Finding Life

By L Stone

Published on May 12, 2020


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Finding Life 21

Deep Mason

Hey All! Mace here just trying to figure my new life all out.

I had been looking to meet up with someone for a while. I noticed that one of the guy's on the hook up app was online. His profile was one I had come across multiple times, but never been able to connect up with. We had exchanged some chats but it was mostly just pleasantries. I had changed my profile name to indicate that I was looking for something during my later lunch time today. This guy sent a chat, asking what I was interested in and looking for today. I had replied that I was looking to top, was oral and liked body contact and kissing. He said that he was interested. We coordinated time and his address.

I made the short highway trip from my work to his apartment. The address was not hard to find, but it was a strange building that had you drive through the middle of apartments into a inner courtyard to park. I arrived just as Mason was having a express package delivered. I waved and came right in to his apartment.

I got a good look at Mason now up close. He was about an inch shorter than I was and weighted about the same. His hair was dark black and cut very short. His eyes were a rich brown. He had a beard and mustache in the same dark black. He had a multiple tattoos and several piercings. He was wearing a tank top and shorts, it showed off his barrel like chest and tight legs.

I stopped in the living room of his apartment as he shut and locked the door. He came to me and we embraced and began to kiss. As out tongues were beginning to slip between our locked lips, our hands began exploring our bodies. My hands were running up and down his back before I dipped them lower and felt his tight ass through the shorts he was wearing. His hands had pushed inside my shirt and undershirt to rub my chest. We were starting to grind our crotches together as our hands and lips explored more. My hands made it under his tank top and felt that he had one pierced nipple, my fingers tweaked it and Mason moaned in my mouth.

I lifted his arms and then helped lift off his tank top to leave his chest bare. When he helped my lift my shirts off and they were over my head, he dropped his shorts revealing a dark red jock strap that was nicely filled out. We resumed kissing and fondling each other, Mason on in a jock strap and me in just my jeans. My hands resumed to holding and grip his ass as we continued to kiss. I pulled his tight ass globes apart and pulled his body closer to mine, grinding our hard fabric covered cocks against each other. I positioned my hands with my fingers further in his crack but still holding his ass cheeks open. Mason gasped as I slide a finger along his pucker, his crotch jutted into mine.

I was kneading his ass cheeks as we continued kissing and grinding. Mason moved his hands along the sides of my chest, down to my waist. They continued until they were at my belt. We separated from waist down as Mason undid my belt. Then he unbuttoned and zipped my jeans open. He pushed the jeans down over my thighs. I was going commando so my cock jutted out as the jeans went down and my ass was exposed. Jeans around my knees we pressed our crotches back together, my hard cock against his still in his jock strap.

All the while we continued to kiss. My hands were exploring from his chest with the nipple piercing down his belly and landed on his jock covered cock. I began to stroke the hard cock and balls through the fabric, fingers tracing and sliding along the shaft and cock head. Mason let a little moan go as my fingers began circling his sensitive cock head. I kept one hand playing with his hardness and I moved the other back up to his pierced nipple. Mason let go of a louder moan in my mouth when both hands were playing with his body, the sensations were overlapping.

Mason broke our kiss and moved down to his knees. His lips had kissed my chest and belly on the way down. He helped me step the rest of the way out of my jeans before he returned to kneel in front of me. My cock was jutting forward and was bouncing some with my heart beat. Mason opened his mouth and his tongue reached out and began to lick the tip of my dick head. He used his tongue to swirl around my cock head, then licked down my cock shaft. He then licked my hairy balls, sucking each one in for a minute or so. Mason then licked back up my cock shaft on the other side, before reaching my dripping cock head. He opened his mouth and took just the cock head in between his lips.

I had to widen my stance a bit for support as Mason began to slide his lips down my shaft. He continued slowly, swiping his tongue along the shaft until his lips made it down to my trimmed pubes. Mason then began to bob his head on my cock. He varied his depth of his bob, some times from tip to ball, then from mid shaft back down hard to my balls - pushing my cock head into his throat, then other just the top third of my cock. Mason's suction was good as well, making me moan with each new wave of feelings. He started a faster tempo going the full length of my hard cock.

