Finally Dressed

By moc.loa@441ngisreiF

Published on Jul 13, 2013


I guess it all started in the early years of my life, I don't know, maybe four or five years old. I was fascinated by my moms slips and wanted so badly to try one on but did not realize the significance. My brother who later turned out to be a cross dresser, would raid the clothes hamper and do a fashion show in moms finest, I was delighted but very envious. The panties were ok but the slips were something special to me, when my brother put one on over his panties, I was turned on beyond belief. Sadly my dad came in and found him modeling for me and whipped the day lights out him. I guess that sunk the fantasy deep into my subconscious from there forward. Still in my twenties when I experimented with pot, I found my mind drifting

to women's delicates. I so much longed to feel the silkiness of a slip against my body, I was beside myself with the fantasy. I knew the fantasies were wrong but I still longed to feel a woman's slip on my skin. I dismissed the idea as ludicrous because it would make me a sissy or worse a homo. One night my pot smoking evolved to taking acid and a friend came by to take a hit with me. I did not realize he was gay but we dropped acid and he asked if he could take a shower, since we came straight from work. I of course agreed and gave him a towel and sent him on his way. BY the time he had finished his shower my acid had kicked in and I was tripping my brains out. He returned to the room in a pair of jeans and no shirt, and was clean and wet form the shower. We were listening to music when he looked at me and I smiled at the lyrics of the song and realized I was all fucked up. I guess he misinterpreted my signals and he crossed the room and tried to plant a kiss on my lips. I nearly freaked, he was inches from my lips when it hit me what was going on, I was freaked and turned him away. He retreated but sat across the room staring at me, I was all confused and got his signal loud and clear now but could not see myself kissing a man. Once more he crossed the room and nearly kissed me before I decided it was wrong, so I sent him away again .Tripping my brains out I had to think the situation over in detail and realized there would be kissing and then our cocks would come out and soon there would be blow jobs and who knows what else. I was so freaked out, I began to cocoon in my seat. He got the message and through his blue jeans he masturbated and got off staring at me. I was damn uncomfortable. I saw the cum stain his jeans when he got off and it was sexy in a weird sort of way, knowing I was the idol of his fantasies. I was tempted to see what a cock felt like and what cum tasted like but I was not gay, I later found out why We sat there tripping for quite some time and I excused myself eventually and went to bed in the other room, I half expected him to sneak in and attack me later but he never did, in the morning I was alone. I was torn, if he had come through the bedroom door, I would have most likely relented and had my first gay encounter, but it did not happen. I saw him a few more times out in public but we never spoke of the incident

or went any further. We drifted apart and all I had was mixed emotions and a curiosity I was forever filled with. In the back of my mind if he had been in panties or a slip, it would have been natural and I would have seduced him as he tried to seduce me, but he was a straight gay man, no pun intended. I have to say the wet spot in his jeans disturbed me for months, I wanted to know what cum and a cock were like but not enough to give it a go..

Not to sound like a drug addict but for a period of six months, I dropped acid several times, mostly at concerts which were amazing. I smoked pot regularly and remained confused by my sexuality, I find and still find women irresistible but there was a certain allure to a mole relationship as well. One day there was a giant pig roast in the country and I was invited, I decided this might be an occasion to drop acid, so I did. When I arrived, there were hundreds of people and no one I knew, which was ok because I was out of my mind tripping and wanted to just enjoy the scene. A massive thunderstorm hit the area and everyone headed indoors, making the

house one giant traffic jam of bodies, it was impossible to move without touching someone, and it was panic stricken tight quarters. I was flowing in one direction toward the kitchen when the bodies stopped and I was face to face with a nice looking hippie type, we smiled and in an attempt at small talk I said.

"Lots of women but no takers." He gave me a great smile and said ."How about a man?" Embarrassed I turned him down and again felt odd about my sexuality. I was beginning to wonder iof acid inhibited my natural instincts? That night ZI masturbated to the thought of my first friend giving me a blow job and kissing me deeply, his cum all over my leg or chest.

I cleaned up my act and quit doing all drugs but alcohol but each time I got alone and drunk, I began to imagine myself in women's clothing. Dressed in a dress and stockings and a slip of course and lip stick and nails and well, as a woman. I moved to a city, and met many out front gay men but still had no hankering to try gay sex but one night we went to a gay club to see a woman perform and it was an all out gay crowd. When I wanted to pee, the boys at the table told me to make sure to go to the girls room because the women used the men's room. I was apprehensive but took their advice as I saw a man leaving the ladies room as I approached. I entered, opened a stall and peed my brains out, when I opened the door, there e was woman with her beautiful legs on a chair, straightening her stockings. I was beside myself with embarasment.I knew the gay friends had pulled one over on me.Just as I was about to bolt in embarrassment, a husky voice asked me if her stockings were straight, I knew in a heartbeat it was a man dressed as a woman. My heart fluttered, I was both turned on and embarrassed at the same time. I had never heard of a transvestite or a cross dresser but was immediately intrigued. No I am telling the true story, I was sexually turned on and had found my calling. I was too shy to speak to her beyond polite conversation but AI was sporting a hard on , viagra could only wish to achieve. Just then another male/female entered, they kissed checks and said hello, I thought I might cum right there. The ladies turned to me to introduce themselves and noticed my condition, they made a joke which was no doubt funny now but it made me very self conscientious. "We have a little situation", the first one said, the other one laughed lightly. They both approached me, the first one toward my lips, the second toward my loins. Before I could protest or even desire too, I was in a french kiss with my new found kindred spirit and felt my zipper lower and my cock come out to the sensation of a warm mouth. I think it was my first time in high school since I came so quickly, I was beside myself with lust and the smell of perfume. I was so insanely satisfied yet so embarrassed, I did not know what to say. "We need to take this one home Cheryl,what do you think?

The original woman agreed and took my hand, they led me out of the bathroom and toward the exit.

Next: Chapter 2

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