Finally Home

By bob smith

Published on Mar 3, 2003


If you are not of age of consent in your area (18 or 21), please do not read on. I never got that rule, I mean who needs access to erotica more then lonely gay teenagers? Anyway, that's the rule. If you're offended by gay men having sex, or being in love, then what the heck are you doing here? Go away.

This is my story, I wrote it from my own mind. Any relations to events in real life is purely coincidental. Do not reprint this story without permission.

Please be nice. If you don't like it I don't care, unless you can tell me why you don't like it. Then I am very interested. Thank you.

*** Sorry, this is later then I promised some of you, life got in the way. I think I have figured out how to build a mailing list, so ... if you want to be on it let me know. This chapter is the halfway point for Toby's tale, but I am already working on something new :).

**** Also, I'm sorry to those of you that emailed me this past week or so and got no response. I really appreciate all of your comments and I do my best to answer, I just got lazy this week.

Later, Mason

Finally Home

Chapter 5

I'm a cuddly sleeper, I was laying on Michael's chest with my arm thrown over his waist. My nose was filled with his scent; it was a mix of Irish Spring, cologne, and sweat. He smelled delicious. I felt completely at home, and totally safe with one of his arms on top of mine and the other sleepily rubbing my back. The light was gray and just beginning to peak through the window, so I knew it was early. I was still in that peaceful state of not being totally awake, I relaxed into him and waited for sleep to claim me again.

"Toby?" Michael's soft voice forced me to use my brain.

"Hmmm?" I murmured against his chest, not wanting to wake up.

"Sorry to do this, but I've gotta' pee."

I shook my head slightly and tightened my grip on his waist. "Comfy." I mumbled grumpily.

"I know, I'm sorry." He gently rolled me so I was lying back on the pillow and climbed out of bed despite my groan of complaint. "I'll be right back." He whispered as he padded away. I dozed lightly until I felt his weight return to the bed, I opened one eye to see him stretching back out on his back. Too tired to think about what was proper I rolled myself back onto his chest. His arm came to rest on my back and again began its lazy rubbing.

"Mmmm." I let out a happy sigh. "Comfy spot."

I felt Michael laugh before I heard the low chuckle come from him. I decided not to wake myself up enough to ask what he found so funny. His soft hand rubbing up and down my spine lulled me back toward sleep. We laid peacefully for several more minutes before the urgent need to pee hit me hard.

"Goddamn it." I mumbled as I disentangled myself from Michael and the covers and staggered sleepily toward the bathroom. I heard Michael chuckle again, and I ignored him, my need to pee too strong, I'd yell at him later.

As I stood over the toilet waiting for my piss to come I became aware of a funny smell, and realized slowly in my sleepy brain that the bathroom stunk like feet and sweat. I wrinkled my nose as I washed my hands and looked around at the clothes and trash strewn all over the bathroom.

I still had my nose wrinkled when I returned to Michael's bed. "What's with the bathroom?" I asked, yawning.

"It's Brian's turn to clean it." Michael said without opening his eyes.

"I thought he was anally clean?" I asked as I again claimed Michael chest as my pillow.

"He always had to clean the bathroom when we were kids, so now he hates doing it. It's ok though," Michael said through a yawn of his own. "If he doesn't clean it today he has to give me $10."

"That's good." I murmured as I let Michael warmth lull me finally back to sleep.

We must have slept for several more hours because the next time I woke up I was much more alert. A noise woke me, and I realized that the bathroom doorknob was jiggling noisily. I heard a muffled cussing on the other side of the door. I could tell by Michael's breathing that he was awake but he'd made no attempt to move me so I decided to stay where I was. Finally the door swung open and I opened one eye just enough to see Brian standing in the doorway with his arms full of laundry, looking very cross.

"Damnit Michael, how am I supposed to clean the bathroom if you leave your laundry..." Brian trailed off as he gazed at the bed. "What the fuck?"

Michael chuckled before he answered. "Keep your shorts on Bro, nothing happened."

"Yeah right, and I got a bridge I wanna' sell you."

"It's true Brian, He had a nightmare."

"Michael if you took advantage of him I swear to god..." Brian stopped when he heard me laughing. Just the thought of Michael 'taking advantage' of me, although not an unpleasant one, was funny considering his gentle nature.

"Take advantage of me? That's why I didn't climb into bed with you, hornball." I joked, not taking my head off of Michael's chest.

"Hey!" Brian said sounding hurt. I laughed again.

"I'm teasing you Bri. Next nightmare I promise I'll climb into bed with you. Okay?"

"That's better." I heard the grin in Brian's voice. I finally rolled away from Michael and stretched as Brian approached the bed and plopped down at Michael's feet. "So what was your nightmare about?"

"It's the recurring one I have about Richard. I usually have it after I tell someone new about him." I shrugged.

"I'm sorry dude, we shouldn't have made you talk about him." Brian apologized.

"Don't be sorry guys it's really good for me to talk about it. I wanted to tell you guys, it's like taking a weight off my shoulders every time I tell someone new."

"Who else have you told?" Michael asked.

"My roommate at the time, my therapist, nana, you guys, and the guys in my support group at the teen center, it was really educational for them." I smiled. Then I remembered what day it was. "What time is it?" I asked scanning the room for a clock.

Brian glanced at the bedside stand. "10am, why?"

"We have to get ready." I said climbing out of bed. "Irving will be here in 30 minutes." I said as I headed for the door.

"Who's Irving?" Brian called after me.

"Nana's driver. Remember? You guys said you would come every two weeks. She said to be sure you come along this time, I think I bored her after you guy's shenanigans last time."

I heard them laughing as I headed to my room to shower. I'm not sure how they did it, but by the time Irving came knocking both brothers had showered and dressed in dress pants, shirts and ties. Brian in khakis and a white shirt, his tie had porky pig on it. Michael in black pants, a deep red shirt and a black tie, he looked good enough to eat.

Nana hires mostly British servants because she claims she likes their accents. So Irving is a very proper gentleman who hails from Manchester, England, he resembles Lurch from the Adam's Family. The guys teased me in the limo after he greeted me as 'Master Tobias' as all nana's staff does. Then Irving rolled down the dividing window to inform 'Master Michael' and 'Master Brian' that 'Lady Cleveland' had sent along some coffee in the warmer for them to enjoy on the trip along with my usual pot of hot chocolate, since I don't drink coffee. Then I got to tease them.

Brunch was wonderful. Nana had the boys talking about their childhood, telling stories and reminiscing, laughing at their funny stories. We sat and talked for over three hours. By the end nana was fluent in just about every Italian cuss word there is. Her eyes were twinkling, having the time of her life. She walked us to the door in the usual fashion.

Throughout the meal I couldn't help but glance at Michael over and over, each time remembering the comfort I felt in his arms, just thinking about it made me blush. Every once and a while I would glance at him to find him looking back at me with an intense look in his eyes, only to have him look away and blush. Nana had noticed our glances as well and was giving me a knowing look as she pulled me into a hug to say goodbye.

She whispered in my ear, "He's a smitten as you are my dear, I think you should go for it."

This time I simply smiled and kissed her cheek before heading out the door, knowing exactly which brother she was talking about, and knowing I couldn't deny her suspicions of my feelings.

Next: Chapter 6

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