After a few minutes of the intense blow job, I had to pull my dick away. I was getting dangerously close to shooting my load. I helped Mason stand up and we kissed again. I could taste residual of my pre-cum from his lips and tongue. My hands again were running up and down his body. Mason grunted when I grabbed his ass cheeks hard again and pulled him close. His grunt turned into a moan again when my fingers brushed his pucker. He pulled away from me, but grabbed my hand to lead me back to his bedroom.

We got to his bed and laid down side by side and resumed kissing. Mason rolled more on his back and I rolled to be on top of him. I raised his arms over his head and began to kiss and lick down his neck to his chest. I teased his nipples with my lips before I moved to one of his arm pits. I started to lick and wet his pit that was furry with same dark black hair. When that pit was soaked from my licking, I moved over to the other pit, but stopped briefly to kiss Mason again. I repeated kissing and licking the other pit and let my fingers rub and tease the pierced nipple. I was tracing my finger in circles around the nipple bar, I would sometimes run my nail over the pointy nipple. Mason was moaning every time I would pinch or tweak his nipple.

I began to kiss down Mason's chest which was covered in the black body hair. I went further down his hairy belly with my mouth, but kept my hands rubbing and teasing his nipples. With my tongue I traced a circle around Mason's belly button. He had an innie so I dipped my tongue in and out of the hole on his belly. I was pinching his nipples and began to tongue fuck his belly button - Mason started grinding his crotch into my chest, his cock leaking pre-cum through the fabric of his jock strap.

I moved my mouth lower and started to lick his cock through the jock. I tasted his pre-cum, it was sweet tasting. With a last hard tweak of his nipples, I brought my hands down Mason's body. Lifting up my body, I grabbed the strap of Mason's jock strap and began to lower it down his body. He lifted his hips up slightly for the strap to come down. I took the strap down his legs and finally off before I got between his legs, spreading them wider. Starting at the knees I began to kiss his inner thighs, moving higher with each kiss and alternating between legs.

As I got closer to his busy black pubes, I could see his balls hanging down, but his uncut dark cock was jutting up towards his belly. I brought my tongue and brushed it against Mason's balls. He moaned and spread his legs open wider as I continued to lick and suck the hanging nuts. I then ran my tongue up his cock shaft, teasing his cock head. I opened my lips and took his cock head in my mouth, swirling my tongue around his corona. I looked up and our eyes locked as I lowered my mouth further down his thick cock. I started to bob my head on his hard dick when I was about half way down, each stroke moving my lips further down his shaft. When my lips made it to his busy pubes, I stayed my head and just sucked on the cock in my mouth.

I felt Mason's hands reach down and lift my head up, continuing until he brought our faces together. I opened my mouth as our lips met, our tongues flicking between each other. He pulled our hips together and I began to grind our hard cocks together. Mason was grinding back, he broke our kiss and was panting.

"I need you in me." Mason said softly, "I need you badly, will you fuck me?"

"Yes, I want in you." I replied.

Mason grabbed a condom off his nightstand and handed it to me. I rolled back to my knees and ripped the foil. I pinched the reservoir and rolled the condom down my hard cock. Mason had turned over to get on his hands and knees. He then grabbed the lube and slicked up is fingers. Reaching back he slicked up his hole with the lube soaked fingers. I took the offered bottle of lube and put some on my cock. Setting the lube aside, I lifted up on my knees, stroking my cock.

Mason pushed his hips back and spread his slightly furry ass cheeks open. I lined up my cock and Mason gasp when it touched the entrance of his pucker. I slowly moved my hips forward, letting my cock enter his hot hole. I continued to push, feeling the heat spread all along my cock, until my pubes touched his ass cheeks. I held there a moment to allow his to get use to my thickness. I then began to slide back and forth, going from tip to all in starting in a slow pace. Mason began to loosen up and was pushing back into me as I was pushing forward. He grunted as we made a hard pounding contact.

Mason continued to grunt and moan as our pounding became stronger. I reached forward and grabbed his shoulders, shifting the angle of my thrust. I was then pounding his prostrate gland with each thrust. Mason's grunt turned into soft yelps as my cock attached his gland. He breath was getting faster and he was pushing back into my thrusts harder each time. Our bodies were slapping against each other as the pounding continued. Mason started to move with increased speed, I matched his pace.

