Finally Home

By bob smith

Published on Mar 17, 2003


If you are not of age of consent in your area (18 or 21), please do not read on. I never got that rule, I mean who needs access to erotica more then lonely gay teenagers? Anyway, that's the rule. If you're offended by gay men having sex, or being in love, then what the heck are you doing here? Go away.

This is my story, I wrote it from my own mind. Any relations to events in real life is purely coincidental. Do not reprint this story without permission.

This is going to be a multi-chapter story, there will be no sex for the first couple of chapters, sorry to disappoint.

Please be nice. If you don't like it I don't care, unless you can tell me why you don't like it. Then I am very interested. Thank you.


Finally Home

Chapter 6

Despite my grandmother's advise I knew that I couldn't make a move on Michael, even though I wanted to. There was just no way around the 'hanky-panky' rule. Besides that, what if I was wrong? What if nana was wrong? Although I have never known her to be wrong I'm sure it happens once in a while. What if he wasn't interested in me romantically? If I made a move and he didn't return my feelings then not only would I be devastated, but I would be terribly embarrassed. By the end of the week I had managed to convince myself that it wasn't worth losing his friendship.

The truth was that I was scared. After Richard my self-confidence was shot. I had just begun to feel good about myself again in the last three months or so. I was still plagued with self-doubt. I kept asking myself what Michael could see in a guy like me. I was quickly convincing myself that I wasn't good enough for him. My therapy session that week after nana's advise was devoted exclusively to talking about Michael and my feeling for him. I came out of it even more convinced that I was falling in love with him, and even more sure that he was out of my league.

I knew that next Sunday nana would ask me if I had gone for it and made a move on Michael. So as Saturday dawned and I pulled myself away from Michael's warm inviting chest I began to plan how I would make nana understand that Michael and I just weren't right for each other. I had, despite my attraction or perhaps because of it, been having trouble sleeping all week. Michael would find me in the kitchen making myself some Hot Chocolate to help calm my nerves or looking for some other sleep remedy. He would just shake his head when I insisted that I was fine, and lead me to his bedroom where I always found sleep using his chest as a pillow, feeling his warm hand rubbing up and down my back. I was beginning to wonder how I had even slept on my own, and realized that I needed to stop taking advantage of his kindness and make myself stay in my own bedroom. I was quiet and distracted during our basketball game on Saturday morning. I kept messing up and ended up sitting out most of the time, making the excuse that my knee was sore.

Father Patrick called as we were eating a quick lunch before heading out for our usual afternoon of groceries and laundry.

"I've got a wee problem I was hoping you could help me with my boy." Father Patrick said in his thick Irish accent.

"If I can Father. What's up?"

"The Martin's have had to cancel on me tonight, their wee lass has come down with something. Could you and one of the boys fill in do you think?" That's when I remembered that tonight was the monthly teen dance at the center, the Martin's were a couple that usually volunteered to help chaperone.

"I know I can Father, let me see if one of the guys is willing to help." I covered the phone. Both brothers were looking at me curiously.

"Father Patrick needs another chaperone for the dance tonight, do either of you want to do it?" I looked pleadingly at both boys.

Brian shook his head, "I got a hot date, sorry T."

Michael nodded, much to my relief. "In that case, I'd be happy to." He rolled his eyes glancing at his horny brother.

Father Patrick was ecstatic to hear that he could stop making frantic phone calls, he thanked me three times before I finally got off the phone.

"What exactly does chaperoning entail Toby?" Michael asked once I hung up.

"There'll be 6 of us and Father Patrick. He runs the door, so no dealers or anything can sneak in, 'cause he knows everybody, every person gets to stand in a place that allows maximum coverage of the activity hall. And one person gets to wander around, making sure everything on the dance floor is ok. I have been assigned to guard the make-out corner, and you get to be the wanderer."

"What's the make-out corner?"

"It's that one corner that has that huge post about six feet away from the wall, so it blocks most of the hall, kids sneak there to make-out. I get the guard it. It's pretty boring actually, most kids know it gets watched so they don't even try anymore."

"So I get to wander?"

"Yup, so you can come keep me company." I smiled.

"That'll be fun." Michael grinned back at me, making me want to jump across the table and into his lap and kiss his cute face all over.

Brian ruined the moment by hopping up and yelling. "Shopping time, my turn to drive." He giggled insanely as he ran to grab the keys. I groaned and Michael crossed himself and began muttering a Hail Mary.

