Finally Home

By bob smith

Published on Jan 9, 2003


If you are not of age of consent in your area (18 or 21), please do not read on. <I never got that rule, I mean who needs access to erotica more then lonely gay teenagers? Anyway, that's the rule.> If you're offended by gay men having sex, or being in love, then what the heck are you doing here? Go away.

This is my story, I wrote it from my own little mind. Any relations to events or persons in real life is purely coincidental. Do not reprint this story without permission.

This is going to be a multi-chapter story, there will be no sex for the first couple of chapters, sorry to disappoint.

Please be nice. If you don't like it I don't care, unless you can tell me why you don't like it. Then I am very interested. Thank you


Finally Home

Chapter 1

So I was homeless. Not like sleeping in my car homeless or anything. But my roommate had given me until the end of the month. There were no hard feelings or anything. My roommate wanted her boyfriend to move in, and he needed a 'home office.' Actually I think it was because he didn't like me. But that's okay I didn't like him either. So I'm getting kicked out and replaced by a cheap desk and 5-year-old PC. Woo Hoo.

As a gay man I prefer to live with women. I have always found that easier. I have had one or two develop crushes on me, but no serious problems. I had once lived in a big loft with 5 other gay guys, and it was tons of fun at first, like musical beds, and threesomes, and orgies, and so many different sexual positions we thought about writing a book. But then somebody's ex showed up drunk one night, pulled out a gun and promptly passed out without killing anyone, thank fucking god. Talk about drama, that's about the time I began to feel like I was living in an episode of 'The Gay Real World.' So I have stuck to girls since then. I find girls love having a gay roommate. It's like a status symbol or something. So as I was looking for a new place to live I looked first for girls wanting roommates. But I struck out since my top priority was to stay in my neighborhood. The only chick in the area turned out to be this goth chick who asked what I thought about people who drank blood (as she eyed my neck and licked her lips). So I turned my search to guys wanting roommates. That's when I discovered that every straight guy in my neighborhood was a complete slob and none of them own any furniture more sophisticated then bean bag chairs. That's how I met Brian and Michael. I had a feeling that Brian was going to be cute just talking on the phone with him. Then he told me they were twins, and I just rolled my eye's and thought 'God help me, please make them ugly.' I began to pray that they were both straight. Straight and tidy, and ugly.

I was right on one count. They were very tidy.

I had gotten along with Brian really great on the phone. The price for the room was perfect, and I would get my own bathroom, everything sounded good. And I was getting a little nervous, my roommate's boyfriend had already begun stacking his boxes in my room. So I was really hoping that we would get along well when I went to meet him and his brother and look at the apartment that next Saturday. I discovered that it was only like 4 blocks from my old place, which was good since I liked this part of town. The building was nice, it had a buzzer entry system, and a cool mosaic in the entryway, and very nice woodwork. I just love older buildings. This place was looking more and more promising. It even had an elevator, another thing I hate is walk-ups because I have a bad knee. By the time I got to the fourth floor I had decided that if these guys didn't hit on me outright, and didn't have more than three empty pizza boxes in the living room, then I would take the room.

Brian was just as cute as he sounded. He was about 4 inches taller then me, and way more built, like a weight lifter, I could see his muscles hinted through his shirt. He had wavy brown hair and brown eyes. His face was square, and he had a strong chin. I also noticed that he had a mole on the right side of his neck. He was very, very cute. I bit my bottom lip to make sure I wouldn't drool. He smiled broadly, showing me his perfect teeth.

"Toby?" He offered me a hand.

"Yeah, hi." I shook his strong hand and couldn't help but smile back.

"I'm Brian, nice to meet you. Come on in." He moved aside and ushered me into the very nice living room.

"Thanks, it's nice to meet you too." I said as I looked around the large living room. It was just too nice, one of these guys has got to be gay. Oh well, I mentally shrugged, I'll just lock my bedroom door at night.

Brian started talking about the living room, mostly about the kick ass entertainment system, and how his brother was really anal about it.

"Brian stop lying to the man." Came a deep voice from an adjoining room.

Brian smiled and nodded toward the door, "Come on I introduce you to my evil twin."

