Finding His Boy

By Jack Nifty

Published on Aug 3, 2020


I'm trying to get into writing so would really love to hear your thoughts on this story: both positive and negative. You can get in touch with me at: or by going to my twitter which is: I'll be posting links to chapters and other materials on there so go check it out.

Disclaimer: This story contains sex between consent adult men, all 18+. Any actors playing the roles of these fictional characters in your mind are also over the age of 18. This story will contain rough sex and interactions that explore dominance and submission as well as many fetishes and kinks. If any of this offends you, or if you are not legally allowed to read this, you should stop now. If you continue then any consequences are your own fault. This is fictional, although aspects may be informed by the real-life experiences of the author. Any similarities or resemblances are purely coincidental.


Jordan walked away from his interview for a much-needed position in Tom's department after the older man's behaviour towards him. Meanwhile, Tom made the best use of another candidate, Curtis, in his office. Once he arrived home, he found himself thinking about the muscle-bound man at the most unexpected time. To confound things further, he was actually offered the job, with twice the annual salary that was advertised. He starts on Thursday.

Now: Finding His Boy: Chapter Four

"Ugh!" Tom groaned out loudly, the sound echoing around the room. It was matched by the grunts and cries of others, as is so often the case here. Sweat poured down from the brows of well-built men as they pushed their bodies beyond their known limits. Veins popped, muscles strained and bodies ached but none more so than Tom's, as he had been here for the last two hours. "Thirty!" he cried, finishing his last set, relaxing his arms and lowering the dumbbells.

"Great set, Tom," the voice belonged to his personal trainer, a woman in her mid-forties and the manager of the gym that Tom had been frequenting for years. Over that time, he'd tried several male personal trainers but they never lasted long. They all seemed far more interested in worshipping his muscles than they did in helping him develop them, even the supposedly straight ones. With each one, he hadn't particularly minded, especially not when he had them on their knees swallowing down a huge load from his hairy, low-hanging balls but there comes a time when you just need some consistency in your training regime. In stepped Jo. It wasn't like she didn't know what she was talking about: the woman was a former world champion and, as a lesbian, there was no way she would ever lose focus on helping Tom achieve his body goals. Besides, he still got to break in the new recruits from time to time.

"Something on your mind, kid?" Tom had hated her calling him that when he'd first started training with her. In his head, it had suggested that his position was beneath her's. However, over time, he'd come to see it for what it was - a term of endearment. Jo saw herself as 'gym mother' and so she'd always try to help out wherever she could, even with the jock-heads like Tom. As always, he brushed off her questioning by saying he was fine but the truth was that there as something that had been bothering the man. Ever since his interview with Jordan on Tuesday morning, Tom had been unable to get his mind off the little twink and he'd really tried. In classic Tom fashion, he'd spent the entire day on Wednesday fucking his way through that could only be described as a parade of twinks coming through his apartment building. Some had a similar look to Jordan, others had not but none of them had been able to get his mind off the boy. In fact, as he had experienced with Curtis, he found himself referring to several of the boys as 'Jordan' during his multiple climaxes.

It was something that was deeply frustrating him, especially as he didn't understand why it was happening. It had already caused him to make some pretty questionable decisions: who in the hell doubles the offer of a salary? Especially when the boy, quite frankly, had only been progressed on to the interview stage because Tom had wanted to decorate his pale skin with as nice, huge load. Sending him to the tailor had been a stroke of genius though. Sure, the fitted suit would be expensive but it meant that Tom was establishing control straight away and he'd already made plans for exactly what kind of fit he wanted Jordan to have. The little tease was going to look like a delicious snack when he came into work that morning and Tom, fresh from the gym, would appear pumped and manly. The twink wasn't going to escape a second time, of that Tom was certain.

However, that didn't help him now. Working out for the last couple of hours had really got the blood pumping through his body. When added to the grunts and groans of the gym, which was always a homoerotic environment, Tom was as horny as hell. This wasn't particularly unusual but what did worry him was the idea of going into work in this state: it'd be like taking a loaded gun in with him. No, before he saw Jordan again, he needed to blow another load. His eyes immediately started scanning the room. Now, the obviously solution was just to go and knock a quick one out somewhere quiet and get on with your day but, as you may have gathered at this point, it was very rare for Tom to wank himself off. He preferred to make use of the talented twinks around him and it didn't take him long to settle on who was going to be the lucky boy this morning.

On the treadmill, over on the cardio side of the gym floor, there was a skinny thing who Tom estimated to be somewhere between eighteen and twenty-one. Facially, he was very cute with floppy brown hair and high cheekbones. He'd not strayed over to the weights or resistance sections all morning and, judging by the lack of developed muscle on his arms and legs, today wasn't unusual. Still, what he did have was a bubble butt hidden by quite unflattering shorts. Tom had a talent for spotting nice arses, even if they weren't being shown off by their owners, and he wanted inside of this one.