Brian decided to fill up his driving time with repeated descriptions of his 'hot date' and how 'hot' he was. This seemed to be his most important task and the fact that he was driving at 50mph though the city seemed not to worry him at all. So after the most frightening afternoon in my life ... Michael and I met in our hallway ready to go to the dance. I had decided to wear my khaki's and a polo shirt that went well with my eyes. Michael was gorgeous, as usual, in his patented black pants and a blue polo style shirt. I noticed his eyes moving slowly up and down me and I felt my body respond the idea of him checking me out.

"You look great." He said softly as he walked to the elevator.

"Thanks," I blushed, "so do you."

"Thank you." Michael said as he looked probingly into my eyes, his intense gaze causing me to harden even more. I had to look away.

We walked in a comfortable silence to the center. We were walking close and every now and then our bare arms would brush up against each other. I found myself trying to move even closer to him, wanting to feel more of his skin.

We arrived earlier then the kids, as was expected, and Father Patrick went through the usual spiel. Watch for drugs or what looks like drug deals, watch for alcohol. That was mostly Michael's job, as it was usually passed around on the dance floor where it wasn't easily seen by anyone but the wanderer. Then we all munched on some donated cookies until it was time to man our stations. The first hour of the dance is almost always totally dead. Kids are funny about that, they like to make a fashionable late entrance. So for the first hour Michael would walk around and then come and talk to me for a while. I have no idea what we talked about the entire time. I only know that I became more and more aware of his chest muscles just hinted through his shirt as we talked. I became more and more aware of his smell as well, strong and clean, Irish Spring and aftershave. I also began to notice his neck, how inviting that spot under his ear looked, how his Adam's apple moved as he talked and I couldn't stop myself from thinking about how much I wanted to suck on it.

Fortunately kids started to show up, so his visits got shorter as he diligently did his job. I watched as he confiscated three beers and a full bottle of rum in the next two hours. Finally it was 10pm, most of the younger kids left because of their curfew. The music slowed down as it was mostly couples left. I had lost track of Michael momentarily and I didn't notice him making his way toward me along the side wall. He came up behind me and I felt his hands rest on my shoulder as he said my name.

"Hey Toby." His voice was gentle and he chuckled as I jumped slightly at the surprise. His hands started gently kneading the muscles in my shoulders, I relaxed into his touch, and could feel him standing very close behind me. I felt myself start to get hard. He gently kneaded my shoulders saying nothing more until the song ended and a new one started.

He moved one hand to my arm and turned me around as he spoke. "May I have this dance Master Tobias?" He asked in a fake British accent.

I laughed. "Why certainly Master Michael." I said in a snooty voice.

The joke of the moment had broken the sexual tension from a moment earlier and so as we began to dance my arousal had shrunk back to where I didn't think he would notice it if we didn't dance too close. I wrapped one arm around his shoulder as he took my other hand in his and held it to his chest lightly rubbing his thumb up and down the back of my hand. He wrapped his other arm around my waist and in the darkness of the make-out corner we began to sway gently. My mind automatically switched to the image I used to use to keep from getting hard in the showers after soccer practice. Picturing my Father's personal secretary, Bertha, naked covered in whipped cream kept me soft. That lasted for about half of the song and I slowly became more and more aware of Michael's body, and the fact that we seemed to be getting closer and closer, inch by inch, until we were finally pressed together tightly. I felt his strong chest against mine, his firm pec under my hand and his thumb was still gently rubbing the back of my hand driving me crazy. I focused in on his neck and I was becoming more and more temped to lean in and kiss that spot below his ear when I suddenly became aware of the fact the I was now painfully hard and pressing against Michael's thigh.

I stepped back fast, horrified, knowing that he'd felt it. Unfortunately we had danced ourselves right up to the back wall, so stepping back I ended up against the wall. I was frozen. I couldn't move, my whole body was turned on, my cock refused to soften. I blushed furiously and couldn't meet Michael's eyes.

"Toby." Michael said in barely above a whisper. His voice was husky. He stepped toward me. Closing the distance I had put between us. I felt his pelvis press against my hardness, I shivered at the wonderful pressure and I bit my lip to try to stop the moan that escaped anyway. Michael places his arms against the wall on either side of my head and pressed his strong chest against mine. He gently began grinding himself against my hardness. Suddenly I became aware of Michael's cock, unmistakably hard, rubbing against mine through his pants. I let out another moan at the feel of it, and vaguely realized that he had me trapped. My hands moved to his waist, resting on his sides, pulling him even closer to me if that was possible. I was helpless to stop him, even if I wanted him to, which was the farthest thought from my mind as he continued to slowly rub our hard cocks against each other. Feeling his power against my helplessness turned me on even more. I moaned again as his face came closer to me. His forehead rested against mine his nose started to slide along mine as he lowered his mouth to meet mine. I could feel his breath on my lips and I closed my eyes, surrendering to him.