Michael was just as cute as Brian, cuter actually, his hair was a little longer, and his eyes were a little lighter then Brian's, they had a little more sparkle to them, but his face was more serious. I also noticed that his mole was on the left side of his neck. He was standing in the spacious kitchen, leaning against the counter, a cup of coffee in one hand and something resembling a really long school report in the other. As Brian introduced us he set down the report. We shook hands. His smile was gentle, and sincere and it lit up his eyes. The words classicially handsome came to mind.

"Don't believe a word he says, Toby, he's the one who's crazy about that big screen TV."

Brian just shook his head and grinned. "Whatever DVD fiend." Brian said as he turned to the refrigerator and pulled out a carton of Orange Juice and began swigging. Michael just grunted and took another swig of his coffee. I felt comfortable with these guys already. Brian turned to me "You'll have to excuse him, he's not a morning person."

"No problem." I plopped myself down on a stool at the breakfast bar. Suddenly curious, I asked. "So what do you guys do for a living?"

"I run a sporting goods store in the mall uptown." Brian piped up. "I can get you a discount."

"Cool." Sporting goods, that fit his personality perfectly.

"You do any sports?" Brian asked excitedly.

"Yeah I swim, and do karate, and I cycle. Mostly low impact stuff."

"We have a whole cycling section, dude, I can hook you up."

"Cool." I couldn't help but smile at Brian as he grinned like a child who just made a new friend. "What about you Michael, what do you do?"

"I teach Drama and English at Cleveland Academy, it's a private school downtown." I cringed a little at the mention of the school, which was the one I had, coincidentally, attended.

"You know it?" Michael asked, noticing my reaction.

I shook my head and smiled, "In another lifetime."

"So what do you do Toby?" Brian asked oblivious to our whole exchange, Michael studied me closely, but didn't object to the change of subject. I was grateful.

"I'm a writer."

"A successful one?" Brian asked bluntly. I furrowed my brow and wondered what kind of question that was.

"Brian, be a little more blunt please, you didn't quite insult that guy." Michael turned to me. "Sorry about that, our last roommate was a real loser, he stiffed us out of two months rent, and moved out while we were away for the weekend. I think Brian is just worried about getting screwed, so to speak." I noticed that Michael blushed a little at the mention of the word 'screwed.' I decided that I liked these guys, they weren't just brothers, but they seemed to be friends too.

"That sucks." I commented on the lousy roommate.

"Tell me about it." Brian muttered.

"Well to answer your question, yes I am successful. I free lance for two national magazines, and I'm about to publish my third book. I could probably afford a small place of my own even, but I hate living alone."

"Great, just great, two intellectuals in the house." Brian joked with a smile on his face, I was beginning to wonder if he ever stopped smiling.

"What kind of books?" Michael asked as he refilled his coffee cup. He held up to pot to offer me some.

"No, thank you. I write coming of age novels about teenage boys."

"Very cool." Brian nodded as if he were approving of a good golf swing.

Michaels eye's lit up suddenly and he grinned "You wouldn't be Tobias Jamison, would you?"

I nodded with a half smile. "Yup, that's me."

"Wow, my students love your books, we're reading one in my creative writing class. It's great."

"Thanks." Now it was my turn to blush.

"What magazines do you write for?" Brian suddenly asked. I hadn't planned an answer for that question, and panicked for a moment before deciding to be honest.

"I write for XY and OUT on a semi-regular basis." They both looked at me blankly. "There gay magazines..." I offered helpfully.

Brian was the first to break out in a grin. "So you're gay?"

"Yeah." I answered without stopping to wonder why he was grinning.

"So are we." Brian was grinning like a little kid at Christmas.

"Both of you?" I looked between them in shock and hoped I hadn't just landed myself on the set of a bad porn movie.

"Yep." Michael said simply, studying me closely.

"Just my luck." I muttered. Michael chuckled softly.

"Bad memories?"

"Yeah, too many ex-boyfriends and too much beer." I shuddered, remembering that feeling when I thought for a split second that I was going to die when that idiot showed up with a gun.

"How about a no hanky-panky rule then?" Brian, still smiling, looked like a light bulb had just lit up above his head.

"Hanky-panky?" I asked, trying not to laugh.

"Yeah, it's simple, we agree not to date within the house, you're off limits to us, and we're off limits to you."

"What the hell kind of word is hanky-panky?" Michael asked, laughing.

"Shut up, just because I didn't use big-fancy-English-teacher words doesn't mean it's a bad idea." Brian threw a towel at his brother.

