My dick was rubbing through his pubes, and I felt pretty good - but sticky. Following orders, I rolled off Eric, and honey was poured on his back.

More humping, and my dick was close to boning up, greatly amusing the brothers. Then Austin told me to get off Eric and lay on my stomach.

After honey was poured on my back, Eric mounted me and spread honey everywhere. I think he had more than a semi by then.

Austin and his boys then complimented us for such a good show of friendship, and said we deserved a reward. The reward was corn flakes, not to eat but poured over our honey-covered bods. We got a quick look in the mirror when we stood up, with some white flour showing through the honey and corn flakes mess.

The fifth room was Knowledge, and brother Hawk wanted to know if Eric or I had studied science or aeronautics, but we had not. This room would give us knowledge, he said, of aiming and receiving.

As the shorter pledge, I was told to lay on my back on the floor. Eric got up on a chair, was given a raw egg, and told to crack it, aim it, and hit me in the mouth. If any of the raw egg missed my mouth, dire consequences were promised.

The first egg hit me square in the nose. The dire consequence was fairly simple - Hawk took an egg, craked it, and aimed at my dick, with near perfection. Another brother dumped more corn flakes. By this time, my well-battered dick was not horny or hard at all.

The second egg also missed, and I got another egg shower on my dick.

Eric was told that if he missed again he would be on the floor, but he hit me square. I didn't know what to do with the raw egg in my mouth, but the brothers said swallow and I gagged it down.

That completed the Room to Room Ritual, and the pledges - all covered with flour, honey, and corn flakes - were lined up in the basement. Only Grasso and three brothers were there, but they drug a hose through a window, and were using the cold water to clean us off.

It seemed like a lot of time was spent spraying our dicks and butts, but the cold water kept boners away.

Soon the eight olives appeared, and I wondered which pledges had lost in the Service Room. "We're still united and tight," said Eric, "and I think we should all eat an olive." Grasso and the brothers liked this show of brotherhood and sharing, and he offered to get us all a Pepsi from the vending machine. He was smiling and very happy inside with his pledges.

--------------- WHAT REALLY IS HAZING? ------------------------------------------ FIJI'S LIST OF 33. 2. Nudity 12. Line-ups 15. Eating spoiled food 25. Yelling or screaming at pledges 27. Expecting pledges to do anything "for the fun of the members" 29. Expecting pledges to do anything that the initiated members would refuse to do ------------------------------------------

By Whitey Awl

Pledging was almost enjoyable. except for the Monday night crap. There were parties at the house every other weekend with kegs, usually, and some of the sorority pledges seemed to be required to date fraternity pledges so women were available if desired. The Fijis seemed to chasing skirts six days a week, and putting the pledges through homo voyeur nudity every Monday.

The next Monday was near the start of mid-terms, and we were told that we would be done early so we could study. We almost didn't believe it, after weeks of late Monday nights.

Following our short pledge class meeting, we had to wait until the members were ready for us, but it wasn't long. Grasso came out of the meeting room, and said "Boys, let's get this over quickly. Just leave your clothes here on the floor, and line up by height. Several pledges groaned, but Eric said "let's see what the bastards have for us tonight."

Eric, the tallest led us into the room, and we put our toes on a seam in the carpet. Grasso then started screaming at us and at Eric in particular: "What did you call the brothers of this great Phi Gamma Delta Chapter right outside the door? What? Speak up, you slimy pledge!"

Eric mumbled something, but it didn't satisfy Grasso. "Do fifty - it'll help you remember," and Eric dropped into the push-up position. Grasso looked at the rest of us, and we dropped too, unhappily proving we had pledge unity.

"Eric," screamed Grasso when we had finished, "do you really want to be a Fiji, if you think they're all bastards? Why would you want to join some group of bastards? Why?"

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry, I apologize," Eric timidly replies.

"That's not enough," yelled Eric. "I want you to scream out an apology to every brother. Or grab your clothes and get out the door."