I could feel the heat from his lips about to meet mine when suddenly a blood curdling scream came from the dance floor, causing us both to jump and pull apart, the scare causing me to go soft faster then I ever have before.

I pushed past Michael and scanned the room for the disturbance. I soon spotted a tiny little black girl named Shelly, her voice rising over the sound of the crowd and the music as she yelled at her boyfriend about some girl named Lisa and the fact that he couldn't keep it in his pants.

The moment completely ruined, a blushing Michael left, saying he had better go see if he could help. Weak from the intensity of the last moments I sank down into a chair and tried to catch my breath. My mind was whirling with a thousand thoughts, but I couldn't seem to focus on any of them, still feeling his chest against mine, and his cock grinding into me. I sat there dazed and watched as the dance ended, and the hall cleared out. I was still sitting there when Father Patrick approached me.

"Toby, my boy, you and Michael need not stay and help clean up, I caught a couple of your lad smoking and so they have to clean up as punishment. So you and Michael can go home anytime." I just nodded, too preoccupied to wonder which one of 'my lads' as Father Patrick called the support group, had been smoking.

"Are you alright my boy?" The Priest drawled. Noticing my spaciness.

"Yes, Father, I'm just a little tired, Thank You." He nodded and walked away.

I sat there, suddenly very tired, until Michael walked over to me. I glanced up at him, and he was still blushing. "You ready?" He asked in a tense voice. I nodded and stood to follow him.

We walked almost half way home before he spoke. The silence was tense this time, and finally he broke it. "Toby, I'm sorry if I pressured you, or if I did anything you didn't want. I didn't mean to come on so strong..." I stopped him by placing my hand gently on his arm. I enjoyed the felling of his skin and soft arm hair for a moment.

"Michael, you didn't do anything I didn't want you to do. You don't have to apologize." I look at him sideways and saw his shoulders relax as the tension left him.

"Okay, good." He took a deep breath. "So where do we go from here?"

"I guess that depends on how you feel about me?" I stopped walking and turned to face him. He looked at me intensely for a long moment as I held my breath. I prayed that he would say what I was feeling. Hoping that he would say he loved me, say that there was some way we could live happily ever after.

Finally he spoke. "I don't know. I like you Toby. But..." He trailed off. Thats when it hit me. I was in love with Michael, a kind of love I had never experienced before. This was it, the never ending, feel it right down to your soul kind of love I never thought existed, here it was, here he was, right in front of me, telling me he wasn't sure how he felt about me. I turned away, not wanting him so see the tears in my eyes. He fell into step beside me.

"I don't do things halfway Michael. I stopped having casual sex a long time ago. And I don't think that's how you work either." I glanced sideways at him and saw him nod.

"So what if I wanted to date you? See where things take us?" He asked softly.

"What about the 'hanky-panky' rule?" When he didn't answer I continued. "And what about Brian? Do we tell him? I think he'd figure it out anyway don't you?" He just nodded so I went on. "Then what if we tell him and he doesn't approve? Then you guys are at odds, and I don't want to be a part of that, I would feel terrible. Or say he does approve, well that's great, unless you and I don't work out. Then he feels like he has to take sides, he's your brother, he'd be on your side. I can't live in a house where I don't feel welcome, I won't do that again. It hurts too much."

"But he could approve and we could work out." Michael said softly.

"Yes we could. That would be wonderful. But what then? What if he starts feeling like the fifth wheel? Or what if I feel like the fifth wheel? I mean he's your twin Michael, I'm not sure I can compete with that. Especially since you're not even sure how you feel about me." I think my last statement hurt him, when I glanced back his shoulders were tense again.

"Well do you know how you feel about me?" He asked angrily. We were on our block now, only steps from our front door. All I wanted was to go to my room and cry myself to sleep.

"Yes," I stopped and turned looking directly into his eyes. "I know exactly how I feel about you. But if all I can get from you is 'I don't know' then I'm not willing to put myself out there. I think I've been hurt enough Michael." I saw sorrow in his eyes. I turned away and went into the building, leaving him standing there. I didn't want him to see the tears as they spilled over and ran down my cheeks. I walked away without looking back. I never saw the tears in Michael's eyes.

Next: Chapter 7

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