"I can agree to a no hanky-panky rule." I piped up.

"Yeah?" Michael raised his eyebrow at me.


"That easily? Damn, bro we're losing our touch." Brian gave me an injured look. I just shook my head and smiled.

"No you're not. It's not that. I mean you guys are hot and all, but I stopped having casual sex when I was 20. And I'm not looking for a relationship any time soon." I shrugged.

"Cool," Brian grinned.

"Well if you can control yourself, I think we can too." Michael was blushing again as he turned to his brother, who nodded.

"Yeah, you're not my type anyway." Brian said with a shrug. I laughed.

"Liar." Michael accused.

"Shut up, I can control myself. I learned my lesson last time." I regarded Brian for a second before deciding I didn't want to know. So I changed the subject.

"So can I see the room?"

"Oh yeah, sure." Brian gave me a sheepish grin. "Come on."

The three of us trooped down the hallway, Brian pointed out his bedroom and then Michael's, the two of them had the two smaller bedrooms because they were to same size. "We like to keep things even. Otherwise we'd fight about it." He explained. Michael just rolled his eyes. The two of them also shared a bathroom between their bedrooms. The room that would be mine was huge, at least 14 x 14, and it had it's own adjoining bathroom. I walked across to the window to check out the view, it was your usual back alley and a great view of the apartments across from it. A great view would be a little too perfect, it let lots of sunlight in, and that was enough. I immediately felt comfortable in the room. It had high ceilings and nice old woodwork. I checked out the bathroom, it had one of those claw foot tubs with the old-fashioned shower.

I'm a little weird when it comes to finding a room I like. I once had writers block for three months because I didn't feel comfortable in the room I had moved into. Since I work at home it's very important to me that I have a room with 'good vibes', as my grandmother calls it. It's also got to have lots of sunlight, and I've got to be able to lie on the floor and be comfortable. I lie on the floor when I'm stuck in my story. That usually happens once or twice a week. I try not to reveal that fact that I enjoy laying of hard floors to prospective roommates on the first visit, they usually think I'm a little funny. But since the hottie twins were both standing just inside the doorway watching me very closely I wasn't sure how I was going to get out of it. I glanced at Michael and went to check out the closet.

"Any of your students ever get writers block?" I pulled open the sticky closet door and inspected the tiny space.

"Yeah, a couple."

"How do they get rid of it?"

"I've got one kid who plays Tetris until it clears, another who eats carrots three times a day until he comes up with an idea. Why?" I closed the door and they were both looking at me curiously.

"How do you get rid of writers block?" Brian asked, with suspicion in his voice. "You don't play the drums or anything, do you?."

I smiled and shook my head. "No, I do this." I proceeded to plop down flat on my back, closed my eyes, and stretched my arms and legs out like I was making a snow angel. I can't really say what I look for when I test the floor like this, it's just this calm feeling. I stayed there for a second and decided that this was a very good room. I opened my eyes to find the ken doll twins standing over me. Brian was regarding me as if I was a bit off, and Michael was just looking amused.

"You do this kind of thing often?" Brian asked suspiciously, as Michael offered me a hand and pulled me to my feet.

"Nope." I said as I dusted off my butt. "Sorry about that, but I have to test a floor before I decide to move in."

"But it's not a trick you pull in front of company or at parties or anything?"

"God no." I laughed at the image.

Brian studied me carefully for a few seconds and then broke out in a big grin. "Great, then you can stay."

"Yeah?" I looked between the two of them.

Michael nodded, grinning almost as big as Brian.

"Great." I grinned too. Brian started jumping up and down like a little kid, and Michael's grin widened.

"Is he always like this?" I asked Michael, leaning closer to him.

"Yeah, I'm afraid so." Michael and I watched, amused, as Brian bounced out the bedroom door and down the hall like Tigger.

"Come you guys, let's get the business over with. I hope you brought your checkbook Toby." Brian called in a sing-song voice as he hopped into the kitchen.

Michael and I both laughed as we followed behind him to the kitchen. Where I signed the very simple rental agreement and wrote a big check. When I left later that morning I had a set of keys, and a new home with two very nice (and cute) guys. Not bad for one morning. Now I just had to get moved in, and keep my libido under control.

Next: Chapter 2

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