Eric started to scream, but the chapter president was quickly standing beside him and put his hand over Eric's mouth. "You'll apologize like this," he said. "Grab your balls and weiner, point it at this side of the room, and scream it. Then go to the end of the room, and scream it to those guys, and then to the other side. Then we'll decide if you get to stay."

After Eric had yelled apologies around the room, he got back in line. "Aren't you going to apologize to the pledges, the future Fijis?", asked Grasso. The president joined in: "Get on your knees, kiss each pledge's ass and apologize. Then move around to the front and kiss each of their minnie weiners, and apologize again."

I thought Eric might just walk out, but after hesitating a second, he dropped to his knees and started down the line of bare butts. I was the last, and the kiss was a just a quick peck. He moved around to my front, lightly lifted my dick, and kissed the end. Six kisses later he was again at the head of the line.

"We know you all have tests this week, so tonight will be Speed Night," said Grasso, as a table was brought brought out and we were lined up facing it. "We want to know who is the speediest, and we're not talking about running - we're talking about cumming."

The race plan: grab the dick of the guy on the right, get him hard, and as soon as everybody is hard you start wacking your own dick. "And Eric, since you're the jerk of the night and on the end, you'll have to get yourself hard with your left hand," Grasso smirked.

As the brothers hooted and cheered, Grasso put a cracker in front of each pledge. "You must deposit your love juice on your cracker, and the slowest pledge will eat the crackers."

Jase, next to me, quickly was stroking my dick and it was feeling pretty good. I used my hand to fondle my balls, and had a pretty good boner quickly. I could see that all the others were pretty hard, too, and Grasso told us it was time to see who was Mr. Speedy.

Mr. Speedy this Monday night was Darryl, who came so quick that it seemd like he had gotten a head start. Within a few minutes, I put my juice on my cracker. Jase shot right after me, and shot most of his onto the table past the cracker. Everybody soon shot, except Jess, who was doomed to eat crackers. The brothers were yelling "cum - cum - cum" in time with his stroking, and all the pledges had their eyes on his red dick. We all slid our crackers towards Jess, and his dick seemed to wilt as he realized he was the loser. He stroked a little faster, and maybe gripped a little harder, and finally produced a decent shot, right on the cracker.

Grasso told all the pledges except Jess they could get dressed and go back to their dorm, but Eric surprised us by saying he would show how sorry he was by eating the crackers. Jase further surprised me by saying that the "pledges were tighter than ever tonight, and we'll all eat a cracker." There was a gasp, and then a cheer from the brothers - as they saw proof, I guess, that the Cracker Shot and other pledge activities were producing a good bunch of future Fijis. They even forgot about putting the hot sauce on each pledge's cracker. I hope I ate the right cracker.

My roommate was gone when I got back to the dorm, and Eric soon knocked on my door. I don't know why he said it, but he stood by my desk and said "you enjoyed my kisses tonight as much as I did, didn't you?"

"Why would you say that?," I responded.

"Cause I've been watching you, and you can't keep your eyes off my dick and any other naked one you see," he replied. "Can I kiss your dick a little more?" I felt his palm softly grope my crotch, and knew another step towards full brotherly love was happening tonight.

I stood up, but his hand stayed in place, so I grabbed each side of his shorts and tugged them down. He already had a near boner, and it stuck out the fly of his boxers. "Let me do some kissing, first," I told him, and gave him a few full sloppy tongue kisses.

I headed towards the door to lock it, when a quick knock sounded and Scott opened the door. "Am I too late?," he asked, as I tried to block his view of Eric's boner.

"Come on," said Eric, who had told Scott to bring his horny bod to my room for a little fun. Eric and Scott were from the same high school, and apparently had been sex buddies too. Scott stepped in, grapped my package, and smiled. "This is gonna be fun."

"I don't think my roomie will be back for an hour, so let's turn down the lights and get it on," I told them.

Next: Chapter 3: Fiji Hazing 4 6

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