"Morning," he said, lowering his voice slightly as he walked over to the young man, "Finishing up?"

"Yeah..." the boy smiled at Tom, his eyes darting over the approaching man's body, "you can have the machine if you want it?" Tom saw how his pupils dilated when he looked at the man: he wanted the stud, no doubt about it.

"Nah," Tom said, "it's not that."

"Then what exactly can I do for you?" the boy said, smirking. His one was a slut - Tom knew it - and that was just what he needed right now. But not before playing a little game.

"I thought you could do with some advice on weights to add to your workout. Come on..."

Tom saw the boy's face drop and he'd been tempted to laugh but, instead, the muscular man just turned and walked away towards the weights bench. There was no need to turn back: there was no way that the boy wasn't following.

Tom was the perfect gentleman, at first, giving all kinds of useful advice and showing the skinny twink how to set himself up on the bench and judge what kind of weight he was ready to start using. Of course, as soon as the chosen boy was in position, things changed. Tom had offered to spot for him but had deliberately weighted the bar with more than the boy would be able to handle. He stood at the head of the bench with the twink's cute face right there in front of his cock.

"Right, I'm going to let you have the weight of it now," he said as he relaxed his arms, knowing that the boy would immediately fold, "Try to keep it upright and then we'll start doing some reps."

"Oh shit!" the little twink had time to say before the bar started to descend towards his chest. Tom stepped forward, pretending to try to lift the weight upwards but, in reality, all he did was move himself down towards the face beneath him. Every bit of the boy's vision was taken up with the muscly arse heading down towards his face, covered only by a thin layer of material. Tom could feel the twink's breath against him and he moaned. There was no way that the boy under him hadn't heard that and Tom was pleased to see that the young man was starting to harden himself, the bulge noticeable in his shorts.

"Ok, now start lifting... 1..."

The manipulative stud was the one doing the actual lifting but he used each rep as an excuse to push his arse back and forth over the boy's face. He knew that his future conquest would be breathing in his manly stink, especially with the grunts and groans he was making as he 'lifted' the weights up and down. It took every ounce of resistance that he had not to rip his shorts up and force the boy's tongue all the way in inside his hairy arsehole.

"You're doing well, keep going," Tom said, a chuckle in his voice. He felt a muffle against his shorts and, for a second, could have sworn that he heard the boy thanking him.

It didn't take him long to tired of playing with his food and the twink's breath on his balls was starting to get him really fucking hard. After only a few moments, he put the bar back in the holder, stepped away and he declared that the boy had done a great job for his first time and should call it a day. He didn't wait for the young man to respond. He didn't need to: the hunger in the boy's eyes as he noticed the huge bulging tent that Tom was pitching told the stud everything he needed to know. Fuck, the little slut even licked his lips and moaned when he realised how big Tom must be. Instead, he simply headed towards the locker room, safe in the knowledge that the twink would be following shortly behind.

No words were exchanged. The boy went to his locker, opened it and started to remove his clothing. Tom's locker was at the other side of the room but he walked right up next to the young man and started to remove his clothes right there. The entire time, he didn't take his eyes of the piece of fresh meat revealing itself in front of him whereas the boy, feeling unsure, kept taking glances over at Tom and then blushing each time he was caught. Tom was naked first, of course, his heavy cock now completely hard and standing out proudly at its full nine inches. Even though he'd seen the bulge, the boy still gasped when he saw exactly how much of a monster Tom really had and he couldn't pull his eyes away. The older man started to stroke his uncut meat while looking right at the boy, who was still in his boxers. He moaned out loudly and the twink bit his bottom lip. They both knew where this was going but the boy was still shocked when Tom grabbed hold of him and slammed him back into the lockers.

The muscular stud placed one arm either side of the skinny twink, his bulk making the boy feel as if he was surrounded by the man. "Kiss them," he commanded.

The boy was unsure: "Kiss... what?"

"My muscles, you dumb slut! Show me how much you love them!" Tom's voice boomed and echoed around the locker room. It made the little twink jump but he got to work straight away. His soft lips went first to the man's pecs, kissing them and then running his tongue over them. "Lower," Tom growled and the boy obeyed, sliding down so that he could kiss each of Tom's abs in turn. He looked up to see Tom's face looking down upon him. "Lower," the man repeated and the boy knew what he must do.

The boy had an experienced mouth. That much was clear to Tom as he felt the slut's lips wrap around the head of his thick, monster of a cock. The filthy little whore immediately got to work with vacuum like suction and an active tongue. Normally, Tom would have pinned the twink's head back against the lockers and fucked his throat until the little cocksucker had slimed all over his own body but, this time, he wanted to be worshipped. He wanted to feel how much this boy wanted him and how desperate he was for his cock. He held his position, no movement at all, but commanded the twink to take it all down to the base. In truth, he hadn't expected him to be able to without a forceful, guiding hand behind his head but he did. Gagging and choking, the hungry little slut forced himself down, an inch at a time, until he was able to bury the entire thing in his throat. Fuck - Tom had picked a right one this morning. He gave himself a minute or two to enjoy the cock-sucking twink fucking his own throat along the full length but, ultimately, the game he played earlier had made him want something else more.