"God Mace! I Cumming!" Mason yelled as he body began to quake.

His climax rocked his body, sending twitches and pulses throughout his body including his ass muscles. I continued to pound into Mason's ass when I felt my climax start to build. I leaned forward and pounded my weight harder into Mason's body. I wordlessly yelled as my boiling cum shot up and out of my cock. The ropes of cum were filling up the condom, keeping the hot cum churning around my cock with each stroke. After four or five more thrusts I gave the final push and buried my cock deep in Mason's ass.

We both laid there on the middle of the bed resting, my cock still in Mason's ass. I reached down and held the edge of the condom as I pulled out of his ass. I rolled over and onto my back next to Mason. I saw the trashcan next to the bed and I pulled the condom off my cock and tossed it away with the foil wrapper.

"That was great, Mace. It has been a while that I shot hands free." Mason told me.

"Damn, your ass is hot and tight. When you shot off, there was no way for me to stop my load." I replied.

Looking down Mason saw my dick was still hard, he reached down and gave it a tug. It resumed it's full hardness with the attention.

"Fuck dude, you're still hard." Mason said as he grabbed his deflated cock, "Mine is spent."

"I stay hard for a while. I can usually climax a few times in a short period of time." I confided in him.

"Really!?" Mason said with a mischievous grin.

With that he rolled over on me and scooted down my body. Mason lined up my cock with his open mouth and took me all the way down to my hilt. He bobbed a few quick times, keeping my cock almost at the back of his throat. Then he started making full length bobbing motions with extra suction on my cock head. I threw my head back and relaxed as he went to work on my cock.

At times he would pull off and suck on my balls, but then quickly returned to making deep stokes on my cock. His fingers came up and began to rub my balls while he was bobbing. When his finger brushed under my balls on my taint, I felt my second climax building. Mason was still rubbing my balls as they lifted up and started shooting cum deep in his mouth. I added about four or five ropes of cum down his throat before he pulled his lips off my cock.

Mason slid up and kissed me, sharing my seed with me as our tongues were wrestling in our mouths. True to form, my cock was still hard as we kissed. Mason returned his hand to my cock and started to jack it off. He broke our kiss again and moved down my body kissing my nipples and my belly as his hand continued stroking my cock. Mason's took my hard cock back in his mouth and he returned to bobbing on it. I was moaning from the powerful sucking that Mason was doing. He pushed my legs further apart giving him full access to me.

Mason slipped lower with my cock still in his mouth as he brought my legs over his shoulders. Mason rolled his shoulders forward, pushing my body into a tilt. This changed the direction and tightness of his movements on my cock. He then reached forward and grabbed my nipples. Mason began to grind and rub my nipples to hard points, while he continued the hot blow job. The additional stimulation from my nips and the newer deeper thrusts of his head down on my cock was making my toes begin to tingle. I grab his head and started bucking my hips forward, forcing my cock head deeper in his throat. My cock started pumping the final load straight down his throat. After three or four ropes of cum shot out, I released my grip from his head and Mason was able to pull back off with a gasp.

Slowly Mason disentangled from our position and he moved up to lie next to me. He was still gasping, but had a huge smile on his face. He reached down to feel my cock and it had not gone down too much.

"I don't think that I can handle a fourth one today." I told him, "I would need more resting time and I have to get back to work."

"Well that was a first for me. I have not had a guy shoot twice after he fucked me." Mason said chuckling. Tugging my cock again, "By god, I think you could go for more if we had the time."

All I could do was smile and shake my head. I pulled him into a hug as our breathing returned to normal. We chatted about his class work and his work in the medical field. Mason was witty and intelligent, quite a find from the hook up app - a true diamond in the rough. I looked at the time and started to get up and get dressed. Mason brought me a towel to dry up some before I finished dressing.

With a chaste kiss he followed me to the door and ushered me out. I headed back to work, in a very relaxed state. It was a fabulous feeling. We continued to chat on the app that day and every few days as time went out. We still had not been able to hook up again, but he kept telling me to drink my sports drink, because he was going for four.

Next: Chapter 22

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