"Get on the bench," he ordered the twink, releasing him from his muscle prison, "Face up." A twitch went through his wet cock when the boy replied with "Yes Sir."

Tom moved over to him, standing with one leg either side of that cute face and, without another word, he lowered his arse right down onto it. To his credit, the eager little slut didn't wait to be told what to do. Immediately, he pushed himself as far into Tom's cheeks as he could, stuck out his tongue and started to circle it around the older man's hole. Tom wasn't sure which was louder: his own groaning or the sound of the dirty bitch moaning at the taste of his sweaty arse.

Feeling that tongue lap over his hole made Tom absolutely crazy. He loved having his hole played with but, as a dom top, it wasn't something he often experienced. Pushing back, he attempted to signal to the boy exactly what he wanted. Of course, he could have just asked for it but... somehow... verbalising his need felt a little... wrong. It didn't matter as the twink got the message. Tom moaned out, louder than he'd been before, as that tongue pushed up against his hole, through the resistance and into his body. He began to push his hips down further, then forward a little, riding that tongue as if he was being fucked by it. "FUCK!" he cried out, "FUCK YES!" His cock was leaking precum like a tap, dribbling all over the twink's bare chest so much that it looked like he'd been glazed. It was so fucking insane but he could already feel that load in his heavy balls starting to shift. If this carried on, he was going to cum without any stimulation on his cock, just from having this boy's tongue inside of him. As you can imagine, as much as part of him wanted that, the dom part of him couldn't allow that to happen. No, it was time to set this slut to work somewhere else.

Tom pulled the boy up from the bench and took his place. He spat into his hand and coated his monstrous cock, a powerful pillar of man-meat standing tall from his body. "Sit on it."

"Oh, fuck yes," the twink said; this was what he had been waiting for from the moment that Tom approached him. It took seconds for him to be straddled over the stud and lowering himself down. He only hesitated when he felt the wide tip of the cock push against his hole, wondering for a moment whether he could actually take this thing for real but a quick slap of his arse from Tom dealt with that. Just as the man wanted, the head of his thick tube was enveloped by the hot, velvet touch of this twink's arse. But the fucking tease was taking his time about it. After reaching to take hold of the lad's hips, he pulled him down, driving the full length of his nine inches directly into the boy. They both cried out, a mixture of pleasure and pain, but it was done now: he was entirely encased within the twink's body.

"Fucking bounce!" Tom barked the order at the boy after he still hadn't moved for ten seconds. The twink complied with the order, of course, and started to move his body up and down the man's shaft, starting slowly with only a few inches of movement but before long, he had built to rising up over half way and then slamming himself down again. Grunts, groans, moans and cries were all that could be heard both in the locker room and beyond but did Tom give a shit? No! Of course, he didn't. He just laid back, hands behind his head, and let this boy fuck himself on the biggest cock he'd ever taken.

"That's it, you dirty fucking whore, ride my fucking dick! You love it, don't you?"

When no reply came, he demanded an answer, raising his voice to a shout: "Tell me that you love my fucking monster dick, you nasty, slutty cumrag!"

"Yes... fuck yes... a million times yes... I love... I fucking love it!" The boy panted out, slamming himself down harder and harder with each movement, "Please... give... give me your cum!"

"Earn it!" came the reply and with that the little twink pushed himself even harder. He rose up until just the head was inside of him and then slid all the way down in one fluid movement, sending Tom's eyes rolling back in his head. The man beneath him was turning red, his veins more prominent, and the boy knew what was coming. Quite by accident, his movement upwards brought him entirely off the cock but, by the time he realised it, he was already moving downwards. The head forced its way back inside of him, leading the full length of the shaft and, as Tom felt this, it took him right over the edge. With a cry more akin to the noises made by wild animals, he flooded the boy's insides with rope after rope of his thick spunk. The younger man could feel it all inside of him and knew that the moment he got off, it would rush straight out and down Tom's cock. There was no way he'd be keeping it in with his hole gaping the way it was going to after this. That's exactly what happened: it gushed out of him all over Tom's cock and hairy balls as the boy tried to move away. It was such a fucking mess but Tom just looked him dead in the eye: "Well... what are you waiting for? You've got a tongue, haven't you? Clean it up."

Thanks so much for reading this. If you think that this story is worth continuing, if you have any thoughts or if you just fancy a chat about it, please let me know. You can get in touch with me at: or by going to my twitter which is:

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